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Tlitt4$1)A1) FRP, 27, 1896,
The Week% COmMereial Summary.
Sixty-seven failures are reported in the
Dominion last week, sisteeu more than
the corresponding week last year.
While British and United States wheat
Markets have declined lately, there is no
apparent weakness in, Ontario. Receipts
oontinue very light.
The stocks of wheat at Port &their
and Fort 'William are 8,281,586 bushels,
as a.gainst 3,266,627 a weekago, and. 719,-
783 bushels a year ago.
The gola in the United States Treasury i
as been increased. from $46,000,000 to
$52,700,000 within the past few days,
owing to payments for bonds.
There is little or no change in domestic
aaan.ey markets. Call loans are quoted
at 5 1-2 ger cent., and prime commercial
paper is discounted at 6 to 7 per cent.
The following additions have been,
made to the list of money order offices in
the 1)ominion : Province of Ontario--
Bloonafield, County Prince Edward ;
Brooksdale, Connty- Oxford; Copper Cliff,
laistricit of Algoma ; Marysville, County
Hastings ; Niagara Falls Centre, County
Welland; Tory Hill, Peterboroa
There is no change of a satisfactory
nature to importin we business situa-
lion. throughout the 'Canted States, as
presented to us iu the teleoorapbed reports
froxxi the two principal mercantile
agencies of New York. '1 rade is reported
as 'not up to antivipations," and tts
rule anticipatioas were wt leap. IiI a
few cities East and Wese there it, a slioht
improvement, but this is more than offeet
by the same tale of dulness told or other
Ilisbricts. Only in a few minor staples
are prices quotablybigher. lead weather
and bad roads are held accountable for
much of the prevalent, depression. The
total bank clearings are smaller, and
Tates for money coutinne high. Lower
pric s are recorded iter articles of general
consumption., seen, as corn, wheat ant
live stock gen.erally; eaten. steel and
iron are also weaker. Con merelal fail -
'ores for the week in the 'United States
amountea to 821, against 270 for the cola
respondiug week oi lest year.
Free •and easy expectoration immedi-
ately relieves and trees the throat ana
langs from visciataneem, and a medicine
that pacanotes this is tbe best medicine
too use for couens, celds. in:lamination
of the lungs aied, all aeeeti-ne of the
throat and cheet. I his is precisely what
Biekle's Anti -Consumptive Syrup is a
specific for, and wharevet used it has
given un.bounded setisfaction(althea
like it le:cause it le pleasant. adults like
it because it relieves and cures the disease.
Here and There.
"Don't society people need. saving?"
ineuired an exchange. Yes. indeed,
some of them very -badly. Bat they
must repent.
Censidering that February has but
twenty-nine days, she does pretty well to
*rostra in five Saturdays. But lots of
strange things happen in a leap year..
— —
A_ New York retper announces that
Mrs. Frank Leslie will try a third or
fourth term. Marriage is not a bad.
habit unless it is indulged in to excess.
A Boston man was drowned the other
elay while trying to walk on the water.
'What a foolisb thing to sacrifice his life
for a trick that is at least 1,8JJ years old?
A Kentucky woman who is the mother
of twenty-one children. is suing for di-
-Tome. It has taken her quite a while to
old out that she married the wrong man.
Professor Garner thinks he can teach
monkeys to write and read One of these
days we may have a scientific review of
Darevimes Origin of Species" by one of
the species.
On a wager a West Virginia man in
ten days drank a miler: of alcohol, two
gallons of hard enier, seven quarts of
whiskey and six 1 ottles of gm. That's
all—he ever will drink.
At last we are hegioning to understand
-the wonderful nerve of Napoleon.. It has
been discovered that in his early days he
-was the agent for a publishing house
that delivered on: the instalment plan.
the public would probably be indig-
nant at the rise in anthraeite prices -if
it hadn't become so used to that sort of
thina. People got tired after a while itt
kicking against extortions when they
knew that they were simply kicking for
"Life near Havana," observes the Bos-
ton Journal, "is growing interesting.
Think of a railroad train -quietly vanish-
ing!" Well, there is nothing particular-
ly, astonishi ere about arailroad train:ven-
ial-ling, Thousands of ,people witness
such. a sight every day,
HOW'S This:
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward
for any ease of Catarrh that can no be
oaired. by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY Se Co., Props., Toledo, 0.
We, the undersigned, have known F. J.
Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe
hint perfectly honorable in all businese
transactions and. financially able to oay
out any obligations made by their Bain.
West &Truax, Wholeeale Druggists, To-
ledo 0., Weeding,. Kinnan .Se Marvin,
' Nalihesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio.
• ITalles Catarrh Cure is taken internally,
acting directly upon the blood and rate
cons surfaces of the system. Price, 75c.
per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Testi-
monials free.
You cannot depredate a gold. dollar
abroad by driving a tenpenny nail
through it," declares a Boston peper.
People who are expecting to go abroad for
the purpose oe depreciating gold dollars
by driving teupenny nails through them
should Vete this in their hats.
Advice to a Tramp.
"1 CiOnthkilOW Whitt to say, enadane, itt
return for yotir kindness in giving me
tliis beeakfast." ,
L' Say nothing and saw vio7a."
Canal' y.
Peter—Pa, -what's a Patriarchs' ball?
Pa (absently)—Whiskey and seltzer,
Tao einoortant Events in a Eew Words Ivor
Easy iteaderi.
Coupterfeit half -dollars are oiroulating
io Halifax.
Evangelists Hunter apd Crossley •baVe
left Halifax for Bermuda,
The Canadian Kennel Club has decided
to abolish the ()rapping of dogs' eters.
Chatham's totat expenditure for the
past year was V75,861, nearly $1,000 over
the estimates.
There are over 50 applicants for the
position of superintendent of the General
Hospital at Kingston.
Adolphus D. 'Cello arid George Urlin,
his son, were acquitted of the charge of
arson at the St. Thomas Assizes.
William Adair, of Strathroy, has been
sentenced to three years in the peniten-
tiary for assaulting Mrs. Baker.
Busy *Prank Carrell is laying plans to
seoure the 1897 meet of the Canadian
Wheelmen's Association for Quebec.
Mr. Arthur Piers, of Montreal, has
been appointed superintendent of the
Canadian Pacific lines of steamships.
The Rev. Wellington Jeffers D.D., of
Belleville, a retirea 'Methodist minister,
died on Monday at his home in Belleville,
The Hamilton Connote has passed a by-
law authorizing the eriyment of the 610,•
000 bonus to the Hamilton Iron and Steal
Mr. John Read, the well-known Mon-
treal literatenr, has been elected a Fellow
of the Royal Society of Literature of
Great Britain.
Dr. Thomas W. Reade, a well-known
practising physician of Niagara Falls,
Ont., died Mails home on Monday lase
aged, 45 years.
Ice in the Niagara river so blocked the
flow of water that people could abnost
walk from the American side to Goat
Island dryshod.
City Enigneer Haskins, of Hamilton,
says it will cost $41,900 to divert the
Wentworth street sewer to Ferguson
avenue, as proposed.
Lieut. -Col. Hughes and a party of
prominent Montrealers have been indict-
ed for bounding deer in La Minerve
Township Que., in October last.
The Hamilton Council, by a vote of 14
to 6, has refused to entertain the petition
asking for a reduction of the number of
liquor licenses from 75 to 50.
The trial of the Essex poisoning case,
in which Mrs. Harriet Nolan is charged
with poisoning her husband, will not
take place until September.
The Ottawa Trades and Labor Council
has decided to send a deputation to the
Dominion Government to ask that eiaht
hours be a day's work on all Government
An investigation by Judge Johnston
of Algoma into matters connected vvith
tbe seizure of the fishing tugs of the
Noble Bros. will begin at Collingwood on
Feb. ea.
Mr. F. N. McGuigan, fomerly of the
Wabash railway, has been appointed
general superintendent of the Grand
Trunk railway in succession to Mr.James
A. sclieme is afoot in Toronto to form a
Canadian bicycle racing circuit. The
arrangement is to give each club 25 per
cent. of the gate -receipts, the manage-
ment to pay all expenses.
The Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen
has appealed to the Minister of Justice to
remit the $20 ilne imposed upon its offic-
ers by Police Magistrate jelfs at Hamil-
ton for a violation of the insurance act.
C .W. Bowman, reeve of Southampton,
has been unseated for having had. a con-
tract with the municipality. The seat
has been given to A. E. Belcher, the
former's opponent.
St. Thomas, Ont., cannot raise -the money
necessary to enter the Canadian Amateur
Baseball League, and it is suggested that
Stratford be substituted, the league to
comprise Guelph, London, Galt, Toronto
and Stratford..
IThe gross vestal revenue last year in in
Montreal was only $317,291, while
Toronto it was 3370,261. The former
. city has 203 employes, of whom 98 are
' letter carriers, and Toronto 224, of whom
" 134 are carriers.
The Don Rowing Club, of Toronto, has
lost the services of Lou Kennedy, who
stroked in the interniediate and senior
' champion four -oared crew last year. He
has gone to seek a fortune in the mines
of Cripple Creek, Col.
Lord Redd°, eldest son of Els Excel-
lency the Earl of Aberdeen, has taken up
his residence in Montreal with the Rev.
Dr. Barolay, at St. Panne manse, that he
may go through a comes of study at Mc-
Gill University,for the rest of the winter.
At a convention of the Independence of
Canada party, beld at Windsor, Ont., on
Saturday, Mayor Mason, of that city, was
chosen as the candidate of the party in
North Essex, for the Dominion parlia-
ment, and Mr. Antoine Lafferty for the
Ontario Legislature.
Miss Jean W. Barr, correspondent of
the Windsor (Ont.) ,Record, is a new face
in the press gallery of the Ontario Legis-
lature. Miss Barr belongs to a literary
family, being the sister of Robert Barr
(Luke Sharp), and of James Barr
(Angus Evan A bott),well known writers.
Premier Greenway, of Manitoba, will
shortly 3nake a formal demand upon the
Dominion Government for the S253,000
which the Manitona Governinent claims
Is due to the province, arid wince amount
has been held back for years as a subject
of dispute between the Dominion and
the province.
The Canadian Horse Show at the To-
ronto Armories will be held on April 15,
16, 17 and 18. A prize of $50 will be
offered for the most artistic design for a
pester advertising the show. Ropert
Davies is ohairrnan of the executive and
Remy Wade and Stewart Houston joint
Algonquin Park supplies many curios-
ities to the Crown Lands Department.
This week a grand specimen of moose
antlers arrived with the bones of two
giant bull moose. The horns are locked
together, and tell a story of a desperate
duel in the bosh, resulting ba a double
death. The horns will be given a place
of honor in Sir Oliver Mowat's castle.
Ottawa is to have a curling bonspiel
before the end of the month. Tim local
curlers have agreed to a proposal frera
those of the Petethero' district, including
the club of Cobourg, Port Elope and
Lindsay, for a 15 or 20 -rink bonspiel with
the curlers of the Ottawa district on the
day the Peterboro' hookeyists ere to be in
Ottawa. It will be a half iron, half
granite ganae.
inning January the deposits in the
Dominion Government Savings Baoks
aggregated $286,254, and the withdrawals
$918.854. The balance at the end of the
month to the credit of the depositors was
$17, 263, 835.
Hamilton pollee have arrested two men
suspected of the robbery of Mr. Gainey.
The prisoners are Mark Tompkins and
Michael Horn, Over $400 was found in
the house where Horn was arrested, whioh
Is kept by a man named Lyons.
Mr. }leery Price, of Louth township,
near Jordan, Ont., died on Friday after-
noon, aged 75. About ten days ago Ma
Price commenced to bleed at the nose,
and, as nothing could be done to stop the
flow, he died from loss of blood.
Arrangements laave been completed be-
tsvesn elm lelootreal, Ottawa and Toronto
amateur athletic associations for the
formation of an amateur laerosse league
for the coining season. The Capitals of
Ottawa ante Sbamrocks of Montreal are
exchicioa and natty form a separate league
witb Cornwall. unless that town goes in
with the three first nanaecl organizations.
Shortly after two o'clock Friday after-
noon Ala John Conley, a clerk in the
office of the Tuchott Manufacturing Co.,
of Hamilton, Ont,, was assaulted by two
men when within a block of the faetory.
One knocked him senseless with a club,
and. the other grabbed a satchel contain-
ing 81,150. The assault was witnessed
from a distance by several people, but
the eighwaymen made good their esoape.
St. John's R. C. church in Cleveland is
considering a proposal to charge ten cents
admission to the edifice on Sunday.
A St. Paul, Minn., despatoh says a
tremendous shake up among the Great
Northern railway °flit:leis is expected.
;Terry Scott. colored, was sentenced at
Jackson, Mich., to the penitenitary for life
for beating to death his seven-year-old
Chicaeo and the Vilest get lint a little
over three millions of the new United
States loan, while New England gets
nine millions.
Senator Quay has consented to have
his name go before the Republican con-
vention as a candidate for the United
States presidenoy.
A niovement is on foot in New Yorr to
secure the pardon and release of John Y.
McKane, the Gravesend forger and Coney
Island boss, who is reported to be ill in
Sing Sing.
Thomas A. Edison, the inventor at
Orange, N. J, said he would not be sur-
prised if the new process of photography
snould yet be found able to kill bacteria
in the human system.
Col. John A.eCockerill, tbe New York
Herald representative in the far East. has
been decorated by the linked° with the
third order of the Sacred Treasure, a dis-
tinction seldom conferred on foreigners.
Dyspepsia and. Indigestion.—C. W.
Snow & Co.' Syracuse, N.Y., writes :
"Please sendus ten gross of Pills. We
are selling more of Pirmelee's Pills than
any other Pill -we keep. They have a
great reputatien for the cure of Dyspepsia
and Liver. Complaint." Mr. Chas A.
Smith, Lindsay, writes: "Parmelee's
Pills are an exeellent medicine. My sister
has been troubled with -severe headache,
but these pills have cured. her."
The French Chamber of Deputies has
passed a vote of confidence in the Minis-
try by 326 to 43.
A report by way of Siberia states that
Dr. Nansen reached the 'North Pole and
is now on his return journey.
The London Standard announces that
Sir Jula.n Millais will succeed the late
Lord Leighton as president of the Royal
Ms stated in Irish circles that Mr.
John Dillon seems to be the only alterna-
tive to Mr. Sexton for the leadership of
the Irish party.
The ease of Mrs. joseph Raynor, of
Oakville, who was sentenced by Police
Magistrate Denison, of Toronto on Tues-
day to thirty days in jail for taking
thirty-five cents' worth of goods from the
store of the John Eaton Co., has been
brougbt to the attention of Minister of
Justice Dickey. It is contended tbat the
case is one of omission to pay rather
than theft, and there is a probability of
the Vona a o's release.
Dyspepsia ot Indigestion is occasioned
by want of action in, the binary duces,
loss of vitality in the stomach to secrete
the gastrie juices, without which diges-
tion cannot go on; also, being the princi-
pal cause of Headache. Parmelee's Vege-
table Pills taken before going to bed, for
a while, never fail to give relief andeffect
a cure, kir. F. W. Aeliclowu, Ashdown,
Ont,, writes; " Parmelee's bills are tak-
ing the load against ten other makes
which I have in store,"
Mayor Pingree, of Detroit, is a candid-
ate for Governor of Miohigan.
Theodore Durrant has been given an-
other respite at San Francisco for twenty
Ogdensburg, N.Y., police have been in-
structed to arrest all boys under 16 found
smoking cigarettes.
Grant Atterbury, charged with crimin-
ally assaulting, a woman. was lynolied by
a mob at Sullivan, 111.
Gen. Edger B. Jewett-, Mayor of Buffalo,
is spoken of as a probable candidate for
Governor of New York State.
A correspondent of the New York Sun
in London says that Mr. Gladstone will
probably re-enter parliament evith the ob-
ject of securing an effective action for
the protection of the Armenians.
The Brisbane river at Brisbane Is great-
ly swollen, owing to the recent floods,
and while a small steamer was crossing
with about eighty passengers she capsized,
and only forey peesons were saved.
Sir William Harcourt stated in the
British Corunions that nothing had oc-
curred to altca the home rule policy of
the Opposition, and they continued to
adhere thereto as they had recently.
The rebels in Corea have killed a small
party of Japanese who were engaged in
protecting the telegraph. The Russians
have 'landed one hundred men and a gun
at Chemulpo, and trouble is imminent.
Despatchee from Seoul, Corea, say a
revolt took place tbere during which the
Prime Minister and seven other officials
were murdered, The King and the Crdwn
Prince were compelled to take refuge in
the Russian Legation.
In the German Reichstag, Herr Bebel,
Socialist, eonderened the congratulatory
telegram sent by the Emperor to Presi-
dent Kruger or the South African Repub-
lic, which, be field, had justly aroused the
indignation of England.
The Government of Venezuela has
notified United. States Secretary Olney
that it will at an early date furnish tee
Venezuela Commission with all the in-
formation in its possession touching the
location of the boundary line.
A Benton Where Men and Women Wear
Next to Nothing.
Copt Robt, B. b,oliy, formerly a ship-
master be the servico of the Clyde Line,
has just returned with Mrs. Kelly from
Venezuela, where for twenty-one months
he has been engaged in mining pitch in
Pitch Lake, near the coast. The lake, 1
which is six nines long, is nothing but
pitch, Capt. Kelly says. The blocks are
cut out of the lake just as ioe is cut '
from the Hutleon.
"They are then carried on the backs of
natives to a railway end shipped to the
nearest seaport, six miles distant. The
pitch is sent north and ultimately, con-
verted into pavements. A few hours
after the blocks have been out out the
holes close up and present an even sur-
face. 1
"The 150 miners at the lake, who are
Indians, Spaniards and negroee. wear no
clothes to speak of. 'When the tempera-
ture gets down to seventy degrees they
shiver. The W0111011 in the vicinity of
the lake are clad just as lightly, with
only a bandage about the hips. When
my wife iirst went to Venezuela the
women flocked from miles around to
gaze at a woman who was fully clad. I
"rhe forest trees keep out the fresh air
and the lake glows like a furpace. The
miners have to keep :weeding as tee pitch
softens or they would get Muck itt the
"Oa all sides are scorpionsnarantulas,
snakes, lizards, centipedes and other in-
teresting things. The flies are of the
size of cherries and they will bite iron.
Boa -constrictors are over twenty feet
long, and there are all sorts of queer
for -footed beasts."
The Captain mad Mrs. Kelly expect to
reourn to Venezuela in the spring.
Was It Telepathy?
"A strange ease of telepathy came
under my observation recently." said a
well-known telegrapher to a group of
listeners at the Planters' the other day.
"Some years ago there lived in the city
an operator and newspaperman named
Johnstone, who met with an accident
Shat disabled him from work for some
months. Nob being very well fixed linen-
oially,his little savings were soon exhaust-
ed in meeting current expenses and pay-
ing dootor'S Wile, until at last he did not •
have a cent in the world, and was not yet
strong enough to hustle for a living.
In this extremity Johnstone approaehed
an acquaintance ante told him the situa-
tion, and asked for a loan until he could
get on his feet again. This was some
six or seven years ago. May, the man
approached by Johnstone, advanced suffi-
cient money to pay outstanding claims
and tide over for a few days,until he could.
look around and find something to do.
This was the last seen of Johnstone in St. I
Loui ; he disappeared as completely as
though swallowed up in the earth, none
of his former aoquaintancee knowing
what had become of him.
"Now comes the strange part of this
story. Monday, December 30, lase, I met
May on the street, and during the course
or conversation he casually inquired for
Jobnstone, asked if I koew whoa had be-
come of him, saying that he could not get
hirn out of his head—had been thinking
of bim all day. I leplied that I did not
know whether he was living or dead,
had not heard anything about him sinoe
he disappeared from Si. Louis some six
years ago. May then related his finanoial
dealings with Johnstone, and we parted.
"New Year's evening a letter was re-
ceived by May postmarked at a small
town in Colorado, mitten by Johnstone,
and containing an express money order for
the full amount of the claim. The letter
was dated December 30, the very day May
had made inquiry of me ?is to whether I
knew anything about Jonastone, whether
he was alive or dead, How do I account
for it? I don't try to explain it. It hi
too much for me."
Preventing Lightning,
The loss of a barn and all the season's
crop and frequently, portions if not all of
the live stook therein,
has become so com-
mon of late years, that it forms one of the
most serious drawbacks to tanning ill
some sections. We notice records of
Efteen barns burnt in three Pennsylvania
counties during a late storm. We suggest
that an investigation be made as to the
proportion of barns actually destroyed in
this way, which were supplied with a
properly constructed lightning conductor,
passed sufficiently deep in a moist subsoil,
and kept moist by watering, especially
before a storm in times of drouth. It is
seldom one hears of the dwelling house
being struek ; it is the barn and this is
tor than the house.
more frequently supplied with a conduo-ISIDENCGENERAL HARRISON ON THE PRE-
The Symptoms of Kidney Disease The
Medicine That Always Cures Dodd's
A grateful old farmer who had been
camel at a hopeless stage of diabetes said:
"People ought to buy Dodd's Kidney
Pills the same as groceries, and never be
without them in the house."
The moment any ot the symptoms of
kidney disorders are felt, such as chills,
fevers, creeping sensations, backaches,
headaches, eta, then you ought to take a
few doses of Dodd's Kidney Pills.
They are so much like the stitch in
It is wonderful how like a "shoulder to
the wheel" they are for tired kidneys.
Except sitting in a draught, over -eating
and over drinking has more to do with
poor kidney work than any other cause.
Then Dodd's Kidney Pills affect us
like forgiving our trespasses.
What s the cause of sallow,sickly skin,
nervousness. depression lack of ambi-
tion, hysteria, sleepla4sness, Bright's
disease, diabetes, paralysis, female
The plain unvarnished truth is, the
kidneys are failing or have failed to do
blood filtering work. They want the help,
the eleansing thee only one medicine in
the world can give, that is, Dodd's Kid-
ney Pills.
A Little Indifferent.
Hey diddle diddle, a man with a fiddle,
Hays out in the light of the moon.
The little dog laughs to see such sport,
And has a mouth full of " pants"
pretty soon.
Try would be a gross injustice
to confound that standard healing agent
—Dr. Thomas' Eclectrie Oil—with the
ordinary unguents, lotions and. salves.
They are oftentimes infia.mmatory and
astringent. This Oii is, on the contrary,
eminently cooling and soothing when
applied externally to relieve pain, and
powerfully remedial when swallowed,
.A Valuable Number.
The Youth's Companion of February
18th publishes an unusually valuable
article for young men, by the Lord, Chief
Justice of England, on "The Bar as it
Profeasion." Sound advice, taken from
a long and. varied. exaerience, and. wise
encouragement are given to young and
prospective lawyers. It is as readable as
a story, yet will bear careful study.
Of eloquenceLord. Russell says "The
desirable thing is to have something to
say; and as to the manner of saying it,
Daniel Webster spoke truly in his cele-
brated oration itt honor of john Adams
when he said, "Clearness, force and
earnestness are the qualities which pro-
duce conviction.'" Regarding the neces-
sary qualificatious for mw: "Love of
the preaession for its own sake, and
physical health to endure its trials, clear-
headed common sense and ability to wait
are the main considerations to be taken
into account in determining it choice of
the bar as aprofession. If the youthful
aspirant possesses these, success is, hu-
manly speaking, certain. The lawyer
must remember that while he is fighting
for the interests of his client, there are
greater interests even than these,. the in-
terests of truth and honor; and he must
never forget, as Sir Alexander Cockburn
well expressed it, "that in the battle his
weapon must always be the sword of the
soldier and never the dagger of the as-
sassinr Il
For e next issue of The Companion,
the Washington BirthdayNumber Jus-
tice Oliver Wendell Holmes, the able in-
heritor of a great name, has written an
interesting supplement to Lord Russell's
article, presenting the subject from an
American point -Of view. Appended to
the article are a brief rejoinder by Lord.
Russell and a final comment by Mr. Jus-
tice Holmes.
Each issue of The Companion contains
one or more articles of exceptional value,
written by the ablest men and women of
the age.
No Tails.
Cobble—Do you wear a clawhammer
when you call on Miss Reclbud ?
Stone—No, a Tuxedo. The change
was made after I had been introduced to
her father's dog.
In narrow valleys in the mountainous
regions of the country, farm buildings
are seldom struck, the proximity of
timber affording superior attraction, es-
pecially with •respeot to certalp groups of
trees. It has been suggested that trees
about the homestead, if supplied with
conductors, would be a inuch better safe-
guard. The U S. weather bureau bas
done some useful work in studying
lightning, but there is room for further
observation and experiment,—,Arnerican
Fancy work.
The woman of to -day is the nearest
approach to perpetual motion that the
centuries have thus far evolved. In addi-
tion to taking on all manner of new at-
tributes, she manages every little while
to revive some old interest in which her
grandmothers excelled when life was as
simple as rushaights and rag carpets.
Just now it is needle work, Fancy work,
scecalled, ran itself into the ground a few
years ago. So mudh of it was devoid of
all fancy, and so hopelessly inartistic and
senseless, that there was a revulsion of
feeling against the enitre kit and boodle
of notions with wheal women had been
employing their fingers in odd minutes.
When the athletic fever was first epidemic
among women, fancy work was scorned
and scoffed out of sight. A good deal of
it will never come back. The tidies that
protected nothing, the bows that tied
nothing to parcelain, the painted placques
that.produced worse shivers than tea -store
prize chromes, they are gone, even from
the backwoods, where the women are
learning that decorated kitchen utensils
and "throws" are no better than worsted
flowers and hair wreaths.
"Yes," said Mr. Cash Byrnes to bis
boon companion. "I went to see Uncle,
Bill, and as soou as,I stepped in he said:
'I can see by the looks of you what you
want. You want to borrow a (topple of
dollars,' then he pulled them out of his
pocket and handed them tome."
"Liberal old ohappie," remarked the
friend, enviously.
"Liberal? 1 was just about to touch
him for $20, and he as good as knew it."
The Ex -President Thinks a chief Magis-
trate Should Not be Eligible to Be -Elec-
Ex -President Benjamin. Harrison will
discuss "The Presidential Office" very
comprehensively in his This Country of
Ours" series, in theforthconaing February
Ladies' Home Journal. He well detailthe
provisions and methods of electing a,
Chief Magistrate, and will have much to
say bearmgnpon the eligibility of a Presi-
dent for re-election; will give his views
as to the length of the Presidential term,
and express rather decided opinions rela-
tive to the annoyance to which Presidents
are subjected. Irmo office seekers. The
article is practical, based upon experience
and observation, and is very timely.
General Harrison belieyes that the fears
(expressed by the framers of °lir Constitu-
tion) that the power of the office is such
as to enable an arabibious incumbent to
secure an indefinite succession of terms
have never beep. realized. "In practice
the popular opinion has limited the eligi-
bility of the President to one re-election.
But some of our leaden g and most thought-
ful public men have challanged the wise
doin of the four-year term, and have ad-
vocated six years, usually accompanied
with a prohibition of a second term. And
unless some method can be devised by
which a less coosiderable part of the four
year term must be giveu to bearing ap-
plicants for office and to malting appoint-
ments, it would be wise to give the Presi-
lent, by extending the time, a better
:halite to show what he can do for tlie
3ountry. It must be admitted, also, that
ineligibility to a second term will give to
the Executive aetion greater independ-
ence. It seems unlikely-, however, that
any change in the Presidential term will
be made -melees some unexpected event
Mould stir into action a thought that is
aow of a theoretical rather than a preen -
:al cast."
Some specimens of medimval helmets,
at least eleven pounds in weight, are pre-
served in. the European' museu ms,
Worms cause eeverishnessr moaning
tnd restlessness during sleep, Mother
graves' Worm Exterminator is pleasant,
lure and effectual, If your druggist has
none in stock, get him to procure it for
Finer Than Silk.
Whenever a inan is thoroughly con-
tented with himeelf and is able to take
all the real -pleasure out of life that there.
may bain it, and wishes to impress peo-
ple with the fact, he is apt to convey his
impressions most effectively by an apt,
comparison. So, when a man who has
for the best years of his life been au ab-
ject slave to the appetite for whiskey
writes to his friends that he feels " finer
than silk" you may be certain that,
something wonderful. and 'little short of
miraculous hes happened to that man.
Yet that is what a resident of Belleville
has just written. to the management on
Lakehurst Imstitute, Oakville, and thee
something wonderful and little short of
miraculous whieh happened. 'to him was
a COMBO of the Dupla° Chloride of Gold
treatment at this famous Insbitatiou
some Beteen months ago. There aro
hundreds of them, all feeling "finer than
silk" now, thanks to their Oakville ex -
parlance. There are thousands still whoa
might leave all their troubles at Oakyille,
if they could only know it. 'Don't be a
martyr to tbis appetite any longer. This
treatmeot is what yoa require to make
you feel " finer than silk." Toronto
office, 28 Ban,k of Commerce Building,.
Stylish fur capes just covering ther
shoulders have stole fronts nearly reach-
ing the feeb.
Sold Only in Lead Packets.1
LAW, Solicitor in Supreme Court of Can.
aria. Money to loan. Offices -28-80 Toronto
street, Toronto.
That Raise Money
Largest and most complete
Good Seeds, Pretty Flowers, and
Farm Requisites issued
in Canada
The Steele, Briggs Seed Co.
Ore of Life
Found at Last. ;
Vitro -Oro is very properly called Oro of
Life. It was discovered by Professor Theo.
Noel. of Chicago, Geologist.
This ore makes an elixir which Is Icrituro'o
Great Remedy for the cure of human ills.
It will reach the Miles of human dIseaSes when
drugs and doctors' nostrums fnil. It is nature's
great restorative, to which nothing Is added.
It is pure, as it comes from nature's laboratory,
Sold only on dweet, .wders or through local or
general agents. Prive 81 a package, or threw
f or $i).50. -Sent prepaid to any part of the globe'
on receipt of prIce. Send for ctreulars and bulk
partieulars to Vitm•Ore Dena, 210 Adelaide
street west, Toronto. 3, JOHNSTON, Denerai
dimensIone outside 37 1-2 x 30 3-4 x
2 a 4 ; inside, 18x 15 8-6 x 23; combiaaa
tion lock, two cesh drawers, one irou.
box; good seeondehand coedition.
TWO Sok001S Under Ono management.,
ceArritac /
Unquestionably the leading Cemmerciat
Soh cads of the Dominion; advantages best
in Canada: moderate rates; students mag
enter at any time, Write to either school fOt
eirculars and mention this paper.
SflAW & ELLIOTT, Principals.
We wish to thank our thousands of customer
for the liberal support they have given us O5
the year just closed, and solicit a continuance.
of their orders for the year Mil. 'Four inter*
is our lint object, and to supply you witik
goods, better in quality and lower in price think
you can purchase elsewhere. If _you have not.
our price list, mall us a postal card and receivs.
one by return mail,
Wholesale Grocer,.
57 Front Street East, Toronto..
may mean anything
are definite articles:
, Ask your Groner
for them.
Order Tour Supplies of
from us. We supply lour grades, suit-
able for all classes of machinery. Every- •
thing in above lines at Manufacturers'
First Cost Prices,
Lowest Prices for Cash.
44 Bay Street, Toronto,
T. N. U.
for e young mar...sr roman forth,
naesesticv:Iditu;lcs oclnfi iifym
The NO thern susii
educatt required to enter. Stedents admitted an,
Ai ?Leming, Prinapee omen Sound. Ont.