HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1896-3-12, Page 1INTH YE e _ett4 C. H. SANDE S, .EDITOR" The Molsons Bank. (Chartered by Parliament, 1855.) Paid ap Capital . , . $2,000,000 Beat Fund. . 1,575,000 Flaad office B!ontreal. F. WOLFEIISTAN THOMAS, Esq., GENERAL MANAGER {., Money advane d , eyed Farmer's on their own notes w, _e. one or more endorsers at per cent per annum. Exeter Branch. Open every lawful day from 10 a. M. to 3 p. m„ Saturdays 10 a. m. to 1 pale itgeneral banking business transacted CURRENT RATES allowedfor mon- ' my on Deposit. Receipts. Savings Bank at 3 per cent. N. D. HUEl)ON Exeter. Dec. 27, '95. 'Manager B Line. en y takin'" his bog,' Mr. J. Masontnt d F. to Exeter. Joe thinks he will.have about 80 to sell -Mr. R. Adair and .1 Gower has finished their contract of cutting wood for Mr. T. Fulton. -A special friend of Mr. G. Pollock's made him a present of about 50 bushels of .turnips Jim has good intentions.-- James,Wilson has returned home from peddlirg.-Mr Sam Pollock is on the sick list, -Mr. Frank Atla•:t,of Bad Axe Mich, is visiting his brother. MONEY TO LEND. Money to Loan at 5 & 5'6., per eent. Private lanais. Apply to EL I.IOT & ELLI OT. Jan'y 1895 Solicitor &c. Exeter. FARM FOR SALE. Lot 5, on concession 22 in the township of Stephen, within 2 miles of Grand Bend First c ass soil, goo Marge ore hard, excellent brtrns, stabler etc. x flowing well on the. premises which can be carried all through stables. For further particulars applyto RICH1.ltn RoIINSON, Exeter P. 0. or to — A. VIT. Run INsON Grand Bend, FARM FOR SALE. Lot 18, Concession 18, Township of Flay, County of Huron, containing. 1W acres, all cleared and in a first-class »tate of cultive- tiou. There i e on the premises a Good frame house containing 8 rooms and a aulerdid stone cellar;a good frame barn with splen lirl improvements; 2 good wells of water; 9 acres oforeharat with choice bearing fruit;is well fenced with cedar rails; 35 acres grass; 18 acres fall wheat and all fall plowing done This is one of the and will be best sold very cheap.For particulars E culars further apply at Tele AnvocxrE Crews, Exeter. Can you Afford .to Save. A small sum eaeh month from your earn- ings? A sure way to provide for a start in life. Takes shares for your children. $3.00 per month. if kept up till maturity, will yield $50 C5. 'l'hi> will take about 8 years. Apply to t;ieo. Kemp, Local Agent., for prospects to. The Equitable Savings, Loan and Building Association. MARRIAGE LICENSE. Are you going to get married ? If so, call on Roht. Flicks, the • Jeweller, for your License. Robt Hicks. Molillop On Wednesday of last week. about 100 Suests presented themselves at the residence of Mr. Fletcher Rowe. of the 16th concession, the even' being the marriage of hie sister, Miss Phoebe Rowe, to Mr William Hen maw of Cred- iron.. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Deliraty, of Egmondville The bride was supported by Miss Martha Heaman, of, Loudon, while the duties of groomsman were performed by Mr. Geo Eflher, of Crediton. The p meters were, numerous awl (wetly.' We wish the happy couple every prosperity through life. They will make Crediton their home. British Grain Trade. London, March 9 -The Mark Lane Express, in its weekly review of the British Grain Trade, says: -English and foreign e. heats were 6d lower to day. Flour declined 6d. and corn 3d Oats were steady Barley was $d dear- er, and beans and peas were firm. Greenway. Another home has been made sad by the seat h of Miss Bertha Hutson, young est daughter of Mr. Alex. Hotson. She has been a great Heftier for about a year with that fatal disease diabetes, She told her mother Friday that she was going to die that day and at almost 5 o'clock hi the evening Phe peacefully passed away. Darling. Bertha she has left us, Left us, yes tor evermore, But we hope to meet our levee one, On that bright and happy shore. Centralia, Mrs. Newton Baker is visiting at Stratford -James and'l'hdmas Beaman have left for ilenitoha.-Rev, G. Jack son le announced to preach Missionary Sermons on Sued ry -A load of R T. of T's took in :he box social at Ciatelehoee on Friday evening. -There is to be an open meeting of the Epworth League our Tuesday evening -" Resolved that the pen is mightier than the sword " is the subject of a debate at the Royal Template open meeting on the 27th Inst, Messrs J, D,rl:'atv,W. Harris, Silas Stanlake, Jr, C. Prouty, R. Cobleigh and Rev W. H. Butt for the negative Don'emiss it! Coss; rove. Co. enter Miners in Smith's Hall, to uiaht. (Thursday) Bert Marney, the celebrated comedian in attendance. Sharon, C McGillivray Council The following persons spent Sunday week in Sharou, Mr. and Mrs. Jas Gould with Mr, S. Rowes, Mr. R. N, Rowe, with Mr, Jeo Pedlar and. Mr. Hoskin. Exeter, stud Mr. George Hos kin, St Thomas,'with Mr. M. Amy.- Mr. J E Tom visited our school fast week, --Miss Ramsay of Exeter, visited with Mrs. F. J. Amy a few days last week - Mr. Rich, Welsh, of Usshorue, has pur- chased from Mr. Sam. Rowe his thoroughbrs d bull; also a thoroughbred Berkshire pig from Mr. J Rowe. Mr. Welsh knows where to come to get good stock. hlandeboye• .” Mr. JaeMclllhareey is quickly re- eovering'from a severe attack of a grippe and it is thought with careful carne, he will soon be able to attend to his duties in the'otilete-slug Friers is visiting in and ;trout,d Oil Springs, - .Miss L, bfeJl'illiam hats retuned home after a lengthy visit to Maple G.rove.- Miss Gert Hodgins is visi:iugf•iends,iu and around towt.t,-The box 8ucial its the Temperance Flail on Friday even fug, under the auspices of the "Sons of Temperance, was a greed success ar- tistically, numerically,. financially and westrouornically. A large nein bier from Centralia, West licllillivrey' and surrounding country were in atteud- atiee, • Crediton The ',term is over for this time and things are twitting a little more like spring -The Fisk Jubilee ,Singers were in town !timiditydity night and ghee a good concert it, the German Church which was well attended. -Rob. Mantle, who has been suffering ft r some time with an abscess en his neck, is slowing im proving, -The assessor was in tor* this week, --Rev. Yet -fetid holding"a'St:410W of revival sertlet's hi Eden Church. McGillivray and much trend is being done. -Mr M. Chambers has a smile all over his face these days. It's a girl this titne.-Mr. G. Chambers, who has been home for a visit from the North West. returned this week. We wish Gus. a safe journey as he is a jolly good fellow and will be greatly missed by some of our fair sex. -Miss E tines, of Creditor', and Mr. H. Little were united in holy bonds of matrimony on Wed. nesday by Rev. Yellend. The funeral was oil Sunday conducted by Rev. S. A Carrier, who gave a very appropriate address. Her, remains were interred in the Parkhill tem:eery fol- lowed by a large concourse of sympa- thizing friends.- Miss Tillie McPherson visited her friends in Grand Bend Sat- urday. -A painful accident happened to Mr Davie last week. While assist lug to raise a itig on Mr F. Germette's house. on the 22nd concession, the log slipped and rolled back, breaking both his legs below the knees. He was car- ried into Mr. Germette's house when Dr Gray, of Parkhill, soon arrived and at- tended the sufferer.- Mr. Jerry Bro phoy, of Shipka, visited friends here last, week. -Mr- W. J. Wilson & Co are selling goods at close prices for cash or produce. The -v are hand ing a special line of Japan tea- for 25e. a lb 4 its for 90c. Just as good value as can be had of any city dealer. alsnextra value in pure black Ceylon in lead foil. Mr, J. Hawkey, carriage maker, of Park- hill, paid our time a flying visit Mon day. Usborne Zurich. SHOOTING M ATM— A. success f u I shooting match under the management 'T of H. Weber was held heron uesday last The first match was at 10 liv.- birds aced $•L sweeps Following is the score: -Ira Bice, 10; ti. 1Veeer, 9; W G. Heess, 8; C, Ft•oz, 6; L Stela, 5; E Doberer.4 Mr Gus Demuth and fate its leave for Ashland, Wis.,to•day where hey intend to reside in the future I he sale of the furniture took place 'Friday and was well atteedaed end the ,•rester part of the furniture was dis- posed of . Mr John Schwartzeutruber, of the 14th concession, has sold his farm to Daniel Sreiubach; jr He interdtt to ,o to Michigan in the spring. -Mt H. Bauer has bought the property of Gee Demuth and takes possession this week --Mr. Andy Mittetholte has gone into partnership with P Lamont, and the hswfenucere will After this be run un- der the name of Lamont & Mitt leholtz Success to you Andv.-Go West and seek your fortune seems to be the tale of the town, as quite a number,will .leave this spriew,is chiding Witt Shatter, 'Henry Rupp, Will Deichert and others. -Mr. W. G. Hess whileengaged in his restaurant cut his hand with piece of glass, almost severing the tip of his linger. The hounded member is dome nicely.—A successful \co, cert by the Fisk Jubilee Company was held here Saturday night last The singing was well appreciated by the small audience The town is billed for *entire. grand concert on Monday next the 16th which wilt he more successful no doubt as the well-known Uos_rove Co. are centime. -Gentle Steinbach, after being laid up for a week, is able to be around again. -Get a hustle on Jake the Free and Easy Baud are waiting patiently for a serenade. Council met pnreilant to adjourn meet Meeh. 2nd. Present W j; Corhstt, 1 e'ekee:.1 n Premmned and T. prest, Dente, Reeves; N Grieve and R. 'Hut- iL s!ite. flotunillers Minutes of last eneetfno• read, anprnved of and 512ned Tlritmmnnd -tentehi„eon, ther .rnhn Peru is hereby allowed an extensinn of t,een.years time to take the timber hnjt`eht by him from thLe tow path atone side A ex liable river.- Carried ft Hutchinson -Den enmond, that the teed err i'rf 1f A?av 1noon for pri,,tine for the nresont ,, nr for the sum of $3400 he neeepted -earrings Grieve--Prest. that the tender of Joseph tetwcnn for the hnilrline of Patriek's hridge, over ` tK d the river Aux >+:thle, between 1nF nit 6 in the 20 con . for tin Rom of $110'1, he aecented. the Clerk to retain the dente; ited percentage money until bonds are Ritrned .'n',.L flnrhet is hereby apnnint. ed fhsm.mieinner to ng'eraee the hnitding of the strttchtte.-(tarried. Grieve- feritmmond. that the auditors report. as reeled) this ('nnnril. he , acce'nfed, and, the r'lerer is hereby itiet'eneted tp Per 300copies printed. - Carried Fintchin sen—ft't''ve?s. that this' Council grant g10 'to he evpended in gravelling oet'rnitd division W 4 G. H, Potter eomrtiisSio ter--Csrried -.1 1) Drum - Mend grieve, that the 'Reeve and (were -ore herehv d'lcerated to men' the Stephan: Conncil nes their representatives to settle accounts frig the past year. - 0arried Drummond-(3ri ve.. that T;'v Lew vo 1 of 189e, annointing. mem- bers to cnnStitnte the Board of Health. as read first and, Second tele he now read a third time and mined :^flarried On moron of R. Fintehin•on seconded by N 'Grieve that aecnnnts strnmluting in 'all th $71,22 he paid._earried N. etrieve-Flutchieson. that this con tic 11 Adjourn to mere in the Town Hall. nn the first Monday in Anvil at. one n'rinr•k p. m. -Carried. Vine. FRASER, Clerk This week we are called upon to chronicle the sad death of Helen Lamm, beloved wife of Mr !themes Etienne t -:ii, of lot 20, concession 6. who died Ott Thursday hast at the age of 54,years. 8 moths and 16 days. She: had been suf- fering with a lingering illness of heart trouble but nothing serious was antici- pated till about a week previous to her death when she too c a sudden and un expected change for the worse, and as above stated rhursdoty she succumbed ID Its fatal effects She, was the da ugh • ter of tee late Daniel Lemon, of Brook lis,, Whitby tp, and was hi 'hly respect ed by all who kne.v,e her Mrs Ellering- ton was of atweak amiable and kind- ly disposition, a good wife and mother. a true friend .tad her death will' h' generally regretted A family of eight childreneefine girls and three boys -- survive her, as well as the. bereaved husband; who of all others will miss her most The family have the' sympathe of the comrnunity in,thei•r home v(emelt. The funteral took place on Saturday to the Exeter cemetery. and was largely attended. Thp Clothing Question ! Theq uestion that always pe' sues a man, is how to dress• tast€fully, comfortably and economically. t' offer you the Solution in a very few words. Go to J. H. CR Elf E A Sad C ..apter From Forest, Forest. Ont, March 7th -This morn fog Edward Hall, of Forest, while stele - tine wood, burst a blood vessel. and ax- tiire'd in a few moments. Flt; was 47. years of age, and leavesa wife and six children, A littleson of David Mstv's fell into Mr. ,lames Wright's ice pond at Forest ne Wednesdev It happened while Mr. Weight's family were at dinner The boy wandered down to the peed, and when found soon after, life was extinct, A boy seven years n13. stepson of 3 Femme, butcher of Arkona, died yes te'rdav of hydrophobia, caused by, being bitten he a mad dog six weeks age. As a number of other aeienels are known to have been bitten by the sante dog the villages of Arkotta and Thedford alai the township of Betsatignet have ie?4ned proclamations ordering . all dogs running at large without muzzles be killed and you will find just what you are look ing for,, our Spring Stook is now on the shelves, and we have goods to suit all. 'iT IL. Grieves is the Place Delft fo.'get. _ P. S. -We sell the "Dayton' Bicycle -See it. J. H. C R E I V E, Merchant Tailor. ,tau ;.ti':i1 1. 1 1 .t i• :. , cy: Dashwood. Her' we are again alive and active e'n'd ready to attend to ye Editor's weekly wants. (the weekly budget of.. entwine) Well, what of the news that we believe iR what ve Editors look for end betimes plainly ask it on your windy sheet - The diphtheria eases are all improving under the Rkitfel treatment of our worthy M D: All his patients are so far nut of danger and h ming accidents will come along al right, -Sunday was a quiet day in T)ashwond, there hider no service iii .eithe:tttaf,Jbe`.elturehei on•aceentnit of the .drsev.se:ediphtherfaa" being in several families -Mr and Mrs. Adam Matttz. of S. E Rape, are calling o , friends in and around, Dashwood this week.- Are feel sorry for i the young man made mention of in last week's Times under the Dashwood news. who was nearing Inatritnnnial bliss when with" the ap tneerartce of nape he is suddenly sue t adrift on life's rough sea single handed We nine- as a healing balm for the wounded dignity, the words of an an cient writer who seems to have went through the mill and put his expel.. ience in word like this: -"There et a time in e cry benedict's life that he se- cretly wishes he lived in ---- Chicago This isespeeially true when the Easter Bennetts bloom in the spring. -Mr Jahr Hoffman is getting the material ready preparatory to buildineg his lac tory, which will he quite an improves meet to the village -Mr. Jonas Hart- leib disposed of his interest in the flax mill on Saturday last to Messrs. H. Wil lert and G. Kellerman Mr Philip Zim- mer disposed of his horsehold effects on Monday by auction.. Mr E. Bossenberry wielding the hammer. Mr. Zimmer in rends moving in a short time to Michi San WEDDING Hawes -On Thursday cvenfnlr last Mr Andrew and -Mrs. Pfaff joined hearts and hands in holy wedlock at tb Evangelical Parsonage. Rev. Ehv officiating We extend eon gratulations and hope their declining vears mashe attended with joys many and sorrows few: and as they have hdth been 'here he.fore and undersand the ups and downs of life, we believe their remaining days will he spent in 'Wye for one another. SURPRISE AND PRESENTATION. -Oh Monday evening those of Mr. Birk's children, who are in Canada, all of whom happen to he in the neighhorhoed at present. called at the old home and preso ted Mr. and. Mrs Flirt; each with an easy rocker as a small token of es - Death of a Prominent Goderich Man. Goderich, Ont, March 8 -Matthew Hutchinson, member of the firm of Ogilvie S, l-lutehitts ,n, and manager of the Goderich branch *if the business, rite'd to day after a lingering illness.. Deceased, was horn in Ayrshire, Scot- land, in 1827; came to this country with his pa'renets in 1833, who settled near Montreal. Ile was educated at Dr Blitek'e school in that city. His !nether was a sister of Janes Miller, founder of the Alan Line of steamships He was married in 1854 to Helen Ogilvie sister of the Messrs Ogilvie lie for years acted as flour inspector for 'biennia of Montreal. succeeding' Mr Young- in the office, and on 'relinquish- ing it came to Goderich in 1874, When the big mill was completed he entered in partnership with Messrs Ogilvie his brother in-law's. For several years he was a member of the town council and of the county council as one of the reeves for the town 1:Ie leaves a widow and five children -two sons and three daughters -Dr J. A Hutchinson, chief medical officer of the G T. R.: W. W: l-lntchinsot, of Winnipeg: Mrs. Jas '!'horn; of Montreal; Mees Hutchinson, and Miss Fannie H atchinson, to lament the loss rf the kindest of husbands and. fathers. The Latest News in Brief.. A !argei number of Cha'ham town- ship farmers are dehereinir their cattle Ailsa Craig Mr. John McArthur was,wnrking in :. (;hikes & Son's planing factory on Tuesday afternoon, when his left hand came in contact with the buzz saw, cutting part of the. thumb off, and also cutting the third finger so badly as to require severalstitches Mr. McArthur carne near losing a number of lingers. -Mr Cloutier, horse buyer, from Mont- real, shipped a carload of good borne' from here Friday Prices paid, from $46 to $60 ele:h,-Early Friday morn- ing an accident occurred to the morn- ing expfeps between Parkhill and this place. About two miles west of here while the express was going at the us' nae speed the cennecting rod broke. The rod in swinging around Wore up the track to some extent and smashed the side of the cab, cutting Driver' Ste wart in several places on -the head, but. not seriously. He marvelously escaped from being killed. -Mr,. Alexander McKenzie, blacksmith, had his fingers badly jammed the other day by a large tyre bed falling on thorn. -Miss Winnie Cameron, milliner at White & May's, returned home on Saturday from an extended visit with friends and rely teem in which 'they are held by the titres at Brentford and Toronto --There family, After the usual congratula- died on Sunday last after a few day's Wens Mr FL Truemne'r in a fe* well Collector of Customs Gott, of Am-, herstburg,visited tiing'svilleand Leam- ington on business; last week; and the former place imposted a tine of $270 on Geo. T. Jones, of:Rutieven. the voline of a lot of peach trees imported frons the United States at an undervaluatiOSl together with 'he duty thereon. Thewill of Mrs, Hammett, of Stret- ford, who died a short timeago ieav- ing $20,000 m cash and securities, is being attacked by the heirs of her late•, husband, who reside in the Eaasteertl States. The ground upon which it zs„ sought to set aside the will is that un-,, der her deceased hesitaters wilt Mas. Hammett had only a, life interest in the estate and that on her death it tetee.rt- ed to his legal heirs. Joseph Grenville, who is suppostid Le be the burglar shot while attemp 1iu to gain entrance to the store of Cowan & Quick, Kingsville, has been erresieL He went to his feather's house in .the village after being shot, and: Dr. White , was called to extraet the bullets frost' his leg. He appeared for examivatiou., pleaded guilty and was ettrnmitred for trial, which *ill probably b, at the June sessions at Sandwich. If he cast be.tnoyed, he will he at once taken to the county jail iii Sandwich. The Car•adians reported to the Wind- sor customs officer on Friday that they had been refused admission to the United Staten, by the customs officials at Detroit. One of the then was on hie way from Goderich to Chicago to visit his two brothers, and the other was going from Chatham to Pontiac, Mich, rhe latter had a return ticket, but that made no difference, and he was rete allowed tocomolete his journey. Mate ed estates Immigration Inspector Me- Glogan says that the reason the men, were not allowed to pass was that they were going to work for Antennae firms, which was in violation of the . alien contract labor law, A. man named Keedv, ,oi Middle-: march, had'iittr riche Eland caught' in- a buzz saw Wednesday morning' and the first finger was badly injured: On Saturday night the residence of Joseph Lightfoot, a well-known farmer menthe?, on con, 12, Brooke, was en tered, and a wallet containing $500 stolen. The money had keen obtained from a hank in Watford on Saturday afternoon. Rev. F. C. O'Meara. formerly rector of St Marv's Church, St. Marys, has left Killarney to take charge of the Anglican Church in Dcloraine. Man Mrs O'Meara was Miss Lizzie Crozier. and is the youngest daughter of James Crozier. St. Marys. illness of inflammation of the lungs, Donald, son of John, -McEwen, tow aline chosen words told Mr. and Mrs. Birk the object of the gathering, when the Lobo, Deceased was 30 years of age. chairs were preserited and placed side: The funeral took place on Tuesday of by side. Mr and Mrs Birk then he• teruoni, from his father's, residence, for cattle seated and the family gathered the Nairn cemetery -A concert will around and engaged in social pastime. he given by the Sons of Temperance Mr. Birk, though taken by surprise, in a in the.; town hell, Aailsa Craig, on' Fri sew words thanked his children for day evening, March 13th, with a view this visit and also the presents, which to arganizi g a lodge here• A good will bring to his mind many happy program will he given by the Vest Mc hours whenever he chances to see Gillivray and Clandehoye lodges. A them. After a few moments reflection pleasant time is expecte& the old gent expressed himself thus, that he wished the rest of the family V. McCulloch. the Cardinal merchant could have been present also. so that discharged from custody by order of he could have had a grand family Chief Justie Meredith, on a charge of gathering. The evening was f spent obtaining goods under false pretenses in social chat and song . till midnight from F. D. Hamilton, of Stratford, has when all eat down to a sumptuous re caused a writ to be issued through his past to which we believe all did ample solicitors,Messrs. Mabee ' & Gearing,*; justice, after which.all rrnpeired to their te .ttm t n i a .o0 da a` es The case several honnetl feeling that the evening „ , 00 tt? g will come on at the Fall Assizes, John the 15 -year-old son of John El. lory of Vetshchnyle. was assisting about en oat crusher in the hare, wh"n his left hand was caught between the wog wheels, and before the machine could he stopped his hand was shockingly lacerated as far as the wrist. Miss Ada .tones. who was injured last October at the Michigan Central Reit way crossing' at Essex., died on Thera day of the injuries received at that time.' She was in the same rig in whit% were the two Money boys and Burke, who were instantly killed by the acci- dent. Mr John Armand. of Fitzroy Town- ship near Paltentram, met with a terri- ble accident in Sandy. Book, a suburb of Arnprinr,•Wednesday night, While at Malloch's mills, shout 5 o'clock, en- gaged in loadurg his sleigh with lows, ;the load fell on him, and tie lay on the hank of the Ottawa pinned down by the legs at night. until 7 o'clock next morning, when he was found by Mt Malloch, who noticed the team of horses still standing in the tracks of the even- ing before'. Owing to Mr, Armand'et heavy fur coat he was not frozen to death, although his feet and one arca . were. Drs. Seranston.tir., and jr., were. early on the scene this morning, arid' fear: he will. Iosea..at, least ,one.. of, hie linnet.' • 'From -Chatham eeotnes word that what appears to he a dastardly attempt ti poison Mr. Thornton, an E. st End' tiitt-• ze.n, has been happily. though accident- ally, frustrated, The poison which was inteuded fee hint was placed in a pines. of. beefsteak which fortunately for Thornton and otherwise for his cat was given to the latter who died in less than ' wenty minutes after eating it, frena strychnine poison. . Thornton bought*, piece of steak at Putnam's shop nu Wit- , ham street Part of it was eaten. Dos- iog his absence at lodge the rest of the steak was kept in the cupboard. On his return - and before cookie; the rest of 'he meat he gave a piece to his cut,., which almost imtnediately after acting it. died in violen : spasms, An anal- ysis showed the presence of strycla- trine. Lewis Carrot hers, son of Mr. Ja.s, Car - withers, of Adelaide, on Wednesday last ant his hand caught, in the cogs of a turning lathe at his uncle's Mr. John Cerrothers. The middle finger of his right heed was so severely crushed that it had to be amputated at the joint. A Paisley corr'espnndent says fodder is not likely to reach the high prices that wa- Sat one time anticipated. Coarse grains are plentiful and cheap,,, and these are largely taking the place of hay and straw, so that the latter is in fair supply. and can be bought at moderate prices. At the next Masonic liidge meeting in Windsor certain members will be charged with betraying secrets of the order, the specific cha'ge being that they made pubic that Mayor Mason was blackballed. as it was -believed he wanted to use the order as a medium for political aggrandizement. At the 0.-P R, rrORstng in Ayr, at four o'clock Saturday afternoon, a lad named Jones, who works for C. Fl Ger, big, attempted to cross over the track with a rig in front of a through freight train, whom .the train struck the rig and both the boy. and horse were ing stently killed. „Ix'rasi HUNT. -At the rectory. Exeter, on the 8th Inst , the wife of Rive E. W. Hunt, of a daughter. BURGESS -On the 28th, alt., the wife of John Burges •, 8th con.. McGillivray, of a daughter. Moonv -In Osborne, on the 7th lest,, the; wife of William tidy,. of daughter. David Ruby has bought the 1). U, Zehr farm, V i35. crn. 16, East Zorra. for $T1,3204 „obis farm -one of elm bast in Oxford -contains 175 acres, and brought $16,000 at sale eleven venniago,. Itis just a few, rods north of Mr Ruby's present home. and he intends to movw to his new property shortly, The well known auctioneer now ownsabout had been well -spent. 300 acres of lands in East Zorra. • lt1 A.1tRI AA 1,S. ELL10T7—JERvis.—,let the residence o the bride's father, on the 4th ietst,, bT Rev. E. W. Andrews, Alec. Elliott, Bayfield rorad, to Rasa, daughter et Mr W. Jervis, all of Goderich to,w»i- ship. YELLOW-FtriroRD.-At the Methodist parsonage. London, on March 7th 'isy Rev. Dr Daniel,'Thomas Yellow or Exeter, to Emma Fulford. of Chicago. THEA1 AE.-R.owz.-At. the residence of the bride's brother, Mr. Fletcher Rowe, McKillop. on the 5th' last, by • the Rev. Delgaty, of Egntondville,; • William Keatnate of Crediton, to Miss Phoebe Reiwe,tof Seaforth. eta itt e nen t ' ?WWI' t►tr,ATatol DAw.-In Mount Br-' dges, on the 55tk: inst., infant daughter of Mr. mut`` Mrs. Geo. D,aw, aged 9 months Sti w,-Itt So.'aforth, on March Si Fs. Elizabeth, wife of I),• et, She w, aged 58 years, 10 months and 10 d.tys • ELLERINOTON -in Usbnrue, on the 5th aerie,,Helen L>itnm , hrlnVed wife o ~ Thiis Pirating aged 54 years, 8 months and '16 data. MCKeNNox•-In Parkhill, on Wednes- day March 4th, IS46,' Mrs Chas Mc-' Kinnon, relict 'of the 'latel. Chits. Mc- Kinnon of Ailsa Craig, aged 8f! years. , MCEAo1IAte*In Peel:hill, on Frida,w, 2fath, Feb. 1896. Joseph. son of donna t Mclent han, ,aged 13 wears, 9 monthey 12 days,