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The Exeter Advocate, 1896-1-16, Page 6
Subscribers who do not receive their paper eeegularly will please notify us at once. apply at the office for acre, tieing rates. THE EXETER ADVOCATE. THURSDAY, SAN, 16, 1896. The Weeks Commercial Stimntary. The English 'visible supply of wheat elecreased 2,500,000 bushels last week. Net profits of the Canadian Pacific for November are $1,008,066, as against $815,658 the same month of last year, an increase of $192,408. Net profits for eleven months $6,606,486, an increase of $1771,619. The visible supply of wheat in the United States and Canada is now 69,958,- 000 bushels as compared with 88,561,000 bushels a year ago and 80,224,000 two years ago. The amount of wheat afloat to Europe is 26,640,000 bushels. fr" As Parmelee's Vegetable Pills contain mandrake and dandelion, they cure liver' and kidney complaints with unerring certainty. They also contain roots anted herbs which have specific virtues truly wonderful in their action on the stomach and bowels. Mr. E. A. Cairncross, Shakespeare !I writes : "I consider Par - melee's Pill', an excellent remedy for bslliousness and derangement of the Ev©r, havin used them myself for some time." ��' ' Here and There. s�I'ierpool has tho largest total debt of town in England. The original manuscript libretto of "Wagner's "Lohengrin" will shortly be offered for sale by auction in Berlin. Pure milk is insured to the inhabi- tants of Havana, in the Island of Cuba,. by the milk -man bringing his cows with item and drawing off at each house the amount required. The Vanderbilt families in New York pay their florists $1,000 per month at Christmas and Easter. Cornelius Vander- bilt anderbilt often spends as much as $600 for floral decorations in his home. Dumas' body will be placed in a tomb not not far from that in which lies Marie Duplessis, the original of Camille. Once every year Dumas visited her tomb and placed a wreath of flowers upon it. Some Chicago young men were found -using a church for a poker club rendez- vous, but the janitor bounced them. He does not believe in the idea that church edifices should be made useful on other days than Sunday.—Cleveland World. "If a street ear conductor overlooks me when he is collecting fare," said Uncle Allen Sparks, "I always hand him the money, anyhow, although I know every- i "body in the car thinks I'm merely tak- hag a cheap way to make a rep:nation for honesty." Some of the jingoists are very angry I 'because President t.leveland did not urge in his message a declaration of war against England, France, Spain and -Turkey. But if we should declare war against the entire world where could these valiant jingoists rim to after hos- tilities begin ?—Boston Globe. Michael Fritz, now deceased, formerly a resident of Friedensburg, Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania, cut athird set of teeth at the age of 81. These lasted twelve years, falling out when the old man was $3. At the age of 95 the forerunner of ; a fourth set appeared, but Michael died before his jaws got their full complement. During the closing weeks of 1895 the daily papers have published an extra- ordinary amount of interesting and im- portant news. It is worth something to the busy newspaper reader to have this mass of information taken up arranged, s igested and reviewed in a calm and in- telligent manner. The Review of Re- views performs this service very effici- ently every month. The number for P January, 1896. is especially strong in this a respect. The editorial department, called ° "The Progress of the World," is dis- 4inguished for its able handling of national and international topics of the t hour. In fact, the Review occupies a 'unique position as a truly "international magazine." Its soundly "American" stand on the Venezuelan question is sig- nificant. icnificant. TOPICS OF A WEEK: The Important Events in a Few- Words Fur Busy Readers. CA1CABIAN. Walkerton wants an electric railway. Waubaushene wells are becoming dry, Walkerville has organized a Social Club. The box factory at Midland is being re- built, A 400-1b. bear was recently shot at Eady. Huntsville wants to be incorporated as a town. Peterboro' will soon have a curling bonsnlel. Penetang has the largest enclosed rink in America. A large saw -null is to be erected at Mono Mills. Sturgeon Fails will elect its first mayor next month. A chartered bank is to he established at Alvinston.. The colored voters of Hamilton have formed a league. Last year Oollingwood put un $150, 000 worth of houses. An hotel is to be opened at Providence Bay, Manitoulin. Fenelon Falls had a little building boom this season. Last week 15,000 barrels of apples were shipped to England. The annual yield of blueberries in Nova Scotia is worth $3e,000. Plattsville merchants will do an ex. olpsively cash business. The young ladies of OrilIia recently gave a fine minstrel show. Hay and straw are very scarce in the northern parts of Ontario. In two days last week the river Thames rose ten feet at Chatham, Only five votes were oast in Graven- hurst against the sanitarium. Independent Canada is the name of a new paper published at Windsor. An electric line will soon be built to the top of the mountain at Montreal. A sale of 10,000 tons of English steel rails has been made in New York. The earnings of the C.P.R. increased $46,000 the last week in November, Father Fillatrault, S.J., has been nam- ed Provincial of the Jesuits in Canada. The Barrie fire brigade will have a monster celebration next Dominion day • When Alisa Craig wanted a primary teacher 75 applicants sent in their navies. Parliament will be asked permission t build a bridge between Detroit and Wind sor. Au American company has put 85 men at work at the Beauce, Quebec, mines. o ascot county turn out a train load of 0 UNITED STATES. An Au Sable, Mich, fisherman claims to have seen a hairy sea serpent off,, that port. "Dr." Hammond,the notorious all round criminal, bas been arrested at New Orleens. The Niagara Palls Cataraot,would like to Fee a State Normal school established en Goat Islanc; Seventh Day Adventists of Elwood, Ind., believe the present Turkish crisis foreshadows the end of the world. Four indictments for murder in the first degree and twelve for riot were re- ported by the grand jury at Buffalo. A factory to manufacture photographic plates that will produce the natural color of the subject is to be started in Detroit. The most famous blockaderunner during the rebellion. Alexander Collie, has just died in poverty at New York City. Elder Evans, aged 55, head of the American Shakers, has eloped from the New Lebanon, N. Y., community w Mabel Franklin, a 25 -year-old sister. Customs receipts of the United St for the five months of this fiscal year $12,000,000 greater than for the oorr pending mouths of 1894. Virginia colored men own $11,000,000 of the $303,000,000 worth of real estate and improvements in the state reported by the assessors for the year. Justice Jarvis Blume, of Chicago, was attacked by two robbers at an early hour Friday morning, lie shot one of the men dead, and the other made his escape. Portland, Me., claims to have two the oldest ex -mayors in the count Ron. W. W. Thomas Is 91 years and months old, and the Hon. Neal Dow just four months younger, John B. Blair who was ninety -fl years of age, died on Wednesday in t Chicago Home for Incurables. Fif years ago he invented a bicycle made the same lines as the safety of to -day. A farmer of Albany, Ora., is exhibitin a bunch of forty-two stalks of wheat, wi 924 meshes and about 3,500 grains, wbi grew from a single kernel. Anoth farmer in Cedar Rapids„ Neb., has a cucumber five feet long and still grow- ing. The death is announced in New York Alfred Ely Beach, editor of the Soientifie American, at the age of seventy. Amon Mr. Beach's earlier inventions was a typ writing machine, which obtained a need at the Crystal Palace Exhibition in Lo don in 1850. Some idea of the rate at which Main forests are being converted into paper had from the fact that three =Mein Pen - NATURE AS A CHILD'S;TEACHER. Rain, in the City is Only wetness Broken Loose. Rev. Charles H. Parkhurst, D. D.,, writes upon' "Memories of Our Child- hood Homes," in Ladies' Home `Jour- nal, and emphasizes the necessity of surrounding children with bright pic- tures and; cheery `furnishings, as the mental photographs they make in early years are the ones that never fade, but last and remain vivid through life. Nature, too, has a big part to play in the teachings of the youth. "It takes a good deal to make a good home," writes the forceful leader and teacher, "It needs something besides father and mother, and an open fire, and the eat on the hearth. The first element in the home is the: house itself, which needs to be distinctly different,from any other house in sight. Thor there needs to be , sonic land around a house before it can be 'real homey,' It gives playroom for the eyes as well as for the feet. A wide ith range of solemn woods will do more for a child in a week than yellow bricks andes paving stonwill do for him in a year a tee or ever do for him. It is a great thing aro es for a child to grow up within earshot of a babbling brook. There is a kind of In usicalness of spirit that will become his in that way ho will never be able to no- j quire from a piano teaher or a fiddling' master. This . wide range of prospect will also companion him with the bright and the more earnest moods of , the great mother earth on whose bosom he is being nourished. He will have opportunity to see the days briehten i of the east in the morning, and his soul rowill unconsciously absorb some of the' 7 glory of the setting sun. Children in is the city hardly ever see the sun come up or go down. It simply grows light I about the time they have to get up and ve grows dark a dozen or so hours later. he To a child in tho country there is like ty wise opportunity for him to see it rai on There is a great difference between ra and falling water. Rain in the city g only wetness broken loose, and is th ciliated only in terms of street-cleani eh and aqueduct supply. A square mile er rain or a dozen square miles is a diff$ ent matter, and is unconsciously co strued by the child as being a mood Nature's mind rather than a hydrop OM uncorking. Still more impressi. upon the child's mind are the stran g communications made to him by th e lightning flashing above him across al ' hundred miles of country sky, and th n' l weird aurora and the swift and blazin track of 'falling stars,' thatmake hii o feel how solemnly close to him is t is great wonderful world above the clouds. THE W M. S. BULL CASE. BLADDER -STONE OF WONDERFUL DIMENSIONS GOT RID OF. An Easy Escape Irrom Grave Danger— Great Ilea:every anger--GreatBceovery by Using Dodd's Kidney Pills. Frederiokton, N.B, Dec. 30.—The peo- pie of St. Ma.y's, a usually quiet suburb of this city, era excited over a stone of unusual dimensions, now in the posses- sion of a physician here, This stone passed from the bladder of Mr. Win. S. Bull, after taking one box of Dodd's Kidney Pills. The facts as told by the sufferer himself are as follows: "About a year ago I began to suffer with severe pains in my back, accompa- nied by lethargy impossible to overcome. "Continuing for some time and gradu- ally getting worse, I employed a physician, who gave my ailment a high-sounding name, and I was greatly alarmed when in spite of treatment I, began to urinate blood, "It was at this juncture that a friend advised me to use Dodd's Kidney Pills, and it was after using about one box that I got rid of the sone mentioned. "You may judge of my gratitude for an escape at such a small expense from the terrible suffering caused by the pas- sage of such a stone. "The third box of Dodd's Kidney Pills effected a complete and radical cure, and for the past six months I have felt no re - urn of any suffering. "As I used no other medicine whatever since commencing the use of Dodd's Kidney Pills I am positive that I owe my recovery entirely to their virtue," Dodd's Kidney Pills are sold everywhere at 50 cents a box or by mail from the Dodd's Medicine Company, Toronto, Ont. n. in is Cal - ng of r- n - of a- ve ge e a e g n he pulp a day, consisting usually of fro seventeen to twenty oars, There a pulp mills at four other places in Pe obsoot county. An immense quantity o! cordwood i being hauled Into Seaforth, and price are very low. The business of the Hamilton post-offic during the past year was the largest in its history. The Qucbeo Legislature has repealed the charter of the Quebec Ship Laborers' Association. Telephone weather Bulletins. m A very important step has been taken re in the organization of a supplementary n- i weather warning service by means of the telephone, and a plan is now being - j proposed for affording to a large number of communities the advantages of the st new scheme. In Now York the local telephone company has placed at the . © service of the chief of the weather sig - e Haling department a telephone to be e used only in giving special information of weather forecasts to the general pub- - lie. Anyone can call for answers to special questions at any time, and be Mr. Henry Norman, the special coin s miseioner of the London Daily Chronic' s cables from Washington that all the be American opinion is earnestly desirous o e a friendly and dignified settlement of th Venezulean dispute, and he considers th present moment a golden one to scour American good -will. At Dayton, Ohio, among the patient at the office of a well-known surgeon Insurance rates In Barrio have gone up and many citizens have allowed their policies to lapse, The Inland revenue of the country f Saturday, was a middle-aged lady, wh was suffering from a deep slit in th center of the lower lip. The lip tissue ha suddenly parted, following a fit of violon November was $731,311, as against $744,- 6 What He Said. Jayson—Say, Wilson, do you ever ex- pect to pay me that $10 you got from me some months ago? Wilson—Certainly not. Don't you re- member you said not to pay it till it was convenient ?—Life. Relief in Six Hours, Distressing Kidney and Bladder Dis- eases relieved in six hours by the "South American Kidney Cure." This new remedy is a great surprise and delight on account of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and every part of the urinary pas- sages in male and female. It relieves re- tention of water and pain in passing it almost immediately. If you want quick relief and cure this is your remedy. At druggists. A Fellow Feeling. "Member made quite a hit with his new picture 'Sympathy.' " "Didn't see it. ee hat was the idea ?" "Simply ablind man making his way through a crowded street." "Bumph ! How did that typify sym- pathy ?" "Why a fellow feeling, you know."— Buffalo Courier. sure of au immediate reply. Moreover, Whore can I get some of Holloway's Corn Cure ? I was entirely cured of my any subscriber who wishes to have al ' corns by this remedy and I wish some e important weather news can send his more of it for my friends. So writes Mr. name to the telephone company and he J. W. Brown, Chicago. 202 in November last year. The Rev. 11 G. Boville, pastor of the James street Baptist church, Hamilton, has tendered his resignation. a British Columbia hatcheries will not v give salmon fry to the state of Washing- ton, as per the latter's request. This year there were 205 school teach- ing days in the cities and towns of On- tario, and 214 in country places. s The Hamilton customs receipts for a December were $49,410.21 an increase of o $5,746.84 over the same month last year. t Mr. R. J. Fleming, who was mayor of b Toronto in 1892 and 1893, was elected to fo the mayoralty by a majority of more than to 1,700 over his oppopent, Ald. Shaw. I p In 1880 Canada exported cheese to the value of $3,900,000. In 1894 Canada ex- erted cheese to the value of $15,500,000, n increase in 14 years of nearly 400 per ent. The Quebec Mercury strongly advooates Sir Charles Tupper as Premier, and says here is reason to believe that his appoint- ment would be acceptable to the Imperi- al Government. At the Toronto Police Court Monday th the hearing of the charges of conspiracy e against the Hyams twins was proceeded le with, and after hearing several witnesses accused were once more remanded neezing, and is regarded by the physioia as a remarkable accident. Mr. Justice Brewer, who heads th Venezuelan Commission, says the map nd documents at Washington will b rst examined, and if necessary an in estigation will be made of the archives t be found in Holland, Spain and othe countries. A trip may be also, made to British Guiana and Venezuela. A despatch from Washington says th ecretary Morton is still considering th pplioation for the opening of a new pox f entry and export in New England fo he transportation of Canadian oattl eing shipped to Great Britain or .the reign countries. The secretary is said be favorably disposed towards such a ort. The Rev. Dr. Johnson, Baptist clergy- man, of Jefferson City, Mo., who has re turned from a three months' tour of Turkey and the Holy Land, says that United States Minister Terrell should be hanged. Ho declares that he has joined the Mohammedan church, and Is aiding in the persecution and killing of Christ- ians, instead of protecting them. Chronic derangements of the stomach, liver and blood are speedily removed by e active principle of the ingredients ntering into the composition of Parme- e's Vegetable Pills. These pills act specifically on the deranged organs, stimulating to action the dormant ener- gies of the system, thereby removing disease and renewing life and vitality to the afflicted. In this lies the great secret of the popularity of Parmelee's Vegeta- ble Pills. FOREIGN. The Realm, the weekly London news- paper of which Lady Colin Campbell was editor, is dead. Three large bodies of Cubans are ad- vancing upon Havana, and • the city will soon be in a state of siege. Reports have been received of a terrible massacre of Armenians at Orfah,in which two thousand Christians were killed. The Queen on New Year's day, the an- niversary of her proclamation as Empress of India, received ninny valuable presents from Indian chiefs. The new Act for the protection of mar- ried women went into force on last Wed- nesday. and the next day there were six applications in London under its provis- ions. The Turkish Government has accepted the offer of the representatives of° the powers to mediate between, the Porte and the insurgents of Zeitoun, who are surrounded by Turkish troops. The surplus in the Imperial budget at the end of the current financial year will be five million pounds, and the London papers advocate the expenditure of every penny of it to increase the strength of the navy. At the request of Sir Philip Currie, the. itish Am bassador at Constantinople, unctions have been sent by the 'Turk Turk - authorities to the Vali at Kharput to per the distribution to the destitute Armenians of the'- relief fund subscribed for them in England. • M. Hubert Frere-Orlean the : disting- uished uished Belgian statesman,:who, with short intervals, was a Cabinet Minister for nearly half"a century, and who' was twice president of the Council, is dead. He was eighty-three years of age. The reports received in Havanafrom the front are •,,very conflioting. The Spanish oflioials plaim ,a series of victories. but as the insurgents are; still advancing, and the Spanish troops are retreating, mach doubt is thrown on the official statements. will thereafter be telephoned by them whenever any marked change is expect- ed. These special warnings, all of o which are to be sent to the oiiioe of the s telephone company and from there to e the subscribers wishing to receive them, - include all heavy storms, cold waves, o warm waves, sleet and storms, etc. r This movement for bringing the weather reports more within the reach of the I general public has the strong support of at the chief of the Weather Bureau at Wash e ington, and be has written to all th t principal cities urging the making o ✓ the necessary arrangements. In this wa e the country will be practically covered r The value of such a service to business men will readily be seen Shippers, f instance, often wish to know before de- ciding on unpaceing or unloading per- ishable goods whether there is an probe- ' bility of cold weather, and they have hitherto been limited to the two fore- casts a day given in the papers, unless they went to some trouble to get the most recent probabilities. Men who are contemplating building ditches, repair- ing houses, doing a hundred things that would be interfered with by a storm are constantly sending to the Weather Bur- eau for special information. When the weather in general is warm and fine there is comparatively little lnquiry,but as soon as the season of storm and frost begins, questions pour in from the ad- joining country, as well as from the city. The forecasts as at present made are of great value in preventing loss to many commercial interests. The new ar- rangement, which makes them more eas- ily accessible, promises to be highly ap- preciated by the public. A Sure Thing. Miss Nurvs I am so afraid, doctor, $hat something will happen and that I o may be buried alive. s Dr. Pylls—Nonsense ! You need not t Jeer anything like that. You take the c medicine I gave you and you need no I longer be afraid of being buried alive. That is something that never happens to my patients.—Hailer's Bazar. No Need of :Burry. Mistress—Mary, go to the door at once. Someone has rung three or four times. Mary—Oh, it's all right mum. It's only that young feller as is mashed on Miss Maud. Yor needn't be afraid of his pin' away in a hurry. Rheumatism Cared in a Day. South American rheumatic Cure, for - rheumatism and Neuralgia, radically o cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the f system is remarkable and mysterious, y It removes at once the cause and the dis- ease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits, 75 cents at drug - or gists. The police officials of London, Ont.. laim that the Salvation Army Is respon- ible for bringing a large num ber of ramps to the city, owing to the extreme heap fare and lodging provided. Mr. G. M. Hayes entered upon his duties as gnerai manager of the Grand Trunk Company January 2. Mr. Sear- geant, the retiring manager, will sail from New York the first of next month. "It is„a Great Public Benefit."—These significant words were used in relation to o Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil, by a gentle- t man who had thoroughly tested its merits in his own case—havingbeen cured by ' s it of lameness of the knee, of three or r four years' standing. It never fails to remove soreness as well as lameness, and is an incomparable pulmonic and cor- rective. A -Useful Gun. ' "I've bought Smadley's new gun,:” "Why, don't' you know you couldn't hit anything with it ? It's:a beauty, but it won't shoot straight." "Sh ! That's why I got' it Fellows , 6 always guyed me because I couldn't shoot d 1 or Gen. Duffield, chief of the United States east and geodetic survey, has presented o the Washingotn authorities the joint report upon the Alaskan boundary. It bows a practical agreement between the sports of Canada and the United States. Win. McClure. the man who was souf- Sing with Erwin Caldwell at the McMur- ray house, Ingersoll, on New Year's clay, when the latter niet his death, was placed in Woodstock jail on Saturday. He was arrested on a charge of murder and was remanded for a week. The earnings of the Grand Trunk rail- way for the year up to Nov. 30 arereturn- ed at $16,660,807, as compared with $16,- 97,444 for the eleven months` of 1894, a eorease of $7,000. The earnings of the P.R. for the same periods were respect iv ,$17,014,346 and $17,194,956,. a de - ease of $180,000. and now I've got a good excuse for miss- ing."--Chicago Record. , Heart Disease Relieved in 3o Mentes. Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart gives perfect relief in all cases of . Organic or Sympathetic Heart Disease in 30 minutes, and speedily effects a cure. .it is a peerless remedy for Palpitation, Shortness of Breath, Smothering Spells, Pain in Left Side and all symptoms of a Diseased Eeart. , One .dose convinces, Sold by, si.rnggists. Playing for Safety. Mrs. Ticks -its raining hard ; let me get you„ an umbrella. Hicks -Get me Dick's baseball mask. Mrs, IIieks--Why, that wont shed water. Hicks -All I , ~want is to keep Other. people's umbrellas out, of ray eyes, Parents buy,Mother: Graves' Worm , o;t a ,knwitisa luster ,faecalis they .y., o , a their - children and n iia£$ medicine for . h , effectual expeller of worms. The great demand for a pleasant, safe and reliable antidote for all affections of the throat and Iungs is fully met with in Bickle's Anti-Consumetivei Syrup. It is a purely vegetable compound, and acts and,ma magically in all Br promptly g• 9• subduing coughs, colds, bronchitis, inflammation Ins of the lungs, etc. It is so palatable that ish a child will not refuse it, and is put at a per price that willnot exclude the poor from its benefits. Two young girls pretty and well-dress- ed, but ignorant of the city, arrived in Boston on Saturday afternoon from St. John, N.B., and asked a man at the rail- road station to direct them to a house Where,`. they could get a room until they could obtaiti work. The man took them to a disreputable house, which was raided the same night, and the girls were taken to the' - police station There they told their storyr and *ere,, sent to the Florence Crittenden Home, ,where they will be cared for. NERVOUS PROSTRATION. THE BAROMETER THE QF NERVOUS HEALTH IS SYSTEM. Headache is not Brain Disease—Don't Make the Same Mistake as to Other Miseries -- Use Dodd's Kidney Pills and Get Cured. Nervous condition is the natural barom- eter of health. It you want to know your exact stand- ing in the scale, consult your nervous sys- tem. if you lack pluck, courage, energy, there is something wrong. If you feel shaky you may be sure of it. Nineteen times out of twenty faulty kidney work is at the bottom of every ailment. The proof of this lies in the fact that Dodd's ,Kidney Pills -solely and purely as kidney medicine—cure in . that proper- tion ropertion of cases. • Don't . imagine that,because suss your head aches that the trouble is where the pain Is felt. It is quite as easy to make the same. mistake ,when, your misery takes any other form. It is safer to assume that your kidneys. need help, and take Dodd's Kidney Pills, than totake the risk of any,delay. Delay may cost you a wearing sickness, or it may cost you your life, while Dodd's: Kidney Pills only cost 50 gents a box. It matters not what ails you, you Will forget the name of your,tri.ubie after your. have been cured, Thebest proof that you needed kidney treatment is that you have been cured by DoddIti'aru Zidncy Pills, s mored that. thea Rothschilds have ve agreed to advance to Turkey two ;million' pounds sterling against a ' new ew tax oa';, Happened in Brooklyn. Dick Hicks—Wait a minute, I'm not through with my prayer yet. Mrs. Ricks—What else ? Dick Hicks—Dear God, why do you. make mosquitoes? Amen. Brings Contentment and Happiness. The reputation of Lakehurst Institute, Oakville, for effecting cures of the alco- holic appetite does not rest upon the testi- mony of a few solitary individuals. Un- like any other knawn remedy for any known disease the treatment at Oakville produces but one uniform result, perfect freedom from the appetite, and the volume of testimony received by the management—if published without corn- met—would fill whole newspapers. Selections from some of the letters receiv- ed are so convincing that we are content to give these, so that readers ' interested may get at the pith of the question in short order. We quote this week from a letter just received from' a Hamilton cor- respondent: "I feel as happy to -day as if I owned all Hamilton. My friends are glad that I am again in my right mind. I will fill Lakehurst Sanitarium yet from this city. Already quite a few are think- ing of taking the trip." • The best evi- dence of a complete cure is the hearty dis- position manifested to induce others to "Go and ' do likewise." Toronto office, 28 Bank of Commerce Building. 'Phone 1163. No Leavings. The lady -No, we ,have no cold victuals to spare. The tramp—I might have known it, mum. Yor sign says very plain mum, that yer keep a boarding-house." Catarrh Relieved in 10 to GO Minutes. One short puff of the breath through the Blower, supplied with each bottle of Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder, diffuses this powder over the surface of the nasal pas- sages. Painless and delightful to use, it relieves instantly, and permanently, cures Catarrh, Flay Fever, Colds, Headache, Sore Throat. Tonsilitis and Deafness: 60 cents. At Druggists • A special from London says that It is understood that the. Imperial' Government fully recognizes Canada's : grave peril from invasion if war were declared by the United States, and it is quite prepar- ed to co-operate in putting the Canadian militia, and defences on a first-class peace footing if Canada seeks British aid. ,. The United States Senate Finance Committee has decided to substitute'a senate substitute for the House Bond bill, the measure agreed upon by the silver majority. The substitute provides for the free coinage of silver,for the coinage of the soigniorage;in the treasury and makes it optional with the,secrt tary of the trees. ury to redeem greenbacks and treasury notes in either gold or silver. "These umbrellas damafe.l by water Will be sold at half price" was the sign hung out In front of a New Jersey store. We may now expect to read of some ice dealer who will close out a job lot of ice , because it has been damaged by frost,.. The famous unsalted butters made in Normandy sell at 27 4-10 cents a pours a price not higher than the high grades of butter in: this coentry, accounting fee. the slight exportation of Amerioan butter; A Speculative parson. There is a country parson in England who has mistaken his calling. Recently he wrote to Barney Barnato, the kine; of Hair finance, asking for relief freaa embarrassment on account of an over indulgence in. Kaffirs. "My aim," be wrote "has always been investment, not speculation. When your bank came Ire- garded its shares as an investment, and purchased 400 of them at £4, sinking my little all in them, and a good deal more. They have .now fallen to and I am undone. I cannot face m parish as a bankrupt, and what am I to do? I throw myself upon your mercy." Mr. Barnato was deeply moved by the appeal and replied that bar would buy back the shares at £4. On receipt of this rarity the guileless par- son wired to his brokers to "buy 400. shares of Barnato bank stock at £2, and send them around to Barnato Bros, who will give you £4 for ,them."—Lon- don Letter. it HAVE YOU TASTED AUDA" CEYLON TEA Its Delicious. Sold Only in Lead Packets. • • • • • • • • i to be attained in the • • • • production of good • • • • • matches. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • possess them all. ••• • • • There are many things • • • • 4 O e 4 E. B. EDDY'S fM Matches s• a 0 • • ••d•d••d•••dr.dddoi.O... • GOOD LIVE AGENTS WANTED —FOR' Massegs Magazine; the new Canadiau monthly. Write at once for partieulare to THE, MASSLY PRESS, 927 King Street West„ Toronto. COR SALE—J, & TAYLOR SAFE— dimens:ona outside 371-2 x30 3-4 x 2 1-4; inside, 18 x 15 8-6 x 23; combine -- tion lock, two cask drawers, one iron box; good second-hand cot diti'in. TORONTO TYPE FOUNDRY Two schools Under One Management. - TORONTO AND STRATFORD, ONT. Unquestionably oleading Commercial, Domnin;aaeh etnakada; .etotrscmt�st- err any time, moderate either circulars and mention this paper. SHAW & ELLIOT F, Principals. THE NEW YEAR, 1896 We wish to thank our thousands of customerp• for the liberal support they have given us the year just closed, and solicit a continuance• of their orders for the year 1896. Your interee is our first object and to supply you wits goods, better in quality and lower yinprice than, you priceliist mail us a postal card and rve�ve- one by return mall, A. H. CANNING. Wholesale Grocer, 57 Front Street East, Toronto. Belting. Shafting, Pulleys, Hanger& Order Your Supplies of OAK TANNED LEATHER BELTING from us. We supply four grades, suit- able for all classes of machinery. Every- thing in above lines at. Manufacturer' First Cost Prices. Lowest Prices for Cash.. TORONTO TYPE FOUNDRY, 44 Bay Street, Toronto. Ore of Life Found at Last. Vitee-Ore is very properly called Ore of Life. It was discovered by Professor Theo. Noel, of Chicago, Geologist. This ore makes au elixir which is Nature' . Great Remedy for the cure of human ills It will reach the nidus of human diseases whet. drugs and doctors''nostr'um, fail. It is great nature'', Irestorative, to which nothing is added. p as it comes from nature's laboratory, Sold only on erect :users or through local or agents. Pique el a package, or three for $250. Sent prepaid to any part of the gloon receipt of price. Send for circulars and fdparticulars to,Vitx-(re tenet. 210 Adelaide, d !aide. street J. JOHi3STON Gener at Aeent ' • T. N. U.: 46 It ma tte rstiot whether a going youm rt', or anu_'athe, farm,,iii the'workshop,,or themierchant'S ormnncfa4 threes yoii,need•athorough ,Business -Esu 'in order to 5 emen , ucaced well : . , VJri•e fortlieAnno n of the Northernu clans. . ,i3itsiness College for full particulars. Address -C. A. Fleming, Principal,, Owen Sound,pat,. Li i • •