HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1895-11-8, Page 6Subsevibers who do not receive their palter regularly will view notify es at once. Ali at the orifice for advertising rate,, The important Events irr a I ew Wordis.ro Busy !leader.. TOPICS OF A WEEK.. THE EXETER ADVOCATE. THU SDA.Y. NOV. • The -Week's Commeruiul Siwlmary. The visible supply of wheat 'in the 'Melted States. and Canada increased 1,- 718,0'.0 bushels the "past week, and the total is' now 46,1.99,0J0 bushels, as against 713,612,000 a year ago, and 66,474.000 two years ago, Wheat on passage to Europe amounts to 25,re.o,00•) bushels as against 25,200,000 a year ago. The feature of the week in the trade situation in the Montreal district is the strong advance in dairy products, which in the case of butter some would char- aoterize almost as a . boom. The rise in choice creamery has been over two cents within the week, sales in the country be- ing reported at -2 4 cents. Cheese has iadvanaed about a cent in the same period. There are some houses which re- port better remitthnces from dairying sections, attributing the improvement to the better values being realized on but- ter and cheese, but general country col- lections still rule on the slow side, and oats and peas, two staple crops in this section, rule low. Hides are coming down with almost as much of a rusk as they went up with, local dealers having Anal the pride for No. 1 green hides this week at 7 cents, a decline of a full cent; calfskin are also down a cent to six cents. Leather continues very dull, and such sales as are transpiring are at easier figures. In other lines the movement is of the moderate healthy character noted last week. Money is plentiful with the banks, with the rate for call loans 4 to 4, per cent. There is little change in the business situation at Toronto, although some houses report a little better demand. The general tone of the leading stables is rm, with advances in a few lines of hardware. The feeling continues of a hopeful character in view of the future outlook. The increased circulation of honey as shown by the latest bank state- ment is a favorable feature, but the movement of grain is not as active as it should be at this time of year. Farmers are selling only what they are obliged to, being inclined to hold grain for better prices. Ontario white and red wheats axe not high, but quotations are above those of leading markets across the border. At Toronto, Ontario wheat is selling at 71c, as compared with 69e to 70c for No. 1 Manitoba hard.. This in- dicates a good demand for this plass of wheat, and farmers should sell at least a portion of their holdings...—. . The cattle market is demoralized, sales of live stock being made as low as Inc per pound, while the best is quoted at 8nc to Sic There is likewise a big decline in retail prices of beef, mutton and lamb Seeds are beginning to offer, but as yet there is little to be , aid about the market. Large quantities of alsike were shipped to the continent last year and a good deal is still held. consequently the ship- ping outlook at present is not bright. It is quoted at $4.50 to $7.00 per cental. The moneymarkets continue about the same as last week. Call loans are quoted at 4 to 41 at Toronto, and prime commercial paper is discounted at 6 to 6n per cent. Excellent reasons exist why Dr. Thomas' Ecleotric Oil should be used by persons troubled with affections of the throat or lungs,sores upon the skin, rheumatic pains, corns, bunions, or ex- ternal xternal injuries. The reasons are, that it is speedy. pure and unobjectionable, whether it is taken internally or applied outwardly. Here and There. It is more satisfactory to read a ro- mance than to live one. Spain. in crushing truth to earth, in Cuba, forgot to look out for the rebound. Now it is the bicycle woman who has to wait while her husband completes his toilet. General Campos, being knocked down and tied in a knot, is willing to spare his enemy's life. When you insist that men are degener- ating you have no right to speak for any one but yourself. Crusty says that the list of marriages in the newspapers ought to be put under the head "ring frauds." A man who has paid $100 for a bioylce ought to have respect enough for it to re- frain from calling it a "bike." This world would be a paradise for each of us and a hell for all the others, if each of us had all he thinks he ought to have. The secret of falling off your bieyele is to fall on your feet, not on the back of your head. Not even Adam in Eden knew how to do that. There is quite as much injury done by believing too much as by believing too little. You must believe with your com- mon sense if you want faith to last. You can buy at the tinsmith's a quart measure that will look like the genuine article, but you can't get a quart into it to save your life. Some people's religion it of that kind, The fool is always dead sure that his own way of _ doing things is the best, if not the only way ; but the wise man wonders if there isn't a better way than the one he has adopted. Faust time, through trainst with the dining and sleeping car,have conspired to iinlure the hotel business much more than the long-distance . telephone, which some genius has found is so dieastrotus to hotel keepers. Why will you allow a cough to lacer- ate your throat or lungs and run the risk of filling a consumptive's grave, when, by the timely use of Biekle's Anti-Con- sump-ive Syrup the pain, can be allayed and the danger avoided. This syrup is pleasant to the taste, and. unsurpassed for relieving, healing and curing all af- feettons of the throat and lungs, coughs, colds, bronchitis, etc., etc. e9. Passettgor 'Train "Wrecked, Chicago, Oct. 7, -An eas :-bound . pas - gouger train on the Chicagoand Grand Trunk railway was wrecked yesterday by running into a binned Culvert near South Benet, Ind, neer trainmen and a num- ber of passengers were more or less seri- ously iniurecl. ..'i'hu following are the nrrrries of the injured trainmen:—Con,- duc•tor Muir; E`nrineor Beattie, Baggage Haan Patterson, and Express Messenger neon, .ail of Battle Creek, Mich, • The Carnellle Company M 1404140 Loa an extensive contract for supplying r armor -plate to Rgesia, CANADIAN. Typhoid is spreading in South London. The .Banque du People re -opens for • business Nov. 2 The Londou gas.conrpany have appealed against theirassesseruent of $ 120,000. Fournew men will recwladdedtothebe • Hamilton pollee force, snaking 50 in ail,. • The reading room of the new free lib rary, London, will be opened to the public November 1. Mark Sponcely, Peterborough, le reported to have fallen heir to $100,000 by the' dt ath of an aunt in England. The laionde says the French .race will re coualuor Canada and that before 25 years all the eastern -townships will be French. There were eleven degrees of frost in Landon Thursday morning, and the cold in the North of l+ingland was very severe. A banquet will be tendered to Mr. Hall Caine on his return to Ottawa by men of letters at the eepital, Mr. Caine has sign;- ' fled his acceptance, Mr, Haggart states that the report for the interooloniai railway, whish has just reached the department, shows that lass year the railway was self-sustaining, The body of the woman found in the Detroit River Sept. 30th has been identi- fied as that of Miss Carleton, of St. Clair, Mich. Murder is strongly suspected. Major-General Gascoigne, comrnauder of the Canadian militia, was tendered a mess dinner on Saturday night by the1 officers of the Montreal brigade of active militia. Bernie and Tony Koch, two of the chit- dron who were in the Queen's hotel fire at Hamilton last Tuesday night, succoumb- ed Thursday afternoon. The little girl. Hattie, is very low. Montreal marine insurance companies have petitioned the Deputy Minister of Marine to provide telegraph .communica- tion and to place lighthouses on the Straits of Belle Isle. The presiding judge at the trial of Kur- sohinski, on the charge of murder, held at Berlin, Ont., Friday, decided to stretch a paint in the prisoner's favor, and put off the trial till the Spring Assizes. It is estimated that before the close of navigation on the St. Lawrence River 50,- 000 head of cattle will have been shipped from the West to the European markets. Last season the number was 30,000. Lieut. -Col, Gibson has retired from the command of the 13th of Hamilton, and the Militia Department, to show appreeia• tion of his long service, has allowed him to retain the rank of lieutenant -colonel on the active force. Seven out of twenty-five Canadian horses offered for sale eviday in London averaged twenty-six guineas each. Owing to the large number of Canadian horses offered for sale recently, the demand was weak. The fourth victim of the fatal fire at the Queen's hotel in Hamilton died early Fri- day in the person of Hattie Koch, aged ten. The funeral of the late proprietor, Mr. Anton Koch, and his three children was held, Friday. Mr. James McEvoy, of the Geological. Survey, has returned to Ottawa from the Shuswap district, British Columbia. He states that the district situated on the Thompson river watershed contains splen- did agricultural land. International oomplications, it is said, may arise out of the building of a dam in the Rainy River at Rat Portage and the anticipated flooding of some thousands of acres of fertile land belonging to the Unit- ed States by the rise in the level of the lake. James T. Seymour. of Paisley, Ont., who had been attending Harriston High school, mysteriously disappeared last Sun- day morning from his father's home and has not been heard of since, although a diligent search has been made by relatives and friends. Mgr. O'Bryan, a member of the Papal Council, died suddenly in Montreal, Fri- day. He was seized with a fainting fit while saying mass on Sunday, but rallied, and appeared so well that he was contem- plating going out fora walk, when he dropped dead. bliss Annie Cavanaugh, of Cardinal, Ont., died in Buffalo Thursday as the re- sult, it is charged,of a criminal operation, performed upon her by Dr. J.G. Harper, a practising physician of Buffalo. Appear- enoes would indicate that Miss Cava- naugh was a woman of wealth and refine- ment, Dr.Harper is under arrest. The Rev. Dr. Laidlaw, pastor of St. Paul's Presbyterian church, Hamilton; On t , died Thursday at the farm residence of his brother-in-law, Mr. Angns McColl, near Georgetown. He had been 111 for about two years with consumption. A Kingston paper publishes a statement that on Wednesday a Methodistolergyman could not be secured to conduct the ser - vine at the funeral of a lite -long adherent of that church. They either had prioren- gagements, or desired to see the Macdon- ald monument unveiled. The undertaker was compelled to read the service. It appears there le a promising market for Canadian cider in Great Britain. It not at present, at all events in the near fdti se our farmers must make much more out of their orchards than they ever did in the past. The tremendous waste of windfalls is now pretty well saved by the evaporator, which turns to account even the peelings and gores of the poorer apples. The choicer fall apples it will soon be pos- sible to ship to England without loss, through the application of cold storage. All other apples not suitable for drying or shipping can he made into cider. There remain only the fine hard fruit, for which there is always a good market in England. The economies introduced or now coming into the apple factory should crake it a very profitable one. IJNITI,,D STATES. Chicago is threatened with a coal fain- 1000 Burglar-proof oars now carry mails be- tween New 'York and St. Louie, A Reading, Pa., woman bled to death after having sixteen tooth extracted. There is talk of the restoration on the Missouri Pacific of the wages of two $'eters ago. There are 24 oreamories in Maine that do nothing but manufacture butter the year round, A burglar discovered in apartments at New fork fell from a six -story window and was killed. The estimated cost on both sides of the great civil war of the 'united States was $6, 500, 000, 000, A Maine Mother has an old siipper,still in use which has spanked sire generational of her tardily, A New York newspaper predicts that standard bloyoleswill be sold next year for $30 and perhaps less. A rich deposit of gold and sliver is re- ported to have been discovered recently on a farm in Chatham, N, I-1. It is said that the Arial estimate of heat w by the United States Government will be 408,000,000 btrshels. Steps are being taken to hold an Oooi dental and Oriental fair in Tacoma? Wash., in the summer of 1900. The colonels of the United States army get a salary of e4,500 a year, lieutenant. colonels $4, 000, and majors $3, 500. Republicans loot at Washington Deo. 10th to designate a time and place for the meeting of the National Convention in 1896. . Alissouri ranks first in mules having in the last census year 351,714; the next being Texas, with 227, 432, and the third Tennessee, with 203, 689. , The Library Board of Chicago is spend- lug $40,000 in decorations on the new lib- rary for that city. Every floor will be of white colored marble. The battle field of Chickamauga, in Tennessee, whore 12 years ago, thirty thousand dead and wounded lay, has been dedicated tis a pleasure park. The Legislature of South Carolina has resolved that there shall be no divorwe for any oause whatsoever,. Oklahoma terri- tory goes to the other extreme. The people of New York state are to vote next Septernber on a proposition to spend $9,000,000 in deepening the canals,; of the state from seven feet to nine feet. It is estimated that the electric oar and the bicycle are responsible fur a falling off in the demand for oats in the United States, amounting to 100,000,000 bushels a year. Levi Thornton and Mrs. Linda Fiddler, of Coal Run, .IKy., were wedded the other day. The groom was S1 years old, the bride 80, and each had been married five times previously, A Pennsylvania couple were married the other day after an engagement of 60 years. The bridegroom, who was 80 years old, had been working all that time to a massa competency, Capt. Lamonth, of Mississippi, who claims a title to time greater part of the present site of London, by deed given his father, is expected in that city shortly in an attempt to establish his claim. Some idea of the quantity of salmon in the Columbia river, or at least of the quantity taken out, may be learned from the fact that some of the big canneries there put up in Dans an averageof ten tons of the fish every day. Ambassador Bayard's • family have been holding office continually under the United States Government for 100 years, James Bayard,. the Ambassador's grand- father, having been elected a delegate to the Federal Oongress in 1796. Theodore Roosevelt has made a collec- tion of all the cartoons about himself that be could get hold of, and has pasted them on the walls of a room at his home. He says he gets lots of fun out of showing his "cartoon room" to his friends, Lowell, Mass., has on one of her road- sides a large urn, which is kept constantly filled with fresh flowers at the expense of a wealthy lady who resides in the vicinity as a memorial to her pet poodle, who was killed by the cars at that spot. The world's record for railway speed over a great distance was broken Thurs- day by a special train on the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern railway, which ran from Chicago to Buffalo,a distance of five hundred and ten miles, in four hund- red and eighty-one minutes and seven sec- onds, an average speed of 63.60 miles an hour. The courts of Santa Anna, Cal., are call- ed on to settle a most perplexing ques- tion. The First National Bank there held a mortgage of $6,300 on a Hook of sheep, and since the mortgage was given the flock Increased by one thousand lambs, which have been sold for $800. The bank claims lambs are covered by the mortgage, and is suing for the value of the same. FOREIGN. Cholera is spreading in Egypt. The Austrian parliament has opened. The Empress of Germany continues in very delicate health. It is announced that Mgr. Satolli will be made a cardinal at the next oonsistory, to be held. in November. A despatch from Constantinople repre- ants the liberal movement there as being more marked than ever. The French transport Canton has arriv- ed at .Algiers from Madagascar with a large number of invalid soldiers. The condition of the Czarewitch of Russia has become very much worse, and he is not now able to proceed to Nice. Notwithstanding the severity of the weather the Queen every day takes long drives. A few days ago she drove twelve miles in a regular snowstorm. Sir Charles Haile, the well-known pian- ist, conductor, and composer, died Satur- day at Manchester, England, at the ad- vanced age of seventy-six years. Tho French Budget Committee Satur- day rejected the naval credit asked byAd- miral Besnard, involving an annual out- lay of $200, 000, for the next 12 years. An order will shortly be issued by the British Admiralty forbidding the entry of any foreign officer into the Naval College at Greenwich or on board British war- ships. The Lorean revolution and murder of the Queen are attributed to Prince Pak, who was banished by the late Queen's commands, and who is now an exile in Am orioa. A plot has been discovered among the officials of the Sultan's palace in. Constan- tinople, and in consequence numerous ar- rests have been made, and residences of the Ministers are now guarded by troops. London nets about $140,000 a year on the gleanings from its dust chutes, and it is estimated that under a proper system the state of Now fork would give the city a gross revenue of about $700,000 a year. The trial of Jaboz ,Balfour, formerly a member of the Irnporiai parliament, and said tobe the prime mover in the manip- ulations which resulted in disaster to the Liberator group of companies, commenced in London Saturday. Robinson Crusoo's island has been in- vestigated recently by the Chilian Govern• rnent. The commission soot to enquire into its condition toured that the fanner poptilation had dwindled to 29. Several oomerclal experiniorrts hiivo boon tried on the island, but they have all .failed, The Coin nission repotted, Imeee 'er, that Chili. shouiti,1trtife 6 p the islann for strafe io ur- poses IN FAVOUR WITH THE DOCTORS. Godbold, i►l. f-, Ilea.uve,, due., Spooks is 'Highest 1'erilas of lir. Agnew's l;a- tarrrhar Powder, When ri rrrernfler of the medical prpfes- sion, hedged In as ho is by a large rrreasure of conservatismt expresses an opinion of a proprietary meclioipe it means a good deal. Dr, Godbout the popular'Member in the Rouse of Commons. of Beaune, Quebec, speaks in highest terms of Dr. Agnew's i tartAll o der not alone as a professional man, knowing the nature of this remedy, but from personal expert - once. He has used the medicine for eon erten and freely lets the public know of the remarkable, speedy and effective na- ture of the medicine in all oases of the kind. One puff of the Powder gives relief in 10 minutes, Sample Bottle and Blower sent•by S. G. DETCHON, 44 Church et., 'Toronto. on receipt of 10 cents in stamps, or silver. PROSTRATED FOR WANT OF BREATH. Extreme Case of Heart Disease Cured by Dr Aenew's en re for the Heart. There is comfort in the thought, that Dr. Agnew's Cure for the heart, is seldom unsuccessful, One of many illustrations is found in the case of James Allen, of St Stephen, N. 13,, who says: "In 1894 I was troubled very much with severe pal- pitation of the heart, and with pain in my side. My breath was very short, and with the least extra exertion, I became fully prostrated from want of breath I was at- tended by a.physician for a long time. When in considerable distress I visited the local drug store, and my attention 'was drawn to Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart, I obtained a bottle and before I took half of it I felt ever so much better, and to -day I am a sound man, owing to the use only of this remedy." MAKING UNNECESSARY ANY PAINFUL OPERATION. How South American Kidney Care Re- moves Pair. and Stents Periods of Dis- tress. It was chronicled in the local press a few days ago that one of Toronto's best- known physicians was leaving for a lead- ing United States Hospital, there to under- go an operation for a hard formation of the ! kidneys. Everyone will hope that the ex pertinent will be successful. But is not prevention better than cure, and where the first symptoms of kidney disease assert themselves let that wonderful speoiflo, South American Kidney Cure be taken, and the trouble is speedily banished. What is just as encouraging is that where the disease has taken hold of the system, even in extreme oases. relief and cure is quickly secured by the use of this medi- 1 cine. A Vancouver Fruiter. In. British Columbia rheumatism is very prevalent, and very hard to euro ow- ing to dampness of atmosphere. Mr. W. F. Beggs, the well known fruiter of Van- couver, B. C., says:—"I suffered intense pain for over four years from rheumatism of the ankles and feet. I doctored with everyone, even employing a Toronto spe- cialist to treat me, but could not get cured, and had almost given up in despair. A friend told me how South American Rheumatic Cure had acted in his case and advised me to try it, The very first bottle gave me immediate relief, and I am now on my second bottle and almost entirely oured. I oonsider it the only cure for rheu- matism. ' Concerning Marriage. "Why should a man .marry ?" he im- patiently exclaimed. "There is nothing in it for him." "That is true." He gazed gloomily into the gathering night. "That is true, Elwin," she rejoined, "I don't believe I would have married if there had been nothing in it for me ex- cept a ten -second wait at the chancel and a chance to answer three questions. No." Pectoria. Pectoria. Peotoria. Are you suffering from cough or cold on your lungs. Ask your druggist for Pectoria,and take no other. Just try and see for yourself how soon Pectoria will cure you. Send to Allan & Cb., 53 Front St., Toronto, Proprietors. 25 cents a bot- tle. A Catch. "I don't believe," said Jessie, "all these nonsensical things the doctors say about catching diseases from kissing. Look at the multitudes of kissing I've had and never caught anything yet. "I don' tknow," said Maudie, dubious- ly. "Laura, my eldest sister, you know, saw her intended and me kissing last night, and I caught it, I can tell you." Pale, sickly children should,use Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator. Worms are one of the principal causes of suffer- ing in children, and should be expelled from the system. Then a Painful Pause. Judge—What was your business when you first knew the defendant ? Witness—E litor. nudge --Way did you give up that bu.ainess? Witness— Mv physieian prohibited me fr''m doing any more mental labor. J•edge--And what is your oseupation Witness—Magistrate. , As Parmelee's Vegetable Pills contain mandrake and dandelion, they cure liver and kidney complaints with unerr- ing certainty. They also contain roots and herbs which have speeifrc virtues truly wonderful in their action on the stomach and bowels. Mr. E. A. Cairn - cross, Shakespeare, writes: t'I consider Parmelee's :Pills an excel -lent remedy for biliousness and derangement of the liver having used thetn myself for some time." 'Dear Little ,tolinny. Little Johnny has been naughty, and has to be sone from the table without having any dessert. Far an hour he has been sittinin the corner of the room crying. Al' last he thinks it is time to stop. !r Well I hope you have done crying, now," says his mother.. "Haven't done,' says Johnny, in a passion; "I'm only resting," • Peppermint is native to Eurone, but it is said to bo grown in several places in this country for the purpose of preparing the extract. ,l'erLiaps. St, Peter—We dent seem to be getting many bioyele riders here. e1-Perha they Want to w�ab,ris pgo Where they can: scorch. ST, VITUS' DANCE I A MALADY THAT DAS LONG IfAk'l'Trl+.1) Mlili .CAL SKILL. A Speedy (`urefor the Trouhto at hast Disoeverett—Tho ]'artieulure of the l:t r n e o' ai, ,ltti •L o Was a Se- vere 1 e G.1► 1► 1 ► W e Suft'erer, From the Ottawa Journal," In a handsome brick residence ou the 10th lino of Goulburn township, Carleton Co., lives Mr. Thomas Bradley, one of Goulborn's most suouessful farmers. In Mr. Bradley's family is a bright little daughter, 8 years of age, who had been a sufferer from St. Vitus dance and has been treated by. physicians without, any bonen- °tresults. Having learned that the littie one Kaci been fully restored to health by the use of Dr; Wiiliains' Pink Pills, a eor- "Now Entirely Free From Disease." respondent of the Journal called at the family residence for the purpose of ascer- taining the Riots, and found the little girl a picture of brightness and good health,. rums SHORT sTomion. Some mouths ago the Dr, Williams' Medicine Co., of Brookville, Ont., au - nominal aliterary core petition in whioh they offered 4800 in prizes for the best five short stories by Canadian writers,. The amount was divided into five prizes of $100, 475, 1jo10;, $:40 .and 425, and the inter- est which the vompeliition created may bo Hudged by the fact that nroro than seven undred innnusuriilts Were rccetved ,from story writers in a'il parts of the Dom talon. 'iliese'st•ories were placed in the hands of ,thoroughly competent judges, who after much labor and earnest consideration,'. heeded in to the Company the names of the live stories which they considered best worthy of the prize. These stories have just been netted in the .form of a !rand scrim pamphlet called "Priz`e Short Stories," and a very interesting and read- able little book it is. In the preface to the, work it is announced theif the ultimate dea'lsion as to the merit of the stories is left to the readers of the pamphlet, and a voting paper is given upon which they are asked to express their preferences. A copy of this pamphlet will be mailed, post "paid, to any of our readers who send their address (plainly written) to the Dr. Will- iam's Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont. Nothing to Say, City editor—I'm afraid, Mr. Smarty, that you are neglecting your work. Here you bring in a statement that Mr. Windyguff had nothing to say. How do you account for it ? Reporter—In this way, When I air - rived at the house he had just died. Of No Use To Him. Noting the present of a silver cup to a brother journalist, a western editor says: "He needs no cup. He can drink from any vessel that contains liquor, whether the neck of a bottle, the mouth of a pickle jar, the spile of a keg, or the bung of a barrel." Mrs. Faulkner, a sister of the little ene, The women folks hi a church have their gave the following information: "About first great doubt oftheir pastor's sincerity eight months ago Alvira was attacked by when he marries a woman belonging to that terrible malady, St. Vitus' dance, some other church. and because so bad that we called in two doctors, who held out no hope to us of her ultimate cure, and she was so badly affect- ed with the 'dance' as to require almost constant watching. About this tune we read in the Ottawa Journal of a similar case cured by the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, which gave us renewed hope. We procured a couple of boxes, and before these were all used there was a perceptible improvement; after using six boxes more she was entirely free from the disease, and as you can see is enjoying the best of health. Several months have passed since the use of the Pink Pills was discontinued, but there has been no return of the malady, nor any symptoms of it, We are quite oertain Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cured her and strongly recommend diem in similar cases, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are an un- failing specific for such diseases as loco- motor ataxia, partia paralysis, St. Vitus' dance, sciatica, neuralgia, rheumatism, nervous headache, the after effectsof a grippe, palpitation of the heart,. pale and sallow complexion, all forms of wenn ness either in male or female. Pink Pills are sold by all dealers, or will be sent post paid on receipt of price, 50 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.50. by addressing Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont., or Schenectady, N.Y. • Wining to Accommodate. Cook—What d'ye think, ma'm? I've won 8)0,000 marks in the lottery! M stress—Iadeed ! Taen, I wish you joy. But now, I suppose, you won't care so stay with us any longer, and we shall have to part? Cook -Well, I don't know about that, ma'm, If you would come and live with me as lady -help, that would be so nice ! Effective Temperance Work. Until within the last year or two tem- perance organizations generally have been more or less antagonistic to the re- formation of inebriates by means of Gold Cure' or other -medical tree( went, advocating, instead, moral method, the grace of God. and prayer as effective mea- sures. Dr. Talmage, the eminent Brook- lyn divine, who has taken a profound in- terest in the problem of cure for the inebriate, has, in one of his public utter- ances, made . the matter so clear that the dullest intellect must be impressed by the force of his reasoning. He says :--- " —" There are some things the grace of God. doesn't propose to do and this is one of th m. Never let the time come in my history when I cease to extol the grace of God, but there are men who need something beside. We want the grace of God and we want surgery and we want the Gold Cure. I am mightily impressed with. this Gold Cure." This. opinion is being echoed far and wide by grateful thousands. Within the bor- ders of our own provinc t Lakehurst In- stitute, Oakville, is quietly, yet surely doing its good work and making people happy. Toronto oilice, 28 Bank of Com- merce building. Phone 1163. • What Johnny Would Do. "Papa, what did you pay for this horse?" "He cost me $900, Johnny." - "And don't he never have anything to sleep on but this straw ?" "No. What is wrong about that?" "It ain't good enough. If he was mine I'd buy a folding bed for him." Take Notice. I Malcolm McBain, merchant tailor, 3 - Queen St. West, do certify that Dr. Car- son's Stomach Bitters cured me of dis- pepsia. I believe it to be the best med- cine for all Stomach and Liver troubles At alt Druggists. Price eoc. When Flats Were First Worn. Hats for men were invented in Paris by a Swiss in 14]4. They wt re .first manufactured in London in 1510. Before that time both men and women in Eng land commonly wore close-knit woolen caps. The Medicine for Liver and Kidney Cotnplsint.—ivir. Victor Auger, Ottawa, writes r. "1 take great pleasure in re- commending to the general publie Par- melee fill,; as a euro for liver and. kidney complaint. I have dootored for the last three years with leading physi. dens, and have taken many medicines which were recommended to me without Vol el, hilt after taking eight of Par- "-; ar-+' Pilt I was quite re iovod, and now 1' ,•1 :tip free from the disease as before 1 :r.•t 11.,,ll,lsd." • In a State Of Siege. Kingston, Jaziiaica, OCs, 29.—Advices from Port au Prince say that President Ifyirpoilte of • Hayti has declared the capital city in a state of siege, LL ' lei CEYLON' TEA Is Delicious. Sold Only In Lead Packets. �9! Matches That Lio in any climate or atmo- sphere are the only ones to be relied upon. They are the kind we make—no other —and are called "E. B. Eddy's Matches." WANTED by every person reading this paper Grooeriea and general supplies for home use. Write to us for price list and buy your winter supply from 20 to 50 per cent cheaper than you are now payingour Note aoods. ddress. A, goods and at A, FI. CANNING. Wholesale Grocer, 57 Front Street East, Tcronlo, Belting Shafting Pulleys Hangers Order your Supplies of Oak Tanned - Leather Belting from us. We supply four grades, suit• able for all classes of machinery. Every- thing in above lines at Manufacturers' First Cost Prices. Lowest Prices For Cash. TORONTO TYPE FOUNDRY, 44 Bay Street, Toronto. Two Schools Under One Management GYV 2gq TORONTO AND STRATFORD, ONT. Une uc.stionabiy the leading Commercial Sabo Is of th. Dominion; advantages beet In Grenada; moderate rates; students may enter at any time, Write to either school for circulars and mention this parer. SFLAW & 'ELLIOTT, Principals. Ore of Life Found at Last Vitas -Ore is very properly called Ore of Life.. It was discovered by Professor Theo. Noel of Chicago, Geologist. Th ere makes an elixir which is Nature's Great Remedy for the cure of human ills. It will reach the illus of human diseases when drags and doctors' nostrums fail. 11 is nature's great- i•estnrn,tive, to which nothiu r is added, It Is pure as it comes fr orrom ores I�atroratory.. Sold only on t0i•ect vectors or through !neat or eneraal agents Trice $la package, or three fot ta60. Sent prepaid to any part of the -'lobo on receipt of pane. Send for circulars and 'fuit particulars to VItre-Ute Daunt. 140 Adelaide Street west, Toronto. J. JOHNSTON, General Awent. T,. No, 86 EDUCA�1 r T h for a goun' man or woman for the TION active dutfesoflifc is obtsinedat • The Northern uusiness College, Only common school education required to enter. Stadents 5 Jmittsd any time. C. A. Fleming, 1'rinc'pa1, Owen bound, Ont. VliltY,I1IN(4 POD;Tianitcsso!, lLPeIdt#Il N •1PErIiEnt Nceeeinper:, •-- Ste Rutter, ttleetto- tvpin ". !Nib i•ttvina'. 'I'ORRAN'rO '1"3ix'B Gti)UN bRY,'rororrto nod Winnipeg.