HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1896-2-6, Page 5THE et Abria Ti published every Thursday Morning, • at ilia Wile°, AS (3IN..STREET, - EXETER,' the--- } �, ervous People should realize that the onts Safety For Our Giris. _ w _ _.., ... --------- --.- 0iG sOXt CE R TA 1 N EXETER (hanger! every Wednesday) Wheat per bushel ...... .. :..... ... $0.80 to 8 13erley 28 to 8 true and permanent cure .for their condition >n is to be found in having cppone� ® Pure � o� Beeausethe health. of every organ and. tissue of the bodydepends p ds u o11 the + pp '�;(�1( j� j a1ilV's Cele .•01 R� �� Blood lilies IJV (� 1d p j� j� Strong (� 1� �j�E �,,yTow i n (� lA E9:((1�U 1Y 41 an , �i QUI Nerves and Builds 1 p�j (� 1 lire PAIN -KILLER �r '/A /its Qt` • lata l8 to 2 Peau 1K to b Futter tJto,s ..... potatoes' per ba - ..-....., •.:: : ,, A flayper x b 10-0 00 to Geese ........ _« faJ_tU , Ducks 0 to Chicken., —8v ADVOCATE PUBLISH INC COMPANY, TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Oue Dollarper annum if paid in Ad 1.50 if not so paid. va• nes S.cl•ffaa:tSaia Rate= ors. A 8- riots p/a�taa- • -- No paper discontinued until all arrearages *repaid. Advertisements without speoxfic directions will be pul.,lished till forbid and shargedaccordingly, Liberaldiscountmade for transcient advertisements inserted for long periods: Every descriptionfie of .TOB PRINTING turned out in the finest style,, end at moderate rates. Cheques, moneyord. ass.$te.for advertising,subseriptions,eto.to bemadepavablo to Crabs=. j1. Sanders EDITOR n13D PROP purityof the blood. The whole woe world know the'standard blood purifier is ; 9THE ' 'a I�' Up 411 p V (� body.n , PAIN-KIL GREAT ref f,.. 11 Toill.,'.. a " T '� y. a. r'.s a _� .:, •° ~ p a r i 'I 0. Medical men everywhere admit that ,Taken Paine'= Celery Compound is the hese medicine for pale, weak and sickly ° irls. It builds up wasted tissues, makes pure c" My daughter, aged 17 years, has fora long time been in a weak state o£ health, so much so, that she was not able to do any worlt about the house, FamilyMedicine of the A. g Internally, It Cures Diarrhoea Cram and Pain intheCUTTER Stomach,' Sore Throat, Sudden Golds Coughs, etc. ' ; FITTER , rind therefore it reliable medicine Itmakes•the blood and thus cures is the only true and fop nervous people. pure and healthy, nervousness, blood, and prodnc,;s,strong nerves, len- abling girls to reach healthy and per- feet womanhood. Mrs,. Boulanger, of St. 'Henry, Mont- and often was unable to comb her own hair; this. has been the case for'some years and I feared she would never be strong. etc., Used Externally It y, Cures Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Sprains; Toothache, Pain in the Face, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Frosted Feet, . e • S ,. ELL Processional cordis. H.RINSMAN ]"�,D.$,Fnnson's Blools two doors north of Carlin Store ��' g "��`ST, ; PIATN EXL•'T Eli extracts teeth without pain, Away at Parkhill every Tuesday, Lucan every Wednesday muff at Zurich on last Thursday of each month makes the nerves flim and strong, gives sweet Slee mental vigor, p+ g a good, appetite perfect direstion. it does satins and CnreB SCTOinla, bCZtima, or Salt Rheum rind all Other blood diseases, because it Makes .• r>. o r J ,, Peal, saved liar daughter's life by fray- inc v .r. her use Paine,s' Celery Compound „ at a most critical time. The young lady is now one of the healthiest, bright- est and most attractive girls of the town. Her mother writes thus a=bout the wonderful cure: "I was induced Co have her use , ,Paine's Celery Gumpound. She' has used two bottles, and is now a different girl. She is not only able to avert On herself, but otter does the whole of the housework, and promises to be as strong as a girl of her age should be. NmarticleeverattllnetitosuchunboundeAIopuWr it,,-talticleeerar. We eanbear testimony to the etncacy of the Pain. Kiser, We have se n its mania effects in soothing the. severest pain, and know it to be a Sood articie,-'htettt- wati L :it:h. NotliingI ncyetsnrpassod the Paln•Xillor, which IS o a oityolaablo family medicine nowiause. use. -Tennessee libuseee.=rit; as a matte of removing pain,eo medicine ha. acquired arepatatloaeglaltoPerryDavis' eein•liuer. x ante,=, towtrealienations. aut'onlythegenuine'•PEitm- Davis: Sold MERCHANT TAILOR, �y gain IJt, - - - Exeter. ! € Tweeds and. Worsteds.. and. I have a complete line R.D. ALTON ANDERSON,(D.D.S.,'L.D.S.,) - honorsGrtLduateofthe Toronto Lrni of rattyard ooyal.Oolege of Dental withoutpain.Surgeons 11 Alli modes of Dentistry up to date.. Office quer T,illiot & Glliot's law office -opposite F,eutral iZotel-Exeter. . 1,' 00 eve,ywhore 1 fa ne battles. 45t prove every word we have ResultsMcDonald, said. Thousands of voluntary testi- menials fully establish the fact that Hood's Sarsaparilla cures. An Appetite. Clinton: Mr. T. H. Wright, of Lon.NOTICE don, has recently iiv'an i1'lessrs Seals &a�� Hoover, Marble works, an order for a fine Bedford stone monument to bewho erected in Blyth cemetery, to the mem- Tilclte7'smfth: Mr. and Mrs. John were called on Saturday last to attend the funeral of their niece Miss McDonald, of Usborne,•�• was called away very suddenly. �"'�"°° Live wSuitiugs, of samples of all the latest designs and patterns in, English, Scotch, Caned- ran and Americau Tweeds. Trouserings, Coatings.. J[Ptld�nl R. G. SIIQITLTS, CENTRAl,i„> has moved one door south, Drs. J A. ROLLINS & T A. AMOS. 1;pack, yrs, sacro as f lei erlF OFi'ICES,Spaekmart, ltuilding,Muin3t. Dr, Rollins' af6ae same as formerly -north door, Dr. Amos' ofiiae, same buildiyg ssouth'the door. may est, tali= ,T.A Rolline,M. D. T. A. Amos, M. "My husband was feeling miserable and had no relish for food. He began taking F Sarsaparilla ory of his father. Blyth: Mr, G. Riddell leas decided •to ',St. Marys: Miss Nellie McKay,(laugh- 3 ter of Jas, McKay, was suddenly at- iL Wanted at '1°I SNELL pod's and Hood's Pills and felt better at once, Hood's Sarsaparilla gave him a good appetite." Mas. Joins retire from farming and trill. Itav[j an auction sale of his farm stock, im- plements and household furoiture on Cached With bteedm Of the nose. rile other day and lies sine' in a veryweak condition though improving. - ^I ExeterF-Fl • i T1,, i- 11,fiD.'Pr ACeLAUQ•T3:GI�t, DIE1fillElt OF the Gallego of PhysiciansandAcconene - Ontario. Physician, Surgeon and AccoliellII enr. Office, Dashwood, Ont STEWARLT Barclay,Ontario. ) Suffered 20 Years. "I have'been a.suf.erer from liver and kidne for twentybuilding y complaint years. I was advised by my druggist to try Hood's Sarsaparilla and did so, and I am thank- fill to say that it has given me great relief. I confidently recommend it to any sufferer from these complaints." JAME's ENrzcrxx,1.1 Robinson SI.,Toronto, Out, e . 0 4:11%. Sar ya saris ' 1 the eery Friday, February 7th. Mr. Riddell ta• tents moving to the United States, Clinton: This event bar been an ticipated for some time, and traespircd at the home of W. H. 'Beesley, brother of the bride. Promptly at 1e, noon, ou. Wednesday last, and Standing beneath a handsome floral bell, Miss Amy A, I3eetroy be(ame the wife of Jahn T. I mtnertan. After spendin;; their honey. moon in Toronto, they will settle down r to life's realities in town. )alvth; ()n \Sr. Jnsepll Ian-' Tuesday eft hero for ptttofo tPtatinnhe plter inoToronta t, I•lirs. lilt B. Robinson has pur chased the property on Queen street west of Mr. Geo. Ross, and intends a a residence on it. Seaforth: Dr. Campbell, en the eve 0f hie departure ftom town, presentedy the Rev. Mr. Hodgins with two. large volumes of Bible works as a token of his appreciation of the !attar's svmpa• thy extended towards his family when , in trouble a coupe of years ago. Seaforth: We are glad to learn that Mr. Fred Davis"of this town, who has beet: in Montreal for several weeks un dirt medical treatment, is getting alone Y Packing �� e - SPAREEl'O. RIBS E i G. AS we a)"P, Gtli > in up hogs every claywe will have a lel a e supply.0 6 Spare ribs, Tenderloin, Roast Pork, Head Cheese,Fresh Pork Sansague, BalognaCuttinge,Pigs Feet, and Shanks, at lowest price for cash. YARD. As we are rendering fresh lard— i , Are for showingspecial the next ,,sr; „; ,, ,• line two wccks in. veterinary. ______ enar"""°" - tlin tirAM,S'urS SWEET, To: r,, route Veterinary Oolleee. Oillee and Bast t l . residence at a an'os old re.`ti`iel one lloca pecialts. ....,.„ �,.. -•--". Legal. -.--V-.•..--�.00,00,,.... ,,,,.,,.,_,,, .Caa,,m.,1„-,o lz. 00anI:re, BARRISTER,SOLICIT• ,U,• OR, Conveyancer, N_otarr Public Office -Over O'Neil'= Bank, Exettir,Ontarfo• Money to Loan, iI.DIOICSQN,I)ARRISTLIt SOLICITOR, L. ofSupremaCourt,�fotaryPublic,Con- vovancer,Commissioner,&e.dloueytoloan Office-l.vn w... - �. tan's I3locit,P=eter r� �,a� �a• n 8 Sar ie Blood f1"' ti`I� G, '' Prominently in the public eye today, Prepared by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. Mold. by drut„giiii.e. fa; tixfor a5. to have formed nn him, he liflvipi7rr or som(� time out been snfferitlo with a growth past on the side of his neck, The physician who has been in attendance advised nicely and expects to be sufficiently re- to hush to be able to return home and t0 business in about two weeks nt'nforth: Mr. Thos. l;; Hays has�8 pure every day we are prepared to fill pails or crocks at 1L low prier:. Parties wantt n goodn tub fresh and lard should call at THE EXETER PACKING HOUSE l� ®e�p�i PARLOR TABLES tip egg •?q+1yi c Pel t x�r X Le Ili Connv©aaeiing.ranlMoney to Loanlat Consul eRatesl'hf trtInterest. Branch office at B. n tart.ery FaEuttucx f r.zroT .4 . Best Little Purer rive him to go there. We hope that the operation will be successful and that he long. purcllased Mr �� m Iiabkirli's resuleece in theeast ward, at present occupied by ell, Jos. Abell, sr., paying 'therefor A 8 ELL - Prop. 7}i�� �e.,' to tee fAa� - •:.. •-. _ -_ •-� ^-^� Auctioneers ,..,..�«.,....,,,.,.,.,�.., I ever used writes one lad in regard to used," y g Hood's Pins. They are So mild and do 9„,” ;�t , ;i,,Ii..., Out any gripm;. are �. I recommend' f.s?' ; 4 a' , �,x 'them to all suf- fering will return ere Brumfield: On Wadnel(1av evening Of last week a pleasoixt ct.tcl ono 'vas held at the home of Mr. John Mereneen, near our village, being the marriage of his sister, Miss Bela, to lir. James rl'hn the sum of $1,`200. The property is in I. 1 ' Vistaless condition and Mr. Hays car- teinly got a bargain.'He will remove to town in March. Parkhill; last Saturday afternoon, while a number of small boys were en- �.A_ I ' ° tl4Y'+1£`73l jN�q •� Jl ,BRQN,inChetsc,t,tiioensoll M `� I 4 •�,•y� ee ins FRIEND Tp„ P � It . _....._ {� ��' ,3,'"�„'�ift,'la•tonOerfor Wt+.1 : loll etnytme.t- piS�iC;it� - _...... ,,.... 4 5 - . Atict-Uheirworkwith- ilia Countiesof Perthanti Middlesex, also for the township ofUshorne tales promptly attended to and terms rea- hal ©lo: Salosaxr(anged at Pest office. Win- - tt t " `' , •,. ' 1. :4„r from cos- �,'.,.rplaying,one 1 • ll" tiveness. They P willCertainly Walker, of Tuckersmith, bride peas tastefully attired in myrtle 'green silk. Rev. Mr. Muir, in his usual !_'('ill ••('[l in of them Leo Me-curedIt"' Intyre, SOIL^Aft Michael McIntyre, of Has others! Will cure you __ I OLIN T. tVEI TGOTT, Exeter, Ontario, ea Auctioneer fox the County of 'Huron. sSpecial attention given to farms and farm oak sales. . Charges moderate, I,Lities give 7 plating, leaving sales this Fall should give him a trail. For further particulars, apply hvletter to Exeter P. Orders felt at tine ADVnOA'rp Office, Exeter, will receive exempt attention. p1iAi3ElI\F. .,.„,,..,,.,,.�,�,.,,�,-„,,,w.�, r.,Iua Vel ors. • - y a. i ills are '.- + The 343. C. at Chester close of livi red ent,after until t .-, rapidly --'� members 0. the by which next . , �� „, r ...- increasing .,. Lunn F„ held Hall banquet, a number over morninD �� brin�yourhubits regular. We use no other wither- ” tic. Hoo d lTt favor... _2,�e. - ”' --' - _ of Court • Lucan, 0 their annual banquet on Tuesday. At the speeches were [le rn of „euttemct7 pros- 100 couples danced The proceeds n 1 al manner, officiated. The he couple left for their borne in Tricker smith, where the best wishes a , host. of friends follow them. Von can $$CiQ!iL•fi The testimonials published in behalf oftorn , Hood's Sarsaparilla. They are written 1')v hrane�t lap its who !lave aetun] - p P , 1F found in their own experience that Heed's Sslrsnpltrill:t purifies the blood creates and appetite, strengthens the system and absolutely and P permanent- - ly cures all dress=es caused by impure or deficient blood. ilii= tolyl,, ac "tdc.ntly fell and broke iris , left arm at the elbow. The bane, was set by Dr.Gray, and the littlepatient s getting along ornery, I'ilal'yild.'11Y1: Peter l:TC�^anilell, PvObt. Moir and �'1 m. Bennett, of the South geese Boundary. have had stolen from their premises during the week. S`symAtomsandformoai'disease,seientiffica)- Shrewd suspicions are entertained as to the turkey baggers, and they will be wise to keep at a respectful distance from Sllndly shot guns. Gaderieh: Last Wednesday Mr. and firs, D. McCormick, of the Huron House ist Ask your Druggist ;✓ g� for ri�%Glf�?e/ine —_ --.--- is a positive cure for all merino troubles. It is ilei necessary t0 enumerate them here. Itis the genera)' cue- in describing a remedy to fill the ea. vertisingmedinm uritis a medical treatise, describing, in a highly colored manner, ly„and in such.a wits as to nivel the read- or in a maze of theory and speculation. We eveitl an this sensational way of advertis- e ing. If vonresiccitispresumedthat you know our fact and Can form some idea of what velure afluxetat is,and we can only ad viae vongenerally. MAIIliLtNEisvegetable compound and cannot injure the most delicate and can be Oi)D Y �- .w•. %X� ;�1 r, i t" * ,0 D 1�` Icicle y fry i FELLOW'S - � no�.tl aR A••. n! ..i t 1. > "' e Block ' - RED. W. FARNCQbIB, Provincial ,alai Surveyor and Civil Engineer. Moe, Iver Post Office,�2ainstreet.Exeter,Ont. lCnsurtu't`4- E ELLIQT, Main St. Insurauoo Agent, Exeter STEAMSHIP Cy INSURANCE &GENT. A American. iWhite Sear, are tate, -Dominion, ya Linea to England, Ireland, Scotland, Germany, Frame ,Copy Colony, Australia and New Zealand. parties Pre ai=l tickets issued toA wishing to send for their friends. Lancashire, London and Lancashire, Northern, North British anti. Mercantile,looked and Perth Mutual Fire Insurance Co's. London and Lancashire Life Insur, Co. London Guarantee and Accident Co LOWGs'ic HATES. Capt. Gee, Kemp ' P amounted to 108. -At the fax hunt a doi;hebelouring here a few Morgan secured J. a tit secured t �� game in about 15 minutes, MP. D O Slte<t, dre53- Hood'sPills 1 rLs for the liver and bmvels; act promptly, easily and effectively. liitehell: In October lest Mr. Hugh celebrated the tenth anniversary of their marriage, A large number of friends assisted them in commemora do the happy day, and added to their used with 1arfect safety. MABELINE is placed in capsules and they are applied directly to the diseased parts, Full directions, how to apply on every IS HANDLED E p ,� AND t d in a suit of red and ridinga fiery steed, commanded the sports, and all nounced to the large gathering the re- suit of the rthe A Bathe of Mr. Ii St. John, hotel -keeper, of this place, receiv- ed a terrible but with an axe, the other day while chopping with a companion, With one stroke of the axe his heel and part of the ankle were completely sev. egad. The wounded man is a well to- do farmer of the township of Slan� hard It was on his own farm that the seer dent happened -The Lucan Hunt Club intend having another chase in .a few days. The fox has already been se Millet, of Hibbert, pnrcha:sed from lir, McGrath the "Farmers'Hotel",Mitchell and soon after erected fine new stables in connection therewith. Everything' like prosperity. and a fair hire'' am was being done s^ that hen it he.. came known on Saturday that '4 r Alit- F Itr had made an assignment to Aft: Cult much surprise was canned. The Habil •�• Ines cannot be heavy, hut as a meet- Ina' of the creditors is shortly to be held ,• e'xeet amount will felon be known Tuckersmith: Much 'surprise and regret was felt by many on Friday last on it becoming known that Miss Mar- a rd wishes many handsome crystal mementoes of the celebration. Hensall: On Friday last, Mr Wm. .Welsh's Young; son met with a bad ac cident.' •It appears that he was playing with another boy aroutld his father's at the rear of Brown & new dwelling,s Clark's carriage shop, and while on the scaffold be slipped, and in falling had tt:e misfortune to break has leg ''' Parkhill: The cheese teeters at Burr, owned by Mr S. Corsant, was burned to the ground earlySaturdayti, morning, together with its contents. The building was insured. , The fav- box. Send 51 for one month's treatment. _t capsules in a bo., Vt7py pay tlpree dollars for any other remedy when you can buy klabehne for one dollar? Address all communications to THE SALUTINE CO. Box 280, Windsor, Ont. "" "" ""^"" "' EFI' "" ar,m,,g ,• Itd s JIlS✓ �ri " SHOU1D TAKE a ''e ..- g r,�a ,)e,,, . s : '`+?i re area a ': � L WAFERS '\t it 'r' r ,o con..t i „'„Rl:niry and weakness, , lea? the ,i , ,:,3,. ail:; n- 1l ion. Tho `t3 7t':u a Lr ,p iw w inn;oomrn. t'`F a, ala> t d 1 r 7m nt prev,dc rain. r r^, p.> rorTl,onrr,,,it u,sn,i. Ulan tats sell them at Slper bot, eaea vrreeelererwomenknown, --” --- -' -••` -'- ---7 - .,) t u r IR TIN 9 AGENTS FOR ® qti,Q9p�1 t Q"�1C!�,g tw �fl7 6 11 l6Ei Fi � � �wr tC159PC E> ORGANS, E'�g, The Brantford won -335 first prizes, -148 second ,t SS third 41 and holds nearly every Championship from the Atlantic to the Pacific. , Q � �t+ Mar � t The .!L he Same Old Stonthe Story. Q� Every week we continue yon the same old story cellence of our goods and Its an old story' perhaps-wer have been been telling. long time -but a good bear constant retelling propose constantly re -telling We Personally "Cut" Every that's made up at this meat. -as -well as fit it details. This is the reason why our prices ate. Don't Catch Cold. Winter is.here and you keepwarm. We shall be pleased you -yes make you -one swell and durable overcoats.Homer "swell" EaCa?. coat a fit -Asa Each coat a daisy' IIEHTI BE he Door North of Brownie '5 of fits. it story Garment establish- and only are want to drugStore. to the fora and it. all moder of tell ex. will we the„ ONE toDoherty,. show war cured. serer Sinclair, eldest daughter of Mr. tory had recently been leased by Mr. are ' e . t • a. • e ® ,Inhn Sinclair, of the Kippen road, had Stephen School Report. departed this life. It was known that Miss Sinclair bad been Corsant to a practical cheesemaker. and no one can tell how the fire originated pyNy .+ `Y of �j RAL not enjoying• The following is a correct report of good health for some time, h=it few the standing of the pupils in. S. S. No. thought her case was so serious About 3, Stephen, for the month of January. a year ago she hada. verysevereattack -- ___-.._. .,_ WISE �t1 � 'alb ! 3i.9 ya .rel Positively COUGHS a surprisingly Cures . and COLDS ;t short time. It's a sci- �� ,r iQt are inin 1'h. names order of merit: -V. of la grippe, from which she never re. Fred Sanders; Sr IV. Geo. Sanders, covered. and which finally affected her T1/0 �ireel Gt1 entifccertainty,tried andtrue,soothing entific and healing in its effects. • ' Herman Beaver, Geo. Bagshaw, Sid lungs. causing death She was a native ban ere Jr. IV. Julia Trieubnor, •of this place and was 32 years of age: In• on y eII. W. C. rdocoarouR & SON, sonchetre,Que y; ryny.Ioctnral % S O Eddie Beaver, & Ida Jory (even,) Dan. Saiiders, Clara Stanlakc Luther Pati- Clinton; Avery ll.nint wedding inert hale, Sam Jory, Bertha Gilbert; Jr. see place at the home of Mr. Fred Blnett; Ontario St., on Tuesday, only rimmed- Mary J. Sanders, Norah Sanders, Rich. iatP friends of the contractinm artiea ` Glanville, Arthur Sanders, Clinton n Sweet Sr. H. Charley Sanders,Halley being present. The groom, W G. ewelle3r, mayclaim- the dis. Sanders, Stella Pen hale 1 hos. Harrison tinctiono being the youngestbusinessof rcolors. Lorena Ford,Henryestle Marshal y + man in teem. and •was titin nrte cl by I. Box, Fred Dearing; Sr. Pt. II, l+ranl.p I1'•PPd, while the bride Miss fora Bell •Large Truubuer, Minnie Trieubner,,Have groom,Willie ISD women always use Diamond Dyes when the work of home dyein bee ins The majority o£ women .g b know' that Diamond Dyes produce the richest strongest and most brilliant Diamond Dyes Two users y freely give their opinions.. Mrs. A. Uhittick,Windsor, N. S., 9ay6:. a used Diamond Dyes for over report in aletter that gut ndhrrs, O.Garcetuofchrenlccold inchest and bronchial tubes, and also cured IV. G. liccombor ora :. ions staading cold. MR. J, Ii. Hurry, Chemist, 528 Yonge St., Toronto, wr=ist ”A,agnneralcoughnndiungsyrupPy,iy Pectoral is a most invaluable preparation.it has given the utmost satisfaction to all who have tried it. many`�havingspakentomeofthe ;; benefits aorivad from. its use in their families. Ttissuitableforoldoryoung.beingpleasantto the taste. Its sale with ,00hits been wonderful. ,c, andl can always recommend it as a salb and reliable cough medicine,' lzsottic, s , eta. . Those who have used man's Cough balsam pro - 7 I10llllce 1t unequalled. as a remedy for coughs, colds, and bronchitis troubles. i �1nanS COnditlOn and cough powders for horses,. Bagshaw,Herbie Ford,Roy1'arsous iredtwsidebecomingly and beautifully at , >- 'tired, was aided by Miss Lena Doherty I t abate; Sr. Pt, 1. Vera Sanders., • ' Rev Mr. Hnlmp4 performing the, care- Clara l saver Jennie Sanders• Jr. Pt I. mnnv After the usual we?ddine•dinner two years and find them ahead of all: others are the best for producing clear and rosary colors. „ DAVIS &-LAWT.ENCE CO., LTD. Sole Proprietors MONTREAn the best in the market at- t ways hand; also .Aceto- Y Hattie Willis, Viola Peuhale, MinnieMrs. San[l4rs, Laura Jory, Sadie Willis, the voting c(ntply left train for De- P ()the Triebner, :Che bests eller= for trtnt, where thcy spend thehoneymoon. returning to town they will taro the month. are V & IV class, Danielare Sanders;III class, Mary Sanders, II lap their residence in,`fhe house lately class, Lorena .Ford; Pt, II class, Roy occupied by H. Cantelon.5 arsons. Number of 'mules on the roll Tuckers,nfth,: Many: will ;1 egret ' to 47. Aver a„e at.teildalici; 4i.., learn of he severe affliction' which has W. B."BAGsBAW, Teacher. beadier, th'n family of Mr. Simon Hunt- are; Jas. 13. Coulte• r; Neepawa, Man., sag. ' I have alwa g mush leisure y', y'P m nslns Diamond Dyes; i think they grand, and alway.make;old things new•." " Clinton: Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Jackson Clinton: r v upto oaf^rt on Tuesdaylast doe S h to spend a few hours with`l their dough. ter. Mrs. (Ur,) Belden. On their way InOW What `You 1 '\ ) ,�i ., , , s ib '. '� .' ,! tf Chs l t i ll,, q benefacto and Liniment, the medicine 0 s successfully used by Mr. Chas. Munroe, Parkhill in this and other tOWIIS in treating• and our - t. ing . various diseases. For sale here IF YOU WANT TO TRAVEL • ., . /:eiR1L1 daJcD�� __ _ ..._____3.,_ df the 9th coneeetafnn; melee, ati of St, Marys: The friends of Samuel m having beenup aha prostrated by t Treacy, who=a leg was broken by fel- phoid fever Some -of the children: •.: the'horse'which they were driving, fell,. upsetting the cutter and throe+lug yy'e,. t, ,.,,,. rd , „ ,. ,l, f• • \��,a�y+c;,�li r. •r4 , C. LUTZ Druggist,. 9 ling on the sidewalk, will he pleased • e i scarcely had to hear he is progressing Were first afflicted and b favorably.thPr recovered Meq. Hunter was„ Hibbert: J. Watson on Thursday laid up by the same disease, and before" last drew a foal of 1,550 brick from slits had recovered Mr. Hunter wa.s Crediton, a distance of over. 22 miles. taken ill. Mrs Hunter and the other This load, which weighed nearly four members of the• family are now ' how-' oris breaks the record,for this vicinit r.r•er. fn a fair wa for rpcove.r. and` -tons, y' y y,' Seaforth:' Mr.., S. Hwchley lotencls Mr: Hunter is limns as well as could a seed and im lement, em- he expected • under' the circumstances opening up p# } hoped,getant orlum,i•n the story recently vacated and will. it is around all byb'lessrs. 13inchley &lamb, and wit! richt Mnch•sympathv i .felt :for Mr:. ha,ve.it,in, charge of his brother, Mr. Ii., and'Mrs. Hunter on account of .these' n' ,,soiM m... .' ..:.. .9AvArit...nd try d'�a ini1V al hrtrnna •::.. the couple unceremoniously out on the road.. Mrs. Jackson sustained slight injuries to her back ;and Fide. e i Mitchell: A' little son'of Mr. James .. - .Celephoun came .near the cause of.a big fire early on Sunday morning last. He struck a m etch and set 'fire ,to some ch>ldren a clothing which were thrown' over the back of a chair in' .a died room. the little fellow watch.. frig the,blazo with evident delight but 'the smoke attraa.ted:attentio• ..and the Are averted. •� et' ,ee.ew<n �'"'; , dl'' ` ,�,eaaa\\efie. ,e, , a, \,moi , ,,, Y e,,4'.. .. •�, ,. ,1,t. �,?. � ' ;H `< 7. ? ta' ,l„�.T+\ i �� _`� w; �� v a'e ei e,• • �- is s=eas fresti the ire tsrl�aeia coloring. . r. The niers you use of it the better you: Lae ie. G4 a1. Writ, � o. E: T [1 ETz iT , ... tg4TaT Tfi.] FOR . ' THE A TWENTY-SIX YEARS.. ®uNNs BAKING WD R , COOKS BEST FRIEND I AOlt IQT �AI.Ir IN:e:0 i40I1 :. ,���� _, �w �rfb ,whet) `/ _�_.3_ +_���P t t ia'�®Z�4 r l� ��� �'� : ;i�+ r A g Vo.'rt . : - � , r '1 4- /,rte y. t ', i '' i '.. -:� --e) `tie. �,yt • - Fry Bissett's Livery for nobby : out. fit. We .give you: the best and at reasonable rate e i . A . CALL . SOLTCITT.Da :''� W //�, RzHz b 1 tt U. IS3e Jai • AIN!,.