The Exeter Advocate, 1895-9-27, Page 6Subscribers wee, do net receive tbeir paper regulary will please notify us at once. Call at the silica fur adeertieluir rates. TEL EXETER ADVOCATE.. THURSDAY, avT. 20, 1895. The Wook's Connlercial Summary. The gold reserve of the United States treasury is now 898,894.000. It is said that the final estimate of wheat by the United States Government Will be 403,000,000 bushels. The returns of stook received at the Toronto cattle market last week were as follows: ' Cattle, 2,1182 ; sheep, 6,988, and hogs, `2,627. The English visible supply of wheat. shows an increase of 1,115,000 bushels for the week, and the world's shipments aggregate 5,60J,000 bushels. Strong protests have been made by the gr1 ei ain dee sof Toro t a i ' u o u d the nillers of the Dominion against the Order-in- Council rder in - Council allowing the; mixing of scoured whoat with No. 1 Manitoba hard. The Produce Exchange estimate of visible supply in the United States and Canada on September 1st was only 35,- 440,000 bushels, against 60,949,000 a year ago, and 56,582,0,0 in 1893. The visible supply of wheat in the United States and Canada is 30,750,000 bushels as compared. with 69,163,000 bushels a year an. The amount afloat. to Europe is 25,000,000 bushels as com- pared with 30,240,000 bushels a year ago. An active trade is reported in nearly all departments of wholesale merchan- dise at Toronto. The ctty is crowded with visitors, many of whom are country merchants who are leaving good-sized orders. This bears out our previous statement that slacks of merchandise generally are smaller at country points than usual at this season of the year. The business sentiment is better at present than for some years past, and indications favor a good autumn trade all round. The wheat crop is coming forward in fair volume, and there is now good reason to expect a yield of at least 450,- 000,0e0 bushels. This quantity, with the surplus carried over, places the country beyond the reach of a panic or any serious famine, although speculators have made efforts in that direction with less reason. The recent decline brought foreign buyers into the market once more, and the volume of exports at Atlantic ports jumped from 1,992 bushels last Friday to 4u4,031 bushels on Wed- nesday of last week. According to our commercial sum- mary for the week the trade situation in the United States does not show muck alteration, as depression in one direction is offset by encouraging accounts from another quarter. In the South and the South-West there has been a pronounced improvement, while in the central West a slackness in dry goods and other sea- sonable lines is rather premature, while low prices are reported as generally pre- vailing. I n the South the autumn. u umn trade is said to be opening up very favorably, and in Jacksonville, Augusta and At- lanta business is generally improving and a feeling of increased confidence exists. An improvement is reported in the iron and hardware trades. In the United States the commercial failures for the week are given as 187, against 219 for the corresponding week of last year. If your children moan and are restless during sleep, coupled when awake with a Ioss of appetite, pale countenance, picking of the nose, etc;., you may de- pend upon it that the primary cause of the trouble is worms. Mother Graves' worm exterminator effectually removes these pests, at once relieving the little sufferers. Here and There. The habitual kicker should practise on a can of dynamite. God is glorified not by our sighs, but by our thanksgivings. If there is a virtue in the world we should aim at its cheerfulness. Will the woman with the red nose stop squeezing her waist eight inches too small ? The truly good man cultivates the virtue of humanity, to complete his col- lection. It may be true that nothing is ever lost, but there is a good deal that can't be found. The pursuit of happiness too often means: the pursuit of some one else's happiness. The mills of justice not onlygrind slowly, but they frequently grind up the wrong people. The most difficult thing in life is to keep the heights which the soul has reached. All the "dark horses" are manifesting an unaccountable desire to get out into the light of publicity. Messrs. Northrop & Lyman Co. are the proprietors of Dr:. Thomas' Eclectric Oil, which is now being sold in immense quantities throughout the Dominion. It is welcomed by the suffering invalid everywhere with emotions of delight, be- cause it banishes pain and gives instant relief. This valuable specific for almost "every ill that flesh is heir to," is valued by the sufferer as more precious than gold.' It is the elixir of life to many a wasted frame. To the farmer it is in- dispensable, and it should be in every house. Local exeursioning in all sections never flourished better' than it has during the present summer. It is among the many other indications of general prosperity to be noted. Take Notice. I, Malcolm McBain, merchant tailor, 3 Queen St. West, do certify that Dr. Car son's Stomach Bitters cured me of dist pepsia. I believe it to be the best me d - cine for all Stomach and Liver' troubles At ail Druggists. Price 50c. At Lep,st the "Pellalt" x'hialt 80. Cholly, y, old fel, el, da yiou atv bei neve a fellah can be aw in love with. moah than one ghuil at once Algy-4 W ell, weally J: don'•t lino* about that, ye know; but a whole lot ofg boils ran be in love wiyth one ;fellah. TOPICS OF A WEEK. The Important Events in a Few Word* For Buse' Treaders. C,f1NADIAN. Sir John Solulltz, ib is said, will be ap- pointed a member of tare Alaska Boundary Own mission. It is ourrently reported that Mr. Justice Fournier has resigned from the Supreme oorut judiciary. The Canadian • Electrical Association opens its fifth annual convention in Lon- don on Tuesday. Zanies White, a local train despatcher, is reported to have disappeared, leaving a wife andtwo children. A party of Chinese travellers, including some fifty wornen,passod through Toronto from the west Friday. Woodstock, N.B., has reduced the num- ber in its Council from ten to six and abol- ished election by wards. H. A. Smith, general secretary of the Y. M. C. A. , of Piston, N. S., has been appointed general secretary at Peterborn .. John Morris was burned to death in the destruction by fire of the Robin Hood smokeless powder mill at Winnipeg. Richard White, of the Gazette, is rapid ly recovering in Europe, whore he wen for his health, and will shortly return. The Government has been notified of the seizure by a United States cutter in Beh- ring Sea of the Canaidan sealing schooner Beatrice. Mr. Henry M. Stanley, the African ex- plorer, arrived in Montreal Sunday. He intends to proceed to the Pace& coast on a pleasure trip. Cariere, Lane & Co., of Quebeo, are su- ing the Government for extras on the eon- tract for repairs to the old Dominiou, steamer Druid. t once, then suioided. UN'lTEI) SleATI,s. There is talk ef the restoration on the Missouri Paeifio ef the wages of two years ego. Five persons were killed in a collision on the Groat Northern railway at ' Melby, Minn, Two tnon were killed in a wreck on the Chicago tinct North-western near Evans- ville, Wis. II. IL Holmes the alleged murderer and swindler, was indicted in Philadelphia for the murder of B.F. Pitozel. - Calvin Wilcox, of Jewett City, Conn., Is now the largest land owner in Eastern Conneotiout, owning 2,500 bores, John Bingham, of the University of Michigan, has been eleoted Professor of philosophy in De Paw University. The Carnegie Company is reported t have contracts on hand aggregating near ly 1,000,000 tons of structural material. Rochester, N. 1r , is considering a pro position to purchase for the sum of $88, 000 Myers ballot machines, for use in loon elections. It is now claimed that the Connecticut pool law is thoroughly onforged, and that there is .not a pool -room doing business in the state. A steel in the corset of Mrs. George Cap- linger, of Clinton, Ill., yesterday saved her life. Her insane husband shot at her but 0 matism was made when the preparation known as Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale - People was discovered,and since that time - thousands have testified to their wonder. 1 ful efficacy in this, aswell as' in other troubles, the origin of which may be traced to the blood. Among no g those who speak in the highest terms of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills is Mr. Blasdell, of this town, who is known not only to all our citizens but to residents of this section, and he is as highly esteemed as he is widely known. To the editor of the Review Mr. Blasdell recently said: "I have reason to speak in terms of the warm- est praise of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, as they not only saved me a big doctor's bill, but have restored mo to health, which was unpaired by rheumatism and neural- gia. Those troubles, WO e .1 think, the atter effects of an attack of nLnsles. After the latter trouble had disappeared I felt an awful pain in my head, neck, and down. my back. I tried a number of remedies, but without effect. I was then advised by Mrs.Horning, of Capetown, who had been cured of paralysis by the use of Dr. Will- iams' Pink Pills, to give them a trial. I followed her advice, and after using a box or two I began to fool much better, and with their continued use I constantly im= proved in Health, and am now feeling bet- ter than I have done before in ten sears. I am satisfied that but for the timely use of Pini: Pills I would to -day have been a physical wreck, living a life of constant pain and I cannot speak too highly of their curative powers, or recommend them too strongly to other sufferers. I cheerfully give permission to publish my statement fn the hope that some other sufferer may read and profit by it." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills strike at tyre root of the disease, driving it from the system and restoring the patient to health and strength. In ease of paralysis, spinal troubles, locomotor ataxia. sciatica, rheu- matism, erysipelas, scrofulous troubles, etc., these pills are superior to all other treatment. They aro also a specific for the trouble which makes the lives of so many women a burden, and speedily restore the rich glow of health to pale and sallow cheeks. Mon broken down by overwork, worry or excesses, will find in Pink Pills a certain cure. Sold by all dealers or sent by mail postpaid, at 50c. a box, or six boxes for 82.50, by addressing the 1)r. Will- iams' Medicine. Company, Brockville, Ont., or Schenectady, N.Y. Beware of imitations and substitutes alleged to be "just as good." RHEUMATISM CONQUERED.. A GREAT ADVANCE IN MEDICAL SCIENCE. A Discovery 'Which This Painful Dis- ease Cannot Resist—Mr. B. Blasdell, of Paris, Ont., Relates His I3xperi- encs With. the Cure. Paris, Ont„ Review. Rheumatism has long baffled the medi- cal .profession, Medicine for external and internal use has been produced, plasters tried, electricity experimented with, hot and oold baths and a thousand other thing tried, but without avail. Rheumatism still held the fort, making the life of its victims one of misery and pain. The first real step toward conquering rheut Prof. Saunders, of the experimental farm, who has returned from his trip west, says the Manitoba crops are, if anything, under -estimated. Mr. Thomas Young, 'aged48, was killed Sunday morning by a Grand Trunk train a short distance south of the Dosjardins canal, near Hamilton. Ada Ramey, a respectable -looking gal, twenty-two years of ago, whose home is in Welland, Ont., was arrested in Buffalo on Saturday for shop -lifting. John Lowe, Deputy Minister of Agri- olture, has been superannuated. Land Conimissi • H. H. Smith, of Winnipeg; will sat ed to the position. '1Government has taken ac- tion to recover from the city of Montreal the sum of $500,000 received in Recorder's Court fees since Confederation. Government Analyst Harrison believes Louis V.Ludwig's cider contains too much. alcohol and the latter will have to answer to a charge of violating the liquor law. Sir Mackenzie Bowell left Winnipeg on Saturday for the East. He visited St. Andrew's rapids on Saturday, and inspect- ed the locality where improvements are necessary. Mr. Hall Caine, the representative of the British publishers on the copyright question, will sail on Wednesday. Mr. Caine expects a friendly hearing from the Canadian Government. The weekly Drop report issued by the Northern Pacific railway states that threshing is nearly completed. In the Portage Plains district harvesting was re- tarded by heavy rains last week. Tho Chrysler farm monument will be unveiled by Mr. Haggart, Minister of Railways and Canals, on September 25th. Dr. Montague, Secretary of State, has also been invited to bo present and to speak. Whiletesting the upper gates of the new locks of the Sault Ste. Marie canal by fill- ing the pit with water, an upheaval of the masonry of the mitre sill' took place, caus- ing damage that will involve much ex- pense and delay. Several Canadian and United States lawyers are expected to attend the seven- teenth oonvention of the Conference for the Reform and Codification of the Laws of Nations, which is to be hela in Brussels,. commencing October 1. The Hamilton Presbytery has refused the request of Rev. R McKnight to return to the Presbytery. He was formerly pastor of the Dunnville Prcabyterian church, and withdrew two years ago to join.the Angli- can church. Electricians say the safest place of refuge during athunderstorm is a trolley car,and that no instance is known of one having been struck by lightning. The wires and oar pole aro a far better protection than any lightning rod. The two-year-old son of Mr. Martin Nagel, who lives near Rainham Centre post -office, Ont., had both legs cut off by a binder, with which his father was cut- ting t he corn. Tho child died shortly after- wards from loss of blood. The R. Q. T. bicycle handicap road race on the Kingston road and Woodbine course Saturday afternoon had 301 entries, 269 starters, and 200 finishers. Tho first place prize was won by A. H. Wilson of Galt, with 1034 minutes time allowance. T. B. McCarthy, of Toronto, covered the course in 59 minutes 48 seconds, a record for the course. Oil is nolonger to be poured on troubled water. It is to bo fired like a shell from a gun. As a wave approaches a shell fired with oil is to he precipitated in its direc- tion. The shell will bo perforated with. small holes, so that the oil will run out slowly and continue its work for a greater length of time than would otherwise be the case. Sir Charles Rivers Wilson, the president of dare Grand Trunk Railway Company, was given a reception at Hamilton in the Board of Trade building. The city's repre- sentatives asked for a general freight agent to bo located in Hamilton. Mr. Joseph Price, viae -president of the company, said that they had arranged to make Hamilton the b iactquarters of a western freight divi- sion, with an agent having headquarters there. Ten thousand people saw the destruc- tion by fire of tine poultry and carriage buildings at the Western fair grounds, 'London, Ont., Thursday night, The poul- try building was empty, but the carriage building was stocked 'iglu, fine vehlcles,iu readiness for the openi rig of the Bab ibition on Monday. They were zeta. removed with- out injury. An electric and cyclone dorm which passed over Hingston, Out,, and vicinity on Thursday, did fearful damage. A portion of the cotton mill in Kingston was eom- letely destroyed, in addition to 8,600 itrclles. Tho damage will amount to bout -380, 000. 'The erecting shop of the ingston and Pembroke oar works is a omplete wreck, At Cape Vineont the eopio on the wharf fled for shelter to the ation, which collapsed, two young bleu eing kilied,and several seriously injured. 1' '81) a K 0 11 st b Fatliei John Baienon, formerly known as the fighting chaplain of Guitar's .Mis- souri' Confederate battery, is now priest of St. Francis 2avier's church, Dublin, Ire- land. The remains of Paul Revere rest in the Old Granary burying ground in Boston, not far from those of John Hancock, one of the signors of the Deolaration of Inde- pendence. Instead of 5,000,000 boxes of oranges, which is Florida's. usual crop, only 100, 0.00 boxes will be shipped. 'These will Come chiefly from the Manatee region on the Gulf of Mexioo. . William Ross, while grossing the railway near Atlanta, Ga., at the approach of a train, threw his family out of his rig into a swamp. Ho then jumped, and was struck by the train and killed. Guyten Ferrano, aged 4, was run over and killed by a trolley at Pittsburg, Pa., yesterday in the presence of its mother, who was covered with blood that spattered from the mangleci remains. The family of Charles F. Kr:ueger, father, mother and six children, living at Laporte,. Ind., have been poisoned by pork. The only surviving child died yesterday. Their bodies were literally alive with parasites. It is estimated that the Carnegie Com- pany bas contracts on hand at present ag- gregating almost 1,000,000 tons of struc- tural material. No orders for delivery in less than three months can bo accepted. A Chinese laundryman was in. Bruns- wick, Me, looking for a stand. He received little encouragement, and, as he would find it rather lonesome concluded not to settle. Brunswick, so far, has not had a Chinese resident. In California it has been found that peach stones burn as well as the best coal, and give out more heat in proportion to weight. The stones taken out of the fruit that is thinned o • t dried are collected and sold at the rate of 88 per ton. Tho city of Rochester, N.Y., is consider- ing a proposition to purchase for the sum of 883,000 seventy-five Myers ballot machines for use in local elections. The company guarantees the machines, with all the new improvements, for ten years. A ten -foot "wind -wheel" in Nebraska raises 1, 000 gallons of water daily to a height of seventy-five feet. These wind. - wheels are coming more and more intense in the West, and it is thought that they will have a very important bearing on the in- dustries of the future. IVIr. T. J. Humes, Columbus, Ohio, writes : "I have been afflicted for some time with kidney and liver complaint, and find Parmelee's pills the best medi- cine for these diseases. These pills do not cause pain or griping, and should be used when a cathartic is required. They aro gelatine coated, and rolled in the flour of licorice to preserve their purity, and give them a pleasant, agreeable taste. FOREIGN. The Sultan of Morocco is ill. Prof.Busley's widow will receive a civil list pension of 81,000. Dr. Buggraene, professor of medicine in the University of Ghent, has reached his 90th year. He still drinks and smokes. Severe shocks or earthquakes were felt on the Island of Euboea, in the Aegean Sea, this morning, but no damage was done. A British -German steamship syndicate is being formed, and rates for all classes of transatlantic business will be increased. Lord Sholto Douglas, who recently mar- ried Loretta Mooney, the concert hall sing- er,will engage in business in Los Angeles, Cal. More mountain -climbers have been seri- ously or fatally injured in the Alps this season than ever before in an equal length of time. .. The tremendous receipts of wheat at Duluth from North Dakota and the north- western part of Minnesota are causing comment. A plot against' the life of Prince S'erdin- and of Bulgaria has been lisoovcretl at Rustchuck. Twenty arrests have already been made. The Tower Company is an organization of local capitalists in Chicago who aim to construct a tower to surpass the Eiffel tower of Paris. The steamer Lady Wolseley, of Dublin, bound. for London, stranded on Goodwin Sands yesterday. Passengers and crew were all rescued. There aro two oases in the British peer- age of twin sons inheriting the heirship. In such cases the younger twin is ]coir-pro- sumptive to the title. Six persons and 800 head of cattle, it is thought, have perished by the avalanche from the Alto's glacier, near the village of Spitalmatte. Dr.. I3aodecker, the English prison phil- anthropist, is about to start at tiro age of 78 on his third mission to the Siberian mines and convict settlements. Upon the petition of creditors, a receiv- ing order has been issued against George Augustus Sala, the journalist and author, who is lying seriously i11 at Brighton. At the Stettin inaneorlvres, the Southern army commanded by the Kaiser in person,. reads an attack open the Northern army, tehioh is trying to force the Southern army towards the Oder. In the principal streets of denten inay be noticed niany Shaps whore foreign' prowl- signs aro sold entirely for Chinese con- sumption, ,floreign wines, especially cha,inpaggne% ate ,soon on the shelves, to- gether with "sweets," biscuits salad oil and preserved. milk. The Metrical System oftEngland. The recommendation of the committee of weights and measures to the British par- liament was in favor of the establishment of a general metrical system,the system toabe legalized at once, and to be rendered compulsory after the expiration, of two years. There is no questioning, says In- dustries and Iron, the benefits which would result from the adoption of the met- rical system, and it is to bo trusted that some action may speedily be taken in the matter. You need not cough all night and dis- turb your friends ; there is no occasion for you running the risk of contracting inflammation of the lungs or consump- tion, while you can get Bickle's Anti. - Consumptive Syrup. This medicine cures coughs, colds, inflammation of the lungs and all throat and chest troubles. It promotes a free and easy expectora- tion, which immediately relieves the throat and lungs from viscid phlegm. ka Bare Presence of Mind. "I knew a sea captain, who died some years ago, who displayed great? presence of mind at a most critical time," s'aid Henry S. Roberts, of Boston. "His ship had caught fire and the passengers and crew were compelled to take to the boats in a hurry. The captain remained perfectly pool throughout all the confusion and fright of the embarkation, and at last every oue but himself was got safely into the boats. By the time he was ready to follow the passengers were wild with fear and excite- ment. Instead of hurrying down the ladder, the captain called out to the sailors to hold on a minute, and taking a cigar from his pocket, coolly bit the end off and lighted it with a piece of the burning rigging. Then he descended with great deliberation and gave the order to shove off. 'How could you stop to light a cigar at such a moment?' he was afterwards asked by one of the passengers. `Because,' he an- swered', 'I saw that if I did not do some- thing to divert -your minds there would likely be a panic and upset the boats. The lighting of'a cigar took but a moment and attracted the attention of everybody; you all forgot yourselves in thinking abont my curious behavior and we got safely away.' " —St. Louis Globe -Democrat. He Was Dabbed a Knight. A. curious ceremonial has just taken place at the palace of the Prince of Pleas. A chapter of the Hunting Order of St. Hu bert of the White Stag has been held in the presence of the German Emperor, who ap, peared in a hunting uniform decorated with the special insignia and orders. Duke John Albert of Macklenburge-Sohweria was made a Knight of the Order with the following curious ceremony: He was ask- ed ed by e Chancellor of the order whether he would swear to behave as a good hunter according to the rules of the order. After the answer "I swear" he was dubbed a knight amid cries of "Joh l sol hon l do l hohl dol" After the first stroke of the sword the Grand Master said: "This IS for his Majesty the King," after the sepond, "This is for the knights, oavalieis, and esquires," and after the third, "Look, thin is the noble law of hunting." 'Finally, ail repeated the above somewhat inarticulate hunting cry. -Paris Herald. A Bishop's Idea of a Wife. At the New York conference of the Methodist Episcopal church the other day, Bishop Vincent touched oh woman's do- mestic rights and a minister's ehaice of , wife. He Bald: When a woman governd her household and het husband she it doing a good work. Many a minister, is' very fortunate in his choice of a helpmeet, but I cannot but belies that the piny of passion in the selecting of a companion for life is a danger.o s f e r" LANGUAGE iNSUFFIOAEN T TO DE- SCRIBE The Sufferings of 11Ir, 3ohn Beyer, Banker,, Kincardine, Ont. ---A Victim of Indi- gestion in its Host Distressing Farms— Seemingly a Hopeless Case Perfectly Cured by south American Nervine. IS is the face of a hanker, however viewed, Thera is. written plainly the careful, cautious, conservative span of finance, one who weighs evory detail, and who, gen- erous in disposition, is yet firm and resolute inthe oonduot of his business, as a banker must needs be. This is the elan who suffered, al few men have suffered any- where, from indigestion. His own words are these; "About a year ago, as a result of heavy work, no doubt, I became very ,much troubled with indigestion. Asso- ciated with it wore diose terribly distress- ing feelings that oan hardly be described in any language, but that are so, common. to the dyspeptic. T had triedvarious methodsi o f ridding myself of the trouble, but without success. At last I tried South Anierioan Nervine. The result? In one word I may say, and I gladly say it, it cured me, and I have no hesitation in re- commending any person affected with any stomach trouble to try South American Nervine." M. Boyer is not the roan to heedlessly give a testimonial for a proprietary medi- cine, but the strong words that he uses of South American Nervine come from a grateful heart. He was sick, nigh unto death, and this medicine made hint well again. This Great Discovery will cure radically in every case of indigestion, dyspepsia, nervousness and general debility. It is fit- tingly termed a Groat Discovery. Quickly Cured. Bart Oldie—What is the matter with Switcherton ? I always thought he was a pronounced silverite, Hoffman Howes—So he was. But they have just discovered a gold mine out on that ranch of his. Thos. Sabin, of Eglington, says : "I have removed ten corns from my feet with Holloway's Corn. Cure." Reader, go thou and do likewise. Sometimes Necessary. Tagleigh—What is the best way to get out of a bad scrape ? Wagleigh—Let your beard grow. Sadder, Yet Wiser. A recent inquirer at the Toronto office of the Lakehurst Institute, Oakville, upon being informed the terms for treat- ment, remarked : "I would like to go, but can't afford to spend that much money." Three weeks later he called again, and this time he said "I have just got over another spree, and am poorer by three times the cost of your treatment than when I was here last. I am off to Oak- ville before I am twenty-four hours older." We inquired how he managed to afford the spree at that price and what he had to show for his investment? It seems strange that so many oth erwi se keen, shrewd men should be content to throw their good dollars over the bar day after day, month after month, year after year, for the sake of being thought good fellows, and get no visible return except an aching head, a red nose, a rank breath, and a consciousness that some people whose opinions they value may have witnessed the spectacle of a good man gone wrong. How long will your bank account stand the demands of your spree account ? How long will your system stand the strain of these sprees? Investigate the treatment for alcoholism and dipsomania given at the Lakehurst Institute, Oakville, now the recognized standard of excellence. To- ronto Office, 28 Bank of Commerce Build- ing. Ships and•Dogs, "I suppose it is all right to call ocean greyhounds `marine canines,' " said the Horse Editor. "Perhaps so," replied the Snake Edi- tor ; "but the swift steamers must not monopolize that term." "No?" "Of course not. Besides the ocean greyhounds, there are many other barks on the sea." Colic and Sidney Difficulty. -Mr. J. W. Wilder, J.P., Lafargeville, writes : "I am subject to severe attacks of colic and kidney difficulty, and find Parmelee's Pills afford me great relief, while all other remedies have failed. They are the best medicine I have ever used." In fact so great is the power of this medicine to cleanse and purify that disease of almost every name and nature -are driven from the body. Not of the Heavenly Host. "Why, yes, I've met Blakley's fiancee." . "Well, is she anything like as beauti- ful as he talks about?" : ' "Oh, no—she's still on earth." The Most Natural Thing. "What did this Hottentot woman do when you gave her the rings for her nose and ears ?" "Hung her head." Cheerfulness creates hope, which is the fountain of faith, and faith is more than life, because it reaches into the beyond. Peetoria, Pectoria, Peetoria. Are you suffering from cough or cold on your lungs. Ask your druggist for Pectoria,and take no other. Just try and see for yourself how soon Pectoria will cure you. Send to Allan & Co., 53 Front St., Toronto, Proprietors. 25 cents a bot- tle. Against Her Principles. Agnes—Going to the seashore this sea- son; Madge ? Madge—No. I don't believe in the Sequestration of the sexes. Women's sleeves have got so big now that it is voryhard for the newspapers to get a fashion cut into a single column. Philadelphia Attractions. Reporter --It is said your season has not been very successful thus far. Dramatic Manager—Oh, it will be all right when the trolley picnic season closes. Grand opera wouldn't draw in Philadelphia against trolley cars loaded With girls and ice cream. )fisher of Men. "Ella," ' said Marion, as they were seated on the 'veranda of their country House, "I went fishing With George this morning.'' . "Did you ? What did you catch?'r "I caught George." Cleaning Marble. A serviceablepreparation for cleaning: marble is made by mixing soda, pumice shone and finely -powdered chalk in the proportion of two parts of the former to one of the latter. Pass through a sieve and mix with water to form apaste of creamy consistency. Rub well on the marble and rinse with water. LADA" CEYLON TEA I Delicious. Sold Only In Lead Packets. Matches T Light •••• in any climate or atmosphere are the only ones to be re- lied upon. They are the kind we make ---no other ---and are called "E. B. Eddy's Matches." Coldin the Head AND H EADACH E CURED IN Filth, MINUTES. Catarrh Cured in A Week, by using D R. NUNT'S MAGIC SNUFF IN BOXES 25 Cents at all druggists, or by mail on receipt of price. Address, THE MILLER EMULSION CO., Kingston, Ont. Belting Shafting 4=,u I I aye Hangers Order your Supplies of Oak Tanned Leather Belting from us. We supply four grades, suit. able for all classes of machinery. Every- thing in above lines at Manufacturers' First Cost Prices. •• Lowest Prices • For Cash. TORONTO TYPE FOUNDRY, 44 Bay Street, Tordnto. Ore of Life Found at Last. Vitae -Ore is very properly called Ore of Life. It was discovered by Professor Theo. Noel, of Chicago, Geologist. This ore makes an elixir which is Nature's Great Remedy for the cure of human ills. It will reach the nidns'of human diseases when drugs and doctors' nostrums fall. It Is nature's great restorative, to which nothing is added. It is pure as it comes from nature's laboratory. Sold only on direct orders or through local or general agents. Price 81 a package, or three for 82.50. Sent prepaid to any part of the globe on receipt of price. Send for circulars and full particulars to Vita; -Ore Depot. 240 Adelaide street west, Toronto. J. JOHNSTON, General Agent. Cor.Yongeand Gerrard Streets Toronto, Ont Canada's Greatest Commercial School; advan- tages best in the Dominion; stud encs assisted to positions every week. Moderate rates. Write for catalogue. Shaw & Itiliott, Principals. T. N. U. No.,,80 Salada." I can supply you with Salads Ceylon Tea in one pound lead packages atCC per lb. I will ship 10 lb. to one ad -'J ai dress and prepay freight. If ordered with other goods will ship any quantity you wish. Write for price list and bu your supplies at wholesale prices.y A. II. CANNING. Wholesale Crrooer. 57 ,Front St..Eattt. Toronto. 'THING a young man or woman can do is to at tend The Northern Business College for a term. 1)d you want to know' what you can kern? Then write Cot Announcement to C. A. Fleming, Owen Sound, Ont. Ev.Ti1RYTTLING hole TIX1I PItUNTi7E— Type, Presses inks Ready -Pr , News'ivalers Ste .reoot po , Y .lint yI Al.tttst,.i,leotro.+ typhig ,�I+In�'rctiving. 'I'OItON'1'O TYPE FOUNDRY, Toronto and Winnipeg.