HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1896-1-9, Page 17 XI k roct,by eayttal k 1 ns , roads ere, 1j (1V' lelnetlettd $241°°7‘Ju° I dayand mond. ay: 5--(5 000 et leena,na and N iss` it were uititecl in,•he bolv herds of mAtri.600 „ , arp ley 9 Cred3.to TQ 1riQ inndsat l'awwA rates ot ra proN-ca Pa,ttas Apply. to ' ow& Er.I.1 ow, Ja Ws' ...PW .Sollettc.r 4.tmutt,11. .FERST tdN THOMAS, Esq., on Tuesday.' 31st„ • of 'Dec', and bave awl oilica Montreal, ' (1-1114111r, MANAGBR g,e011e. to Miteheil to spend their hohey The eleetion passed oil' very qe alt. eeneeatteet , eetia Farmer's ola th'eir MOott for a co aple of weeks, atter which in our burg, Probehly on. aeitote t of we "tot tt-J" ette "n1Gro.6"cl°re" 4t 7 they win. ret-ara te their home 'in Ittdi- the' exeeddinte le clemency oe 01,31 „eatte a Zent vol. ttAnura. ,area.,---. Mrs. Peek aete Alf. Bedfold, of i er.-itir James Crovian had the Mister. 0 „,,. tewen eat, tee„., to a, EL, to 313, Exeter, gave, oer town a flyieg visit l t lined' lo.tiog a veinal -4e colt ono day re,- ne, eatereesia le a. m. 1 , New Yearees-Mte Will Bader hes re- cently by some, 't R0 utak:nee-it to the Exeter Weenie _ eneralbanking heSinees transacted eurned, to College agatie,- .ottieHit- writer.--elr. J. W. Watson send sole of dernatueter neemeas anoweator =QR., eel leaves this week for ' Detroit. -Mr. Thedford, Spit lest week visiting IOpOsit Racial it , savieet Bank at 3 AI -1.100per has sole his far or the frieeds in this leenitty. As Mr. Watson 07 04 • N. D. 111,12,DON suet of $3400.• lett eurposes ntoeIng has been out West this harvest a good, to Exeter to liye.--Jese ijill. ji.,, per- deal of ieformation can bederived from Cenncil met' after the nomination had T 06.11. • , Exeter, Dec, 27, '95. ' Manager noees erectieg, a betel this slimmer and a conversation with him in rege,rd . to BT„,,kciiro:Tii sen F0 .11 541, . IS bus'l engaged getting the material. the prairie, cone try. -Mr. and errs. Jeliti -iiaBrowuing, of Exeter, gave ns Love, speet Now Year's with Mr, tied -. amen eteettee o,,,/,,s, fri.604 $ ' call mi SaturdaY.---School Mrs. Robt CaroPbell, of Brewster, col°. esesteteeetst..---,.................„......................,-.... `staeted on lVionday, and peace reins brating then' wooden • weddiag. They A. good ' paying enteitereith in ire for B4O.A.Te l'Olt ..W.Ivitx. _.-- ;gain lei many homes. - 0 ea. Felber spat) t e very enjoyabie dity among et. The enaoreined lees or serene. on Lot 331 spent Sundey out of towle-Mise Millie frionde .W4 aequitintairees and at riunter-Delbiedge, that we tne re- noneeseie ll. i) U ri born e, a thoroughbrad Tot- Liedsa.y, of Wingimm, is the 'guest of goose -Mies:A.1,11de Love IS speeding. theinilig members of the enancii ex - grate Teens et, with priyelege ot re -feria -11g MP. Chris. Zuefle this week. , her Obristents holidays With friende ite preenset of...inrn:iteheeercenruelferini tBeaettritheei rpirme-. ef laeoessatv %AR,. }LAWTON , .---------.0P--------,--, ' , the elillegrea dietriet.-,Mr. Miehael potted Polland China, -with regiotered pedi.-. $teptiert Settooi Report, 'Cropan's horse has now full? recovered Rynaitte8 Esqhas.wehno ifaorithtftellyPaast1;:isiAatebeiny. 110051 1-190S! The following is a correct report of wider the care of Mr, Cohleigh, V. of peeetette_ttet the anneal echooi discharged the duties of Reeve of this S Sheltie, 3, Stephen for the month of nweDiog of S. S,, No. 10, Mr. W. Eagle township, and'also our regt*tt at the 0,00 Dkessedlii,:ygs December. , The names aro in order sou was re-eleeted trustee, leaving the riretignathtiennvo:iftiollyinbot'it cGoanroaciniieforrt, Eq.,nutrit-N. Class, Frctd S'anderst, Sr. I'Ve same , staff fear the coming year. -On WantedHerman 'Beaver. SidneY 'Sanders; Jr, a polling booth held in No, 10. school appreciation we have elvveye . enter - George Sagshaw. George Saoders, accoutit of the natinielpal Onetime awl wish here to Place on record the hig'll for our colleagues PersonallY IV, Julia Triebner, Clara Staulaitee house, the,school did oot start till Tues- tattled - Sam Jory; Sr. III, Daniel Seeders,- Ida eiey, etht_e4r, ape , re , f , '-till aWri°Sfilhgeitrh:41111neeVatirByer Vslu7c80"$s i: 'Pt ht e . . For the, next three iVeeks„ Jory and Eddie Beaver, (even) Luther 'tee' he " t New Year's at the parents e will pay the hig.chest Bellhalel Bertha Gilbert: Sr. II. garY of tile latter Mr. mid, lirs.'1'. N. Havtere future, On motion of R. Gar leer Setae Sanders, Norah Sauders, Clinton i seconded 'fay W. Keddy, the colleen ed.. Int -treed sisfe die. '' arhet price for hogs, Fred Dearing; Jr. II. Harley Sanders, Sweet, Lorena titer& Thos. Harrieon, Greenway. Geo, W. Howee.N, Clerk, eikhing trona, 115 to Stella. Penhale, Chas. Sanders, Marshall )30i,,, Pp. it, Frankie Triebner, Roy A ‚'°''nejoyable evening was spent Usberne , - 225 pounds each, delivered . Perseus. Minnie Triebner, lsauny For. Homer Bagshaw Asa Penhale, Barbie at the Grace Church 'Sabbath Sehool entertainment in fluroo Heil, on New at Centralia. Ford, Nelson ianderst pt, le vera Year's Eve, The attendance was not Sariders and Clara Beaver, (even') very large on account of the stormy PARSONS PRODUCE CO. Jennie 5anders. Best spellers for the weather. In the absence of month in v, per eed lee are, wrote, Beaumont, Mr. C. Corbett, of Sarnia, • CENTIIALIA. Beaver, le, Norah eleeiderer ,pt, le, was asked to tone eharge of the pro- 13.oiner'13a,gshaw.. Number ou roll 45. grant consisting of readings,reeitatione, Average atteedance 37.5. 1 dialogues and drills. Mr, Corbett gave W. B /3e0eisAw, Teacher. an -excellent address which eves inter esting and very instructive.. Mr. W. J. Wilson was ealled upon and spoke a few encouraging words to Sabbath &how workers, 'Much praise irt due Mies Laura BakerandMi$S M. J. Cot bett, who had charge of getting up the entertabententi-Me S. K,erap and family, of 'Widder, spent New Year's with his brother in law, 'Tr, Thos. Bun locke,--' Mr. Alex. Fraser, of Clinton, visited friends' here last Friday. -M5 Alice and Carrie Wilson arrived lenteue trouillieciford last 'llaretia.yi-e-A. C. Wilscdi ref:if:rued tOollegle, east Satur day morieleeg sin tilitt*eTnee, - 1' ':fllotklatefoi.litSt' Rove.) Mr. Jdhiatierli, df Ann AtnorMieh / e is velsitingthilisiousins and. other rela- tive and 'friends in this ' vicinity. - West Harell• in:et nte.7 p. nom- i vuotdares, to ,conte,sc" tlael y an. te ceased A,110 resig a..ttOtt of, Patterson twit& place, this Cdriiri . aftNei'lev4i:Tran;'4:he. P. nnnlir•la't°''' ,,XteIeCteel. , De putY Reeve, ,..:iettisha,elivv-valaitcre,ticeoeuise,:,,e,,,o.t.thi,.,hee,ttr !a,711'11 tro)ie, tro' h Tay tor tOd were feCotaServative (e. e!rttoliall'(1(3Ltiebsell'14°17L;rt -d soen: .COtakeiliors., Usborne Courteil '.C.TE.PliSNY,....Cif EXF,TE..130.1:09.1) eloeed. The minutes of previous meet • . ing Were read and approved Dettuty eeld the,tnwen •POSented ah animated Reeve Reedy took the ehair „and tile aPP9.arance'froor earter ,Inlern until the to closing of the polls. The contest for the whiett both Messrs, Kay and Gardiner I:e•PTY Ree,t_teshinumb:vtel:eee T. B. Cer made feeling arid appropriate "rePltes. nliitelgeeaonride,Am;r,QoaErleihogiereeuttiiellteoenelyed 16 of a majority. Po owine 'eteh • • ilt following resolution was adopted, Divielons 1 2 5 4 13aNc"a The coteSeet in the innnieipal arena was faugelet oat qtaietle' oa Mon. day but, with el, good deal of determine. tion Althouoh the daylwas intensely To T DCA, tistitl gIty.4 in ana 11 Ceutraha, Cold, very et -ed. -The Christmas and New Year visitors bave returned to their homes. --The store forenerly (teen pied by G H. Wittdsor has been pur- chased by the Oraegemeit and, turned into inhall,-A life and drum' bead has been organized in eonnectioa with the Orange Lodge. -The eetrettee and leaving elases tnet at the residence of Mr. Jas. Delg•atet ard presented him with a large Bible dietionary in token of, their o,44nem.--At the annual scheol meeting, Mr. Joshua Hu:stable, was eleeted, trnetee ut pieta of. S. McCoy, Whose teVie of °Mee ITad eteeired, There Neil and his netentaatle bre have set. tiedebewn Wei 8,ud we ex- tend to them our congratulattone and wish 'theta a prosperous and teeny ,voyage life's ocean: --The Sabbath Sehool anniversary on. Tuesday even- ing oflast week was larg,ely attended and elle program by the ehildren was very eredittehle to theta -Rev. W. H. Butt was in the Grata#B d eireuit „last Sunday preaching in the intereet1 fee such hale tOta to come arid the of the Missionary Soclety. His place! whiceh Passed in No S. 86001 at hete dliedeby Messrs. Luker and the annual theetingeshuts out all,child- Parsoben-The week of prayer is beiag ren de net live in the seet observed by a series of special services Mr. John Greb.is attending the igh In the clutch. school at Parkhill.2-The election of the Dasitwood.. The annuttl business meeting of the Evangelicel Assoeiatioa was Lehi in the, basement ol the church on New Year's day, when the usual business was transacted. --The weather during the past week has been told and storm, -The eleetionTor the Stepheu Coudell passed off quietly in Deshwood, it being only a small poll and the weather some- what rough so that many did. not come out* vote. -Mr, T. Snell, who has been engaged as 'teacher la the Hay School for the last ewo years, leaves In a couple of weeSts tnalre eourse in the Normal School at Toronto..-tPublic eehool openecledni Mowerly -with Mi' Morrison as teacher and Miss Robertson, as an assistiente--Many of the mailer children on the Stephen side of the villageh4re not leeen able to attend school as the dista•nce to the school to Which thew properlyeelong le too 'ler ( MeCallutia ii / , _....., etinjoreT for Bawden 71 our 1 A pa public bill in al This is the direeto latest and li beet men. . Thos. Huxley 0.retted ta ell of the world, 11. been one of the most vigorous, writers and Ject Yet not one worl shelves . No man e be moderely educe, ao a co ainted witteli ex ley eorie. tend tlieneht. 1. do ne knew o e other library of ally s .3.10115 preten V, his worlts are Lint included, should riot at Wag 4 Ornei Of his leveler books ii heir place in library? , Again. The d'aeory of evolutio le beiett'dieeessed en all educated wee des hi all eouatries. lit is no longer a be - cry. It is aee pted practically a, proven fact bt all the best teriade in an, par.s , of the world. erhe priaciple is riot heing disleussed \to- day. It is paat. that stage. The dis- cuesieu now ' on subtle details. It,' is f so well esta eished that early it the coming cent ry it will form pai•t of our ordinary set ool text books. It 011 then be like 'alilie's theory of the !so. lar system• tAlthough such is the case, there is not a) good work on the sub - jet in the whole catalogue, I know' cif • none in thethole town. Surely if we claim to be et all up to date in our ed- ucation at least the fundamentale of the case should be understocd. We should at least have some of the best literatare on the salbjec.c so as to he able to forin our own optnioes on tile . subject. • This is not intended' as aserious criticism of the diretatorate, but poly as • a pointer, that if our library is to be classed as a good modern edaeator, these very palpable deficit:metes must be supplied, Yours Truly A MBNIIig.it... Geoteee Delleridge, of Harniota, Mau., arrived home Newe Year's night. If reperts are true he `does not intend to return home alone. Nellie wishes to soe the country. 01:-/t1iG1 Bx.osso*R.--tn response to the invitattons Bent Otlt, the residence of Mrs, Widow _Harris, Ushorne, was the scene of one of those happy events on New Year's Day, when Miss Harriet was married to Mr. 0. T. Pytom, of this place. The .house was appropriately decorated and everithieeg was prepared to make the guests tomfortable. At eix n'elonle the Rev. Mr, Swan followed by the contracting parties andlheir as. sistants appeared before the auxious genet:). The bride kicked eharmitg in a dress of coral pink caehmere trimmed with cream lace and pielft ribbon and etetheeith -orange bideentne. The bride was assisted by her nieee and the groom by his brother. The bridesmaid was similiarly attired. After the care. mony the happy couple received the congratulations and good wishes of the guests. The guests were then ushered into the dining hall where the 4ables wereiladen with choice provisions, In the the Sabbath schopt entertainment of centre of which stood the wedding cake tlae Bostou Methodist Church 011 athuge pyramid, with dazzlingteir. ehristroaS evening. The attendance eamente fallings down its sides The was large coueidering the very batt bride and groom were given the seats iseudition of the roads. A choice eno- of honor and the wedding dinner was glum wae*dieposed of, cousistite. of then served to the favored vitaters..Af readiegse reeitations, dialog,ties and a ter dinner the guests .repaired to the Christmas cantata. WW1 praise is'due cos' parks weer° ea enjoyed getnee, itTrs, A. M. Wilson *Wile had charge of musalinod singing. Tile bride received training thechildren and Mr, y.ThoeriP- the °Rowing -useful presents: -Gold SQ11' WhO hAd.Charge of the tibiae. Rev. eetetenry, groom; goldlthain, bride's C riere and Rev. G.- Id. ThomP. wearer telght day clock, grooml fitther and. mother: lenionade set, hand punned groomeinate where froseed-1 meet Mimi ea,rling Bobier lDrit,‘ RIDEVE. DIViSonS 1. 2 4 69 42 35 77-223 35 44 61 67-207 Majority for Carling 16 CouNomeoes Divisious 1, 2 5. Snell * 81 55,41 88-268 Harding 47 41 67 72.-227 Treble 82 58 48 9C-284 Taylor 58 el 65 94-281 Tuus-rms Division 1 2 3 4 H. Huston 39 48 77 73-237 W. J. Carling 58 46 61 57-212 P. Frayne 37 48 58 57-195 Robe Pickard 15 11 16 e5- 67 Spieer 38 31 11 57-117 F. W. Collies 19 27 22.40-108 J. Senior 23 32 36 66-157 STEPHEN The municipal contest on Monday last was not very enthusiastically eon tested although some vigorous work was done by the respective caudidates. The fight was exclusively for council- lors. the Reeve and Deputies having been elected by atelamation. Follows ing is the result. Folliog diviSiOnS, 1 2 5 4 5 6 7 8 Swlezer 50.01 85 41. 85 6•4 eel 49-451 Sanders 93 62 45 40 68 31. 2485-398 Matlock 14.60 111 25 21 45 15 36-323 IISBORNE. Thc folloveing- is the result ef the eltenicipal election, Rinevee Warde 1 -2 JeDellaridge 75 57 ,IAShier 56 8 , Ansa Craig chtreles Priestly-, hag joined the tillers; Treas., J. K. Goetz, -Th we bane4.t°16. 114/1-4,(4* isclarrnd it is oUr sed duty to record thescleath of Mares, the youngest daughter of Mr, little bily Keneonen, the only eaugh. Jobe McFarlane, ef East Williams. ter °Okra and Mrs. Iseeterrnan of this The happy pair are enjoying their village. The letele girl had been ailing honeynloon at the residence of the bride- only a few days prior to her death and 'groom East• Williams -A Pleasant nothiog serious .-was anticipaied till time was spent in the Baptist Church' neday, morning when her ailmenepeov-, New Year's the oceasion being a ed most. serious, as diphth6i0 hs.a. its pteeentation and social, given in honor uothino. could be clone to of Mr. David 0.illics, who is about to gave the 611d. Death came in the pauye for t ast tendon, where he le en- evenine- to relieve e.0 little sofferer the j Sunday Scheel officers too p . - Sunday lastetud resulted as feleovirs:- son spoke to the school and gave -some President, J. Kellerbian; Vice Reiss., 11. verystencouragii* words to 'Sabbath Guitither ; See., M. Weer; Librittrian, J. tseitool workers. -Mr. Thos. Bullock and - family spent Christmas with freends in Widdee --,-Misseltilice and Carri‘i Wilsbe are spendlug totir New Year holidays I e, with Miss Ella Channat Thedfcarde' ey went by train from Parkhill last rt - 5 4 64 63-239 89 26-159 IVIajbrity for Delbridge 80 Coutmeeione. S. E. Ward Wm. Delbridge 94 Clinton; The home of Mr. Alex, Morris was the sceue. of a happy eveet on Wednesday, when MISS Jessie Shep- herd was nearried to Mr. Thee Kemp. Miss Tetley Shepherd performed the duties of bridesmaid, while Mr, Wm, Kemp supported the groom. The young. couple are well and favorably known, and we ueite with their many friends in wishitig them happiness and prosperity. J. F.,Stineon 69 Majortty for T)elbridge 35 Total vote polled for Reeve 409; to- tal votes -on voters' list 759. The storm and obsence of eleetion for council ac- .. oUflcil Fe Peru:ant fame' cake Wales./ hand' ICa"'Ill'l 'counts for small vote. rhe .c AledArs J. Dicialis"; "411irta 4" •ett, .bridge ande A. }Junkie, Councillors. Mr. add Mrs. A. Bishop; tlressing case day,--tThe GosPelTemeeraucernee mg ,ancl. Mrs. Anderson; %Ivo,» utiiititeettleete. BAYFIELD-Reeve i 3". Ilurns. Coun- will be held. next,..Fieday evehinte. Rolf. Mr:, and Mrs:, Morgan Sideboaril„, ,drapq ' nilinral J. rt .°wIeYttpr' Stan'bur' G. S. At Cerrito' is a give an address. -At ' ,J, SPeekttlansebtateklialln*t°W" ' Eisoerrwas::::c.,B h'i-:;315,1:3:iliv.:01c,er, ,plutemer, tntehtlorth. school, No. *401 Md Wilson 016,'Aft, and. Mrs.,,W.ffttferts,Uty,178$04 GLINT°N--:-Tt•"": Cooper Colinti' rtSp 40d Eagleson..was ie, elected trustee, eaten ehepitis dish, MedHaerris Sr. andiejr. and ' Brown, auditeT, and W. II. Hayterdocalte ,Mise ..sir". & Harrrstisilvtinpicale dish, of iattatet care of the, ch.etse. tke elr.TSillcalarri Parkleills chink teao'Set GOMRTCH-MaYnil Dr' ;i"):' Shat'''"' gaged. In the lumber 'husiness,, The frote tri6 pengi of diSease. Mr. and the neat &heel, Nd, 14; ft. JosephFos I'William Proudfoot. Depfity- .. ,. w (war tao composed; of J. Delbridge, d, Pymtn; er eTese. Mr, rsteW. PYlnintehenille table149t'n Rect4e; J. Hltntett W. Keddy, W. Del- , Miss Bishoptesilver pic,41.e distr. Pare ' CowAntr-In tshorne, on the 6th.inste the wife of Wm. Coward, of a son. amt ale/4,0Es. CRICII-ROWalITTC,-At the residence of the bride's mother, Usborue, on January 1st, by tee Rexe. T. B. Cope- land, Joseph Crich, Tuekersmith, to Miss Eliza Ellen, eldest daughter of the late James RowtelitTe. etittre4 wa$,I'vcreli fined. ;-'6Al all itnolui- ,Wir.$. Itellerrna.ulhave the sympathy- of ter IA as re-elected, trilstee,,-Vire' cab the nations Wore represented, sh0Wistg boW.....`- the -eitire comentmity in the" loss of attOlit1011 of all our rAaders to the eta - highly Mr. Gilliee, es esteemed as a their little one at so -young an. ago, it dr(..w„'of Presule9t as. Mills, of he, O. citizen of the village-- A4er all bad being not yet 1 years •old. . "Death is /A 'et in the Fanners AdeoeaTe of Dee. , , enjoyed, a beautiful repait;','•' Rev. Ja.S. sA,e, at a-ny time and 111 any "ieese, but 1.6th, entilled- ..eih. ,'Werde, to leiterriere- Couttseread 'the address and. presented' this $emes to he still more sed as Mile ,5.011g.." - We eAMAde",Pit worth the', shit,Ars. a handsOrie two volutite;Staudard Die- '. ilv Was' the Only daughter in tilt een- "etritetient-peeee, of '0 paper whit;heyery-, itilve tiortarys'and revolving Awed as a tektite tiee family-. ' And yet We belAe ear rfarnieet ought to read, See ' What; he 'a• lallOseframe Pt of their. reafrd for' }Av. 'W tri Qt1.1.1igs' GWO who is too wise to err. 'and' toe says "under the following heads; eacete- 1116 son, siker hat replied in 4e neat- well-fitting',..manner good . to Ite tegkindeedoeth all things Make up you'Inittds to be ' sometlatng. wee eJe, Da,thrand ' ft' r witich sPeechesseeere 1' (11 ell Isgethe well •Sted WOU,fd in 211 things ea•Y e. Thee More than* mereelabOrer. 2i/-4-0141tre'; le. it44411,,Mei ee.tRevds.) Detver, Satithron, Uttider , And Will 'be' tioti:", „Little •Ajthur Keller‘, read' And think. 3rd-Takee atii,4*41,t: " .* , ..., r. Buith..er. patwipal ,of the Puhle min, di Menai-ran family/is elek elite* of one aqicultttral paper.' ,4th-e-Atrisel, Pi St :Tlien'f0116.'we&a Prograre con-, the same Malady., but 3.1 the lime of I. Meetiagstit'etihieli mattesiV 'ffe'it'aiifitlgi'i. stiril,, of xamiic, &al -agues, recitations - et ritin,r tIteirls-iitarie hopes of his recov - to your 'OWIt oecuPition are,, dikett8sedt and s'ofections -from the llfirtnOnica band' ers',‘,..-4pr Buelt'anao.,, ittf ZttrIeh, was in. or illuitrated ethe-t, Take eomesdirt-titt all of' whieheileted weer Merited ,prise. the...v•tte.oe Tneserey. .7 qbe affairs of 'your Township, Cktitki .4...-......-...... ' ,, , - Province all potilliacm. , 6ov- 0,45. it. c_ 9th --T a. , aer Mrs.,11. Cann anelteedret „arm Re /ve Pt. Holt: Ceuneillors. and N. and Mina''. Bele; china fnixt4t:d'sh, Mr. and Mrs. -"it inn:, glass, Th(91111;lsoci, W. C, poydo, J. cawia.weii, 0 „abekce, chi 10 0-tke • lemio,el'teh*,,,,,pa' Oraigie,'Di ati.telon, T. Swartz. stttin ' room latnp.Mr.. ati A. Saunders, 0. Natre,..T. ilson, frenit t, Mr"- ankeN.Isli"S•'ir.,r1:4'd,vY1:411--,a,H,Y; m;.Rle'holson, Citjutpion,, 11.11")ntit "-B•le't°hr.941(1./11-64 MI!"--,-:A*1/34 11;14.Ce!sli. Cetab,PeetItil°B7alithRwaalfthe, p°eNoretzile' ruit,.mr, hoe. tJs filelzonald; • Hods/ins 'Pru;tees: John Vinci B. CuEentet-tAmexenonee-At the resie • donee of the bridehi parents, North Boundary, lIsborne, Jau. lst, by Rev. C. Pletcher, Jostah Creeryt te Miss Alex_ander, daughter of James Alexauder. Aventr-Baooge-At the residence of the bride's father, Woodham, on the 31s1 Dee., by the Rev. Nethereott, of Woodhatn, NiVitliam Avery, to Miss Ellen, eldest clangliter of Mr. John, 13roott. PYgm,---liArtals.----On the 1 st inst., by RciV..Swao, Mr. Ciey phis Py-mnt, to Miss Iia,rriet, da aghter of the late Sohn Barris, ail of 15sborne. itusstr.--bwtET.-At the restdence Of the bride's parents, Stephen, on New lrearle Day, by the Rev. id W. Loelte, James Russell, to MINS eldest - daughter of Mr, Thos, Sweet, London. Road. ,.ass 9 reeta' 10A it ad 1;41/71tAatha 90' An ,k(i..,eirp., 0 voni' own 'an& do -not buy any: fiord trio:41., e have 43, 10- lot- (If Sc (itch. r,rweeds and e , , 10th--:- Bo a lea e StyleS Inrs, eit about 43,- pf-t e,whole " ai d. 0,,00ds, c ome and d'et your gollia4Y- (3, Mre61111119 ;1104111aell e 6.00 Worth, f. e "de 6'eents ver alid et 'it en -and, ,ave 25 per c ent. S "a Snap. To get. a. hrst class pree of:goods a h Stei al 1 lnu at 25e. `0 Sr' t' adian,Tweede-Nice Patter e e e lI nd -we can glve you sonie 111 111 11 goods cutfree. (orne and (Jet your ht of ready naades. REIVEI Merci a 0 4 y, 11 et). 31 .'6'•fils..74',•trii,itrias G. nedgitis,.. and' riit-IV,I,,,-Reeve: A, Miller. ertun<th ; glasi: 4 tergtiSen, ' NVets-d--li), '2' (504'Briellr''s:°61'ttrynrr:teeeees'. cake plate -;e9FutepelllatetineOr .; veto.' M. Gray. Reeve. 13"B' nun/ epn . , ' -'... 4i J. C W*1 John Turner Noble Cluff. ' J. C. soh,• , , . . Jas. watsst, „esitiet.iots; , 7.. 1 - Stpith, .A:.Wiltiort, R. VViilter, H. J. .0-illeepie,R, Scott, J. S. Roberts. s' ellARYS-L-Coudeilloys: W. Pearn, ;.Slapriltairnugo, yi:,typic.cAra.eltrgi,‘-n.,LanWriTe: n 'lpitin'W.' Welister, a,,vv,, Wood, TriiillslIvrY'ithl‘..Iiro' 13'flit°InbtiP' 1:Titaorrdv.37 rhlatesubinaetn r W0 are glad to state that he is r, dpvkri Kg. S,eaforth Qin Sattirday ntght ft 1 . t ''' ",,‘1101,11, who is visiting. at the ei etf e of Mr. Iblin Pincombe, St. as", fell doWn stairs, She received e scalp Wound and fractured w 41cRoitear1 .t--Nonat.--In Parkhill, at the residence nt Mr. re. H. Camet,on, on the•31st Dec., by Rev. Mr. Milts, Mr. John *McRoberts, to tiliss Mary " Noble. 114E'VETT.--A0i1ESQ't4.----:-Att. St. George'S Church, Sarnia, on the 2n6 inst., by the Rev, T. I', Davis, rector, W. E Lovett, to Miss Bella Acheson, both of Exeter, 1 C. Cate i etit 011» as t. Cep', a tr 0 A ,a ••,e9Y• Attrta, e 041 . rostnenclville. ne ,day lai1 '4,eeh was i) unfortunate o,fu-11,i'v1'ile Walking frointbe• barn. it'Se,. thp,-reghlt.being soverly tritheMeenne, of the ' ' t lit , let • , trilflAtykS VI..TERS.--At Devon, on the 2n inst,„ beloved wife Of A.Ifred \.;alters, aged g7 years 7 months and 1.) dayg, Got LD.-- la Exeter, on the Ith Hugh Etiward, son of Wynard Gottld, aged 18 years and, 10 reontlis. , Srgw ART --Ill Alex. Stewart, aged 25 years and 4 months. 1....IVINC,STONI.t -I rstli Oa + "..27 Luctetle. eidoa (laugh!, er of Re James Liv ingst'oue, in bet 1St11 year'. 1,1,1,111 Golerlen township, Base j.8 1 1)eo.'..1sth, Robert Jarite-,, son, of Mr. J antes 11.11)Ier, aged,S „mouthe , w "itnI 't11