HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1896-3-12, Page 2eesse
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The Weeks Commercial Summary.
Dressed hogs are weaker on liberal
supplies, while poultry and dairy pro -
(ince are firmer.
There is nothing -particularly new with
regard to prices of leading staples of
merchandise, and, payments are not
wholly satisfactoiy.
• The amount of gold in the United
States Treasury in said to be $128,000,-
000, and the new 4 per cent. bonds are
quoted at 117 1-2 to 117 8-4.
There was a better demand for wheat
en Tuesday, with an advance of a cent
at Ontario points, but British markets
declining since the demand has slackened.
Wholesale trade at Toronto is probably
in a little better condition, that is, the
feeling is less pessimistic than for several
weeks, and the outlook is more hopeful.
The weather has improved, and country
roads are in better condition. The mil-
linery openings have attracted a number
of buyers to the city, but the volume of
business transacted is only moderate.
The wheat markets are more active,
and there have been good advances in
both Liverpool and Chicago the past few
days. Thoman's estimate of wheat in
farmers' hands is 157 millions against
165 millions a year ago. Beerbohm
estimates the -wheat• crop of the world in
1895 at 2,451 million bushels as aeoanst
2.567 millions in 1894, and 2,458 millions
in 1893.
The -week has not developed any note-.
-worthy improvement in the trade dis-
tribution at Montreal. A good many dry
goods travellers are getting home from
the first spring trip, and, those who are
out in other lines are reported to be ex,
periencing a good 'deal of trouble in get-
ting to interior points, owing to the
country roads being comparatively en.
broken out since the late heavy weather.
There 'were 58 failures in the Eomimon
last week, as against 66 the week before,
and 88 in the corresponding week of a
year ago. Ontario had 83; of this num-
ber 24 has our lowest credit or blank rat-
ing, and only one had a rating over
£5,000. There were eighteen in Quebec,
none of which were of any commercial
importance. Nova Scotia and British
Columbia had three each, and Manitoba
one. None were reported from the other
provinces last week.
rise bsiportant Events in a Few Words Far
Busy Readers.
Pneumonia is reported to be prevalent
In St. Thomas.
A dairy school for the Maritime prov-
inces will be opened at Sussex, IO,B.,
March 81.
The Immigration Convention which
was held in Winnipeg mune to a close
on Saturday.
Mr. W. H. Montague'the Canadian
Minister of Agriculture, has arrived In
London in search f health.
At, Quebee the St. Lawrence river has
risen high enough to flood several streets
in the vicinity of the docks.
Mr. Charlton's bill to secure a better
observance of the Lord's Day was read a
first time in parliament yesterday.
In the Dominion Banking Committee
Mr. Mulock's billproviding for a re-
duction hi the rate of interest was rejected.
Mr. Joseph Bourque, of Hull, has re-
ceived the contract for building the re-
formatory at Alexandria, the price being
Sixty cases of typhoid fever have
PIBTIS given by Mr. Massey shortly before
his death, amount to one million one
hundred thousand dollars
' The annual report of the Dominion sides of Japanese life—the intolerably HE SPEAKS VOLUMES OF GOOD
Dephrttnent of Fisheries was laid on the draughty honses three of the walls of
• "The, for a Earopean, less attractive
tate° of the House of Commons. The which are movable, while the fourth, if it SENSE IN A FEW WORDS.
total • expenditure' for all the fishery at all exists, is conspicuous by its teem -
t • 1
service durinetthe year was four hundred parence, the whole structure appearing to The' syinptoms of Kidney Diseases—The
and twenty thbusand dollars, and the be in constant motion n the entire and wf„a.1„1„„ .",. -
awful bareness of the rooms—no chairs no - __en._ enes Always Cures--....odd's
tables, no bed, no stove—the impossibility I Iti
dney Pills.
of standing upright withont striking the I
Guelph, Friday morning. Most of the head against the ceiling, of lying at full;
materials and Prof. Shuttlevvorth's lib- length without coming in contact with A. grateful old farmer who bad been
rary were saved, but Prof. Harcourt's one or other of the movable walls—a risky cured at a hopeless stage • of diabetes
library was destroyed. The loss on the experiment—the perpetual feast, against said:
building will be $7,500, and on the con- wliich the palate rebels, of green tea and "People ought tp buy Dodd's Kidney
tents $1,500. There was no insurance. snails; with raw fish and rice as the only Pills the same as groceries, and never be
About them in the 1 i e e
ie lot s .
While working in the woods near change—these and all other drawbacks we wr ,
gladly skip over to look into the templo The moment any of the symptoms of
revenue ninety-five thousand dollars.
Fire destroyed the chemical laboratory
at the Ontario Agricultural College,
Arden, Ont, Benjamin Smith, of she
township of Kennebec, was Mlle by a
falling tee last Monday. His I ody was
taken to Arden, and placed in the Town
Hall there, until his father would arrive.
During the night the hall was broken
into, the body taken out, and dragged to
the main road. It was traced to Moen -
tan Grove, • where it was found in a
manger, covered with hey.
Parinelee's Pills possess the power of
acting specifically upon the diseased. or-
gans, stimulating to action the dormant
energies oi the system, thereby removing
disease. In fact, so ereat is the pewee of
mid watch the young Shiutu nriesteoo kidoey disorders are felt, such as
' 1
performing the holy dances. Arch little fevers, creeping sensations, backaches,
priestesses they seem to be in their re- headaches, etc., then you ought to take a
splendent robes, aud pretty enough in few doses of Dodd's Kidney Pills.
theirrefined coquetry to convert any man They are so much like the stitch in
into a devoted Shintu. "They are as loy. time.
able and charming," says Astrid Naents, It is wonderful how like a "shoulder to
"as the geishas or professional dancing the wheel" they are for tired kidneys.
gilds of Nippon, and scarcely less unap Except sitting in a draft, over -eating
proacha,ble. But religion and pleasure and ovelearinking has more to do with
are so commingled in Japan that one goes poor kidney work than any other cause.
direct from worship in the temple to one Then Dodd's Kidney Pills affect us like
or other of the countless theaters and forgiving our trespasses.
$95,000. dance houses that lie in the immediate What is the cause of sallow, sickly skin,
vicinity. According to Japanese ideas re- nervotisness, depressien, lack of ambition,
been reported to the medical health this medicine to cleanse and. purify, that ligion and pleasure are kin, and every- hysteria, sleeplessness, Bright's disease,
officer at Windsor within the past three diseases of almost every name and nature where among temples, gods and saints is diabetes*paralysis, female troubles?
weeks,• are driven from the body., Mr. D. Cars- worshipped also the goddess of happiness. ; The plain, unvarnished truth is, the kid -
Windsor has reduced its water, rates to well, Oerswell P.O., Out., writes: "I have This is a significant feature of the char- neys are failing or have failed to do blood
15 cents for 1,000 gallons for the first 20,- tried. Parmelee's Pills and find them an actor of the people. The Taps are frivol. filtering work. They want the help, the
000, and 12 cents for every 1,000 gallons excellent medicine, and one that will sell ens, superficial, butterfly natives that cleansing that only one medicine in the
thereafter. '
Dr. Herald has been appointed profes.
sor ' of clinical mdieine at Queen's
University, in succession to the late Dr.
Directors of the Hamilton and Barton
Incline Railway Company Friday night
depided to increase the capital stook from
440,000 to $61,500.
The lately -purchased C. P.R. steamer
St. Pierre from Halifax was abandoned
at sea, and her crew landed in the Nor-
mannia at Gibraltar.
Gerdon .& Keith's house furnishing
establishment and a number of other
buildingO were burned at Halifax, the
loss approximating *200,000.
There is a snow blockade on the Cana-
dian Pacific railway In the mountains,
; and no through trains from the west have
I reached Winnipeg for three days.
Advices from Lesser Slave Lake,North-
t west territories, state that an Indian,
i who had become insane, was killed, no -
'cording to the Indian custom.
The annual meeting of the Bell Tele-
phone Company was held at Montreal. A
proposal to borrow $600,000 on deben-
tures to extend the business was author -
1 ized.
Here and There. A bill to Incorporate the Canadian Ex-
well." ' hardly ever take life au grand serieux. world can give, that is Dodd's Kidney
UNITED STATES. "One of the prettiest spectacles in Japan Pills.
Lord Dunraven was expelled from the is the Odom, or cherry blossom, dance,1
New York Yacht Club. ` which is only to be seen in springtime at
Kyoto. The dance commences with a pro.
Five thousand garment • Workers at
Baltimore are out on strike. i , cession of young girls, who hover to and - And a TrComes Back Front. Europe, is Awaiting Him When Be
1 fro, up and down, in slow tempo, swinging '
A. W. Patterson, a wealthy citizen of wreaths of flowers around, while their The young man might havebecome the
Madison, Wis., shot and killed his wife, swaying snake -like motion shows up the husband of the girl, only one night when
then suicide d. •
I resplendent colors and curious material of they were at a little party she drank a
Mr. Samuel Edison, the father of Mr. ' their robes, which are bestrewn with cocktail that was playfully offered to her,
Thos. Edison, the inventor, died at Nor- many -hued fantastical flowers. Gradual- He felt it his duty to reprimand her mild -
walk, Ohio, aged 92 years. ly more and more geishas dance in, the ly. She resented. his interference and. the
A burial permit was obtained for a last representing flowers and buds in the engagement was broken off.
living child at Grand Rapids, Mich, All most bizarre combinations. These fling a Hesoughtforgetfulness in travel, while
had believed the child dead. cloud of petals over the spectators, while she, with woman'aenterprise, became en -
At Washington the Senate Committee with graceful motion they swing around gaged. to another young man.
. .
A wedding invitation was Sent to the
traveler as a peace offering, and as he
had, recovered from his firstgriefhe sent
congratulations and also wrotetno one of
his friends and directed him to purchase
some suitable wedding .gift and send it to
the happy pair in his (the rejected one's)
Now, this friend, not being acquainted
with the circumstances under which the
first engagement had been terminated,
and knowing that the bride and groom
had liberal notions as to the sort of an
entertainment to be provided. for callers,
bought a handsome sideboard, with all
sorts of hates and. glasses and. mixed
drink appliances, and. sent the glittering
bar -room array to the bride's house.
Imagine, if you can, the fury of the
As she explained to one of her friends,
"He might as well have told me to go
ahead. and drink myself to death."
Perhaps the traveler doesn't know that
his wedding present has been sent bee*
and is in Storage, awaiting his arrival
in Chicago.—Chicago Record..
tire mournxni !
on Commerce presented a favorable ro- o - music.
trailing, dreamy dance anthe graceful
, part on the Detroit River bridge. movements of the fans exert an irresistible
I The historic Deacon mansion in Rox- fascination. The smallest dancer e are
bury, a suburb of Boston, has been de- children of from four to six yearsecalled
1 stroyed by tire at a loss of $20,000. ' rausums. These are dressed to represent
i Philip J. A. Harper, retired Senior off -torn petals of the sweetest and most
I, member of Harper Bros., Of New York, delicate lines.. Some of these quaint little
, is reported to be dying at 'Hempstead. elves hand round. tea to the spectators. It
IMrs. Valentine Kurtz, of South Dans- is in mystical old Kyoto that the finest
; ville,N. Y., completed her forty days' fast cherry dance is to be seen, and crowds
' lire, part in the beaetiful festival. Many of
flock thither from distant places to take
on Tuesday. It is expected that she will
It is announced that the wedding geishas are lovely—refined, odd -look -
ue kimonos."—Review of Reviews.
President Benjamin Harrison to
ing blushing little beauties in long, gro-
Mrs. Mary Dininalok will take place on test
hibition Association and to provide for the Easter Monday.
Mr. Oishi, managing editor of the The Cook's mistake.
holding of an historical exhibition in More than a quarter of a million gal-
leadine Japanese newspaper of Tokio, A Prairie avenue capitalist who gained
Toronto on June 24, 1897, was introduced! Ions of beer were spoiled by fire in the
arrival at San Francisco recently from
Yokohama. He will make a tour of the
world. Mr. Oishi in his youth. spent
eight years in. the United. States.
n the Senate.
Dr. Laughlin McFarlane,a well-known Brand Brewing Company's works, Chloe- the larger part of his weelth in the saw-
mill and lumbering industry in Northern Igo, Friday night.
Wisconsin is noted for the vigilano with
and successful Toronto doctor, died on The House Committee on Foreign which he watches the small details of his
Saturday from the effects of blood -poison- Affairs of the United States House of big business, As an example of this char.
ng infected while operating on a patient
Representatives adopted a concurrent acteristic a story is told of a tour of in -
suffering from frost -bite. I resolution, declaring it to be the sense of spection made by him to his logging camps
Gladstone is an early riser, but only I
by the exertion of his will power, for he
is fond of loitering. in bed. He is fond
also of afternoon tea, and. of a game of
backgammon, and he can sleep whenever
and wherever he pleases.
Prof. Stickel, of Jena, the Aradtat
scholar, has died., at the age of nteetene-
three. Be had taught contheastestly ax
Jena from 1817 till last year. Tie iwas
-the last of the pupils of Silvestan fie Sage
and of the band. of young scholars in
whom Goethe was interested during hi'
last years.
Lady Parry, widow of Rear -Admiral
Sir W. E. Parry, the distinguished „kende
navigator, died at 13illingford Hall, East
Doreham, recently, forty years after the
death of her husband, and. within a
month of completing her eighty-eighth
year. She was the daughter of the Rev.
Robert Hankinson, of 'Walpole, Norfolk.
Sir John Millais had a patron and
friend in Thackeray. Upon Millais' re -
tuna from a visit to Rome on one occasion,
Thackeraysaidto him:—" Jack, my boy,
I saw a young dog in Rome named Leigh-
ton, and, if you don't look sharp, (roe
of these days he'll be president of the
Academy. This prophecy was fulfilled
to the letter.
A. fund is being raised in London to
provide for the translation into l'eussian
of the principal works of the late Ser -
gins Stepniak. Stepniak had long cher-
ished the -wish that a Russian edition of
his books might be given to the -world.
Several prominent Englishmen have
given countenance to the project, among
them ,being Sir Charles Mike, John
Burns, C. E. Schwann, et al.
An amusing story appears in a contem-
porary about one of the best-knoin Eng-
lish judges. His Lordship was recently
sitting in chambers. In the course of
the proceedings before him he had occa-
sion to refer to some papers. Not finding
-them on his desk, he left his chair, and,
searched for them behind a screen, clue,- ,
ing which operation he was of course hid-:
den from the people in the room. Enter
a noisy individual, who, glancing toward•
the vacant seat, exclaimed. in very aud-
ible tones, "What! Has the old fool
gone to luncheon?" "No, he has not
gone yet ! " came from the judge, as he
', reappeared to public view.
While experimendng on acetylene gas congress that a state of war exists in in the pine woods.
On this tripnotice that some of his team -
the Chicago lumberman was
Quebec an explosion took place, which given the rights of belligerents.
Thurs.day afternoon in a machine shop in Cuba, and that the insurgents should be
kttileal a brother of the proprietor, and The Venezuelan Boundary Commis- I grieved to sters used too many oats in feeding their
s;rionsly injured the proprieton
t sion at Washington has been offered, by horses, and was shocked by a few other
elatTarte„MetLaurier's chief lieutenant Sir Clement Markham, president of the evidences of petty extravagance, but what
in the province of Quebeenhinks that, British Royal Geographical Society, all pained him most was the amount of prove
as in Franca, the clergy should be eligible the charts and information in its posses- sins consumed. at the camp. He believed
to became memberof Parliament, and so don touching the location of the true that this was due to the wastefulness of
expresses himself in his paper. ' bundary between Venezuela and British the cooks, though such waste is difficult to
Go/. Lake of the Canadian staff, has Guiana I detect But the Chicago men soon hit up -
met with a very favorable reception in You need not cough all night and dis- ' on an ingenious detective scheme by vrhich
London and Lord Wolseley has settled 7
' a • h • he was able to tell whether or not the
Wondered was it Worth while.
Janie had been very naughty at dinner,
and for a punishment had been sent out
of the room.
When pudding was served, 'mamma
told the servant to tell the child. that if
she would behave she could return. -
After a few minutes the servant re-
"Well, Annie, what did Miss Janie
ere is no occasion
that Canada is to have magazine rifles for you running die risk of contracting cooks were economical in the use of sup.' say ?"
"Please, mum, she wants to know what
with which to ine-arm the militia. i inflammation. of the hangs or consump_ thee. kind of pudding it is !".—Answers.
The Ottawa Board of Trade,at its meet- time, while you can get Bickle's Anti- At all the camns a isis was ke t and fedi
itrelogilogeeTzerthostigmrha. amdoapiotctsa rbeisioiltua- Consumptive Syrup. This medicine cures on the scraps from. the woodsmen's tables. I
After a visit to the pig pen he approached
coughs colds inflammation of the lunes
reduce the legal rate of interest -would and all throat and chest trouhles. the cook with a nen smile an re.
be detrimental to the interests of cons- prometes a iree and easy expectoration. marked :
1 "Ah, Antoine, that's a fine, fat pig you
have there. Couldn t you just as well e
feed another ?"
As Antoine was vrise he replied:
day. The Grand Trunk and C.P.II. op- , The Paris newspapers expect that the No; we eep more than one. e
posed the bill, and it was laid over to the coming debate on the proposed income haven't enough scraps."
tax will result in the defeat of the Bour- At the next camp the same question was
asked the unsuspecting Peter, and he
Tim Immigration Convention meeting' geois Ministry..
I:00TM which immediately relieves the throat
Or a o •
Th bill f n electric; railway from and. limes from viscid. phlegm
Montreal to Windsor was before the Pax -1
The healthy glow disappearing from
the cheek and. moaning and. restlessness
at night are sure symptoms of worms lll
children. Do not feil to get a bottle of
Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator; it
s an effectual medicine.
liamentary Railway Committee Thurs.. I Called Down.
can't k
at Winnipeg passed a series of resolutions The Admiralty have decided to sell promptly replied:
favoring a vigorous immigration policy, the cruiser Canada, which is now at- I "Why, yes ! We could feed another pig
just as well as not. Send us one."
the excite:ion of Chinese labor and the tached eo the North American and West
making of Hudson bay the outlet for the Indies station.
IThen the lumberman found the camp
I have o s arge cook of e
The New Brunswick Legislature' mons that no proposals had been made can feed too many pigs.=Chicago Chron-
passed a bill providing for the appoint- by any European power that Great Britain kin.
ment of two women on every School evacuate Egypt.
Board in the province one by the Gov -1 %be military expedition sent to Ashen-
ernor In Council, andj the other by the tee returned to England. When the
city or town concerned. I troops disembarked they were oongratu-
Mr. George Swan, a successful business listed, by Lord Wolseley.
man at Kincardine Ont., attempted to The British case in the Venezuelan
commit suicide by ;hooting while visiting boundary dispute has been completed,
relatives at Toronto on Saturday. He and advanced copies were sent to United
was afitioted with despondency. At a States Ambassador Bayard Friday.
late hour last night he was lying at the The leritish Ambassador in Constan-
foreman and said: "O'Brien, you will
N urthwest pritcluce 1 Mr. Curzon stated In the British Coin- h t di oh that k fyours.H
Point of death. ^ kinople learns that there is ere s great misery
, The Ontario Attorney -General's De- and sickness among the refugees at Zen
pertinent has decided to try for arson at toun, especiallyon account of the bitter
the approaching Peterborough assizes cold.
Thomas and Hassle Gray, who were A London magistrate'being unable to
acquitted last spring on the charge of write, made his mark to a number of
murdering David Soollie. I commitments to prison lately, and they
An important debate took place in the • were held good. He is not illiterate,
Senate on a bill cil Senator Wood to give but has gout..
the Polio Magistrate of St. John, N.B., 1
1 A Turkish Imperial irade has been
the' power to sentence Roman Catholic issued permitting Miss Clara Barton,
women to an extended term in the Good .
president 'of the American Red Cross
Shepherd's reformatory. I Society, to distribute relief to the suffer -
Adam Burns has lodged Informations ine Armenians*
Whist players will be sorry to hear of against Robert McConnell, editor, and -
the death of John Peteh liewlsy, who John Dunn, publisher, of the Halifax The death is announced, in his eighty-
-wrote finder the assumed name of "Peru- °bromide, charging them with criminal fifth year, of M. Barre, who designed
sed by Napoleon
bridge" several able treadonee of the coins u
tises and articles libel in connection with the recent letter III.
on the game in its more scientific aspects, containing allegations against Sir Charles M. Barre was noted for his skill in ac -
and. was also the author of the amusing Tupper. I carately producing features, both on
and satirical essay entited " Butoble- The annual. report of the Chief of the I medals and on busts.
Puppy." Lik-e the still greater authority,Fire Department, London, shows the Russia has assured Great Britain that
" Cavendieh," Mr. Irwin,: was a mem- fire losses during 1895 to have been $80,- by tlile terms of the treaty concluded be -
her of the medical Profession, and tree- 905,1e; against 321,905,96 in 1894. Omit- tween Russia and China, tbe former had
tisedfor many years in Be7swaters where tine the two church fires last year, the not secured railway rights and coinmer-
he died after a long illness, at the age of loo was only $18,000. The insuranee on cial privileges to which the "most favor -
61. The name " liumble-PlePP77” by the the property at risk in 1895 was $518,955. ed nation" clause did not apply.
-way, was not his invention, for a game General 'Manager Hays, of the Grand ' At a rneetipg of the National Steam -
of twenty to
irameinorial, but it ia not played on the ,• -
Trunk, made warm friends among the ship Company at Liverpool it was an- balls , you e
that the Atlantic Transport live in a cloister, or, like a wet nurse, al -
thus °ailed has been in vogue from time
employee, during Ms recent visit to Port nouncec
board of green cloth.
No Chance to Brag in Heaven.
Mr. Moody has a popular and very tell-
ing way of "hitting" the errors which are
so rife in the theological thinking of many
persons to -day. Speaking of salvation by
grace he has said: "Ibis well that amen
can't save himself; ter if a man could only
work his own way into heaven, you never
would hear the last of it. Why, down here
In this world, if a man kappens to get a
little ahead of his fellows, and scrapes a
few thousand dollars together, you'll hear
him bragging about his being a self-made
mon and telling how he began is a poor
boy and worked his way up in the world.
I've heard so ,much of this sort of thing
that Inn sick and tired of the whole busi-
ness; and I'm glad we :sludn't have men
bragging through all eternity how they
worked their way into heaven."
"Put that fellow in one of the base-
ment rooms," remarked Satan, carelessly.
"Fellow! Basement !" sputtered the
new arrival. "I would have you to know,
sir, that I was a prominent citizen in my
late home, sir."
Satan smiled. "That may have been,"
he said, "but you won't cut any ice down
here."—Cincinnati Enquirer.
Napoleon's. Advice Ooneernlog Hortense.
Louis, who was governing Holland with
referenoe. to its own best interests, and
ordering the affairs of hie own family
rigidly but admirably, received a severe
awl passionate reprimand from the Em-
peror for his economy. What was wanted
was itay for the troops, plenty of cone
scripts, encouragement for the Dutch
Catholics, and a giddy court. where men
would. forget more serious things, and
where Queen Hortense could make a dis-
play. "Let your wife dance ,as much as ,
she wauts to; it is proper for her age. I
,have a wife forty years eld, and from the •
field of brittle I recommend her to go to :
' it f ti • wnys bathineeber child. — Life of Na -
Six Oils. --The most conclusive testi-
mony, repeatedly laid before the 'public
in the columns of the daily press, proves
that Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil—an abso-
lutely pure condbintl,tion of six of tho finest e a on ,o
sti h v '
iii -
rd S e ft e tmty . /one upon new members iition o ,gyp , , t
make pain, a f.„E, t, affectious of the t"
threat ang eine' lige eared piles wounds who elect to pay it passed the' House the Powers think nevi" Would he h, Pater- Iteep, eudtio"nonsiderable more, So alto-
' Banking and Com ntero Committee at able time for Great Britain 'eke 'ietire, asi'tether, maid' siftvitia ti are becoming more
juries of hOdseeddiad. cattle. Ottavve withoett opposition Mi. Min tranquility has been Metered in Egypt. s and more poittilaa ' The livery, so to
e , r speak of it peeler maid of the period is a
sores, lamenesen Meters. bums, and. in
bill to fin trio legal rate of interest Ca t ' -. 1 W 1 ' ' 111 ` h
TEBTOTI and Sarnia. While passing over Company , , ,
Prof. Sloane, in February
tile Sarnia divisien, he 'learned that the shares of the fernier company, giving the Poleoe," .bY
section -mien were getting only 90 cents et Atlantic Transport Company control of Century., •
day, He immediately raised their wages it •
, Parlor Maids.
t*'0 $1.2S. The Paris Figaro says that notwith-
Th T r t B I 1 T el I tend] t e eni
e 1 s ng miners#yttlelovm,DVN, instead of men, are
authorizine an increased assessment for it is a fact that thtdque on of t evecter ace sees! Many of the best houses.
Typographical Erre .
Johnnie—Papa, what is naeant by '
"Once a knave, always a knave ?"
Father—it's a typographical error for
"Once a knave, and evor afterward. a ride
and honest man."—Truth.
How's ?
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for
any ease of Catarrh that cannot be cured 1,31
Hall's Caterrh Ours.
F. 1. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, Ot
We, the un&rsigned, have known F. J•1
Moat, for the last le years, and believe blnif
per only honorable all business transactioryr
and linanelally able to carry Out any oblige..
theirs tnadeby their firm.
,z West & Truax Wholesale Druggists, Toledoi,
0., Wattling, Minton & Maryut, Wholesale,
Druggists, Toledo, Ohio.
Nall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally', actin!
directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces
the system. Price, 75e. par bottle. Solo by a t
druggisls. Testimonials free. .
Eight Druggists -AU Selling Dodd's Sid-
ney Pills Faster Than Ever Before.
Peterboro, March 2. —(Special.)—This
town not behind western tosvns and cities
in its trade in Dodd's KidneY Pills.
The most popular article in any line of
trade is the one giving the best satisfac-
tion to the user, and at the same time
having the largest sale.
These requisites being perfectly fulfilled
in Dodd's Kidney Pills, enplain the fact
that to -day they are outselling any other
preparation in the market.
In four years not a user has been dis-
appointed in any reasonable hope.
In four years many thousands have eg-
pressed their surprise and gratitude fcir
the prompt help afforded by Dodd's Kid-
ney Pills.
'And so say they all Of them. Ormond&
Walsh, S. McDonald, J. D.' Tully, Wm.
Madill and Hugh Spears. '
Mr. John McKee said: "I consider
them my best selling staple, never failing.
to give jeoaitlinsfixtctaigoeni.i't' , said ;
"Please send
me a hunclred dollar lot. They are mov-
illiegiel.latedolL'e' Sebefield said : "Every
person wile has bought. Dodd's Kidney
Pills has been satisfied, and they are my
fa,srtierest Dodd's
genuine Kidney Pills are
ii4vee.sold by count, by weight, or under
alley'hoetphreite• entilsn51e0 cents a box; and they are
sold by' all druggists and dealers, or by
mail. Address, the Dodd's Medicine Coin -
Sold Onlyin. Lead Packets.
LAW, Solieitor in Supreme Court of Oine
ada. Mom to loan. Offices -2840 Toronta
street, Toronto.
medial oil ' —remedies rheu- b. • f p • t teneetocensiaeoneen met10, They tecittiro“leF`is 'Pregee and cot lese to
. patty
p am -opera ey er vr • s or ly • •
qualifications of a Proof Reader. issue a reanifeste to the insurgents
, .
warn_ snilga.invttell,a1-gintsicil;lielas,ck galltict
. .
It is no use for a man to think of ag. The will of MT. H. A. Massey, of To- nig them that if they. do.anet eurrentlera't n:
,caity at the top ; no sepro , t White,
mires, alpaca
i5ef,,!:, k slightlywlili
at 4 -ter cent. Vas 'defeated. ' ' with
plying for a position as proof reader an. route, was probated Fticlay, There are in fifteen digs they will be treated es , -
less he can, spell Van :Rensselaer the first hteentennine bequests' to charitable and re- banditti. Thsquare for a cap, with'a black bow ; largee King of the Belgians has white linen collars like a boy's ]Ston col -
time tryiug and. with both eyes shut,— Dittoes Jinni utlene in different parts of docidee to inaugurate a war against the
1 ars, and deep white linen cuffs.
the Dominion Thane bequests with the dervishes through the Congo Fro State. I.
Somerville Journal. , ,
,S flstl'ik e •
Effie-nJuck, papa said we must not see
each other any more.
Jack—Indeed ! Shall I turn the gas
Are your corns harder to remove than
those that others have had? they
not had the same kind? Have they not
been cured by using Holloway's Corn
cure? Try a bottle.
That Raise Money
Largest and most Complete
Good Seeds, Pretty Flowers, and
Farm Requisites issued
in Canada
The Steele, Briggs Seed Co.
Ore of Life
Found at Lat.
Vitro -Ore is very properly called Ore of
Life. It was discovered bye Professor Theo.
Noel, of Chicago, Geologist.
This ore makes an their which is Nature*
Groat Remedy for the cure of human Ille;
It will reach the nidus of human diseases -Who;
drues anm
d doctors' nostrums fail. It is nature'
great restorative, to which nothing is adde i
It is pure, as It comes from nature's laboratory.
Sold only on direct orders or through local or
general agents. Price $1 a package, or three
f or $2.150. Sent prepaid to any part of the gio ,
on receipt of price. Send for circulars mid full
particulars to Vita -Ore Depot, 240 Adelatcln
sheet west, Toronto. J. JOHNSTON, Genera •
dimensions outside, 87 1-2 x 80 3-4 xi
2 1-4; inside, 18 x 15 8 -Ox 28; eombinae
tion lock, two cash drawers, one iron.
box; good. second-hand condition.
Two Schools Under One Manag emont
Unquestionably the leading Commendat
Schools of the Dominion; advantages bel
in carman; moderate rates; students ma
enter at any time, Write to either school fe
circulars and mention this paper.
SHAW dr ELLIOTe, Principals.
1-1–IE NEW "YE.AR, 1896
We with to thank our thousands of customer
for the liberal support they have given tiS 11
the year just closed, and solicit a pontinuane
of their orders for the year 1800. Your intere
Is our first object, and to supply you wit
goods, better in quality and lower inpriee tha
you can purchase elsewhere. If you have not
our price list, mail us a postal card and receive,
one by return mail,
Wholesale Grocer,
57 Front Street East Toronto,
is printed on paper
of our make.
This journal uses
our paper only.
Order Your Supplies of
from us. We supply four grades., suit-
able for all classes of machinery. Every-
thing in above lines at Manufacturers'
Firet Cost Prices.
Lowest Prices for Cash
44 Bay Street, Toronto.
T. N. U.
Thoroughly lat.The Itiorthern,BasisessCollem
Owen Sound brit by xp e er ced
, ten
T,Thgkil teachers. .Course includes Shore.
441 tuqnrUeodu ntHzimsehnIrt,t free. C.
nnErgicotx.i,inuigcliser G‘tevpemvsraulnasicichtvocioptil :5;1
• h b'