HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1895-12-20, Page 3,= N . ,l N a^ ; . y. . i' 1 fi .. .. . . �, _ r THE SWBEl' GLD ;STORY, understanding betweeui Ida and Martel, thing only was clear—it must, be keplt petted of abetting tlae theft, fler idea had 113T A pEFtF•EG LAWN !Though his heart was full of Ida his cps- secret. , been to separate the. lovers, not to drive STRANGE E •� ��•RD9• � t versation Was with b'lorence'—tis it often "Goodness, miss," cried the maid, burst- them away together, by the appearauce of ---,--,- : - '� Carol, Carol, Cliristrnas, exulbaut sing ba . ten -+•anti she asked after Martel. Ing 'n ' i t b s a ' Florry's guilt, One of the most beautiful things in the the story,Pl a 1 i lit, U r t er opposition to her teen. lly REMARKAKE : CHANGE IN THE world. s a g lie has lust had a chance of freeing his quiet manner,' the douse have beet? rob- Arthur lifted her ficin the carpet, Hurt o i smooth, ,green, velvety lawn, ^Of Christ, .once babe in Bethlehem . now 'tile estate r " ` i as lie a. t r is of C I.OR OP THE PLUMAGE and a writer lit a: ardener's ilia azine Lord r H feet t encumbrances, said bed I Su William h- be frantic, ---the. two t wits, l ere was u noble „Ja O E f- !s g L rd of life and glory, Hyde; bub it requires about two thou; - thousand pounds is one I" knightly chivalry and love in his; clear- tells how at can }fie produced. U may ,, +Over eighteen hundred years have passed and pounds, and he will not le me lend `loner p " actor. be pointed out that certain Jnanures are t h eco setup. Slow extraordtnaryl or Si1epiue Illus6lated--Curious since He true flesh became, hire elle money!r she said. "I forgive you," he said ; and in a lower more favorable to some plants forming Incarnate in the human form and took t "Foolish • "William." � ', " • <t " S ecimeris in the q11 etion 8rou lit the herbage than do other,,, an when one ,. o Foolish Bellow, said Sir IP Not at all extraordinary,, Jtass, said a voice, I love still, n C .e s g t , _ d wb. o I Him, sweet name is ridionions to despise none Whatia it stern voice and Sir William entered. the Ida burst into a flood of tears. o -- f v - kind of manure only is used .the plants y , , #luck Ly Lielttetiutisi I' ai'Y I+'i ty erre 'Of Jesus,, to redeem and bring man, fallen, Mark PI room, "Yon can go," (addressing the He left her to telegraph to SirWilliam; to which Itis specially Adapted will grow back. to glory.. - Tile butler replied that Mr. Johnson,one maid, and bolting the door after her). and afterwards � went to London by a ties or .More. with undue:. vigor and orowd out .the 'The lapse of tine hires nothing marred bo- • ' g g T others. For instance, dressin f wood t , of Sir William's chief tenants, was wait- "Now, where here you'last nicht?" speat.it train, sparing no expense,, That Bird of a strange Bathe are man o dressings. o. day 'tis just the same in in the library to it his rent. Fl s eveuin<� i:liar was released and Flor- s g feather x ashes and kainit, in consequence of the s h A <+ ++— "Excuse „y pity oaence flushed scarlet, and afterward g - ley s , thosQ in. the collection brought by Limb- when the ang;.ls sang Good Will Excuse me, said Sir William, rising. turned ale As death but made no answer, ence relieved from the sus icion which potash they cozlGaxn, And of gypsum, by this old, this sweet old story., ++ "< p „ P Ierrant Peary from Northern Greenland,. reason of its ower of rendering the y We hale finished, and I always make a. I Will tell you, said Set. William, in a had been east upon tier. 'l'.he were shown and their Greenlates p g h practice of receiving m rents myself. hard uneom romisin tone. ""You visit- Sfr William was' all penitence, to.Flor-! • y p potash is the soil available as plant food, 'Carol, Christian mother, sweet, to babe Johnson h , i Y v p g P pointed out by Mr., Frank M. Cha man o l as been behind -hand lately. He ed my bureau and. stole 42,000; no denials ence and Charley,, I assistant curator of the ornithological de have a favorable effect upon the growth upon your knee; owes me a round sunt:* —the butler saw you as you left my study, '`It was my fault," he said ; "I drove i o t A of the clovers. On the other band, nitro - by by silting this old story o'er your part Hent . f lie inseam of Natural His • Lady Greystone, who was a nonentity, And why did you .steal it P I can tell you you to—to—well, to run away. I will , for before .tile Linnaean Society, at it genius manures, suet as nitrate Lit soda babe will sweeter be y, y, s ' led the way to the drawing -room. Ida that also; you dropped these loiters, instke amends, if you will forgive mc. Mr: regular meeting of last week. and sulphate of amnionic, promote the EJnce Jesus on Buell little ones, when here was A splendid n usici to Florence sen Florencb uttered a cry of alarm as she saw Martell you will corse with us as.my.. gorwtdr of has after smiled—t a g , y e , , • ' y lair. Chapman exhibited the flay or a grasses, cud. as a proper . , �, .sweetly, but nuid,e o pretence to excel; two of Chailey s notes which she thought niece, ttrtirtuced husband. As for that lied rrloro s eoirneus that constitute bhe'Pear b lance of grasses and alovisrs is essential t $e knows their angels see. HN face, the P y g She admitted her bad taste—she preferred safe in liar desk. `"They etplain the tea- tvlc}:ed hussy---" ! collection and which has been prepared to the. formation of a Velvety turf, prPvi- > angel of each child, so situ le it ballad as "Annie Laurie" to son—your ara•mour Wanted the money. ''Hush," said Arthur Hyde, "Flush, sir, r r I d' o a " p p sion must be made for both classes. l And well He loves the innocents—He calls the opera airs- Hustr t Do not ad lying o tt revenge i�ou form sir u ide his ire tie . ..these specimens tare When artificial fertilizers are used they p p sake. After all site loved deeply" 11 thein heirs of glory— P, , d y ' t r Y "� P „ only a small part of Lieutenant. a e, „ Sit William presently came in. and os have not got the notes, indeed I I shell (with a gntp); fol my sake say no rirore, original oallecbiott the roarer art of should, therefore, contain phosphates, Let them come unto Ate, he said, your tentatiously spread bank notes for 2,0001, search your room.', Itis easy now to foresee the end. By St, ' g I? potash and nitrogen; superphosphates or Nabs keep unbeguiled, u on as card table. He slid so, Florence protesting, but ValentliWi Day Charley and Florence �- bone meal, kainit and nitrate of soda And nightly lie your lullaby, this old, this 11 don't like Iceeping so much in m quite borne clown b•r his violence and un- were mrnried, and she, had her dowry.. will give these constituents, The super sweet old story. „- "but P P' - bailey has not resigned, but bids fair to pliospbate,and kainit roust be mixed in bureau said he, ` bat there is no het far able to rove that she wits not near the C rZWW EMOT /` -, it to -night. I really must et a safe. bureau at that time b calling Charley as rise high in his profession. �"� the proportion of two to one, and applied Carol, youth and maiden fair, lend sweet- � u y g Y . _ P sxo'T epi rr.� ness to the strain, There are your dividends boo, Florry, just a witness. He left the room, threatening And Ida? Ida cannot but feel the „ at the rate of three pounds to the square come in," to send the en PERRY '" rod. Subsequently, a dressing of nitrate . I 14 For Joseph s son, the Nazarene, hath made ,, police after that scoundrel generous warmth of a lave like Arthur flqu our pathway slain • Finding no one admired his riches, Sir Martel, who had no doubt got the notes. Hyde!s, which, true and loyal under the 1 oma' of soda should be applied at the rate of ,And s e chant the Plata o'er, mark well. William gathered the notes together and What was the poor girl to do ? I11,. most trying circumstances, is more hers !fir one pound to the same area. The inix- how Jesus grew y deparetd. Hyde, though really a good frightened, exhausted, she lay still while now than ever; 'There are signs that be- It ij°l / �,"I turd may be applied late in the autumn In favor with His fellowman—a lesson fellow,, was not brilliant at entertaining endeavoring to shape acourse. In balf an fore the May blossoms again a merry peal li4 � i!/r or in Februavy, but fihe dressing of nit - meant for you; people; titter a white a perce Jtible dul- horn• Sir William returned, of bel is will welcome a mistress to �p �%y � : % rate must be kept back until the cull of °Theft learn of Flim in life's sweet spring, ness began to prevail and, failing to im- "You may thank your cousin Ida," he Arthur's home at Clere Park. S1 1n tlis�',I " Marsh or thA beginning of April. But that when perchance you're hoary, Prove mutters, he left, said, "she has persuaded me not to trace 'y; \ i'\ filo application of this artifice iAI food The shifting scenes of time nigh past, e'en. At'eleven the household retired. the notes. I shall Fend you to -morrow to =� does not suffice for the perfect health of c i The beautiful cousins, though friendly, Edinburg A Sad Qhristmas. and a Merry One. then you'll nothing rue, g yr gh to your anut's. As for Mr. RUKS .y„- the soil turf. Stable or barnyard man- But blessthe day you macre your theme, were not affectionate ; perhaps Ida, being Lieutenant, I will make his mess. too hot Everybody felt happy itndgay, and why are should follow, as it not only oon- this old, this sweet old story, portionless, envied Florence, who, if she to hold him." should they not P Pleasure reigned su- , tains all the food constituents necessary, married with her guardian's. approval, Her very maid; to whom she bad been preme'midst rare and costly plants from but acts as a mulch, and by increasing: i Carol, mail, to care a prey, find here a sure would have So"",0001 They did not visit so kind, would not believe her most earn- the nurseries of Merrie Eu;,rlanct and 101.; I the humus near tele surfaco materially relief, each other in -their private rooms. est declarations of innocence ; had she not tropical plants that had cost a small for- •0/1 y assists in conserving tit, meisture ?hent For Christ of dark Gethsemane, for you Florence quickly got rid of her maid found her still undressed in the morning, tuiie. Handsome men and gaily dressed . N'/ ;;-1. � the roots. An objaotion sometimes • was man of grief ; North, and slipped the bolt of her door. pale and ill—conclusive proofs of guilt? women were there, diamonds glittered 1.,.al ; l raised to natural manure is tbat it takes 1. As man he bore the ills of life, its poverty Silo then partially drew uta the Venetian Lady Greystone visited her once in the like fireflies on a summer's night. 'Twas. �� � . a long time to become assimilated, and _ and shame, blind of tier boudoir window, and looked course of the day, and left her atract. She. MelanethoWs mansion, Melitnebhou the �� in the meantime, gives an unsightly tap, g omillionaire.i� COR- earance to a lawn. this is vemedied And though year burden be a cross, He out upon elle frozen lake below. rose towards the afternoon and her ditiuer p meeklybore the same, stone House !tact been a priory, and owas brought to her iu ]ger boudoir. Router "I'll tell you what it is," said Mr. Me- � 11 -%e MOR- ` by drying the mamire sufficiently to per- . '°`They came from tribulations great," is wiva the remains of the monastic build- less it was foolish in the extreme, bat lanethon to another wholesale man as they futsR rJQc RNT mit its passage through a sieve, and then 1 said of those in glory; ane—rose up from the very edge of a broad, Florence's on, belie was in Charley',, tom sat smoking a cin+tr, "ave have got to re- mixing it with equal quantities of i `0d`he woes of life'sdeeline are yours, bear shallow mere. There had been a water- Ing that night upon the ice. A little snow duce expenses. 'Tile trade won't stand us powdory leaf mold and old patting soil. all in Jesus' native, gate or postern, now a small boat house, fell, and she dreaded lest it should be pitying the salaries we are doing. I'm /I This mixture, spread over the turf in the And rest your faith upon this stag—this and a stone staircase led from this to a thick; but the wind rose and it cleared cutting salaries twenty-five per cent. all ;%r 1 ' autumn, will quickly disappear, and old, this sweet old story. passage, r again. ++ round and I'm trying to induce other • ' not only vastly promote the growth of ;i p• .•. „e, cue enol of which. opened into the again. the maid wished to stay with her, l'• g - / boudoir. It had been Florence's fancy to but this she refused, houses to do the same." ^ � " grasses and clovers, but prevent the Carol, youth and maiden fair, men in life's choose these rooms. Sir William said At half -past eleven she displayed the "t�rell, you have the reputation of Lav �; lawn being burntup during dry weather. � prime, the hoary, ing made. mare ltloney than any pian in they would be cold ,lint Florence was well-known signal, anti in a few minutes the city. How ?tont those fellows who11 And trace the babe of Bethlehem from wilful, so he had double baize doors put it was res onded to. Sobbing upon his y • • Reeling DarbedNVire. manger to His glory. up in the Lassa• e. FTa loved her in his p P have helped you to build up your fortune? 5RNOP1PEi± As babe, was stt:eet ; as child, was good ; a l strong shoulder in that dark archway, she , , „ The following sketches of a contrivance: way, and humored her every wish. Had told hint An incoherent tale of harsh usage Its a little rough on them, Isn't; it ? forreeling a barbed wire when a fence I patient man and wise ; g "`That's sentiment • it is not business. g P The baba was Christ, and Christ is God it not been for his avarice, or rather tenet- and cruel wrong. Hardly knowing how, is to be taken dctv>� were supplied to the ence for ills money, SIr William would she felt skates upon,her feet—Charley had What do the people I employ care for ? the Lord of earth and skies ; Have been loved by many. said the night previous that lie would If I was in the field for mayor or member Specimens Found in Greenland That are For you He bore the ills .of life. for you H° of Parliament to -morrow, I wouIdu t got not Seen in this Latitude• left His glory; Florence placed tier candle so as to show bring them, and they could have a race half a dozen votes out of the whole 4Treat God becomes an earth -born babe, a light out upon the ice below. Then she round the lake before the moon rose; and crowd." and then for man He dies I took from the mantelpiece what had once leaning upon his arm she glided out into which having been eaten by the dogs t.,,, been the upper ` arched part of a small the starlit night. Sing praises ; Christ is ,Lord today—the The scene is changed. That same even- , when the provisions of the expedition had window of stained glass in the old chapel, It was very foolish and very wrong of g babe of this sweet story. now preserved as a relic of antiquity, and Charley, doubtless ;but consider hisfierce Ing one of Melatictlion's travelers, Mr. run low. `, s held it before the firtme. 'The red glass I love and still fiercer indignation. rl'o d° Harry Trollope, .stood on the. steps of A There are 140 species of birds reported y,„ ' " hotel the Manitoulin Islands. It was from Greenlana," said Mr. Chapman i colored the light • and in a few moments ]rim justice, had he thorou.-bl understood „ ' „ MIDNIGHT 5I ATE • g l g y twenty miles across the ice from one-half of which properly belong to the i there was tt sound under the window like the shameful suspicions that had beett country, the other halt being Pound there , t f tite cry of the owl. Slle instantly removed cast upon him, he would have faced Sir « „ i on their visits from other lands. Fff of ��/ the stained glass, dropped the Venetian William and insisted upon having rile If Ivrere you, Mr. Trollope," said the ; blind, and, hastily putting on her hat and matter sifted to the bottom. But all he driver, `"I`wouldn't attempt to cross to these are water birds. r' �r All's Wo11 That minrls tYell—AClirfst- fut jacket opened the double baize doors, knew was that his darling had been night; eve are going to have a storm. Be- The lecturer Hien showed ttte birds, and r sides the ice isn't any too safe." in a conversational manner described Rural New Yorker by a correspondent. , mas Tale. and stepped down the uarrow, dark stair- wronged, and that site was in his arms. + y ) them; dwelling particularly on the plum. It was made of pine lumbar in a very case and out upon the ice. • Not exactly The very physical strength of the man "Bret if I don't catch the Soo train goin Age short time. He used horse -rake wheelsi "Are you quite sure you will not dine at out upon tine ice either, but into the seemed to rise up within and bear him on east I cant get home for Christmas clay."i An interesting member of the collection the chain and sprocket -wheels were bor- y 9 y stron • arms of Charley Martel who lifted, ward- Bever mind; I wouldn't risk itif I were ; rowed from an old binder. It Is a very Greystone this evening. said Arthur i; ' on. We might lose the beaten track is a guillemot that was shot by Liauten- Hyde, Es of Park as be rounded her up as if she had been a child, and Florence was a skilful skater—she had y „ . ant Peary "The guillemots live m enor- handy rig and can be run by on, mall. i Esq.. g covered her face with kisses.. She of , learnt upon the rinks—and the were across the ice if a storm came up. „11 "I his run and sat down upon an ash -stole. g p y ' mous colonies, explained Mr. Chapman, 11 ' t: „l+ „ p away from hits at last, but not 'veryfar,'speedily some distance from the mansion. Harry stood thinking. He knew his., "and as the tons`ofihousandsoffemalessit F' Quite sure, replied his friend and you may be sate, and at the opposite bank of the lake. wife and children were waiting for him, en oh on ?single egg,on the edge of a cliff, guest, Charles Martel, lieutenant in a line ill mustn't stop long " she said. "We Charley lifted her in his arms, carried her What would Christmas day be to them with their black ummer baoks toward regiment; and brushing away the thin shall certainly be caught. I do feel, O, so up the bank and set her feet again on a and he not home ? Wasn't he their Santa the sea, they darken the. rooks. When ap- c ;•` crust of snow which had lodged upon a vii°ked." (-broad, frozen canal, which the lake partly Claus ? Were not his wife and baby wait- proaahed by a bust, is their fright they fallen trunk, he also sat down. "Why not come with me altogether ?" fes. Her nature, her whole will succumb•' Ing for him ? No man loved his wife and suddenly turn d t Though both young men, they appeared presenting .their light I� said Charley; and lie began to persuade ed to the sense of power which she felt in children more than Harry Trollope. breasts, and thus instantl a y Y to possess strongly marked and very diver'her to elope with him. his presence. "Well, I'm going across to -night. It's transform the rook from blA�k apparently '1 Sent characters. 1 "But If I did, uncle would never forgive Swiftly, under the Aurora borealis, they only four hours' drive. I'll chance it." T}ren, as they take flight, they often Derry I i Hyde, the owner of the fair domain over me. He would. never let me have my sped eastward upon the ringing skates. When half -way across the Georgian Bay their eggs some distance between their =.- -- -- which they had been shooting pheasants, money, and I should be a burden to you. On the , left, the bright white streamers a terrible blinding snowstorm overtook legs, and literally pall the approaching 1'u' was about the average height, Fair, with » , y boatman with thew. Wait a year or two. shot up almost to the zenith • in front a them. The lost the beaten track. The „ a deep -blue eyes, and an honest, open, Sax "I've half a mind," said Charley, catch- , low bank of clouds was lighting u with 1 g g p team was drowned. The driver managed Zh°• specimens of the Ruillemote show (" rI ,on face, incapable of deceit or aonceal. Ing her up again, and making as if he the rising; moors. The wild fowl whistled t to reach land more dead than alive. Harry the remarkable change In the plumage of ( . uneut, but also incapable of heroic effort, would carry, her off bodily. "I wish Ihad over them ; the calm planet Jupiter look- was frozen to his lips. He bad booked his Arctic birds from the dark of summer to t 11 though perhaps equal to deep and sustain- brought some skates. I will to -.morrow ,ed down in serene splendor. The exercise last orderand handed in his checks. the light of winter. The change is strong. ed affection. Martei was very tall, but night, and—and—" sent the warm blood coursing through her . ly empbasized in the specimens of lagosus hardly looked his height, being unusually '<What's that?" said Florence in great veins; the wild scene, their racing speed, A,nain tl•e scene is changed. Trollope's in the collection, which are sufficient in + • t His grey a about the chest and shoulders, alarm. *oused up the innate love of adventure in . N i His grey eye, keener features, and curling <'I did not hear anything." her heart. When she tired she placed her ; cottage Christmas eve is bright, warm number to show every gradation from mhestnut hair and beard conveyed the fm- , and cheerful, rno.her and children happy black to white, according to the season in I �1 tI am sure a shadow went across my feet together, and he drew her along al- yrressdon of a daring nature, not too blind. Rush—let me go." most as quickly. In little more than half and gay; even baby liar something; to put which the bird was killed. n 11. 1. veadily subservient to the trammels of „ „ in papa's steps R- t "These changes are remarkable," said rh.iSr To -morrow night at this time, then—', an hour they had covered twelve miles; I "What keeps Harry so late ? The train . Mr: Chapman, for they are vete radical, society. "Yes.: -.yes: Only do let me go I" the looks retarded them, but the wind as- n . No, he continued, I shall not go to from the north was due at 4.30. A ring And sametdmeatake place in week She darted inside the poster n -gate, shut stated. At the bridge Charley took off her at the door. "Here comes papa and Santa without the loss of a feather, there being k C}reystone, Sir William looks upon me P p g ,11 with the suspicion naturally felt by a ft and ran up the stone steps. As she skates ;the lights of a large town glitter- Claus. A letter, and from the firm. I no moulting. This change ie a wonderful opened the first of the double doors at the ed close at hand, and the red signal -lamps guess Nlr. Melaucthon has sent Harr a example of protective coloration, the b rd 4 I wealthy uncle with a beautiful ward to y ' wards a scamp. of a soldier who has nosh- top of the stairs -she distinctly heard a showed a rriilway. Cbt•istnias prevent." in summer tieing nearly the color ofthe Aug but his sword." rustling sound, and paused. Anxiety, and i Charley bad timed himself well for the . She opens and reads ; moss and Arctic shrubbery and l i winter r'igure I represents a side view, while = ,t �, curiosity got the better of prudence—she midnight mail to London; he feed the „ that of the snow. Some naturalists claim Figure 2 shows a view from als.ove: a, 1 name out without a keeper because I pushed the second door open slightly, and Hnit><;Y 7 ROLLOP>;, Esq., Uought we could talk more Keely," said P p guard, and they had a compartment to "'DEAn Stu,—The firm have decided (ow- that this remarkable change isnot pierce- spool; b, chain -belt; c a, sprocket -wheels, peeped into the passage. Her candle in themselves. Excited a a she was, tired tin, coloration, but that it is due to en- d, crank.1.1 Hyde, in a hesitating and doubtful .tone. the boudoir cast a dim light into the pas- nature could not lie resisted—towards the in-, to the present state of trade) to reduce yironment." There is something I want to say to you, l; y g g gray dawn. Florence slept in his &tins, atid all salaries twenty-five per cent, from lab The collection contains some most beau- The brick tea of T"hibet iamadefrom tea sLharley, —well -1-1-1' sae and she saw a shadow fi tare lids January. "Nonsense l You will not offend me P'+ towards her. Amazement more than fear only woke up atLondon. As they stepped y "M> i A.iCTfloiT & Co,,, tiful specimens of the sandpipers in their sweepings broken leaves and refuse, mix-- ,< held 'her spell-boand, for she saw herself f. from the trill la and looked round for a cab bright summer plumage; also of the ed with bullocks' blood, pressed into rec. 3 Well, then, tell me, is there no other +'it was her own figure—her "wraith"— a knot of three gentleman ly men quietly "Anyway," said Harry's wife, "I won't swift flying falcons- Th, eummor loon, tangular blocks and sewed up in skins, It treason why you will not accompany me to Is never ex orted from Thibot except as a tone P" He cocked and uncooked clad in her dressing gown, with her long approached and tapped Charley on the let Ulm see this till sifter Christmas. It with its beautifully shaded nook feathers, , p p `�r Greys golden hair floating over her shoulders, shoulder.. The telegraph had anticipated will only "poll Ills holiday. « used by the natives for personal ornament, curiosity. Tuts gun nervously. ."There, it must her eyes halt, shut as if half asleep, and them • the mere arrested by detectives. The bell rings a ain: Here comes Inas anything passed between you and P y g has a fine representative in the oolleo- v „ countenance extremely pale. Sowell had the thing, been managed that papa." They rush for the door, mamma, tion. i(da P - n Florence turned giddy, her hold of the actually ah apartment at all hotel hail baby and all. An elder duck, in the light plumage On my honor, no, replied Martel very door relaxed, and it shut itself. She leant been reserved for Florence; Charley was "A telegram I"« never seen here, and accompanied by her m earnestly'. r - for a moment against the wall; her heart marched off and placed iu durance vile. ALGoxgT;i S MiLLs, nest, built of softest down, is a rare sped- when Baby wag pick, we grave her Casterla.. Arthur Hyde placed his hand on his +` ' l an . gazed d ani 1 seemed to have stopped beating: All the Calling at Grey+stone next nioruing " ALcGeoi mon of the collection, when one was a Child; she tiled for Castoria- 4riend friend's shoulder-, d g, , x ons y into ��old stories she had read of wraiths, all the about eleven, Articur Iiyd, toured suety- "Harry Trollope frozen crossing Georg- T.tiero is a omnplete series of snow bunt• When she became Misr, she e:d his eyes to read the truth there. �� le ends of the house itself of the ?pearl- thing*, in disorder. Sir William lead left ran $ay. Body sent east to -day.", lugs, that show the. gradual progress in >mE to Castoria, p Thank Iieayen 1 he muttered I tions ofmonksandnuusthathttdbeenseen, by the first train for Loudon ;and he had alamiigte of plumage from brown backs and Wiienehe had Children, ahet3avotLernCastoria- Afraid, But Heyer mind ; the sun is sink• r flashed across her mind. Yet she did ttot to hear the history of the stolen £2,000 and Another change of scene. It is Medanc- heads to black backs and white heads. A Ing, let us return. faint. nor cry out. Afterwards she air 'the elopement upon the ice which North I , AA They walked silently along the green y p p ' + , than s dining -hail on Christmas morning The aerie? is of especial interest In show . i p , ; Santa Claus lied literally sh°veled pies- 8 g t;:� "drive" through the wood of bare Ash trdbutecl thisto the ruling idea m her mend the maid, being suspicious and watchful in that this ehan a comes from the wear• 1 +;t at the time, which was to keep tier meet.. hard discovered—the thin snow bore the ents down the chimney; stookings �vere Ing of the tips of the feathers. The long r poles. Hyde, absorbed, in thought, did I +.v n1,a nF f.h. Qk1tfA4: whlla lla 115telled in j _„ �--,1 feathers lose their brown tins.exnusincr the ti ing with Charley secret. to , y snot see the almost pitying glance at r i crtel. The fascination of terror was apt �: i � , ! c'He loves her," said the soldier to him- She pushed open rile door—the p j calf, "and she am ashamed of it—she was empty. She glanced into the b loves me, Shall I tell him of our meeting -'-nothing- there. • Suddenly she •r ander the oak t No, it would make him tiered that out of the passage a door , r,,. miserable ; and why f I undeceived her. the Iunding—ehe'opened it. 'There r F A, fellow feels eorKoundedly, awkward lamp on a ledge in the handing. 1 !11. when a girl he cares not a,soup for will light was feeble and uncertain. She it + follow him; it makes' hien feel like a distinctly saW tier own figure—thl if puppy. However, I'll forget it. t{r wonder this time—gliding without sound {l . If Florry will manage to slip out to -night, the wall in the shadow. As she lot Arthur" (this aloud) "what time does the vanished. [ Inoon rise—you're a farmer, you know ?n She rushed back to her room and Methodical Arthur consulted theaiman- het face in tier pillow, to smotli ata in his pocket -Wok. scream that forced itself from hi "Last quarter—eleven-thirty,' be said. Florence could never rernembeedisti "11: may go out and shootit wild cluck,'ls but it is probable that she. became said Martel, explaining. "Don't be sur- sidous, and afterwards slept I in )let- ,prised erprised if I'm not in when you return:'f I She was awakened by a knocking It was rather a slow solemn dinner at door, and rose with a start to mi i Greystone that ovening, uotwibhstanding broad daylight. the beauty drat adorned the bable. Sir •`It's rile, if you please," said the v William G.reystorl,'a two nieces, Itch her maul North. at I Dwayne and Florence Greystone, ,'were Florence opened the door. The each Berns in the!r particixiar, style, : Both . Could not, repress a at art of surprise I of the satt7e heightanrd figure, there wits a "You are ill," she stein; glancing general fainly likeness between thein, bed, tvhiclr hadol'rviously been sle but only at first sight, Ida having coal. 'ani stat in, "You look cdreadl'itll - ii black hair and bine eyes, and pale Clear I l+'lorerrce eiiet indeed. feel ill, antl , somplexion; Florence, beautiful goldbli con,enwd:o itildresi and return t itresses of great length, gray eyes,ri euslee but, be—wd North out" to alarm the ooniplexioti and lively manner. Ida was Sssy I have ri 1'taitdttclto ;and tui "; rrnorecalm and sedate "still wrttera rnu some rictng rest." deep," Arthur Hyde sat between them 1'l'hile forth ir•ent to got the ti liighter at heart than he had been Cor tried to thluk over• the apparition u' 11 E thafiy a day, for he fancied there Wag uta set>n ; blit 604th! not understand. It 1 , . I ,