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THURSDA.Y, REI3 20, 1896.
The Weeks COMmerdal Summitrae
Wheat is very firm at Ontario points,
there beine4sales of white and red at 80c.
West, anti on the Northern.
The sterling exchange market is weak.
Several millions of gold are said to be on
the way from Europe to New York.
Canadian eeouritios are firm in Men -
den, and sorni advances are noted. Can-
ada 3 per cents are now selling at 101 1-2,
There is no change in the condition of
Sae local money, market. Call loans are
lard to get, and rates firm at 5 1-2 to 6
per cent.
There is increased stringency in money
stii New York owing to contraction in
loans and the demands for gold for Tress-
-au purposes.
The number of failures in the Demin-
kee during the past week, in provinces, is
as follows: Ontario, 31:3e Quebec, 20; N.S.,
1; P.E.I., 1; Manitoba, 2; B.O., 3; total,
47. Same week last year 52.
There is a feeling of disappointment in
Montreal business circles at the non -in -
arouse of the trade movement. The well
worn excuse of poor country roads is
hardly now available, but country deal-
ers generally are light buyers; probably
-this spirit of caution, considering
eircumstances, is rather commendable
than otherwise.
Notwithstanding the firm tone of sugar
in the United States at the close a week
ago, the market opened with a large ar-
areal of Muscovado, which caused a do -
line of an eighth in the price of raw. As
the trading continued, an undertone of
strength appeared, and an advance to
the former price was momentarily ex-
pected. But although there was a re-
inctance to sell refined because of this ex-
pected advance, the week closes at 8 8-8
for raw and 5.56 for crushed.
The dry goods market continues large-
ly under the restrictive itulueneee of the
financial situation, and there is a general
disposition on the part of both sellers and
buyers to await as far as possible develop-
ments which may follow the opening of
bid's next week for the bond issue. Act -
al business has again been on a limited.
scale in all departments, but there have
been numerous inquiries coming to hand,
which may fairly be taken as en indica-
lion that buyers are preparing for fuller
operations should 0,41ditions prove more
favorable shortly.
Reports of trade received at Toronto
during the week are not very encourag-
ing. Payments on the 4th. while per-
haps better than some had. anticipated,
were net what we might have expacted
from a healthy trade. There wore a
large number of renewals naked for, and
the Het of failures for the week was un -
wally heeve-. The only satisfaction fer
those in business is the relleetion that
things may piek up a little in viaw of the
Sect that a great deal of uncertainty in
the situation is removed by the failure
wreck. The changes in prices of mer-
chandise are naimpertent.
Our commercial telegrams from Now
York, as to the condition of business
throughout the United States, indicate
no deeided changes yet. The success of
the popular loan has not yet had time to
affect business, but the con4equeuces in
greater confidence and necessarily greater
activity will probably be considerable.
'There is a perceptible improvement in
on, and copper is also higher. The
woollen mills are keeping fairly active,
-though lessened prodeetien is talked of.
There has been no change in cotton. The
indications for the letter are the
proved bank elearing,s. firmer prices in
several staple Hive, and. an improved de-
mand in steel and iron. The failures for
the week in the United. States for the
week have been 3'23, a.gainst 281 for the
corresponding week last yeararind in
Canada 6c7, as compared with 52 a year
Tell the Deaf.—Mr. 3. F. Kellock,
druggist. Perth, writes: "ea customer of
mine having been cure.' of de tfneei by
the use et Dr. Thomas' Eelectrie Oil.
wrote to Ireland, telling his friends there
ef the cure. In consequenee I received
an order to send. hale a dozen by express
'to 'Wexford. Ireland, this week."
The Important Event Et oFONV WOVCIA TrOr
Busy Readers.
St. J ohn's. Nfld., harbor is blocked
with Arctic ice.
During the past year 13rantford's total
loss by Ere was only $3,438.
Proceedings have been instituted to
unseat Mayor Mullen of Amherstburg,
Mr, F. W. Mathewson has been elected
president of the Winnipeg Board of Trade.
Montreal excisemen have seized an
Illicit still in the Trappist Monastery at
Oka. .
The Board of Directors of Grimsby
Park have decided to keep the park open
On Sundays.
Prof. Cox, of Montreal, was able to
photograph a bullet in a man's leg with
the new system.
Mr. Arthur Piers of Montreal has been
appointed superintendent of the Canadian
Pacific lines of steamships.
Mrs. Cynthia Bell, of Ottawa, is
charged with horrible cruelty to two of
her grandchildren named Snortt.
The old drill shed at Kingston, the
property of Queen's University, collapsed
from the weight of snow on the roof.
Here and There.
The Duke of Marlborough, it is said.
has been making extensive purchases by
private contract of property in the city
of London. The sum invested is about
lion. 'Wilfrid Laurier has accepted an
invitation to be present and address the
St. Jean Baptiste Society of Detroit on
June 24.
Men were employed on Sunday in cart-
ing the snow from beside the oar tracks
at Hamilton. There is some talk of pros-
ecuting them.
At the annual dinner of the Thirteenth
Regiment and Hamilton Field Battery
a purse of gold was presented to Private
Hayhurst, G.M.
The Ontario Education Department
has arranged for the establishment of a
training school for Frenoli and English
teachers in Ottawa.
In a drunken quarrel Wednesday night
James Healey, of Toronto, struck a inan
named John Corrigan over the head with
an axe, killing him.
The annual returns of the London
Chief of Police show that the detective
department in 1895 recovered stolen
property to the value of $%8i33,
Rev. Father &loam. reamtly run over
while trying to board a moving train at
North Bay, and who had his right leg
amputated, died. on Thursday.
The Board of Health has determined
to close all the house wells in the city of
Brantford as a preventive of typhoid
fever. This will affect 130 householders.
A despatch from Ottawa says that it.
Is practically settled that Col. M. Aylmer
will be Adjutant -General. Lieut. -Colonel
Otter, of Toronto, is to be made a full
Mr. W. F. W. Fisher, license commis-
sioner, secured a verdict of $1 each
against Rev P. MoQuaerie and Mr.
Thos. Caverhill at the Halton Assizes for
Dr. Peterson, principal of McGill Uni-
versity, has been appointed on the Pro-
testant Committee of public Instruction
in Quebec province in place of Sir Win.
Dawson, resigned.
Spotters have been at work on the
Hamilton street cars, and, as a result, a
number of acnaductors have been lectured
by the management for accepting overdue
transfers and limited tickets out of hours.
Fifty thousand men offered themselves
as recruits for the British army in 1895,
.k.nd 85,010 of them were accepted. It is
odd to hear that the majority of those re-
jected were "fine, strapping young fel-
lows, but in most eases practically tooth-
The oldest building in the .world that
has been uninterruptedly used for church
purposes, is St. Martin's cathedral, at
Canterbury, England. The building was
originally erected for a church, and has
been regularly used. as a place for relig-
ious gatherings for more than 1,500
It is pointed out that the Revenge, the
flagship of England's new "flying squad-
ron," bears a name famous in English
naval history. There was a Revenge
-that took a prominent part at Trafalger,
and Sir Fr nois Drake, then vice -admiral,
commanded a Revenge in the great Ar-
mada battle. -
The Marquis of Queensberry, so a Lon-
don weekly states,' 'is ready so back him-
self for aloe against any non-professional
cyclist of his weight, which is a trifle
ever 11 stone." If the sporting Marquis
is "a trifle over 11 stone," be weighs
about 160 pounds, 11 stone being 154
The title Laureate adds nothing to a
poet's merit, of course.ebrit it adds a great
deal of money to his purse. In an .Eng-
lish provincial library of 40,000 volumes,
immediately after the appointment of
Alfred Austin, one asked in vain for his
works, but a week after the appointment
the librarian had ordered several copies
of them. Tennyson was great befere and
wealthy after he was Poet Laureate. In
France, if you are an Academieia,n, your
poem will sell; if you are not your poems
will not sell, unless an Academician has
praised them. • Verlaine's publishers ex-
pect to derive a fortune from Coppee s
A bald eagle, with a pig steel trap
hanging to one of its legs, flew over Lick-
ing,. Ky., a few days ago.
Two bale nonagenarians Mr. and Mrs.
Moulder, of Honey Greek, fade celebrated.
the sixty-ninth anniversary of their mar-
riage last week.
honor of a young lady visiting the
town," a very successful dog fight was
given in Swamp:tale, Ky., the other day,
according to a local paper.
A Butte, Mont., despatch says it is
probable a large claim will be made
against Canada for timber depredations
In the northern part of this state •
The patent office at Washington has,
after a struggle with ancient and modern
history, granted to a Brooklyn, N.Y., in -
Venter letters patent for bloomers.
A Woman's Rights Club has been
organized in St. Jospeh, Mo., and ar-
rangements have been made for putting
in a billiard table and a woman barber.
A Chicago carpenter named Klattite,on
Tuesday nfght chloroformed his father,
mother, wife and three children, and sbot
them dead. lie then committed suicide.
A despatch from Constantinople says
the Zeitounlis have informed the Consuls
that they are prepared to surrender their
weapons of war, retaining the hunting
weapons they usnallly carry.
The Chesapeake oyster beds aro rapidly
diminishing in produotivenesss. Fifteen
yeses ago they furnished about 10,010,000
bushels of oysters, The product this year
will not be more than, 5,000,000 bushels.
Starfish have caused immense damage
among tile Connecticut oyster beds this
season. One grower has spent $8,000 in
the last few months in an effort to check
the ravages of the starfish, but with no
perceptible results.
The new popular bond issue of the
United States Government was a great
success, the loan having been subscribed
for five times over, and at prices consider-
ably higher than even the most sanguine
had expected.
Strawberries are ripe, and being picked
for shipment In IiillsbormIgh, Fla, The
first orate of this season's strawberries
left that place three or four days ago. The
berries are in excellent condition, and the
prospects are good for a large crop. •
So rapidly does lung irritation spread
and deepen, that often in a few weeks a
simple congh culminates in tubercular
consumption. Give heel to a cough,
there is always danger in delay; get a
bottle ofBickle's Ante -Consumptive Syne')
and. cure yourself. It is a. medicine un-
surpassed. for all throat and lung trou-
bles. It is compounded from several
herbs, each one of which stands at the
head ot the list as exerting a evonierful
influence in curing consumption and all
lung diseases. '
The Grand Duchess of Oldenburg Is
dead, at Berlin.
Gen. Martinez do Campos has arrived
In Madrid. The crowds in the street hissed
him upon his arrival.
The Times Intimates that the situation
In the Transvaal is much more serious
than it appears to be on the surface.
Mr. Chamberlain has invited President
Kruger to visit England for the purpose
of discussing reforms in the Transvaal.
Leo XIII. and the Duo d'Aumale have
been made honorary members of the St.
Petersburg Imperial Academy of Science.
Yellow fever is increasing in Rio de
Janeiro. and one man on board the bale
alr Charles Polls, one of the best Ian otuiser Lombardi has died. of the dis
known and universally respecteel citizens ease,
of Chatham, Out, died on Thursday. The I Miss Clara Barton, of the Red Cross
deceased was one of the pioneer settlers of Society, left London for Constantinople
Chatham, whore he had resided ever slime. Friday, to distribute relief among the
A military deputation from Toronto Armenians.
waited on Sir Mackenzie Bewail and Sen- Prince Henry of Battenberg was buried
ator Deslarains to urge the re-establish- at Whippingbam church, Isle of Wight,
ment of the garrison artillery, with four with impressive military and naval
to six batteries. No definite answer was ceremonies.
given. Seidlitz powders meat not be made too
The Court of Appeal at Quebec, has can- strong In England. A. druggist has jut
firmed the Superior Court judgment in been fined for over -dosing the people of
the case of Anger against Paoaud, giving
the plaintiff $5,000 damages. The Court
of Review had reduced the verdict to
"Jack -the -Ripper" is the subject of a
new opera about to be produced at
Verona, music and works by' an Italian
John Nankiville shot Wm. Smith, his named Gloma.
companion, while they were preparing to Gov. -Gen. Andrade, of Goa, has been
rob a house near Winnipeg. Smith will remitted by the Portuguese Government
probably die. Both men are ex -convicts, for having "inaunfactured" the story of
and Smith's knowledge of an attempted the recent rebellion.
murder by Nankitille was the cause of
the shooting.
The ninth eapedition sent from Spain
to Cuba sails from Cadiz. Barcelona and
9. man named Adrian Deschatelets, Corunna, Feb, 12. Me expedition coin -
who had. just been dismissed front it
lumber shanty near Papineauville, Qu, prises 18,200 troops.
The Sultan has.replied to the Queen's
letter. lie holds that the lurks are in
most cases innocent, and that the Armen-
ians are the aggressors.
The British trade returns for January
show an increase of A1,780,000 in imports,
and of x2,900,000 in exports, as compared
with those of January, 1895.
The Rev. J.A. Spurgeon,of the London
Tabernacle, London, on Saturday evening
baptized the Rev. Mr. Pierson, at the
West Croydon chapel, by immersion.
A despatch from Constantinople saYs
the Turkish officials continue to impede
the relief for the Armenians. The
officials want all the money entrusted to
It is announced in Sofia that Pience
Ferdinand of Bulgaria will formerly an-
nounce on Sunday the conversion of his
eldest son, Prince Boris, to the Greek
The coming British naval programme
will cost 49,500,0.•.0, with which will be
Constructed four battleships, four first-
class cruisers, four third class cruisers
and sixty torpedo destroyers.
There never was, and never well be, a
universal panacea, in one remedy, for all
ills to which flesh is heir—the very
Alsatians and Lorraineis who have served nature of many curatives being such that
in the French army. were the germs of other and differently
seated diseases rooted in the system of
Texas is having the heaviest 'rains
known for years. Streams have left their the patient -what -would relieve one en,
in turn would Aggravate the other. We
banks and are causing great damage.•
have, 1 however m Qainine Wine, when
Ea -President Harrison hes formallyobtainable in a sound unadulterated, state
announced that he is not a candidate for a remedy for many and grevious ills. By
nomination for the United States presi- its gradual and. judicious use, the frailest
dea°Y• Systems are led into convalescence and
A fifty -foot granite shaft, the longest strength, by the influence which Quinine
piece of granite ever taken out of a quarry exerts on Nature's own restoratives. It
in 'Vermont, was quarried at Barre a few
•Father Johia M. Fitzgerald,of Rochest-
wanted to fight thenook, Didace Turpin.
After being knocked down several times,
Turpin drew a knife and stabbed his as-
sailant so that he died.
The first session of the ninth Legisla-
ture of Manitoba was opened Thursday.
The Speech from the Throne contained
statement that a copy of the Order -in -
Council embodying the views and policy
of the Provincial Government on the,
School question would shortly be laid be-
fore the House.
Colic and kidney difficulty.—Mr. J.W.
Wilder, J. P., Latargeville, N.Y., writes:
"I am sdbject to severe atteeks of colic
and kidney difficulty, and. Permelee's
Pills afford me great relief, while all
other remedies have failed. They are
the best medicine I have over used." In
fact so gre, t is the power of this medi-
cine to cleanse and purify, that disetses
of almost every name and nature are
driven from the body.
The 'United States treasury gold reserve
stands at $47,155,148,
The projected coal trust has been formed
In Now York and prices advanced 35
cents a ton.
Part of Dahomey Is to be colonized. With
After the Discoverer the Adventurer ---After the
Original the Imitation.
The True and Real ---The False and the Doubtful Placed Side by Side—
Resemblance May Deceive the Unwary.
The secret of the composition of Dodd's
Kidney Pills has been strictly guarded,
and to prevent the criminal use of this
name it has been lawfully regietered.
The paltry sales effected by imitators
and counterfeiters is not our worry—it is
to guard from disappointment those
whose hopes have been built on the faith
gathered as the result of the almost
countless cures published by the proprie-
tors of Dodd's Kidney Pills.
It is an outrage almost infamous to
cheat this hope of the afflicted and
despairing sufferer, and the duty of de-
feating nefarious designs is the inten-
tion we are acting upon.
Sufferers front any form of kidney dis-
ease who bare resolved, on the strength of
the evidence furnished by us, to resort to
legitimate kidney treatment, should
never allow themselves to accept any sub-
deys ago.
relieves the drooping spirits of those with
whom a chronic state of morbid despond
eney and lack of interest in life is a
er, N.Y., was convicted. on Wednesday of disease, andeby tranquilizing the nerves,
arson in the second degree. The sentence disposes to sound. and refreshing sleep ---
imparts vigor to the action of the blood.,
was deferred.
The key of Libby prison and the flag
wbich Coated over the prisen are preserved
in the Soldiers' Memorial hall at Rut-
land; 'Vt.
,Orange -growing In Arizona is declared
to . bave passed the experimental stage,
and will beebine an Important' industry
in the territory.
Lao year 25,115,903 fewer cigars were
made in the United States than in 1894,
and 8,3e8,380 More pounds of smoking
tobacco was manufactured.
stitute or imitation of Dodd's Kidney
There can be no advantage to you in
buying other than the original and genu
me Dodd's Kidney Pills.
The very fact of a similar name, the
fact that the substitute has the plea of
being just as good, should arouse suspi-
cion on the part of the buyer.
From the first line ever printed concern-
ing Dodd s Kidney Pills we have voiced
but a single claim—"for kidney diseases
And to -day they stand on their merits
supreme as a remedy forts single purpose,
the perfection of kidney treatment.
Sold by all druggists and dealers,' in
bottles, at 50 cents, or where not obtain-
able they will be sent by mall on receipt
of the price. Address the Dodd's Medicine
Co., Toronto, Ont.
And Speaks Some Plain Words Anent
Our Diplomatic and Consular Service.
General Harrison writes of "The Presi-
dential Office" in the March Ladies'
Home ,Toernal, and. his comprehensive
artiele is outspoken and plain. Ho takes
occasion to commend President Cleve-
land's movement toward establishing
more permanent consular service. e The
ex -President says:
"The need of a better consular service
has been getting a strong hold upon the
public mind. practice has been to
make frequent ehanges in these offices—
indeed an almost complete change upon
the coming of an administration of a dif-
ferent party. The duties of a consul re -
1 tte almost wholly to our commerce with
the country where he serves, . •
The recent movement by Mr. Cleveland
and in Congress for a better qualified and
perm men; consular, force is to be com-
“It is remarked that changes in the
home administ-ration in other countries,.
such as England and France, do net in-
volve changes in the ministers and. am-
bassadors or consuls, as they do with us.
, The English Ambassedor at Washington
holds right on whether the Liberals or
the Tories are in power. • He represents
his country, not a party, and carries out
the instructions trout the home Govern -
Meet loyally. Pe is never hoard. to make
speeelOet att coking the policy of the op -
peeing perty—or criticising. his own peo-
ple. rerhaps one in the mud diffieulties
in our getting a permanent diplomatic
and ecusul service grows out of the fact
that the tariff question is one that is al-
ways acute in. our politics, anti the re-
ports of our consuls naturally take on
the views held by them uptu this ques-
tion. "We cannot have a permanent dip -
loin itic and dowel Lr service until we
can find diplomats and consuls who will
leave their party polities at home. If
they are to be aired or exercised abroad
then it follows tit it they must be in har-
mony with the party in power at home."
which, being stimulated, courses through-
out the veins, strengthening the healthy
animal ftmetions of the system, thereby
making activity a necessary 'result,
strengthening the frame, and giving life
to the digestive organs'which naturally
demand increased substance—resnit,.iiri-
proved appetite. Northrop & I.iyinan of
Toronto, have given to the public their
superior Quinine Wine at the usual rate,
and, gaged by the opinions of scientists,
this wine approaches nearest perfection of
any in the market. All druggists sell it.
From Moderation to Immoderation.
How frequently people are heard to re-
mark in convereati n that they do not
undersb Ind why some other people can-
not do as they do—take a drink of whis-
key or leave it alone nist as they please.
Or also, why a man hasn't sense enough
to take one or two drink e awl quit. These
questions involve the discussion of the
scientific aspect of alcohol drinking at
much ,greater length than is permitted
here. AU will admit., however, that
there are those who cannot so restrain. or
limit themselves and over whom appetite
ler alcohol helds un inestioned sway.
Time was when they w, niored at other
people, only -to fall victims themselves.
Perhaps these who wonder to -day will
have their eyes opened. and. their wonder
Sadly dispelled in a year or two hence.
Inebriates have not hem made in a day
or a month, but they pass the line of mod-
eration. without reali‘ing it For the cure
of both mr;derate or immoderate drinkers,
the Double Chloride of Gold treatment at
Lakehurst Institute, Oakville, has never
yet been found wanting. It removes the
craving for a lirtitale and gives the victim
perfect freedom irom' the slavery of a
liquor appetite. Toronto office, 28 Bank
of Commerce Building.
The Referee, one of the most influen-
tial sporting papers in England, declares
that the game of I ootball there is being
ruined by' professionalism. Jerome If.
jerome's weekly paper endorses this
opinion, editorially, and. says, "football
as played in England now is simply a
trade. The sooner it ceases to call itself
sport the better."
A Medicine That Will Relieve Distressing
Kidney and Bladder DiseaSe in Six Hours
Deserves Your Attention.
Those who suffer from kidney troubles
suffer acutely. Where some kinds of
sickness can be borne with fortitude,it is
no easy matter to exercise this virtue
when one is a sufferer from kidney
troubles. Hope may sustath a person
when a medicine is being used that doc-
tors say willeventually effect a cure.
But who wants to continuo an agonizing
course of trattment when a Medicine like
South American Kidney Cure is within
the reach of everyone and that Is so
speedy as well as certain in its effects?
This new remedy has been thoroughly
tested by learned physicians, and stands
to -day ahead of any medicine used for
this purpose. It does not pretend to
cure anything else, but it does care kid-
ney disease.
Heart Disease of Five Yeare' Standing Ab-
solutely Cured by Dr. Agnew's; Cure for
the Heart—The Great El fe-Saving Remedy
Gives Relief in Thirty Minutes.
Thomas Petty, Esq, Alymer, Que.:
"I have been troubled for about live years
with severe heart complaint. At tithes
the pain was so severe that I was unable
to attend to business, The slightest ex-
ertion proved very fatiguing, and neces-
sitated taking rest. I tried Dr. Agnevv's
Cure for the Heart, anti obtained itnniedi-
ate relief, I have now taken four bottles
of the remedy, and am entirely free from
every symptom of heart disease. I hope
this statement may induce others troubled
DEI I was to give this most valuable
remedy a trial."
Postal Changes.
The Canadian official postal, guide for
January contains the following instruc-
tions with regard to the addresses of let-
ters intended for any part of the United
"Postmasters willl do well to impress
upon the public that the address of a let-
ter intended for the United. States is *not
complete unless tho words " United.
States," or at least the initial letters "U.
S."— earefnlly written so as not to be
mistaken for N. S.—form part thereof. A
great many postoffices in the United.
States bear names which also belong to
postoilices in C,anadi,, and a simple indi-
cation 'by an abbreviation such as Mee
0., Pa., etc., of the state in which the
place is situated, may not, if there is no
mention of the county. suffice to prevent
letters being sent to a Canadian office of
the warns name as the one in the United
States for which the letter is intended."
,The Strain of the Cross.
"If Jesus, amid the strain and weakness
of the cross, when yielding to him that
had the power of death, rescues a soul
from sin and hell, shall we hesitate to
coned to Han'who is now exalted to God's
right hand, Lord antiChrist, Prince and
Saviourato give repentance and remission
of sins ?"—key. W. W. Taylor.
Mr. T. J. Humes, Columbus, Ohio,
writes: "I have been afflicted for scene
time with kidney and liver complaint,
and find Parraelee's Pills the best raedi-
eine for these diseases, These pills do
not cause pain or griping. and should be
used when a cathartic ie required. They
are Gelatine Coated, and rolled in the
flour of licorice to preserve their purity,
and give them a pleasant, agreeable
• Two Th Jugs Necessary.
The teacher—What are the two things
necessary to bantism
Small girl—Please, sir, water and a
Gloss for ratent Leather.
The following is a French recipe fox.
preserving the glass of patent leather:
Melt pure wax over a Water bath, place on
a moderate coal fire, add first some olive
oil, then some lard and mix intimately
by stirring; next add some oil of tureen
tine, and finally some oil of lavender; fill
the resulting paste in boxes, where, on
solidifying the necessary consistency will
be acquired. Te restore the gloss to the
leather, apply a little of the paste and rub.
with a linen rag. This will keep the
leather soft and prevent creaking.
Not Needed.
Lawyer—What's the book you are read-
ing? . •
Law Student—Oh, it's a book on com-
mon sense.
LaWyer—Yes, sir, and reading such a
book as that. would ruin your mind for -
legal work fotaver.
A :New kartployment.
Slitipkeeper—Your son is no use to me,,
sir. He's asleep all the time,
Boy's Father—Can't you find him a jobs, *
sir, in the night dress department?—Flie•-
gentle Blaetter.
Sold Only in Lead Packets.
LAW, Solicitor in Sepreme Court of Cara
:Ida. Money to loan. Offices—ease Toronto,
street, Toronto.
A. New Hamburg Citizen 'Released from
• Pour Months' Imprisonment.
Mr. John Hock, hotel kceeer, New
Hamburg, Oat.: "I have been a great
sufferer from rheumatism. The last at-
tack commenced last October, and. kept
me in the house four months, when two
bottles of South American Rheumatic
Cure completely cured me, lied I secur-
ed the remedy when I first contracted,
rheumatism it, would have saved me
months of pain and sufferings." 1 I
If you suffer from' rheumatism or
neuralgia do not delay, but try South
American Rheumatic Cure now. It will
relieve in a few hours and cure radically
in a few days.
Good Practice.
Manager—You've learned to fall in that
death scene much better than you did two
weeks ago.
Leading lady—Yes; I've been practising
riding on the cable cars.—Truth.
The Poet's Inspiration.
Simmons—How in the world do you get
yourself into the proper frame of mind to
write. these pessimistic poems?
Timmins—I use a fountain pen.—In.
dianapolis Journal.
Catarrh Relieved filki 1.0 to 60 Minutes.
One short puff of the breath through
the Blower, supplied with each bottle of
Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder, diffuses
this powder over the surface of the nasal
passages Painless and delightful to use,
it relieves instantly, and permanently
cures Catarrh, Hay Fever, Colds, Head-
ache, Sore Throat, Tonsilitis and Deaf -
nese. Sample bottle and blower sent
by S. 0. Detchon, 44 Church street, To -
rent!), on receipt of 10 cents, silver or
• A Good Listener.
"If there is anything I like," said he to
his wife, "it is a woman • who knows
enotigh to be a good listener." Whereat
the servant girl at the keyhole could not
repress a smile of satisfaction.—Albany
A. High Grade Bicycle or Good. Cash.
0 Wan Atinthly,.mnkes a bonanza offer to,
its Caavsssets Do you want to be in it?
Address TILE MASSEY Passe, 927 King
Street West, Toronto.
Without Prayer.
A modern -writer on Christian ethics says
of prayer that, "whatever else it is—duty.
privilege or spiritual exercise.—it is also a
necessary element of the spiritual life.
When it stops entirely spiritual life stops.
To be without prayer is to be without
God." These are uncompromising asser-
tions, but they cannot be denied. They
are according to Scripture and to all hu-
man experience. But what ghastly testi-
mony they bear against those who restrain
prayer before God, who go to a prayerless
bed and rise to a prae-erless day's work,
who are neither drawn by joy, nor driven
by sorrow to the mercy seat, but live from
day to day and week to week like the
beasts that perish.
The Poet Drowned.
We are told it) the poem that "The hand
that rocks the cradle is the hand that rules
TheNorthen3 Business colleTe. Only common school
sentiment', bat the author .ought to know
that about, eight women out of ten rock
the world." Tide, no doubt, is a pretty
education reltiredftoo4.etntyoer.ungSrntialdneloursw:maitnterderantil:
EDUCATION we d ies of life, is obtained at
the cradle with their feet. — . .esgung, anneapiii wen soun Ont.,
6"4. A. 1 F o d
That Raise Money
Largest and most Complete
Good Seeds, Pretty Flowers, an
farm Requisites issued
in Canada
The Steele, Brinis Sed Co.
t* -r
luny mean anything
are definite articles;
Ask your Grocer
for them.
Ore of Life
Found at Last
Vitte-ore is very properly called Oro Or
Life. It was discovered by Professor Theo..
Noel, of Ohicago, Geolog St.
This eye makca an elixir which is Nature's
Great Bemedy for the cure of human ills.
It will reach the -ides of human diseases whoa
drugs and doctors' nostrums fall. It Is nature'
great restorative, to which nothing is added.
It is pure. as it comes from nature's iaboyatory.
Sold only on direct 'orders or through load or
general agents. Price $1 a package, or Unice
for $2.50. Sent prepaid to any part of the globe.
on receipt of price. Send for Circulars and full
particulars to Vitae -Ore Denot. 240 Adelaide
street west, Toronto. J. JOHNSTON, ,Generat
dimenslons outside 87 1-2 x 80 3-4 x
2 1-4; inside, 18 x 15 3-6 x 28; combi i.
tion lock, two eash drawers, one iron.
box; good second-hand car dition.
Two Schools. Ender one Management.
'Unquestionably the leading C onmereiali
Schools of the Dominion; advantages best
in Canada: moderate rates; students any -
enter at any time, Wrhe to either school for
circulars and mention this paper.
SEIAW & ELLIOT I', Principals.
We wish to thank our thousands of customers
for the liberal support they have given us in
the year just closed, and solicit a continuance
of their orders for the year 1896. Your interest
is our first pined, and to supply you with
gords, better in quality and lower In price than
you can purchase elsewhere. If you have not
our price list, mail us a postal card and receive
one by return mall,
Wholesale Grocer,
• 57 Front Street East, Toronto,
Order Your Supplies of
from us. We supply four grades, suit-
able for all classes of machinery. Every-
thing in above lines at ManufacturersP
First Cost Prices.
Lowest Prices for Cash.
44 Bay Stioet, Toronto.
TN. U.