The Exeter Advocate, 1895-10-18, Page 5Ware, Mass..
He glad Hp Disease
Seven Running Sores -Three
Months in the Hospital
Took Hood's Sarsaparilla -Cave Up
His Cr -
utohes Par'T®ctly Weil.
"C. I, Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.:
"Dear Sirs:-aI gladly state what Hood's
Sarsaparilla has done for our boy. About
six years ago he fell down the cellar
stairs. He did not seam to be Hauch hurt
at the time, but two or three weeks after,
he began to have pains in his right knee
so badly that we called a doctor and he
Termed the Trouble Rheumatism,
but his treatment did not seem to do the
boy any good. He kept eomplaining more
and we had several doctors treat him, but
theydid him nogood,0
and his trouble
continued to grow worse. He became so
lame that he could not walk. A prominent
thysician in Boston was consulted and he
ermed the ai;liction contraction of the
muscles. His treatment also failed. As
his leg began to cramp up besides paining
him severely in his knee, we took the boy
to New York where he was examined by
two physicians, and they pronounced it
A Case of Hip Disease.
We had a brace made to keep the leg from
cramping, and upon the doctor's advice
we again took him to Boston, this time to
the Children's Hospital, He was there
three months during which time they
made an operation on his leg and did all
they could for him but theyydid not effect
a cure. When we l,rou ht himhome had
seven running sores on his leg. He could
not put his foot on the ground. At last
00 95 Sarsa-
parilla a;rsa-
1 '9piq 'ptG9°illa
we were advised to
give Rood's Sarsapa-
rilla a trial. This was "tel,>.r r
about & year ago. The boy seemed to gain
after the first bottle and today he can
walk, nm and playas lively as any boy, the
sores having all, healed up, and he is
The Picture of Health.
He goes to school daily without the aid of
crutches. I hope Hood's Sarsaparilla may
be of as much benefit to others." Jona*
C. Borns, 45 Water St., Ware, Mars. .,
Uood'S Pills act harmoniously with
DRUGTv 1,l
Those who hav used
Winan's Cough balsam pro-
nounce it unequalled as a
remedy for coughs, colds,
and brochetic troubles.
Winan's condition and
cough powders for horses,
the best in the market, al-
ways on hand; also Aceto-
benefacto and Liniment, the
medicine so successfully
used by iVlr. Chas. Munroe,
Parkhill, in this and other
towns, in treating and cur-
ing various diseases. For
sate here,
C- L U T Z, Druggist,
Tie PcoM
Main St., - - - Exeter.
Tweeds and Worsteds.
I have a complete line
of samples of all the latest
designs and patterns in
English, 'Scotch, Canad-
ian and American Tweeds.
Trouserings, Suitings, Coatings,
file Sweetheart Relates iSoverel I•;,steatee
*is.recreller Cou4uet..
Beauharnois, Que.,Oct. 14 -(Slee-.
ciai,a--The principal witness in the
Shortis case to -day ryas ATiss Mitite
Anderson, the prisoner's sweetheart.
Her der-ieanor was unlet and self-Pea-
sessed, and slie answered the questions
Put to her irz .a clear voice and a thor-
oughly Collected manner, During the
recitation of her evidence She never
once cast her eyes towards the prison-.
er's dock, and the pirsoner, for his
part, manifested net the slightest sign
of Interest in what was going on, bat,
sat back, unconcerned, as usual. with
eyes staring intently at the ceiling. In
the course of the evidence she said :-
" X noticed peculiar and strange ac-
tions about the young man from the:
first time that X met him. The more I
got to know him the more X became
'convinced that he was strange. Yes,
he pointed revolvers at mein our par-
lor, but I thought it was all in tun. Re
used to get very angry at little things
and walk up and down the room and
rave. Re often asked us to draw the
oi. rtains on the windows, as he was
afraid of someone looking in. When
told that he was mistaken he insisted
that he could hear people .walking
about and talking on the veranda.
Mr. •,
Shortis,'' she went on, "was at our
house an the night of the tragedy, and
made the same statements on this oc-
casion as I have Just mentioned. My
brother Jack was present, and Mr.
Shortis asked him to go out and look
around the house and make sure that
no one was there. When Jack return-
ed and stated that no one was outside
Mr. Shortis would not believe, and ac-
companied my brother on another in-
vestigation. He 'would not go out,
ing all the windows and doors locked.
though, until
I gave him a
When he returned he insisted on hay -
That night I intended to accompany
Mr. Shortis to a party at Miss ]i wart's..
residing at Melocheville, near Beau -
h r
a noir Canal. It wasa birthday
party, and Mr. Shortis was anxious to
go, and said that he would get a good
covered carriage for the occasion. 1
did not go because I had a bad cold.
One 'night, while I was walking home
from the skating rink with a young.
man named MactVicar, Shortis, who
was walking a short distance behind
us, drew a revolver and fired a number
of shots. On the night of the tragedy
Mr. Shortis carne to our house at 7
o'clock in the evening. He was very
angry and excited, which he said was
due to having bad a row
with a man named Parker
In Valleyfield over ' an item that
appeared In a newspaper. He
complained of terrible pains In his
head. My brother got something which
we had in the house for that com-
plaint, but Mr. Shortis said that when
he was troubled with pains in his head
nothing did him any good. He held
his head continually during his stay
that evening. After a while he asked
me to play on the piano ; nothing seem-
ed to please him, though."
Mr. J. R. Mackay of Montreal gave
,evidence regarding a number of Shor-
tis' eccentric actions.
A Dutton Nan Claims Fifty Acres of Land
in the Business Center of Nen• Torlr.
St. Thomas, Oct. 12. -(Special.) -Mr.
W. M. Hill of Dutton was in the city
to -clay en route to Buffalo, to take legal
proceedings to secure possesion of fifty-
one acres of the business centre of New
York City, of which he and a number
of others claim to be the legal heirs.
His grandfather, it is claimed, owned
fifty-one acres on Manhattan Island.
which he leased to a dockage company.
Business blocks were afterwards erect-
ed on this laud, and the estate is naw
eaid to be worth $21,000,000.
Only four cases are entered for the
Non -jury Assizes, which
Tuesday, before Ivir. Justice Street,
Mrs. Olivia Lyon died at Aylmer yes-
terday, aged S2 years. She was the
mother of Mr. E. Lyon, ex -Warden of
Drowned While Dock-Shotting.
Galt, Oct. 14. -Mr. Robert Lamb of
Messrs. Caldwell &esLamb, proprietors
of the Central Hotel here, was drown-
ed in Puslinch Lake this afternoon
while out duck -shooting. Mr. Lamb
was an enthusiastic sportsman and a
member of the Galt Gun Club. De-
ceased was unmarried,
Latest Canadian Notes.
The man Mason, who assaulted Con-
ductor tallier, has escaped from jail in
Hon. Mr. Laurier's meeting at Mer-
rickviile was highly satisfactory in all
An interim Injunction has been issu-
ed to prevent the sale of $40,000 worth
of bonds of the Brantford Electric
Power Company.
lip to midnight the Lindsay relief
fund amounted to 8833 25 in cash, be-
sides which many donations of cloth-
ing, etc., had been received.
Mr. L. .T. Seargeant, the present Gen-
eral Manager of the Grand Trunk, will
take a seat at the London Board. as
Canadian adviser; at his present sal-
butter -There are more large rolls Coring
in now. They are In demand (incl are quoted
at tae to Die. Choice dairy tub is rather
scarce and wanted ; the best sells at lt;e to
17e. Medium is not we nted.
Eggs -The receipts are moderate, but the
demand is small owing to the advance. Lo-
cal dealers are getting lac to 15%e.
.Potatoes -The receipts are Hoorn i, there is
a moderate demand and the market is steady.
Cars on the track lure are (meted at 255c.
Po o' out of store sell at 25e.
offerings are fair, there is a
^^00d denarui and the market is steady at
Re to Oc for turkeys, 50e to 60e for ducks, 5c
to 0e for geese and BSc to 50c for Chickens.
Baled Hay -Is in fair demand and steady.
Cars on the t1acl, here are quoted at $12 50.
Baled Straw -Ls in moderate dernaud and
the market is steady at $5 50 to $0,
Dressed IIc a There were none received
ou the street market here to -day. Prices are
nominal at $5 to $5 25.
L'��RJI17213' siaR 13iT.
The receipts of grain on the street market
here to -day were large; prices were steady.
Wheat -Steady, 400 be of reel and white
selling at 00c to 671e, and•150 bu of goose
at 55e to 56e.
Peas -Steady, -200 bu selling et 51e.
Flay and Straw -The receipts were small
and the inn rket was steady, 10 loads of hay
selling at $16 to $16 50, and one load of straw
at $12.
Dressed floes -There were none received;
prices are nominal and uuebaaged at e5 to
$5 25.
WVdteat, white ;$ 00 to$, 071
do red
00 to 67 /zj
do goose .. 55 to 56
Peas ...... .. Eli to 00
Barky 43 to as
Oats, new 28 to gift
I tart10 00 to. 16 50
Stcaw, buuclicd , i2 b0 tc
(10 (000 o50 to 700
Eggs, new ?:tin 18 to 00
eater, lb roils 18 to 20
do tubs, dairy13 to 14
Chi nit ens 40 to 60
lamas 500to 70
Turkeys 0 to 10
Potatoes 25 to rl0
Dressed hoes. ...... a5 00 to • 5 25
Reel, foretpitirters ., sl 00 to d Oo.
Beef, hindquarters , 7 '00 to ti 00
Lamb ti 01) Co U 50
Mutton6 O,i ie 00
'4'eul,r,ttcrift 7 00 to S00
Paige's Celery Compound
Peculiarly. Adapted t o Regu_.
late the System and give
Her Strengths.
The following paragraph from
medical journal published on this con
ttuont demands our serious attention
It reads thus:-"I1`is safe to 'say tha
more than one-half the revenue of th
physicians of the world is derive
from the treatment of females. No
once if the diagonsois correct; not once
in fifty is the treatment successful to
the patient.
Why is it that the editor makes such
a statement in his editorial in regard
to the sufferings of women ? Because
the spirit of the times affects them .is
much as it does the men -more, for
their nervous systems are more deli,
crate and sensitive. There is a cause
for every evil, and in the school -room
we can usu 1
al 'n th
find s t
8 starting ,
y polio;
g p
of the headaches, backaches and wo
manly ills which are growing so alarm
ingly common. Whdn the great change
from childhood to womanhood is in pro-
gress, the girl as crowded, pushed, over-
worked to keep up with her studies.
Add to this the severe anxiety. and
worry which attend examinations. and
when the school life is over her health
is seriously deranged.
After school -days what comes ? Are
not the duties of women as wearing as
those of n,en? Even mode. Social,
household, often business cares, must
oe assumed, which all lend a hand in
bringing those belicate nerves into an
irrated weakened, unstrung condition.
Is it to be wondered at that the sense-
tive organs, covered by a network of
nerves, are deranged, and that life :be-
comes one long dreary road of sufferiug
without an escape or turn.
raine's Celery Compound, that great
medical discovery, be used. Soon yonr
nerves 'will be strong and vigorous,
and the nutrition, digestion and especi-
ally womanly functions willibe natural
and regular. Rosy cheeks, sparkling
eyes, a beautiful figure, all the fresh-
ness and beauty of youth will follow
the health giving influence of Paine's
Celery Compound. When youlare ner-
vous, weak, tired, cannot sleep have
headaches, or any of the nameless ills
which so many women suffer in silence
use Paine,s Celery Compound, and it
will restore to you the greatest bless-
ing of life -health.. .
Tuckersrnitie Mrs. George Nott was
awarded 25 prizes for ladies' work and
3 for fruit at the Mitchell show. Mrs.
Nutt takes the lead as a prize winner.
Hensa13: Mr. W. R. Hodgtn's dos;
followed a rig out into the country. on
Tuesday and while out Pontius Pilate
got in his work in good shape. He
first tackled a couple of sheep killing
one and badly wounding another and
would have done more damage had he
not been driven away by a' couple of
men. On his way home he ate the
tail off a cow. There seems to be no
limit to the possibilities for mischief
possessed by this vicious brute,
Goderich: A good story is being
told at the expense of a young man
of the town, His watch had not
been eondaicting itself in a satisfactory
manner, and he handed it to a young
watch -maker. with instructions to put
the timepiece to rights. .Half an hour
later it was banded back to him, and
it ticked merrily, when, in reply to the
query, "How mush?" the young watch-
maker said 'Fifty cents." Whed the
half -dollar had been ' banded over the
owner of the watch was informed that
his " ticker" had only run down; and
now his friends offer to wind his watch
for him for a quarter.
Wingham: While Mr. J. A. Ring,
was driving home from Gorrie one
night last week, he had an unpleasant
and somewhat startling experience.
As he was approaching a swamp, a
particularly lonely part of the road, he
heard a than shout from a field as if in
distress. The man came running to,
ward him, and when near the road
fireda shot, s,
t the
bulletP as5in
g uncom-
fortably e•'ose to him. Mr. King kept
On, driyi eve somewhat slowly fora short
distance, fearing further molestation,
then drove at a rapid rate for home,
Such ,incidents are calculated to in •
crease the "sale of fire -axons, as with.
such characters in the neighbor hood it
is unsafe for a person to be on the road
after dark.
Kirktom On. Saturday aright last
week, Rev. Cooper, Episcopal minister
was stricken with paralysis and has lain
at death's door ever since. He has not
been feeling in the best of health for
some days. After retiring he rollers out
of hid and Mrs. Cooper being unable to
rouse him thought he was in a lit and
hurridly called in a neighbor who at
once saw it was a paralytic stroke. The
right side is completely powerless, the
power of speech gone and very little ino•
tion in the left side, white be is ancon-
scions part of the time. There is little
if any hope of recovery. Mrs. Cooper
and family of Tittle children have the
deep sympathy of the whole commun-
ity. Rev. Mr. Cooper only came to
Kirkton circuit a few months ago from
Tara where he had been pastor for 28
years. He is about 59 years of age
and has a fatmly of mall ellUdren.
13y grace alone we aro saved, but it is
e,�ilielerat grana. -United Presbyter}an,
thelohar aoterogfoouarrthenghtaen Humane
"Why Art thou east down, 0 my soul?,"
God remains the same. His promise is,
unchanged, • His help is still almighty.
It is not enough for the disciple of
Christ to do no harm, to his fellowmen;
he must do them good, -United Presby-
The 'tau who dons not honor his.
mother aux not bo trusted to honor the
mother of his ohildreu,-young Men'a
"It is bettor to do well than to say
Wo11,pSays the epigram; but it is bettor
still both to do and say well. -Standard,
God doesn't tell the unconverted man
MO he is a sinner, but turns on the light
and shows him that he is ono. -Ram's
ort your own freedom if you will,
but assert it modestly and quietly, re-
spectingothers as you wish to be respect-
ed yourself.-.-h'ro ude,
The Gospel is more than. a call; it is an
announcomont that God has oracle peace
by the blood of Christ in the atonement.
Will you accept it at His hand? -
The man who is always talking about
the great things he has done for the
ohuroli could be slipped out of this world
and a peacock slipped in his place with-
out anybody noticing the difference. -
Young Men's Era,
The man who loves whisky always bates
Christ. -Ram's
Dr, Parker calls the saloon the "street -
corner god of London."
Tho annual drink bill of Cleveland, 0.,
is said to 0 1
� 000 000.
The liquor traffic must be ended, be
cans° it can not be mended. -Rev. Jos.
If the road to the pit didn't begin in
respectability it couldn't end in ruin. -
Ram's Horn.
Tho influence of alcohol is Hover to
stimulate life -growth, but always to lin-
der and depress it. -J. J, Ridge, M.D.
What a young man earns in the day
time Boos into his pocket, but what he
spends in the evening goes into his char-
acter, --Dr. T. L. Cuyler,
The Brewers' Journal states that Eng-
lish syndicates have x'91,000,000 'invested
in American breweries, the dividend on
which, at nine per omit last year, was
$8,190,000, and was paid in gold.
The board of °seise of Ithaca, the seat
of Cornell university, has refused all ap-
plications for renewal of licenses to sell
liquor in that town. Licenses were given
to the drug stores.
Tho river Rhine flows at throe times
the rate of the Thames.
The crown worn by Queen Victoria
weighs forty ounces.
The population of the Gorman empire
is increasing at the sato of 500,000 a year.
The heaviest of the foreign woods are
the pomegranate and the lignin's vitae,
and the lightest is cork.,
Up to the present time the Necropolis
company, the biggest undertakers in Eng-
laud,have buried 126,000 bodies.
The long-distance telephone between
Paris and London has over two hundred
calls a day. At the rate of two dollars for
each•;ranll it pays. -
In all, it has been estimated that 7 over
two million acres aro devoted to the main-
tenance of deer in Scotland, and that
about five thousand stags aro annually
In 1861 the cold was so -severe in eastern
Europe that packs of starving wolves "en-
tered Vienna, and all the canals of Von -
ice were' frozen, and the principal mouth
of the Nile was blocked with floating ice
for a week.
All officers in the Austro-Hungarian
cavalry must hereafter learn telegraphy.
In time of war Prance puts 370 out of
every 1,000 of her population in the field;
Germany, 31; Russia, 21.
Some of the ocean steamers are so con-
structed that they can be converted into
armed cruisers in thirty hours.
The Russian War Office has clecidod to
use henceforth exclusively grey horses for
artillery purposes. the reason given for
the innovation being that animals of this
color have been found by experience to be
stronger and more enduring than the
brown onus now used.
The terror inspired by the Japanese
armies in the east is greatly enhanced by
the fact that they make no noise. They
march' with no bands, no drums beat re-
veille or tattoo, and in action the Japan-
ese utter no cheers. The officers have a
code of signals by whistling that serves to
direct the movements of the troops.
If the world wore a whispering gallery,
1t is hard to say whether one would ex-
perience the more concern about the
things he spoke or the things he heard.
The roan of tact and courtesy will not
talk above the head of his less gifted
friend. It is easier for the one to come
down than for the other to climb.
.she robes of humility i ty often deceive;
and the shoe -maker's downcast look may
indicate simply a wish to find out how
long the wayfarer -ma go without order-
ing a now pair of shoos.
. Conscience flourishes best on continuous
hard service, and should not be allowed
to take a holiday for a single afternoon.
Since a man's thoughts must bo his
lifelong' companions, ho should strive to
keep thorn bright and agreeable.
It is bettor to represent the big end of a
short pedigree than the fine point of a
long ono•
Where money makes the roan it uses
It is Host to impossible to wound a
How often we pay a ruinous price for
41 o hrogrotful recolleeticn of a fleeting
Heel Napoleon acted wisely before Mos-
cow he need riot have sought oonsulation
in talking wisdom after Waterloo.
Debt is the devil's doptLty.
It always seems easy for others to do
Difernnee of opinion is the motive
power of progress..
1i otv have the time to both do and say
11uo average aftor•dinnor speech. will
ecplain to you the meaning of the
phras4, "'poo full for utterance."
l,S GAIitjD BY '1'liE. tISE Q4'
These wonderful Dyes save thousands of
dollars annually to happy homes in Canada.
At this season, olcl, faded and soiled dreSSCS,
capes, jackets, and mens' and boys' suits can
be re -dyed, and made to look as well as new,
at a cost of ten cents.
Diamond Dyes are the easiest to use ; they
are the brightest, strongest and, most durable,
Ask for the "Diamond";; refuse all others
.Direction Book' and sanrales el colored cloths
free; address
WELLS: & RICI5ARDSOx Co, Montreal P. Q.
Lines on the death of Mrs. Craven
and h
eI son r h eGtiiivr
J nofM '�
cated to Mrs h'aalder, Lee and Amos
When I think of a dear loving mother,
And of her affection and ave;
And our kind and affectionate brother,
Who are now in the Mansion above.
When I think of the Mansions in glory,
This thought like a flash of the brain;
That some day tate friends gone before me,
I shall see them in Heaven again,
When I thinit of thefriends of my childhood,
The dear ones who have now passed away,
Are they like the flowers of the wild -wood,
Only born to bloom and decay?
Oh I no, there is life everlasting,
And it's promised to all who believe,
If we have only the faith to receiye it,
May the Lord give us faith to receive.
It is a most wonderful promise,
From a wonderful Saviour it came,
He ptromised t0 give for the asking
What ever you ask in His name.
Then is it not well worth the asking,
W nen time in eterni y bL-nds,
For to ask for a life everlasting,
And to spend it along with your friends.
Tho ignoraat are never defeated in any
A woman with a throe -inch tongue can
slay a giant.
Patience is the rope of advancement in
all lines of life.
With a mote in the eye ono cannot see
the Himalayas.
Everybody has eight oyes for his neigh•
bog's business.
When the sense of shame is lost, ad-
yancement ceases.
Genius hears one individual and then
comprehends ton.
Negligence looks• at the battle -field, then
makes its arrows.
A woman without jealousy is like a
ball without elasticity.
The fish which escapes from the hoof:
seems always the largest.
Who steals goods is called a thief; who
steals dominions„ a ruler.
Seeking information is a moment's
shame; but not to learn is surely a last.
Dia You Ever Think
That you can't be well unless you have
pure rich blood ? If you are weak, tired,
languid, and all run down, it is because
pour blood is impovereished and lacks
vitality. These troubles may be over-
come by Hood's Sarsaparilla because
Hood's Sarsaparilla makes pure rich
blood. It is in fact the great blood
Hood's Pills cure liver ills, constipa-
tion, biliousness, ,jaundice, sick head
ache, indigestion.
London, Huron and Bruce.
GOING-NORTE- Passenger.
London, depart 8.05 A ar 4.30 r Df
Centralia a 5.47
,EXETER 9.22ni 6.0
Flensall... 0.37 6150
liippen 0,20
T3ruceileld 9.
Clinton 10.1288 6.556.23
Londesbo10.20 7,14'
131,vth 110.38 ...,..,. 7.23
Beigrave. 10.52 7.37
Wingham arrive 11.10 8.00
Croiu'rn- Passenger
Wingitam, depart
br c e$eld
4.35AIf 3.25rof
6.60 3.47
7.03 4.01
7.10 4.08
7.30 4.28
7.49 4.4
• 7.571
Hewitt806 4.58
EXETER 8.25 ate,
°entraiie 8.40 5.23
?lid A S 9 I RIC S,
8 ----Proprietor oy
and Children's Haircuttinga specialty,
HAITSTNGS, Fanson's Block,
Are showing special line
for the next two weeksin
i F '
it `.
PICTURE I�thU�...����C
With a cough; cot!',ot'
sore throat. Use a
remedy that relieves
AN„E�i from the start, soothes
and heals the inffaased
tissues of the larynx or
-s" bronchial. tubes.
is a certain remedy hosed on a clear know-
ledge of the diseases it was created Si*
Joiln5;,9ot Che { lieu eaati jM
artd mu, cuIar �,
Paint a`gaitt ey?�,r'y
Whytlef" '1111.1
Medial Pleeer,
one, ilcured
like maq]e..
For along time I" suffered with Ithannatirleask
the Back so severely that I could not evens
straight. My wife advised a D. & L. Meaydltil
Plaster. I tried it and was Boon going abontall
right. $�C HtIPTE11, Sweeta Corm.
Price 25c.
The Brantford won
-239 first prizes,
-143 second •;
88 third
and holds nearly every
Championship from lam
Atlantic to the PacdIa,
Perkins & Martin,
PA.0 I S
As we are killing hogs regular we
t crocks
o fill c oats ori3
pa s with
new lard.
Tender loin 9 cent
Spare ribs 2 "
Roast pork 10 "
Lard In crocks 11 a
Hams, smoked 12 '<
Backs a 11
B. Bacon °' 12 it
Clear Bacon 9 to 11)
Spiced roll 10 "
Pigs feet 15 " per slam
per $h
C. SNELL, Prop,.
)„ Se LI'$)
and Burns areo0
s thed at once nc tizith.
Pere avid'
It takes otit the fire, reduces the iu$am
oration, and prevents blistering. It
the quickest and most effectual telnedy
pain that is known. Keep it by you.