The Exeter Advocate, 1895-10-18, Page 2Subscribers who do not reach r. their papers
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The Week's CentMeroial Slimmlary..
The United States wheat crop for 1895
is estimated. at 450 to 455 million bushels,.
The world's visible supply of wheat has
increased 8,814,000 bushels the past
The' inspector's report of the Banque
du Peuple reveals a much better state of
affairs .than anticipated.
It is predicted by an eminent authority,
Gieseeker, that the European sugar crop
will be 1,200,000 tons short of the aver -
The amount of wheat on passage to
Europe is now only 24,2.0,000 bushels as
compared. with 20,820,000 bushels at the
corresponding date of last year.
The visible supply of grain in the
United States and Canada increased
1,083,000 bushels the past week, and the
total is now 10,7(18,000 bushels as com-
pared with 71,427,000 a year ago and
ti0,498,000 two years ago.
The value of farm lands in Ontario is
placed at $587,240,117 in 1894, as com-
pared with ,$004664,361 in 1893, and
1054,793,025 in 1883. Buildings total up
$204,071,560 in 1894, as against $800,189;
888 in 1893, sacs $168,081),075 in 1888.
Canadian Pacific has shown remark-
able strength the past week, with sales
as high as 05 in London. The net earn-
ings of the road show an increase of
$7'2,181 for August, and an increase of
$4u8,478 for the eight months of the year.
There were 1,011 cheese factories in
operation in Ontario in 1894, showing an
increase of 114 in the year. The amount
of cheese made was 97,284,547 pounds,
the market value of which was $9,441,-
9,441;247. In 1898 there were 897 factories,
whose output was 80.166.719 pounds of
cheese, valued at $8,888,709.
Conditions in the anthracite coal trade
have further improved this week. Thi;
has been due both to a more con.seetative
stand. taken by a number of the leading
companies and to the droqght in the
mining regions, which has restricted p• e-
duction to about ons' -half capacity. Deal-
ers continued to buy coal for stock some-
what freely, and the producing companies
predicted a further advance in price
about October i, It is an open secret
in the trade that Lackawanna and -Dela-
ware & Hudson will take the initiative
in. an advance of 25 cents per ton, which
will bring the actual selling imide: of coal
up to the official circular of $:i.:i r per
ton, alongside. Large amount of coal
are still under contract for deliver- at
low prices, but the trade has now taken
a firm stand against future sales. Coal
for the western markets was this week
advanced 50 cents per ton by all the NSW
'York companies, taking effect im-
Our commercial reports from the 1"atit-
ed States indicate little; if any. change
general business during the week eist
passed. Fine and settles strath r hos
improved trade in several lines. and in-
creased the outlook for a good fall trade.
In spite of the upward tendency fee, some
time past in values prices of meeclian-
dise, as a rule, are lower than ayear
ago, though advances have been con-
siderable in cotton goods, boots and
shoes, steel ant iron, and a few other
lines. No advance of consequence oc-
Burred in wool, and food products aro
generally cheaper. Damage from recent
frost end storms is inconsiderable. The
adverse features are a lighter demand in.
staple lines on the Pacific coast, a slight
reaction in trade in Baltimore, and a
check in the upward tendency of prices
in iron and steel. However, mereautile
collections are reporters as improving,
especially in the South. The commercial
failures are 207 in the United States,
'compared with 219 a year ago, and 40 in
Canada, against 11 for the corresponding
week last year.
0 -sever ie epidemic at Renfrew,
Tpylirild fever prevails at Uxbridge.
Pelmerstim is to have eleobrto lighting,
Burk's Falls bas not an empty house.
The tax rate at Palmerston is :24 mills.
Tent caterpillars are epidemic this sea -
St•.Catharines has a. typhoid fever scare.
A Moaford man sells biopsies at $40
Potato rot has appeared. in Nortli M1d-
Partridges are said to be plentiful this
Delhi is the lowest taxed village in On•
Owen Sound is to have a beet sugar far -
A new Masonic: lodge is being organized
in Sarnia.
All umnuzzled dogs in Tilbury town-
ship aro killed.
Hebert has a head of oats containing
115 grains.
The Brantford. Athletic Club has been
The opera house at St, Thomas is to be
A large summer hotel is to be built at
One fifth of Kingston's
debt interest.
.A. fine oil well has been
sea, Oxford county.
Many burglaries are reported from the
country sections.
Bradford's old drill shed and grounds
have been sold.
taxes goes for
found in Mer -
A report by Dr. Dawson states that
there are a milion and a quarter of square
Miles of territory yet to be explored in the
A boy testified at the Winnipeg Polios
Court that his aunt, Catharine Douglass,
had burned htra with a. hot poker as pun-
ishment for stealing,
The toll roads commission held two ses-
sions at St, Thomas and took a large
amount of evidence in regard to the Lou'
don and Port Stanley gravel road,
The appointment of Mr. W. B. Scarth,
of Winnipeg, to the position of Deputy
Minister of Agriculture will beoflioially
announced in a few days. bar. Soarth's
salary will be $8,200.
A black serpent six feet nine inches in
length was killed in the Otonabee river,
at Rosa's bridge, theother day. It was
perfectly scaleless and not unlike a com-
mon black snake except in size.
The Ant empowering the Speaker of the
Senate to have a deputy has been brought
into force by proclamation, legislation
having been adopted by the Imperial Par-
liament making it constitutional.
Joseph Deacon died suddenly at Dres-
den, Ont., from the effects of ammonium.
He infused the pod and seed, andmade a
very strong decoction, the effect of which
was fatal. Au inquest will be held,
Dr. Oronliyatokha gives notice on be-
half of the Independent Order of Forrestcrs
that application will be made at the next
session of parliament to increase the mor•
tuary benefits from three to five thousand
On Saturday evening Mr. Edward
Fletaher,whilo using the Canadian Pacific
railway track to walk home from Bramp-
ton, was instantly killed by the down
train, which completely severed his head
from the body.
Mr. David Smith, an aged resident of
Marlbank, while driving home from the
village was thrown from his rig. His
spine was broken, and he lived only a few
hours. Three men have been killed on the
road within a year.
The statements of revenue and expendi-
ture for the fiscal year ended June 30,
and for the first three months of the our -
Hamilton boys steal lead pipe and metal rent fiosal year, show that there is a sur•
it down for sale. plus of receipts on account of the oonsoli-
Woodstock, N.B., has decided to abolish dated fund over expenditure.
the ward system.
Although the December option in
wheat shows but a slight gain. there is a
strong tone in spot quotations. The gain
wasstarted by the scarcity of speculative
-offerings and the evident desire to retain
supplies by all holders. This apparent
faith -throughout the market started a
sharp turn upward without the aid of
any important crop or foreign news.
fiuppore was added later by the decreas-
ed receipts and a healthy export demand.
Exports from Russia were reported 25
!per cent. lighter than for the previous
week, but a mistaken despatch from the
Corn Trade News placed the world's
shipment for last week at 9,004.000
bushels, or nearly two million bushels
larger than the earlier statement, which
tended to weaken the firm tone. Consul
Judd has iesited his statement of the
world's wheat condition, and reports a
light crop throughout Europe and in
India. But he predicts the Russian and
Canadian yield niiusually heavy. Mr.
Judd estimates the requirements of Eng-
land alone at 214,000,000 bushels. The
•official statement of the yield in France
places the crop at 328.017,902 bushels,
which equals the previous three years'
Hon. Mr. Foster now rides a bicycle to There is danger in neglecting a cold.
his office daily. Many who have died of consumption
A South Harwich farmer has more than dated their troubles from exposure, fol- .
100 acres in bean& lowed by a cold which 'settled on their
Recently a Montreal Board of Trade seat lungs, and in a short time they were
was sold for $3,300. beyond the dell of the best physician.
A large curling and skating rink is Had they used Bickie's Anti-Consunip-
being built at Godericlu.
tree Syrup, before it was too late, their
lives would have been spared. This
Tilsonbnrg prides itself on the beauty medicine has no equal fur caring coughs,
of its new bank building. colds and all affections of the throat and
An attempt was recently made to rob lungs.
Despaired of by All Her Friends, and rim
(lase 1'.roaougiced Iiolt+acss by Doctors.
Miss ABole Patterson. or Saekeine, ie. Ise
was *teetered to Perfect stealth.
EI3'RAPS ho was a
oynio, but some
one has said that
in this age thtro
are no healthe wo-
men. Let us be
generous and die-
oontit the state-
ment. The age
has many women,
strong and noble
physically, as they
160 are mentally and
morally; but it is true nevertheless, that
a largo percentage of the women of the
country suffer from nervousness and gen-
eral debility They drag out a weary ex-
lstenee, and each day is a day of pain and
et -awing. This was the case with Miss
Annie Patterson., of eaokvllle, N.B., a
lady widely known in those parts. She
was weak, and showed symptosis of enter-
ing a decline, Slie suffered terribly from
indigestion and nervousness. Having.
tried practically all sorts of remedies, and
called in the assistance of the cleverest
physicians, and, 'these doing her no good,
she was influenced by some ono, somehow,
to try South American Nervine. Of
oourse, it was like hoping against hope-
another patent medicine. But she had
taken only one bottle when her system be-
gan to take on the health of earliest years,
and after using three bottles she was com-
pletely cured.
No wonder she is strong in her oonvic-
tion that there is no remedy like South
American Nervine,
This remedy is a remarkable health
builder, it removes disease, strengthens the
nerves, and puts on flesh. Miss Patter -
son's case is only one of thousands that
have been chronicled in these columns at
different times.
] •
the Courtright post -oil
A Muskoka fanner has a pea with four
vines intend of one.
ee Wallace farmer haat a stalk of corn
measuring 12 feet 2 inches.
A Leamington man refused 85,000 cash
for 25 acres of peach land.
Last year Chatham spent $1e3,899 on
buildings and pubic, works.
The Public schools of Brantford have
the noon recess from 1.e to e.
Here and There.
A waning moon—the honeymoon.
The black sheep never has to flock
half the wickedness in the world is gos-
sip started by good people.
'Women are born kleptomaniacs. Many
.of thein even steal hearts.
So the Sultan of Morocco is seriously
111. , Is his wife nursing him ?
The stoker on an. Atlantic liner earns
hie bread by the sweat of his brow.
Arms and ammunition for the Cuban
insurgents are being collected in Chicago.
Major-General Nelson A. Miles has been
appointed commander of the United States
P. S. Christianson, Danish Vice -Consul
for Minnesota, shot himself through the
heart at Rush City yesterday.
The New York Chamber of Commerce
Norway Island, Muskoka, has been favors the issue of 811,000,000, bonds for
bought by a Chicago citizen. improving the state canals.
The daily lessons in the Port Dover All the mills and much other property
Church are read by a layman.
Brantford will stop unnecessary loco-
motive whistling there at nights.
The London and Pori` Stanley will build
a steel bridge at et. Thomas.
Victoria, .B. C., has all milk inspected
that is supplied to consumers.
The Whitby Gazette has just celebrated
its 35th birthday anniversary.
The Patrons of Industry will soon issue
a new paper, to be called the Era.
The level of Lake leiron is two inches
lower than it was two years ago. •
The new College of the Discpiles of Christ
has been opened at St. Thomas.
A London cider maker is charged with
having too much alcohol in his eider.
After a man has gone with a girl two
years he should be made to marry her.
The wise man is he who asks a great
deal of advice awl takes a very little of
Only moles and worms want the earth,
and they, being blind, do not know any
It was 'a poet who, when out of spirits,
said he felt as blue as his sweetheart's
fit -=hen a man asks fora woman's hakes,
]ie liould not forget to ask for her heart
with it,
There is one thing to the `.recut of the
devil ; he never at any time ds.l businees
in his *ito's name. ,
Tar and A: ie Grease Stains,
A. well-known chemist furnishes the
soliowing as worthy of trial in removing
the stains of tar, axle grease, etc., from
For white cottons and linens, use soap,
oil of turpentine and water, each applied
in turn.
. For colored cottons and woollens, first
finear the stained portion with lard, rub
with soap and water and let it stand a
short time. Then wash with oil of tur-
pentine and water alternately.
The same treatment should be followed
with silk goods, using benzine instead of
turpentine, and dropping the water from
a certain height on the under side of the
stain. Avoid rubbing.
at Warren, R. I , were destroyed by fire. ,
The loss will reach $1,000,000.
Gen. O. M. Poe, who has had charge of
the 20 -foot channel project through the '
groat lakes and their connections, died. at
Burglars oominitted robbery, murder
and arson at St. Louis, Mo. Jacob Gold-
man, the proprietor of ;a restaurant, was
the victim.
Senator Mahone has not recovered the
use of the organs of speech, but retains
sufficient consciousness to recogiiize those
about him. His family are present.
James Cassidy, a night watchman,
and probably fatally injured James Mc-
Donald, who accused him of causing his She Had Been 'There.
discharge from work on the Siegel, Cooper ' The house had been aroused by a
The Indians had a great camp meeting & Co.'s new building. burglar. Mr. Jones saw a man with a
at French Bay Road, Cray county. While Secretary Olney refuses to make mash going through the pockets of his
any statement regarding the action of the ' pantaloons, and, as quick as thought, he
$hot at hien, the intruder malting good
his escape.
Pale and Emaciated, Subjeet to Savoie
Headaehoe, She Was Thought to be
Going into a Deeiine--Now the Pic-
ture of Resettle and Beauty.
From the Riohibuoto N.B., Review.
There aro very few People, especially
among the, agriculturists of Kent County,
N.B., who do not know Mr.. H. H, War -
men, the popular agent for agricultural
machinery, of Molus River. A Review
representative was in conversation with
Mr. Warman recently when the subject
of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills was incident-
ally toughed upon. Mr. Warman said he
was a staunch be'lever in their curative
porperties, and to justify his opinion he
related the cure of his sister, Miss Jessie
Warman aged 15, who l,e said had been
"almost wrested from the grave by Dr.
li'i Illams' Pint; Pills." Miss 'Warman had,
been suffering for nearly a year with
troubles ineiclent to girlhood. She suffer -
'she Test of Time.
.A. pleasing feature of the past week
has been the largo number of inquiries
which have conte to the Toronto office of
the Lakelaurst Institute for information
respecting their famous treatment for
alcoholism. Not less gratifying is the
constantly increasing accessions to the
ranks of those who have found the long -
sought -for relief from the horrible night-
mare of strong drink, and have become
free men, all traces of their servile bond-
age gone. With wonderful unanimity
these now speak of the benefits received.
Not one leaves the Institute uncured,
and not one has the faintest doubt about
his cure. They all feel it and know it.
Many say to us : t ` I thought that when
I should leave Oakville it would require
an effort of the will. to avoid a saloon or
say 'No !' to an invitation to have a
drink ; but, instead of that, I have al-
most forgotten the taste of whiskey, and
can hardly realize that I was! once a
slave to it." To all such the benefit re-
ceived is good for a lifetime. Our earliest
patients say that after nearly four years
they find the same perfect freedom from
the old appetite. Toronto office, 28, Bank
of Commerce Building.
A Stratford man will spend 23 moat hs
in the Central for stealing a bicycle.
The provincial ploughing match will
take place at Owen Sound October 23.
The debt on the old Port Dover railroad
debentures, St. T'hoinas, has been paid.
Non-resident pupils are admitted to the
Sarnia Collegiate Institute without fees.
The Nanaiuno Y.M.C.A.ondecl last year
with a balance of 1e cents in the treasury.
The combined ages of six old men at a
St. Thomas birthday party was 490 years.
A pear tree on a North Pelhahn farm is
150 years old, and has borne fruit 50 years.
Renfrew's rate for Protestants this year
is 22 1-2 mills and for. Catholics :35 1-5
A woman and a dog were seen the other
day driving a herd of cattle through Lis-
Judge Fitzgerald, of Thunder Bay, has
been gazetted as revising officer for West
In many parts of Ontario there is a
good second crop of tame and wild rasp-
Preparations for the winter's lumbering
are going forward briskly in northern On-
Ten persons in Stratford the other day,
ate toadstools for mushrooms, and suffer-
ed accordingly.
A. Barrie cornstalk is on exhibition
remeasuring l.° feet 1 inch in length, and it
has good corn on it.
Twenty-five citizens of Sandwich re-
cently stepped up and paid fines for not
having their dogs licensed.
A mail hag stolen at Guelph eight years
ago was found in the chimney of the City
Hall there yesterday.
Kingston's assessable property has in-
creased $75,770 and population increased
147, being now 17,9555.
It cost a Dundee hotelkeoper nearly $30
to sell liquor to a Ivan whose wife had
notified hien not to do so. '
The skeleton of a nhild, supposed to
have been buried 40 years ago, was dug up
at Preston the other day,
The butchers of Smith's Falls want
their license fees abolished or fanners pre-
vented from selling `neat on the market.
In the Deseronto cedar mill 1,000 rail-
road ties, 20,000 to 2,7,000 feet of lumber
and 70,000' to 80,000 shingles, are manu-
factured every day.
Mr. Smith, of Winnipeg, has declined
the appointment of Deputy Minister of
Agriculture, It Is thought Me. Scarth will
receive the appointment.
In drawing the water off the flume of
the Arnprior grist Inill,a heals of 85 silver
Skin eels' was discovered, measuring' from
three to four feet in length.
United States towards Great Britain nn
the Venezuelan question. it is ascertained
that no ultimatum has been sent from ' "Why," asked Mrs. Jones, thoroughly
Washington. : awake, 'what did you sears me for?"
I saw a man robbing my pockets and
The Attorney -General of the United I fired at him."
States has been informed that a saloon :,«ell, he didn't got anytliin g," said
keeper has moved a post marking the she. complacently.
boundary between that country and Can- ,How do yon know?"
ada in Northern New York abort ten foot "Oh, I tried 'em myself before I came
into the United States territory for the to bed,"
purpose of confusing the excise officers.
Spelled It WStb An "E."
"I wouldn't have believed that fellow
so ignorant."
"Why, he's a collegiate, like yourself.,
old man. I never heard him called,
ignorant before."
-Well, 1 got a note from him this.
morning and he spells `ninety' with an
4ei Ib
There never was, one 'never wti'1'be, to
universal panacea, in one remedy, for all.
ills towhich flesh is heir—the very
nature of many curatives being such that
were the germs of other and differently
seated diseases rooted in the systems if
the patient —what would relieve. one 1
in turn would aggravate the other. We•
have, however, m Quinine Wine, when
obtainable in a sound unadulterated, state
a remedy for many and grevious ills. By
its gradual and: judicious use, the frailest
systems are led, into convalescence and
strength, by the influence which Quinine.
exerts on Nature's own restoratives. It.
relieves the drooping spirits of those with
whom a chronic state of morbid despond-
ency and _ lack of interest in life is a,
disease, and, by tranquilizing the nerves,.
disposes to sound and refreshing sleep—
imparts vigor to the action of the blood,
which, being stimulated, courses through-
out the veins, strengthening the healthy
animal functions of the system, thereby -
making activity a necessary result,
strengthening the frame, and giving life
to the digestive organs, which naturally
demand increased substance—result, im-
proved appetite. Northrop & Lyman of
Toronto, have given to the pubis` their
superior Quinine Wine at the usual rate,
and, gaged by the opinions of scientists,
this wine approaches nearest perfection of
any in the market. All druggists sell it.
A.deiitist. owes much of his good for- to his pull.
A Picture of Health and Activity."
ed from severe and almost constant head-
aches dizziness, heart palpitation, and was
pale and boodless, and eventually became
so weak and emaciated that, her parents
thought that she was in consumption,and
had all but given up hope of her recovery.
Her father, Mr. Richard Warman, who is
a well -to no farmer, spared no expense to
procure relief for the poor sufferer. The
best available medical advice was em-
ployed, but no relief came, and although
the parents were almost in despair, they
still strove to find the means of restoring
their loved one to health. Mr. Waman,
like everybody else who roads the news
papers, heard. of the many marvellous
cures effected by the use of Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills, 'out like some others, looked
upon these stories as "mere patent medi-
cine advertisements." However, as every-
thing else had failed he determined that
Pink Pills should be given a trial, with a
result n ss marvellous than that of many
other ca related through the press. Dr.
William Pink Pills have completely
cured the young lady, so that in a few
months from a helpless and supposedly
dying girl, she has become a picture of
health and activity. The Warman family
is so well known in this part of the county
that no ono would think of disputing any
statement made by any of its members.
Mr.H.H. Warman, on account of his busi-
ness as salesman for agricultural machin-
ery, is personally acquainted with nearly
everybody in the county, and we feel as-
sured that any enquiries made of him con-
cerning the statements made above will
be readily answered.
The gratifying results following the use
of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, in the case of
Miss Warman, prove that they are un-
equalled as a blood builder and nerve
tonic. In the case of young girls who aro
pale or sallow, listless, troubled with a
fluttering or palpitation of the heart, weak
and easily tired, no time should be lost in
taking a course of Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills, which will speedily enrich the blood
and bring a rosy glow of health to the
cheeks. They are a specific for troubles
peculiar to females, such as suppressions,
irregularities, and all forms of weakness.
In men they effect a radical cure in all
oases arising from mental worry, ' over-
work, or excesses of whatever nature.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are manufac-
tured by the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Ont., and Schenectady, N.Y.,
and are sold in boxes (never in loose form
by the dozen or hundred) at 50 cents a
box, or six boxes for 82.50, and may be
had of all druggists or direct by mail from
Dr.Williams' Medicine Company at either
Diplomatic correspondence, it is said, He Has `Cried It.—Mr. rosin Ander-
has been exchanged between (treat BritainHe
writes: "I venture to say
and. the United States in which Great ,
Britain has been warned that unless she few, if any, have received greater benefit
submits the Venezuela question to arbit- from the use of Dr. Thomas' 7+.clectrsc
ration within 90 days the United States : Oil, than L have.. I have used it regi-
will act upon its own views of the dispute laxly for over ten years, and have recom-
and enforce the Monroe doctrine. mended it to all sufferers I knew of, and
they also found it of great virtue in cases
of severe bronchitis and incipient con-
Fagged Out.—None but those who have
become fagged out,know what a de-
pressed, miserable thing it is, All
strength is none, and .
taken hold. of the sufferers. They feel as
though there is nothing to live fox.
There. however, i5 a cure --one box. of
Pai'melee's Vegetable Pills will do Won-
ders in restoring health and strength.
Mandrake and dandelion are two of the
articles entering into the composition of
Parmelee's Pills.
leo Hese
Frost and snow have visited Britain,
The sterni on the British coast is , in-
China offers satisfaction to Germany fur
the destruction of the Swatow mission.
The 'British Foreign Office is again dis-
cussing the Canadian -French treaty.
The prevalence of icebergs in the Atlan-
tic and Pacific oceans is becoming seri-
The British ship Blairgowrie, from
Vancouver, for Cape Town, has arrived at
Conception badly, disabled,
Constantinople is, in a state of alarm
over the Armenian riots, Over 500 arrests
have already been made.
A despatch to the Pall Mali Gazette says
that the report Of the International Com -
Mission of Itiiquiry Will show that the re-
ports of the Sassoiun Iitassaces were great-
lv exaggerated.
A report froiu the headquarters of the
Cuban insurgents at Puerto Principe says
that a special commission has drafted a
constitution, that the Cuban Itepiiblic has
been proclaimed, and the President and
his Cabinet duly elected,
The French committee of the. Ottawa
Separate School Board has decided to se -
wee better text-books..15 has passed a re-
solution thanking the Minister of Sanwa
tion for the help and advice it hasreceived
from Inspector White
X±5iinan Sympathy.
"What has become of Miss Blank,
who was always such a favorite in your
'Her father failed some weeks aero,
and all they had Ives sold by auction."
"Poor thing."
"And now they have to live in a little
rented house clown town."
"What a change. How she must
b "Yes. She is so much changed that.
even her best friends would not recog-
nize her. .C' met her on the street to -day,
and did not recognize her at all, poor
thing !"
Take Notice.
I, Malcolm McBain, merchant taitor, 3-
Queen St. West, do certify that Dr. Car-
son's Stomach Bitters cured Inc of dill
pepsin, l believe it to be the best med-
cine for all Stomach and Liver troubles
At ail Druggists. Price 5oc.
A ;Hatter of Inheritance.
Tommy (inspecting himself in the look
ing-glass)•-•-Papa, there's a little mole on
the right side of my nose just like the
one Uncle acacias has on the right side
of his nose.' I mast have got that from
Tommy's father (with some bitterness)
---If you diel you're the only relative he
has that ever gat anything from him. -
His Inference.
The wife—Who isitthab says, "Beauty
unadorned is adorned the most?"
The husband—X don'tknosv,
The W --Well, it doesn't matter who
was the autlioar i it it true. I Crouch, )
The 1I- -I infer, then, yogi have Inado heloft the hall,
upyour mind to wear that new bathing the `cadets a ., went out
yougo loathing, into the night and t'lisc,ppeared, Ile
suit of yours When y g was navel' hese``. of atnaa`iii, analprbbab'ly
Peetoria. Peotoria. Peotocia.
Are you suffering from .cough or cold
on your lungs. Ask your druggist for
Pectoria,and take no other. just try and
see for yourself how soon Pectoris will
cure you. Send. to Allan & Co., 53 Front.
St., 'Toronto, Proprietors. 25 cents a bot-
is Delieiolis.
Sold Only In Lead Packets.
Tl?at LiAht
"Kathleen ltfavourneen."
There was nothing remarkable about
the composition of the words or of the
music of this well-worn song, but it,
neveh•theless, has connected with it a
bit of personal history that is 'w'orth the
telling. The words were written by
Mrs. Crawford, an Irish lady, who is
said to have died about 1855, and the
music was composed by 1'. W. N.
Crouch, an English musician, who had
much ability, but little balance. The
song was composed in Plymouth, .Eng-
land, and for the copyright Crouch re-
ceived £5 and thought himself very
lucky. He was extremely eccentric,
and marvelously improvident, two
facts that ill -fitted hien for business, so
nobody that knew him felt intheleast
surprised. when the cane to America in
1848, as first 'cello in the orchestra of
an Italian opera company, to hear that
he had fallen out with the manager,
had left the company and settled in
Portland, Me., as a teacher. Be did
not teach long, having little patience
with pupils and preferring to stroll
about, giving concerts wherever he
could get an audience. So generous
was he, as well as improvident, that on
one occasion, when aiding in a concert
for the benefit of a friend, finding the
receipts'very small, he increased them
to the extent of 810 by casting in the
last bill in his possession. Going from
bad to worse, he was finally reduced to
abject poverty, and was in this con
dition when Titiens made her first visit
to this country and sang in New Yoriz,
On the night of her first concert "Datil-
leen Mavournoen" was'advertised, and
a shabby tramp, by aiding to move the
effects of the company, managed to
Obtain admission to the stage. She
sang the melody with marked effect,
and as the notes rami from her lips
some one noticed that the tramp was
weeping. To attention ' was paid to
him, however, until after the great so-
prano had retiree. from. the stage, when
he approached hor and tendered, his
thanks for singing his song so beauti-
fully. t was C roux At t as close of
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