HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1896-3-12, Page 5THE ezet er . a wra1.r,. le published every Thursday Morning,, at the utiles, MAIN -STREET; — EXETER.. rr- -•iv the ----- ' he--' ADVOCATE PUB't.ISHING COMPANY,' PE ft Ms OF SUBSOB[PTTO'N Gee Dollar per .annum if paid in ;Advance BFI, SO if not se paid. ' :S.dirextirsIzag . tca . 2r1, 21.E/eyoliaa,- tIor. No paper diseoatinned until allttrrearages are paid. Advertisements without specific direettons will he puulished till forbid and ehargedaccordingly, Liberal discountmade for tr&nseient advertisements inserted for long periods. Every description .of JOB VRCNT'NG tnreet out in the. finest. style, and at moderate ratesGhee uee,money ord- ars.&c. for advertising, aubeoriptions,eto. to bemade payable to Chas. IL Sanderg EDIJOR AND PROP Professional Cards. t{.KINSMAN,L.D.S, Fanson's Plock two doors north of Carling Store MAIN sr, TIf;eTFft, extracts teeth without pain. AW'ay at Parkhill every Tuesday, Luoan every Wednesday tnd at Zurich on last Thursday of each in onto • YIELD. ALTON ANDERSON,(D.D.S.,L.D.S.)) 11 honors Graduate of the Toronto t ni• rsity and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Teeth extracted without pain. A111 modes of Dentistry up to date. Office aver Elliot & Its iot's law office—opposite Central Rotel—Exeter Medical DR. G. S FIO LI L'r:t, Otte sit , ,. , , has moved one door south. Drs, J A.i1')LhIN;+&T A. AbU)d JJ H.esidenees,same as forrherly OFFICES, Spackman, building, Main it, Dr, Rollins' oMoe; same us formerly—north door. Dr. Amos' office, same building south door. May 1st. 1899 Sr. A Rollins. M. l), T. A. Amos, M D Ina.T. P. McLAUGFILIN, MEMBER OF the College of Physicians and Surgeons Ontario. Physician, Surgeon and Accouch- cur, Office, Dashwood, Out Veterinary. • WILLIAM SWEET, VETEIt- inary iurgoou. Graduate To, route 'Veterinary College. Offi to and Si.residence at the old stand,' one block 'e Store.'ll E .,t ' ackmau Dehorut a u .Jbpg eecialt v. 11,1eital. R. COLLINS, BARRISTER,SOLICIT• OR, Conveyancer, Notary Public Office—Over ()'Neil's Bank, bixeter,Ontario. Money to Loan • fI.DICKSON,BA1tECST EN., !AO [TOR, . of Supreme Court, Notary Public, Con- veyaucer, Commissioner, &o. Money to loan Office—Fanson's Block,lExeter y1 -t LLIOT& ELLIOT, BARRISTERS, ETC., i Conveva Irina, autl Money to Loan at -Lowest Rates of tuterest, Branch office at Hensatl every Chursday. is v. EOLIOT, t itr:nhlnleK ELLioT Auctioneers+ 11SHOWN, Winch.olsoa. Licensed Auct- .. ioneor for the Counties of Porte and Middlesex, also for the township oftishortie Sales promptly attended to and terms rea- aonbale.Stalee arranged at Post office. Win- chelsea. TOtt ' T. WEST MITT, Exeter, Ontario. t Auctioneer for the County of Huron. • cial attention given to farms and farm sock sales. Charges moderate. Parties contemplating having sales this Fall should sive him a trial. For further particulars, apply by letter to Exeter P. O. Orders left at the ADvoeATir Office, Exeter, will receive prompt attention. Survesors. F. RED, W. FARN COMB, Provincial Land Surveyor and Civil Engineer. Office, Over Post Office, Main street:Exeter. Insurance. • 3' ELLIOT, Insurance Agent, Main St. Exeter The Same Old Story. Every week we continue to tell you the same old story of the ex- cciltsuce of our goods and tits. Its an old story perhaps—we have been been telling• it, for a long time -hut a good story will bear constant re telling and we propose constantly re -telling it. We Personally • "Cut" Euery Garment that's made up at this establish molt—as well as fit it and all the details. This is the only ONE reason why our prices are moder ate. Don't Catch Cold. Walter is here and • keep warm • . We shall he pleased you—ves make you—one of one "swell" and durable overcoats. Each coat a:fft Each coat a daisy you want to to show BERT. KIOCIIT. One North Door of Browning's drag ;store. IF YOU WANT TO TRAVEL 1174,1- 'Try Bissett's Livery for a nobby out- fit, We 'give you the best and at reasonable rates.. A CALL SOLICITED W. G. Bissett The Grand Trunk shops at Stratford Will go on 60 -hour ' tilde iusicad of 48, as at- present. Mr John s. eczt ir ren West Lebanon, N. H. Dartmouth Professors Called II InCursb l'; � But Hood's Sarsaparilla Perfect. ly Cured ' A Frightful Ulcer Conquered. sl In 1888 a little sore gathered on my left ankle which soon became painful and broke open, discharging freely. The family physician termed it an ulcer, come monly known as an old man's sore, due to the poor state of my blood. The doctor's treatment did not seem to benefit me as the sore spread to the size of a saucer. I was greatly run down by it and had to give up business. The doctors said owing to my advanced age it was their opinion The Sorb Was Incurable. In 1888 I made atripto the faculty at Dart- mouth College, determined to have the ulcer operated upon. The surgeons deemed it inadvisable to performed an operation on the ankle, claiming that my advanced ago, 78 years, in itself was a bar- rier, and that only temporary relief could be given. I returned to my home at Weeb Lebanon disnouraged and disheartened. I was pining over my misfortune when a friend urged me to give Hood's Sarsaparilla a trial. I bought a bottle. I had taken only a part of it before I noted a change La my case. The eruption took on a healthy oocrs Sarsa- .prcriit� appearance. t perse- vered with the medi- cine, my faith in it having been greatly � ' 4'%'iliAl'Pwt increased as the beneficial effects became apparent. I took six bottles of the medi- cine and at the end of that time the sore Had Completely Healed, only the scar remaining as a remainder of the suffering I had undergone. The effects of the medicine was also beneficial to eay whole system. I have not felt so welt for years." amen S. CIIxuIEn, West Lebanon, New Hampshire. N. B. -Be sure to get Hood's. ures HOOd'S the Gilnd lis familyatter-dinner cathartic. Me. THE FURNITURE MAN [FONTS' FOR MARRIED PEOPLE. • e that because Dora are -n. rh ts.• Don't imagine Jj OOSI wage-enra;er your wife lies up rig Don't accuse your husband of drinking every thine you detect an odor of liquor:. Don't become intimate with every other: woman in the house (if you live in a flat.) Don't be afraid to apologize even if you have not been the cause of the quarrel. Don't move every time your wife finds a better flat "for just the'sante money." Don't walk three yards apart if you are out in arainstornl with ouly one umbrella. Don't insist that your wife shall wear bloomers so that -you need have but one. bicycle,. 1)ou't allow your children to know that' you have ever had occasion forattercatiou, - Don't criticise your wife because she adopts all the whimsicalities of women's fashions. • Don't take the words out of each others Mouth while telling a story to third per sons. • Don't forget that the marriage relation can never be a happy one without mutual sacrifices. Don't throw your young husband too - much into the company of fascinating aiid artful women. Don't make biting remarks about "how different" .things are when you have com- pany to dinner. Don't refuse your wife if she wants the last word. Let her have it; it won't cost you anything. Don't parade your. children as if they were freaks; it does not make the neigh- bors love you. • Don't allow yourselves to become so do- mestic as to be cut off entirely from social intercourse. • Don't give way to every temptation to be irritable. • If you • do you only make matters much worse. Don't grow jealous if your wife raves about some "plash" actor. Such frenzies are usually short-lived. Don't be forever reciting to your friends the darling exploits and wonderful adven- tures of your husband, • Don't make an awful foss over every cent you give Your wife, You were mar- ried•e' o •with your eyes pen. Don't imagine that. because you are married your wife hits boat all interest in her former associates. Don't get so much in the habit of speak. ing "baby talk" that . you forget to con- verse in any other language. • Don't, under any circumstances, speak about your wife to third persous-except in the most flattering terms. Don't insist that your husband walk the floor every night with the baby. This duty should be divided equally. Don't forget that your wife is mech.superior to other woolen. If she were not you would not have married lir:;. Don't enumerate for your husband's benefit the proposals you have received in the . -past. It' only hatters his vanity. - Don't rifle yorrr husband's pockets every night in the week. He may occasionally find use'for.sollle loose obaange. Don't find fault with your wife because she spends much ot her time shopp ng. Think of the money she saves on bargains. 0 .Rb wehas irho best furnitu a store; Whee I Whim ! Don't ,you wish you were him; And his prices are cheaper than ever before; And his goods ar so handsome a king would. be glad To own snob parlor suits. All he wants can be bad If he'd just go to Rowe's as I would advise. My ! Eyes!, But won't he be wise ? If he goes to Howe's, as I would advise. And Rowe's got chairs that elsewhere you can't buy Wheel Whing! What a si, gnlar thing That o'er the furniture men here, he soars far on high His b droom sets haven't their equal in town And I lin' w that these facts are authentic all round. Wang! Ho! Why certainly so ! I know that these facts are authentic all round 'You w'll fi nd Rowe's down town, Gee! Whizz! "%that is great place it is! Nestling down on old Main street's romantic c ime; Just loaded with furniture massive and cue, Everything that you want, so just call sus time. Rowe sells his ghods cheaper than any one can, Whing! Whann ! What a marvelous man! What a very remarkable. marvelous ma ! R. N. i,;,OW re. When Baby was Sick, ve gave her txtstoria Castorla. for e �v ild 'When IIVA('pih , she tried When sberbectune Mini, she clung to Castorla, ' When she bad Children, she gavethem CastotiS. x•••••0.00 s • • f , " MENTHOL Q� ' L® PLASTER • I have preacril ed Menthol Piaster in n nnmbnr of cases of neuralgia and rluawuatic pains, stud am very n,uuh pleased with the °gnats and pleasantness otita nes li aiinn.—W, ii. CAEPEY• Tale, it D., Ilot"l Oxiord, lloeton: I have neat Menthol Plasters in several cases •of muscular rheumatism, and tied in every CHAP thn t ikgave alinoetf nstant and permanent relict —J, n. Staoax M.D , Washington, n. ,. O It Cures Sciatica, Lumbago. Nen- raigia, Pains in Back or Side, er • any 1linscular Plains. • PI iceDavis air Lawrence Co., Ltd, s 1' a, I Sole Propriet:as, Muses a LAI.. d•C6•�N^":• • • • 3 • • • 0i 1L i 1� Salentine American Agency for. MillP 1� I TRADE EMARES. AV=— DESIGN PATENTS, COPYRICHTS, etc. For information and tree handbook write to MUNN & CO.. 961 Dm/ADWAY. NEW Yong. Oldest bureau for securing patents In America. Every patent taken out by us is brought before the public by a notice given tree of charge In the . 4 entii C e an Largest circulation of any ,r')entlltc paper In the world. Splendidly i,i»atrate.l. No intelligent man should be without It, Weekly, ,et,3.00il '1 i N N & CO year;$1.50six months. Address, U YOatrsrisns, 361 Tiroadwny, New York City. • About 3 O'd lock tt rl ,le•i,•ph i.ong, 41eihr ur his she and r,•,adc'n family emeryE.inu't,ed content : of i he ahoy, • di ht hurtled. Pruh'al Ie los insurawe IMO. • THE EYE. EVERY FAMILY ilealedrr ! :fir A Special Feature Adopted in Their Business. A Collection of Interesting and Instruct me Facts Concerning the Visual Organ. The utility of sheticliug tears is to keep the eyes cool, thought the balance of the bead may be hot. It is said that the prevailing colors of eyes among patients of lunatic asylums are brown or black. Eyes of which the whole of the iris is visible belong to erratic persons, often with a tendency toward insanity. Blue-eyed eats are always deaf. The physiologists have in vain attempted to explain this curious circum.itapce. Lines are more cosily seen than sttrall squares. Aline 1-4,900th of the inch thick can be easily seen by an unaided eye. Many creatures of the lowest orders of animal life are provided with eye spots, which probably give only an impression of light. that both eyes are It seldom happens 1 o exactly alike. An examination with a magnifying glass usually discovers many differences between the two. A red object is not nearly so visible at a distance as one of white. A red glebe a foot in diameter can be perceived clearly only at a distance of 5,000 feet, and a blue globe a little further. A white object of any size may be seen in sun light. at a distance of 17,250 times its diameter; that is to say, if it is a wllire ball a foot in die -meter. it can be perceived an a distance of 17,250 feet.—Philadtlpltia I nllerin. DIAMONDS iN THE ROUGH. YOU TRUSTINGLY ASE FOR.PAINE'S CELERY COMPOUND, The Dealer Often Gives You a Common iiibstitute, As the sun rises in the east to bright, eu and , nllvee the day, so the mikhsy fame of Paint's Col. ry Couipuui d spreads film' day to day giving coni fort and gladness to ell weary, sick and disease reetile, - - • All popular and fest selling articled are imitated from tim' to time. Liquid prel aratlnnl, using the ea " Celert Cou,pound;'are cm the makg. t,amt. are. often dishonestly foisted On the uusua p c-ln.g customer, who asks fur eat ere 8 great healer, Pal ties Celery Con)pbued There ale, unfurlunittely, toe many dealers who work this miseraltlt+ decep tion, actuated by a gr, edy desiae f"r large profits The imiraliui's and worthless m+'divines pay such intmens, [,route,, chat Paini•dy ettlery 1.010 pound is held in the haeka;rnnnd. simply be- cause it pats a small profit. It is positively cruel to thus deceive the trustful and confiding. customer The sick and sufterittg who ask for Paige's Celery Compound, knowing tai be the best, *Md their only hope ot. cure, should never be treated it, such a It, artless mann er. It every ieteodiug purchaser oh Paine'sCelery Compound but exitmi'it .tie bottle aid outer carnet'', he, or she will certainly avoid deceptiuo. 'I hi ,enuine Paine's.Cs- h''ry Compound,"th, slid -that cure," has the "stalk of Col era," and the name ''Paine's";all other are frauds and,deceptions Did you ever know a lazy noun who didn't complain that his pity was too low? The cheerful given is one whose 'gift is from the heart. The less religion people have, the more they are ashantet;'ot it.. We treat Christ just as we treat the helpless. There are some blessings that God can only give in the lions' den. The only thing that can kill worry is faith. With all his practice, the devil hasn't improved any on Ills first ityltncrite. Id magnifies the love of Christ to become well acquainted with some of the people for wlroui he died. Many a team wino (Aaiun-, to be trusting Goa finds nut that be. i u't when the book breaks. Seek happiness and you will fail. Seek Christ, and you will sisal both. Daniel could find time to pray three times a day, but sonic of us think we are tinntg well if we pray once a week. The Ii iglner t he flood swells on earth, the neater the ark mounts to Heaven.—Itnun's Hurn. BIRD TALK. The kitchen of the Erie [louse, Mor petal, was damaged to the extent of $100 en Sunday morning ins fire. • F. J. Colvin, of Stratford, has shipped -luring the past week over 1,500 live hogs to the Coiling. wood Company. Wm. Fourier, the man convicted of horse stealing, has been sentenced at i;hathatn to five years in Kingston. The congregation of Christ Church. Listowel, will replace the church latent burned with a new one, to cost $4,000 The trial of Emmett, the alleged big' imist, has been set for: Friday, Marek 20th, at St. • Thomas, before Judge l u ; hes. Thousands have tested the great Building up power of Hood's Sarsapar- ilatand have toiled renewed strength, vitality in its use.' Mrs Petty, an old lady, fell on the icy walk in Simd'oe the other day twice. t ud in eaeh ease, broke one of her arms vthe wrist. ' t: lutabove 0e Hiram Walker, of tvaltkerville, h;ie eased the, farms of P 14acdutiaId, Joseph tiurray and A Marquis, 'at Bothwell, •l lid will born fur oil. The meadow lark has a plaintive whin- the. The hue,tning bird has a squeaky, little rouse. The reel -headed woodipecker sings like a tree frog. 's he initebircl sings; in flight and at rest, a Stift, pleasing warble. Tee e nl ort n thrush is one of the sweetest of si:iger'—a very gifted vocalist, 'flue 1i t.ty hand yellow -throat hits a vigor- oue, 'doh, hut`mouotoiutiu$ Mote. The 'c iekaifee in Smuttier calls "ehic•a- tl'e." ; er edateetetienteei • i ill? i ,,, ,ot;nl< !, ns a sugar err rious, incom- li<tvh hie, jiiirngrcouu1 b ut,joyouS, ,ltiI.j...j.;t uiedles. ' t:tttlnr,,l ,utews, ctalle int :trade -Way "tral.-slat tarries," aad minier'itares.itatitatea tt rohie and x thrush. Peila[ielpitia Hee- . DIAMOND DYE DOLLS! The Latest Novely For the Home. We will send to any address by mail .,'set 'of Six Dolls with Six Extra Dress• s, on receipt of four cents in stamps these Dolls illustrate the use. amid value of Diamond Dees ill cntnring• e esthi lig from a cheesef•Inth ton heart 'flat in ant' shade. or color. The Dia- mond Dees art, then only aheoi'snely fast dyeti"iu the world, and the elsi,'st to asst Forty-five. Dyed Samples nF (:'loth a I'd Rook of Directions fur home sent free. Athirst; Wells & Utchard on Co„ 200 Mountain St, t'ontreal. Perfect, 5%'iedotu WOUld girl+ us perfect health. Be- en nets men and women are um perfectly wis». they must take merlicines to keep 'htmselvt's perfectly healthy Pure, rich blood is the basis of good health. 'iond's Sersararilta is the the True Blood Ptaritier It gives good health because it builder upon the true fecund* stab --pure blend. Nnnd's Pills are purely vegetah'e. perfectly harmless, always reliable and beneficial. WISE SAYINGS. Is a very remarkable remedy, both for IN• TZRNAIe and EXTERNAL. We, and won - earful in its quick action to relieve distress. PAIN -KILLER is a sore cure for Sore Throat, Coughs... Chills. Dtarritaa, Dysentery, Cramps, Cholera. and alt :Awe! Cotdi iAtul s, , PAIN—KILLER "!IST terse edy known for St•it. Sickness Sick licadnclte, Pain in the Wick or Aide, liheutuatisut and NcurulCta. PAIN -KILLER Is nNQttFSTtnleABLY the BEST LINIMENT. MADE. It brings cecvxn' ANA resanAsaar at:Liry lnall cases of itrulses, Cuts, sprains, Severe Buena, ate. PAIN—KILLER Is the well Erred and trusted friend of the Mechanic, iFarmer,a, medicine +ways at land, plat sss&'p yatt internally: or externally with Mrtalnty of tenet; Beware of imitations. Take none but the genalw e' I'saaY DAvts." Said everywhere; :Sc. big bustle, : mperial. Meat) Market. Having purchased the butcher ing Busiteess of A Loadmaul (Wond'e Old Stat d) we will he' pleased to see all our n'd customers and as many new cities. Fresh Meat We intend keeping the the very best of fresh meat, and it will. he our first aim to please customers Tenderloin, spare ribs, sausage. hams. bacon. tied everything usual ly sold in the factory can now be procured at the shop. Orders Promptly delis ered. We intend coltductiog a cash business, the longest term of credit hein4 one week, (a discount of li°/, will be given for cash 0. SNELL, - Prop. \1AB1LINE THE WOMAN'S FRIEND Has cured others' Will cure you Ask ' your Druggist for Mabeline MADELINE is a positive cure for all uterine troubles. It is not necessary to 'numerate them here. It is the general ens tom in describing a remedy to fill the ad- vertisit,gmedturn with it mad ical treatise. 'tescrihieg, in a highly colored mutineer ym ptoms and form, of disease, scieutiff„'al ly.and in such a way an to involve the read- er in a maze of theuryand speculation, Wi avoid all this sensational way of advertis- ing. Tfyou are sie.k itis presumed that you idea ot for fasten m some le know ofthaf,tcr t what your ailment is, and we Olt n only ad- vise you generally. MAR LINE is vegetable compound and can ent injure the most delicate and can he used with perfect safety MA RELINE is placed in capsules and they are applied directly to the discussed parts. Full directions, how to apply on every box. Send 51 for one month's treatment 24 capsules in a box. Why pay three dollars or any other remedy when you can buy 1laheltne for one dollar? Address all communications to THE S aLI1 1'I NE ('O. Box 230, Windsor, Ont. WOMEN iN DOUBT Man's conscience is the oracle of God. -- Byron. ' If thou desire rest unto thy soul, be just. --Quarles. Humility is the truest abstinence in the world.—Delaney. Trust reposed in noble natures obliges them the afore.—Dryden. A main without mirth is like a wagon without springs.—Beecher Want and sorrow are the wages that folly earns for itself.—Schubert. Envy always implies conscious inferior- ity vtherever it reside,.—Pliny. Good -nature is one of the richest fruits of true Christianity.—Beecher. If a better system is thine, impart it t, if not, intake use of mine.—Horace: An ounce of contentment is worth a pound of sadness, to serve God with:— Beauty is the first :Present nature gives to woman and the first it takes away.— :gore. Providence has given us hope and sleep is a, compensation for the many cares of life,—Voltiaire. 1 the spirit of • et *s . crlh s maydes P Genius be discovery: It is the eye of intellect, and the wing of thought.=Slmuls. Envy . makes uc see what Will serve to accuse others, find not perceive what may justify them.—Biullop Wilson. SHOULD TAKE PENNYROYAL WAFERS To correct Irreguln,ity and weakness, keep the oi'pu ai n he:, lthy condition. The Waferaaro -Lite Savers"teyomag womeh. std imerfnl development, provide pits. lesa,,oguh,r periods. Ask for Tice Detroit beind. MI el, ucetsts sell thorn at al Per Ms. No bettor remedy forwomenistorm. Break Op a Cold in Time' 4 .•a.11eN.+ 1 BY USING MY -PECTORAL The Quick Care for COUGHS, COLDS, CROUP, BRON- CHITIS, HOAIISENRSS, etc. 7,1as. JOSEPH No !MICE, of 69 Sorauren Ave., Toronto, writes: Pyny-Pectorsl' bas never failedto cure my ehildren of croup after afew doses. It cured myself of a long-standing cough after several other remedies bad failed. It has .1.oproved an excellent cough cure for my family.. I prefer It to any other me ncioa for coughs, croup or hoarseoesa." H. O. BAR»OtR, of Little. Rocher, N.B., writes: "A+ • curefor coughs Pyny-Pectoral la the hest selling medicine r have; my sus. Comets will have no other." Large Bottle, 25 Cts. DAVIS & LAWRENCE CO., Lro. Proprietors.. Morrassr. f-- Irr EXETER MARKETS• (Chan,gfel every Wednesday) Wheat per bushel So. 18 to 8(t Harley--•- ,..,. • .....:....., rs to 5$ 'at,, 't,4 to 25 Peas 45 t0 00 Rutter lsto 14 to ggs le Potatoes per bag ... ,:.. 26 I av per ton Issas! to 'COO 'turkeys per lb n tt, $ Cassese Bite tj flacks t to I: Chicken ... ''l iiFYd yi-ci iba I ciTTT U & FITTA, A.J.SNELL MERCHANT TAILOR, 'vlain St., - - - Exeter, Tweeds and Worsteds. I have a complete line of samples of all the latest designs and patterns in English, Scorch, Canad- ian and American Tweeds. Troueeriugs, Suitings, Coatings. A. J SNELL GIDLEY & SO1, Are showing special line for the next two weeks in PARLOR TABLES, :URTAMN POLES, IND PICTURE iMULkDS, 41- S. Sa GIDLEY & SUN, ODD FELLOW'S Block The Branliard B icgcle LS free from the lolziri'Dus colcrinr' , The more you nab at it 'Cha int tL.r you lilte it, Vas GEO, E. TUCKS 'T ,t SON CO.,, t.Tl. HAMILTON, WIT. I4 HANDLED Iii PERKINS AND MARTIN, AGENTS Foe BICYCLES, sLwiftG &ACRINE$ ORGANS, ETC. l'he Brantford won • — 239 first prizes, —143 second " f�$ third `a and holds nearly every Championship from tit* Atlantic to the Pacifist. Perkins & Martin. CENTRAL DRUG # STORE Those who have use - Winatl's Cough balsam pro- nounce it unequalled as & .. remedy for coughs, colds# and bronchitis troubles Winan's condition and cough powders for hors. the best in the market, at- ways %ways on hand; 'also Aceto- benefacto and Liniment; the medicine so successfully used by Mr. (Cham. AIulit'tlf'v Parkhill, in this and other towns, in treating and cur - ilia. various diseases. For sale here, C. L U T 1,, 'Druggist. FOR TWENTY-SIXgYEARS. DUNN!S BAKINC R ST FRIEN t ; THS COQK S BE LARGEST SALE IN C ►',40 ..