HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1895-10-25, Page 54 West Lebanon, N. H. Derhotith Professors But Hood's Sarsaparilla Perfect.; Y Cured '!!il A 'rightful Ulcer Conquered. ai In 1886 a Iittle sore gathered on my Left ankle which goon became painful and broke open, discharging freely. The family physician termed it an ulcer, com- monly known as an old man's sore, due to the poor state of my blood. The doctor's treatment did not seem to benefit me as the sore spread to the size of a saucer, $ was greatly run down by it and had to give up business. The doctors said owing to my advanced age it was their opinion The Sore Was (incurable. In 1388 I made atrip to the faculty at Dart- mouth College, determined to have the ulcer operated upon. The surgeons deemed it inadvisable to performed an operation on the ankle, claiming that my advanced age, 78 years, in itself was a bar- rier, and that only temporary relief could be given. ? returned to my home at Went Lebanon discouraged and disheartened. f was pining over my misfortune when a friend urged me to give Hood's Sarsaparilla a trial. I bought a bottle. I had taken onlypart of it before I a noted change in my case. The eruption took on a healthy ooga3 ✓S�a°y6N- "a:�"'rtti4�''�•" ,,. r,1 + t?3`.rnw'6'"h27Ca appearance. i perse- �i� vered with tsta medi- "iss cine, my faith in it . having been greatly � ea,h�,Ct„r increased as the beneficial effects became apparent. I tools kis bottles of the medi- cine and at the end of that time the sore Had Completely Flea ed, only the scar remaining as a remainder of the suffering I had undergone. The effects of the medicine was also beneficial to my whole system. I have not felt so well for years." Soar S. CuzniiErt, West Lebanon, New Hampshire. N. B. uBo sure to get Hood's. 6 i 'dews nl`liau the after-dinner cath nese pieec, CENTRAL DRUG STORE Those who have used Winan's Cough balsam pro- nounce it unequalled as a remedy for coughs, colds, and bronchitis troubles. Winan'S condition and cough powders for horses, the best in the market, al- ways on hand; also Aceto- benefaeto and Liniment, the medicine so successfully used by Mr.- Chas, Munroe, Parkhill, in this and other towns, in treating and cur- ing various 'diseases. For sale here, 0.. L U TZ, Druggist. TINNp1c's CUTTER & FITTER. ELLMr.- < MERCHANT TAILOR, Main St., - - - Exeter. Tweeds and Worsteds. I have a complete line of samples of all the latest designs and patterns in' English, Scotch, Canad- ian and American 'Tweeds, Troueerings, Suiting$, Coatings, WWAs S ELL FOR TWEJ TY-FeVE YEARS. BAIN POWDE THE000K; SBESTFRIEVD LARGEST SALE IF CAF -AD' ,. Variable Autumn Wheather often Seals the Fate of Rheumatic Sufferers Victims ofheumati i1 �1,Ct find a cure in Paine's Cele o r� Compound, Nothing Like it for Banishing Awful the Riseaes. Olt and Chronic Sufferers acre Made Ilale and Strong. Mr, William McWilliams, of Brad ford; Ont., writes as follows. about his case:— "Uusoliciated, I forward this testimonial as to the value of Paine's Celery Coinpoiin t I am well up in. years and was sorely afcted with rheumatism. I purchased six bottles of your medicine, and ani now per fectly well. I have no rheumatism left." The above is just an ordinary saamule of the proof that cured people furnish every week. Let us utter a few words of warning to all who feel the pangs of a disease that ,hakes life a misery and. burden. The most dangerous season is now with us; there is no necessity to en large upon this fact, °billing winds, damp weather and heavy impure atmosphere aggravate "„ avato r_tety condition of rheuma- tism, and brings many a sufferer to the grave. Take courage all victims of rheuma- tism If yon have failed with doctors and the ordinary medicines of the day, remember, you have not yet given Paine's Celery Compound a trial. This marvellous medicine has made !dill/ men and women of thousands who were pronounced incurable by phyiscians it can and will, do the same good work for you, if you fairly and honesty use it for a time. Mr. McWilliams' case was one thatobatlled all other medioined but Paine's Celery Compound, which proved victorious at every point, giv- ing bins a new and better life, Go thou and follow his example, Kippen: Mr. James Mustard has carrots three of which tipped the scales at 24 pounds. Ailsa Craig: A man named George Towe had his arm jammed while coup- ling cars here on Monday. Flood's Sarsaparilla, taken at this season, will make you feel strong and keep you from sickness later on. Goderich: Perch fishing has been fairly good at times the pat fewweeks but should for the balance of the sea- son be excellent. Usborne : 141r. and Mrs. Harry Tow] have lost their twins, a boy and a girl. The girl was buried in the Zion cemet- ery on Tuesday, October 8th, and the boy on the following Sunday. Kippen: Mr. Taylor's two year old colt, after four weeks' hard struggle for life, died on Monday last. It was one of the best of many fine horses which Taylor has raised, and is a big loss to him, Mr. Taylor is one of those who has sustained heavy losses in horses, Seaforth: It will be learned with deep regret of the death of John W. Nevills, which sad event took place at his residence in this town on Wednes- day 16th inst., after an illness of some three months. The cause of his death was heart failure, superinduced by dropsy. Hensel!: A woinan named Young left town on Monday to take up her residence in Seaforth. Her departure is hailed with general satisfaction, al- though interfering somewhat with the program, which the boys had laid out for Halloween, Her husband is a hard woricing man and is now an employe on the Irondale and Ottawa Railway,— Observer, Ashfield: This township lost on Mon- day of last week, in the death of Mr. Thos. Hunter, one of its oldest, most highly respected and bests; known resi- dents. Deceased came to the township nearly forty years ago, and by his in- dustry and ability, had acquired a good share of this world's goods. Deceased had reached the age of 83 years and 3 months. 4Viaghain: Mr. Walter Taylor an extensive exhibitor of vegenables, flow- ers and fowl, took the following prizes at the places named: Al Wingham, 40: Brussels, 4(i; P'ee swa`era 22; Pel - grave, 181; Lucknow, 28, ,and Blyth, 27, a total of 189, at the six sbows,' or en average,of•812.- at each. record, espeeially when it is considered that Brussels and Teesw were held the same days. l This is a gond atter shows Brussels: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rillough of Grey, met with an utipleasantexper- ience as they were returning from church 'last Suncia,y evening. They had only gone a few rods when a• wheel came off the buggy, and they were only saved by a miracle from being thrown into the road, On examination it was found that all the nuts had been re- moved from the ax lila, The car rtr • a p P tor of such a dastardly• set should be made an example of; a few Menthe its Goderich jail Might have a benerficial. effect. TOPICS :OF A WEEK. EEK.. Tiro1niportalntateentsin, ayew Words yor Busy Headers, Cowansville, Que., is infested with bur- Biers, Hamilton Is talking of a o.enietory ftmc1 bji-law, Leamington gets $800 a month from its natural gas well. A 207 pound quash was shown at the recent Gotloricii fair, Several Brantford young ladies have organized a walking club. A trioyole drawn by a team of dogs is a street curiosity in Guelph. It is proposed to elevate the G. T. R. tracks that enter Montreal, Prairie fires in the vicinity of Winnipeg have caused a sad $SD,QDD damage, Alexandria has not a suifloient number of houses to meet the demand, St. Thomas will hereafter ,celebrate Labor Day as its Civic holiday. A sunflower, 42 inches in diameter, is exhibited by a Luoan gardener. An Essex farmer will realize $3,000 from a 20 -acro water melon patch; The Canada Life Insurance Company is opening a branch office in Chicago. The secand natural gas main between Kingsville and Detroit has been laid, Windsor is threatened with an outbreak of typhoid on account of bac! drainage. A Napanee farmer was swindled out of $200 by a stranger with a little tin box, Brantford will probably introduce a aoinmeecial form into its Public schools, An oil gusher just struck at Union, South Essex, yields 5,000,000 feet a day. Idrs, Mills, North Yarmouth, aged 108, is the oldest person in Western Ontario. In British Columbia this season 18,000,- 00e poand tins of salmon have been can- ned. The new line between Welland and !Hamilton will be in operation by Christ mac. Tho Synod of Ontario gets $16,000 by tho death of Mrs, Katie Gainfor8, of Pres- cott. • The Lake Erie railway route from Ridgetown to St. Thomas is being sur- veyed. Hamilton business men who have failed to register their partnershipwill be prose- cuted Tho skeleton of an Indian girl who died 70 years ago, was unearthed at London lest week. Five lives have been lost by prairie fires at St Vital, Elm Creek and St. Charles, Manitoba. The G.T.R. will build a 150,00 gallon tank at Kingston for cattle passing through on trains, The contract for the construction of a lighthouse at Cabot Head, Georgian Bay, has been awarded. Montreal is still without means to legally meet its obligations, and increased taxation is likely to follow. An unusually heavy crop of . beech nuts this year indicates, according to an old saying, a very cold winter. Over 580 patients have been admitted to the London Hospital within the last year, of which 560 were discharged, Chief Justice Strong of the Supreme Court has been granted four months' leave of absence on ,account of illness. One day last week 19 Barrie merchants lined up before the Police Magistrate, charged with obstructing sidewalks. Joseph Deacon, of Dresden. was poison- ed to death by an injection of stramonium leaves, commonly galled the thorn apple. A Stratford woman sued another for stealing her cat, and while the suit was in progress the cat came back from a jaunt.. Tho annual .general statement of the Mo]sons Bank shows the net profit for the year and above all expenses to be $222, 827. Early next spring the Brantford Musical Society will give a grand festival with 500 in the chorus and soloists from New York. The London Tpyographical Union has resolved to fine any member $1 who pat- ronises a Chinaman, and 52 for a second offence. Swedenborg's complete works, in 32 handsomely bound volumes, have been presented to the Brockville Mechanics' In- stitute. On account of the many delegates to the Hamilton conference of the Methodist church there is trouble to find a place of mooting. Tho Government is being urged to put a tax on natural gas, which is being piped into the United States, it is said, in large gtiiultibies. Italy is willing to negotiate a treaty of commerce with Canada en the lines of the Franco -Canadian treaty, which gods into effect this week. The Hamilton receiver has received 23,076 as its percentage on receipts of $11,388 for the quarter ending September 26, and 81,517 for mileage. The competition of Canadian cheese in the English market is so keen that the agricultural papers are writing very pes- simistic articles on the subject. Quo warranto proceedings were taken on Friday to. unseat Mayor Villeneuve, of Montreal, for his alleged interest in a firm now supplying, lumber to the city., Mr. Thomas Bennett, a highly -respected farmer of the township of Oxford, died very slide illy of heart disease in Wood - stack Sal .n day. Ho was 68 years of age. Mr. john Wilkins, Ravensworth, has in..his possession a work on the life of Christ which was written by Jeremy Taylor,.and which is nearly 200 years of age. Every couple married in the town of Thorold, village of Morritton, and town- ships of Stamford and Thorold during the balance of 1895, will receive the Thor- old Post for one year. The sale of a consignment of Canadian Salmon has boon prohibited in London, on tho ground that the fish was bull trout. Sir Charles Tupper and experts aro inves- tigating the question, Deposits In the Dominion Government' savings hanks during August amounted to $314,088. There was withdrawn the suns of $257,862, leaving on deposit at the end of the month 217,706,021. The Banque,dn Peuple, Montreal, has obtained judgreent in the Court of Appeal for $14,688 against the town of Ibervllle, for money advanced. The town sought to evade paymnent on the plea that their borrt,wing the money had boon ultra virus. 1 the The British Govml meat resent to t T o p library of the University of 'Manitoba a full set of the reports of the"Challenger Expedition." This splendid gift consists of fifty largo regal quarto volulnes, of Which the pttbltsheci Drilla: Is upwards of $600. The fineness of the General iiospital tat laings ton show a deficit of $3,060 this year azul the authorities have issued a oireular asking for a consensus of opinion, regard. big the ourtailtnent of the salary' of the superintendent, as in the ease of thosu- perintenftont of nurses. 'Newfoundland's revenue for the quar- ter rending September amounted to $315,- 700, ova. $100,000 greiater than the previ- otis quarter, but $32,3100 less than the cor- responding quarter of last year, before the oonlmoroittl crash. On Saturday afternoon two neighbors. named Parker and Johnson, who live near Tweet!, Oiht , quarrelled, The former club- bed the latter with the butt of a gun, in- flicting a terrible wound, Parker is now guarding himself with twb rifles, and vows he will shoot the first man who in- terferes with him, Premier (areanway has announced that the Manitoba Government will demand compensation either in cash or lands for 35,337 acres of swamp land which Mr, T, M. Daly, Minister of the Interior, says it is impossible to transfer from the Federal to the local authorities, They have been disposed of in other manners,. The Toronto City Council, at its regular meeting Monday, agreed to pay Massie Paulin, Sorley & Martin the sum of $6,- 250, and to place the not issue of 2750,000 worth of bonds in the hands of that firm, as a settlement of the firm's claim for breach of agreement by the pity in not placing the issue of the last block or bonds in their hands. UNITED STA.T.ISS. Sixty thousand acres of lance are devot- ed'to celery growing in the United States, Del Puente says that the only thing wrong ,r, aibcut American audiences is that they do not smoke through tho perform - The price of steel rails has gone up in Cleveland owing to the choked condition of the eastern mills. There is a heavy de- mand, Minnesota has a variety of wolves which so closely rosomblc the Siberian wolf that many people believe they came from that Country. The Mississippi is at its lowest point at St. Louis in the memory of the oldest in- habitant, and navigation is practically s uspended. United States Ambassador Bayard has promised to deliver the annulsl address in the autumn to the Edinburgh Philosophi- cal Society, A mall in Pennsylvania won $ DO by y drinking m quart of whisky in an hour and a halt. The money was used for funeral expenses. Wheat growers in the Northw esthave, in response to a secret circular, formed an organization for the purpose of `advancing the price of wheat. The Popo has written a letter to the Catholic hierarchy of America, condemn - leg religious congresses such as were held recently at Chicago and Toronto. The vegetarian restaurant that was opened in West •23rd street, New York, last winter, has been closed up en account of a lack of sufTiolont patronage to pay ex- penses. Instead of 5,000,000 ' boxes of oranges, which is Florida's usual crop, only 100,- 000 boxes will be shipped. These will come chiefly from the Manatee region on the Gulf of Mexioo. ' The Superintendent • of Insurance in Springfield, Ill., on Saturday granted a li- cense to do business in Illinois to the Su- preme Court of the Independent Oiler of -Forrestors, of Toronto. It is understood that the postal officials in Washington have asked the Dominion Government for permission to run United States mail cars with clerks on board through Canadian territory, and they are sanguine that the permission will bo grant- ed. FOREIGN The Queen is at r3alittoral and out driv- ing every afternoon. • England bas sent an ultimatum to the King of Ashantee, accused of violating treaty obligations. A strict enquiry is to be made into the rumored ill-treatment of the Armenians under arrest at Constantinople. The Jackson-farinsworth polar expedi- tion party has arrived safely at Bergen, in Norway, from Franz-Josefland. A lawyer has been arrested at Constan- inople for posting a letter from the Liber- al Committee to Lord Salisbur,r. The engagement of Lady Randolph Churchill to a distinguished ofl'loer of the British army is rumored in London. The British battleship 'Victorious was launched at Chatham on Saturday. It has a fifteen thousand tons displacement. The death of Makololo, ono of Living - stone's followers in Africa, is reported in London. He left only 45 widows to mourn him. Dr, Gunther, the well-known head of the Department of Zoology in the British Musetun, lias been retired owing to age regulations, The Liverpool Post claims to have found the head of Oiiver'Cromwell in the possession of the iVilkeson family, of Seal- chart, Dent. John L W. Mackay, jr., was killed in Paris on Friday by being thrown from his horse. He was the eldest son of Millionaire Mackay, of Sian Francisco. It is state in official circles that Enlgand intends to land troops on some part of Turkish territoryif the Armenian r P orms aro not honorably executed. English argrioultural papers aro pub- lishing pessimistic articles, because of the keenness of the competition of Canadian cheese in the English market. Tho British court has received the worst advices concerning the Czarewitch, who is the victim of consumption. It is not ex- pected that he will survive tho Winter. Tho Governor of Goa,Portuguese India, has cabled to the Minister of Marine in Lisbon that the Portuguese troops have joined the insurgents and were i.i,iaging the town and country. Sir Algernon Borthwatte proprietor of the London Morning Post; Baron Henry de Worms and Hon. Horace Curzon Plun- kett, members of the Imperial Parliament have boon raised to the peerage, In view of the many reports in circula- tion regarding the attitude of Groat Brit- ain towards Venezuela, the following ofii� tial announcement was made 10 Loddon Monday r --"In consequence of Venezuela not offering an apology or reparation for tiro Uran incident, the Marquis of Salis- bury has taken steps to inform her ass to what reparation Groat Britain 'require The doamnent 15 ''iouehod in forcible terms,, sand points out that Groat Britain will not permit Venezuela to overstep the boundaries marked by the courses at the rivers (;iiyuni and Amman, but is will- ing,' that the question of the other disput- ed territory should be siebirlitted toarbit- retial.'' Mare Dear sir there lives near Iatten, A Matt. 1110y call ''Adore "; And he watts Some sis+endid verses, They are geed, 1 do declare: sc His Dream" about the rai.way, I really think its titre, For its full of !rash wit, And it shhles in eveay line, But, his verses on Elora, And upon Inc flativL land, nave. a certain ring about them, That I thick is really grand. ' 1Vhen first I read those verses, A. mist mine o'er my eyes, For I lived uport f_itand !.liver, I clean I lived close by, Aud I'1n fond of reacting verses, But its seldom 1 declare, 1•h at I meet with any verses, Like those verses of "Adage" Nc xt slimmer when out camping, You can toll him 1 intend,. For to meet hint et Lalte Huron. At that place he calls Grand 13rnal. And I Fend thisinvittoo, Tliat',i if it don't annoy, He will spend a week at Brighton, With a friend, 110111ed James McCoy. "B'Hee hnnrnoou 1'eolille," As Abraham Lincolu called them, do uoG care C0 argue about their ailments. VX'hat they want is a medicine that will cure them. 'The simple honest state- ment, "1 know that Hood's Sarsaparilla cured hue," is the best argument in favor of this medicine, and this is what many thousands voluntarily say. Hood's Pills are the best after-dinner pills, assist digestion, dire headache. 25. The groat secretin fancy butter -making, says a dairy writer, is a studied purpose to keep all foreign substances out of the milk, cream and butter, and have only original material from start to finish and fancy butter results. The New York Experiment Station has boon making some practical tests with cows, as to the amount of water they drank. It was found . that during lacta- tion, or the milk -giving period, the aver - ago ago per month was 1,660 pounds. ITEMS OF INTEREST. The skeleton alone of an average whale twenty -live wei 1;•h a tons. The newest thing out In London's world of swelclom is a hand -painted shirt front. A Dundee, Scotland, man is working on a flying machine that is built on the bicyclo plan. Five cent telegrams will bo tried in Ltaly. The government is also trying to have the tariff with other European coun- tries reduced. Here is a curious state of faots revealed in a New York court record: A man who testifies in court that he made a for.' tune from the manufacture of religious and other tracts is suing another in court for diverting a portion of it, with which they were to speculate in whisky on joint account. WORTH FINDING. Two men recently found in a Missis- sippi river sandbar a hulk of a wrecked steamer containing 100 barrels of whisky. It had been ripening since bete' de'wah, and was in fine fettle. Two boys in Muskegon, Mich., recently found SOWS in . gold under an old pine stump and the town is in high hopes of becoming stumpless. Years ago a queer old fellow in Powderiy. Texas, borrowed an iron kettle of a neighbor. Soon after, he died in his house. There were many searches for the kettle, which was at last found, with $3,- 000 in it Ill some old buildings at Jay Bridge, :lie., was f"und 22,500 in government bonds but a little time ago. eFasbions may come, and fashions may go, but the diamond furor abates not. The sllrcrkhug little stone holds its fascination as of yore, and maiutaius its high value. In A nettled society it is the custom to tr,ke a partner for only one round of a dance. By this means ladies and gentle - melt change partners five or six times in a single dance. To be photographed while you doze in a corner of your pew at church is one of the latest terrors. The kodak has made its way into the pulpit. An Irish. clergyman the other Sunday during the service took a snap shot of his congregation. London, Huron and Bruce. TIME TABLE. GOING NOR depart......... Centralia EXETER Itensall 7tippen Brucefield Clinton Lo n desboro Blyth Belgrave Wingh am' arrive. ..... GOING Souris— Wingham., depart Belgrave Blyth Lona esboro Clinton lire ,efleld Kippen klensall TSETBit Centralia Passenger. 8.05 A ad 4.30 r 9.07 5A7 9.92 6.00 9.87 615 944 6,90 9.52 6.28 10.12 6.5.5 10.29 7.14 10.88 7.23 10.52 7 37 11.10 8.00 Passenger 5.85Au 3.25rM 6.50 3.47 7.03 4.01 710 CO3 7.30 4.28 7.49 448 7.57 4,53 8.06 4.58 8.25 5.12 8.40 5.23 HASTINGS, 8 Proprietor ey THE CENTRAL BARBER SHOP. HAIRCUTTING, SHAMPOOING and HAIRCUTTING. Ladies' and Children's Haircutting a specialty. A. HAITSINGS, Fanson's Block. GiI��EY 0 SON Are showing special line for the next two weeks in PARLOR TABLES,' MUM POLES, ARO NCH 11,91151MS, S. GrIDLEY & SO 9 ODD FELLOW'S Spotlit O u AN O SLEEP Ut CHURCH F YOU'VE ciOT ABAD COUCI. II A quick � l' U 1 for An Obsri nee tvLfU{3)11 11iC� tloAYseness Of roncbiris -�•EGO BDille 251 _SHE J- 3P,CKACHE Feely Bore. ache& with mu cuIar Paula.'aiid }jab jue put' fatal' Bani8heroF Bachachei5 2.16E MiE0101- PltigElt 3, i1aI acnr+in-, Point au Chene, writes: Neth-. 'up; boxer for Lune Back and Lumbago Mouths D. & 1.. lientiaol Plaster. .A. E. Siacl,rav writes from Windsor: "Thep. & L. Menthol Plaster is caring Sore Backs anti Rheumatism at a great rate in this vicinity, 25e. each in air -tight tin box. The Bic PE avast KINS HANDLED R3' rr'tr` S AND ART AGENTS FOlt BICYCLES, SEWING MACHiNES ORGANS, ETC. The Brantford won —289 first prizes, —143 second " 88 third " and holds nearly every Championship from the Atlantis to the Pacific. Perkins & Martine -mss..,.,.,.'..,. EXETER #R PACKI H ROUSE. NHS WANTED FOR DELIVERY EVERY MONDAY A. M. As we are killing hogs regular we are prepared to fill crocks or pails with new lard. PRICE LIST:— Tender loin 9 cents per 311 Spare ribs 2 `° Roast pork . 10 Lard an crocks 11 Hams, smoked 12 Backs a 11 B. Bacon " 12 ` Clear Bacon 9 to 10 Spiced roll 10 " ^c Pigs feet 15 " per dolt THE EXETER PACKING HOME E 0. Sr ELL.. — Prop. tt at .o " cL 4L 4, a as art tri 4C K us-4rr •;srr^r.:au ..3: - ;uv, .,, x +.o.. :,,::,.,.. with a colicy baby or a colicy stomach s isn't pleatiant. tither Can be avaidcda by keeping a bottle of Perry Davis' Pate of! T R on the medicine Ci7e le 1f: It is invaluable insudden attacks of Cramps, t. Cholera Morbus, Dysentery and Diarritcca. Snit :AA valuable for all cxternel pains, Il,,... ten am;—C)nntiC;,e•�nonfuh In a bu1P alnv� er watelr or Mai Clvarrn tf convetii<>:1t).