The Exeter Advocate, 1895-11-8, Page 2NEW l'IFTD OF WORK gained there tom�s. down the thundeelug
a I . , impieues. of a great multitude that no
Ilean win number, a Being ILIQuipassed
le. TALMAGE'S FIRST SERMON about with so °Teat a el
s, ettd of wit.,
4, AS A WASHINGTON PASTOR. On the first elevation of the anoieat
toophitheatee, on the day of Aeelebratione
remthed Wore Vast altitu—Au
sat Tiberias, or Augustus, or the reigning
T.11a ee de
lane. So, in the great arena of speotatore there in the arena.
knows n i more of money than a woman,
'Is oe eits awl it is Ns emote Discourse On that 'Vat011 ant etragglee end in the first What, are they all lookiag? This night is Almost it proverb. The absurdest stories
'1 u A • '
414.1.n eteeeee eteeleant te„..,...attaa stand.. divine gallery, as 1 shall cell it site our We answer baolt the salutatien they give,
are perpetualty told ot woolen's total in
king, one 'Testis. On his head are many and toy, "Bail, sons artd, daughters of
elm le the a inphitheatew, (wolves! The Roman emperor got his the fire I" eelmolla. to hewn anything about money,
piece by cold bloodoil ooequests, but our I look again, and X see another gal etea
king Mali come to his place by the broken that of eminent Obristians. What strikes
heerts healed, and the tears wipeci away, ine strangely is the mixing in the em-
end the seals redeemed, The Roman um- eaationship. of those who on earth could
and the mob hushed Now they watch us
with an ali-absorbing sympathy. They
now all the pain, all the heraship, all
the anguish, all the injustice, all the
privation. They eannot keep still. They
cry: "Courage) `The Are will not com-
mune, The Anode cannot drowe, Tao
lions cannot devour! Courage, down
Absent Stories Common itegardtee
latneett at, a Fintmeter.
be opinion! bas generally peevailed
among meteor at least has been expressed;
incurably littiorant about tummy. "He - fie) onoodt aliskeoceitinoatu
Lor eenturios, that womeis are denselY ant
raittiree OngilgOd 14 it wrestling match.
Tele tome elies,,,txte, :mart leetea anti (0),:xunit:111e0 is.evlaiymihosnonte,theo ei)rottilese itiotrataecNtoltoteire
thIon (Ittios)tliisz sa)!No,dodnipg week, 1)1"liSing t° show hint where the
berries grew the thickest, and to let him
witii her doll when site was not
which stretches eeross the (.0:entry from Way
Grand :Rapids, Michigan, almost to Du- using
was, in the 'event!) haven of happinees,
ena eould seareely be testreined from
bolting home at Oleo, to show the
Wondertul pietUre to her mother, An ate
tenipt was nutde to take a secomepictore„
but the child Was so exeited that ,
Washingtoo, Oce )17.—Those who know'
thee no thumb in this or foreign ItountrieS
has been eble to hold the audiences that
have assembled when it was annotrucea ept to forget what extraordinary changes
perer sat, with folded arms, indifferent as not agree . There I see Martin Luther,
that Dr. Talmage would preaeh svill not woman has Undergone in this own= y—
be surprised, that vast multitudes attempt- to whether the sworasman or the lion and beside tam a Holt= Catholic who
in tt e last half particularly. She may
beat, bat our king's sympathies are , all leaked, beyond. the superstitious of his
lid in vain to hear his first sern1-041 tis pas- liave been a Anencial simpleton in the re -
with os, Nay, onboard. of condescension! church and is saved! There is Albert
tor in Washington; The subject of his mote past; she aurely is not now, in mest
Opening „rum se the national sal:Atm Ise° him come down from the gallery into Barnes, and around hint the Presbytery oases. To -day the average woman probate
the arena to 'tenses in the light, shouting, who tried him for heterodoxy. Yonder
was. "All heaven loolting on, ' the text ly understauds money as weal as deem the
until all up and down his voice Is heard; is Lyman Beecher and the church court
eelected being the famous passage from average inan.
"Fear not! I sivill help thee! I will , that denounced bine Stranger than all,
, Hebrews xii,, 1, "Sraing we also are coin- Where he is wholly uninformed on the
strengthen thee by the right hand of my trere are John Calvin and -Tames Armin-
paesed about with so great a elated of wit- subject her lack of information Is cam -
messes.'' ! power !" ' Me Who would have thought that they moult, due to the man or men nearest
They gave to th m 'n the arena in
0 en 1 , would sit so lovingly together? There
In this my opening sermon in the na- her. He or they fail to give her any In-
capital I give you heartiest Chris- the olden time, food to theeken their are George Whitaeld and the bishops stroction, and then laugh at her defect as
blood, so that it would flow slowly, and ! who 'would not let him come into their
thin salutation. 1 hetnink myself of the Is much their custom in other things.
that for a longer time the people might i pedpits because they thought hint a fana-
privilege of standing In this historic Man gets bis knowledge of practleal affairs
, gloat owe the scene Bot our king has no tie. There are the sweet singers Topladr,
church so long preeided over by one of the from constant experience, and wonders
most remarkable mon of the centurY, i pleasure in our wounds, for we are bone Montgomery, Charles Wesley, Isaac) Watts OM women does not get hers without any
of his bone, flesh of his flesh, blood of Ms and Mrs. Sigourney. If heaven had had would have gone to death, for the sink -
There are plenty of good ministers besides experience. When he tries to teach her
Dr. Sutherland; but I do not know of any blood. no music before they went up, they something about nioney—its value, its re- hole which bed Rwailawed the track was
hidden behind a (elm in tho tracks, and
man exeept himself with. enough brain to • In all the anguish of our heart, would have started the singing. And lation, its parchasing power—he ands her '
have stood stwcasafullo and triumphantly ' The Man of Sorrows bore a part. there tho band of missionaries—David quiek to learn, and his matt exertion in no power on earth could have 'stopped
48 :towel in this conepieueus pulpit. hong , s g
- h' ci 1 and
' her elm f amp 3 recompensed. o lag
diatallt, bathe year when that gospel chief- ' john Scuader a Louth, saved, and David keown a woman that, having had any sort
Once, in the ancient emphitheater, a
t ' lion with one paw eaught the combatant's Brainerd of the aborigines evangelized,
• II 1 . th , '1 , . t C1C ithannial education has net prated by
and some of them are donbtless believed,
What was (=rent ages ago in regard M
women is current hoa,and is almost like-
ly: to gain credit as It was thou. Mon ere
loth, lives lite lc Vert e Anderson, 7 years
old. tier 'palter is a label= in au bon PICTURES IN SILHOUETTE.
inine,where he twee possIbly ti..25 a day.
Th() story of (Sortie's bravery was tie* to 618thor a Whole luenageree awe
eeeke Amusing,.
Block or cardboard puzzles represent-
ing scenery, animals and other pieturea
am very mowing and are useful to while
away an hour or so, and every boy and
girl lets had his or her patience tried
officials bad sunk out of sight 1» a Many a time in fitting the parts together.
ni uskeg, or subterranean lake; of sviiieh But when fleetly the picture is completes
there are several along the iieo of the isn't the satisfaction great? Even grow*
Duluth, & 'Northern road, be, people require lessons 10 patience, au*
tweets Grand ;Rapids and Duluth. Hati
U. nut beau' for her coca head arid strong
little body every passenger on the train
lated in brief by tee press, when a tele-
gvam from . Grand Rapids told that she
had saved a passenger train, wbich was
plunging rorward to ceetain disaster.
Tho trace over wilich bad jost passed a
special train earrythet a party of railway
the train in time to SONO it after it had
arrived in sight of the cloatharap. Since
UU then the child has been the recipient of
with width lie has marshaled the hosts of sword and, With his other paw caught his and Mrs. Adoniram Judson, whose pray- it? Often she Shows a grasp and compre- no end of attention. and money and
Israel or sheathe the sword with which he ehieht r -l -he man took his knife from ers for Hannah took heaven by violence. hension of monetary' matters, as well' as presents have been showered upon her.
has mute: such mighty blows for God and ! his girdle and slew the boas,,t. The king, All these Christians are looking into the aetails or business, that are seldom shared She is happy to think that she was the
Y. said, That was iio, arena. Our struggle is nothing to theirs. means of saving human lives, aud equally
sitting in the gaiter
righteousness. I come to you with the . by her husband or brother. She ia not -
same gospel that he has preaohed and to fail"; withstanding contrary belief, an int- as happy over being able, evith S01110 of .
the lion must be slain by a sword. Do we, in Christ's cause, suffer from the
join "„FOU in all kindS of work for enalcima, ' Other lions were turned out, and the Poor cold? They walked Greenland's toy
. gent economist when she conies to learn the money which bas been given her, to !
the world better, and I hope to see you all .
victim fell. You cry. "Shaine, shame!" mounteins. Do we euffer from the heat? vvhat economy means. It is frequently said buy some new clothe, a brand new, rea
ix) your homes and have you all come andat sach meanness. But the king, in this They
sweltered in the tropics. Do we by the other sex that she can make a dole and truly doll, one that shuts its eyes f
see me, but donit all come at once, and ' ease) is our brother, and he will see that get fatigues? They fainted, with Ilene • lar go as far as they can make two; nor is when laid down. atui a wagon for her lit- !
without preliminary discourses as to what we imve lair play- He will forbid the • to care for thein but cannibals. Are we this by any means the language of oompli tle brother. Gargle as small as she is;
I propose to
d I beginhere and now to rushing out of more lions than we can.; persecuted? They were anathemm
atized. oat is Many and many a husband has her mother's helper. A reporter paid!
oheer you with the thought that a heaven meet. He will not suffer us to be tempted ' And as they look from their gullorY and discovered teat his wife ea.n buy more a visit to the Anderson home the other ;
Is sympathetically looking on. "Seeing above that we are able. Thank God! The ! see us falter in the presence of the lions with a small ainount of money than he niornitig, and there found the vvhole !
we also are compassed about with so : king is in the gallery! His eyes are on us. . I seem to hear Isaac Watts addressing us can, and he is in the habit of giving it to family in high feather.
great a cloud of witnesses." His heart is with us. His hand will de- in his old hymn, nnly a little ohanged; Thenks to his
Crossing the Alps by the Meet Cents . • . , - - Must you be carried to the skies her for that special purpose, 'little daughter's bravery, Mr. Anderson, 1
The extravagance of woman has been a who is 0 fairly well-educated Irian, has I
liver us "Blessed are all thee who out
pass, or through the Mont Cenis tunnel, On Bowery beds of ease, stock theme everlastingly. We Still hear been offered a position with the Duluth, !
their trust in him! '
you are in a few hours set down at Ver- I look again, and I see the angelic gale While others fought to win the prize, ot her vvild profusion, of rumn. of fortunes Nississippi & Northern railroad at Du- !
ona, Italy, and in a few minutes examIns lerY• There they are—the -angel that , Or sailed through bloody Seas by her excess, of her uncontrolled and un- lath, at a selary of $65 per month, and i
Ing one of the grandest ruins of the whole ' swung the sword at the gate of Eden, the
world—the amphitheater. The whole ; sante that aleekiel saw upholding the , Toplady shouts in his old. hymn :
controllable prodiei
t' ttlity. This must be on the day the reporter wiled he was at ;
building sweeps around you in a circle. . thI look throne of God and from which Your harps, ye trembling saints.,
accepted with vastallowance. Man, not home for the purpose of telling his wife
woman, is the great spendthrift; always has the good news. The mother was busy 1
You stand in the arena where the combat ' away, for the splendor is insufferable, ,
Down from the willovvs take,
been; alwaye will be. He has dissipated preparing the midday meal, and helping ,
was once fought or the race run, and on : Here are the stuardia,n angels. That on __ ,_ _
s Loud to the praise of lo-ve divine,
millions where she has dissipated thou- her wise little Gertie, elaspiug in one.
all sid----------------------------- m. ! watched a patriarch; this oue protected a ' 111d every stung awake.
sands. Squandering is so oommon with arm her precious new doll.' The little
. . .
We.sle the Methodist,
tit you count 40 elevations, or galleries, ! child; that one has been pulling a soul out While Charles
: hint as to invite little notice,so uncommon one—the baby—was havieg no end of fun •
• h ! of temptation, All these MO messengers breaks forth in his favorite words, a lit -
with her as•to arouse general attention, with his sister's discarded rea doll, and ,
: Her expenditures are, as a yule on small was disputing its possession with a water •
things; rather what sho should not afford spaniel puPPY.
! than what is superlative or important of "It was a blessed clay for us when Ger-
1(1012. She is seldom reckless—reeklessness tie stopped the train," said the inother,
112 L the senators, the kings and the 25,000 ex- of light. Those drove the Spanish armada tie varied:
on.the rooks. This turned Senoaoherib's , A charge to keep you have,
cited spectators. At the sides of the arena .
living hosts into aheap of 186,000 corpses. A. God to glorify;
and under the galleries are the degas in •
• Those yonder ohauted the Christmas carol ' A never dying soul to save,
w 1 c e 1.. ns a g - p
without food, until, frenzied with hunger ' over Bethlehem until the chant awoke the And 111 11 for the sky 1 : dees not properly belong to her. She is by pausieg in her work and patting the
and thirst, they are let out upon some poor
shepherds. These at cmation stood in the , e leek again, and I see the gallery of ' nature conservative; her training is eon- soft, sunny hair of her timighter. I have!
victim, who with his sword and alone, is balcony of heaver and serenaded the new : our departed. Many of those in the other '
! ventional; she is prone to follow precedent; wished to leave the iron district 13ere, !
condenmed to meet them. I think that ' born world wrapped in swaddling clothes , galleries we have heard of, but these we , she is the reverse of wasteful. When she is but no other work seemed open to Her- !
Paul himself once stood in such a place 1 of light. And there, 1
toner and mi litter
g : knew. Oh, how familiar their faces. wasteful in any way it is commonly mane,
so we stared. Now we will III OVO
and that it was not only figuratively, but than all, is Michael, the archangel. To : They sat at our tables, and we walked to : through ignorance, which prevents her to D Muth, where II
ormann has been!
literally, that he had "fought with beasts command an earthly host gives dignity, !
1 the house of God in company. Have they , froiu the knowledge of what she is really offered a good place and where Gordo!
at Ephesus." bot this one is leader of the 20,000 chariots , Those fathers and mothers. . doing. Illuminate her mind a little, and can go to schoolshe needs it badly:
' of God and of the ten thousand times ten forgotten us?
The gala day has come. Prom all the ! started us on the road of life. Are they the light leads her to economy,and she be- enc ugh, poor child. Of course, I am
world the people are pouring into Verona. , thousand angels. . careless as to what becomes of us? And : conies intrenthed in it. She likes it, and proud of her—who wouldn't be? for not
Men, w i en' a d children orators and ' I thalk, God gives oommand to the arch- these children, do they look ott with ' practises it, abd will in time become an
enators, great men and small, thousands
angel, and the archangel to the seraphim, • stolid iudifference as to whether we win i adept at it. it fits conveniently and pleas -
upan thousands come, until the first gal- and the seraphim to the cherubim until..or lose this battle for eternity? Nay, I antly into the receptacle of her being,and
lery is full, and the second, the third, the ! all the lower orders of heaven hear the , see that child runninghis hand over Is in harmony with her disposition and
fourth, the fifth—all the way tip to the command and go forth on the high he- ‘ your brow and saying, , 'Father, do not spirit.
teventleth, all thes
he way up to the thirtieth, ! •t • fret; mother, do not worry." They re- Few men forced into economy by el
- all the way up to the fortieth. Every place : Now, bring on your lions. Wbo can feart member the day they left us. They re- ' cumstances relish it, unless avaricious,
Is filled. Irtonensity of audience sweeping 1 All the spectators in the angelic Bei g
-a-- --7 member the agony of the last faretvell. : and when their circumstances grow easy
r the great circle. Silence! The time foe
.: are our friends. "He shall give his angels Though years in heaven, they know our •they cease generally to be economical. A
the contest has come. A Roman official ()barge over thee to keep thee in all thy .
faces. They remernbsr our sorrows. ! woman who bas once become economical
leads forth the vietim into the arena. Let ; ways. They shall bear thee up in their ‘ T1 -ley •
ey speak our names. They watch this , will continue to be so, though her be no
hint get his sword with firm grip into his ; hands' lest thou dash thy foot against a •
tight for heaven. Nay, I see them rise need of the habit, even if it be glaringly
right hand. The 25,000 sit breathlessly ' stcme, thhou shalt tread upon the licm and i up and lean over and wave before us • out Of keeping with her condition. What
watching. I hear the door at the side of .
the arenea creak open. Out plunges the !
half-starved lion, his tongue thirsts for
blood, and, with a roar that brings all ,
the galleriesto their feet he rushes againat
the sword, of the combatant. Do you I
know how strong a stroke a man will'
strike when his life depends upon the first '
thrust of his blade? The wild beast, lame !
and bleeding, slinks back toward the side -
of the arena; then, rallying his wasting :
strength, he comes im with fiercer eye and ' the prophets atal apostles. Wile are those , demonstrates ber proficiency therein. 1 h ere gesture.
more terrible roar than ever, only to be ; mighty ones tip yonder? Hosea and death, and you shall have a Nome "
is nyuch more reason for tolling her pe- ''Why," said the child, "I was jess a'
. . But here I poise, overwhelmed with pickin' berriee down th' track a -ways,
' th at 1 d h ' 11
vvhere they allus grow thick, an' wasn't
called both, though the adjectives aro abeo-
of the king! Gallery of angels! Gallery thinkin' et noddle ' Then a train atone
lutely incongruous. If she is penurious,
feet, and the 25,000 people clap their hands to mine into the ark, and Moses', watt- of prophets and apostles ! Gallery of
every little girl would De brave enough :
to do as she did. But we have always '
lived near the tracks, you know, so tbe •
children are not efraid of the trains. !
And I have told her how 'dangerous are 1
the swampy places Around here and can- •
tioned her never to go near nein, so
when she saw the track ditappear and the!
water begin to come up she knew that ;
the passenger train would meet the very 1
fate I so often warned her about unless 1
it was stopped before it came to the bend:
adder; the yonng lton and the dragon ' .. iu the road." ,
shalt thou trample under foot." their recognition and encouragement. ! numberless instances there MO of this!. While the mother was speaking, Gertie !
' That gallery is not full. They are keep- How often a rich woman Is so careful of listened attentively, her sweet, little face I
Though the arena be crowded with , iug laces for us. After we have slain her expenditures as to get the name of as red as the dress she wore, as red as!
help, strike them down in the name of stany4ugell, the painted cheeks of her doll. She was 1
temptations, we shall, with the anp,elic i - they expect the king to call us, being sting, ! There was originally with
"Come up higher. " Between ber need of thrift; but thrift was retained
not ill at ease, particularly, nor was she:
God and leap on their fallen carcasses. .
forward, and when asked to tell her !
Oh, bending throng of bright, angelic the hob struggles in the arena I wipe the long after there was any cause for it.
sweat front my brow and stand on tiptoe, Woman's love of small details inelines leer
story did so 171 a charmingly simple man- ,
I hail you to -day from the dust :tett reaching up my right hand to clasp to economy. She may not be a financier
net She lived over again the excite -
faces and swift wings and lightning foot,
theirs in rapturous haudshaking, while in any large sense; that may not be within
struggle of the arena! Inept through which she had passed, and
y of , their voices come ringing down from the her thope; but carefulnee of little amounts
I look agaia, and I see the getter of money certainly is and she constantly once almost dropped her doll While mak-
11 r or Me "Be thou taithied unto ,
i an ex le i • little
driven batik with a fatal wound, while the . Jeremiah and Daniel and Isaiah an
combatant comes in with stroke after Paul and Peter and john and Jame&
stroke, until the monster is dead at his ! There sits Noel), waitign foy all the world
alOng. I knew it was too early for th'
it ie because, in most eases,she is spending
and utter a shout that makes the city ' ing till the last Red sea shall divide, d rnart- 1 - 1 , f *1 ts 1 Galleryof
tremble. Jeremiah, waiting for the Jews to re -
11.11 ,
1 friends and kindred! 011, inajesic circles money given her by some Man, W}11011 she regular train, so 1 joss stood an' watched
Sometimes the audience came to see a turn, and John of the Apocalypse. wait- of light and love ! Throngs ! Throngs! does not regard as: her own, and for which it. Where .I. wits, WaS On a kinder little
Throege! Bow shall we stand the gaze she is held accountable. If she is pecan.. bank, little ways from the trank, which
there. Th' ground
race, sometimes to see gladiators light each ing for the SWOal'ing of the angel -diet gal, lb is, as has been said because she does Tuns over the marsh
of the universe? Myriads of eyes beam -
other, until the people, compassionate for : time shall be 110 longer. Glorious spirits 1 ; not understand the adaptation ot means looked tell dancy like when the train was
the fallen, turned their thumbs an ye were howled at; ye were ttmed., ye 1 ing: on us ! Myriads of hearts beating
to ends, having never been taught • any- • agoin' over, an' jess as soon as it'd gone
in sympathy for us! How shall we ever
appeal that the vanquished be sparecl, and . were spit woo. They have been in the ! thing of the kind. Now that she has be- tit' track got all dancy, too, an' thee it
: dare to sat again? How shall we ever
sometimes the combat was with wild fight themselves, and they are all with us. gun to earn her own money, to depend went away. Water began to come op all:
beasts-. Dauiel knows all about lions. Paul become discouraged again? How shall
materially on herself, she tuts some mone- 'round it, an' in jess a minute there was
p ople 1 for us, anti angels for us, and prophets tary education. and reveals it in her wise a
vve ever feel lonely again? With God big lake 'bout--abouts-oh. 11S fur as from
To an emphitheatrical audience Paul : 2 ought with beaets at Ephesus.
refers when he says, "We are compassed ' in the anelent a itionitheater, the e economy. The probable fact; that woman lire 10 that tree," pointliig to a pine tree
is t ith 1 d f i ess " : got so exelted that they would shout from . and apostles for us, and the groat souls
-a ..—.----.
the majesty and joy of the scene. Gallery •
some Theseus are tnore easily learned)
when yomm.
At figure No, 1 is illustrated an ele-
phant in silhouettes. :Place a piece ot
tissue or awing paper upon the pieturee
end trace tee figure exactly. The white
cross lines indicate how the sections arb to
Pc cut, When arawn, transfer the treeing
cardboard, and. paint it bleak or leave it
uncolored as you like. Then, with a,
sheet) pair ot scissors, out out the shape
..I) ex illy and then the sections Before
be eg ent the task seems easy enough,
but what a time you will have to repro-
duce the animal entire(
At figure No. 2 is shown a very fat
"porker," which yea nutoage just as you)
did the elephant. Doesn't piggy look
natural, even to his you short, curled!,
If you want to prolong the task of fit-
ting the sections properly together, mix
up all the little sections ot all the ilgutes.
and then pick them out You will find
the work fascinating, and will soon leave e
to out up large pictures to form puzzles.
- ---
The Vine Lifts a Pillar or many Tone
The Athey of Owna Hir in Wales is
visited by many fashionable visitorsemed
it is said that the walls have been almost,
raised by the hands of vandals, and what
has been left by the mutilating visitors.
is destroyed by the ivy, the ravages of
which are clearly shown in the out.
on the spot a week or two ago, says a,
visitor to the place, I made one or two,
sketches illustrative of the destructive
work of ivy. •
The fragments illustrated represent
the base of a wall pier. A n ivy stem
e,OtAlitelleate e„,
a ou w so great a e ou o w tn es.
d our glorilied kin -
The fact is that every Christian man the galluriee to the men in the arena: I of the ages for ustlan 1110 in her acquaintance with? money and its awfully scared to see it, for niy manonte
has a lion to fi,ght. 'Yours le a bad temper. "At It again 1" "Forward 1" "One mere red for us, shall :Ye gi • ve up fight uses to the end of the next centnry will had toV 1110 that the swampy places was
The gates of the arena have been opened, . stroke!" "Look out I" "Fall book 1" , and die? , on f God, who didst die not hinder many men from talking about bad for me, where little girls would get
tivate huzza I' So in that gallerY, ' to save us 11 No,ye nge s, whose wings her pecuniary ignorance and extravagance hurted. if they didn't keep away, an' I
and this tiger has come out to destroy "ti
are spreac forthto shelter os I No, ye
your soul, It has lacerated you with prophetic; 1113(1apostolio, they 01201100 then just as they do now. The non-ob- was agoin' to run right home with my
prophets and apostles, whose warnings
many a wound. You have been thrown ' keep their peace. Daniel (ales out, "Tby serving, unthinking man seems to derive berries when I heard the reg'Iter train a -
startle us! No, ye . loved ones, whose
by it time and, again, but in the strength . God will deliver thee frow the mouth of his opinion of woman from musty tradi-
arms are outstretched to receive UR I No,
of God you have arisen to drive it back, the lions!" David excleints, "He will I tions, and to never swerve from itethough
I verily believe you will nonquer. I think ' not suffer thy foot to be Moved!" Isaiah we will never surrender! 1 she may have passed through a hundred
that the temptation is getting weaker. ' calls oat: "Fear not 1 I am with thee! Sum I Inut faght if I would reign— 'metamorphoses. This he may consider
t u etttloyalty to the sex. Ile s addicted to count -
the prospect is hat iwill cIM and yotory theough our Lord Jeses Chriela" And bear the cross, endure the pain, ing her idiffeene to the valueof moneyYou have given it so many woundsthat Be notlisnnyeI!"Pul mitin."Vi-BefaithfulomyLord
will go ou improving eteadily and rapidly 150 feet away, "'bout that big. I was
, •
shall be victor through Christ. Courage, • That throng of prophets aud apostles Supported by thy word. and her wholesale squandering of money
brother. Do not let the sande of the arena . cannot keep still They make the welkin Thy saints in all this glorious war
drink the blood of your soul. ring •with shoutiug and hallelujahs. Shall conquer though they die,
Your lion is the passion for strong . nook again and 1 see the gallery of They see the triumph from afar,
drink. You may have contended againse the martyrs. Who is that? Hugh Lag- And seize it with their eye.
it 20 years, but it is strong of body and mer, sure enough I He woulcl not apolo- When that illustrious day shall rise,
thirsty of tongue. You have tried to fight vise for the truth preiteeed, and so he
it back with broken bottle or eraptt- wine 'clied, the night before eingIng from the
flask. Nay, that is not the weapon. With bedpost in perfect glee at the thought of
one horrible roar he will seize thee by the emancipation. Who axe that army of 6, -
throat and rend thee limb from limb, 6661 They are the Theban legion who died
Take this weapon, sharp and keen, reach for the faith, Hero is a larger, host in •
up awl get it from God's armory—the magnificent array-884,000—who ptsrisbed
sword a the spirit. With that thou may. for Christ in the persecutions of Dioclet-
est drive him .Intelt and conquer, ian. Yonder is a femily group Pelicans
But,why specify when Bawl, man and of ROMS anti her cbildren. While they
woruati has a Iton to fight? If there be One Wow dying for the faith the stood en -
litre who has Do besetting sin let him conraging then), One son was whipped
condo'. That; made me worse scared
than ever, for I knew if th' swampy
places -MIS bad foe me they was basl for
tit' traits. So jess dropped my basket
of berries an' run RS hard as I could
deism th' track. aly papa was at the
nume an' I wanted 111111. Jess then Ili'
as one of the lin m,inent perils of marriage. train whistled 571' I knew it was goin'
It is to be doubted if out 02 11 thousand to g it busted unless it was stopped, so I
heel nese fall 0108 11 wife actively and know- joss jumped right out on th' track an'
ingly contribotes to one, Slie is almost as waved my ol' sunbonnet, jess as hard as
likely to cut her husband's throat while he ever I could. The man in the train blew
is asleep. The plain truth is, if she has it whistle lots an' the train stopped right
And all thine armies shine . any common sense, and is the least en -
In robes of victory through the skies • lightened, she usually restrains her hos-
The glory shall be thine, bond's tendency to lavisb nese, and employs
My hearers, shall we die in the aretia, all her influenes in the direction of moil-
er rise to join our friends in the galleryt oray.
Through Cnrist we may come off more
tha» conquerors. A soldier dying in the
hospital rose up in bed the last moment
and cried: ‘`Ilere I Here!" His attend-
ants put him back on his pillbw and
Asked hint why he shouted "Here!"
speak out, for hint I have offended. If you to death by thorns; another Was flung "Oh, 7 hoard the roll (lull of heaven, arid
have not fought the lion it is betause you from a rook; another was beheaded. 1 was only answering to my nano,"
have let, the lion eatyou up, This/moment At last the mother became 11 mareyr. wondet yr/bother, aftee this beetle of life
the contest goes o1).The Trajan celebration, There they are, together—it fandly group es over, our names will be called in the
where 10,000 gladiators foneht and 11,000 in 110550131 Yonder is ;John Bradford, muster r�l1 01 1110 pardoned and glorified,
wild beliets were slain, was not so tertifle who said, in the fire, "We Shall have a and With the joy of heaven breaking
a struggle tte that, which at this moniteat merry sapper with the Lord to -night.'
goes on in many a mut That combat ; Yonder is LtesleY Voes, who exclaimed)
Was for he life of the bodd " I en aforthe !eshedie11 1)111(1 they
life of the soul That was with wild ! should all tall, off for Christ." The
beasts from the jungle; this is With the poet throng of the martyrs 1 They had
tearing lion of hell. hot lead poureti down their throats;
Men think when they contend against I horses were fastened to their hands, and
an evil habit that they haVe to fight it all 1 otheg horses to theie feet, abd thus they
alone. No. They stand in the center of were pulled apart; they had their ton -
5» bin/Wise eircle ot sympathy. Paul glees pulled out by Tedlityl; pineers; they
had been. Molting the names of Abel, I Were sewed Up! 1» the ekine of animals,
Ithoola Noah, Abraham, Santis Iffnani 111d the» thrown to the dogs; they Were
Joseph, Gideon and 13erak •nrid then 6076, daubed with combustibles and Het on
"Being compteated about With se .greet a i tieel If all the initetyrs' stakes that have
&hid Of Witnesses,"• ' ' been kiedled could he sot at peeper dim.
Before / got through, (11! Will show you tances, they would make the inicitight,
that you fight in an 'arena,arottini, which , ell the world over, height as nooaday I
circle, in galleries above ekeh Other, tilt And nOW they sit yonder in the martyr's
the kindling 07226 52101 alt the sympathetic I galiesY. For them the flrea Of persesetion
,081't6 of the 5 es and at every vietery ! bete gone nut The .811' (8116 are eheatlital
upon our souls we shall cry: "Here I
.i-lere 1"
Surprised to Hear 11.
A certain minister is the father of a
eery bright youngster who has the bioy-
eta fever. The minister hadoccasion to
leave the eiV a few days ago en a short
trip, and the first night after his depart -
tura the `Attie felow Was sayilig his
prayers 102 usual, and wound up withoue
making any reference to his fabhea His
Mother softly steoleed his curly head and
Baked: You are not through, Ore yo"
"Why, yee," answered the youngster;
"what also must 1 peat' for?" "For
your papa's eafety," replied the mother,
The youngster sprang front knees 1»
sUrprise arid cried; "Why,
didn't know papa, had a eafety 1"
Boy Repoli rs.
An American newpaper is giving the
schoolboys an apportunity to train them-
selves in reporting It offers twenty-five
cents for every item of hews of safficient
pnblic intereet to he printed,anci of which
the editor has not been apprised. This is
all Very well, but there ought to be a spe-
eta1 ptize awaaded for accurticy, Have yen
ever read in the morning peper a descrip-
tion of same oneurrence of whieh yourself
Was a withess? If you hitye you have pro-
bably without doubt seen cone, two, three,
probably as many as 11012 a dozen mis-
statements in less than half a coloinn.
What does this Show? Careless work, and
yet it is the average work done on every
paper in the land. "Oh, I guess I've got
the 11111111 filets all right," the reporter saye
to himself, "Anysvity I lieVen't got time
to Mvestlgate, and eobody will take the
trouble to object." Bet oven though there
is Po protest and the city editor beve5 find.
out the iitaccUracies, this sloYenly work
reaete on the young Maxie; oWn 12)13101,
Careless in this' detail he delfts into care-
lessness in every other, ahd hie process is
away front itottlad of toward the editorial
°hair. And this eepliiins :why the latter
noWadtlye is he frequeetly filled by men
W110 have hetet:Vett thele training in other
near me. I WaRn't soared till it stopped,
an' then I wanted to cry. Th' num yam
got off th' train first kissed me toss tts
nice as soon's be saw th' water, an' then
lots of people kissed me an' called Inc a
good little girl. One man joss cried,
au' look what be gave MO," and the child
ran to the big box which served as ,a •
bureau and brotight baok two te20 gold
pieSas, which she proudly exhibited,
"Oh, an' I got lots more, too," 0011-
(11100d the child, "only geve it to
unontne tc) keep for me, 'coot what she
spent for my now clothes, an' bought me
a teal doll an' my little breams a
waggie." .
Then the Iittle woman timed to her
brother, a chubby little fellow of three
or fottr years, and seta him off beetling
for his wagon, A tequest for a picture
of Gertie Nvits answered by aer mother
with the statement that her plethre had
never boon taken. So I took the te
the village "tin -type gallery." She
watched the arraligernents for taking her
lactate With open-eyed a,stoniehment,
She was a bit frightened, too. Her 'big,
blue eyes wore a troubled look as she was
told to stand perfectly still, and her fat
nude !nods were struck out so that her
fingere looked like Minieture olothespine,
Just lidos% all was ready, Geetie gave
a gasp, pushed het battered Straw has
back 011 her heed, and asstoned a took of
vast soletrinity, To -toy that the child
was delighted when e Saw the likeneem
of herself is draveing it Very mildly. She
three inches In diameter has boldly raised
the pier trona its setting, and at the, ,
sense time pushed it forward out of the.
wall for two and a half Indies. In a
second instance the 1,17 MOM two and a- „
quarter inches in diameter has pushe(1
throngh a vertical joint between two of'
the basal stones and moved the wall co
that extent. In so doing, the ivy split
into two pieces three of the horizontal
stones above.
ig .0/1 •
Animals, when wild, constantly die a.
lingering death from injury to the skin,
whether caused, as usually happens in
tropical countries, by wounds aggravated.
by insects, or by cutaneous disease. Hence,
the pains which they take in making their
toilet, and in theme and selection of "cos-
metics." Among birds the salt water
species often seek fresh watet to mesh in;
different land birds choose different earths
In which to duet, and also wash in water and
nearly every tropical anirnal, including
the tiger, bathes either in water or mud.
Perhaps the best, known mud bathers are
the wild boar,. the water imitate and the
elephant. The latter has an inexpensive,
advantage over all other animals, in the use
of its trunk for dressing wounds. It is at
once a syrtnge, a powdering puff and Rs
hand. Water, mud and duet are the maim
"appliances." used, though it sornetimee
covers a suesnorchod back with grass or
.leaves. "Woutided elephants," writes Sir
Samuel Baker, "have a marvelous pcsver
of recovery. When in their wild state, al-
though they have no gifts of suegical
knowledge, their simple system is eorifined
to plastering their wounds with mud or
blowing dust upon the artefact). Dust and
321 201 comprise the entire pharmanopotaa eof
the elephant, and this is applied tmon the,
most trivial and the most serious oeisadoste.
I have seen thetn, when in a tank, plaster
Up a bullet Wound With xnud taken front
the bottont,"
It was Charles H. of England Who WAN
called "tho it tton-tattin g It lug.
Sealing -wax conies in all colors, and
each shade iN Said 16 IlaVe some partice
tiler significanoe. Black is for mourningt,
green jealonsy, blue constahey, ted re.
MeMbritece, White marriage, brown mel-
ancholy aid vielot eyinprithy,