HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1896-1-9, Page 8We are now busy taking Stock and have a nur ber of old lines of various kinds of goods which we do not wish to enter into our stock book, and in order to clear them during the next week will offer them at prices which will please every ptlrchaser. ess Good Remnants About a hundred remnants must be sold du 'lug the next few days. 1st of ends from three yards n, single and double width, iem are marked just half They-cnne Up to rely Many of price. Twee Remnants A. feat big pile to cheese from for `•are all nice new patterns and a caber of them suitable for boy's, or youth's clothing. You can save dollars by purchasing right now. Ladies Mantles If you have not yet purchased your mantles, you can now get one at your own price. Of course of stock is small compared with the beginning of the season but if you buy one you can get it at your own price. Furs We have yet to bear of an evening's' entertaiziment in which a. number of children enjoyed themselves as, did the scholars of Trivitt Memorial Sunday School on New Year's Eve. It was the event of their annual Xmas tree and the rector assisted by a num- ber of adult, members of the church joined in such energy that it was hard to say who were enjoying themselves the moss -the old or young. The parents provided a good supper for the children. '1 he Xmas tree was. ladened with sweetmeats and fruit which was distributed among the children -all getting a portion. Too much praise cannot be given to Rev. Hunt for the efforts he made to give the children a good time and they will no doubt remember him for time to come. anccessffttl Canthdaten Serenaded. The citizens' band serenaded the Councillors elect for 1896 on Tuesday evening. Commencing with Councillor Snell they called on Councillor Treble.,. Deputy Reeve, T. B. Carling and Councillor Taylor by whom they re ceived a warm reception. The "boys" inform us that a "good record" is prom- ised to the electors for the coming year. Th_ir last call was made at the resi- dence of our chief executive, Reeve elect, Wm. Bawden, Esq., where a re- ception that capped any that the"boys" ever had tendered them. They were made to feel right at home from start to finish. Reeve Bawden's private and public life are one—he is the same con- vivial spirit, first, last and all the time Mrs, and Miss Bawden provided a sumptuous repast and before the "boys" left Mr. B. thia his share which has al ways been characteristic of his interest and liberality to the hand. The serenade closed at 11 o'clock and will not be re peated until 1897, Death of Heigh Edward i,loulat. Death, in its immuitable certainty, bas east a lasting gloom over the house- hold of Mr. Richard Gould, Carling Street, in the unexpected and almost sudden death of his son, Hugh Edward, which occurred on Saturday last at the early age of 18 years and 10 months. That one so young, so healthy in ap- pearance, with every indication of many promising years ahead of him, should be suddenly and unexpectedly called away before reaching the height of his Just two Ladies fur capes, and four mons fur coats, and a few Ladies sets left in stock. They are all good, desirable goods and rather than enter them in our stock book will sell them even less than cost. Do yen want a bargain. MEN'S AND BOYS OVERCOAT We have sold a stock of these goods and in order to clear the entire balance of our stock will give any man boy or youth his choice of our choice stock at less than regular wholesale price. Now is the time to .purchase, even if you did not intend doing so until next season. You are sure of a bargain. We have the best 25c. tea in Canada. Try it. teens, seems almost incredible. He scarcely knew what a day's sickness was till about a week previous to his death when he complained of a slight affliction in one of his wrists. So trif- ling did it appear to him that he paid little or no attention to it until the next day when pains of a similiar na- ture coursed through his feet and legs and it was then the nature of his case assumed a serious aspect. Medical aid was summoned, but all to no avail, he was suffering from an acute attack of inflammatory rheumatism which grad- ually and surely ebbed his life away. He was cared for by his immediate relatives most assiduously but no hu man power could avert the stroke of death, He was of rather reserved dis- position, but was true and kind hearted and will be greatly missed by his com- rades. His parents wilt have the heart- felt sympathy of the entire town and neighborhood. No words can convey the condolence extended in their behalf ; nor will words afford any measure of relief from the severe shock and pro- found affliction his sudden demise has plunged them. The funeral, headed by the Royal Tempters, of which body he was a member, took place to the Ex- eter cemetery on Tuesday and was largely attended. rersonatIfiention. Geo. Bissett, who fell and broke his artificial leg a short time ago was in Lucknow Thursday and Friday last, having the damages repaired.—Miss Elizabeth Schaeffer,. of Detroit, Mich., is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Edward Gill.—A. W. Hotham, of Staffa, who taught school for several years in S S. No. 3, Stephen, has gone to Toronto to study medicine.—Wesley Lyne, of Lon don, is spending a few days with friends in town.—Miss Mary Friend, of London, is visiting her Grand Parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Hunt.—Mr. and Mrs. Ed, Sanders after spending a week with friends here, returned to Elora, Thurs- day.—George Baiter, returns to Fort Wayne, Iad , to -day Thurs. after a two weeks' visit with his parents.—Miss Amey Heaman, returned to her home in London Monday.—Mr. A. Colquhon, t few months to notice her health grow Mau advertises and the people make purchases. n sSenior, old townsman, Cha. S r, was elected reeve of Blenheim on Monday last. The skating rink was opened on Fri- day last and has been well attended ever since both afternoon and evening. Nearly a thousand remnants of fac- tory cotton mill ends, at prices that will make you smile, at the Sig Bank- rupt State. Come and enjoy the musical treat to be given in James St. Methodist church on Monday evening next. Admission 15 and 10 cents. For further particu- lars, see large bills. Mr. Bice, of Ailsa Craig, has moved into Mr. Geo Hodgins' cottage on the corner of Carling and Sanders streets, Mr. Bice will open an implement es- tablishment here shortly. A team belonging to Mr. John Dew, of Usborue, driven by his son, made a lively runaway on Main Street, Monday afternoon last, but was captured near the Presbyterian church before much damage was done. Mr. George Mawson, who has been teaching school on the 11th con. dug. ing the past year, was married here on Christmas day, to Miss Mary Dauncy, daughter of elr. Wm. Deuncy, of this place, who formerly resided on the 11th eon. of McGillivray. R. Pickard 6' Son. Direct Importers LOCAL JOTT INGS. School re -opened on Monday last. The Hensall Observer says:—"In Ex- eter they have not seen Santa Claus for years. It is said he did visit the place once but he blushed fearfully at the size of the stockings he saw and his face became so red that it melted all the snow and he hard to go home on wheels." A young lady in town on reading the foregoing says she has of ten wondered if Santa Claus ever vis ited Hensall, and if so where he put the Christmas gifts. For if the ladies wear stockings there the holes at the top are so small that he would never find 'them or if perchance he did there would be a bigger one at the other end. The following letter written by Sam- uel Callfas, of Le Mars, Iowa, a former resident of Stephen, should be a sooth- ing pill of relief to the many chronic. growlers of our fair province:- 1)uan EDITOR: —As these few lines leave me I am pleased to say all are well The weather is better than could be expected for this time of the year. About the middle of November we had about two inches of snow but it is all none now. The crops last year were •exceptionally heavy. Wheat yielded from 30 to 40 bushels per acre; oats 60 to 80, and corn '40 to 50; but prices are Very low. Wheat (spring) is 40 cis. per bushel.; oats 8c. to 10e; corn 13e. to 15c; hogs, fat, 3c. live weight; fat cattle 3e live weight; Hay $3 to $4 per ton The poor farmer has to suffer terribly in this country. It' has been very dry here during the last two years and water very scarce, I' had a well drilled 235 feet deep, and numerous others have bad to' drill down from 250 to 275 feet. I very often wish I had remained in Canada, but I hope times will change spore Enclosed you will find express order $1 to pay for Ansoc ew I for 1896, I always pay fc r my paper in advance. which every other paper reader ought to do, and thereby assist the editor, , I Say We are very fond of th.. Ad get t along vocate and feel we could not ,, without it. What is $1 for such a aiid iiev✓sv paper as the Anvo bright , P P & Tra, Wishing you every rrdsperity, rapt yolks, S. Califas. $1,75 buys a dandy frieze ulster, "Gents" at the Big Bankrupt Store. Clinton inaugurated early closing on Jan 4— the town bell will be rung at 9 o'clock. A number from here attended a so- cial gathering at the home of Wm. Lewis, Crediton, on Monday night. At the social held in the James St. Methodist Church on Tuesday, night of last week over $90 was realized. Thu property belonging to the Es- tate of the late Henry Westcott , was sold at auction on Saturday last to Geo. H Bissett for $510. Anxious inquiries are being made concerning the young man who saw a lady home from a party one 'night last week without his hat, as to whether he caught cold in his head or not, At the Big Bankrupt Store 5 pounds lovely figs, for 25c; Sc box Royal Yeast for 5e; 10e. bottle, extract, for 6e; best lemons, 20c. per dozen; 5 pounds best rakins for 25c; 5 pounds best currants for 25c. S, Kenny, a former resident of Cen- tralia, writing from Alberta, N. W. T., says: If any person talks of coming out here, pursuade them to stay where they are. We have had no crop this year at a'1. I have been compelled to buy seed three years out of six, We have stock but you cannot sell horses here at any price. LOOK OUT WONDERFULBAGAn S FOR AT THE BIG BANKRL P'T STORE. For the next 90 days. On the first day of April next there is going to be a Big Big change in our business of which you will be fully in- formed later. Goods must go, yes go they must— in less than 90 days our immense stock, the largest in Exeter, must be turned over. Make no mistake, we mean business, the Big Bankrupt Store will likely be a thing of the past after the 1st of April, until then, Bargains! Bargains!! Bar-. gains!!! Yes wonderful Bargains. ;Fes the biggest Bargains we have ever offered. Sure, certain, positive Bargains. Come and share in the plunder. J. A. STEWART The snow plow made its first appear ance on Friday morning. Albert Hooper, of the 6th concession of Stephen, having sold his farm will move to Exeter and make this his future home, We welcome Mr. Hooper and family to our midst. The Columbia Calender. The Columbia Pad Calender for 1896 has made its appearance, representing the eleventh annual issue, and handy and convenient as. it has been hereto- fore, the new issue certainly surpasses any of its predecessors. The cycling fraternity, to say nothing of the gener- al public, has acquired a decidedly friendly feeling for the Columbia Calen- dar, and its annual advent is looked forward to with interest and pleasure Fireman Elect Officers. At the last regular meeting of the Defiance Fire Company No. 2, the fol- lowing officers were elected for 1896:— Capt., John McLaughlin; 1st, Lieut., Silas Handford; 2nd Lieut. Rich. Far- mer; Sec.-Treas., D. Spicer; 1st Branch. man, Eli Snell; 2nd Branchman John Rendle; Foremen Leading Hose, G. Hill; assistant, E. Treble; Suction Rose- man, John Cudmore. At the same meeting Dr. Rollins and H. Spackman were elected honorary members by the. unanimous vote of the company. Death of Mrs. 'Walters. This week it is our sad duty to chronicle the death of Mrs. Alfred Walters, who died on Thursday last at the age of 37 years 7 months and 19 days, Deceased has been a long suf- fer from internal causes and has been in a lingering condition for some time. She had an operation performed. in London a few months ago, which afford- ed only temporary relief, and her many friends have heel) pained in the last of Douglas; Man„ formerly of Exeter. is home to spend the winter with friends in. Exciter and Hibbert.—Miss Westa- way visited friends and relatives in Hensall last week,—D. French, of Clin- ton, exercised his franchise here on Monday.—Miss Mary Handford, who has been in Clinton for some time, re- turned to town last week.—Messrs. J W. Harrison and Robert Ferguson have returned to Detroit, Medical College,— John Bissett, of Brantford, spent a few days in town during the week.—W. S. Lang, who spent a few days in town daring the week, returned to his home in Parkhill, Tuesday.—Messrs. Thos. and John Heaman, of Hargrave, Man., are homE. spending a few weeksunder the parental roof. They will return some rime in March.—Wm. Hancock, of Emerado, N. Dak , is shaking hands with his many old friends in town again. He intends remaining about six weeks -S. Powell wife and father visited Centralia Tuesday.—Frank Hunt and Kiss Friend who have been visiting friends here, returned Tues. day —Mrs. Pinch, of Stratford, spent Tuesday night and Wednesday with friends in town. -Master Hilton. Bissett is on' the sick list at present. -M. Y; Mc- Lean, M. P. P of Seafhrth, was a pleas ant caller at the Anvoceern office on. Wednesday.—Wm. Gould, of Bellville, and John Gould, of London, who were attending the funeral of their brother, Hugh Edward, returned to their re- spective e- interval between the marriage and the s ectiveplaces vireduesda -Mr. Wm. wedding party leaving, for the G. T, P Y. the Excelsior Bandgave e. station „,a a sqm , exellent selections in front of the resi- dence and at the station while the train. moved away. The wedding gifts were' numerous and costly. Some farmers Huron in county were plowing during the holidays. At the time of going to press a Farmers' Institute meeting is being held in Town Hall, particulars of which will be published next week. The Mission Band of Caven Church Sabbath School composed of thitry-five members and organized last April by Mrs. Rev. C. Fletcher, Presbyterial President, raised the very large sum of twenty seven dollars, partly by talent money and partly through their own giving. A few weeks ago they sent to the Indians of the North West two warm quilts patched by themselves with the aid of one or two friends. Mr. Dan Mackenzie, the well-known commercial traveller, left Sunday for St, Paul, Minn. Mr. Mackenzie has se- cured a two years' engagement with a large wholesale boot and shoe firm, and will have the State of Montana as his territory. He will be greatly missed here, having been prominent in athletic sports and a popular traveller. He was for a number of years the representa- tive of Whiteham & Co., Montreal, and C. S. Hyman & Co., London. Captain W. J, McRoberts, of Parkhill and Miss Mary Noble, of McGillivray, were married on Tuesday evening at the residence of Mrs. D. H. Cameron. The marriage ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. Mills in the presence of a number of friends The newly married couple went to Sarnia Wednesday to spend. New Year's with. Mr. and Mrs. Wrighton. It will be remembered ,by our many readers that Mr. McRobrts purchased grain on the Exeter market for some years. We extend congratu- lations to Mr. and Mrs. McRoberts. roS o Xi1.4S XMAS. XMAS Christmas will soon be here and the Chimney to our store is so large that Santa Clauq. will be able this year to spread for our Patrons an Un- usually complete assortment of Holiday goods, For Price, variety and value you can't do better than go to Carling Bros. Our grocery department was never better. See our Xmas Fruits they are simply choice. Did you try our 25c. tea, ing feebler and her vitality weaker. A cheerful, loving friend kind and true as she was intelligent and good, she leaves behind her the fragrance of a pure life that will remain while mem- ory last. The funeral took place on Sunday last to the Trivitt Memorial Church where the funeral service was conducted by the Rev. E. . W. Hunt, thence to the Exeter cemetery where her remains were laid to rest: She leaves a sorrowing husband, son and daughter to mourn her death. Orange Blossoms. We clip the following item from the Forest Standard of last week: — MCDONALD—HUTTON—M. J. Hutton, eldest daughter of James Hutton M. D., of Forest, to Charles McDonald, merchant, Hensall. The ceremony was performed at the residence of the bride's father, Dr Jas. Hutton, at 12 o'clock, noon; New Yeo:r's day, by Rev. D. S. Hamilton, assisted by'Rev•Dr. Henderson, of Hensall, in the presence of the relatives and a few friends of the contracting parties. `:'The. bride was dressed in white silk trimmed with pearl trimming, supported by her two sisters, Issie and Mina, who wore cream colored silk. '1'he groomwas supported by Dr Thompson,; of Hensall. After the marriage a sumptuous dinner' was served under the superintendence of Mr. James F. Brush. During the Dearing, Sr. who has been visiting in Flushing and Marlette, Mich., returned home Monday night.—Thos. ;.Tapp of Virden, Man., is on a two months' visit with 'rietids here. Carling Bros. Sale of Fur Capes. W. H. Lovett, one of Exeter's prosper ons business men, and Miss Bella Ache son, daughter of the late Joseph Ache- son, were united in marriage by the Rev. T. R. Davis; in St, George's church Sarnia, on Tuesday of last week. At the conclusion of the ceremony the hap py couple took the train for Toronto and other points and returned home Monday. They have taken 'up their residence in the house recently pur- chased by Mr. Leyett from E. J. Spack- man, on Carling street. We join with their many friends in wishing them every prosperity through life. On Wednesday evening of last week a large number of invited guests pre- sented themselves at the residence, of Mr. Thos; Sweet, a little south of the village, the event being the marriage of his eldest daughter, Minnie, to James. Russell, of this place. The knot was tied by the Rev H. W. Lock, and the groom was'supported by: Wm. Isaac' while the duties of bridesmaidwere performed by the bride's sister Ida. The ceremony overand the bride duly kissed and congratulated, the attention of the guests were attracted by the tables in the next room groaning under the hospitalities of the host and hostess Several relief parties were organized' with the result that the moaning was transferred from the former to the lat- ter," After the eatables had been dis- posed of the younger members of the circle began to initiate themselves in the mazy intricanies of games, etc. etc.' and a most pleasant titre was spent. Thepresents were numerous, useful and costly. The happy couple Will take up their residence in the house '•recent - l3 vacated b y Mrs.. Pollard,' Union St. 3 Thei A>,yoUA'rr extends con,,g r,iil;ulaC- ions $20 Bear Cape, 27 in. long, for $15; $23 Wool Seales, 24 in. long, for $18; $25 Wool Seales, 25 in. long, for $20; $26 Green- land Seal, 27 in. long, ,for $21; $30 Greenland Seal, 30 in. long, for $25. E. J. S P A C K M A IN & CO., Samwell's Block, Exeter. JOHNSTON'S Head Quarters. FOR Christmas Goods Buy one of our Fur Coats, Ulsters, Fur Caps, Fur Capes, or anything in the line of clothing, in furs and you will save 25 per cent. on regular prices. Persian lamb caps from $2 75 to $4.50. `as $8.00 Beaver caps for $6.00. $10.00 caps, for $8.00. Nutria Caps $3 50 for $276. Sealette Caps $1.00 for 75c. Fur Coats $12.50 to $28.00. Christmas Fruits. BUY SOW A word with you—If you have money or credit, use it to buy everything you need for the coming winter—You will save from 10 to 15 per cent, by pur- chasing from us our new Fall and Winter stock. We intend to do the biggest trade this fall that we ever did before and have marked the prizes accordingly. Highest Marketprices paid for Butter and Eggs. Moab P. ROSS WEEKES EthOS1 . MARBLE DEALERS. MA NUACTURERS and DEALERS IN MONUMENTS, SARCOPHAGUS, HEADSTONES, MURIALS, ETC SPECIAL NOTICE TO PARTIES BUILDINGI A fine residence isnot complete with- out marble top Furniture,—1V a ah stands, mantles, table tops, etc„ these we make a specialty of. WEEKES BROS. Main St., Exeter. lChristie's and groceries, new raisins, cur rants, figs, nuts candies, fancy bis- cuits, etc. Best values in Boots and Shoes Fancy Sh. ers and all fancy makes in Overshoes and Rubbers. C. G. Johnston. . Taking the total number of crimin' al and summary convictions there were recorded throughout the Domin ion tn.1894 36,165, against 35,563 in 1893.INearl 5 r half the total amount of fines or 4461er vent. was for breach of the liquor license pi ens laws. s. Yet there were -556.' fewer of, such;casee than in 1893, and fewer cases of drunkenness. COMMERCIAL LIVERY. First-class Rigs and Horses Orders left at Hasvkshaw's Hotel, or at. the Livery Stable,(Christe'sold Stand) will receive prompt at- tention. • melophone Terms Reasonable 4 Connsction Winan's Cmigh balsam is an excel- ent household remedy for, coughs, colds and bronchitis troubles.' Sold at C. Luta:;: Drug Store. The annual meeting of the Stephen. Ushorne Agricultural Society was theWednesday held in Town Hale, on last, with Mr. Wm. Bawden in the chair. After the general routine of business was transacted the following officers were elected' for the current year: -President, Donald McInnes: Vice Pae.., T,tiHa shaw, Directors, rs, W. Elliott,•Ed. Christie H .Jones W D. Sa a, J nder Ballentine John 'Willis, John Delbridge, H. Smith and Thomas Acheson. Auditors, ' M. Eacrett and John Hvndman. Remember the !'tremens concert toe night, (Thurs,) 11