HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1896-2-20, Page 5THE
052etttr Zworatt,
Is published every Thursday Morning;
at the Meet
-ay the -
One Dollar per annum if paid in Advance
9li1.5O if not ,mo paid.
,E..d.zrertapiag Rateson Spyolica,-
No paper discontinued until all arrearages
age paid. Advertisements without specific
directions will be published till forbid anti
charged accordingly. Liberal discount made
for transcient advertisements inserted for
long periods. Every description of JOB
• PRI,N TING turned out in the finest style,
and at moderate rates. Cheques, money ord.
era. &c, for advertising, snbseripti ons, ete • t o
be'made pavuhie to
Chas.11. Sanders
Professional Cards.
IL KINSMAN, L. D. S, Fanson's Block
two doors north of Carling Store
AWN' ST, EXETER, extracts tooth
Without pain. Away at Parkhill every
Tuesday, Lucan every Wedu'esday and at
Zurich on last Thursday of each month
honors Graduate of the Toronto Una
rsity and Royal College of Dental Surgeons
of Ontario. Teeth extracted without path.
A111 modes of Dentistry up to date. Office
over Elliot & Elliot's law office -opposite
Central Hotel -Exeter,
D has moved one door south.
itesidonees, same as formerly
OFFICES, Spaoltrnas,, building, Main St.
Dr, Rollins' office; same as formerly -north
door, Dr. Amos' office, same building -south
door. May 1st. 1501
• A 11011108, M. 1). T. A. Amos, M. D
the College of Physicians and Surgeons
Ontario. Physician, Surgeon and A,coogoh-
•Ar, Office, Dashwood, Ont.`
,. r inary Surgeon. Graduate To-
residen etat the old stand, Gone block
Eget E. J. Speakman's Store. Deltorning a
ISa. OR, Conveyancer, Notary Public.
Office -Over O'Ncil's Bank, Exeter, Ontario.
Money to Loan.
of Supreme Court, Notary Public, Con-
veyanaer, Commissioner, &c.Money to loan
Office-Fanson's Block, Exeter
Convova'rciog, and Money ,to Loan at
Lowest Rates of Interest. Branch office at
Hensel' every rlrursday.
Auct io n e ens
11 BROWN, Winchelsea, Licensed A'unt-
'. I • ioneer for the Counties of Perth and
Middlesex, also for the township ofllsborrre
Sales promptly attended to and terms roe-
sonba,lo,Sales arranged. at Post office, Win-
TORN T. WESTCO'TT, Exeter, Ontario,
C► Auctioneer for the County of Huron.
Special attention given to farms and farm
stock sales. Charges In oaertate. Parties
oonteniplating having sales this Fall should
give him a trial. For further partieulers,
apply by letter to Exeter P. 0. Orders left at
the ADVOCATE Offioo, Exeter, will receive
prompt attention.
retRED. `l'. TARN CO3I,B, Provincial Land
1' Surveyor and Civil Engineer, Office,
Over Post Office, Main street. Exeter, Ont.
Insurance Agent,
Main St.
Anchor, Allan, Allan State, Dominion,
American, WhiteSear, and Clyde Lines
to England, trete ed, Scotland, Germany,
Franc . Cape Colony, Australia and
New Zealand.
Prepaid tickets issued to parties
wishing to send for their friends.
Lancashire, London and Lancashire,
Northern, North British ani? Mercantile,
and Perth Mutual Fire Insurance Co's.
London and Lancashire Life Insur, Co.
London Guarantee and Accident Co
LOWEST RATES. Cant. Geo. h ennp
The Same
Old Story.
Every week we continue to tell
you the same old story of the ex •
celleuce of our goods and fits.
Its an old story perhaps—we
have been been telling it for a
long time—but a good story will
hear constant re telling and we
propose constantly re -telling it.
We Personally
"Cut" Every Garment
that's made up at this establish-
ment—as well as fit it and all the
details. This is the only ONE
reason why our prices are moder
Don't Catch Cold.
Winter is here and you want to
keep warm.
We shall bo pleased to show
you—yes make you --one of onr
"swell" and durable overcoats.
Each, coat a fit
Each coat a daisy
he Door North of Browning's drug store.
Try Bissett's i ivory for a nobby out-
fit. We give you the best and at
reasonable rates,
W. G. Bissett'
Permanently Cured
Constitutional Scrofula
Hood's Sarsaparilla
If tars °Live S. Cart
Reynoi,iaville, Ra.
The cure of Olive Carl by Hood's
Sarsapar-_a has few equals in medical
history. The testimonial was Mai
published two years ago, and a letter
lately received from her mother says
Olive continues in good health and
1‘ We are satisfied her remarkable cure
of constitutional scrofula by Hood's
Sarsaparilla was permanent."
Briefly stated the case was this: "When
Olive wad 8 years old she had the whoop-
ing cough and measles, followed by in-
tense pains in every joint In her body,
like rheumatism. Physicianswere puz-
zled but after a consultation, pronounced
the disease some form of •
Constitutional Scrofula.
" When we began to use Hood's Sarsa-
parilla, she could not be moved without
crying out with pain, and we weso com-
pelled to cut her hair, as she could not
bear the weight of it. At first the change
for the better was very gradual; thepains
seemed to be less frequent and the swell-
ing in some of the joints subsided after
using about one bottle, Then la preve-
nient was more rapid and one re.ght she
surprised us by telling us teat we
Deed Not Prop Fier Up In Bed
es we had done for months, and next
night she surprise us still more by roll-
ing over across the bed. From that time
on the improvement was very rapid and
she soon began to creep about the house
and then to walk on crutches. Now elle
oo 's 'gt7,rEQ+-
generally uses but
cne crutch, the dis-
ease having left one
leg crooked, and I ' '^•' �@d®+
fear it will remain so. We feel that to
Hood's Sarsaparilla we owe our child's life.
"I enclose the photograph of my daugh-
ter and I think it is a picture of perfect
health. When I think how near she was
to death's door I cannot feel thankful
enough for her recovery." Mas. J. A.
Cant, Reynoldsville, Pa.
Mood's Pills the after-dinner pill and
family cathartic. 25c,
R. N. Rowe
"Ad" next week.
Mr. Forrester, a teacher on the North
Line Kincardine, was tried by Magis-
trates Barker and Scott, on a charge of
having punished a boy pupil zoo severe
ly, the complainant being the boy's
father. After taking evidence the
bench dismissed the case, finding that
the punishment was warranted, and
not too severe for the offense. Both
sides were represented by counsel,
Very sudden was the death Thursday
night of the late Richard Woon, of Ta-
vistock. He left the village with a
drove of cattle to ship at Hickson. Q.
the way he was slightly overcome by e
faintness but recovered. While in the
yard at the Hickson station, about 5
o'clock in the eyening, he was noticed
to fall, and before those who were help.
ing with the animals could reach him
he was dead
They Belong to the Diamond
i"5•I REE popular.Blaeks, well known
!. iu every city, town and village
of Canada. The are known as
Fast Black Dia mind lye forWool, Fas'
Black Diametid Dere for Silk aid ipeath
ers, and l+ast'Bleek Diamond Dye: for
COttou and nixed Goods 'fle Blacks
made by the dyes are fast to san, soap
nod washing:they neer crock, fedi'
or run; they steed fast forever. leynn
desire t0 hmlve rich amid" bee utiful Blacks
dye only with Diamond Blacks Be.
ware 'of imitations sold ii, so mens
pimsees,'as they. always.speil Four mat,
Eastern Dealers Want a Voice in the
Grading of Manitoba Wheat- Sir
Charles Tuppor's Illness.
Ottawa, Feb, 1.7—(Special.)—Mr.
Alexander MMePhie, representing the
Montreal Corn Exchange, sand Mr:
George Chapman, representing the To-
ronto Corn, Exeh<1nge, will wait to-
morrow on' the Controller of Inland Re-
venue and' his deputy, Mr. Miall. to
protest against the proposed exclusion
of eastern grain men from the west-
ern board appointed to select grain
standards. They will represent that
the eastern men were just as much in-
terested in the Manitoba crop, as the
Manitoba grain dealers. and that It 4s
in the
general al interest to 'make the
board as representative as passible..
Two of the eastern representatives for
the past 'two years have been the
largest shippers of grain.
Sir Charles Tupper has been unable
to go out of his temporary residence
since the middle of last week. It is
given out that the cause Is the treat-
ment 'which he underwent for bron-
chial trouble. His eyes are also seri-
cusly affected. He has not entered up-
on his departmental duties, which are
=till in the hands of the Finance Min-
ister. Since his election the Secretary
et State has not ,been in the House but
one afternoon.
Action for Large Damages.
Halifax, Feb. 17.—An action involving
a claim for $84,000 was commenced in
the Supreme Court. The W. H. Tohn-
son Company, Halifax, are the plain-
tiffs, and the Bell Organ and Piano
Company defendants. Plaintiffs claim
$59,000 damages for alleged breach of
contract. Plaintiffs alleged defendants
refused to carry out certain agree-
ments and also violated a contract. De-
fendants allege the contract, if ever
made, was entered into before the W.
H. Johnson 'Company was organized,
and, therefore, defendants are not lia-
ble. ' Defendants also counter -claim
$25,000 damages, alleging an agreement
to sell 75 organs and 30 pianos had been
Elkins for President,.
• New York, Feb, 17.—The Herald says:
Senator Stephen B. Elkins, of West
Virginia, has announced himself. as a
candidate for President. Senator Elk-
ins'- entrance into the race will take
nine votes that were understood to be
pledged to Speaker Reed, and six votes
from Major McKinley, Of these twelve
are of West Virginia and three of New
Mexico. Mr. Elkins' chief object in
entering the race is said to be not so
much to secure the nomination—which
politicians regard, with referenr'e to
him, only as a very remote possibility—
but to form a combination of enough
votes to control the convention, should
the time come when twenty or thirty
votes could elect or defeat any candi-
Boiler Explosion at Chesloy.
Chesley. Feb. 17. -At 7.30 o'clock this
morning the boiler in Messrs. Moore &
Wallace's sash and door factory here
exploded. Fortunately no one was in
the building at the time, all the hands
i.ating left a few minutes before for
breakfast. The force of the explosion
was so great that the whole building
was torn into atoms, and part of the
Loi.ler was found 100 yards distant from
the ruins. The explosion is supposed
to,have been caused by the feed pipe
In the boiler having become frozen.
The loss will be slightly over $2,000.
French Rights in Newfoundland.
St. John's, Nfld., Feb. 17.—Negotia-
tions have almost been completed in
Paris whereby for rights granted to
France by Great Britain in Africa she
will renounce her rights to cure fish
on the west coast of Newfoundland.
This will be a great boon to the New-
foundlanders, who are now shut out of
one of the best parts of the colony.
The Marquis of Dufferin is conducting
negotiations on behalf of Great Britain
in Paris.
Took the Wrong Medicine.
Strathroy, Feb, 17.—Mr. Geo. Mc -
Beth, contractor, narrowly escaped
.being poisoned to -•day. He was not
feeling well, and when he reached
home at noon he took a dose out of a
bof.le containing linament in mistake
for medicine. The linament contained
belladonna, and Mr.MeBeth was s at
once taken
ill, Doetors worked at
him for same hones, and he is now
ecnsidered out 'if danger.
The Small Beginnings That Produce Great
Moistened tin turnings and chips have
been known to take fire.
A rat knawing at a box of grease -dipped
friction matches ignited the lot.
A running belt whichsagged into a mass
of greasy waste set fire to the heap by
A flood burned one factory by causing a
pile of iron -filing to oxidize so rapidly as
to become intensely heated.
A match carelessly dropped beneath a
lace curtain was stepped upon, ignited and
instantly the drapery was ablaze.
A lens exposed to the sun's rays in an
optician's window frequently acts as a
burning glass before being noticed.
A cockchafer crawled from an oil recep-
tacle to a gas jet, „where the creature's
oily body took fire, and, falling, spread the
A stream from the fireman's hose started
a second fire while' putting out the first,
the water having penetrated an adjoining
building containing quicklime.
A nail glanced from a carpenter's ham-
mer into the conveyor of raw material in a
jute factory, rubbed against a drum, and
produced a, spark which set fire to the
place.—1 esterance Journal.
"Er man set kin, laugh et he own folly
am er long ways fm heiu' er fool.
"Ondesa'ved tanks hu'ts er hones' man
wuss'n cle brackes' ingratitood.
"Yo might ez well set on er ba'b-wire
fince fo' conifo't ez to nuss yo' angah fee'
de saterstackshin hit am teryer.
"Ef yo' clots' feel hit yo' dooty terbe hap-
py, yo' kain'e sit much happiness , out o'
loin' yo' Booty.
"I kaint syanpafize, somehow, wlv de
man w'ai'ii ruddah inch er big failyah
sco' er small succiss.
• "Yo might ez well try ter jedge er hoss'
pace by de dna"e kicks up ez try ter reek -
hi' firm de spiu'g er man mocks how much
ob de plan Gley am in'101
"Mos' fblks 'll deny cleyse'ves terday fo'
de sake ob er Happy termorrtih; but whali's
de.siuse in lil,iu' stingy all yo' life an den
dyiu' lo' de beuerlit of yo' fit' cousins an'
de law yobs ?"
In 1834 the Massachtisetts general as.
sea, lily , ads butlers'a.legal tender by the
following enactment: "it is likewise
ordered that nitisket ballots of a full
bore snail pass currently for a farthing
apiece Provided chat no min be compel-' I
led to take above , ,I d at a time in
Tie Oppressor Ba-
Paine's Celery Com-
pound Pats Rheumatism
to Flight after the
Doctors Failed.
It -is now an established fact, that
Paine's Celery Compound cures ninety-
nine out of every one hundred eases of
rheumatism pronounced incurable by
the doctors. Day after day reports are
received, giving particulars of cures
effected by the great Compound. These
cures are astonishing the medical pro
Fession, and compel the doctors to auk
nowlcdge the claim so often made, that
mmo other medicine iu the world posse ss
es like curing virtue. The following
letter from Mrs. F. McMann, of Thorold,
One, should lead every Thematic suffel-
er to use the medicine so strongly re
"I think it my duty to let you know
What Paine's Celery Compound has
done for my husband. For litwo yeais
he suffered very much with rheumatism
1n the back, and became so bad that he
could not bend, stoop, or sit in a chair
at table, and I was obliged to take his
meals to him while he lay in bed. He
was treated by various physicians, but
received no beneiiit until he used
Value's Celery Compound. The first
bottle gave him relief, and after he
had used six -bottles he was quite free
from the rheumatism. He was troubl
ed with piles for fourteen years, amid
found great relief from the Compound
He says he feels like a new man just
now. We think there is no medicine
like Paine's Celery Compound,"
Batter—The firmer tone in the market hos
sited as a stimulant to shippers, and trade
has been more 'u'tive. In some consign-
ments received hone the butter is of it very
mixed quality, which indicates that country
nlerel:ants have been stocking. Such lines
will have to be disposed of at lower primes.
The market is firm. We quote: -Dalry tubs,
lac. to 15e; medium and low grade dairy
sub's, tot to Lie; dairy pound prints, lOc to
lilt,; large rolls 13e to Huffs; creamery tubs,
lite to1k'; creamery rolls, 21k' to 22c.
Egg: 'fife cold weather will have a ten -
(limey to curtail receipts 01.! new laid, and
the. trade 'rimy revert to pickles again.
Should the cold seep eontlnue prices in an
lines will no doubt go higher. Deliveries
on Monday ara always small, and there was
ne change. We quote.:—New laid, 17e to
18e; linea, 13i1/c to 14c for live tied ten case
lots, and 14e for single cases; cold stored
find held fresh, the to We.
Potatoes -There is very little movement
hr the market. Deliveries of farmers' loads
are fair, and tilmost supply the trade. as
sales of car lots are infrequent. We quote:
-'lar lots, ISc to 21k; farmers' loads, lee to
20'; out of store, 2-x: to 11fi.
Poultry --Thi. receipts are light, and dealers
do not anticipate any hnprnveneat until the
opting. The market is firm. We quote: -
uote:Turk, s HO to it geese, Te to Se; chickens,
",.w to foe; ducks, title to SOc.
Baled Ilay-i'he. market is dull and a trifle
cattier. Local stocks are Iarge, and one
dealer In speaking of there said, "We have
enough haled bay stored here to last until
,lune." Por ear lots oe the tra, k we quote,
No, 1, $14 25 to $14 50; No. 2, $'1'1 to $13 50.
Baled Straw -Straw is slow and easy.
Sales arc few and quotatio:.s hard to
get. Bales of the best oat saaw would
tiring $8 SO to $0.
Dressed Hogs --There is nothing new in
the local situation. The cold snap will
nrovc favorable for stacking in the count:•y,
hut that will not effect the market to any
great extent. Packers are paying from $5
en $r 10 for select weights.
Receipts of grain on the local sten et mar-
ket were small again to -day, as the roads
are still blocked. Barley was steady, 200
bushels selling at 40}oe to 421/4c. Oats were
scarce, and consequently firm, one load
selling at 201/4c. Good oats would sell at
Hay and Straw -The market was well
supplied this morning, some 15 loads offer-
ing at $16 to $18. There was a slight de-
mand for bundled straw, and 2 loads
brought $11 and. $13 respectively.
Dressed Hogs - As usual on Mon-
day the deliveries were not large and
What was offered was quickly purchased.
Farmers' loads sold at $5 20 to $5 25, and
a small lot of light weights brought $5 30.
Wheat, white $ 84 to $ 00
do red 83 to 00
do goose 67 to 00•
Peas 57 to 00
Buckwheat 36 to 00
Barley 401/4 to 421/4
Oats 2914 to 00
Rye 47 to 00
Hay 16 00 to 19 00
'Straw, bundled 12 00 to 14 00
do loose 10 00 to 11.00
Eggs, new laid 18 to 22
Pltickens 40 to 60
Butter, lb rolls 15 to 17
do tubs, dairy 14 to 35
Ducks ........... 60 to SO
Turkeys 91 to 11
Geese 5 to 7
"'i,:1toes ' 25 to 80
Dressed hogs .... 5 20 • to 5 80
Reef, hindquarters 5 00 to 7 00
do,. fore ... 2 5(1 to 4 00
Veal 5 50 .to 6 50
Lathia b 00 to 6 50
The Time for Building
Up the system is at this season. The
(told weather has made unusual drains
upon the vital forces. The blood has
become impoverished and impure, and
all' the functions of the bodz suffer in
ermsequenee Hood's Sarsaparilla is
the great builder because it is the One
True Blood Purifier and nerve tonic.
Hood's Pills become the favorite cat-
! hatttic with all who use them. MI
druggists sell them 25e.
The directors Of the Berlin Elevator
Company have decided to accept the
offer made by Mr. George Rumpel,
lara tikh was $1,200 cash, and the share-
holders will receive 20 cents on the dol-
Family Medicine of the Age.
Taken Internally, It Cures
Diarrhoea, Cramp, • and Pain in the
Stomach, Sore Throat, Sudden Colds,
Coughs, etc., etc,
Used Externally, It Cures
Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Sprains,
Toothache, Pain in the Face, Neuralgia,
Rheumatism, Frosted Feet.
Norticle ever attained to such unbounded popular-
ity. -Salem Observer,
We OM bear testimony to the efficacy of the Pain -
Killer. We have so n its magic' Orem in soothing the
severest pain, and know it to ho a good ariicie.-t' ncin•
tali Dispatch.
Nothing ban yet surpassed the Pain -Killer, which is
the most valuable fatally medlcinenow in. seas -Tennessee
It has real merit; as a means of removing pain, no
tnedieine his acquired a reputation equal to Perry Davis'
1 aiwEiiler.-I, deport News.
Beware of imitations. Buy only the genuine "Prosy
DAvma." Sold everywhere; large bottles, lie.
1V O o .
Live Hogs
Wanted at
the Exeter
Packing House
As we are cutting up hogs
every day 'we will have a
large supply of
Spare ribs, Tenderloin, Roast Pork,
Head Cheese, Fresh Pork Sansague,
Balogna Cuttings, Pips Feet, and
Shanks, at lowest price for cash.
As we are rendering pure fresh lard
every day we are prepared to fill pails
or crocks at a low price. Parties want-
ing fresh and good lard should call at
C. SHELL, ,Q Prop.
Has cured others! Will cure you
Ask your Druggist
for Mabeline
MADELINE is a positive cure for all.
uterine troubles. It is not necessary to
enumerate them here. Itis the general.cus
torn in describing a remedy to fill the ad-
v ertisi n g medium with a medical treatise,
describing, in a highly colored manner.
symptoms and forms of disease, sciontiffical-
ly,.and in such a way as to involve the read-
er in a maze of theory and speculation. We
avoid all this sensational way of advertis-
ing- in,,a
. If von are sicicitispre presumed that ,y 0
ltnow oftlie fact and can form sonic idea of
what your ailment is, and we can only ad-
vise yen generally.
MADELINE is vegetable compound and
cannot injure the most delicate and can be
used with perfect safety.
MADELINE is placed in capsules and
they are applied directly to the diseased
Full directious, how to apply on every
Send box. ..end ,nal for one month's treatment.
et capsules in a lynx. Why pay three dollars
For anyother remorf whenyou can
Mabeline for one dollar? buy
Address all communications to
Box 230, Windsor, Ont.
U' ; T
To correct irregularity and weakness.
keep the arcansir, be,dthyco,iditlon. The
Waters are "Life Savers" to young women.
old graeeful development. provide pain.
les., ,egularperiods. Ask for The Detroit
bland. All druggists sell them at Si per
box. No butter remedy for women Jammu.
`,1'....e i5,,"S' •.• C, l.: •Y1
sloieladoId cloS
aaZ ''OO R3N3sSMV'i r3 SIAVQ
*sate CZ' 'oll9oat 02.Ir'5
ull:quasi ninon aigvfer
pine oras v sn i1 pnmu•utoaaz sLammu we,, i pus
Tlttuapuo.,, twaq tool oto gIIA, tins sir -oust ells
as iuvsuald :Mpg 'bunod ao p5 u,.1 eiquiins sl it
'aunts'. aloga at sea sit ulo.tt panpap ,fpeuaq
Dm Jo nor of usgeds 9t1IAsai 6uvni 'ii pato sang
*rot us Os sedan ope9 scone, Pit} na'gS sag
It •aonvuadead OlqunleAru' mom v 5p lutoraag
•6,16.1 dna.ce ban/ pun it roes mvaausS a ay „
: samu.0 'olnoaoy' iS onuo,t gsl
'isluradtO '.csaaH 'H 'f 'an.
Tics. •'ulpnums-Snot
To ,ngttr000mC 'D 'M pouts osis pus serial
lvptonoaq pun maga u plop ninou p To unman* .0
'suit Patna buaoiaa,i-ru&i lege aoilaty ui lander
"ants 'aamatlonog
cos 71 Imawoape/ O • ve
'masa sit er Sallcaq pus
Sumgmoos 'ata, pus pay} ,Aairemaao spume
los a s.11 'ainlm isogs 6l2ulsud2ns u ul
solo° pun SH9n00
se.in0 'AIOAI;lsod
Know What Yon Cho
(Changed. every Wednesday)
Wheat per bu bol Sento
Earley,:. tato
plats , 22,tp.',tS
flutter,-.. 4;3 to '*5
Eg s
Po atoes' per bmig 5
Ila.t' per ton....,-., ... 10 00 to 1114,.'
T ser ice gs per lb. 6 'toS'!!r
Ducks. 0 to es
Tlie Pcu�lc's
Main St - - - Exec.
Tweeds and Worsteds.
I have a complete line
of samples of all the latest
designs and patterns in
English, Scotch, Canad-
ian and American Tweeds,
Trouserings, Suitings Coatings.
Are showing special line
for the next two weeks in
The Brantford won
-239 first prizes,
—143 second "
88 third =_
and holds nearly every
Championship from Use
Atlantic to the Pacific.
Perkins & Martin.
Those who have used
Winan's Cough balsam pro-
nounce it unequalled as a
remedy for coughs, cola %
and bronchitis troubles.
Winan's condition and
cough powders for horses
the best inthe market, at -
ways on hand; also Acer
benefacto and Liniment, the
medicine so successfully
used by Mr. Chas, Munro
Parkhill, in this and other
uringtowns, in treating and cur-
various d1'sPasees For'
sale here,
C_ L z.a TZ Drutg
es 1
1a free from the itajurious calerkul.
The more you use of it the bcttee
you like it,
THE CEO. E. TtlCli'RTT:fm ,^01.51 CO., limit
LARGEST SALE 'ii`ll CAtc.A2.,