The Exeter Advocate, 1895-10-4, Page 4THE
Outer brorat,
THURSDAY, October 3rd 1899
\, a fatal blow at the hitherto. wonderful
prosperity of the country,
Conclusion. --If we are legislating for
the benefit of the people of other Goon-
tries, e'ree Trade is the proper thing
for that purpose. But if we are legis-
lating for Ganadat and her people then
Protection is what is required,
A Scheming Young Person.
Stratford, Oct, L—In. the Assizes to,
day the case. of Stacey vs. Michael, an
action for breach of promise of mar-
riage from Michael, was dismissed with
costs at the plaintiff's consent. Char,
lotte Stacey, whose home is near St.
Thomas, is a domestic, aged 29, who
alleged that R; Micheal seduced her.
under promise of marriage. At her
examination before the Master a few
days ago .she admitted that Michael
had never promised to marry het,' and
also that the child she claimed was his
was procured at the House of Refuge
in London, The sudden termination of
the ease created a sensation.
The Marl~ Lane Express Says: "We
rind in a most favored part of our best
,arable laud, that it is better to stay in
led and do nothing than to continue tq
grow corn at a loss. This has already*
caused farmers to work with 'diminish-
ed labor—a great hardship to the men
discharged and driven to seek other
employment—the men remaining have
tesaccept much lower wages. Many
.farmers havediminished their capital
and find return for years of toil to be
absolutely nil. Witb patient persever-
ance they have kept on hoping for bet-
ter times, But hope deferred maketh.
the heart sick and many will not con-
tinue to struggle much longer, With
the growing poverty of the occupiers
the land is getting impoverished. Much
of it must speedily eo out of cultivation.
2n fact already many thousands of
acres of land that had for centuries
peen good corn land is: thrown out of
'use and returned to prairie value, This
anuses utter ruin to many owners and
most serious reduction of income to all.
But for the capital engaged and cap-
able of being employed, more serious
lass would have been attained long ago.
What can be done to arrest this evil
and restore prosperity? Is there any
remedy? Probably no single remedy
Suffice. Protection is the most potent,
'but it
r must be of a type that bands
amen together, and not the mere fight-
ing of the cheaper produce of the for.
A self.evident truth is one w
needs but to be stated to be accep
by candid, unprejudiced minds.
hold the following to be self evident
First. -If the Canadian people p
obese from the United States ten
Eon dollars worth of goods, Can
get the goods and the United Sta
get the ten million dollars in cash,
ff we buy the same goods, from Ca
wean producers then Canada has b
the goods and themoney and is
million dollars better off than by
former transaction.
Second.—If the prodnction of th
goods in this country would give
-year's employment to twenty thousa
of our own people, then'buying
goods abroadewil1 leave twenty th
sand of our own people idle who mi,
have been employed bad we purchas
the goods at home, and if these twen
thousand people would have earned
an average $400 each, then we havi
destroyed their puchasing power, ha
seduced the demand for all goods in th
eountry and damaged our home ma
het to the extent of eight million
dollars, less what our people will bu
and give to these idle people as Chari
to keep them from starvation.
Fourth.—If such goods can be pr
a sewed and shipped into this count
nom. abroad cheaper than they can b
produced at home, then our people wi
surely buy from abroad, and there a
/eat two known ways of preventing i
one is by a tariff which will shut th
goods out of this market, the other i
the reduction of the cost of home pro
deletion. ion. And as the chief cost of pro
duction is wages, if such cost is reduc
td, to any appreciable extent it mus
• through a reduction of waa•es, whic
mat only impoverishes the laborer, bu
also every other person of whom th
hsborer is accustomed to purchase th
necessaries and the luxuries of life.
These truths cannot be denied. Bu
lin: presenting them to Free Traders w
are met with the answer, "Oh, but we
must increase our own . foreign trade
we must enlarges the foreign market
for our own productions."
We,know of but one way that thi
learr'fie accomplished to any appreci-
able extent. and that is by so reducing
wages in this country that we can
produce the goods at a cost which will
enable us to complete with all foreign
manufacturers and producers in the
markets of the world. And then sup-
pose it does happen that by allowing
ten million dollars worth of goods to
come into this country from abroad we
are thereby enabled to sell ten million
'dollars of our productions in foreign
markets,. which we could not otherwise
;'clave sold, whole will we have gained
aything ?
It is simply an exchange
e of our earn•
�zr�dities for a like amount of foreign
products. It is like taking `a dollar'
out of one pocket and putting it into
another, and to accdniplish this result
'acre- lav •
c reduced our working men to
Starvation wages, greatly damaged our
ed '
the u
nog poWer of our people', and thus strike
Alleged Fire -Bug• Discharged
John Williams, the colored man
charged with setting fire to the grain
warehouse of Stanley & Dight,' Lucan,
on the night of July 22nd last, was
placed on trial before Judge Edward
Elliott Wednesday afternoon. He was
discharged at the conclusion of the
testimony of the crown's first and chief
witness, Andrew Patton, a farmer, liv-
ing on con 2, McGillivray, andeeabout 4e.
miles from Lucan, Patton was in Lu•
can on the night of the fire, and as he
was passing the warehouse on the way
home, flames broke out in one corner of
the building. In the glare of the light
he said he positiyely identified Wil-
liams. On cross-examination, however
Patton said he sometimes got the worse
of liquor. He had a few drinks of whis•
keyon his visit sit to ,
Lueau and da
that he could not distinguish a man 80
rods away. Judge Elliot found the ac
cused not guilty without proceeding
further with the case, holding that Pat-
ton could easily have been mistaken at
the lace hour at which the fire occurred
The crown had several witnesses pres•
out to meet any attempt to prove an
alibi for Williams. Mr. James Magee,
crowu attorney prosecuted; Messrs. E.
Meredith and Dromgole for the defeuse.
House of Refuge
The House of Refuge committee met
in the Council Chamber, on Tuesday
and opened the tenders for supplies, of
which there were a large number.
Among others there were tenders from
T. Eaton & Co., Toronto, but the coin.mittee declinedto entertain them, be
cause written across them were the
words "Cash to accompany order." Iti
most instances, also, their quotations
were not as favorable as others. The
figuring on all the tenders was pretty
close. The following were the success-
ful applicants:—
Hardware, including stoves, 13 ten-
ders Harper & Lee, Goderich; Crockery,
7 tenders, 0. Cooper & Co., Clinton; Pur
niture, 4 tenders, J. C. Stevenson, Clin-
ton; Furnishings, such as coverlits,
blankets, sheets, &c„ 6 tenders. Muir &
Co, Exeter; Window blinds, 7 tenders,
70 blinds, J. C. Stephenson, Clinton;
Tinware, 9 tenders, J. H. Worsell God-
erich; Vegetables, J. Allanson, Clinton;
Meat, bread and groceries were devided
between Grocers, Cooper & Co, and J.
W. Irwin, Clinton. 72 iron enamelled
bedsteads with woven wire mattresses
have been purchased from the Central
Prison at $8 each. The beds are 3 feet
wide and 6 feet 8 inches long. The
question of electric lighting, incandes-
cent system, was discussed and laid
over for further consideration. About
50 tons of coal will be required to run
the furnace. It will cost $4.80 at the
House. The building will be completed
about Oct 15th and the date for recep-
tion of inmates about Nov, 1st. There
may be something done over a sort of
"opening ceremony" on the evening of
the first day of the County Council,
which c meets in Clinton on Thursday,
Dec, 5th. Blank forms have been sent
to all Municipal Clerks to be filled witb
names of inmates beingforwarded. Each
inmate is supposed to be supplied with
two changes of respectable clothing
and shoes before admission. They will
not be allowed to take bedding, but
may have a trunk or piece of furniture
such as a bureau or rocking chair, if
properly disenfected and cleaned. The
building will be connected with Clinton
by a telephone line. The Committee
visited the House of Refuge aad ar-
ranged as to drainage, cess -pool, and
eavtroughing on the barn. Reeve
Cook. of Howich, was absent from the
Committee, as he is visiting in Manito
The two upper flats have now put on
their habitable appearance, and the
stairs also are completed, The steam
fitters have placed the radiators, which
are of the latest style, fitted with Jen-
kin's Automatic Cup 'Valves. All of
the steam pipes in the basement will
have a covering of thick felt and can-
vas, There are in the rooms, etc.,
about 2000 super feet of radiator sur-
face. The boiler from Goderich is a
first-class piece of work, and sustains
the credit of the maker, A. S. Chrystal.
The plumbing fixtures are of modern
make, and of such as is to be found in
the new work in cities, As it is all open
rhe work can be inspected at any time
from top :o bottom. The painting is
well forward and the ,gradibg about
the building is progressing, . The ap-
proaehes to the barn are completed, and
the whole is getting into running or-
ofthe Lon-
don woad, is still in a very critical con
diticn, The attack of paralysis he had
prevents him from
taking' any
food, and liquids only by (Artificial'
The hueortant Events la%N.ew Words Fox
Ruse Reader?.
cAeta emir.
There are 4411 oonviotsat Kingston,
Parkhill's rate this year is 24 1-2 ii1ls,
Iilenheiin. wants to erect a 80,000 Town
The post-oflioe at Aldborough has been
Sarnia delights itsolf with sunflower
Brockville needs another wing to its asy-
Last year Brantford's population in-
creased 500.
Sixty thousand railway tits are piled at
A large fish eagle was reoently shot near
Police Magistrate Chadwick, of Inger-
soll, has retired.
Chatham lost $30,000 by fire in the last
six mouths,
In Ottawa a factory is manufacturing
fuel from sawdust,
Salt works are to be established at the
village of Sutorvilie..
The plan to increase London's water
supply will post 845,000.
Tilbury has abandoned the fifth book
glass of its Public school.
An orange tree bearing fruit is in pos-
session of a'Woodstock lady.
• A North Burgess farmer has an ear of
corn oontaining 988 grains.
Hamilton i1
m ton will have four candidates at
the next mayoralty election,
A largo summer hotel is to be built on
the river front near Brockville.
The railway powerhouse chimney, Lon-
don, will bo the tallest in that city.
Rev. Mr. Holt, Amhorstburg, buried his
wife and two children within two days.
Hiram Walker spent $950,000 trying to
raise cranberries in Essex, but failed.
Forest fires along the lower St. Law-
rence are interfering with navigation.
Elections for the Manitoba Legislature,
it is said
,will will
bo heldat an early date.
The first white brick school -house in
Muskoka has just been bulla at Port Car-
At a recent meeting of the London West
Council two members nearly came to
The mining,lumbering and farming in-
terests of Algoma are said to be flourish-
The other day a bunch of apple blossoms
appeared on a tree in a Centreville or-
Rains have quenched the forest,fires in
Quebec. Hundreds of families are'stili
The Berlin Thresher and Manufactur-
ing Company is organized with a Capital
of $40,000.
Chief Atchison, of the Hamilton Fire De-
partment, inherits 810,000 by the death
of his father.
A Chatham man had to pay 430 for
selling liquor to a man after being, warn-
ed. not to do so. • .
Over 750,000 bushels of grain werreship-
ped out of Manitoba last week for ;Fort
William elevators. • ..
Tho steamer Athabasca recentlylook 36
cars of binder twine on her outward,trip,
valued at 845,0u0.
Springfield, £Manitoba, is trying to're-
oovery 81,475 in taxes from the Catholic
church at St.Boniface.
The Legislature of Nova Scotia liastbeen
dissolved, and a general election will be
held an October 16th. r.:
A Brantford druggist out prices 50 per
cent., and thus compelled every 'ot'her
druggist to follow suit.
An Ingersoll baker had 92 loaves of
bread confiscated the other day because
they were under weight.
At a meeting of the, Cabinet at Ottawa
on Saturday, Thursday November .gist,
was fixed for Thanksgiving day.
General Gascoigne, tho new commander
of the Canadian forces, arrived at Quebec
yesterday by the steamer Parisian.
St. Thomas has accepted the street rail-
way company's tender to light the city, con-
ditional upon its operating the electric
street railway.
Mr. Shortis, father of the Valleyfield
homicide, has forwarded a cheque for,$1,-
000 to Mme. Leboeuf, widow of one of the
Murdered men.
The United States authorities have ruled
that shipments from points in Canada,
where e e there is no consular agent, may be
certified to by reputable merchants.
It is reported that Montreal will have to
raise 8'3,000,000 by either a new loan or a
special tax, unless, the Quebec Legislature
releases it of some of its obligations,
Mr. Thomas Gordon, died at Winnpieg
on Saturday. Deceased was a native of
Ontario, but went to the West some years
ago, where he parried on a prosperous busi-
Shortis and Gauthier, the Valleyfield
and Montreal murderers, are said to have
become so intimate in jail that they have
decided that if both are freed,the one that
gets his liberty first is to treat.
There is much speculation in Montreal
regarding the rumored changes in the
Grand Trunk railway official staff. Gen-
eral Manager Seargeant on Saturday said
that the rumored changes were prema-
The trial of Bessie Gray, for the murder
of David Scollie, at Peterborough, Ont.,
Dame to a sudden termination Friday,
when the prisoner was acquitted, as was
her husba,ld susbequently. Both, how-
ever. were held to answer to the charge of
arson, bail being accepted.
The Dominion Department of Agricul-
ture has been inforined by Sir Charles
Tupper, High Commissioner in England,
that Canadian barley is attracting consid-
erable attention in Great Britain in con-
nection with distilling, and that there is
the prospect of a large market in Scot-
W. B. Paltner, the defaulting teller o f
the Hamilton branch of the bank of Com-
merce was arrested Friday afternoon in a the
country hotel near Jordan, 80 miles east shot
of Hamilton, When arrested he had about pira
$2,000 in $50 bilis' and gold, supposed to
have been the3
oashletook from his desk
before leaving the city.
Mr. Beresford Greathead, formerly im-
migration agent at Winnipeg,has
hag been en-
on a walk from Vanconver to Mon-
treal since last March. He arrived in
lriday, having tramped two thou-
sand eight hundred nitos alo
the track
uNati•i(5DS 7u s,
A nowspaper oailed the Empty.
has been founded in Houston, Texas,
Marshal ii'leld, it Is repartee, suede 87,-
000,000, in the dry goods trade last year.
Two boys in itit'nskegon, Mich., reoently
found ,$0011. In gold under an old. pine
Rev, Dr:. '1'alrnage, of Brooklyn, has no -
opted, the call to be co -pastor of elle
Presbyterian ohuroh of Washington.
Two men recently found in a Missis-
sippi sand bar a hrilk of a wrecked steam-
er oontaining a hundred barrels of whis-
The Y.. M, C. A. of Cambridge, Mass.,
raised 830,000 for the erection of a new
building at a banquet one evening last
The Team Live Stock Journal thinks
there are 1,500,000 fewer cattle in that state
than there were at this time two years
Mayor Starkwoathor, of Madison, Wis.,
has been ousted 'from oflleo by the Supreme
Court for extorting money from pity em-
Governor Morrill believes that the old-
fashioned temperance pledge will do more
to secure prohibition in Kansas than all
Tho bill prohibiting adulterations in
butter and cheese has been signed by the
Governor of Missouri, and is therefore a
law of that state.
Rumor has it now that Anna Gould
has already paid gambling debts amount-
ing to 125,000 francs for the fattier of her
titled purchaser.
Wm. Fredericks, a desperado, who shot
and killed Cashier Herrick, of the San
Francisco Savings Union Bank, was hang-
ed there Friday.
The late John Thomas Talbot, an `old
and wealthy citizen of Cleveland,was the
owner of a pocket knife which. Gen. Wash-
ington gave his father.
A schoolmarm in Massillon, 0., who has
been teaching the rising generation ever
since the year 1845, was recently given a
pension of 8350 per year.
The Rev. Dr. John Hall, pastor of the
Fifth avenue Presbyterian church, has
been bequeathed an annuity of 83,000 by
the late Mrs. John H, Ford; of New York.
To commemorate the taking of Rome
forty delegates of the Italian Y. M. C. A.
yesterday held a congress in New York.
They represented twenty-five Italian
Edible snails to the amount of 230,000
pounds are annually shipped to the United
States from France. At the place of ex-
portation they are worth about 84.50 a
It is estimated that the New York city
elections this year will Dost $450,000. There
are 1,380 electoral distriots in the city
and the service of 11,040 officers will be
J. Pierpont Morgan, the chief of the
syndicate which supplied the United States
with gold in exchange for bonds, began
life as a clerk with the New York banking
firm of Dungan, Sherman Sc Co.
Prof. John A. Simpson, of Raleigh, N.
C., blind from birth, bas mastered mathe-
matics "from addition to quarternions"
mentally, has learned ancient and modern
languages and isa great musician.
The new fish hatchery, built on one of
the islands in the Salt rapids, in Michi-
gan, will be the finest in the world when
completed. It will have a capacity of 45,-
000,000 whitefish and 5,000,000 trout.
Counsel for Theodore Durant, in San
Francisco, merits" the 'sensational charge
that Rev. John George Gibson, pastor of
Emmanuel Brtptist church, the scene of
the tragedy, was the murderer of Blanche
A San Francisco photographer claims
to have completed a device by which every
railroad ticket may be made to bear the
photograph of the original purchaser, as a
preventive of scalping. The whole process
of taking the picture, developing the nega-
tive, and printing the portrait on aportion
of the ticket can be done, he says, while
the purchaser is paying for his ticket, or
in one minute at the longest.
The street oars at Sacramento City in
California are now run by electricity gen-
erated by the falls of the American river
at Folsom, 24 miles away. The river has
been dammed, creating a reservoir three
miles long; with a flow of 85,000 cubic feet
a minute. After turning the turbine
wheels at the dam the water is not allow-
ed to escape further service, but is used
for irrigation. Sacramento City expects
soon to be warmed and lighted by the
Great pots of molten metal go daily
skimming along the Erie Railroad from
the Cleveland Rolling Mills' Company's
central blast furnace to 'the Newburg mills
as sedately as if this traffic was
of long
standing, says a Cleveland letter. The
plan is a perfeot success. It takes just 15
minutes for the metal after it is poured
into tho big ladle oars to reach the mixer
in the !nils, some five miles away. About
500 tons of the hot metal are thus carried
every day over this long railroad route.
A Rosso •Chinese bank is to be establish-
ed at Shanghai.
The Duke of. York, it is said, is to be
made a rear -admiral,
The Czarewitoh is in the last stages of
consumption. and is not expected to' sur-
vive the winter.
German men-of-war in the far East
waters have been ordered to Swatow and
Chee Foo to protect foreigners at those
Prof. Louis Pasteur the eminent bac-
teriologist, who discovered the cure for
rabies, died at Garches, in the environs of
Paris on Saturday evening.
Next year will be the centenary of the
death of Burns, the Scotch poet, and in that
connection it is proposed to hold an ex-
hibition of relics of the poet in Glasgow.
Dean Farrar in an address last week,
deplored that' the appeal and work of the
temperance party has as yet barely touch-
ed the fringe of the conscience of the Eng-
lish people.
Lieut. -Col, Sir Walter Wilkin, alderman
for the Limo street ward,was on Saturday
elected Lord Mayor of London for the en-
suing year, to sueceed Sir Joseph Renals,
The relation between Emperor William
and Prine•a von Hohcnlohe are so strained
t it would not be suryrisibg if there
Id be a new chancellor before the ex-
tion of the year.
The British ultimatum in the matt
of the Sze -Chuen riots has been issued
and within four drays an edict must be
published adCc s
g the Viceroy of the
province, or the British admiral Wing
minding Will act.
°cording to the London Time;, the
li landnests 3
of wilt q l be setfi us
, and this will be fcnlowed In 1897 by
T lsh Local flciernment ineesure,
oli w1l1 probably include the creatieu t
central council in Dublin,
of the Canadian Pacific. railway actress tile -
, teseey mountains and the North -Treat •»ill
plafr;s. of a
Winter is not here
But cold weather
Call and inspect oar
1 Stack, AllStoves
Just think of it i A No. 9 Cook Stove for $12.
Ask to see our Combination Walking Cane Whpl
Are U seriously contemplating a Business or Shorthand Course this Season 1
If so, The
. se seeeee--seeeass see
Solicits your patronuge because we believe that we have the best to be had in our line.
Nothing short of the best would satisfy us, would it you'?
Do U know that we have set the pace for Canadian Soheols—we bold the record fur
practical work.
leave II heard anything about our "New System" of teaching Book -hoe ping and Business
Paper Drop us a postal card and get particulars. Catalogue free. College re -opens on
Tuesday September 3rd, 1595. J. W. tWESTERV.ELT, Prineipa,f.
To Smokers
To meet the wishes of their customers The
Geo, E. Tuckett and Son (o. Ltd•, Hamilton,
Ont., have placed upon the market
A Combination Plug' of
"T Ali 8"
Smoking Tobacco
This supplies a loner felt
want, giving the consumer one 20 cent
plug, or a 10 cent piece or a 5 cent
piece of the famous "T & B" brand of
pure Virginia Tobacco.
The tin tag "T & B" is on every piece.
To correct in•egularlty and weakness,
keep the organa it healthy condition. The
Wafers are "Life Savors" to young women,
aid graceful development, provide pain-
lees, regular periods, Ask for The Detroit
brand. M1 druggists sell them at 51 per
box. No better remedy tor -woman Immo.
Drysdale: We are pleased to. state
that the trustees of our school have re-
engaged Mr. G. Howard as teacher for
the coming year, at an advance of $50
in his salary.
Clinton: The other .
Geo, Doherty was driving1,
some party unknown c
throwing him out of th
it and causing him to 1
Clinton: On Saturday e
the family of Rev. J, W e
at tea in the rear of th
hanging lamp in the front
ed, setting fire to the s
beginning to make it
banisters when some on t
discovered the an
household. Fortunate!
guished without much
evening, as Mr.
into tows
chided with him
e rig, breaking
sustain severe
W. Holmes were
5 parsonage, a
hall explod-
ed, It wa
s way up the
one the street
d warned the
it was
difficulty .
case was
n for judgement
master at
tax and allow
defendants, 1teller-
ts, the latter to
that May
and to, pay
hands to pig.
of the late
Collins for plff;
Seaforth: Last week two painful ac-
cidents happened in the Broadfoot and
Box furniture factory. Mr. A, Hing-
ston was running a large machine,
called the joiner, on Wednesday, when
he got his left hand caught and had
the tops of several of his fingers taken
off. On the following day, Mr. John
Lowery was running the same machine
and he also got his left hand caught,
taking the top of the first finger off,
just below the nail. Both accidents
might have proved more serious, but
as it is, the hands of these gentlemen
will be deformed, and they will he pre-
vented from going to work again for
some time.
Cromarty: On a fiu-rm within 2?,
miles of this village is a pair of Turk-
eys, (male and female), which have act-
ed in a very peculiar manner. In the
early part of the summer the female
hatched out a good brood. After tak-
ing care of them for some time she be.
gan to lay again; when she had tea
eggs in the uest, the male birder ;cobb-
ler took to the nest, sat on the eggs the
full tirne (four weeks), and fi nal ly,hatch-
ed out
nine healthy eat
h young turkeys, Va.
y .v g In
the meantime, the female had made an.
other nest, laid a number of eggs, sat
They in
and hatched h,dt e. i
h m Out,
.Clic. were,
thorefnrt hoth 81111iig ; Y
It the sante tinter
on different nests, Shout twenty yarilr
the i c '
. i a i
During time they were •
d alt-
ting they would both go tip to the barn.
get food and water andgo back . Cu
heir respective nests again,
Stephen::: The following
tried at the Goderich assizes.ys.
Hall et al, was an actio
on further directions.
Goderich was directed to
to the plaintiff and def,
man and Ratz, their cos
pay these costs out of moneys
be found in their hands
over the balance in their
Rats, and to be then fully
from their trust as executors
Gideon Yager. R. H.
Garrow, Q. C., for defts.
In Inc Fasflion
Pack away that winter suit,
that it may do for next winter.
Buy ai
Summer suit
And be in style now and next year
too. It costs no more to look well
all the year around, and wear sea-
sonable clothes. "'Tis not the
clothes that make the man, but
they help," If you will give us a
call we will surprise you both ia.
prices and quality.
One door North of Browning's Drug store.
W. G. Bissett's Livery
First Class Horses and Rigs.
Orders left at BissettBros.'Hardware
Store, will receive prompt attention.
c --Proprietor Of
5----FANSON'8 Block
Carefully Prepared.
Patent medicines,
Toilet Soaps,
Hair Brushes,
C_ L U TZ, Draggist.