HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1895-12-13, Page 5THE
ti r bvocrxt ,
Ie published every Thnrsdlty Morning,
at the Wheel
By the---
One Dollar per annum if paid in Advanoe
Ili I,Fct► if not so paid,
73 a sr as tioirs� Ro.tea on. Fs lri> oa
No paper discontinued until all arrearafr es
aro paid. Advertisements without specific
directions will bo pu'blis'hed till forbid and
Charged accordingly. Liberal discount made
Yo% trausciont advertisements inserted for
long periods, Every description of JOB
PRINTING turned out in the finest style,
and at moderato rates. Cheques, m onoy ord-
ers. &e. for advertising, subscriptions ,oto,to
be made paya ble to
Chas. R. Sanders
iarofesSsos ax Cards.
X, KINSMAN, L. D. S, Fanson's Block
two doors north of Carling Store
MAIN ST, ExETmn, extracts teeth
without pain, Away at Parkhill every
Tuesday, Liman every Wednesday and at
Zurich on last Thursday of each month,
�J honors (Graduate of the Toronto Uni-:
rsity and. Royal College of Dental Surgeons
of Ontario. Teeth extracted without pain.
A111 modes of Dentistry up to .date, Office
over Elliot i Elliot's law office—opposite
Central Hotot—Exeter,
has moved ono door south.
Dars, J A. ROLLINS & T A. AMOS. •
.J itosideneos, sante as formerly
OFFICES, Spackman, building, Main, St.
Dr, Rollins' oflloe; same as formerly north
door. Dr. Amos' office, same building—south
door. May 1st. 1893
J. A Rollins, M. D. T, A, Amos, M. D
3J the College of Physicians and Surgeons
Ontario, Physician, Surgeon and Accouch-
eur. Office, .Dashwood, Ont.
TV inary Surgeon. Graduate To-
ronto Veterinary College. Chloe and
residence at the old stand,' one block
East E. J. Spackman's Store. Dehorning a
p ecialty.
. OR, Conveyancer, Notary Public.
Office—Over O'Neil's Bank, Exeter, Ontario,
Money to Loan.
. of Supreme Court, Notary Public, Con-
veyancer, Commissioner, &c. Money to loan
Office—Fanson's Block,Exetor
Conveyancing, and Money to Loan at
Lowest Rates of Interest. Branch office at
Mensal] every Thursday.
1L1 BROWN, Winchelsea. Licensed Auct-
11 . ioneerfor the Counties of Perth and
Middlesex, also for the township ofUsborne
Sales promptly attended toand. terms rea-
sonba,le.Sales arranged at Post office. Win-
TOHN T. WESTCOTT, Exeter, Ontario,
PJ Auctioneer for the County of Huron.
Special attention given to farms and farm
stock- sales, Charges moderate. Parties
contemplating having sales this Fall should
give him a trial. For further particulars,
apply by letter to Exeter P. O. Orders left at
the ADVOCATE Office, Exeter, will receive
prompt rem t attentlon.
FRED. W. FARNCO3iB, Provincial Land
Surveyor and Civil Engineer. Office,
Over Post Office, Main street. Exeter.Ont.
Insurance Agent,
Main St.
• Anchor, Allan, Allan State, Dominion,
American, White Sear, and Clyde Lines
to England, Ireland, Scotland, Germany,
Franc , Cape Colony, Australia aiid
New Zealand.
Prepaid tickets issued to parties
wishing to send for their friends.
Lancashire London and Lancashire,
British and Mercantile,
and Perth Mutual Fire Insurance Co's.
London and Lancashire Life Insur, Co,
London Guarantee and Accident Co
LOWEST RATES. Capt. Geo. Kenai)
The new harness shop is
now opened for business.
All kinds of
Harness on hand, heavy
double, light and single.
Anything . made
-to order. Repairing prompt-
ly attended to. Robes and
blankets of,all kinds; also Buff-
uffalo robes, trunks, combs, brush-
es and 'everything kept in
the harness line,
Don't fail to
i call and see prices. , its
Harness maker
To Smokers
to meet the wishes of their customers The
Oo, E. Puckett and Son Co, Ltd., Hamilton,
i:Jnf., have placed upo the market,
A Combination Flux' of
Smoking Tobacco
This supplies a long felt
waflt, giving rile consumer one 20 cent
plug, of a 10 cent pisco nr A 5 cent
pioe,,yof the famous ('T & I3" brand of
pure irgilila Tobacco.
The tag W' ,_ ,
The fin "T & is on every piece,
Permanently Cured
Constitutional Scrofula
Hood's Sarsaparilla
)Nies Olive S. Carl
Reynolds31,1le, Pe,
The cure of Olive Carl by Hood's
Sarsapar='a has few equals in medical
history. The testimonial was first
published two years ago, and a letter
lately received from her mother says
Olive continues in good health and
"We are satisfied her remarkable cure
of constitutional scrofula by Hood's
Sarsaparilla was permanent"
Briefly stated the case was this: "When
Olive was 8 years old she had the whoop-
ing cough and measles, followed by in-
tense pains in every joint in her body,
like rheumatism. Physicians were puz-
zled, but after a consultation, pronounced
the disease some form of
et Constitutional Scrofula.
" When we began to use Hood's Sarsa-
parilla, she could not be moved without
crying out with pain,.and we were com-
• palled to cut her hair, as she could not
bear the weight of it. At first the change
for the better was very gradual; the pains
seemed to be less frequent and the swell-
ing in some of' the joints subsided after
using about one bottle, Then i:c prove-
ment was more rapid and one a.ght she
surprised us by telling us that we
!'geed Not Prop Her Up In Bed
as we had done for months, and next
night she surprised us still more by roll-
ing over across the bed. From that time
onthe improvement was very rapid and
she soon began to creep about the house
and then to walk on crutches. Now she
ood's 16'arsa-
lwvaess parifla
generally uses but
one crutch, the dis-
ease having left one
leg crooked, and I t 4•4
fear it will remain so. We feel that to
Hood's Sarsaparilla we owe our child's life.
"I enclose the photograph of my daugh-
ter and I think 1t is a picture of perfect
health.. ,When I think how near she was
to death's door I cannot feel thankful
enough for her recovery." MRS. J. A.
CARL, Reynoldeville, Pa.
N0011$ �1IQl$ the atter-dinner pill and
family cathartic. abe.
Positively Cures
i1i in a surprisingly short time. It's a sci-
entific certainty, tried and true, soothing
and healing in its effects.
W. C. McCot, mss & SON,
Bouchetie, Nue.,
report in alottor that Pyny-Pectoral slued Mrs.
C. Coruna of chronic cold in chest and bronchial
tubes. and also cured W. G. blcComber of a
long-standing cold.
Mn. J. H. Hcrrv, Chemist,
508 Yonge St,, Toronto, writes:
" da a general cough and lung syrup Pyny-
Peetmal Is a most invaluable preparation. It
has given the utmost satisfaction to all who
have tried it, many having spoken to me of the
benefits derived from its use in their families.
It is suitable fur old or young, being pleasant to
the taste. Its sale with mo has been wonderful,
and I can always recnmmand it as a safe mid
reliable cough medicine.•'
Large (Nettle, 25 Cis.
Sole Proprietors
Has cured others! Will cure you
Asia your Druggist
for Mabeline
MABELINE is a positive cure for all
uterine troubles. It is not necessary to
enumerate them here. It is the general cus-
tom in describing a remedy to fill the ad-
vertisingmerlium with a medical treatise,
describing, in a highly colored manner,
symptoms and forms of disease, scientiifical-
ly, and in such a way as to involve the read-
er in a maze of theory anis speculation. We
avoid all this sensational way of :advertis-
ing. If you aro sick it is presumed that you
know oft he fact and can form some idea of
what your ailment is, and we can only ad-
vise you generally.
MABELINE is vegetable compound and
cannot injure the most delicate and can be
used with perfect safety.
MABELINE is placed in capsules and
they are applied directly to the diseased
Full directions, how to apply on every
box. Send ea for one month's treatment.
2l capsules in a box. Why pay three dollars
for any other remedy when you can buy
Mabeline for ono dollar?
Address ail communications to
Box 280, Windsor, Ont,
Tho plans et.e., for the new public
school at Granton will be sl.lhlmittcd in
a few days, and a meeting of the rate-
payers -,interested is called Cot' this
Thursday evening, Dec. 12, at 7 o'clock
to receive the report of the trustees and
to consider the ways and means for
proteentitig the work,
Sunday night Mr, Chas' Dunn, Chat-
ham went out, to his staple to learn that
cause of an unusual noise, and found
his home in SOARS trouble; due to his
foot becoming fastened, Mr, Dunn
was smoking o, cigar as he slopped to
relieve the animal, lie had seart'ely
got,, when hack to tho.laounc 1lht.0 he discov
tired the stable to be in flllines. 'Thu.,
building and eonteuts, ih t•lndirl:r. the
horse, WOW bustled, No the uranen,
The latest News in Brief
Gerrie and Wroxeter are to be cies-
tris li`hteii,
Paisley rings its curfew bell at 8
o'clock in the evening.
Ripe strawberries were picked on a
fruit farm near Leamington last week.
Natural gas has been found on the
farm of McNerney Bros., near Quinn
Tilbury East,
D. McArthur, V. S., has closed up his
livery business in Ailsa Craig and dis
posed of his stock.
Mr, Wm, Scott, Brucefield, is having
a windmill erected at his warehouse, to
be used in elevating the grain,
For the year now ending there were
87 deaths recorded in Woodstock,
against 120 for the year previous.
Miss Ethel Topping, of Woodstock
succeeds Miss McClutcheon as teacher
in the Clinton Collegiate Institute.
Kent has thirteen weekly and two
daily papers—eight of the weeklies he
ing in the east riding and five in the
"t 1 am cured since Hood's Sarsapar•
ilia," is what many thousands are say-
ing. It gives renewed vitality and
At Mr. Reid's sale on Friday at 'Wal
kerton, hay sold briskly at $17.25 a ton
and straw at 10.50. The stock brought,
good prices.
Word comes from Los Angelos Cal.,
that Rey. Mr. Campbell, of Granton,
has improved very much in health since
his arrival there.
Mrs. John Watson, Danwich, was
thrown from her cutter Saturday morn-
ing on her way to St. Thomas, and had
her arm broken.
John Harris implement manufactur-
er, Campbellford, has assigned to C. L.
Owen. Henry Wildfone, contractor,
Berlin has assigned to J. Kaufman,
In the smallpox case of the township
of Logan vs. town of Mitchell, which
was recently, tried in Stratford, the
judge has decided in favor of the town.
The Standard Oil and Gas Company
have been drilling in No. 5 well, two
miles east of Kingsville, over a month
and struck a gusher which they say
is good for 7,000,000 feet per day.
Mr. David Drennan, a well-known
Chatham merchant, fell in a fit on
Tuesday while at work in his etoi•e, He
sustained an ugly cut, besides burning
his ear and cheek almost to a crisp.
The lake at Southampton has been
lowering at the rate of an inch a week
for the last three months. A slab nailed
onto the pier level with the water, is
now fourteen inches above the surface.
Mr. McLaren, Stratford, recently
shipped from St. Marys to the old coun-
try 450 boxes of cheese purchased from
Mr. Brown, of the Avonbank cheese
factory at 9 cents; amount, about $3,
The property of the Watson Manu.
facturing Company, including plant at
Ayr, lands in Muskoka, and Manitoba
were sold' at 'the Judge's Chambers.
Berlin, on Friday, for $14,500 to Wm.
Dr. Hayes, coroner at Simcoe, has de
cided that an inquest is not necessary
in connection with the death of Wm
Wark. The young man, it will be re-
membered, had taken an overdose of
Alexander Barr, a farmer living
down the river from Chatham, put a
small dynamite cartridge upon a hot
stove Wednesday night. The cartridge
exploded, blowing off three of Mr. Barr's
• Joseph Hunsbury who had his neck
broken in the accident on the G. T. R
some days ago, is progressing favor-
ably at St. Thomas, and Dr. Gustinex-
pects he will be able to be out in a
couple of weeks.
Lorne, the eldest son of Mr. E. A.
Putman, butcher, Chatham, in cutting
a piece of string, allowed the knife to
strike him on the forehead, cutting ii
to the skull, and inflicting an ugly gash
which had to be stitched.
Many of the farmers a''ound Blyth
have been heavy losers of sheep lately
by dogs. Among them is Messrs. M
P'loody, John Brown, Wm. Sanderson,
Robert Sanderson, Ed. Lear, and Robt.
Browu, ttie latter losing ten.
Miss Lizzie Cowan, Wroxeter, bas
earned a reputation for fine needle
work, of which any young lady might
be proud, She recently made two and
one -eight yards of houiton lace, which
has been purchased by Queen Victoria..
W Joyce and J. Young were de-
scending with a piece of shafting on an
ejevator at the' Waterous engine works,
Brantford, on Saturday, when the cage
dropped part way, and the piece of
shafting fell on Joyce, breaking one of
his legs.
In tiro Southwestern part of East
Zora recently, cattle have been stolen
from Messrs. Robert Chambers, Bastedo
and McAuley; five fine sheep from Job
Thompson; 50 bushels of oats from E
W. Chambers, and five barrels of ap
pies from Arch Lampman,
Thos. Dunn, a leading business man
of Paris, has lost two of his children
through diphtheria. A boy of 4 years
died on Saturday evening, and a, boy
of 18 months died on Monday evening
['ears are entertained that other mem-
bers of the family may succumb to the
same disease.
At Phillips' heading tnill, Baldoou
street, Chatham, on Thursday John
1iatthews was putting on his coat
preparatory to leaving; ° when it was
caught in the belt which was going
at the rate of 150' revolutions to the
minute;. The boy was several times
twirled. around the circuit, and then
thrown violently to the floor. Besides
various minor bruises'Matthews sus
tained fracture of the arm,ped
his knee dislocated and two ribs brok-
en, Re is doing weill, and will recover,.
Be is 14 years old, and showed wonder-
ful nerve:
PEOPLEalways olscern.
Merit, Quality and
Worth in the won-
Rade expressly for home use,
Diamond Dyes are precious helps in city
and town homes. Tb the farmer's wife and
daughters they are invaluable agents of
economy. Diamond Dyes conte inforty-eight
colors for wool, cotton, mixed goods, silkancl
feathers. They are easy to use, and give
colors that neither sun or soapsuds will fade,
Beware ofiinitations; ask for the "Diamond,"
and see that you get them ; all dealers selrl
Direction Book and samples of colored cloth
free; address
WELLS S: RICSIARD5oN Co., Montreal, P.Q.
Hensen: Mr. Thomas .Ballantyne
returned home last week from the old
country, whore he had accompanied a
large shipment of cattle and sheep,
Re had a very rough passa,e on the
way home, but being a good sailor, he
stood the trip well.
There are two French families re-
siding near Tecumseh, who have mul-
tiplied the ties between them lately.
There are six girls in the ,Lassaline
family, and Julian Parent has four sons.
The Parent boys married four of the
Lassaline girls, and two of the Parent's
nephews married the other two.
Another hog cholera plague, as for
midable as that which killed off 80 per
cent of the swine in Essex county thir-
ty years ago, is again rampant in the
county. Dr. Golden. Provincial inspec-
tor,'has been kept in Sandwich West,
Sandwich, East and Maidstone township
as well as Gosfield South. Reports say
that whole herds show symptoms of
the disease.
There are 26 fax manufacturers in
Ontario about half of whom were rep-
resented at the meeting held on Tues
day in Stratford, when it was decided
to farm an organization, to be known
as the Flax Manufacturers, Association
of Ontario, and a committee consisting
of D. K. Erb, president, Sebringville,
Flax Company; D. A. Foster, Clinton,
and John Hogarth, proprietor of Perth
flax inills, was appointed to draft rules
aid `sit forth the objects of the associa-
tion, •A`san outcome of the organiza
tion. is is hinted that Stratford may be
the site of a new industry at some not
far distant day.
Make Yourself Strong
If von would resist pneumonia bron-
chitis, typhoid fever, and persistant
coughs and colds. These ills attack
the weak and run down system. They
can fin3 no foothold where the blood is
kept pure, rich and full of vitality, the
appetite good and digestion vigorous.
with Hood's Sarsaparilla, the one true
blood purifier.
Hood's Pills cure liver ills, constipa•
tion, biliousness, jaundice, sick head-
ache. '
Bounties and protective tariffs appeal
alike powerless to sustain the ship -build-
ing industry of Franco against the com-
petition of England. Out of ninety-six
sea -going vessels registered at Bordeaux
only twenty-two are of French construc-
London has called the roll of deaths by
starvation in 1892 and they number fifty-
one, from which it would appear that
London charity is is too much occupied
with the heathen.
Horodotus says that Croosus was the
first ruler to order gold coins made.
With a population of hardly 2,,500,000
Greece has a debt of $164,000,000, or about
$75 per capita.
The silver dollars issued in 1804 are
worth $1,000 each. There were only 18,570
coined in that year.
In the Bank of England sixty folio
volumes or ledgers are filled daily with
writing in keeping the accounts.
Two hundred years ago last July the
Bank of England started on a basis of a
government debt to it of $5,000,000. The
debt the government now owes the bank
i8 $55,000,000.
Longmans, of London, are starting a
new magazine for spotrs, to be called
the Badminton Magazine, which will
also contain "fiction which possesses a
snore or less pronounced Savor of sport."
The editor will be Mr. Alfred Watson,
who assisted the duke of Beaufort in edit-
ing the Badminton Library.
A. lady in Atchison has a poodle dog
which has just boon fitted With a glass
'Upon the mooting of the 54th Congress
each member will find on his desk a but-
ton, a pressnro upon which will be
promptly answered by a page,
Billiard 'balls of 01151 steel have been
mado and used successfully at Stock-
holm. They are hollow and weigh about
as inuch as the ordinary ivory, balls,
A lathe is used to turn them to perfect
The advance of natural history within
the last 100 years has boon so great that
the science is practically a product of
the century, Even as groat g
ro.1t it naturalist
as Linnaeus thought that swallows pass
the winter tidier the lee, and hold ono
beliefs which inay now seem amens
PM, v ,'.
Family medicine of the Age.
Taken internally, it Cures
Diarnccea, Cramp, and Pain in the
8tomaoh, Sons Throat, Sudden Colds,
Coughs, eta, etc,
Used Externally, It Cures
Guts, Bruioes, Burns, Scalds, Sprains,
Toothache, Pain in the Face, Neuralgias
Rheumatism, Frosted Feet,,
No article over attained to such unbounded popular.
1tyr-Snle+n Q6rerver.
11•e ,in bear testimony to the elicaey or the Pain.
Elam., Wehavese n 115 mete ufrortt tit soothing the
severest pole, and know it to be a good nrticle.—tlincla.
nail Dispatch.
Nothing Isar yet surpassed the PaBi-$liter, whtuli Is.
inn most valual,tc fatuity rnediutuenow in use.—Te nesme
It has real merit, as a means of removing pain, no
medic in, has two aired a reputation equal to Po ry Davie
halo•Killen—Ne,rport Neat.
1toN ae a of imitallona. nay only the genuine "PERRY
Dewe., 8015 everywhere; large betties, 25c.
Live Hogs
Wanted at
the Exeter
Packing House
As we are cutting up hogs
every day we will have a
large supply of
Spare ribs, Tenderloin, Roast Pork,
Head Cheese, Fresh Pork Sansague,
Balogna Cuttings, Pigs Feet, and
Shanks, at lowest price for cash.
AS we are rendering pure fresh lard
every day we aro prepared to fill pails
or crocks at a low price. Parties want-
ing fresh and good lard should call at
To Be Given Away
Puzzle Rewards of Hundreds of
The above Picture represents Napoleon's torah
and shade or ghost.
To the first person sending a correct answer tc
the above Picture Puzzle which is to find the
shade or ghost of Napoleon in the picture we will
1 A Handsome first-class Ladies or Gentle-
men's Bicycle, pneumatic tire. latest make.
2 A Handsome and valuable Solid Gold
Watch, Ladies or Gentlemen's Waltham or
Elgin Jewelled movement
3 to 10 Eight dozen heavily Silver Plated
Tea Spoons.
11 A Handsome heavily Silver Plated and
Engraved five o'clock Tea Set.
12 to 30 Nineteen handsome Silver Plated
Cake or Fruit Baskets.
31 to 50 Twenty Solid Silver Thimbles.
100 A beautiful Silk Dress. or Gentlemen's
Dress Suit.
101 to 125 Twenty-five half-dozen heavily
Silver Plated Table Spoons, extra quality.
126 to 136 Eleven pairs Triple Plated
Sugar Tongs.
137 to 145 Nine handsome, Dressing Cases
146 to 150 hive beautiful heavily Silver
Plated Toto -a -Tete Sete.
To the person sending the middle correctan-
swer in the whole 00101 etition will he given the
tirst of the following articles:
1 A handsome Upholstered Suite of Parlor
2 to 10 Nine elorant Gold Thimbles.
11 to 25 Fifteen half dozen Table Spoons
Silver Plated, extra quality.
20 to 30 Five horsily Plated Tete -a -Tete
31 to 50 Twenty pairs heavily Plated Silver
Sugar Tongs.
To the last fifty pers ins sending correct an-
swer's will he given rewards as follows:
Ito 10 Ten one half-dozen Tea Spoons
heavily Silver Plated.
11 to 20 Ten Open Face Stern Wind hand-
some Nickel Watches.
21 to 30 Ten Silver Thimbles.
31 to 35 Five heavily .Silve.r Plated and
Engraved Title -rt -Tete Sets.
0 to 49 Fourteen dozens Nickel Tea Spoons
50 and Last One Piret-Class Ladies or
Gettmticanikeen.. 's Bicycle, Pneumatic Tire, Lat-
1 Answers to Puzzle received only through
the ruails.
2 Rewards made in the following order, to the
first correct answer received bearing earliest
Pt' urtheost mr tark. first reward and 50 on, thus no
advantage is gained by those nearby over those
3 Competition opens Saturday, Dee. 1411i,1895 at
7p.m.. closes Feb, 711s, 18911 nt midnight, one
week from closing date will be allowed for letters
from a distance to reach us, but such answers will
be returned unless bearing post mark within time
4 No chargee to those securing rewards for
packing or otherwise.
5 All persons solving this Puzzle and entering
this Competition most oink with mull or pelt
the insure of Napoleon in the Ph tune in this adver-
tisement then cutout the advertisement Picture
and all and enclose together with Fifty Cents itt
Postage Stiimtis or Silver for one Bol tie of nut'
preparation 'r I'revonto-Kul-o," which -retells at
We know there is nothing hent.' before the
for lhnt it is sigh s
p 1 t dr t ii anti I1, adopt this
means of fitting the people know it hcc til tt the
believe it Is the 'Lastest and best Ivey of getting
them to recognize its merits,
Xt wilt cure Ilea/lane, tlizzn tie, T311housn'ora,
Dyspepsia, 61tt_r'l h Liver cod Dist.a$es Iris ing
from it.. Kidney .troubles, Coletien ion, Loss of
Appntitn indigestion, (General Debility, Chisel it,
Colcls. Nen t lltz'in, Rheumatism, and prevent sirs:-
tleee by natinl!'the system 171 a (•nuriit1on to worth
oil` discus,". I'M t emotion is hotter than core, but
Cltl'e when to late to prevent,
Alf pasony severing rewards will hr nnt'tied
promnt.ly anti a full lest of servo win be tubltehed
at the termination of this Coulr r tdrion.
all communications to bit addressers to
399 Spadiva Ave., Toronto, Canada,
(Changed every We,lnesdaya
Wheat per bushel uos•io rM
kiarlcy.. .,.., ,. .., . DU to iti
Vats -be f:'
P1100 AS to
tete '11
Potatoes per bitg ... .... t;
1[a,y per ton 2O.QI)'t91 fe
•rurle;ys per lb t, totsl':
elite ei
Duels .....,,. ...., 810
Main St., - - - Exeter..
Tweeds and Worsteds.
I have a complete line
of samples of all the latest
designs and patterns in
English, Scotch, Canad-
ian and American Tweeds.
Trouserings, Suitings, Coatings.
& S.�N..
Are showing special line
for the next two weeks in
AND �p �±
® w, AND--
The Brantford won
—239 first prizes,
—1'43 second i°
88 third "
and holds nearly ever/
Championship from this
Atlantic to the Pacific.
Perkins & Martin.
Those who have used
Winan's Cough balsam pro-
nounce it unequalled :as
iemedy for coughs, colds°
and bronchitis troubles.
Winan's condition wail
cough powders for horses,
the best in the market, al-
ways on hand; also Aceto-
benefacto and Liniment, the
medicine so successfully
used by Mr. Chas, Munroe,
Parkhill, in this and other
towns, in treating and cur-
ing various diseases. For
sale here,
C- L U TZ, Druggi ,
e ee A elle e e
9 T0.
ol1e1s7eonu1gttotg+odd irbPunsetee nautna,mnmt
3ant anal also p,ll.;1i >.-1, I1Airsv
TE., :111., little &u„,d,sin vim, ninh phoned with the etri„ts and
to tell, .
I l ave to;,, a , 111 ,t Haat ors in eovbral tem
al num!utar t h i„mtnsnt, end find n u r very t'nne
thetl1'MVO rli l.i,l.rtstanr»net1,arm1nentra1101.
--3, 11.1110, its h n. I4•nnitla ;inn, U -d t, ® 1t Cure ^ cs ,siirin, .Lallnbngn Nen-
raigilz, in 7ka,k or' Sides or
&. any bluseutu. 1 Thins,
P.rlceDavis '1; I.711TTOnru Co,, tAAIJ
1150. I :sole Proprietors, Mos rsem-
14$O t ±'Mice