HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1895-12-20, Page 1'A'.n ,M1aMrvum. .
The Molsons Bank.
(Chartered by Parliament, 1855,) ,
Paid up Capital , , $2,000,000
Rest Fund.... , . 1,200,000
Read office Montreal..
Monev advanced au a uod Farmer's on their
own notes w:kh one or morn endorsers at 7
per Gent per annum.
Exeter Branch,
Open every lawful day from .ILO a. m,to 3 p.
• ne., Saturdays lO a, m. to1 p.m
Ageueralbanking' business transacted.
CURRENT RATES allowed for mon-
ey on Deposit Receipts, Savings Bank at 8 pov Dent,
... N. D. HURDON
ater, Jars 28, '88. Manager
aP •
sA .
A goodpaying blaoltsmith business for
sale, apply to H. Bishop 3t Son, Exeter.
The undersigned has for service on Lot 28r
Concession 1, Usborne, a thoroughbred Im-
ported Rolland China with registered pedi-
gree, Terms 81, with privelego of returning
If necessary. GEO.HARTON
A splendid chance awaits the right man
to start an oatmeal mill. The undersigned
has one of the best sites for a mill of this
kind that could be had near Macleod, Alber-
' to District, N. W. T. There is,a large water-
fall on the plane 4.nd the train runs within
a few rods of the site, Only a small amount
of money required. Oatmeal sells there for
lots a pound. Correspondence solicited.
Jos. ANnansON, Centralia, Ont.
Of Henry Westcott, late of the Town•
ship of Usborne, in the County of Hu-
ron, gentleman, deceased.
Pursuant to Sec. 96 of Chapter 110 of the
Revised statutes of Ontario, 1887, notice is
hereby given that all creditors and others
having claims against the estate of Henry
Westcott, late of the Township of Usborne,
in the county of Huron, gentleman, who died
on or about the first day of October, A.. D.,
1895, are, on or before the 4th day of January
A. D.' 1896, to send by post, pre -paid, to Lewis
H. Dickson solicitor for James Westcott and
Kozuali Dayman, executors of the said de-
ceasedtheir ahristian names and surnames,
addresses and descriptions, the full pparticu-
lars of their claims,a statement of their ac-
oounts and the nature of the securities (if
anv)held bylthem,and that after thelday last
aforesaid the said executors will proceed to
distribute the assets of the said deceased
among the parties entitled thereto, having
regard only to such claims of 'which notice
shah have been given as above required, and
the said executors will not be liable for the
aid assets or any part thereof,to any person
or persons of whose claim or claims notice
all bot have been received by them at the
ime of such distribution.
SLEwrs H. DroasoN,
Solicitor for Executors
sated at Exeter this 17th Exeter.
ay of Decem her, A.D. 1895
Just in Time
And those pur
chasing from
me during the
holiday season
will be sure of
doing so at re
duced prices,
I have in stock a complete
line of Xmas goods, never had
a finer assortment,
Gold and Silver'RT`atch-
es and Watch Chains and
a beautiful assortment of
Jewellry and
si l ver plated
ware. Eyes
tested free of
charge and all
kinds of Spec-
tacles in stock.
Solid gold v,'eddin' rings.
To Fitton.
One of the oldest firms in Brantford
. T. Wieltham & Co„ who last March
x}ceeeded in reaching an agreement
lith their creditors, but which is not
-kieine. carried out by some of the larg-
est, have gone into liquidation.
Sodom Greenway,
The R, T. of T's aro in a good con- The annual public sehool meeting
dition and the amusement every Wed will beheld this ,year on Thursde
nesday evening are interesting. -The
Sunday School is flourishing, They
are to have a Christmas tree and en
tertainment on Monday evening 2,3e
inst. All are invited to come tett(' have
a good time. ,"is likely to be the best
ever held in Sodorn.
Usborne Council.'
The Council met on rhe 16th inst.,
pursuant to adjournment:. All the
members present. The minutes of the
previous Gus meetin ware read and alt.'
prayed. The trustees of S. 8. No. 10,
made application for the usual grant.
Keddy-Gardiner, that a grant of $18
be given S. S. No. 10, being the differ-
encebetween the former grant of $40
and the amount received by said S. S.
per special rate. -Carried. By-law No, 9
1595, providing for the nomination and
Municipal election as now read be pass
ed. -Carried. A number of orders
were issued and ou motion of W. Del -
bridge, seconded by W. Reddy, that the
Council adjourn to meet again Monday
the 30th inst. after the nomination is
close3, GEo. W. HOLMAN, Clerk.
The collector of taxes was here last
Saturday. and took considerable money
with him and left some wholesome ad-
vice with one of the • ratepayers -The
special meetings have not been a great
success and the ministers will now de-
vote attention to other parts of the cir-
cuit. -Deputy Reeve J eddy and sister
brought down the house with some ex-
cellent solos and duets. at a Xmas school
examination in Tuckersmith Last Fri-
day. They sing at Zion church, near
Dublin at a tea meeting next week.-
Miss Hattie Russell, daughter of Rev.
John Russell, of Wardsville, who has
been attending the Goderich Model
School, is visiting Mrs. Holzman this
week. -Mr. G. W. Holman and family
attended the Xmas exams. of Winchel-
sea public school last Friday. The af-
fair was a great success, the program
took nearly threeehours but the inter-
est was kept up to the last.
_i.ay Council,
Council met on December 80, pursu-
ant to statute: -W. Beaver appeared
before the Council in regard to -a ditch
constructed by him along sidethe road
of his farm This dit h ha b
c s een com-
plained against by the ratepayers as
d n •
a Brous
Mr. Bearer promis-
ed to put the roadside in a safe condi-
! tion to the satisfaction of the Council.
An account from Dr. Buchanan for
medical attendance to the Schnellman
family was laid on the table. --A num-
ber of
accounts were ordered paid
which will appear in the treasurer's
statement. Council adjourned to meet
again et the call of Reeve. -Nomina-
tions will be held December 30 at the
hour of 12 o'clock, in Piene's. Hall,
Zurich. -All births, marriages and
deaths not registered by December 25,
are liable to a fine of $20 for neglect.
F. Hess, sr., Clerk.
R. F. Hicks and wife spent Sunday
in London. -Mr. Lawson shipped a car-
load of sheep on Tuesday. -A. Bous-
laugh has sold his steam engine to the
publisher of the ADYOOATE.-A meet-
ing of the Fairfield Cemetery Board
was held Tuesday evening to appoint a
successor to the late S Hogarth, who
was one of the trustees. Wm. Hicks
was appointed Trustee, Wm. Walker,
Sec. Treas.; and J. Boyer, care -taker
and grave digger. -An open meeting
of the R. T. of T's is: to be held on Fri-
day evening. -Rev. Locke preached a
very appropriate sermon on Sunday
morning in the interests of the Super.
annuation Fund of the Methodist
church. -Eden Sunday School anniver-
sary will be held next Sunday and
Monday and arrangements have been
made for a successful one, --Mr. Jas.
Delgaty preached in Main Street Meth -
Church, Exeter, on Sunday morning.-
The Epworth League are snaking ar
rangement to attend the convention at
Parkhill on the 27th inst.-Rev. W. H.
Butt preached a telling sermon on the
"Power of the Press" on Sunday even-
ing in which he paid a high ,tribute to
the moral character and true worth of
the press of our country.
Of Ordered Cl
We have a big lot of Scotch Tweeds
• styles and col 4s andof the wholesale price;
and We can give you some bargains, in these
goods. Come and get your Holliday 1° fiat
b Y shit and overcoat
and save 25 per cent.
This is a Snap.
Toget a (first Jas ' a
a s piece of „Dods cheap. We have Penne all wool Can-
adian TweedieNice Patterns at 25e, per yard. ,
AU goods cut free.
about Come and get your boys salted ati half the
price of ready modes. Remember the place.
J H. CREIVE, Merchant 1ia frsr
December the 26th as directed by law,
the last Wednesday being a legal hole
day.-Misse's Ada Clash and Nellie Wil
son, of .Parkhill, spent several days last
week visiting friends in this vicinity. -
A good time is expected at the Christ-
mas tree entertainment Wednesday
evening 25th, is the Boston Methodist
Death has again visited our commun-
ity and carried away one of our early
settlers in the person of Mr, Francis
Ulens, who expired on Tuesday, Dec.
h, Hewas buried
fn. the Parkhill
Cemetery en Thursday. The funeral
sermons were held at the family resi-
deneo and were conducted by Rev. G.
EL Thomphsou. Ile leaves a wife and
one son to mourn his demise, He was
a consistent member of the Boston
Methodist Church and was one of the
official members of the Trustee beard.
Memorial seryice was held on Sunday
last, the church being very . tastefully
draped in mourning. Rev. G. H.
Thom phson preached a very impressive
and instructive sermon from the text,
lst•Thessafonions IV, v, 13-14
Mrs. Didoma D, Ulens and W, T. Ulens,
-We, the officers and members of the Bos.
ton Methodist Sabbath School, beg to ten
der you ourheartful sympathy in the hour of
your sad bereavement, in - the loss of your
dear husband uucl father. We as friends
can assure you that it is deeply mournful to
us and must be doubly so to you, as none
can know the trial, but those who have
stood beside the death bed of a loved one,
May the Giver of all good protect you until
that meeting, where parting is no more, is
the wish of our whole schuol. 1«r. J. WILSnN, SUP.
to p
in c
$8 5
Stephen Council.
Council met in Town Hall, Crediton,
1tonday Dec. 16. All members present.
inut.:s read and signed. The polling
laces are school houses Nos. 1, 5 and
0, Town Hall, Holt's kitchen, Heitz
an's kitchen, H. Willert's hall and
accabees hall, Grand Bend. The D. R.
s. are W. Baker, C. Brown C. Prouty,
Doyle, D. Buchannan, F, Baker R
cClinchy, W. Oliver. The following
ders were granted, . iz :-G. Ford;
8 46;.J. Lawson, material for bridge
1 75; N. McLellan, gravel $2.80; R.
anlilton, lumber $41 15; E. Jory, cul -
rt, $3; M. Winer, Com. C. R. $7; J,
arson, refund S. labor $3; T. Lawson,
and dog tax $1; C. Walper, culvert,
.85; J, Eilber; re le Gardiner, Sun-
ies $16 59;'S. Stanlake, lumber $8 20;
Sanders, rep. bridge $6; W. Eng -
id, culvert $3, J. Hawker, lumber
20; Mr. Sutton, lumber, $19 36; Mrs.
wcombe, $2; M.Finkbeiner, culvert
J Rollins, gravel $5 87; Sundry
rties by balance of C. R. $46 55; N.
channan, culvert $4; W. D. Sanders,
avel and work $92 32; Ratz
ber $36 10; Wilson Rankin, G. B. C.
0; C. H. Willert, ditch $2; C.Beaver,
W. Bowden, con. $7; F. Heist brick
s $10; A. Morrison, ref. $2; J. Mc
ever, gravel $6 05; C. Fritz, over-
rge $1; J. Kestle, ditch $2; R Hand
culvert $2; com $3; removing
rris'and R. Gardiner, $4; C. Brown
ay refund G. B.' C., $468 06. Each
twiner to receive $65 for services;
Lewis, sanitaly Ins. $2; C. Prouty,
dries $51 75; C. Prouty, $20 services
onnection with G B. C.; R. Brown,
Surer, $90; caretaker, $20; postage,
0; com. on debenture $6 75; G. B. C.
EZ Eilber trip to Chatham B. C.
0 remuneration services re G. B.C.
ve $100; H. Eilber, $100; J. Sherritt
R. Hicks $25; S. Sweitzer $10.
ination meeting in Town Hall,
day Dec. 30, commencing at noon
C. PROUTY, clerk
Mr. James Thompson visited this
burg this week, He left here about
twenty years ago, and spent many
years is the N. W. T. He looks hale
and hearty. -It is rumored that Reeve
Armitage will have opposition for the
position of bead magistrate for 1896,
The name of. Mr, J. S. Gilfillan is men-
tioned It is also thought probable that
a number will be in the field for the po-
sition of public school trustees. -.Mr,
W. Atkinson, an old resident of Lucan,
is seriously ill at his, home in Biddulph.
He removed to the farm a few weeks
ago. -Tho names of Messrs, Johnston
and Drummond are mentioned in con-
nection with the Reeveship of Mciilli-
vray for 1896. -Mr, Bell, teacher of
modern languages in Lucan high school
has resigned. A number of applicants
for the vacant position have been re-
ceived. -It is reported that Lucan is
about to have another photographer,
Mr. F. Quigley is the old reliable, but
Frank will have opposition. -Mr.
McLean left on Wednesday morning for
his home in Michigan. He has been
visiting here for,ysome weeks, -Mr, R.
Hodgins returned to Montreal au
'Thursday after a Short stay with his
family here, R S. is now engaged in
life insurance. -It is rumored the firm.
of Messrs. Young & Maxfield have a1 -
ready ceased to exist. They took charge
of Stanley and Dight's mill about a
wee!: ago, and new they are no more.
--Over 200 people of all classes and
creeds asserr filed at the southern ex-
tremity of the village on Friday morn-
ng for the purpose of taking part in barley
the long talked -of fox -hunt. A tame
fox was to, receive his liberty at 1J.
o'clock a. In. at a given point, and fif- teroceeaiu,us at the Heeembcr Session.
teen minutes later a number of hounds
were to be set loose upon the trail, One The Council met in the Town o Hall,
of the dog.5 broketloose in less than the Clinton, last Thursday, at 10 a, in. all
specified time, and this was the signal the members reporting at roll call ex -
for all to go, and in a very few minutes ceps Messrs, Sanders and
the little animal was run down, and The warden addres€ed the Council
Mr, S. McKenzie's hound was claimed with reference to the Morris vs. 1:t. rot
to be the victor. The crowd was scar- arbitration, and a letter from the Comeu
rely satisfied with the result, and de- ty Solicitor and the minutes of the
terminad to have another chase at 2 meetings of the Warden's committee,
o'clock p: m, At that hour the same on the same matter, were read and re
sport put in an appearance with a fresh ferred to Special Committee.
fox and a fresh run began. This time The following matters were referred.
the hounds were held back for fully fif to Special committee: 1, Memorials
teen minutes, and then the race for from Perth County Council seeking
game eonl.menced. It was an exciting amendments to Ditches and Water
chase, and at 480 p, in, the game was courses Act; 2, from Simcoe County
still not sighted. 'The final result can Council for the protection of municipal -
not be stated, as, at the writing of this, ities in cases of accidents on public
pursuers were not heard from. -Gen hi hways; 3,. from Norfolk Council, re
eras and deep regret is expressed at boundary line bridges,
the death of one of our oldest and most A letter from East Huron Teachers'
respected residents, in the person of association for the usual grant was sent
Francis Neil, Esq, who died on Friday to Executive committee, and the Count
last at the adyanced age of 97 years. eil then adjourned until 1.80 p. m., at
Deceased leaves a large circle of rela- which session' memorial from residents
tives to mourn his death, Hisremains of Hensel! that the village be made a
were interred in the family cemetery police village, was sent to Special corn-
on Sunday 15th inst. mittee and a number of accounts sent
to Finance committee, after which the
Council adjourned till 9 o'clock next
The weather of the past week has Sx7COND DAY -FRIDAY,
been sharp and cold, but at the tine of The following communieatious were
writing it is somewhat milder, and pee- sent to committees named: 1, From
ple in general look for a tha w which Judge Doyle, re providing a law library
would be a great pity as the roads now and asking a grant towards the estab-
are fins for wheeling and with a little lishment of same. Executive 2, From
more snow would be spleudid sleighing. Sherriff Gibbons re the appointment of
-The oyster supper given by the Lady a matron at county jail in place of late
Maccabees of the Hive in Dashwood, Mrs. Dickson. Special.
came off on Wednesday evening as an- The jailer's report was read and re-
nounced. Particulars of proceedings ferred to County Property committee.
wil! be given next week. The bee at He reported 15 prisoners confined
the church last week was well repre among them only one female; three of
sented with willing workers and the the males were insane and awaiting re-
work was soon got through with and moral to the Asylum, 10 are committed
ready for the paiuters, who will con , as vagrants, all able-bodied except two
mence to paint in a few days. -The one of whom is 71 years of age and the
Xmas tree eutertainment given by the other in bad health.
scholars and friends of the school on A motion was passed calling for a
Xmas evening promises to be a success. detailed statement from the Treasurer
A good program is being prepared and of all expenses in connection with the
if the weather is fair nothing will hin- House of Refuge, and how much will
der the success of the entertainment. be deficient in meeting the County in -
A Xnias dinner is being provided for debtedness when the rate of this year
some of the poor of the village by the are paid.
members of the Sympathy and Relief Council then adjourned until o'clock
Committee of the Y. P. A. Oh! to . be and on resuming the Finance commit-
one of the poor just now. -Quite a rip tee's report was read as follows.
ple of excitement was caused in socie 1. Recommending payments of fol-
ty's circle 0110 day, or rather evening, lowing accouuts: Wilmer Smith,$3,50;
last week. We hope it .will not so hap- Robt. Henderson, $2 60: G. N. Davis,
pen again and the gent from the neigh- $17.70; W. McCreath, $3.40; D. Robb
boring village had better take this as postage, $6.75; J. E. Tom, $6,28; A.
a en
tl .
e rami
g and make himself Wallace,. repairing clock,, $1; Exeter
scarce as thereis a good coat of tar Advocate, $1; New Era, $11134; Brussels
and feathers in store for him, which Post, $5; News Record, $1; Town of
vvill surely be applied, should he even Clinton, conveyance of an indigent lun-
come on such a mission again. The atic, $15 25; Wingham Times, $5; Cars -
police will not be called out either.- well & Co , statutes, $71.55; W. Lee
The last sermon in the old church coal for Court House, $206.50, and for
was preached last Sabbath evening by jail, $24.40; Morris Council, burial of a
Rev. Eby. The carpet carpet for the County ward, $15; Fraser & Porter, sup -
Alcove and Altar in the new church plies, $60.40; telephone, $10; Jacob
was cut and sewed on Monday be some Stokes, gravel. $1.50; John Butler,
of the young friends of the congrega- books for registry office, $55; George
tion. Mr. Zimmer of the Bronson line Porter, stationary, $146,77; Signal $2.
moved to the village Monday in the (2) recommending that the following
house lately occupied by Mr. John accounts be not paid: Dr. Staubury,
Brenner. -Messrs. John Brenner moved medical attendance on Donald Balian-
to his new house on Moeday.-Philip tine, $2, and on John Bannerman, $10;
Sipple, of Zurich. passed through the G. Neelin, printing, not certified to,
village on Monday evening with a $86.87. (3) that no action be taken on
prisouer he, had captured at the Bend the communication of parties in Lon
charged with theft don for care of Mrs, Hewitt, a County
ward, and that the claim of Robt. Bell
The Huron Club in Chita O, for damages to engine, be referred to
g Reeve of Tuckersmith.
T. J.
an ex
ill Ott
he Huron Club held its regular
ting for the election of officers on
sday evening last at the Sherman
se Club Rooms, Chicago. The at -
ante was large, nearly every mem
of the club turning out to assist in
ing his favorites in the different
es for the ensuing year. The elec-
of officers resulted in the following
g chosen for the term,' viz:-
ident, Dr. J. M. Sloan, 264 ,S Hal -
d St.; lst Vice President, W. R. Rua -
Cor. Canal and Randolph Sts; 2nd
President, P. J. Lennon, 24C E
on St :Secretary, W. H, . Saunders,
Michigan Ave: Financial-Secre
W. B, Hale, 227 S Clinton Si,;
surer, 11. F. Livingston, 205 Cass
Executive Committee: Wm. H.
ders, Chairman; W. D. Bonthron,
4 I. J. Prendergrast, G. M. Dickson,
Wilson, J. Walker, and W. 11
ell. The regular meeting for in -
tion of officers will be held this
ng . at the Great Norther Hotel
spirited addresses will be deliv•
by President Sloan, Secretary
ders, Treasurer Dickson and other
les from Huron County who are
ers, Our correspondent will give
tended report of the proceedings
r next issue. .
.British Grain Trade,
London, Dec. 16 -The Mark Lane
Express, in its weekly review of the'
British grain trade says :--English
and foreign wheats have been dull
There have been cargo sales of No. 1
Duluth at 25s 9d; No. 1 Manitoba, 26s;
and California at 27s, American corn
has been firm, and barley, oats and
beans have been steady. Linseed has
fallen 6d. To•day there was a meaetre
attendance, The market for foreign
wheats was regular and in buyers'
favor, ,American flour lost 3d, and
corn was down 3d. Oats and brewing
belt( Well,
An amendment by Reeves Burns and
Evans that Dr. Stanbury's claims be
paid, and that also of F. G. Neelin be
allowed $50 on his account was carried
and the report then adopted.
The report of the House of Refuge
committee was read and adopted.
It set forth the completion of the
work of building and furnishing, and
recommended the following settlement
with the contractor:
Contract price as per tender.. $9874 00
Amount of extras 794 27
$10669 27
Amt. heretofore paid$8700 00
Balance due 1959 29
Among the other recommendations
was one that a suitable site for a bury-
ing ground be selected oo the farm,
The report of the Executive commit
tee recommended a $25 grant to the
East Huron Teachers' Association for
$1895: that the Law Association be
given the grand jury room for use as a
law library, but that no action be taken
on the request for a grant towards the
purchase of books; that Wm. Vanstone's
tender for wood for the jail be accepted.
The report was adopted.
The Road and Bridge committee re-
commended the adoption of the County
Commissioner's report; that he ask for.
tenders for a cedar bridge over the
Maitland between Howick and Minto,
if Wellington Council trill pay half the
cost ; and that he get tenders for a ce-
dar bridge and abutments for Turner's
bridge, Bayfield river, and a bridge
Over the Sauble in Ray, township,
The County Property committee re
ported the reteteettrs to jail and court
house ordered last Juno as fully car-
ried out and recommended the adoption
of the jailer's report and the purchase
of clothing asked for, Adopted,
The Special committee recommended
(1) that Hensall and Manchester be
made police villages with the limits
mentioned in their respective petitions,
NO 43,E
and that elections be held in each place-
for the election of police trustees. John
Blatchford and Samuel Caldwell to be
the respective returning offieers; (2).
that Sherriff Gibbons' appointment of
Mrs. Logie as matron at the jail be:
confirmed; (8) that the County Solicitor-
having given notice of appeal to the
Divisional Court from the judgement
of Chief Justice Meredith in the case of
Morris townshipvs. the County, he pro-
ceed with the same and obtain the
. -
Messrs Kerr and Kirkby moved to
amend the report by dividing :the differ-
ence between the offer of the County
aud the amount asked by Mor-
ris township, but this was lost and the
report adopted.
The following motion was unani-
mously adopted: That this Couuci
most highly approve of the manage-
ment and labor of the House of Refugee
committee, and fully beliere that the
committee deserves the highest praise
for their services, In addition to this
a grant of $25 was made to ldr. Eilber,.
chairman of the committee, for his ser-
A vote of thanks to the mayor and:
council of Clinton, for their kindly en-
tertainment in the concert and banquet,.
was unanimously passed. Also a mo-
tion of regret at the determination of
reeves Raiz of Stephen and Cook of
Hawick to retire from reunieipal poli-
tics, and expressing appreciation of
their able and faithful services in the
The Inspector of the House of Refuge
was authorized, so long as there was
room in the building, to receive inmates
who are in a position to pay for their
maintenance, or have friends or muni-
cipalities willing to do so, the rate to be
not less than $2 per week.
The Council then adjourned.
The house of Mrs Stinson at Auburn
was burned to the ground early Wed.
nesday morning. Mrs. Stinson lost::
everything, including clothing and
household furniture.; The family bare-
ly escaped with their lives.
W. J. Farr, motto wasfound guilty at
Welland on three counts of taking a
letter from the post office, sent by W.
J. Orr, of St. Thomas, to W. Faro; pre-
serving the money order in the letter
and forging the name of Faro to it, was
sentenced to Kingston Penitentiary
for three years on each charge, or nine
years in all.
On Thursday morning Mr. Robert:
Willoughby;• a farmer, living on the
second concession of Elderslie,was driv-
ing to Chesley,'and while crossing the
G. T, R., half a mile north of that place-
was struck by the morning express and
thrown about twenty feast from, thetrack
Ells lee had to be amputated, and it is
feared he will not survive the shock.
On Wednesday, Dee. 11th, at the
residence of the bride's father, Duncan
Campbell, Lobo, Mary C., bis daughter'
was united in matrimony to Dugald ('-
Grey, by Rev. N. Lindsay, of Ivan...
The presents were numerous and cost-
ly showing how highly both the par-
ties are esteemed in Ailsa Craig. Forty-
five couples took part in the wedding
Last week Mr. John Fulton, of Gran-
ton, received a kick from a horse on
the side of the knee joint, and althought
very painful, he did not pay any more -
than ordinary attention to it. This
week it has taken rather' a serious turn
inflammation having set in. His case
is being attended to by Drs: Lang and
Thompson, and it is hoped he may soon.
Robert Goodall, of Milverton, while
driving with a load of hay along the
fifth line of Wellesley, near Millbank,
where a bridge crosses Smith Creek,
came in contact with the railing of the
bridge, and was thrown from the load.
The creek was frozen over and Mr.
Goodall came down head first on the
ice 30 feet below, He had his nose
broken, a large piece of flesh torn from
his forehead, and his lips and cheeks•
terribly bruised; also one foot broken
If he is not internally injured, however
he will probably recover before long.
Mr. McGillivray Elected.
Bracebridge, Ont., December 12111. --
The by-election in North Ontario,. ren-
dered necessary by the death of Mrd.
Frank Madill, for years the Conserva-
tive representative of the riding, came
off Friday, and closed what was with-
out doubt one of the hottest political
campaigns ever held in the Province.
There were three candidates in the
field -Major t, A. McGillivray, the
nominee of the Liberal•Conser.vativo.
party; Mr, R. C. Brandon (Patron, Pro
hibitionist and supporter of Mr, Dalton
McCarthy,) and Mr. J. D Gillespie. the
straight Grit candidate. The result
was a mageiflcelrt victory for Mr. Mc-
Gillivray and the Conservative party,.
he being elected by a plurality of 700
over Mr, Brandon, and of over 800 over
the Grit candidate, who was left at the
foot of the poll, The supporters of all,
throe candidates worked their beat, and
as a result a yery large vote waspollee.
Friday night the Conservatives througbs
out the eonstitgency celebrated their
great victory in a most enthusiastic-
esirA 'dile
MAIN'S -Oa the 10th inst,, Francis
Mans, , of Greenway, aped 59 years:
I ixr..-A.t Lucas, on the 13th inst.x,
.F'ranicis Neil aged 97 years.