HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1895-12-6, Page 6""rs: Itsssts'ss Sabseribers who do not receive their paper regularly will please notify ea at one. Call At the offiee for adyertising rates. THE EXETER ADVOCATE THURSDAY, DEO. 5, 1895. The Week's-Couunereial Summary.. - The Toronto hide Market is lower, Sant 'business Very dull, .No. 1 green hides are new 5 • The city assessors have inCreased the 'Value of Montreal's real estate by $5,000,-.. OW since last years . ; The live snack :shipments from Mont- real ;this year are greatly in eneese of those of former years. . The earnings of the Grand Trunk for the Week ended NoveMber 16 Were $692,- 22,4 a decrease et 811.1010. . Last aweek's failures in commercial Canada mailbox 44. as against 61 for the aorresponding week last year. The offerings of Ontario wheat are fair with the demand liniited. Sales of white' sand red are reported at 69 cents west. The earnings of the Canadian Pacific. Railway for the second week of Ntaaember were 8508,000, an increase of $71,000. The increase for the first week of the month was $51,000, Quite a large number of settlers are go- ing into the Canadian Northwest from the United States. The Calgary & Ed- monton Land. Company report that &w- ing the month of October 198 immigrants went north from Calgary. The shipraents from Nanaimo. B.C., for October, of coal to auaign ports, were 58,577 tons. as against 58,587 tons for the previous month. The Vancouver Coal Ca, sent 16,677 tons' Wellington, 19,160. tons, and Union, 17,450- tons. There is another largo increase in the • supply of wheat. the total now be- ing 60,326.0.0 bnshela, au increase of 8,669,00) during the week. A year ago the total area. 82,299,00o lh1s, aud two years ago 76.795,‘ Joe bushels. The amount of wheat on paasage to Europe inereased 800,000 bushels during the week. and the • total is 26,160,00 laishels; as compared with 27,54000 bashels a year ago. In connection with last week's export - of gold from New York. reaulting in a re- duction of the gold reaerve to aletut 882.- 000.We, the .New ork Journal (at Com- raerce declares that with both the hankers aiid the merchants of foreiga • °antra a the American to -day stands TOPICS OF A WEEK, Tbe tinpertitat nvents In a Vest Words Von taasy Readeru, C NA DIAN. Live stook shipmentt from Montreal ar greatly in excess of these of former years Lord Aberdeen will reply to a toast a the Winnipeg St Andrew's Society din nor on Deo. 2, Azarie Gauthier, the 0/Ayer eV Celina Censigny, bas been found insane. Four inen have heett arrelel 1_4t TiVina!- pee amused of issmng eogn elt Antern Pan money, Over 450 British soldiere arrived. at e Haltfax Saturday by the Dominion line Steamer Labrador. Mr, bTaroisse Laoasse, well-known and bighly-nespeoteci resident of Bret:skyline, " died very suddenly on Sunday inght, aged John, alias llenry, Haynes emovicted of arson in Montreal, was eeneeneed to ten years in the penitentiarss Bail has been wanted, for all the prison - ors comulitted for trial in the Pickering InAttrance conspiracy cases. Mr. William Horan, a pensioner of the Royal Irish Constabulary, was frozen to death az Saltcoats, Assiniboia. Expert fruit growers from all parts of the province convene at Woodstook Deo, 11, at the auntie' inepting of their Asso- elation. The Montreal Star in a long article on the Manitoba &glop' case, says that it is the clear duty of Premier Greenway to settle the question. The Customs Departznent has been noti- fied of the seizure of a schooner in the St. Lawrence, below Berthier, containing forty barrels of illicit spirits. Revised figures for last year's trade show Canada's trade during the period of general depression, was better than any other year's business since Confederation to 1891. The 17nited States authorities have been forced to admit that the Canadian survey of the Alaskan boundary Is correct. This leaves the town of Forty -Mile in British territory, Owing to the present cold wave naviga- tion on the St. Lawrence will soon be closed, and it is expected that the last ocean steamer of the season will leave Montreal this week. In an address upon Canada at Newcastle on Thursay evening. Sir Charles Tupper, High Commissioner, strongly advocated i reciprocal trade betveeen the Dominion e and the Mother Country. forty. A _number of the Royal Canadian Hu - inane Sotaiety's bream medals were award, ed to Toronto people who had been instru- mental in saivng life. Mrs, Elaine Burtch, of Deseronto, has entered suit to annul the recent marriage of her daughter, Maud, to Andrew Kulgar. Ne' daughter is not 15. John Elohon, of Woodstock, has been jailed at Windsor as a result of "too much spiritualism." He claims to be married to his deceased wife's spirit. Arrs. Sylvester Smith has been commit- ted for tiral at Mocosomin, N. W.T., on a charge of murdering her sister, Her hus- band is on trial as aegessory. A dry goods merchant named Henry Holtbrf, doing business in Toronto, was found dead in his hotel Monday morning under mysterious circumstances. Petitions are in circulation Prinoe Albert asking the Government to grant a pension to the widovv ot Sergt. Colebrooke, i shot recently by an Indian cattle thief. Dr. Lewis Springer, registrar of the county of Weutworth, died suddenly in Hamilton early Monday morning,aged 60. The deceased was appointed registrar in 1891. A penniless tramp named lVfaurice Bar - ken who slept in a Hamilton police station on Sunday night received a draft of flf; teen hundred sterling from England, be - ng his share of his father's estate. t Mr. J. T. Bowerman, president of the Ottawa Teacher -4' Association, at a meet - ng of that organization, on Saturday pre- dicted if matters continue as they are go- ng it will not be long before male teach- rs will be completely extinct Three children were on Monday rescued from a wretched home, whioh was an un- used nig-pen, about seven miles down the Rideau canal froin Kingston The•eldest who is fifteen years of age, claims that erother kept her for immoral pur- poses.bafe, Certain., Prompt, Economic.— These few adjectives apply with peculiar t force to Dr. Thomas' Eclectrie Oil—a p standard. external and internal remedy, adapted to the relief and cure of coughs, ore throat, hoarseness and all affections f the breathing organs, kidney troubles, xeoriations, sores, lameness and physical pain. • . Lieut. Duncan MiteInnes, of the King- ston Military College, a son of Senator MacInnes, of Hamilton, will leave Liver- pool on Saturday for service with the Brit- tish troops in Ashanti. The Canadian Pacific railway has given a reduction of four and a half hundred pounds for the exportation of Manitoba grain through to New York and Boston on the all -rail route Helen R. Findlay, who was committed discredited and has t ttl I o se e s oieiga to gaol oix Thursday night at Owen Sound s debts with it irromptness scarcely ever be- I on the charge of inanslaughter, was ad- o fore experienced:* This is undoubtedlv. mite d to bail in 84,000,herself for 82 000 IIIS BEST DAY'S WORK In 188a I was night watohman t street contractor, About 2 o'clock. cold morning Mareh the street had come deserted and was ebb) to sit beneath the tarpaullo snelter and en a pipe and the warmth' of the clone that glowed in the iron basket wt stood veins's, the open side' of tee hut veils then in Brick /ano, Spitalffe lonality none of the sweetest or qu est. I had just settled down for a ti bour or two when a man made his pearance trout of the shelter, He Nit perha s, thirty years old, very thin pale, with ankerupt hair and beard shivering in insufficient clothing. had a frightful, hollow, hacking con as he asked me, in it lost, forsaken sor way: "Will you let me have a warm? It was against tbe contractor's rule permit any one in Use hut, but I co but take pity on the poor, shivering low before me. , He sat down on the rough bank by side, holding out his emaciated hands ward the fire, and after a little while evidently felt the benefit of the warn and shelter. I set about heating iny can of tea o the fire. ,I then took some cheese a bread and butter from my basket, a was about to stare on my meal, whe caught sight of the poor fellow's e looking longingly at the food. So tliv ed my meal with the stranger. I put it few questions to him, and hbn to tell me his story. It was that he had been it clerk in merelleatt's &lice. His yoang wife h died, and his own health eau given w so that he had lost his situation, and 11 been tumble to obtain other employmen He had gone from bad to worse, till had become an outcast of the streets. I was a bachelor then, living alon anti I determined to offer the poor chap shelter, fox a day or two at all event and as soon as I was off duty my man companion started off with me to m lodgings. For over six weeks I housed and f George Rankin, for that was my guest mune. His father had been a miser, h turned George out, of doors soon after h o ler's dZath—she was practical tarred to death, George said. I got a neighboriag dispensary doct o see my friend. In the seventh wee oor George Rankin died. The clay before his death he gave me paper whicb he took from the lining his coat, where it had been sewed up. " You have been a good friend to me, be said: "About thee only friend I ev had, and oan't repay you. for your kind ness except by giving you this. I don know whether it will be any good to yo or not. It Is a letter fron3. my fathe which he wrote shortly before he died. I took the letter and read: "George—I am. not likely to live man days, and I am tlainkina about in money. can't teke witlime, I woul if I could. I d.o not wish to see you, bu after I am deatl you will receive thi letter. You will find my money hid i the top garret at No. 27 York -ham street old Kens road, where shall die. I wil not tell you where it is hid. It will he little exercise of your patience to find it Your Father." "I got that letter," said George, "i October last, and went to the address h gave. I managed to get into the garre wnere he had lived, and having rented i for a fortnight, searched everywhere' could think of. If you care to start on wild goose chase, anything you may fin you are welcome to." I found No. 27, and arranged to ..ren the attic at half a ciao wn a week. Day after day I persevered, tryin every bit of the room's surface, but, lik poor George Harlin, I could not fin anything. I had the boards up one at a time, sounded all the walls, and wen half way up the chimney, but all to n purpose, and determined, as a last re source, to consult a deteetive sergean who was a friend of rnine. "Well," said Green, "there may be something in it or there may be nothing, but ain inclined to think there is some- thing. If we nncl the money it may be much or little. Suppose we say that you shall give inc a third, but that it shall not be more than $100 P" • The wiling was the only chance left, It was plastered all over except the roof joists, whieli projected below the plaster, and the whole of tho ceiling., like the walls, was covered with a thick coating of whitewash. Green took the gimlet again, and kept boring holes every few inches In the sides of Inc joists, one by one. Ho had arrived at the ion joist next the window, when his gimlet met some obstruction. He tried again, an inch or two farther off. The gimlet stuck again, and again, and agGarionen continued his borings and mark- ed off a piece of the jolt about tour feet long as containing something that pre- vented the gimlet from "entering it more than half an inch into the wood. We then scraped Inc vvhitowash from the sides of the joist, and found that on the side opposite to that on which Green had been boring, a piece of wood. had been let in and screwed up like a cover or lid. We quIckly had the screws out, and prying out the movable piece of wood, we disclosed it hollow channel evidently cut with great labor with a penknife, in the joist. It was four feet six inches long,. and just large enough to hold a sovereign standing on edge. There were thirty-six rolls, making $8,600, aud the papers they were wrap- ped in proved to be bank notes. In all there was exactly $5,000. The sergeant wit»ted to take only $100, as he had agreed, but I insisted on his having $500, and he always declares it was the best day's work he ever had or Is ever likely to have. or a one be - own joy fire doh :is— tet- .xlet ap- as, and ind He gh, t Of O to uld fel- my o. be ith ver nU nd n I yes id - got ad ad e, a s, $e ed ad is ly or a grave state of affeire for the potqae ot the United States to consider. lhere is 1 occasion for alarm, but the netassity of a sal:lately measure of currency relurra is becoming daily- more apparent. Here and There, - It won't work—the tramp. Happiness cannot be inherited Aawise man is wrong. oftener tha.a a fool is right. A wOhlan will marry ler spite awl then complain because she gets it. Modern pugilism t,xereises the lungs. toe much and the fists too little. some of the frienlis of the bride awl. bride- I Every marriage is a disappointmant to groom. It is stated. that Harper Brothers. of eve 'orb., are to pay George Dualaurier ten thousand pounds for his next novel. Remember that the best burglar in the world is the dead. one. If it comes to a question of shoot, or be shot, don't be shot. --- On account of his shortness of stature t e Duke will have to look up to CQI1- suelo, but she will have to put up for Governor Morrill kissed a pretty school; ' 1 at the Kansas University the other 1 ay, and before night had a severe chill, 1 She must belong- to Boston. ----- France now proposes to levy a tax up - ;on women's eoraets, They may he able to raise enough revenue thus. but it will be by a pretty tight squeeze. The late M. Pasteur, it is said, narrow- I ly escaped beinst pelitieian. We sup- pose he took a *timely hypodermic injec- tion and killed the microbe. Kate Field is discussing plural mar- riages with all the assurance of an ex- pert, though, personally, her matrirnon- ial views are very singular, indeed. It has been discovered that Shakes- peare's grandmother's name was Alice. It is due the bard to add that she was not the Alice referred to in "Ben Bolt." Colic and Kidney Difficulty.-1VIr. 3. W. Wilder, J.P.. Lafargeville, N.Y., writes : "I am subject to severe attacks ;of colic and kidney difficulty, and find Parmelee's Pills afford me great relief, -while all other remedies have failed. They are the best medicine I have ever used. fact, so great is the power of this medicine to cleanse and purify, that diseases of almost every name and nature are driven from the body. () Eclipsed. "Bluffem seems different from what he amed to," remarked a man Oh F street. "In what way?" "He was once so self-reliant and boast- ful --one of the people, you know, who seem to know it all. "Oh! He's had that taken out of "How ?" "His son, aged 21, is home from col- lege."—Waslungtan Star, Sealskin Jackets kre Shoat. The newest sealskin jackets are ex- tremely short, and more frequently have the straight reefer fronts than aught else. Many of theta are made eo full that they can be doge or left open. A new button has appeared on these coats, composed of • shaded. bronze, beautifully carved, but they settreely seem suitable on a fur gar- ment, a,nd will probably find small favor. How to Tell a Alan. "Yott may tell a, man by his friends" says the philoSopber. It seems abstir , but it's equally true, that you may tell a successful business Man by his station - cry. A. slovenly careless man. is incliffer.. exit as to the forms used in the business— they are antiquated, shabby and poor. A smart, methodical man will insist on go- ing with the time, even it such matters as printing, and will have everything "teat and dainty," and her brother for a like amount, airs. Harriet A. Haines died on Friday night at St. Thomas, Ont. She was within two inonths of being one hundred years old. Her father ran the first steamer on the Hudson river, the Experiment. A complimentary banquet will be tend- k ered Mr. L. 3. Seargsant, the retiring gen- eral manager of the Grand Trunk 8 Hall- way Company, by the citizens of Mo treed, on Tuesday, Deeernber 17th. Sidne3r Slomun, who is wanted i Peoria,I11„ on a charge of attempted mu der, was remanded for extradition Hamilton, Ont. The prisoner then con sented to go to Peoria with Detectiv Dubois. e UNITED STATES. Four indictments for murder in the first egrets and. twelve for riot were reported y the grand jury at Buffalo. Seventh Day Adventists of Elwood,Ind., elieve the present Turkish crisis fore - bedews the end of the world. n- Commercial failure in the United States this week number 320, against 322 for the corresponding week last year. ri as, A shipment of 85,000,000 in gold made at from New York Saturday, reduced the _ United States reserve fund to $82, 000,- O 000. Fifteen manufacturing firms were burn- t ed out in Chicago Friday involving a loss in of half a million; three fireraen and one d girl lost their lives. The boys arrested for train tsrecktng d. near Rome, N.Y., and who confessed,now declare that they were not guilty, and that they were frightened into making the con- fession. The Minnesota Supreme Court on Thursday handed down an opinion affirm- - ing the action of the lower court in deny- ing a new trial to Henry Hayward, under t sentence of death for the murd.er of Catharine Ging. It is expected that Hay- ward will be executed on December sth, Fire destroyed the Marrin block a Barrie. Two firemen, Messrs. Willits Marshall and Thomas Little,were crushe under a falling veranda and very seriousl injured. Mr. alarshall's life is despaire of. Mr. James Fisher, a member of the Manitoba Legislature, is writing a series of letters on the School question, taking issue with the Greenway Government, and answering many of Mr. Wade's argu ents. Major Markham, commandant of las year's Bisley team, in his report suggest.. that no competitor be allowed to have a place on the team more than three times in five years, so that the honors may pass around more freely. Mr. Maddest the promoter of the At- lantic fast mail servioe, says that Mr. Chamberlain has done all that Canada asked, and he feels certain that the Do- minion will now secure a fast Atlantic service, that may be in operation next summer. Archbishop Cleary has purchased a u ing in Kingston for $17,000,and wil convert it into a classical college in which Roman Catholic' young men can qualify for any profession. The college will be opened in September,1896. Degrees will be conferred. It is paid that a number of United States otipitalists are prepared to invest twenty million dollars in a route from To- ronto to the Atlantic, via Lewiston, which will make a saving of twenty-four hours over the route via Montreal, and is expect- ed to control Canadian freight. A deputation from Toronto and Col.ingwood were in Ottawa last week, d interviewed 1VIr.Haggart, Minister of Rail- ways, and Mr. Foster, Minister of Finance, ha and requested the mood subsidy of 23,200 ti° a mile to the proposed air -line between I Collingwood and Toronto. in no The Rev, Dr. Johnson, Baptist clergy- man, of Jefferson City. Mo., who. has re- turned from a three months' tour of Tur- key and the Holy Land, says that United States Minister Terrell shmlid be hanged. He declares that he bas joined the Moham- medan Church, and is aiding in the perse- cution and killing of Christians, instead of protecting them. Free and easy expectoration. immediate- ly relieves the throat and lungs frora 1 viscid phlegm, and. it medicine that pro- motes this is the best medicine to use for coughs, colds, inflammation. of the lungs and all affections of the throat and chest. This is precisely what Bielde's Anti -Con- sumptive Syrup is a specific for, and wherever used it has given un.boun.cled satisfae.tion. Children like it because it is pleasant, ad.ults like it because it re- lieves and cures the disease. 1 FOREIGN. The rebellion is practically at an end in Venezuela. The rebels are completely sur- rounded. The American Consul in Rio Janeiro s obtained permission to open an exhibi- of the products of his country. tis reported that the Spanish soldiers Cuba are committing boilable atrocities t sparing women or children. The inspection of gas meters throughout the Dominion reveale the fact that out of 913,56e masters only 2,741 were found to be accurate, but a curious feature was that in a very large majority of cases the imperfect records were against the com.- the report of the Inspector of Weights and Measures for the last fiscal yelp bears a special testimony to the honesty of To- ronto. Of the vast nomber of weights and measures inspected in that eity there was not a single rejection liellevillo, Charlottetown, and Victoria are the only other cities that had att equally good rec- ord, An attempt was made on Thursday night by two highwaymen to rob the An- cestor stage near that place. One of the highwaymen strucie the driver with a slung shot, renderiag hian insensible. Timy evidently failed to find the naail bag, which was under a buffalo robe. The drivet, jaoobs, had eight stitcher; put in the wound on his head. of the ped pames, and in favor 02 the consumers. Ve cia Pa Prince Henry, of Battenberg, husband Prins° Beatrice, youngest daughter of Queen, has joined the Ashanti ex- ition. he invasion of Brazilian territory near nezuelan boundary line by British cans Is is confirmed by recent news from ra. At a meeting held in Toronto Thursday the Canadian Horse -Breeders' .Association was formally constituted. The object or the Association will be to encourage the importatiot and breeding of pure stock in the various recognieed breeds of horses, and to stimulate the horstabrbeding in- dustries of the emintry. Mt. Robert Davies, of Toronto, was elected president, The Rev. Father Labelle, of Aylmer, Que., was, fined two donate and costs in Hull, Que., on Saturday for slander. Tho slandet consisted in his saying that Mr. Robert Conroy, Warden of Ottawa county, Clad been instrumental in having one of his relatives' children baptized by it Prot, bstattt miniater against, the wishes of ite mother, A despatch from Constantinople con- firms the report of the ill-treatrnent of the Rev. Mr, Martin, it native of Heatherclale, P. E. I. Fierce storms prevailed on the British coast on Tuesday. The channel boats did not make their usual trips, and many wrecks are reported. Rustem Pasha, the Turkish Ambassa- dor to the Court of St. James, died at art early hour Thursday morning. His death Is generally regretted in official circles. Mr. Hubert H. Milvvarci the ,Duke of Marlborough's lawyer, officially contra- dicts the statement that there is a hasty mortgage an the Blenheim estate. Arthur Arnold, the well-known English traveller and writer, is death He led an. extremely active life, both as a politician and author. 'He was sixty-tvvo years of age. Sir Henry Ponsonby, formerly Private Secretary of the Queen and Keeper of the Privy Purse, died at Cowes, Isle -of -Wight, Thursday morning, of paralysis, after a long Illness. The Azneer of Afghanistan is extremely angry at the failure of his son Prince Nezrulla to establish an A fghan Legation in London, and he threatene upon tho ar- rival et his eon and big suit that he will torture the Ohief notables and. burn it few others alive to testify his displeasury. Rich, Verf Sulfas of the "quaint ahtl. curious" are beginning to think of American Indian deooraalons. One who visited Alaska not Jong ago made a collection of bags, boxes, paddles arra "totem" Poles, with an eye to the decoration of his reception hall. He found his first treasures at Fort Wrangle in the form of a handsomely carved pad- dle, a hark tug, horn spoon and bone dog - gets, and stowed them away in hie state- room. That night he did riot sleep a wink. The odor from those Indian things was something not te be deficribed. The purtiet had to put thorn and the raga of his collec- tion down in the hold for the reinaindet of the trip. When he reached home he had to have the things ninateked in the back yard and thoroughly' cleansed with soap, water and a scrubbing brush before he dared have them brought into the house—Chic. ago TirueS Hetald ° AMONG THE GERMANS, Icsaue E. nowmau, 2. I. fon Watenloo, Praises Dr, AnneW'S Catarrhal POw. der, the Remedy Which RelieVallitt Tea Minutes. Our Teutonic) friends Eire not rash in anythiag they do, and none are quicker to appreolete it good thing, 'rimy soon prink the babble of noreliability, The testi- mony of Isaac E. Bowman, M. P. tor Waterloo, is that Ile found Dr, Agnew's Catarrhal Powder aeoomplished just what it °Minis to accomplish—a sure, pleasant and certain specific jo the case of catarrhal trouble in the head or throat, But what Mr. 13owrnan says of it is what everybody is saying of this great medicine. Reject worthless imitations. Take only Dr. Agnew's if you wish instant relief and a permanent (Jure. Sample bottle and blow- er sent by S. G. Detchon, 44 Church st, Toronto, on reoelpt of ten cents in silver or stamps. Sold by druggists, GREATER THAN PASTEUR. A Remedy for Heart Disease Greater Its Results Than the Great Discover- ies of Louis Pasteur. All honor to that great Frenchman, Louis Pasteur, whose famous hydrophobia cure and other scientific discoveries have made him famous, Peace to bis ashes now that he has left this world. But it is a problem, measured by aotual results, whether he bas done more for the world. than the discoverer of Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart. We speak of heart disease as incurable, and yet her is a remedy that has prentically grasped thousands from the hands of death. In cases where 4t seemed that every breath taken would be the last, in half an hour's time patients have been brought around, and a little perseverance in its use removes the disease even when of a thoroughly chronic uharacter. A Toronto Citizen, Bed -ridden for Five Months from Rheumatism, Cured, by South American Rheumatic Cure -- Wonderful Testimony to tile Virtue of this Great Rheumatic Remedy. What would sufferers not give to secure relief in case of rheumatism? Bed ridden for five months, and it sufferer for a great- er period of time, it is not surprising that Mr. W.J. Traci°, 120 Church six., Toronto, being now cured through the use of this medicine, calls it, "God's own remedy." In his own words: "You do not know how thankful I am for having tried South American Rheumatic Cure. For years I have suffered, suffered intensely, and could get no relief until I was influenced to use this remedy. How great a sufferer I was is known to hundreds of citizens in To- ronto, and my condition was well known to ex-Alci Peter Macdonald, whose place of business is near to my own. Use my name in any way yon like." A LADY OF DELHI SAYS SO. Mrs. Norman E. Cooke, of Delhi, Ont., Pros- trated ‘rith. Kidney Disease Was • Re- lievea in Six Hours by South American Kidney Cure. One claim of South American Kidney Cure is that it will relieve pain in six hours, and taken according to direotione will vanquish disease. Let one of many oases be cited. Mrs. Norman E. Cooke, of Delhi, Ont., says: "About one year previ- ous to lest spring I was much troubled with kidney disease. At times the pain was so severe that I could not vest or even attend to my duties. I doctored with our local physician, but got no relief. I also tried porous plasters and other remedies, but to the same effect. I saw South American 'Kidney Cure advertised as a speedy relief, and procured a bottle, which did just as it was advertised—relieved me in six hours.. I purohased five more bottles, and I am now entirely well, and have not had an attack since." South American Kidney Cure is the only remedy known that will euro diabetes and Bright's disease, and relieves almost instantly pain in the kidneys, bladder and back. Victim of Balloon Sleeves. Miss Kittish—Well, Estella had to give up her elaborate church wedding after all. Miss Gaskett—Why ? Miss Kittish — They measured the church doors and found they weren't wide enough to let her in with her going - away gown on. Common Colds. Never neglect the kidneys when you have a cold. The diseases that kill—those the doctors shake their heads at—all commence with odd. Bright's disease, diabetes, paralysis and female troubles all commence with a cold. From the first sneeze, at any stage, Dodd's Kidney Pills telways mire. It is not the cold that gives you an at- tack of rheumatisin. It is the impure blood caused by a de- rangement of the kidneys, caused by a cold. Of course the cold gets to your joints and muscles, but it is by way of the blood. The kidneys stand guard to keep out these poisons which cause rheumatism, or any other One of the many effects of a cold. Now, when you have a cold take Dodd's Sidney Pine. You may have a cure of your own for a cold, but you listen to us. You can knock it out quicker with Dodd's Kidney Pills than with anything else you ever saw. It is so much better to prevent than to euro serious disease. For a long siege of disease weakens the defences. And life is worth saving. We aro preparing a medal, to be worn by those who have been saved by using Dodd's Kidney Pills, Iti will require tbousands to give each person one, ntOalt's Busy Day. "Thie is my, busy day," said Noah to the reporter of the MountArarat Bugle. "Well, there clods appear to be a good. deal going on," teplied the sciatic, as he watched the anixnale entering the Ark. Nothing. Sevions. Life ittsuranne agent—What did your mother an.d father die of ? Unclelfurnsted.—I don't rightly know ; but 'two,rnt within' serious, Another 00unty Reard From. Befereuce was made in these eolumns last week to the magnificent record of tlx Laltehurst Institete treatment for aleohol- ism in an Eastern town, This week, from tile village. of Wellington, in the eounty of Prince Edward., there has come news% even more gratifying. During the past eighteen inenths twelve of the best known, drniking men from this picturesque.) lotaality have made the pilgrixnage to Oalc- ville, and. out advices are that there is, uota fellatio in tho lot, Every man n, living, speaking example of the complete success whieh has invariably attended it course of treatment 'with us. had theset been dependent upon their will power during- that time, in order to abstain from the • use of intoxicants, probalny not onni could have stood the tat, Sheir unani- naims tostimorty now is that liquor is no temptation to them ; they know that the stuff will do them harm, therefore they abstain. The treatment at Lakehurst institute reizioves the disease, eliminates the alcohol from the system, and makes. them free men, and their intelligence pre- vents them from putting the shackles on again. Toronto offlee, .28 Bank of Com- merce Building. 'Phone 1:162, A negro murderer was recently burned to cleath in a public square in Texas. Murder is it very great crime, but peoplet who go out by the thousands to see ix mutterer burned to death have elements. in their nature that are not essentially different from those possessed by the mur- derer himself. If your children are troubled with WerrriS give them Mother Graves' Werra Exterminator ; safe, sure and effectual. Try it, and. mark the improvement iu your child. 51 71 CEYLON TF A Is Delieious. Sold Only In. Lead Packets. •Osommeormahamems.e.s..straffin.somiesmanc•••••••1•1m9=1,1, A Blizzard! A Hurricane! A Cyclone! A Tornado! Wouldn't be enough to extinguish E. B. Eddy's "Flamers" when lit. The best “light" for smokers in these high autumn winds Made only by The E. B. EDDY Co. WHIMS liULL. leueroareimmee.v WANTED by every person reading this paper. Groceries and gen era 1 supplies for home nee. Write to no for pricelist and buy your winter supply from SD to 50 per cent cheaper than you are new paying for`your goods. All new goods and et wholesale prices. Note address. A. H. CANNING. Wholesale Grocer, 57 Front Street East, Toronto, BeIttrig I eys H riga rs S.hfti .ang Order your Supplies or Oak Tanned • ▪ Leather Belting' from us. We supply four grades, snit. able for all classes of machinery. Every.. thingin above lines at Manufacturers') First Cost Picas, Lowest Prices • •• For Cash. TORONTO TYPE FOUNDRY, 44 Bay Street, Torextto. Two Schools Under One Management. -reivr TORONTO AND STRATFORD, ONT. Unquestionably the leading Commershal Schools of the Dominion; advantages butt In Canada; moderate rates; students wig enter at any time, Write to either school fir circulars and mention this reaper, SHAW & ELLIOTT', Principal& Ore of Life Fourid at Last. VItte-Ore is very properly called Orb of Wet. It was discovered by Professor Theo. Noel, of Chicago, Geologist. Th la ore makes an elixir which is Natures's Great Remedy for the cure of human ills. It will reach the nidus of human diseases wham drugs and doctore nostrums fall. It is nature's treat restorative, to which nothing is added. It is pure, as it comes from niturell laboratory. Sold only on direct orders or through local or general agents. Price tam package, or three 1 or $2.50, Sent prepaid to any part of the globe on receipt of pries. Send f o r circulars and NI particulars to Yitm-Ore Depot. 240 Adelaide street west, Toronto. J. JOHNSTON, General Agent. 'T. N. U. 40 Thoroughlyat Sound, Ont., by experienced Taught , teachers. Course includes Short. at The Northern RusisessCollem , hand,Typewritim,Penmanship and Letter -writing -Just the subjects re. quired by Shorthand writers in office work. College Announeement free. C. A. FLEMING, Principal. EVERYTHING FOR THE MINI:EU— _ Type, Presses, Inks, Read,v-isritie stewepapere, Steteotype Hatt eista ectro- typing PlngTaviug. TottONTO TYPO FOUNDRY, Toronto and Winnipeg.