HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1896-2-27, Page 5THE (exciterAbs nate Is published. every Thursday Morning, at the Office, MAIN -STREET, - EXETER. fly the--- ADVOCATE he--ADVOCATE PUBLISHING COMPANY, TERMS Oif.SUBSCRIPTION, One Dollar per annum if paid in Advance $1.50 if not so' ,laid. -Maar Rate= ce.e. S ppl3ca- tearl. N'o paper discontinued. until all arrearages are paid. Advertisements without specific directions will be published till forbid and eharged accordingly. Liberal discountenade for trauseient advertisements inserted for leve periods. Every description of JOB PRINTING turned out in the• finest style, and at moderate rates. Cheq ace, mousy orci. ere. &o, for advertising, subscriptions ,eto,t o be made payable to Chas. JI. Sanders EDITOR AND PROP Professional Cards. H. EINSMAN, L. D. S, Hanson's Block two doors north of Carling Store MAIN ST, axlrTER, extracts teeth without pain. Away at Parkhill every Tuesday, Lucan every Wednesday and at Zurich on last Thursday of each month Ise as DR. D. ALTON ANDERSON,(D.D.S.,L.D.S.,) honors Graduate of the Toronto Una rsity and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Teeth extracted without paiIr. Alii modes of Dentistry up to date. Office over Elliot & lalliot's law office -•opposite Central Hotel -Exeter. • Willi ea] • D Ie. G. SFIOU.LTS, CENTILA Ll,'. has moved ono door south. Drs. J A. ROLLINS & T A. AMOS, Residences, sante as formerly OFFICES, 5paekmen, building, Main St. Dr, Rollins' office; same as formerly -north door. Dr. Amos'. office, same building -south door, 1vlay 1st. 1898 J. A Rollins, M. D. T. A. Amos, M.1) Du.T. P. McLAUGIILIN, MEMBER OF the College of Physicians and Surgeons Ontario.' Physician, Surgeon and Accouch- eur, Office, Dashwood, Ont. Veterinary. XTYILGIAM SWEET, I'ETlIR- 1 flinty Surgeon, Graduate To- ronto rince Veterinary old stand,' o e block East E. J. Spaokman's Store. Uehorning a pecialty. • Le sal. 'D H. COLLINS, BARRISTEII,S� OLICIT- I ,o OR, Conveyancer, Notary Public. Office -Over O'Neil's Bank, Exeter, Ontario. Money to Loan. �ILDICHSON,BARRISTER,SOLICITOR, . of Supreme Court, Notary Public, 0 on- veyancer, Commissioner, &e. Money to loan Office-Fanson's Blook,Exeter LLIOT & ELLIOT, BARRISTERS, ETC., Couveyeatcing, and Money to Loan at Lowest Rates of Interest. Branch office at Ifonsall every £hursday. B. V. ELLIOT. 1•"asnxnrcic ELLIOT . Auctioneers BROWN, Winchelsea. Licensed Auct- ionoerfor the Counties of Perth and Middlesex, also for the township ofUsborne Sales promptly a ttenile,l to and terms rea- son bale.Sales arranged at ,'oat office. Win- chelsea. JOHN T. WESTCOTT, Exeter, Ontario, Auctioneer for the County of Tluron. Special attention given to farms and term stock sales. Charges moderate. Parties contemplating having sales this Fall should give him a trial. For further particulars, apple, by letter to Exeter P. 0. Order:, left at the AnYOOATIi Office, Exeter, will receive prompt attention. Surveyors. F. RED. W.FARNCOMB, Provincial Land Surveyor and Civil Engineer. Office, Over Post Office, Main street. Exeter, Ont. insurance. E ELLIOT, Insurance Agent, Main St. Exeter The Same Old. Story. Every week we continue to tell you the same old story of the ex• cellence of our goods and fits. Its an old story perhaps -we have been been telling it for a long time --but a good story will bear constant retelling and we propose constantly re -telling it. We Personally "Cut" E r. UE'U1'''1 Ga n erat that's made up at this establish- ment -as well as fit it and all the details. This is the only ONE reason why our prices are moder ate. Don't Catch Cold. Winter is here and you want to keep warm. . We shall be pleased to show you -yes make you -one of our "swell" and durable overcoats. Each, coat afit Each coat a daisy ETI XIOIITO One Door North of Browning's drug store. IF YOU WANT TO TRAVEL Try Bissett's Livery for a nobby out- fit. We give you the best and at reasonable rates. A CALL SOLICITED W. G. Bissett Albin Rawlings, of Forest, has just lost a horse, which he had in his po session for 41 years, it being 1 year old when he purchased it. It is supposed I to be the oldest in Canada. John Plotsch, of Shakespeare, srl'd a pure -bred -white Leghorn hen the other day for longago lie sold', the $ 10. Iso' g' male mate of this;hen,for $18, but :the bird died before theurchaser' came fort: ;i. P. lir. Thomas Bennete Roslindale, Boston. He Could Not Live Was what friends said, but Hood's Perfectly Cored Dreadful Case 04 Chronic Eczema. Such a testimonial as we give below few medicines can produce. It is one of thous- ands posses.ad by Hood's Sarsaparilla, and proves the merit of this medicine. Reliable, honest, industrious, is what all say of Mr. Bennett. He has been engaged as gas -fitter in Boston for 35 years, with Tarbell, 111 Washington street, and Mc- Kinney, Washington st., opp. Boylston. "C. L Hood es Co., Lowell, Mass.: !' Gentlemen :-I am only doing what is lust when I tell voluntarily what Hood's Sarsaparilla has done forme. I know it Saved My Life. "A year ago last winter, after exposure to storms, I caught a severe cold, after which chronic eczema appeared on the calf of my left leg and spread all over my lower limb from knee to ankle, and the itchingand burning was something aw- ful. Added to this was a severe pain, seemingly in the bone. At last it became so that I had to give up work and was unable to walk. 1 had to have my kg bandaged all the time and frequent chang- es of the cloche. For nine months I set with my leg resting in a chair. Oh, It Was Dreadful! Friends said I could not live long. In all I had seven aifferent physicians, all to no purpose whenever. I knew the merit of Hood's Sarsaparilla as I had, some years before, taken it with benefit, and decided to try it for my apparently hopeless case. In two or three days after I began my ap- pet'to -vas better and my courage revived. Po make a long story short the eruption entirely disappeared, and the flesh on my leg resumed -perfectly healthy appearance. I was soon abieto walk about. I cannot tell how amazed my :;' eighbors and friends were. I can now Walk without any lame - 0 Ws Sarsa- witerywrws parilU ness, as well as ever. Have not the slightest eruption or itching �r ""burr' 'scito®qa burning, or any sort of trouble whatever with my leg. The gratitude I owe Hood's Sarsaparill alasimply unspeakable," Taos. BENNETT, 172 Sycamore St., Rosliedaia, Boston, Mass. Try HOOD'S. ures hood's Pills are tasteless, mild, effec- tive. All drui;aists. 213e. TKIS SPACE R. -BELONGS TO - Rowe -WATCH FOR- G6Ad." next week. Fullarton: Dr. Paul, Sebriugville, assisted by J. A. Robertson, of Stratford removed all the fingers of the right hand of James Clark, of this place, above the sccond•joiut,on Tuesday last. It will be remembered that Mr. Clark had his hand severely frozen about the beginning of last month, Henshf': Mr. W. McE ay, the Princi- pal of our Public School, received a tel- egram on Monday morning that his father, Dr. McKay, of Dungannon, had died about 8 o'clock that morning. Mr. McKay left at once for Dungannon Ur. McKay was about 65 years of age and had been a very successful practi rimier. IIis family are all grown up and doing well. Always Pleased! Ncl 4.2'rumb1ers or Growlers when Diamond Dyes are Used. THOUSANDS of pleasant, happy and grateful letters are on fyle from ladies who have tested the pop- ular Diamond Dyes that always do their work well and satisfactorily. Mrs. 'rhos. Lavin, Newark, Ont:, says: "I find that Diamond Dees are the. beat, as I always get good and fast' colors from them. I have used other dyes, but they are ail inferior." Mrs. Wm Moore.: Steen burg, Ont, says: ," We like Diamond Dyes better than all other on the market; they always give splendid colors." When ladies d ask forL )'' tamnud Dr es. they should always insist upon seeing the name on the pttrkag;+, as.th.e%c Al ft so, many worthless dyes sold by dealcis. 1 BIG FLNERAL. Burial of Hart A. Massey of 'Toronto. TRIBUTES TO THE DECEASED. Eloquent Pulpit Utterances - Citizens of Alt Classes Gather to Honor a Great Rosiness Man. Amid everymanifestation of mourn- ing and respectful sympathy the re- mains of Mr. Hart A. Massey, head of the great Masa. ; -. arras Co., were en l Saturday a,fteinw,. laid to in the rest Magnificent family mausoleum in Mount Pleasant Cemetery. So m.,ny thou bands of citizens desired an opportun- ity of offering a final tribute of esteem that -the proceedings were unusually ' lengthy and impressive, lasting Lona the private service at the house at Leta o'clock until the final farewell at the cemetery after 6 o'clock. The proceedings were participated in by, every class of the community, old and young, rich and poor, men, women and children. The Prime Minister. Hun. Sir Mackenzie Bowe11, came up from the sittings of Parliament at Ottawa ex- pressly to attend, having been on very intimate terms for along period of years with Mr. Massey. He was ac- companied by Hon. Sir Frank Smith, anofiber tried and trusted friend. Among the vest assemblage were also a num- ber of the children from the Fred Vic- tor Mission, who came to bid farewell to one who in his life had thought and oared for them. The service at the church was of a choral nature, the de- ceased having always been passionate- ly fond of music a.ndsinging. The anthem. "Brother, Thou Art Cane Before" (Goss)., with endo by Mr. Fred Warrington, was most effectively rendered. Reading of Scripture follow- ed, after which Rev. James Allen, pas- tor, delivered a powerful and fmpres- 5 i e address in memoriurn, using as nil text the last nine verses of the 15th chapter of St. Paul's first epistle to the Corinthians. lteferring to Christian experiences, the pastor said that Mr. Massey knew the meaning of the word conversion. Durirg the past few years he, the speaker, had had many interviews with Mr. Massey, who always spoke of his conversion as having taken place when fifteen years of age, and, although his father often employed many men, and lila boy was thrown Into their com- panionship, yet 'he hover in his life swore an oath or uttered a word that would have made his mother blush. 'When fifteen years of age, as the church was some miles away and ser- vices only held once every two weeks, he conceived the idea of holding ser- vices in his father's house. and dur- ing the progress of these meeting's he was the preacher's active assistant. He had been a very active member of the Methodist Church for 58 years, and one of his greatest treasures was a Bible which he often pointed to with com- mendable pride as having been pre- sented to him on his retiring from the Superintendency of the Sabbath School, which position he had held for nineteen years. The pastor also referred to a letter of gratitude and thanks sent to Mr. elassey.by a feeble old man whom he had saved from a drunkard's grave. Mr. Massey worked to the last. and the speaker compared him to Lord Nel- son, who when asked to leave his ship replied, "Not while I live." Mr. Mas- sey's business was conducted as a task given by God, and not until Monday last. when he felt his strength was gone, did he relinquish control. TORONTO MARKETS, Butter --The delay In railroad traffic, ow- ing to the snew•storms, has curtailed re- ecipts here and the market is firm, but un - Changed hl prices. .,Good butter is rather scarce. Prices are steady. We quote :- Dairy tubs, 14c to lac ; medium and low grade dairy tubs, Sc to He ; dairy pound prints, 150 to 10e ; large rolls, 13e to 14?Fac crearncry tubs, 19e to 20c ; creamery rolls, 20e to 22e. s the storm has Eggs-Th>terferedelinwitthdve les a�Receipts of new laid are not large, but sufficient for the requirements. Pickled are steady. There is little or no movement in cold stored or held fresh. • We quote :-New lairs, lie to 18e ; limed, 121ec to 14e for five and ten case lots and 14c for single cases ; cold stored and held fresh, laic to 15e - Potatoes -The market is dull. There is nothing doing beyond supplying the local demand. We geote :-Car lois, The to 20c ; farmers' loads, 15e to 20e ; out of store. 25c to Me,. Poultry -The market is nominally unchang- ed. The sacci , are almost t t Ii t although the dcm»nd is large. We quote :-Turkes, De to .lie ; geese. Te to Sc ; chickens, 40c to 60e : ducks, 60e to 90e. Baled Straw -There is very little doing. Cars lots sell at SS 25 to :t5 75. Dressed IIogs-The lower quotations of yesterday still prevail. The receipts of 'ear lots are -fell' and buyers are. slightly More active, Seleoted weights sell at $5 to $5 50 and $4 90 is paid for mixed cars. FARMERS'" MARKET. The condition of the country roads has Improved, and deliveries of grain on the Local etreet market were munch more lib- eral this morning. Wheat and oats con- tlnne to be limn and scarce. Barley is steady and there is a fair demand for peas. wheat -Firm, 200 bushels of all kinds selling at Site for white, Sic for red, and 06e to 67e for goose. Bsrley-.Steady, 1,000 bushels selling at 40c• to 42e. Oats -Firm, 500 bushels selling at 281/2c to 20y,e. Hay and Straw -Deliveries of bay were fair this morning, but early In the day the buying was slow; about a dozen loads offered at $17 to 518. A few loads of bund- led straw were offered at $11 to $13. Dressed Pegs -The offerings of farmers' loads were large, but the dealers are pret- ty well Si 'ked, and the demand has slack- ened off. Nice light weights went at $5 10 to $5 1e, and $5 25 was paid for choice selected weights. Coarse hogs brought from 54 50 to $5. Wheat, white $ 85 to + 00 do red. 83 to 00 do goose ....., 67' t0 Otl Peds .6 to 00 II Barley .......t .... 4R' to 00 Barley •, to 43 Oats 281,5 to 291% live 40% to 00 Hay 17 00 to 18 00 Straw, bundled 11 00 to 13 00 do, loose 10110 to 11 00 Eggs, .new laid 17 to 21 Chickens40 to 60 Butter, ib rolls ' 16 to 18 do tubs, dairy 14 to 15 necks 60 to 50 Turkeys 9 to 10 Geese 5 to 6,% rpw 25 to 50' �y. Pressed bogs 4 50 to 5 Reef, bin,tqtut' '`ere' 5 on to 7 do; tore 2 50 to ,, 4 .Veal ......... ..... 5 50 to'R 4amb 6 60 rte 7 25 00 00 rar. 50 The annual meeting of the South Ox- , < ford Reform ASsociation•will be held at Mount Elgin on Thursday next. It is" expected that Sir Richard Cartwright will be present. G. B. H. Morin who was sentenced to be hanged in 1830for the murder of manA named Roy, and afterwards had his sentence, commuted to Imprison meet for life In St. Vincent de Paul Penitentiary, .has been, met tree. by. Lor! Aberdeen's :order ' • _ R Dthlg Toren1oi Thousands of ,: victim PAINE'S CELERY COMPOUND NATURE'S TRUE CURE. The King of Dyspepsia Medicines. • The acknowledged king of dyspepsia. medicines! This high position has been. stained by Paine's Celery Compound after years of grand successes in every province of the Dominion. Out ablest legislators, our most eminent judges, the clergy, medical mere, business men, and thousands'' in humbler callings, unite in proclaimieg the grand and cur - lo virtues of Paine's Celery Compound It has cured this worst cases of dyspep- sia,.indigestion and stomach troubles, after the established formula of the medical faculties fail to do the work Mr. George A. Wilste, of Athens, Ont., says: " I want to add my testimony in favor of your valuable remedy, Paine's Pelry Compound, which I have been taking for over a year for dysp`psia aril, severe pains in the neck and back 'if head. • Four medicine has produced a complete cure in my case, and I have recommended it to several friends, who claim they have received great benefit. I can testify, therefore, in. all honesty, bat your Paine's Celery Compound is a very valuable medicine." Ladies Take "Notice" And separate the lettere N -O -T -I C E transposing them so as to make as many small words as possible. It is said that twenty-five words can be made: for example, note, tone, once, it, nn, etc If you' are bright enough to make fifteen or more you can be sure al receiving an elegant reward. The Ladies' Every Saturday will pay $10 in gold to the person able to make the hest list of words fi'orn letters contained in N 0 T -I -C -E, $9.00 for the second best, $8 00 for the third best, $7.00 for 'he fourth best, a Ladies' Nickel Watch with line American movement and well worth $5.00 for each of the five next best lists, and one hundred valuable rewards in order of merit far the next best one hundred lists (should that number be received.) Each person sending list of fifteen words or more is guaranteed a beautiful present. As the above rewards are given withou t consideration, simply to attract atten- iipu to this most charming six teen page weekly for ladies and. girls, it is neces- sary for you to send eight Canadian hree-cent stamps for trial subscription Jour number,) containing particulars ,tad letters from those who have al- ''ead,y received valuable rewards. If your letter enclosil'g trial subscription s receivedpromptly, you will secure 'tee in addition to all of the above, a •ollection of choice flower seeds, ton dif- erent rare and beautiful varieties. Ilse two beautiful colored engravings 'utitled. "The doctor" and its compan on "`i be Bride." Thousands of dollars Ire being expended to introduce this ue,pular weekly. Satisfaction is guar :ittteed in every case or stamps refund d. Write today and address, LADIES' EVERY SATURDAY, ''C,"920 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Ninety Per Cent. 0' all the people need to take a course of H Cod's Sarsaparilla at this season to present that rundown and debilitated conditionwhich invites disease. The e m 'nay it, vested in half a dozen bottles of FIood's Sarsaparilla will come back wit', large returns in the health and vigor of body and strength of nerves Hood's Pills are easy to buy, easy to take, easy to operate. Cure all liver ills. 25c. James Whaley, of St. Marys, has pur- chased a 50 acre farm in Peel, for $1,650. News of the Day -There are troublesome times now, all over the land, Butwhat is the matter I can't understand; Every class in the country is crowdingits views, Every paper you read now is "chuck" full of news . To tell you the news it would take me a day, But I may tell you some that the news- papers say. They say that Armenia has very sad news, They ssy that the Turks there the Christians abuse, They say Venezuella is anxious to fight, They say too that Cleveland 'atilt •doing what's right, • They say that the Boers would fight to a man. They say now that China's afraid of Japan They say that Clark Wallace calls Bowell a fool They say that old Ireland won't get the Home Rule, Our rulers they say are a great set of knaves, And the poor foolish farmers are only their slaves. Mind, I don't' say that all in the papers are true, If it is I don't know what the farmers will do. Between parliament men and the Lords of. the land,. The farmer has mote than he's able to stand. But Tupper he tells them there's very good times, And we'd all say the same if we had the. same dimes, Now this is not'all that the newspapers say ' But if not news ,gnpugh,it muit2 do for to -day. • ADAaIs;; EVERY FAMT ILY Is a very remarkable remedy, both far IN- TERNAL and EX,TEBNAL use, and won- derful in its quick action to relieve distress. PAIlY-KILLTI� a lure cute for Sore Throat, Coegfps, Chills, aridcir)uca, FDC'ventery, Cramps, Clatter:, and all LeIvcl f,owplaints. PAIN -KILLER Ia'3HE BEST rem.. tidy known for sea. sickness, Sick thiaaacl e, Pain to the. Beek or Side, Rheumatism andlieuralgIit. PAIN-KILLEDna'rkirtT ;ag)INT MADE. Itbrinps rm,eox AND rt:sntserorm RRLcer to all cans el itruiece, Cuts, Spratus, Severe saurus, etc. }r PAIN -KILLER Is the veli tried and trusted Yaensi of dile Mechanic. A'mrnier, er, alwaysSailor, andfa fact all chases venting a- medicine always et band; and SAYE To oar internatty or externally with wrtainty arena, Beware of imitations. Take neve but the gamins -1'ERRrrMYIs." Sold everywhere; ten.. big bottle. NOTICE Live Hogs Wasted at the Exeter Packing House SPARE RIBS ETC. As we are cutting up hogs every day -we will have a large supply of Spare ribs, Tenderloin, Roast Pork, Head Cheese, Fresh Pork Sansague, Balogna Cuttings, Pigs Feet, and Shanks, at lowest price for cash. LARD. As we are rendering pure fresh lard every day we are prepared to fill pails or crocks at a low price, Parties want- ing fresh and good lard should call at THE' EXETER PACKING HOUSE C. SNELL, - Prop. A BELIM 4 THE WOMAN'S FRIEND Has cured others! Will cure you /ask your Druggist for Mabeline MA.BELTNE is a -positive cure for all uterine, troubles. It is not necessary to en urn crate them here. It is -the general cus- tom in describing a remedy to fill the ad- vertisingmeclium with a i medical treatise describing, in a highly colored manner, symptoms and forms of disease, seientifnc•al- ly, and in such a way as to involve the read- er in a maze of theory and speculation, We avoid all this sensational way of advertis- ing. If you are sick itis presumed that you know ofthe flet and can form some idea of what your ailment is, and we can only ad- vise you generally. MABuLINel is vegetable compound and cannot injure the most delicate and can be used with perfect safety, MABELINE is placed in capsules and they aro applied directly to the diseased parts. - Full directions, how to apply on every box. Send $1 for one month's treatment. a capsules -t inr a box. Whypaythree dollars for any other remedy whenyoucan buy Mabeline for ono dollar? Address all communications to THE SALU FINE CO. Box 230, Windsor, Ont. WOE OU ';T ® Break Up a Cold in BY USING PYNY-PECTORAL SHOULD TAKE PENNYROYAL WAFERS To correctirregularity end wcalaxess, keep the or^sn3t nbeelthy condition. Thu Rnterrtre Lltntiavcra'toioro•womm,, aid ,,nu•efnl devrlepment provide psin- mess, ,egu"rr periods. Ask for as nee reit rood b. All ,t•n-_irrs ell them aril per box. Nobettsrinmredyforwomenrmown. Time The Quick Cure for COUGHS, COLDS, CROUP, BRON- CHITIS, HOARSENESS, etc. MRs. JOSEPH NoRWreg, of 68 Soraurea Ave., Toronto, writes:. "PynyPectoral has never failed to cure my children of croup after a few doses. It cured myself ore long-standing cough after several other remedies bad failed. It has also proved an excellent cough cure far my family. I prefer it to any other medicine for coughs, croup or hoarseness" H. 0. BARBOUR, of Little Rocher, N.)3„ writes : "As a cure for coughs PvnyPectoral is the hest selling medicine Ibave; my cue. tumors will havens other." Large Bottle, 25 Cts. DAVIS & LAWRENCE CO., LTD. Proprietors, MONTREAL Know WJ :at You Chew free from m th e injurious co or ni!. The more you use of it the better you like it Till e3ZO. k. TUCKETT 6, SON C0., LTO., HAMILTON OMT. EXETER MARKETS. (Changed every Wednesday) •Wheat per bushel. . $0.713 to Ila rl ey 28 tO `53 (bats r2to 2 8 Peas 45 to Tetotflutter i s'tq'o -94 oeapoxbag Hey per ton ..,.,.., ..,., illillitolt,•00. 'rurlr.uys per lb, 613 t6 > Geese . 4 4tu t, Ducks 6565 fi Chicken. Pouh' CUTTER & FIT -1 -Er A.J.S `:ELL MERCHANT TAILOR, Main St,, - - - Exeter. Tweeds and Worsteds. I have a complete line of samples of all the latest designs and patterns in English, Scotch, Canad- ian and American Tweeds, Trouserings, Suitings, Coating;. s9„3 SNELL GIBLEY & SRL., Are showing special line for the next two weeks in PARLOR TABLES, CURTAIN POLES, AND PICTURE BOU .. IalS, j S. GIDLEY SON, e rani/fort. Bicc1 e ODD FELLOW'S /101 IS HANDLED irs PERKINS AND MARTIN, AGENTS FOR BICYCLES, SEWING MACHINES ORGANS, ETC. The Brantford won -239 first prizes, -143 second " 88 third 'i and holds d nearly y evexy Championship from We Atlantic to the Pacific - Perkins & Martin. CENTRAL . . DRUG STORE Those who have Used Winan's Cough balsam pro- nounce it unequalled as a remedy for coughs, colds and bronchitis troubles. Winan's condition and. cough powders for heroes the best in the markt, .'- ways on hand; also .Rett - benefacto and Liniment,the medicine so successfully used by Mr. Chas, Munroe, Parkhill, in this and other towns, in treating and uu ing various diseases. Foe sale here, - C- LUTZ, Druid„ FOR TWENTY-SIX YE . DUNN'S BAKING POWDER HE T` T COOKSBES FRIEND LARGEST SALE IN GAiI D.Dy.