HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1895-10-11, Page 1ONTARIO y THURSDAY OCTOBER 10, 1
Hensatl Hay Sc
NA RIM( ESOAtE.—On Thursday last
while: Mr. Frank Marshall and Ohas.
Bossenberry were working around the
�:oof of Mr. W. Moore's new house the
:scaffolding gave away and precipitated
both to the ground, a distauce of forty-
' live feet, Mr. Bossenberry received a
I bad shaking -up and internal injuries
while Mr. Marshall, escaped with a few
slight bruises. It is surprising both
were not killed.
are lu.
for tram.,
long x,erio,.
and at mode..,
ere. &o. for ad ye,.
be made payable t
° Hunt, Rector. Sunday Serve,
and 7 p. int Sunday School am
for Adults, 3 p, m, Holy Comm ,•
Sunday of each month at morning,
MET0ODIST CUuROII--James-st, lt,
J'ACI>',SON Pastor.SundayServioes,10.8''
and 6.30 p.m. Sabbath School, 2.30 p.m,
MAIN STREET. Rev. II. W. Locke, Past-
or. Sunday Services, 10.30'a,m. and 6.30 part
Sabbath School 2,30 p. m.
PAFsli'fTERIA)\ OnrROn. Rev; W. Mar tin,
Pastor. Sunday Services, 11 a. m, and 6,30 p.
m. Sabbath School, 9.45 a.• in
�_ Profeiseronal Cards.
H. KINSMAN,L,D.S,'Ranson's
'-...r two doors north of Carling Store
MAIN ST, EXETER., extracts teeth
withoutain. Away at Parkhill every
Tuesday, Lucan every Wednesday andatZurich, on last. Thursday of each month.
cB. INGRAM, DEETIST,`Mem ber Royal
• College Dental Surgeons,successor to
L. Billings. Office over Post Office
eter, Ont. A safe anaesthetic given for
g painless extraction of teeth. Fine Gold
lines as required.
L . honors Graduate of the Toronto ,LTni-
rsitv andlloyial College of Dental Surgeons
of Ontario. Teeth extracted without pain. '
A111 modes of Dentistry up to date. O0ice ;
over Elliot Sr, Elliot's law office -opposite i
Central Hotel• Exeter. ...
y. Medical t
-tls moved, one, do or south.
x FI;OL: INS &1, A. AMOS.
Q 1 � e iftinees, same. as formerly
F n ' ; .'l�q,, t'ei]tin air,. building, Main St.
° ° a v Ia e A ing g�sforineri3 -north i
A o ' e-,�aaan a building. -south
0b .? st. 1898
A Ro11Us ;i ^r' r T A Aamos, .6I;D f
11 T, Pc' lite 1ili t�rEMMLrBER OF e
Lr the Colleg Cdr P ysneY; e:arid:Surgeons h
Ontario. Phy9Yoran, Sur go'n.snd .,couch=
our. OfEoe, Dashwood. Ont.' 1'
`i"eterinary:. ;•
41,%, V YY inayv Surgeon. (J railunte TO��,.
t'�Ir' residence at the old stand.; Office
bla kVI
East E. J. S acicm s
a stare. 1) n'i
n oho. ii a'
P 6
• OR, Conveyancer, Notary Public. R
Office -Over O'Neil's Bank, Exeter, Ontario,
Honey to Loan. H
• of Supreme 0ourt,:Notary Public, Con- e'
Office-Fanso is Block,`Exeter
-I_I Conveyancing, and Money to Loan ab
Lowest Raton of Interest, Branch office at
Rensallevery Thursday.
la BROWN1Winchelsea. Licensed.A net-
s 1 . lone(); for the Counties of Perth and
Middlesex, also for the township nfUsborne
Halos promptly attended to and terms rea-
son bat e.Salos arranged. at Post office. Win-
-TOXIN T. WESTOOTT, Exeter, Ontario,
U Auctioneer for the County of 13uron.
Special attention givento farms and farm
stock sales. Cllargos moderate. • Parties
contour plating having sales this 1'ta11 should
givhint a mall. For further psrtioulars,
apply y letter to Exeter P. 0. Orders left at
the AtwOOAPE Office, Exeter, will receive
prompt attention.
FICED. W. FAli,NCOMB, Provincial Land
. Surveyor and Civil Engineer. Office,
Oven,, oat Office, brain street, Exeter, Ont,
Main St.
• Exeter
Anchor, Allan, Allan State, Dominion,'
American. White Sear, and Cl•w'do Linos
to England, Ireland, Scotland, Germ any,
Franc . Cape Colony, Australia al,d
New Zealand.
Prepaid tickets issued to parties
wishing to send for their friends.
Lancashire London and I,anaasbirs,
V Northern, North British and Mercantile,
and .Pertb Mutual Fire Insurance Co's.
London and Lancashire Life Insur. Co,
London ti-nar ntoe and Accident Co
LOSVIISW RATISS. Capt, Gr'eo..Si,e•tiilyy
(Changed ovary Wednesday)
Wheat per bushel to 62 to 83'
Barley .. .,-... ......... 30 to •,•s
Oats ,..... 24
;1 to
Peas i •i., to -14
Bu��tyyter 14
Potatoes per bus15 to i°o
Hay per ton 6 ,50 to 1,00
Alsilec per bushel
..g,'i3OO to 335,40
6.00 toe 40
2.50 to 3 ':i
19 to 12
and i'w
ing frit
man} toy.,
Parkhill of
wars all that
exhibits good. It
people remain
night which see
other concerts, ace
A pleasant eyelli
Thursday of last wee
of Mr Dan Hagen when',.
yonng folks well equippe
and other,musical instr
possession by surprise to th
hostess and spent a lively <' ,
ill were satisfied to return lime.
rank Joiee, who' has spent l i
uer with Mr G Sherrttt, left p"
lay to visit his brother in Petro
o leaving for Manitoba.
Stephen Council.
'until met according to adjourn-
can the 7th test, all members pres-
-uutes of last meeting read and'
;he.rritt-Hicks that tenders
tip to 7 o'clock of the 16th
a•otlty, or H. Eilber for the.
portion of G. B. work.
be sent at H. Eilber's
outy's office. After
urs the council ad -
tin on the 20th No -
C. PROUTY, Clerk
ifs once more.-
'icking up a lit -
ch urch is being
the contractor,
ld when com-
the village. -
auction sale
Ring of• his
the village
w buggies
on the
.rt. We
i:. M.
a' of
The monthly •ieport of S. S. No
2, •
Hay, for Septemberis as follows. Names
are In' order of merit. 5th: -R, F.
Chapman, F. E. Ross. 4th: -Flora M.
Northcott, Nellie Gould, M. M. Bussell.
Sen.. 3rd: -Sarah J. Northcott,. 0. Gould,
E. O'Brien, Jun, 3rd: --Jessie G. Munn
B, E. O'Brien, J. R. O'Brien, Sen. 2nd
J. R. Northeott; l3. F. Johnston, Ethel
Northcott. Jun, 2nd: -Edward Gould,
Willie O'Brien, and part: -Luella
Munn, Louisa 0, Armstrong, Frankie
Northcott, 1st part: -J. R. Munn, John
Sutherby, Maggie Sutherby. The best
spellers in the monthly spelling matches
were, 5th -R, F. Chapman ; 4th -F. M.
Northcott; Sen. 8rc1-S. J. Northeott:
Jun. Srd-J, G. Munn; Sett. 2nd -J.
Northcott; Jun. 2nd -E. Gould; 2nd
part -R. F. Northeott; 1st part -John
Mrs, Crocker, of Exeter, is visiting at
W. R, Elliott's.--Building operations
are active in the yilIage.-The " beant
iful " eovere:i the ground thisWed-
nosday) morning with Ds white mantle.
-Mr. Jas, Delgaty, the principal of our
public shoot, attended the Teachers Con-
ventioo at Goderich last week, and was
elected president, -We have in our
midst a black thief, who commits his de-
predations in open daylight, but he
knows no better. The villagers call
hire "Mike "-The church anniversary
is to beheld next Sunday, when Rev.
J. E.Ford, of Lucan, wilt preach in the
morning and Rev. Locke of Exeter,
in the evening. No tea -meeting will
be held, but free will offerings will be
asked for on the Sabbath. --Mrs. Mary
Murley aged 64 years, relict of John
Murley, who died very suddenly in
this village thirteen months ago, pass
ed into rest on Monday last at the resi-
of her sou in-law, John Kellen, Fuller-
ton, A week before she received a
stroke of apoplexy from which she
never rallied, and when the unexpected
'vent happened it was a surprise to her
1 friends and neighbors here. Her
gins were interred on Tuesday in
'milt' plot, at the Eden grave yard,
e, near this place. She had
arm friends here who will say
her ashes,"
Miss Celia; Geddes, of London, is vis'
ting her brothers and other friends
here.-14Irs. Vasey and children, of Buf•
a lo, who were visiting that lady's par-
nts here have returned home, -Miss
laryPollock, ''who 'paid a few days'
isit to her sister, Mrs. John McMahon,
J;r , has.returned to her home at Brew -
W. H. Johnstone was last
eek't elllrese.nting,the Hensall Auxil
fit' i i a t the annual meeting of
ridoh4 n t ge. branch in 'St.
is as ,
� rt of th
audon Rea
eel: at teath6)A'
shoot " ` !�'?, ) ai'' fir•
, J.ti,.Ross ilea,1
e is a petting. !Male�aj#�yg
rwith plenty oean%1,tt,,, -off ,✓ 4
:pest success will craven
there. -Mr. and Mrs. Pta
Gillivray, spent a few dads,la�a'p°rs
the guests of their niece, Mrs. ]�v.
Cott. -Mr. Brickwork had a narrow':s
cape from being killed by a runaways
team of colts that he was driving for
Wm. Northcott last week. As it was
he was pretty badly shaken up and will
keep in the house for some days yet. -
Miss Eacrett, of Toledo, Alfred, William
and Mrs. W, Eaerett, of London, were
called home here on account of the
severe/illness of their sister, Miss Char..
tette who died on the m'lrning of the
28th ult., and was buried on Monday
the BOth. Her remains were followed
to their last resting place in the Exeter
cemetery by a large procession of
friends and neighbors. During the
last two years she had undergone a
number of operations for the removal
of tumors but ail to no avail. She was
a young lady of very amiable character
respected and admired by all who knew.
her. She had a bright; hope of seeing
the "King in his beauty."'
tors 1i`
phy ail
drafted cor "-
By Laws,lev`
above award,
Board of Het'
bered 4, 5, 0 and 7,
be as -
c 9(.dr <
per that the Collector b
collect 5°/, additional on.
'id on or before the 14th
n ber,,1895, and that a
end epnlrtng the same. t
e'l,brniidge that Che clerk'
ptetethe Collector's
time to the Collect
et flSth inst,-Carried
;' • he Reeve be in
Collector's bond
rr ie,Gardiner
evening of last week
of Holy Trinity
d by a large nunse
her congregations
hall, to wecorne
Thaw and wife
home from a
't,ngland and
v in Ireland
thaws boy--
had pre
e decor-
-, Mr.
At the Sem Annual Meeting
AL Goodly Gathering.' Prato: ever tire XII`
speetorate-t ome Cal►ital Papers
.Presented -Election or Officers
Notes and Coloroonttss,
The West Huron Teacher's Associa-
tion met in the Assembly room 9f the
Collegiate .Institute, pursuant to the
call of the Executive committee, Thurs.
day, Oct, 3, at 7.30 p m.
The President, Mr. J.13, Weatherhead
occupied the chair.
Inspector Tom opened the proceed-
ings with prayer.
The minutes of the last meeting at
Clinton were read and adopted.
The following committees were ap
pointed viz:
Audit -Messrs S. P. Boyd and J S.
Resolutions -Messrs, R. E. Brower,
Strang, Sheppard and Misses Halls and
Business -Messrs Tom, Halls and
Misses Martin and Curran gave an
excellent instrumental
The next part of the program was
the President's eTadress. Mr. Weather.
head chose for his subject, success in
teaching, and delivered a splendid ad-
dress which was listened to with at-
tention and was highly appreciated.
Hiss Bailey gave a well rendered
Solo, which was well received.
Inspector Tom took up book-keeping
dealing with the paper eet at the last
public school leaving examination,
Mk. Tom said that the pupils must
have the practical work, the sets should
be short, it is a mistake to have them
too long; pupils should be given exer-
cisesia ruling the different books used.
Mr. Belcher was then called on and
gave a splendid solo in his well know
style, after which tlfe subject of book
keeping was further discussed by Mes-
srs. Holman, Delgaty, Tom and Shep-
The Collegiate Institute glee club
rendered an excellent solo, and the as-
sociation, onimotion of 8. P. Halls, ad-
journed to meet at 9 o'clock a. m,
GODERICII, OCt. 4, 1895
The association met this morning'
persuant to adjournment, the President
in the chair.
Devotional exercises were conducted
by Mr, Delgaty,
The minutes of the evening session
were read and adopted..
The business committee reported the
order of business for the day. The re-
port being adopted, J. A. Gregory pro-
ceeded to discuss his method of teach-
ing physiology, dealing with circula-
tion, and illustrating his method with
blackbord drawings This lesson proved
very interesting and iustructiye, and
was further discussed by Messrs Del-
gaty, Halls, Sheppard and others.
IIr. Delgaty discussed his motion in
favor of holding only one session. of the
Institute yearly.
Mr. Delgaty did not press the matter
ver • st
lou 1
3 v•�
but .aim 1
b _ ,p y left it for the
teachers e s res
ant t
.H Its
seconded Mr. Delgaty's motion and
spoke in favor of its adoption.
T ouesti
q on was ably discussed by
'essrs, Boyd, Browa Sheppard, Strang,
etherhead, Tom and Baird.
Boyd, seconded by Mr Brown,
-an amendment that the Institute
'o meetings yearly, and that
ind Saturdays be the days se-
tsuch meetings
dment was adopted unan-
3er of business was a lit-
e Miss Charles, B. A.
ed was "The forced
"' one of the En -
d of teaching the
'reciated by the
^issue ` t
and ou..,-
Fiah Cree
said bridge has
ing to tender be a
drawn on the Treasu"e
partment of said ten'd�k, ,
$32,90 for repairing arpr,a; ^ r•,
said bridge. -Carried. Garde iL r
ter that the account of the Lon t i'
eral Hospital for attendanee and
ment of Frank Vail, amounting to $2 ..
50 be paid. -Carried that S. Cudmore
receive the sum of $2 and Jas: Frayne
$2.66 for lambs killed by dogs, being
two thirds value. -Carried. On motion
of W. Keddy, seconded by R. Gardiner
the council adjourned to meet Saturday
Nov. 2nd at 1 o'clock p. m.
GEO. W. HOLMAN, Clerk.
That double_ 'entry book-keeping•
should be substituted for single entry
in the P. S. L, course.
II. That the thanks of the association
be tendered to Misses Martin, Curran.,
Bailey, Andrews and Messrs Belcher
and Hemphill, also the Goderich Cone„
tate Institute glee club for their voea:
and instrumeutai selections .at last
night's meeting.
III. That the thanks of the eacaiieu
be tendered the trustees of the G. C. 1.
for the use of the assembly room Mir-
ing- the sessions of the asseciettere
Mr. Tom took up persepE cti t e draw-
ing, and gave the teachers much vain- .
able information on the teaching o€
this subject, The teachers being pro
vicied with the necessary material took
notes on Mr. Tom's lesson. Several sail:
the teachers discussed this subject.
Mr. Strang took up P. S. L, gram-
mar, dealing• with the examination
papers of 1895.
This lesson proved very instructive
and the teachers took much interest in
Dr. O'Hagen, 112, .A., a wail -kr own ex -
High School teacher, who was present
was called upon to address the Institut;
and did so in a telling manner, after
which he gave two readings in a
masterly fashion, much to the enjoy-
ment of those who had the privilege of
hearing him. He was accorded a
hearty vote of thanks at the close of
his splendid effort.
The Association thea adjourned
meat et the call of the executive .com-
GEo, W. Etcestae.
See,- Treaat±.
LEG BROKEN. -Mr, J. Andrew nate
rawly escaped fatal results from a run•
away accident on Friday last. He hsei
attached his team to a load of grain
and was mounting the load from the
tongue when the horses took fright
and ran away. Mr. Andrews mate
mined his dangerous position for abottt
a quarter of a mile, when he lost hie
footing and feel of. The wagon pass-
ed over him, breaking one leg and bad-
ly bruising the other behind the knee
joint. It will be some time before ,h
A good appetite and refreshing sleep
are essential to health and mind et
body. and these are given by Heat
Legal Notes •
The case of Mrs. Clark against S. bl
Edwards, Hugh Campbell and the town
of Mitchell was tried at Stratford last
week, instead of Goderich where it wast
tried in the winter. Plaintiff's hus-
band drove into a sand Rile on thereat"
in Mitchell and was killed, for which
plaintiff now saes the town. The per
ties, Campbell and Edwards, were ad -
del defendants, and the town of Mitch-
ell claims relief ewer against them. Ari
soon as the case was opened His. Lord ---
ship suggested that the parties shout€,
endeavor to settle the case among them-
selves. After two hours' conference
it was agreed that a verdict should be
entered against ain
st 142%
tch 1'
el for b S75 with-
out costs, and against Campbell. and
Edwards for F25 with costs. Mr Gar-
rey,C. for ar 1 '
Q.plaintiff; , p n ff, 112.. by les wort
for Mitchell; Mr. McPherson for Ed-
wards; M. C. Cameron, Q. C., for Camp-
The ease of Halliday ys, the township
of Stanley, tried at the Lansbton assiz-
es last week, resulted in a disagreement
of the jury. It was understood the.
jury steed five in favor of the plaintiif'
and seven for the township. The re-
sult is unfortunate for the plaintiff,'
Mrs. Halliday, who has undoubtedly
been crippled for life by the fall she re-
ceived. The majority of the jurors,
were however, of opinion that the ac-
cident was not due to any fault of the
township. The evidence of the medi-
cal men examined would rather indi-
cate that the plaintiffs injuries bad net
been properly treated immediately af-
ter the accident, and that the permaas-
e0t crippling was due more t0 that fact
than to tim nature of the injury,
DAVIS.-In. Exeter, on the lst inst., the
wife of Geo. Davis, of a son.
SMIT.u,-On the 28th lilt,, the wife o
Mr. R. Smith, McGillivray, of a
,-On the 2nd inst., the wife of
-ter H. Smith, Corbett of
his f ,
of his ho
ahead and t
et.y which.
g t in of we
as full
to much
t ei1 `'n tr(
d Baird high -
les on the
hers in
Bathing Suits'
On the contrary- are `tin it." Unlike other stocks
water don't hurt them, our suits are suitors. Call and
be suited at
JI H. CREIVE, Metchant
�" 11i01"a
Where you can get the best assort-
ed stock to pick from and the low-
prices quality considered,) We are
rushing off a lot of Summe, g oods
J. H. GE,EIVE, !:' enchant Tai I ol'.
Law Suits are N. G.,
during. court vacation.
these days. Come and get a bar-
gain. We must have rootn for fall
goods. Remember the place
Mr. e
charge of lee
absence; Mes°
also J. Ferguson
Those who mak
admirably are to b
on the eompletenes
manta, Miss Fox pla
ments to the vocal
Usual good style.
Wingham 'Mr. D.
ing for the Turnberry'
Society,•had a young man
Clegg, J. P., charged with
conduct in the show building'
the last day of the show, and
fusing to leave the building a
show was over. Several
were examined and the your
was fined S1 and costs. Mr, CIE
giving his decision, pointed out
exhibition, they must have
order forte society to carry
decorum, and that when the show-`
that no one but the members of the sp I'
deity who are exhibititng have an e
right, to remain in the building, an,
that all others who remain are ares.
pa users.