HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1896-2-6, Page 4THE (Sztbar Abtioicatr Chas. Sanders, Editor and Prop 'THURSDAY February 6th 1896 Around About U. Mr. Audrew Pilooteith, ex -M. P., eouuty Treasurer of Perth, died at Stratford. Parkhill; We regret to learn that Mrs. e J Phippen is seriously ill with pneumonia. Brussels: Geo, Blashill, who got kick- ed by a horse on ehristu as eve is able to ‘vork again. Goderich: Mrs. E. Sharman, .East Strt HI, had The misfortune to fall and break two of her ribs. Morris: Mr. J. Watson, 4th line, cut ente of his lingers badle by getting it Leo the root cutter a few. days ago. Seaforth: Master Nelson Westcott, while woeltiug with' a saw on Thursday last, got his fingers badly lacerated, geetai rt Whi le engaged at work • the fie e raill the ot her tin y Mr. Mowat get his hand badly eut iu the machin - M• itchell: This town will Witness the erection of more In.W buildings the .ceinieg season than for Many years. TILE GRAND TRUNK Eurther Changes. Amongst the Officials. MR. STEPHENSON' RETIRES. Arrested at St. Thomas for Bigamy - London Comma Deadlock -Mr. Mon- teitles Death -S. A. Barracks. Montreal, Feb. ase-(Special.neaar. Stephenson, General Superintendent of the Grand Trunk Railway, after forty years' advice, zevers his connection 'with the company at an early date, his health .hwring become impaired. The intention is to take a short rest from active work. There were rumors of many other changes to -night, hut Mr. Hays, the General Manager, says that though others are in contemplation era more have yet been made. It is stated that Mr. W. J. Spicer is to retire as General Manager of the Chicago & Grand Trunk Railroad, in pursuance of a plan af merging the executive of - of the line with those of the Grand Thoth Railway of Canada, Mr, Spicer ,eon. in the railway business forty years pas.. Lienry: A mild type of diphtheria a ST. THOMAS BIGAMIST. Las again made es riepearance on the reee eou., Mr. Rein Roeder being ill •si hi. Pa etc hill: Mr -Win, Mellinis is able, to Move about, although his leg is en - anal *Ater Will must look before • ,e1 pe hereafter Mr. Anne+ Buek having Senteriai delivered na his let, near Mr. ,l rawr thta ereetion of a new eeeee; iii ilto spa bag'. • St llamas Feb. 3.-(SpeciaL)-Wil- Hain G. Moffatt of Teeewater, County oit Bahia arrived in the city and laid an intim-nation befi:Te Police Magia- trate White charging William, alias blittraeit With bigamy. On Sea- anner is. 189O. the aecused was mar- Laeomlainant's sister, Janet Ann :41,4fatt. by Rev. Robert Johnson of St, Andrew's• Chureh, London, when, it is ch:,re-c,i, he laud one wife living in lirrIrtfo:;,1 whom he married in Ham- ii e vairs aeo "nil another liv- Gederleh. tp: Miss ekatia Jenkins', • ' ad ' re oe stet:Emmett. who is ne V.r ,lenkit,s, has e" sa are ef age, was found board- k*Ca quite itelemeareeu of the I • ROSS street, with his latest wife, and was placed under hut eat the meed. , areest. ' teghate: gel*a;;* frame from The r tra" Deadlock. pr'a car ant...arnaLa; i-^ , • 'ea on Wed., v,..aittg, Mrs , Ft it. 8.--tS:zreelal.)---The dead - Purr fen atei brotte on the eide. taa inty a' tan wes net Waken a, 7 a r,enttatr ntaly meeting to- • :. T'e nine C, ,ervative anti eight % an; 'nit. Maevqi.',-0,1 of Sylvan o Aeeerinen an 4 Mayor Little ,' t'a re'eees, an1 the eommit- Nt, iteeed ha: ale' - z it A *v. d erearam or songs. read., 7 tat w -re ,gatived on a tie 1, , :t Was seen that no head - es. ele• . te; peer, la w, eal made by other means the l'' lath 't*+ leg re thS serious : 4- ,:a' • ". Inove,41 an adjournment .2; her. ir James Daam,,,,e.e Fr4.„1„,,,y b-,lieving that Ala. :.; 01%t:aj) ivould not be bark ;s epee n .0 re. hie beer ealled re- eeent ry, and that Aid. ta' leeeu Letesei Kee where he T. •1' W,41.1k1 Le unseated b nee° ter, The nation was lost, ie t•e tea. her far innagara. ne, r nr. nen ta adjourn for two ee. :ea -"ea Patra e 110 is Stay- N, • v, al and the Liberal ee aennelliter. -vireo Chas. GB. :e.ti a, a a A :'Ita ball. The Council will , VII A J, BALFOUR. TORONTO Tomos. , Toronto, Feb. 4, Burglars entered the residence Of Mrs. W. A. Baldwin, Avenue rood, Deer Aid Promised for Sectartan _ _ Park. during Sunday night and stole Schools. some clothing. The burglars apparent- ly effected entrance through the Win- dow. . Building -permits aor January totalled ealy $2,950, the smallest in the history •RINCE HENRY'S REMAINS.of the department. Following are tilie figures for Tanuary clueing the past ,five -years :--1895, $12,200 ; $84,350 ; 1.593, $24,650 ; 1892, $60,100 ; 1891, $226,- alir McCarthy's Resignation -Lord Leigh. State Architects say that the building rade is in very bad shape. ton's Funeral -A Britisis War Ship ' Sent to Havana -Cable News. Tae, grain members of the Board of Trade have teen notified by the Grand Trunk Railway that it litter been found necessary to close down tae railway elevator at Midland for repairs for one week. Work -will be commenced on the 10th Mete and owner* of grain in the elevator shay if they think proper order It into cars, where It will be held dur- ing the time of construction without charge for ear rental in readiness for any orders which might be received aduowrinxi.g the time the elevator is closed Mr. F. A. Smith, a clerk in the Brit- ish American Insurance Company's office, and son of Mr. A. W. Smith, 480 Jarvis street, reported to the police yesterday that he 'had been attacked last Wednesdaa night in Rosedale by three men, who knocked him down and rifled his pockets. After the high- waymen had clecemped with the °booty, a ;fourth man eame up, and, saying he was Detective Reburnetook particulars Cf the outrage. It is unneces.sary to add that the alleged detective was a fraud, and that nothing had been hoard of the affair at pollee headquar- ters until Mr. Smith reported it yes- terday, Unfortunately, he was unable to give a description of his assailants. A despatch was received yesterday from Niagara Falls, N.Y., stating that final arrangements had been made with the Massey -Harris Company of iTmOarnocnitleoftothelohn,ate the 'United States , factory there. anadgrtiheuaittubruaniaiimnifloepneierna„t liens would be ;begun the epring. Inquiries were made last night. axle the officials would not give a denial to the despatch. It was learned, however, that the company had bought a large Property adjoining the Michigan 'Cen- tral Railway, and that large orders for the beet Canadian hardwood lumber had been 'placed durtng last fall with the largest manufacturers of, hard -wood lumber in Canada for delivery on the American frontier this year. London, Feb. 3. -Right Hon. Arthur 3', Balfour, First Lord of the Treasury, delivered a speech at Bristol to -night. He announced that the Government would introduce a bill in the House of Commons to increase the aid given to sectarian schools. He made an incident- al allusion to Great Britain's foreign re- lations, and said he felt that England and the United States should work to- gether, each in its own sphere, to pro- mote and extend the Anglo-Saxon ideas of liberty. If, he declared. Greet Bri- tain was in alliance with the United States, she could fulfil the duties Pro- - vidence had entrusted to 'her, and need not fear a, foreign foe or internal divi- sions. MR. MOOARTIIY'S RESIGNATION. fie Has Literary Work to Do-Leadarship of the Irish Party Discussed -Mr. Blake's Poeition, New York, Feb. 3, -Mr. Ballard Smith cables from Louden to The World 'with respect to the resignation of Mr. Jus- tin MeCarthy as leader of the Irish Vederatienists :-Only a few days ago Mr. McCarthy assured The World cor- respondent teat he had firmly made Up his mind to retire, but as the coin- munication was conildential the fact could .net then be cabled. Mr. Mc- Carthy. then said :-"It Is impossible for me any longer to perform the duties of leader and pay anything like adequate attention to my literary work, by which 1 ha.ve to live. As Chairman I have to be constantly in attendance at the House of Commons, at; matters were always arising which demanded my presenee, and 1 was pre- cluded from carrying out any sustained literary work. I am net as young as 1 once was, and I have had more than (Inc warning during the past two years that I must not overtax my energies. Since I have been the leader- I have been practically unable to feel assured of getting any of my work tiOne within the time allow- ed for it, and • there are two ex* three mutters which I feel I must ;MIA, and which, if they are to be finished at all, must be set about With- out further delay. I do not intend te resign my seat in Parliament, and I shall endeavor to give the Closest pos- sible attention to my duties. But that toill not tax my strength .nor eneroach on my time to anything like the same degree as being the responSible head of the party. The reasons I have given you are the only ones through which I am compelled to resign, and I can assure you it is a step to which I have 41 ti ant', ab.' lc e waik mete the :It' - vn ,tet Lein ite regular meeting in not made up my mind without great regret and reluctance, and under what 1 ill. tetek ee tat , main street, :nal ''-i,:, ' '' `:'.‘1'4. , i - -, • le i . =I -.Donald. wife of ex- I regard as the compulsion of circum - net, ereaaii e; the thigh beile. ; ,e . • ...e, --.1„. aat reeneem West, died stances." On the question of his sue- . aairrist Mr Allen epier, 4th in. L. -"-'1'." 1 ceseor Mr. McCarthy was naturally in- efesr :ex eltended illness. clined to be reticent, as be felt it was ic44' za I's., a f .w* day:: aro ani eee • ;lee w el; nteith Dead. a matter f -a the party aitme to deeh'a,. • died it; l'elieeels. I nis is a Is,,', ,,s- : s I But he did not eenceal his Lope that 11 to Mr. eieer, as he lest a valuable ,! 4• ,113tdhrees‘'c;olulnetns: Mr. Sexton may be inauced to take his . ; .• , -gee el, .1 en eaturady in his IPII"'t'' .being. in his words, "the ablest Ovielg,eil niare se,tte time ago. .;i 'aid h" ials Totre. to Stratford 111 1 Parliamentitrian in the Party and, In- e,tii; Mr. Faulk Metcalf placed in ;1,.,7'' 7' .•:* ' * ' .,..,....a .,...,,,:t.li ov,,ie;..iT.,,toinrst.ii%talevecionn; ' deed, in the House of Commons." From a. :,, et. erg were ;list week the largest In. I other sources I learn that it le by no ' means certain ,that Mr, Sexton will reeelee r to be fouild in Huron couety ; nee ' ee ,.:.:e vete- and eeunty. Ile re - North Itiling of pate tilecept the place, as he still thinks the 3.°'*vie, !elite atel ;s in every !I''''''' "'*1 Il'" , le te . Leial Legislature in the Con- lissentient element in the party is %vete i erettit to the geutletnate .....e.% e ...t..cet from 1SG7 to 1S74. sufficiently strong to nullify any work he might be able to do for it, besides (area d Heed: Mr. Hamilton is think- *vele,' n he reeiteeed to contest the eeat regidering the offiee of Chairman one ee„ l lee taa Ieenimun House. Being see. 4 eairtine, hie mill as he, hae ee e, e.fel. lie was a neenber fer the 'a- or constant annoyance and entire s. ate a stork tif loge, and a lot of bthe lee t Ottawa till le7S when he retireled thanklessness. Should, however, the Ilealyites sink personal animosities and• join with the maj ,rity in asking Mr. Sexton to take the place he prebably would assent. His life is 'bound up with the movement, he has earned a unique position for himself in the H, use of C trnmons, and be is acknow- ledged to be the highest expert in that chamber on the land and the edu- • 4:& beiges ties he en n get t ene•drawb !fr an active polities, He was also tpro- pr-tmunloleal affairs. and held ,oe.e. han The heeler setesee, rosttjtat In Stratford and the i7b1 Saturday last the Ceuriell until 145, when he was te id paseed air- - I 'ted County Treasurer, which . egh enr liageTo leBaird's ceme (..,.'1" ..,,,!,1e...e.i.ttt the nine of of hie death. e et...th had been failing In . 'ate nia•Iettv 'aas sick but a few , h e2.:: le ,e soine tare, and never fully eh le do's. whet death called him CO; r---, a --:,ed ft -am an attack of In grippe e,a.ial , e, --- ,-le. *4 'aroag,:*, which left him cational questions, both of which will with a weak heart, apoplexy being the be prominently to the fore in the en - a - !item; Oil Sne maday afternoon i neeneellate cause of death, suing sessi • as. Should Mr. ,Sexton 14: ,... ,iii.., . lilt-NrIViii WAS engaged in ! definitely refute to be the leader there Censer Stone Laying. is little doubt that the choice of the - e- lamher 444 Vici...etto,-&. Son's majority will fall on Mr, Dillon. His '. api a he Mei the iniefort nee to comel Ilamilton, Feb. 3.ea(Special.)-In the election probably would in'tat than of a small blizzard t. the corner- atet utli the saw which severed --ane'.eever antagonize the Healyites, though • S kis coreer of Hughson and Rebecca streets, cause the actual secessi • a of Mr. Healy kivi ten: Very 'seeeteral and sincere . wee laid this afternoon by Mayor and his followers. Mr. Dillon, though i he is felt ter*Mr. aecl Mrs. Geo. Tueit,..e.t tint?, ti,,rt.se.nce -of a riarie not altogether of Mr. Sexton's Parlia- sesee of the Salvatien Arnie barracks, It is thought now, that it would not • i tat the lase of their little daugh I nUIT1'''r at en, h -slastic army e ncia s mentary calibre or experience, is and members ard a small eathering of of cleterminr charaeter, ,a hard .man work- aleti aged e -ears which took I eitizenz Owing to the bad weather er, thoroughly devoted to the cause and No word has yet been heard of the whereabouts a William Burt, the C.P. H. fireman, who tileappeared so my- ateriously .Tuesday last. He was last reen by his friends on Monday night, when he left the home of his brother, Aaron Burt, at 81 Pearson avenue, in rarkdalo. He then seemed perfectly well, ate a. 'hearty supper, and,: after shaving, went away, looking unusually well. He was seen on Tuesday after - anon at 3 o'clock •around the C.P.R. shops, and since then no trace of him has been seen. Yesterday his wife an ant' here from Havelook, where he re- sided, He was not a drinking man, bUt had not been :together right in his head for some time; be fell a While. sm.) from his engine, striking his head. on the rail, and this seemed to *affect For some time, or at least until the. Rosedale ravines send forth a more _danger -us foe, the residents of the northeastern portion the city will rest in peaee. The much -dreaded 'Wolf is dead. As if to eompensate for his misspent life on earth, his wolfship crawled into a churchyard and there died. The misfortune which caused his =Ulm ly demise was a charge uf shot in the hip. -On four different nights . the exile from. the forest made a raid on the refuse barrel in the rear of Mr. 3. w. Collins' residence, 68. Howard street, and in the course of this visits frightened the household not a little. On his Saturday night visit 'he was seen by Mr. Collins, who used his gun, His dead body was discovered in St. Simon's Churchyard yesterday morn- ing. He measured four feet In length and hie coat was of a light red •color. ' 'Tbe fermanty of calling the Hyams twins was gone through at the Police Court yesterday morning, where they were suppoeed to appear on remand to answer charges of forgery, nut of cou-se they did not reply, and every one knew that they were many miles away. The $1,50.0 cash bonds which they put up before their release on Sunday were accordingly -estre-ated, and n warrant issued for their arsest. No effort will be made to execute it, however, unlese, as is most improb- able, they re-enter Canada. and as t1-ey were last beard of in full flight south the autlaretles here are satisfied that the, last has been seen of them In the Dominion. A despatch from brothers reached that city yesterday, :and arals that it is thought they WV go west alstatisleatttlitei,T. Iti:ottisnA3alaithat r it -Ort, and are now heading for Meeico Ii by way of the gulf. New York last night states that the °.- nnedeesdar tilt -neither after an the musIc arranged for was dispensed very popular in Ireland. As a matter Iii 'ss f with. Major M. well had charge of the of fact the Irish cause in Parliament, oVer three weeks preeeedings, and after prayer -had been or in the sympathy or even the inter- , hill; On Thursday morning offered Mayor Tucltett was called upon est of the English Liberal party,: is :a leg MriiMiirk ',sag working CM lay the corner -Stone. The Mayor shelved and hopeless until the inter- s 71i , plate of the builoilie ma e a nr t ?eeichi.) die re- /mettle dtifaculTs arnonge its ilieb he i8 ferred to t e e -tar ta le wo an good are set led. he pres n ee in of • o leg for nIte te. Slimier, owing deeds of the army, and declared the Ireland's friends in England, Scotland to • la plate heing cot e red with ice, same well and truly laid. In the stone and Wales, I dare say, from Mr. Glad- e.; i ited Mill) the ground. A little see of Mr Edward „, ea ay Stapleton, had a delicate -1 .d operation performed on him -«-day he boon hack of one of ;1.. fellow $ ears was reduced, the in eel arisieg from seat -let fever. in•%; We are pleased to know ao--- or esteemed coolie' I kir, Mr. Nilo Ian oe, has taken to himself a better i lie person of Miss Helen David- , e -ea- joie with their many friends • ishi; g them a prosperous future. ids: Wm. Hanna, 6th con„ met • e 'Fateful accident on Thursday Mir chtiapieg turnips he had the ;1,1 lie to Almost cut off the end of cowl finger of his righ, hand. Tie it sewe ou again and is doing niec- e, Carmel: A veey pretty wedding place at the R. C. Church here on , when Miss Nellie B. Doyle, eerer of Mr Michael Doyle, of Mc- • erey, was ueit. d in the holy- bonds • eet rheumy to Mr. Louis Rowland, by e eat her Traher. sleben: Oe Mendey last Norman ho delivers Moat for Messrs. met, it eh a serious accident. s haveng his horse shod and the ereshed him against- the wall, his collar bone, which will eat for some time, s: eVhilo 'cuttiee, straw with a e, ever a few days a,ge, Mr. Meikle - machine was rather lightly built purpose, aud a large wheel and a piece of the, metal went 'ugh the gable end of the barn. u irately no one was hurt, were deposited a. list of the officers of stone down, is one of .pr -found disgust the local corps and copies of The War over the silly and suicidal quarrels of Cry, The Templar and the three Ham- the Irish Politicians. This immolation ilton daily papers: Then followed the of the true and tried Justin McCarthy laying of smaller stones around the should be a sufficient warning. building, those performing that task Telegram -cable a -Referring to, the being ex -Mayor Stewart, Aid. Colcru- published mention of Hon. sE. Blake he on and Messrs. F. W. Watkins, as successor to Justin McCarthy in the Sene.ca Josies W. j. CoPP S. F. Lazier leadersbip of the anti-Parnellite paety Q.C., A. McKay, M.P., Rabbi Wohlberg in the House of Commons, The Times 'and Provost, Treasurer of the local to -day editorially points out that such corps.. Among those Invited but who a selection, though it would be per - were unable to attend were Hon, 3'. M. haps judicious, is improbable, owing Gibson, Sheriff -Murton, Rev. Dr. Burns to the feeling of jealousy existing and Mr. A. Pawls. Several -brief ad- against the member for South Long - dresses wound up the ceremony, ford among his colleagues. This feel- ing is born of the fact that Mr. 331ake is a Canedian in the first place and a Protestant in the next. The objection to his advancement, The Times says, has increased rather than diminished since Mr. McCierthy publicly stated that Mr. Blaken had on more than I one occasion rescued the anti-Par- nellite party from literal bankraptcy. The Morning Advertiser, on the same subject, says that, notwithstanding Mr. Blake's successes ia Canada, he has been a complete "failure at West- minster. Accident to Father Bloom. North Bay, Feb. 3. -Rev Father Bloom, parish priest of this town, met with a serious accident while attempt- ing to board the Soo train going west. He arrived at the C. P. R. statem here just as the -train was pull- ing out, and, with two valises, one in each hand, he attempted to board the - moving train, and was thrown down be- tween, the platform and the train and his right leg' taken off below the knee and the left ,one badly crushed', He also 'received slight injuries about his head. HIS injuries .were temporarily at- tended to here by Dr. M•olVeuechy, and he was afterwards taken to Idattawa Hospital. It, is feared. that the 'right leg will have to be taken off above the knee, as the bones are crushed badly. Portland's Drinking Dens. Portland, Me„-, Feb. 3., -Rev'; 'Roland T. Hirt; pastor of le ,Seeencl Presby- terian Church, created, a .seritation last in, ar'eaching , before the Civic League by exhibiting 'stereopticon pic- tures taken by himself 'of places from whieh he said he had loop•eht liquor. The p•leteres showed hafels,nrestaur- eats and cornet' dears; and. farmed a startling demonstration of howfar- the .prohibition law has become a, dead let- ter -in tells cite. 'rhp',eneteaer "veld of teeing antoxieetee boys home fro,,m one 'Moen, atal *laid that at one place, where 20 people were- drinking at the bar, he saw a patrolman open the door and look in and then go -away. A ROMANTIC FELLOW. The Portuguese Governor of GoaManti- lectured Most of the Details of phe Rebellion Himself. London, Feb. 3.-A despatch to: the Central, New- from Liebon says :that' R. de Andrado. Governor-General of Gee, the Portuguese colony in India, has been recallea:l by the Government. I Goa , has beers . the scene of a. revolt against the Portuguese aueboritiee, and e ;lumber. Of the troops there joined the: rebels., It has .been deeided, thart„ the telegram -a sent to Lisbon . by De -An- drade; telling of bloody combats with and victories over the rebels, *ere apocryphal. In ais despatcaes he:Men- tioned. officers who 'ere worthy of 'dis- tinction for the Stalor.displayed by them in the, face of the.enemy. These offieers . it a -implies,. are pereanal • filet*:of the Governer -Genet tl, aiid ithresebein faitherprOved that rteitherthey'itei the Winnipeg. Winnipeg, Feb. 3. -(Special.) --At the approaching session of the Manitoba Legislature the Government will intro- duce an act to modify the act respect- ing sales of goods, based on the English act The address in reply to the speech from the Throne in the Legislature will be moved by Mr. R,. H. Myers of Min- nedosa, and seconded by Mr. Norris of anhseC. inl: TB. land sates for january were three times as great as during the corresponding month a year ago. Canadian -News Notes. Sir Donald Smith of Montreal was seized with a sudden illness, but is Im- proving. Mr, Simeon Fraser, ex -Mayor, is tak- ing legal action to unseat Mayor Mul- len of Amberstburg. Hon. Dr. Montague, Minister of Agriculture, is in very poor health, and a respeveci.aPliaster Bloom ofth intends going to New York to consult North Bay. was badly hurt while trying to board a moving train. His right leg has been a,mputated. The weekly traffic return of the Canadian Pacific Railway Shows an Increase of $97,000 for the week end- ing January 31st compared with the corresponding week last year. Tbe position of the Controllers as Cabinet Marristere was discussed in the Ho -use yesterday on a motion' by' Mr. Laurier. Mr, Davin withdrew re- solutions on the grading of Manitoba. wheat and proposing to admit a.gra, cultural implements free, and Mr. Fos- ter gave some information about the Government's cheese enterprise. ' NORTH ESSEX NOMINATION. * Look Here Oil Cake' is very cheap this year, don't fail to feed it. It will pay you, call and get a supply. Also Herbageura The greatest conditional'powderson earth. Costa only a cent a day 'to feed it. We have decided to sell lamps, stoves, whips etc., at half price. They must be cleared out to make room ,for Spring stock. Parties Building. Call and .,(.;•et our prices. H. BISHOP & SON. N B HIGHEST PRICE FOR SEED, HIDES ETC: A LITTLE KNOWLEDGE• It is not a dabgerous thing when it directs your attention to the fact that the • ••••,:,---•-•• FOREST MTV BUSENESS SHORTHAND COLLEGE, LONDON is giving the most practical and business like course in Canada. Everything strictly high grade Write for Windsor, Feb. 3. --At a conventian of the Conservatives a of North Essex Mr. Daniel B. Odette "was una,nimously chosen as the standard-bearer at the coming Dominian elections. The United States, treasury gold re- serve is ceown. to. $47,000,900. ,A, Presbyterian. m in later. M, efeipe„ has been exhibiting ainturee taken by himself the Interiors of drinking dens in that pmhibition city. Cattalogue and College Journal School re -opens Jan 2, 1896. <1. W. Weeereetveler, Principal. The Old Reliable Specialists. 33 Yeara Experience in the treatment of the Throat and Lung Troubles, CatarrleAstlima, Bronchitis, Nervous, Chronic and Special Dis- eases of men and women. Lost Manhood restored—Kidney and Blea- troubles permanently cured—Gleet, Gonorrhoea, Varicoceleand stricture cured without pain. No cutting. Syphilis and all Blood Diseases cured without mercury. Suffering from the effects of MIVU youthful follies or indiscretions, or any troubled with Weakness, Nervous Debility, Loss of Memory, Despondency, Aversion to Society, Kidney Troubles, or any disease of the Genimettrinary Or - gams, can here find safe and speedy cure. Charges reasonable, especially to the poor. ctmEs GUARANTEED. Middle -Aged Men— There are many troubled with too frequent avec - Lions of the bladder. often accompanied by a slight smarting or burning sensation, and weakening of the system ilia manner the patient cannot account for. There are many men who die of this eascuity, ignorant of the cause, The doctor will guarantee a per. fact cure in all such cases, and healthy restoration of the genito•urinary organs. Con- sultation free. Those unable to call, can write full particulars of their case and have medicine sent by express, with fall instructions for use. Mention this paper when writing. Office hours: From it a..nn, to 8 p. In. Sundays, II to 11 a. an. 290f°DtOD4vENnE.DR, SPNNEY&(81de Entrano. 12 E. Elizabeth St.) DETROIT, MICH. a Back-Aclie"D. Face.A.clite, Sciatic ' pahis, Nournlate PninS• Pain in the Side. etc. Promptly Relieved and Cured by " ' The . & L." Menthol Piaster Having used yur oD. k a, Menthol Plaster ter seven+ pain in taw bark and lumbago. Z unbraliatIngly reeanummd same as Sae, ,air, and rapid remedy :In Met they art like APONU, Eiliabotbtown, Ont. Price 25e• DAVIS & LAWRENCE CO., Lan. Proprietors, Monritnat.. "Marsland's Good -Bye" Words by Mr. Banjo JioneS Air: "Tommy Atkins" Oh, they took him from the Bank and sent him home To have him cut in pieces and made rieht They also wish to elevate his Tene And to send him back again quite out of -sight So we've gathered here to -night to wish him luckAndtorecognize his fortune and his tame For no matter hoty they slash him And no matter how they gash him He'll just be ,Charey Marsland' all the same Cliwtuhs O ! Charley, Charley Matsland Your're a Daisy Ball and Bat You're a La La at the VN ickets And everything like that May your shadow ne'er grow thinner May you alwai s be a winner So we've asked you here to dinner To try and make you fat, Yes! F,att. For sale at all music stores Copyright Price r.6o. Winchelsea School Report. The following is a correct report of the standing of the pupils in S. S. No. 6, in the Township of Usborne, for the month of January Senior department. 51b. -Winfred Coupland, Herman Kyle. Sr. 4th. -Frank Delbridge, John Coup land. Charles Upshall. Jr. 4th -Geo Wilcox, Olive Hawkins. Sr. 3rd. - Dere Delbridge, Linda Miners, Mars' Delbridge. Jr 3rd.-- Edna Godbolt, John Coward, Bertha ITpshall, No. on Roll 47. Average attendance, 34. 5, Junior Department. Sr. 2nd. -Mary lierdmap, Toria Mit era, Births Francis, Jr. 2nd, --Enos Hemmen, Jessie Coup land. Wilbert Heedrean. Pt. 2 -Ada Beirnfnacombe. Charles Godbolt, Lewis Woods. Sr. Pt ' Coupland, Frank Brimmacombe, Edith' Pully blank. Je. Pt. le George Coward, Eddie Cowan, Harold Webb. Nce rolP30. A% erageattendance 22. J. AeGregery t, • Ella E. Hailtef e.'!'cu9rs' 5 4 11..0./Tattokb A, Cook's Cotton Root Compound Manufactured by The Cook Co., Windsor, Out., and Detroit, Mich., is the only known safe, reliable monthly medicine on which ladies can. depend in "the hour and time of need." Every lady who reads this is requested to inclose two post- age stamps, with her address, for /4se,3 4 con i ft and full particulars, which we will send by return mail in plain, sealed envelope. An old physician, es years con- tinued practice treating diseases of women, has charge of the office, and can be consulted by letter or in person, Address our main office THE COOK COMPANY, loom 3-1(o, 253 Woodward Ave., Detroit, Mich. Ian' Cook's Cotton Root Compound is sold by all responsible wholesale and retail druggists in the Dominion of Canada and. United States for One Dollar per box. Brussels: Ivan Johnston was quite severely hurt white skating at the rink on Tuesday evening, by running, with considerable force, against a wire that had been tied up to keep the skaters off the curler= ice. The wire caught him about the head, atid the little fellow was down with such force that that he had to be taken hniae. Hewas unconscious for some time: SLUT/MS BRArso. -In Exeter North, on the 30th ult., the wife of Luther Braund of a son, 111AIRRIAGHS. DoStnierY--BLUETT-At the residen o ,of the bride's father, Clinton, on t -to 28th ult., by Rey. J. W. Holmes, Mr. G. H Doherty, jeweller, second son of W,'W. Doherty, Esq., to Miss Cora Bell Bluett. Emetemetx--BeesetY-In Clinton; on the 29th ult., by Rev. W. J. Ford, as- , sisted by Rev. W. J.1 Ilolttiese at the residence of the bride's brother'Mr. John W. Emmerton to Miss Amy Beesley, all of Clintnu. awr us WALKER.—III Oa the 31st ult Zrutr, son of Oswald Walker,' aged ,19 years and 6 months.