HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1895-10-25, Page 6:k.r;,.11.,.tttieVrAINAKrAlkW,V5rfrnr77.7Mrifftowiwwww. Subseribers who do not receive their pepi. regularly will please notify le at once. Apply at the office for advertising rides. TILE EXETER ADVOCATE. THURSDAY, OCT. 24, 1895. The Week's COMnierelal Summary, The stook of -wheat in Toronto is now 15,850 bushels a.s against 11,170 b ishels last week, and ts8.0 0 bushels at the cor- responding date of last year. The visible atipply of wheat in the United Stateand k amide, inereascd. 1,064,0 ,0 bushele laet week, and the total now 41.,8320 00 bushels as compared will 78,601,000 a year ago, and M1,169,- 000 bushels two year. ago, Wheat &that o E trope 28,810,000 bushels as against 25,9.80,0./0 a year ago. Wheat receipts at pointa along the Canadian Pacific for the month of Sep- tember show a great falling off as com- pared with the same month ot 1894. Re- ceipts at Winnipeg last month were 1,995,500 bushels, as against '2,994,470 * for September last ever. a falling off of nearly a million bushels. Delay in the threshing and the disposition of farmers to hold wheat are given as causes for light receipts. There were 52 failures in the Dominion last week, compared to 41 the week be- fore, and 48 in the same week of a year ago. Ontario heads the list with 25, being nearly half the total failures, nineteen of which had our lowest credit or blank rating. Quebec had fourteen a decrease of nine from the previous week, none of which were of any commercial importance. New Brunswick had two— Nova Scotia and British Columbia one each. None were reported from Prince Edward Island or Manitoba last week. The condition of wholesale trade at Toronto is somewhat improved. In many lines of business there is an in- crease in the number of orders received, and the general feeling is one of confi- dence. Prices of the leading staples are very strong. The notable change this week is the advance in sugars, which is thought to be legitimate, and which has stimulated the demand. Granulated are selling at 4Sc, and yellows at Sic. The metal market is very firm with business fairly satisfactory. Galvanized tin is higher and the general trend in prices seems to be in that direction. The higher prices for cotton goods mentioned last week are fully maintained. There is a moderate demand. for wheat from millers and prices are relatively firm at 68c to 64e on the Grand Trunk. Offer - Ines are restricted, farmers being in- clriaed to hold for high r prices. The movement in Manitoba wheat is only limited by railway facilities. The public. should bear in mind. that Dr. Thomas' Eclsabrie, Oil has nothing in common with the irapure, deteriorating class of so-called medicinal oils. It is entinently pure and really efficaeious— relieving pain and lameness, stiffness of the joints and muscles, and sores or hurts, besides being an excellent specific for rheumatism. coughs and. bronchial complaints. Here and There. The " equinoctial storm" this year seems to have been unavoidably postponed. on account of the weather. The clove is the dried and unexpancled bud. of a tree. technically known to bota- nists as the carpophyllus aromaticus. The Ohio pastor who has denounced the rech members of his flock must be very youthful and inexperienced, or else has his eye on another sob. It is seriously asserted that the large sleeves worn by ladies have cut down the revenues of street ear companies, to say nothing of the revenues of men who pay the dry goods bills. A trade journal "attributes the strength of coffee to the scarcity of the southern. bean." In most boarding- houses the weakness of cuffee is account- ed for on the same grounds. The sultan has been made an honorary member of the Russian Geographical Society. If affairs move as the northern bear wishes it some day the sultan and his realm will be the most interesting geographical exhibit Russian diplomacy candisplay. • Health authorities say that if you want to escape disease germs, keep your lips an inch away from the telephone transmitter when talking. It ma,y pro- bably be added that if you want to get the best results in telephoning, increase this distance by ab ut three inches. Hall Caine, the eminent British novel- ist, at present visiting A.merica, reports that he often does not sleep at all for as long as four or five days at a time. Mx. Caine is an exceedingly intense and ac- tive man, and this experience possibly supports the startling theory of Thomas A. Edison, which holds sleep to be a mere habit, sprung from lack of employment, and having its beginnine in the ages when there was no artiaoiA light to turn the night into day. Still other persons than the two mentioned, who are troubled with insomnia, testify that the chief terror of that affliction arises from the mere oppression which consciousness of an inability to sleep brings,. Holloway's Corn Cure is the medicine to remove all kinds of corns and warts and only costs the small sum of twenty- five cents. Take Notice. I, Malcolm McBain, merchant tailor, 3. Queen St. West, do certify that Dr. Car- son's Stomach Bitters cured me of disi pepsia. I believe 11 10 be the best me cls eme for all Stomach and Liver troubles At all Druggists. Price Soc. 1 TOPICS OF A WEEK The Important Events Its arrow Wosele Per Dusv etectoore, CANADIAN'. The solioonet Hanlon was learned by an incendiary at Belleville, W. B. Smith will be banqueted at Win- nipeg before removing to Ottawa. . The Demersjury disagreed, eight being' for Oonriation and four for acquittal. The Methodist Mission:Board has decid- ed to recall the six dissatisfied mission- aries from Japan. Work has been commenced on the Inter- national bridge across the St. Lawrence from Brookville to alorriston,N, Y. Lieut Alexander MaeLean, of the 411rd Battalion, Ottawa, leas been appointed aide. de -camp to Major -Gen. Gasooigne, Mr, S. Barfoot, a private banker,, of Chatham, Ont., suspended Monday. He will pay all liald!aties if given time. MaPelletier, the Quebec Provinoial,Sec- rotary, says that the Government has de- cided upon removing the commercial tax. Mr. William Sellaws, a well-known ' me in Guelph for half a century, who was " highly esteemed, died there on Thursday , night. The seoond trial of Napoleon Demers for wife murder will be held in Montreal at the .November term of the Queen's Bench. I Court. A gas tank belonging to Everson & Hawkins, at Oshawa, •exploded Friday causing considerable damage. No one was njured. Advices reoeived in Auckland, N. Z., fromHonolulu,show that there have been sixty-five deaths from cholera in Hawaii up to September 26th Before reading fur her find A. H. Can- ning's advertiseu ant, act tie on. the advice given, and profit by buying your supplies at 'wholesale prices. Electric cars in London have ceased to run, because of a clause in the report adopted by the Council that "all work" must first be completed. W. B. Palmer, the defaulting Bank of Commerce, Hamilton, teller, pleaded guilty to stealing a nominal sum, and has been remanded for sentence. Firebugs fastened the doors of Mrs, Finch's house at Midland, and then set it on fire Mrs Finch, her daughter and son narrowly escaped being burned to death, having to crawl through a window. Frank Wright, the well-known comic singer, of Toronto, who was engaged to sing at Newmarket Wednesday night, was found dead in a ohtir in his hotel in that place shortly before the concert commenc- ed. The railway contracters on the Ameri- can side of the Niagara Falls have com- pleted their blasting operations. They are prepared to compensate those on the Cana dian side whose houses were injured by flying rocks. Mr. Desmarais, counsel for Napoleon Deniers, accused of the murder of his wife in Montreal, states that the members of the bar will take up a subscription to de- fray the expenses of the defence at the second trial in November. Mn. J. B. McDiarmid manager of the electric light plant at Alymer, Ont., was killed by the breaking of a 30.inch wooden puPey, which struele him on the side of the bead with terrific force. The deceased carried a life insurance of $1,500. The.Arion Fish Company, of Duluth, Minn., has begun a suit against the Cana- dian Government to recover heavy dam- ages for the confiscation of a lot of netting which the company claims was in Ameri- can water at the time of the seizure While Mr. John Lally. of Stanleyville, 'Ontawas using a gun to separate two dogs who were fighting, he injudiciously push- ed e gun by the nozzle. The weapon, which was loaded, discharged its contents Into Mr. Lana 's body. He died in twenty four hours. The court of Appeal of the Methodist Church of Canada bas decided, that the actions and rulings of the Rev. Dr. Gal- braith in connection with the troubles in the Elm street Methodist church, Toronto, were in perfect harmony with the law of the Church. The front part of a passenger train on the Grand .Jnnctilon Une, a branoh of She Grand Trunk railway, between Peterbor- ough and Belleville, plunged into the Otonebee river near Peterborough Friday night through a lock bridge, which bad been left open. A fire which was attended by terrible results took place at Snider, a station on the Canadian Pacific railway, thirty miles north of Tweed, Ont., on Thursday night. A house occupied by Mr. Lindsay and his wife, and eleven children, was destroyed, and six of the children were burned to death. John B. Hoskin's will had some odd features in it. He left $1 each to three of his sons-in-law, but expressly stipulated that a fourth should in no way derive any benefit from his estate, and he requested his executors and children to have nothing to do with the object of his dislike. Mr. Hoskin was worth nearly $1,000,000 1 Mr Oliver Davern, aged 81, was fatally . injured Friday at Brighton, Ont. He was assisting Mr. John Rankin, of Smithfield ' to pat a case of eggs on a train on a siding at the terand Trunk railway station, While he was under the cars the train started and the wneels mangled his left leg in a fearful inanner. He died in faux hours, As John Orr Leslie and Joseph Ander. son, of Trafalgar, Halton county, were driving down Main street in Milton Fri- day afternoon, their double team became unmanageable, and collided with a rig containing four persons. Leslie and An- derson were badly bruised and wounded on the head, but the ocunpan'ts of the rig escapedwith slight injuries. Subeide rinposstble by Thls Method. It is a physical impoesibility for & man to kill himself by holding his breath. Individuals differ greatly in the length ,of time they can hold their breath, and what praotice and determined effort, combined with natural great luiag oap- aeity, can do in this direction is shown, by the long periods for which champion divers can remain under water. If a man succeeded in continuing to hold his breath, in spite of the'physical discomforb in "which he had, 'slimed him- self, the result Would Simply be to induce state of coma, When this state Was reaehed Nature WOulel teassert herself and the breathing' funetieris Would again reaufne full metier- ityoreeenting a fatal irgnie in spite of theit owner's desire. Mr. Thomas Ballard, Syraouse, N.Y., writes : al have been aftlieted for near ly a year with that most -to -be -dreaded disease, dyspepsia, and at times worn out wi h pain and want of sleep, land, after trying almost everything recommended, I tried one box of Parmeiee's Valuable Pille. I am now nen, ly well, and be- lieve they will cure ine. I would not be without them for any money." UNITED STATES. Diamonds have been found ill 15 or 00 different localities in California. Four persons were burned to death in a theartictive fire at Cincinnati Friday. The schooner Aberdeen, of By Cit,e, Mich., has beeft wrecked oft Point liee quota It 1a estiihated that thefts are 8,000 Moonlight distilleries in the United States. The only quieksilver mines of dense, 0006 in this couhtry are loaded in Cali - Orfila. It Is neve estimated that tills year'e cot- ton prop will be about 8,000,000 bales,and prices are as,peoted to take is tumble. It is said at Washington that Australian cattle shipped to lenlgand have been found to be affected with pleuro-pneu monies. • The Carnegie Company Is reported to have contracts on hand aggregating neariy 1,000,000 tons of stractural material. Citizens of New Orleans are raising a fund of $30,000 withwince), to erect a monument to the late General Beaure- gard, Rhode Island in proportion to size and population, is' among the richest of the commonwealths, being assessed at $252,- 936,67, , • Rochester, N. Y., is oonsideripg a pro- position to purohase for the stun of $80,- 000 Myers' ballot machine, for use in local elections. silak.e fourteen feet long has, accord• ing to report, been stealing daoks, eggs, chickens, peewees, and other aelicacies from a farm at Cold Springs Harbor, L.I. Russia is turning tbo tables on the American Foreign Mission Board, and is sending several priests of the Greek Ohuroh to minister in its interests in this coun- try.. The Rev. Elijah Kellogg, who wrote 4`Spartaons," is still living at the age of 86 years. He preaches tveice each Sunday at a little church in Harpswell, Mee, and cultivates a small. farm. The first woman to preach in a Jewish temple In San Francisco was Miss Rachel Frank, who ociaimied the pulpie in the Emanuel Synagogue Saturday, and spoke on "The Relation OE Historic Judaism to the Present." Dr. William Pepper, of Philadelphia, says that. while American girls and boys of a generation ago regarded a walk: of a mile a feat o/ importance, their children are "the most vigorous lads and. lassies in the world." A Cheyenne Indian; who is known as Yellow Bonnet, wants a divorce from four wives all at once, and desires the oustoay of one of his nineteen children. Be has embraced the Christian religion, and wants a new deal all around. Sir Robert Hart, who created the Chi- nese customs service, employs 3,500 per- sons, manages an annual foreign trade of $220,000,000, collects $18,000,000 a year, clears 30,000,000, tons o±shipping annual. lyand lights 1,800 miles of coast. Thirty years ago Mr. W. A. Clarke. the Montana mine owner, arrived in that port of the world with a pick over his shoulder and not so much as a dollar in his pocket. At the present time his fortune is estimat- ed at from $20; 000,000 to $40,000,000. Deputy Attorney -General Kisselbere, of Albany, has been sent to Niagara Fala at the request of Governor Morbon'to in vesti. gate the the charges made by the Mayor of Niagara Falls, Ont., to the effect that American contractors are destroying prop- erty by making heavy blasts. De Brazze's bride who is to accompany him to Africa, is almost an American. .Her father, the late Marquis de Chain - bran, was for years a resident of Washing- ton, as legal aclviser of the French Le- gation, ancl his daughter, who was brought up there, has hosts of friends at the Ameri- can capital, Peter Crawford, 22 years old, has been asleep in Cleveland, with the exception of a few hours, for seven months. A little more than a year ago Mr Crawford was thrown from a mail waggon in New York, sustaining injuries to his spine, and this, it is believed, has led to this remarkable case of catalepsy. Fever and ague and bilious derange- ments are positively cured by the use of Parmelee's Pills. They not only cleanse the stomach and bowels from all bilious matter, but they open the excretory ves- sels, causing them to pour copious effu- sions from the blood into the bowels, after which the corrupted mass is thrown out by the natural passage of the body. They are used as a general family medi- cine with the best results. FOREIGN. Belfast shipyard employes theaten to strike if their demand for higher wages is refused. The Pope is said to be opposed to the proposed visit of the King of Portugal te Boni e. Prof, Leyden has received a despatch to the effect that the Czarowitz is growing rapidly worse. The reported capture of Antananarivo, the capital of Madagascar, by the French is confirmed. Admiral the Hon. Sir James Robert Drummond, G. 0.13, K. (1 B., Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod, is dead. A despatoh to the Times, from Panama says Bogota is clamoring for withdrawal of the British Minister, jenner. It is reported at Antwerp that 6,000 men are being enlisted in the Congo State for a great expedition, to be headed by Baron Dhanis. According to advices received at Mos- cow, 100 persons have been drowned in the River Oka, near Ozery, by the capsizing of a raft. Gen. Baratiera the commander of the Italian forces in Abyssinia, hashed an en- gagement with the enemy, but the result of the battle is not Uneven. Ammunition and torpedoes have beea sent to the forts on the Dardanelles to de - fella the straits should Great Britain at- tempt to make a naval demonstration, The Earl of Dreamore has purchased a ferns near Johannesburg, South Africa, for 435,000, mid proposes building a large house and taking up his residence there,• Lord Henry ISciulet is another British nobleman who has succumbed to the at- tractions of South Africa. The blockade of the Armenian churches In Constantinople still continues, as all the efforts of the Turkish authorities and the Armeolan patriarch have failed to per- suade the Armenians to return to their homes, as they put no faith in the asstir• }Incas of protection given them. Itudyaed 1<ipling, during his residence in India, was regarded RS the best ama- teur actor in that country Ho often took part in theatricals in Lahore, and his friends earnestly urged him to adopt the stage as a prefeselon. Fie was particularly effective in comedy roles. Lord Rosebery, ex -Prime Minister of England, is enjoying life. He has been etitertaing guests at his place in Scotland, while his house in Berkeley equare, Lon- don, is being reeonstructed. It is to be one of the handsomest dwellinge in London, It will take another year for the full com- pletion of the improVemelits, Oliim Tien-Yow, a retarned American stinlent, Who formerly studied divil en- gineering in the Sheffield Scieatific school Of Yale, has been made surveyor in ohief of the propOsed reilway bewteen 'Yangtee ports and Pekin. A fellow -student, Mr, Chong Ta-ohl, together with several for, eigemes, will be aseociated With Mr, Chim fix his work. EDWARD BLAKE'S SUCCESSOR IN • - .PURHANI. Robert Berns, M.P., for Durham, Ont., Is Another who HecoMmendri Dr. AirrieW'S caterriud Powder. The observing public are opmmencing to ask, Who has not a good word to say for Dr, Agnew's Catarrhal Powder? Certain, ly the beet eitizeus the Dominion over are talking its praises, and not without cause. Mr. leueert Bettie a member in the Com- mons for Durham, tbe old constituency of Hon,Edward Iilake, is another addition to the prominent citizens who have used this medicine, and from their own experience can say that for Cold in the head, eatarrh in its different phases, and hay fever, there is no remedy to equal this. It never fails to relieve in ten minutes, ' • THE PAIN IMMEDIATELY LEFT ME. So Says Mrs. W. T. Rundle, of Dundalk, After Using Dr. Agnemes Cure for the Heart. How difficult it is for those afflicted with heart disease to eat relief, and to get it quickly. The pain bangs on, and is sug- gestive of the most terrible results, for heart disease cannot be trifled with. Here was Mrs W. T. Rundle, the wife of is well known cattle dealer in Dundalk, who suffered so severely from pain in the re- gion of the heart that, to quote her own words: "I was for some time unable to attend to my household duties I was in - &toed to try Dr. Agnew's Cure fer the Heart, and I must say the result was won- derful. The pain Immediately left me tater the first de.y, and I have had no trouble since." Strong testimony, and yet Mrs. Rundle stands along with thousands of others who can tap the same thing. RECEIVED SI 00 WORTH OF GOOD FROM EACH BOTTLE. The Words of the Rev. James Murdock, of St. .Tobri- N. II., Concerning South American Kidney Cure. This clergyman neve: spoke triter words. He had suffered for a long time from kid- ney trouble'and commenced to think—as will certainly becionie the case if a remedy is not seoured—that he was fated to die of kidney disease. He read the claims Of the manufacturers for South American Kid- ney Cure, with scepticism, perhaps. But he tried the medicine, and felt much bene- fited within two clays, and • rising his own language, "I have taken In all four bottles, and consider that I received $100 worth of good from each bottle" The figure is not nearly high enough, for when kidney dis- ease is not stayed, death quickly follows. She Had to be Turned in Red With Sheets. "My wife," says Mr. Thomas Crosbie, of Lisle, Ont., "was laid up with rheu- matism for Months, and for two weeks the pain was so intense that she had to be turned in bed with sheets. I saw an ad- vertisen,ent in the Alliston, Opt., Herald, Raying that South American Rheumatic Cure would give relief in fifteen minutes, and quickly cure. I at onoe took the train for that plaoe, and secured one-half dozen bottles from Mr. .T.11, Hipsvell, druggist. My wife began the use of it, and in 24 hours she was out of bed, and has not been troubled with rheumatism since. This remedy is a wonder worker, and I believe will prove a great blessing to anyone suf- fering from rheumatism." A Navel Advertising Expedient. The latest proof of the value of adver- tising is given by a member of a London firm, who says: "We recently hit upon a novel expedient for ascertaining over -what area our advertisementi were read. We published a' couple of half -column. 'ads.' in which we purposely misstated half a dozen historical facts. In less than a week we received between 300 and 400 letters from all parts of the country, from people wishing to know why on earth we kept such a consummate idiot, who knew so little about English history. The letters came pouring in for three or four weeks. It was one of the best pay- ing 'ads.' we ever printed ; but we did not repeat our experiment, because the (Ike I refer to served its purpose. Our letters came from schoolboys, girls, pro- fessors. clergymen, school teachers, and, in two instances, from eminent men who have a world-wide reputation. I was more impressed with the value of °Aver- -tising from those two advertisements than I should have been by volumes of theories." The ,great demand for a pleasant, safe and reliable antidote for all affections of the throat and lungs is fully met with in Biokle's Anti-Constunptive Syrup. It is a purely vegetable compound, and. acts promptly and magically in subduing all coughs, colds, bronchitis, inflamma- tion of the lunas, etc. It is so palatable that a chula will not refuse it, and is put at a price that will. not exclude the poor from its benefits. 'Know How to Obey. "Are you married V" asicect the man- ager to a man who was looking for a situation. NTI%nl sir.' Can't employ you. I have a place into which I could put you, but we engage only married men." "May I ask the reason. for this dis- crimination? Is it that families neay be provided with support ?" "Not at all. 11 16 because we find that married men know better how to obey than bachelors." There is nothing equal to Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator for destroy- ing worms. No article of its kind has given such satisfaction. A Great Change. "What has become of Miss Blank, who was always such a favorite in your set?" "Her father failed some weeks ago and all they had was sold by euetion," "Poor thing !" "And now they have to live in a little rented house down town." "What a change! How she must grieve." "Yea She is so much changed that even her best friends would not recog- nize her. I met her on the street to -day and. did not know her at all, poor thing!" Sante Thing. Landlord—Did you ever taste anything to match this red wine ? Custenier-e0h, yes, Only the other week 1 steak the wrong end of the pew - holder in my mouth by Mistake, A SKEPTIC CONVINCED HE I1AD NO FAITH IN ANY ADVER- TISED 111E1)101NE. Attacked With a Dad Cola, His Trouble 'Went from Dad to Worse until lie Was Threatened with Loeomotor Ataxia ---Then Dr, Wellianis` Pink Pins Cured After Other Medieines *lad. railed, From the Yarmonth, N.$., Times. The remarkable cures effected by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills aave long • been a matter of newspaper notoriety, and many of tacm—well described as 1111r/toles—have been in our own province, but we believe SO far none have been published from Yar- mouth A Times representative enquired In a quarter where such matters would likely be known, and learned that there were several remarkable cases of restora- tion to nealth directly traceable to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, right in our midst. Carious to ascertain the facts in relation thereto, our representative called on Mr. Charles It Trask, who had been known to have extierienced a long illness, and now was apparently le =co lent health. his cure being attributed to Pink Pills. Mr; Trask, who has bee an aceountant in Yarmouth for many years, was in' his cam on dohn street when the reporter waited on him. ;tee r - Found Mr. Trisk in Lis offi.e. "Yes," he said, "there can be no pos- sible doubt of the efficacy of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills iu my case, and I will be pleas- ed if the publication of the facts helps some other sufferer back to health. I caught cold, was careless and caught more cold. The:first thing I knew I was seri- ously ill. I could not walk. All strength seemed to have left my legs and the weak- ness increased. From being obl.iged to re- main in the house I became obliged to re- main in bed, bus still supposed it was but a very bad cold. I became so helpless I could not move in bed without help. I had good attendance and the best of care and nursing, but as week succeeded week 1 seeemed grow worse instead of better, till I was worn to a mere shatlow and be- gan to care very little if I ever recovered. A hint that I Wai threatened with some- thing called locomotor ataxia reminded is friend that ney case seemed similar to some of those described in the Times, which had been tamed by Dr Williams' Pink Pills, and this first drew attention to them as a possible aid to ine. I admit that I was skeptical—very skeptical— there are so many medicines being adver- tised just now, and I was never much of a believer in them. Well, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills were purchased and I took them, as I suppose I would have taken anything else, simply as the routine of a sick ro ins. The first' box seemed to show little effect, and by the time I had got through with the third box there could be no doubt my condition shcisved a marked improvement, and I was correspondingly encouraged. The pills were continued and I became rapidly better, so that I was able to sit up and go about the house, and occasionally go out if the weather was fine. Day by day I grew stronger, and to make a long story short, I feel I am to- day in as good health as ever I was in my life, and I can hardly realize I am the same man who suffered for six inonths, a help- less, despondent being, who never expect- ed to be on his feet again. While I have no desire for publicity I am quite willing these facts should be made known for the benefit of others, and am ready at any time to bear hearty testbnony to the genuine worth of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. They restored me to health when I never ex- peoted to be about again." Mr. Trask certainly Masks the picture of health, and remembering the long period when Ile had been laid up, our eepresenta- tiveleft, fully convinced that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have well deserved all that was said ot them elsewhere. Whoa such cases can be.pointed to in our own midst there can no longer be any doubt of the relia- bility of the many stateinents of wonder- ful cures effected throughout the country. •=kk.-5 The Credit System. Why do merchants encourage the credit system? You answer that you don't. Yes, but you do. If the system were not encouraged by the merchants it would not be in existence to -day Did you ever stop to think that the mercantile community of the country are the only body of men that tolerate the eredit, system? Let's see you buy postage stamps, postal notes, money orders, etc , on credit; try it, and see what yon eswill be told. leo to the theater and you pay money. Express companies demand cash and railroad tickets are cash on delivery to the pur- (Maser Why should not the merchant de- mand and receive. cash? Simply because he encourages the credit sytstem. , 11 may be impossible 4 completely eradicate the system but strict limitations on credit is a step on the right road and its evolu- tion will be practic illy a cash basis system of doing business It is worth is trial and should be begun at oncs. 11 wonld quick- ly spread like measles in a country echool, and when. It does it svill solve the groat problem for all Hine. WI1071 sifted down it would be found that the credit system is the progenitor oe and respoesible for more evils that, affect the financial and besiness world than all other agencies combined. Not only this,but it fostois ex- traVaganee---the purchase of goods Which can be very well done without. All for Our Good. Many things happen that we cannot understand but if we love God we have a right to believe that He is in all ot them and jriet at sorely as we have that belief it will give us constant and. ported. peace. Not a trouble eau come to tie be this life while we are trusting In God that we will not thank Him for When we gee to Heaven. Mrs. Nuwed--."I think it is very' cruel to drown mice in leecold Water iti the win - When the physielan hits a meat's di- Mrs. Flattehottae—"liove would. you SeaSe on the third guess the people feel drown them? that he is the smartest man alive. lire, Noved-4,rd boll the Nemec The HesUiti Are Real, Even at this lete day, when there are so few to be found who doubt the effieacy if the Lakeharst treatui e t for a Icohol- ism, we occasionally hear the oninion ex- press cl that the "cure" 16 simply s,n, exernplifica ion • 1 the nfiu pixel "mindt ov r matt r" 1.1 other wozdA, that you - simply believe that yo.i are our a, pant you wil th new ith experience no difff.-i culty hz al staining from the use of strong liquor Al sard as this view may be to the mite ring mind, ii ir at' ers little whether the ability of L'akehurst Institute graduates to abstain from liquor eithout elf rb, wh 3.'0 pi evious yl it was inipoesible to abstain at all, is due t the twit hat a radi al euro 11as been accomplished by rational medic) 1 treat- ra nt, or to a delusion kthe result of sug- gestii Iis The deln.ion, if sneli a few choose to d signet • it, is well worth hav- sig, even at an influitel - greater price than is oharged at Oakville. But so. many bave ta led to delude themselyee aix home, an ' have sadly failed, the, the only co elusion remaining 16 that the Lakehurst• eure is a blessed, happy, glorious reality, not a mind cure nor a. faith cure, Do not try nnd delude your- self longer—the reality is within your' re . ch. Toronto office, 28 B nle of Com- merce Building. Phime 1,108. ' What Helped Him. "Would you oblige me," said the re- porter who gets novel 'interviews, "by telling mu what book has helped you most in life ?" And after a thoughtful pause the great man answered: "My bankbook." Peetoria. Peetoria. Pectoria. Are you suffering from cough or cold on your lun,gs. Ask year druggist for Pectoria,and take no other. Just try and. see for yourself how soon Pectoria will. cure you. Send to Allan & Co., 58 Front. St., Toronto, Proprietors. 25 cents a bot- ' tle. - Sarah Bernhard's latest pet is a lion_ Thisnew purchases onaht to have includ- ed a lamb attachment. ib 7 7 CEYLON TEA . Is Delicious. Sold Only In Lead. Packets. cfr iLatchesi TI 7at Li-Ot in any climate or atmo- sphere are the only ones to be relied upon. They are the kind we make,— no other —and are called "E. B. Eddy's Matches." ASHPAID FOR OLD POSTAGID STAMPS that were used be- fore. ism, As high as 1-100 paid for rare varie- ties. Address juHN LINDSAY, Lock Box sp Paris, Ont. WANTED by every person reading thi.s. paper, Groceries, and general supplies for home use. Write to us. for price Ilst and buy your winter supply from 20 to 50 per cent cheaper than you are now paying for your goods: All new goods and at wholesale prices. -Note address. A. H. CANNING. Wholesale Grocer, 57 Front Street Fast, T, Tonto Belting Shafting F'utl I eys Hangers 1 Order your Supplies of Oak Tanned Leather Belting from us. We supply four grades, suit- able for all classes of machinery. Every- thing in above lines at Manufacturers' 'First Cost Prices. Lowest Price• s o• For Cash. TORONTO TYPE FOUNDRY, 44 Bay Street, Toronto. Ora of Life Found at Last Vitm-Ore is very properly vaned Ore of Life. Thetis discovered by Professor Theo: Noel, or Chicago. Geologist. 'ries ore makes an elixir whieh l Nil:tames Great Remedy for the cure of litunati Me. It will reach the ',ides of human dfseasee when drugs and doctors' nostrums fail. it is nature's great restorative; to which nothhig is added. it is pure, as it comes from nature s laboratory. Sold only on dlrect orders or through local Or general agents. Pilate $1. a Vackw.,,,, or three tor S250. Sent prepaid to any 11710 of the globe on receipt of prlee. Send for (*miters cied full partieultire to Vitie•Ore Deena ea) Adelaide' street, west, Termite, J. jOTINSTuN, Gerteral A trent. Cer.Yonge and Germ rd Streets, Teeente, Ont. Canada's Greatest CoMmereial fi:theol Ladvats- tages heat in the Dothinion : students assisted to positiond every week. NI ,di rate rates. Writ* for 'Catalogue. Shaw Elliott, Principals. T. N. No. 84 Trey to spend a winter is to attend the Northern Bail. sets College, Owen Sound, Ont. All who would like Success in life should prepare for it. Scud f Ammo. Aksisounceraent..rree. C „.. jult1VSErlytolter perN60,m?Esu, ttriAirieARtitteeltrtyNisair,rtutruoi NyrPg" et.g6'stlit; "Veitowto Vintlg •EroavvOn'to` and Wionipeg: 4 eSelse