HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1895-12-20, Page 2‘- Elubeloylbere who do not rereive their papers eegularty will pisase notify ue at once. Call at the office for advertising rates. THE EXETER ADVOCATE, " THLTRSDAY, DEO, 19, 1895, The Weeks COMInerelai summary. r The Canadian Bank of Commerce has elosed its branoli at Aliso, Craig. The receipts of hogs are liberal at all points throughout Ontario, whieli ace vaunts for the low prices. The earnings of the Canadian Pacifio or the last week of November were $588,- 000, sin inerease of $46,000. During the past week the stooks of fell and, spring wheat, barley and. oats show considerable increase. Tlae hay market continues remarkably -strong. Sales are being made on track vt Toronto at $14.25 to $14.50 for No, 1. Straw is also higher at $8.25 to $8.75. The stocks of wheat at Port Arthur and. Port 'William are 1,479.922 bushels, as compared with 2,052,558 bushels last week., and 887,616 bushels at the corres- ponding date of last year. . The Toronto Railway Company on Monday deelared a dividend. of 1 8-4 per tent., making 8 1-2 per cent. for the year. The net earnings for October are $10,156, as against $44,104 in October of 1894. Fifteen thousand barrels of apples were shipped over the G.T.R. last week to Portland and. Boston. The apples are for the British market. There were also shipped during the same period ten car- loads of turkays from Western Ontario for the British market. In Yozmorith County, Nova Scotia, about 4,000 acres of blueberry bushes were recently sold for a total price of $1,000. The annual yield is now about $82,000. The fact. is alluded, to in the latest Provincial erop report, with the eomment that few gold mines have given an equal return on Investment. There was a slight increase in the num- ber of failures in the Dominion last -week, being 47, as compared with 44 the week before, and 86 in the same week of a year ago. There were 20 in Ontario, 15 of which had our lowest credit or blank rating. Quebec had. 19, none of which were of any commercial import - ;Ince. Nova Scotia had five, Manitoba and British Columbia one each. There is scarcelyany change and little of special interei st n the trade situation throughout the United States as reported by the two leading commercial agencies from New York. In most lines stocks are spoken of as being unusually large, and prices difficult to maintain or lower, and no thane() of consequence will occur now -until after the Christmas vacation. Still, factories are kept goine.wholly or in. part better than was expected -would be the ease a.few weeks back. The opening of Congress has had. no perceptible effect on business. Makers of woollen goods are not very active, and. dry g00% are in. lighter demand. Iron and its products are lower. Copper and tin are also weaker. The shipments of boots and shoes have considerably increased, and orders are plentiful, but prices low. Leather and. hides have both deelined somewhat during the week. In the United. States the cointnereial failures for the week were 824, against 385 for the corresponding week last year, and in Canada 52, against 40 a year ago. Out of Sorts. -Symptoms, headache, loss of appetite, furred tongue and gener- al indisposition.. These symptoms, if neglected, develop into acute disease, It is a trite saying that an "ounce of preven- tiort is worth a pound of cure," and. a little attention at this point may save months of sickness and large doctor's bills. For this complaint take from two to three of Parreelee's 'Vegetable Pills on going to bed, and one or two for three nights in succession, and a cure -will be effected. Here and There. Another advance has been made by the metric system; it is to be used in the new edition of the British Pharmacopoeia. Sir Gilbert Kinn-, Bart„ who died re- cently in England', held his baronetcy for seventy years, having succeeded his father at thirteen. In a Kentish Sunday school the rector asked a class of boys, • 'Who is the patron saint of England ?" They shouted back all together, "Mr. Gladstone!" It is only necessary to read the testi- monials to be convinced that Holloway's Corn Cure is unequalled for the removal of corns, warts, etc. It is a complete ex- tinguisher. Sandwich is one of the few English towns in, which the curfew is still rung. The custom was very nearly endecl re- cently, as the people objected to the ringer's ringing the bell at 6 o'clock in the morning, too. London tradesmen are clever advertis- ers at times. The London newspapers of late have had. items like the following t "His Majesty the Kinet'of Portugal visit- ed on Wednesday lastthe establishment of John Smith, and bought several pieces of choice," etc., ete. English shopkeepers know the value of royalties. Mr. biteCalment, one of the three own- ers of Valkyrie DI., had a shooting party at his place, Chevely Park, near Neivra4ket, recently, inehxding the Prince of Wales and the Duke of Cam- bridge andfiin three hours upweiels of 1,50U bead were bagged by seven guns, including 1,000 pheasants, 300 hares, and thirty-two brace of partridges. George Muller, of Bristol, England, re. eently`celebrated his ninetieth birthday. His orphan houses, which are known all over the world, have been wholly sup- ported by "prayer and faith" during the sixeyame years of their existence. He has received for them altogether the sum of 80,866,743, and has provided for the maintenance and in:Amager). of 120,768 children. George Du bletwier's friends never ;speak to him of "Trilby." He has grown to weary of the book and the heroine that made him :famous is a novelist that he never epoeles of his creation, arid objeets to all teforenee to the same. For a bime he kept a "Trilby" scrap -book, but, it be- came so etunborsome after a time that he bas not reeorded recently receivell news- paper clippings. in Old c ustont. Blahzey-I've seen rev face before. l'iamber-Ptri not suepeleed. That's where I always aura it. TOPICS OF_A WEEK, The ImPortant Ifivents in a Few Words For Busy Readers. cAN.A.DIAN. Hog cholere is rampant in Essex coun- ty. Senator Edward Murphy died suddenly Thursday in Montreal, He was seventy- seven years of age. Mr. William Lawrence, a Landon livery stable keeper, was seriously injured while hurdle -jumping at Mount Clemens, Mieh, The body of the young Canadian woman who oonnuitted suicide at Buffalo a week a.o is likely to he buried among the un- identified dead. The charge of perjury. against George Ross in the West Wellington election case was dismissed by Magistrate Saunders, of aluelpb, on aaturday. • it is reported that the Earl of Derby, formerly Governcr.General of Canada, is to succeed the Marquis of Dufferin as Brit- ish,. Ambassador at Paris. • At Friday's meeting of the Grand Divi- sion, .-:!ons of Temperance, of Ontario, at Tilsonburg it was decided to hola next year's session at Whitby. Edward Williamson, arrested in Elainil- toxi for vagrancy, was found to bave in his possession a number of pieoes of jewelry stolen from Mr. Dundee of Ingersoll. A patty of Americen capitalists and hotel men are, it is said, anxious; to pur- chase the Windsor hotel, of Montreal, and have made an informal offer to the stook- b.olders. Aid. Brown has retired from the Mayor- alty contest in Hamilton. There are now three men in the field -Mayor Stewart, Mr. Geo. E. Tuokett, and _kid. Col- quhoun The opening meetings of the Fariner's Institutes for Eastern Ontario, held at Perth and Smith's Falls last week, were largely attended and satisfactorily con- ducted. Mr. Ives, Controller of Trade and Com- merce, in an interview in Montreal said. that the vacancy in the Montreal Custom House will be filled befor the dawn of the new year. Mr. John W. Nesbitt died at his horns in Woodstock, Ont., on Sunday, aged 77. He was one of the best knowu residents of Oxford county, baying resided there for half a century. Last Thursday the Rev. G. R. Beamish, curate of St. George's cathedral, King- ston, Ont.. baptised. Mrs. Orr, now an in- mate of the House of Industry in that aity, who is 110 years old. The last sliae in the T., H. &B. Tunnel on Saturday evening carried away with it the shoring timbers and leaves the veranda of Mr. Dodson's reri donee underm ined and projecting over the tunnel opening. A committee has been appointed in Halifax to undertake the erection of a statue of the late josepe Howe. One dol- lar subscriptions will likely be satiated from different parts of the Dominion. William Currie, a fernier, froin Rich- mond Hill, was found guilty in the Assize Court in Toronto of setting 31re to his father-in-law's barn. The jury recom- mended him to the mercy of the court, Premier Greenway, of Manitoba, who has for a long time steadfastly declined to talk on the School question, on Monday talked to a Free Press reporter at length, declaring there wonld be no compromise. The by-law to grant ten thousand dol- lars towards the National Consumptive Sanatorium in Gravenhurse Ont. was carried on Monday by an overwheltnipg majority, only five votes being recorded against it. The case against Charles A. Treble, the Canadian who was charged with fraud in procuring naturalization papers in Buffa- lo, bas been withdrawn, the records from Washington showing that all tee proceed- ings were regular. The Execetive of the Canadian Pacific railway has decided to transfer Mr. G. M. Bosworth, freight trail° manager with headquarters at Toronto, to Montreal, where the center of the department will in future be located. A party of miners from the Yukon River mines of Alaska arrived at Port Townsend last week with their pockets bulging with nuggets and gold dust. They had from $1,000 to $5,000 a piece, the re- sult of two years at the mines. Robert Marshall, of Orillia, committed suicide by sheeting himself through the head, probably on Saturday, as that was the last time he was seen alive. His wife who laud gone to Mara for a few days. re- turned home Monday, and found her hus- band dead in a chair. At the Toronto Criminal Assizes George Brown pleaded gm tier to cleaning ancl sell- ing a large quantity of cancelled posatge stamps. Richard Sadler an old Luoknow hero, arraigned with Brown, was acquit- ted. There are several other men still to be tried in connection with the affair. It is said that Major John S. Hendeie, of Hamilton' will be called upon to pay the e225,000bonus if the T. H. & B. is not comnieted by January 1. The com- pany claims that when he applied for the injunction In his suit against the com- pany he made himself liable for all dam- ages his action might entail. Mr. Robert Hamilton, of Quebec, has offered $20.000 to the authorities of Bishop's University, Lennoxville, to be equally divided between the endowment funds of tbe college and school, on condi tion that the jubilee funds amount by July 31st, 1896, to $10,000 of bona -fide subscription, Mrs. Beers. the Christian scientist Who was on trial at the Toronto Criminal Assizes on a charge of manslaughter in connection with the death of Peroy Beck, was discharged by order of Mr. Justice Falconbridge. The judge held that if any criminal neglect took place the parents of the boy, and not the accused, were to blame. ou need not cough all night add dire Curb your friends ; there is no occasion for you runnitig the risk of aontraeting inflammation of the lungs or consump- tion while you. can get Bickle's Anti-Con- sutriptive Syrup. This medicine aurae coughs, eolds, inflammation of the lungs and ailthroat and chest troubles. It pro- motes a free and easy expectoration, which relieves the throat and lungs froni Viscid phlegm. A sensation was created in Montreal Monday be the annouhoement that Sir William Van Horne intended to retire from the presidency of the Canadian Piscine Beltway. Company. In an inter- view Sir William sitida-"The statement that 1 ran to realms is unatalthrized, May sitY, however, that I hope to drop out of active service before longs There are several things -Which I Would like yet to do, or to be inetiennental le doing, if / do hot have to wait too long for the oppor- butilty," which, upon tile whole, is at tons oommittal as Mr Gladetone could he hi his belenlest days. UNITED STATEes A 17-year•old husband has just been divorced from a 16 -year-old wits in $an Franciseo. Tho young woman who oemmitted sun oido in 13affalo a few days ago aas not yet boon identified. L.R. Morrill, a farmer, and bis 16 -year - 01d daugliter were murdered by Indians near Asti Springs, Ariz., Tuesday even- ing. • Senator Chandler Introduced a bill pro- viding for the unlimited coinage of gold and silver in the U. S. Congress on Fri- day. The Amerloan'steamship Parthia'from Bath, Maine, has been burned in theSouth Paeiflo while en route to San Francisco. The crew were saved. After maintaining rates for nearly six months, the eastbound roads from Chi- cago are again cutting and slashing with all their old-tinte vigor. Francis L. Higginson, of Boston, Mass., has sent his wife, who eloped with a young Harvard student, one -hundred thousand dollars, to prevent the "poor things" from starving. In the recent viaduct aooldent in Cleve- land, Ohio, by which a street oar fell through an open draw, causbag the death of seventeen persons, the coroner failed to find anyone guilty of a criminal act. One of the novel features of the Utah constitution, just adopted, is a provision for trials by a jury of eight members. Utah is the first state to establish a court - of -record jury with less than the tradition- al twelve jurors. The women of Brooklyn who visited Pope Leo last summer are going to send him two fine United States flags of silk. It is said that they will be hung as porti- eres in the passageway leading to the pri- vate apartments of his Holinees. The Arion Fish Company, of Duluth, has begun a suit against the Cana- dian Government to mover heavy dam- ages for the confiscation of a lot of netting whioh the company claims was in Ameri- can water at the time of the seizure. Ten years ago, only, the logs in Wiscon- sin averaged four or five to 1,000 feet of lumber. Now, twelve, fifteen and even twenty logs are required to furnish as much. In five years the decrease in diam- eter of the pine trees cut for lumber has been 35 per uent. The United States authorities at Wash- ington are greatly perturbed over thereply of the Marquis at Salisbury to Secretary Olney on tha Venezuelan question'and threaten all kinds of dire things if Great Britain does not at once recognize the Monroe doctrine. Among, the mauy bills introduced in the United States Senate Monday was one of Mr. Allen, disfranchising any oitizen of the United Stases who shall solicit or accept a title, patent of nobility, or degree of honor from a foreign nation, and pun- ishing this crime by both fine and imprist on ment t, Mr. Morgan, of Alabama, in one of his tail -twisting speeches, entertained the United States Senate Monday by a care: fully prepared reply to Sir Julian Paunoe- feted and the Marquis of Salisbury, of whose style of diplomacy he unfortunate- ly disapproves. He asserts that the 'United States is not bound, under the rulieg of tbe Paris tribunal, to pay the claims ot the Canadian sealers. Dyspepsia or indigestion is occasioned by the want of action in the biliary duets, loss of vitality in the stomach to secrete thegastric juices, without whioh diges- tion cannot go on; also, being the princi- pal cause of headache. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills., token before going to bed, for a while, never fail to give relief and. effect a cure. Mr. F. W. Ashdown, Ashdown, Ont.'writes : "Parmelee's Pills are taking the lead against ten other makes which I have in stock." FOREIGN. Brazil has 4,344 miles of railway in con- struction. A_ Berlin paper calls Mr. Cleveland's message a "swan song." Strong opposition is being made in Paris to the proposed exposition in 1900. The Duke of Saxe -Coburg and Gotha plays the fiddle with fervor and skilL LOrnbroso, the famous cynic, was recent- ly fined $500 at Rouen for literary piraoy. Germany's tobacco acreage this year is 52,293 acres, an increase of 8,960 over 1894. It is reported that Great Britain intends establishing a protectorate over Lower Siam. Campos has requested the Ministry to relieve him of the civil post of Governor- General of Cuba. All statements which represent Gen. Campos as ready to treat with the Cuban rebels are denied. Dr. Von Lucanus, chief of the Emperor's Civil Cabinet, will succeed Herr von Keel - ler as Russian Minister of the Interior. A terrific gale prevailed Friday in the English channel, and the steamer Ger- manic and Majestic Were both delayed. Lord Dunraven w,Ul sail for New York on Wednesday to substantiate bis charges of fraud in the recent America Cup race. It is repotted in London that the Domin- ion Government intends to vigorously pro- test against the scheduling of Canadian sheep. Lieuts. Churchill and Barnes of the British army have been decorated with thc Red Cross for gallantry with the Spanish forces in Cuba, Johann Strauss is going to Paris to con- duct the rehearsals of his "Gypsy Baron" which is to be brought out at the Folies Drarnatiques. The Madrid Globe described the Para- graph in President Clevelaa's message referring to Cuba as "an utterance of serious importance.'' The situation in Corea is causing much anxiety. It is reported that an American missionary is implicated in a plot to seize the person of the King of Corea. It is oonfidently asserted that the ship- building strike and lock -out in Belfast and on the Clyde will be brought to a con - elusion during the present week, Despatches from Canton say that a seri- ous attempt Was under consideration re- oently to seize the eity of Canton and pro- claim an Independent Goeernmerta Sit Matthew Whitee'Redley, the Imperial Horne Secretary has tenderteken to reoon- eider the 9980 of Mrs. Florence Maybriek, at present undergoing a life sentence for the minder of her husband, 15 18 reported that the Chinese Govern- ment bas ask ed tbe Gov ern m en t of Russia ieln the emit oe being requested to do ao It Would send en army corps to suppreee the rebelliot, Of the Da ngans, Mother Grave& Wortn Exterminator has the largest sale Of any ea:oiler pre - taxation sold in Cereal e., 15 always gives seetsfeetion by restoring health to the tittle folk, "•••• The Smell Oirlis RefinItion. Teacher -And Whet is meant by keep- ing the. Sabbeth holy man -ib amens to think of something you would like to do, oheevez so much, and then not doing it 'muse it's Sunday. -Indianapolis. Journal. SUIT. to Re True. "You know, George," she Was explain- ing, '9.; was brought up withoat any care." "Marry me, my darling," said. George, "and, yon shall have nothing but coin." A. Valued Servant. Mrs. Ileanmond-How do yonlike year new cook? Whs. Hashcroft-She ain't near as good as the other one. She has too good a temper. I uselt to make the other one mad every morning, and she would pound the steak to beat the band, -In - di na lis J rn 1 TWO Kinds of Pride. A. few days since, in conversation with a patron of the social glass" series of drinking. men, we hoard the statement made that a man taking treatment for liquor addiotion would be looked down upon as a reformed drunkard. He stated further that his pride kept him from tak- ing the cure. A few hours afterwards we receiyed a visit from a resident of Toronto, who was cured at Lakeb.urst In- stitute, Oakville, nearly four years ago, and we asked him his views. He toldus that he once felt similarly apprehensive, but very soon found that for every friend he had, before he took the cure' he had ten afterwards. It was his especial pride that he hadhad manliness enough left to take the cure, and wonders that he could ever have preferred to be a drunkard to being: a sober man, even though to be so he might forfeit the good opinion of some of his acquaintances. "Now," he says, 'the only men who think the worse of me for the step I took are men who ought to go to Oakville themselves for their own good." No man whose friendship is worth having will fail to respect the man who has gone to Oakville and there learn- ed to respect himself. Toronto office, 29 Bank of Commerce Building. 'Phone, 1168. He Ought To. Mr. Aikin-You see things in a differ- ent light since you married, do you not? Mr. Nuwed-I ought to. There were fifteen lamps among our wedding pros- ents.-Pearson's Weekly. • A. Snutll Order. Mr. Citiraan (dining at country 'res- taurant) -Now, you can bring me a demitasse. Waiter (puzzled) -What's that ? Mr. Citiman-Why, a small cup of coffee -about half the regular size. Waiter -Say, we don't have less than a five -cent cup here. -Puck. Drawing the Line. Miss Yearsy-Do you think a woman ought to work for a husband'? Miss Quick -Yes ; till she gets him. - Melbourne Times. Strange Method of Artificial Respiration. Dr. Berthold Beer advocates the fol. lowing method of artificial respiration: The mucous membrane of the lips and of the mouth is rubbed slowly with a piece of ice, the rhythm of the motion corresponding as nearly as possible to that of normal respiration. Dr. Beer bas noticed that tbe inevitable result of the treatment was the return of respira- tion, at first in a very pronounced form, but becoming, on the continued applica- tion of the ice, very regular, quiet and deep. Ice used ,.,in this way has also a general sedative effect, and its quieting action has been successfully turned to account in the treatment of cerebral troubles. Dr. Foges, of Vienna, has' obtained equally favorable results with this treatment in cases of asphyxia. It is very much to the advantage of this method that it may be employed for several hours at a time, and is harmless for the patient and easy for the physi- cian. with tbe under Dog. "Can you read fairy stories with the same amount of sympathy now that you are an old man as when you were young?" "Oh, yes; but I've changed the sym- pathy about a little. 1 sympathize with the giant, for instance, now, instead of with that insufferable little pest, Jack." W111 it come to This Somebody's "Treasure" (applying for situation)-Wbat, five little children! No, thank yer, mum, I never goes nowheres where there's more than two. Lady -Well, if you give us tili Thurs- day perhaps we oan drown three of them. -Ally Sloper. Not Quite so Bad. Dentist -Have you ever inhaled gas? Farmer Hayseed -Say, mister! I ain't such a jay as not ter know better than ter blow ib out when I come ter N' York." THE BOY LAFLAMME. THE SON OF A. LEADING MER- CHANT CURED OF DIABETES. In a Few Weeks After Remaining in Bed for several months Under Medical Opera- tions Arthur Laflamme Gets weii. Pappinetiuvilla Que. Dec, 16. --Investi- gation of still another case of cure past common belief, your ourrespondept on in- quiry found the father of the boy La- flamme to be a leading merchans here. On gaining an interview be said: "My little boy Arthur, after scarlet fever taken about one year ago, instead of recovering developed the symptoms of diabetes, "His body was swollen to nearly twice its usual size, and tests of the urine show- ed as high as 45 per cent. of *organ Be was treated and several times operated upon by first -elites physicians without a cure, The sufferings of the little fellow were very severe and we despaired of any help whatever. "But about three months ago we com- menced giving him Dodd's Kidney Pills. he result in that short time Is that the swelling has entirely left him, and the lad Is playing about with others the same as eveTk "ore, Arthur," said his father, "thils gehtlennan wants to see yeti." At this a boy came tamping towards tis apparently in a convaleseent condition after a eseete Illness. "Ile was confined to his ised for three montane 1 have paid over $100 to the doc- tors, but Dodd's Kidney Pills IS the &der wanted in this ease,. PURSER JOHN MaeNDWARDS. Of the C. P. 11, Steamer Arthabaska, Says that Dr. Agnew's Catarrhai Pow- der is the Hest Remedy in the World. To the thousands who have enjoyed a trip on the beautiful Canadian Paolflo steamers, few mon are better known than the purser, NIL John Maellidwards, of the Arthabaska. Sailing, however, has not been all joy to him, as he has been a suf- ferer from catarrhal troubles. With others) fortunately, he at last found relief, quick and effeotive, in Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder. So pleased has he been with this medicine that, Good Samaritan like, it is is practice of his to send supplies to friends whom he knows have been afflict- ed like hiinself. It never fails to give re- lief in ten minutes, and oures permanent- ly, Sold by druggists. Sample bottle and Blower sent by S, G. Detohon, 44 Cburoh st, Toronto, on receipt of ten cents in sil- ver or stomps. She Gets It Now. Gillback-Is it true that you don't spend as much money now as you did be- fore you were married'? Packett-It is. I wish I could say the same thing of my wife. WILL NOT PERMIT DELAY In Oases of Heart Trouble --How to Act Quickly. What to do till the doctor comes is a good thing to know, and Is urgent in cases of heart disease, Keep in the house Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart, and it will be found to exceed the skill even of the skilled physician. Many letters are in the possession of the proprietor of this medi- cine, showing that death would have en- sued from heart; disease had it not been promptly taken when heart spasms had manifested themselves. It is a remark- able specific for this one particular pur- pose, and in ninety-nine oases out of a huedred, strong as the statement may seem, will Imre heart disease, either in its inoipient stages or the more chronic. Town of Violins. There is a little village named Mark- nenkirehea, in Saxony, where every working person, men, women and chil- dren, are engaged in the manufacture of violins. One Source ofrain and Suffering 'Under Human Control. The remedy known as South American Kidney Cure nem fails to give relief in six hours in all derangements of the kid- neys or bladder. Bright's disease, diabetes, inflammation or ulceration of the kidneys, neuralgia, consumption, hemorrhage and catarrh of the kidneys, inflammation of the bladder, eto. It purities and regulates the urine, removes sediment in urine and prevents scalding. It is worth a thousand times its cost for prostatia troubles in the old, suoh as enlargement, inflammation and ulceration of the proetate gland. Relieved of Anxiety. Johnny -Ma's awfully 'tickled at this time 0' year. Willie -Why? Johnny -It's too cold to go swimmin.' and nob cold enough to skate on thin ice. -Chicago Record. Unable to Move Hand or Foot for Weeks --Horrors of Rheumatism. "For fifteen years I have been more or less troubled with rheumatism in my back. Last spring I became so very bad that I was unable to move hand or foot, and was in bed for weeks. My -husband and I became discouraged, and had git an up all hope, but at the critical time a neighbor, Mrs. Blanchard, who.had been cured of lumbago in three days by South American Rheumatic Cure, called to see me and advised me to try this remedy. I did so, ana. the first bottle enabled me to sit up in bed, and in a week I was attend- ing to my duties as usual. Is is with- out doubt the best remedy in the world." "MRS. JOHN BEAUMONT, Elora, Ont." The Modern Store. Obliging clerk -Ten yards of brocaded satin -there you aro, ma'am! Eng else - Customer -Er -yes; a kit of mackerel "Yes'm. Send 'em home ?" "I see you have some very fine laces, I see—" "The rarest, ma'am. A few yards off this piece ?" "Well, yes; send. eight yards and a load of coal—" "Exactly. And the ribbons?" "Send twenty yards of the pink -and a balo of hay—" "Um -huh! Now, as to the wrap. Here's a beauty for---" "That will do. Send it with a bushel of turnips and a barrel of lime--" "So! And the silk muffler -want it, think?" "Oh -I -yes ; you might send it with a thousand lap skingles, a peck of onions, a pair of tongs, a bolt of tidy cotton and a load of tanbark I" - Cleveland Plain Dealer. A short road to health was opened to those suffering from chronic coughs, asthma, bronchitis, catarrh, lumbago, tumors, rheumatism, excoriated nipples or inflamed breast, and kidney com- plaints, by the introduction of the inex- pensive and effective remedy, Dr. Thomas' Edectric Oil. The Highest Expression. The highest expression of religious faith Is not petition. Prayer may be selfish- ness, the expression of a desire for what is for one's own advantage, without regard to whether 15 is for the advantage of others or for the honor of Ged. Indeed, people are apt' to pray more earnestly for tempor- al blessings or to escape from temporal Ills than for anything else. A man will pray for money or for the life of some friend, eImply for his own comfort and enjoyment, and often with an earnestness or even agony that he would not feel if praying for any spiritual blessing or for the largest advancement of Christ's king- dom. We are told that we may pray for our daily bread.; but yoe are told first to pray "Thy kingdom come," and before we ask that we are to make aoknovvIedg. numb to God as our Father in Heaven. There is much less danger of selfishness in the utterance of gratitude than there is in petition. There is in it a much simpler and riser° unmixed eecognition of God; there is an aeceptance of His providence, e gladnese in sellable teIlim. The great service book of the church 15 the book of Psalms, and they aro pre-emistently ex- pressione of gratitude and pelisse A Rig Jump in Val no. The wey velum have jumped in South Africa since the gold bootn there is illus - lusted by the turti an American inside In the Ptah:natal. A few years ago he bought "And these Pills have also °lived me of i00,00,0 acres of land at fifty Cents an nets dyspepsia," said Mr, Lafiatunke." I old has now sold it for $5. THE HUDSON CASE. IMPALED AND SEVERELY HURT -,- THE KIDNEYS AFFECTED. One Rex ofDodd's 1MI:3Y Pills Worth Ono. Rewired Donate. Comberniere, Dec, 16.-Yotir corre- spondent finds a case of public Interest here in the recovery after years of miser% of Mr. IL E. Hudson, a lumber man who. was impaled while at his work eight years, ago, He said: fell upon a projecting knot, whioh, seemed to have injured my bladder, and, afterwards to affect the kidneys. "Since; then, until using Dodd's Kidney' Pills I never knew a well day. "I was weak andaometinses had to lay off work for weeks, and at no time was I able to do a square dtty's work. "Every cold, or unusual exertion seem- ed to go to the weak spot. So I Was Mit- erable. "I had taken only one box of Dodd's- Kidney Pills when I got to feeling all right, and ever since I have remained, and. am now, as well as ever in my life. "My cousin, Mr. John L. Hudson, waa. ei also injured by over -lifting and was cured, by ne or two boxes. "In my oase one box of pills was wortb one hundred dollars." b Better Consult a Barber. Pounder -What's the matter, old manta Rounder (who mune home very late tho night before) -Why, I can see two of my faces in the mirror here, and 1 don't know- whioh one to shave. it HAVE YOU TASTED HAW CEYLON TEA Ite Delicione. Sold Only in Lead Packets.. WANTED by every person reading- this paper, Groceries,' and general supplies for home use. Write to um for price list and buy your winter supply from 29 to 50 per cent Cheaper than you -nre now 'paying for your goods. Ail new goOds and at. wholesale prices. Note address. • A. H. CANNING, Wholesale Grocer, 57 ,Front Street East, Toren& .•10•14••,.....=11••••••••••,9110••••,m1.1WMIINVIMMI10.1•171.1.1 ' I I I A Blizzard! A .Hitrricinel A 'Cyclone! A Tornado! Wouldn't be enough to extinguish E. B. Eddy's ‘`Flamers' when lit. , The best mitighr for smokers in these high autumn winds bka....iy by ' . The E. B. MT CO. 1 HULL. Belting. Shafting, Pulleys, Hangers. Order Your Supplies of OAK TANNED LEATHER BELTING from us. We supply four grades, suite able for all classes of machinery. • Every- thing in above lines at Manufacturers First Cost Prices. . Lowest Prices for Cask. TORONTO TYPE FOUNDRY, • 4.4 Ray Street. Toronto. Two schools Under One Management.. CeAf7ifiP44.. TORONTO AND e*TRATFORD, ONT. Unquestionablytee leading Commereiat Schools of the Dominion ; advantages best in Canada:. moderate rat; Students may enter at any time, Wrae to exther school•for eirenlars and mention this paper. SHAW & ELLIOTT Principals. • Ore of Life Found at Last. Vitte-Ore. Is very properly. called Ore of Life. It was discovered by Professor T,hao. Noel, of Chicago, GeolOgIst. • This ore mn;kes an elixir which is Nature's Great Remedy for the cure of human AS. It will reach the nidus of human diseases drugs and doctors' nostrums fail. It is nature a great restorative; to which nothing Is added. 15 15 pure, as it comes from nature's inaoratory. Sold only on dIrect orders or through local or general agents. Price el a package, or three for 52.51 sent prepaid to any part of the glebe on receipt of price. Send for circulars and fun particulars to Vitte-Ore Depot, 240 Atielaidta street west, Toronto. J. JOHNSTON, General! Acr cot • T. N. U. 42 It mattbrs :tot whether you are going to work on tht fartn, in the workshop, or the merchant's or max:ditto turer's office, you need a thorough Busincestducialeal in order 0 succeed well. 'Write for the Announcement; cram Northern 13usiness College for full particulars. Address—C. A. Fleming, Princtpal, Owen Sound, Ont. TeiVlinerelaiNG .T er031 rure aela, 'Type, Presses, Lilts, Iteatly-17 I Newspapers, Sterootyp illtatter,lillectiAt trPing, IlluqraviRT ng. TOONO "UNTO hi) tINDIEY, • le oronto and Winelpeg. •