HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1895-9-27, Page 5Blood Poisoned
in Dreadful Cent Mien Tin Nood'!i
Sarsaparilla Cured..
After Typhoid Fever the system is not
only left in a, debilitated condition, but
the blood is often poisoned by the germs
' of disease, as in the following case:
4 4 lYfy ease lies been such a severe one and
I have suffered so much that X think L
ought to tell how I have been cured by
only two bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla.
Four years ago I had typhoid fever—was
sick about forty days—and barely pulled
through with health about ruined. The
effects of poisoned blood manifested them-
selves in dreadful ulcers. They prevented
My returning to work, and for three years
I was able to labor only a few days at a„
time. The sores discharged continuously
so tlaat I had to keep them bandaged. 1
had six physicians at different times, and
was given temporary relief. But as soma
as I began to work hard the sores would
break out again as bad as ever. For weeks
at a tirae I could not get out of the house,
and for over two years I could not bear
my weight on my right leg and had te
walk with a cane. I began taking Hood's
learsaparilla In February, 1894, and in twq
weeks noticed an improvement.
The Terrible U4 hing and Burning
grew less venomous and fiery, and when I
had taken only two. bottles and used one
box of Hood's Olive Ointment and two
boxes of Hood's Pills, the sores had all
healed, leaving only scars as a reminder of
my dreadful sufferings. My general bod-
Ily health has also wonderfully improved.
I had been reduced almost to a skeleton,
ti•om 160 to 130 pounds, which I have now
regained. good's Sarsaparilla has re-
stored my mental health also, and I can
think, remember and. a^t as promptly as
ever. Typhoid fever ruins my health
for four years, and cost me $30.N. Two
bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla haveiven
me health and new ambition.".
.R�MSAY, Surnwerside, Prince Edward Id.
, Thoroughly Reliable
'c Mr. Ramsay is well known all over
this part of the Island, and is thoroughly
reliable." Dn. J. A. Gounten, Druggist,
Summerside, Prince Edward Island.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is the Only
True Blood Purifier
And the ideal building up Medicine. Be
sure to get Hood's and only Hood's.
Hood's Nitta easy to buy, easy to take.
calla effect. 25e
I'or Oyer Fifty 'X ears.
Winslow's Soothing Syrup, has been used
for over fifty, ears by, millions of mothers
d while teething. with per-
fecttheir -children wh le t a; p
feat success. It soothes the child, softens
the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic
and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. is
pleasant to the taste. Sold by Druggists In,
every part of the World. Twenty -live cents
a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be sure
and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup
and take no other kind
Everywhere We Go.
We find some one who has been cured
by Hood's Sarsaparilla, and people on
all hands are praising this great meth•
cine for what it has done for them and
their friends. Taken in time Hood's
Sarsaparilla prevents serious illness by
keeping the blood pure and all the or-
gans in a healthy condition. It is the
great blood purifier.
Hood's Pills become the favorite cat-
hartic with every one who tries them.
25c. per. box,
Seaforth: Mr. Thomas Stephens had
a valuable blood colt killed by light-
ning on Wednesday morning. It was
in;the pasture field. It was coming
three and Mr. Stephens valued it at
Tuckersmith: Miss Monteith, of the
London Road, who has taught the'Har•
lock school in 13uliett very successfully
for several years, declines re-engage-
ment, much to the regret of the people
of the with whom she is a universal
Kippen: The barn• of Mr. Gilbert
McDonald, on the 2nd concession of
Stanley, near here,was struck by light-
ning during the storm on Wednesday
morning, and . the building, with its
contents, were completely destroyed.
The barn contained most of the season's
crop, together with some implements,
harness, &c. There was an insurance
of $1.150 on the building and contents,
*bleb will, probably, cover the loss.
The Hay Insurance Company held the
Brucefields The death of Mr. James
Turner, of this place, on Monday even-
ing, Sept. 16th, although not entirely
unlooked for, caused deep regret among
our citizens. Mr. Turner had been ill
since about January last. and the nat-
ure of his disease,supposed to be cancer
in the liver, gave very little hopes for
hts,recovery. He was a severe sufferer
but was always cheerful and hopeful.
He was a comparatively young man,
being only 47 years of age, and Tieforer
his illness was more than ordinarily
stout and robust, but he became so re-
deiced at the last that even his most in-
timate friends would scarcely have re-
cognized him. He was a shrewd bust
tens man, but of a genial and kindly
disposition, and was always obliging
and willing to do a friend a good turn
if he, could. Ile leavesa widow and
three children, all well provided for.
The fleneral was very largely attended,
and the remaius.were laid to rest in
t3aird's cemetery on Wednesday after-
, noon,
The ImportantXventsin a row Words /ow
Huss- Readers..
Whitby's rate of taxation is 26 trills..
Cooketown's favorite game is quoits,
Wesley College, Winnipeg,is completed.
There are 400 miners on the Athabasca.
The St, Thomas opera house is to be en-
A large grain house is being erected at
Victoria county is greatly troubled 133
A. canning factory is in prospect at
The public library of Winnipeg has j ust
been opened,
A number of fine residences are going up
in Godorich..
Petrolea has borrowed $12,000 to meet
current expenses.
Alvinston has been abandoned by the
'Salvation Army.
The Hamilton Council now propose to
torsi;ee the'inenntai1l,
" The Leamington High School will not
be opened until January,
A oonsus just taken shows a population
of 900 an Walpole island.
Fire burned 800 cords of wood at tho
railroad track near Angus.
Kingston barbers talk of closing choir
shops every .evening at eight.
A ledge of gold 14 miles in extent has
been discovered at Donald, B.C.
Thore wore more tourists at Sparrow
Lake this season than ever before,
Tho St. Thomas Car Wheel Company
will establish a branch in Austria.
The cornerstone of the Watorous build.
ings at Brantford has just been laid.
Beeekvillo has just paid $1,325 to a
woman injured on a bad sidewalk.
Bloomers aro worn by COivale eyGlists in
a number of Canadian cattle €e:,.:
Mexico Bay is to bo deepened and an out.
let will be out through the sand bar.
The status of Sira'nbti j'os 4e hat
arrived 11itllZston, and it Is possible that
it may he unveiled next month.
Ooeola Gladiator, a descendant et the
famous 000010, of Florida, was ohargod
With allowing his horse to go at large in
'1`llo directors of the IClgin Fair Associa-
tion have unanimously decided, to disoon-
tlnue the exhibitions. An unsuccessful
effort has been made during the past foul
or five years to establish the fair on a pay-
ing basis.
Tho members of the Union oomposed of
Canadian ex Papal Zouaves held a solemn
demonstration Friday in the Roman
Catholic cathedral in Montreal, .and in-
augurated a souvenir chapel dedicated to
the Snored Heart.
Mr. fleeter Reid, Deputy Superintend-
ent General of Indian Affairs,; has returned
to Ottawa from the Went. Regarding the
rumoured uprising among the Black -foot
Indians, Mr. Hayter Reed says there is no
trouble whatever. In fact, ho contends
that there never was anything serious or
The Brookville. Reorder has a notice of
the marriage of Charles W. Brown and Ide
Brown, at the residence of the bride's
father, J. Brown, Brownsville, by the Rev.
Gorge Brown. Tho best man was Fred
Brown, and the bridesmaids were Lottie
Brown and Edith Brown. The brills wore
a brown gown, and the happy couple will,
live in a brown stone front. -One of the
wedding presents was a volume of Brown-
ing, which will be placed in the brown
study where the future little Browuies'can
read it.
Tho United Status gold reserve Saturday
stood 8895, 862, 898.
.A. Groat Occidental and Oriental rair is
talked of in Taeosno, Washington, for 1,-
Business failures, in the United States
this week number. 213, against 210 same
In St, Joseph "S Hospital,
The Doctors Said a Snrcyical
Operation INnas Necessary
to Effect a Care.
The Lady Left Hospital
and Doctors •
She Uses Paine's
Celery Compound
and is Cured.
Another wonderful, almost miracul-
ous, cure to report. As usual, the affix
ted one is saved by the use of Paine's
Celery Compound.
Sirs, Annie Saunders, the cured lady
lives iu 'Bracondale, a pleasant suburb
of Toronto. Her sufferings from a
troubler,emmou to man
week last year, terrible, and the wonder is that she now'
Aver 4,000 stonecutters went oh strike la;'es. To her, medical and hospital
at Nay?Furli Saturday, for e3 a day and treatment imam A); avail. At a
ta161i1 11.01.V 3 work,
Ga , -„ eritieai ilii ilia daatai's deet'"--
Nearly everyone needs a good tonie
at this season. Mood's SarsaparWa ls:
the onetrue tonic and blood purpler.
Hensalh Mr, I. Patterson has rent.
ed his grain warehouse to a grain ber-
uyer from London, and is repairing it and
putting On a ]rood new roof.
Lieury; While Mr. Jno, Reid of this
place was returning home frogz Park-
hill, during• the storm last week, his
horse fell dead, it is supposed frorn the
effects of lightning,,
St, Marys; Mr, 0. J White, who hap-
petted with a bad accident hot week,
is reported as doing well. Mrs. White
and Master Evert have also,been quite
ill during the past week.
Seafortll: The big storm on Wed,
nesday morning did a lot of .damage;
Robt. Wilson had three horses killed,
Thomas. Stephens one: James Lannon
one, and some five or six barns, full of
grain, were burned to the ground.
Mitchell; I4 is mord that Mr, Nes
bit Potter, who iro mysteriously dtsap.
peered from Qfttchell about four years
ago, has been heardfrom in Buffalo,.
and that he lately -married a former
eook in the Hicks House. We can
scarcely believe the report true.
Blaushard: The barn of Jas. Balk -
well, base line, was blown down during
the wind storm the other evening, and
entirely destroyed. The barn had been
placed upon props preparatory to build
ing a basement bur the force of the
wind broke every tenon in the building
leaving e wreck not worth $2.
Lieury: Last ruesday evening
while John Reid and wife of this glace,
were returning home from Parkhill
they had a most miraculous escape
from instant death. The horse they
wer driving was killed by lightning,
and the buggy pitched into the ditch
Thetccupan,tsa escaped with a fee'
he schooner eenl nee of Cleveland is opdi•aii6it bru seg,
reported at Milwaukee to have gone down
with a crew of seven men.
Groat deposits of manganese ore have At Farmington, Pa,, the four-year-old
been found in the Cypress Hills, N. W. T. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred E. Rowland
Ten thousand persons were at a railway
teamsters' picnic in London the other
At Arden, Man., a farmer found 125
small potatoes growing from one large
ono. I Tho wife of Duncan C. Ross,theathlete,
was arrested in New York yesterday on
her husband's complaint of assault and
disorderly conduct.
Eighteen months ago Earl Bradshaw,
eight years old was bitten at Windsor,
Va., by a dog. A few days ago hydro-
phobia set in and he died yesterday.
The story that one bilion dollars is to be
raised by the faithful Catholics of the
world to obtain temporal power for the
pope is discredited in Washington.
James R.Langdon, vine -president of thse
Central Vermont Railway, and president
of the Montpelier National Bank, was
found dead in has room at Montpelier,
The story that the sum of one . billion
dollars is to be raised by the faithful
Catholics of the world to obtain for the
Pope temporal power is utterly discredited,
in Washington.
was drowned in a can of milk last night.
Whitecaps whipped Mrs. Reuben Flynn,
an aged widow, near Knoxville, Tenn., for
employing a colored man to do her farm
Ten thousand dollars have been sub.
scribed for the new Masonic hall at Ca-
Charles Snake, an Indian boy on the
"Runcey reserve, was killed by the kink of
a hors:.
A petrified teinahawk has been found
near Thamesvnle, where Tecumseh fought
and fell
Montreal has a committed td fiefee 05,-
000 for a monument to the late Honore'
A young Englishman named 1liffsay
was killed by lightning at St. Charles
The statue of Sir John Macdonlad has
arrived. at Kingston, and may be unveiled
next month.
The Woodstook Hospital has been pre -
seated with a fine ambulance imported
from Scotland:
Business failures throughout
ion this waek slumber n2; against 48 name
week last year.
• Deposits in the post -office savings banks
August totalled 657 v54 and $ with-
drawals $512, 910.
Tenders are' being asked for the construe-
tionof 0 Lighthouse at Double Top Rook,
in Georgian Bay.
More than 40 oitizens of Winnipeg at.
tended the farewell reception to Sir John
and Lady Schultz.
The Parry Sound Railway Company
will shortly commence construction of its
shops at Archville.
The Granite Creek Mining Company, of
Montreal, are applying for incorporation,
with capital of $150,000.
Inland revenue accrued last montb
amounted to $651, 882, an increase of $5, 009
over the sanse'month last year.
The six ton steel door of the Indiana
National Bank's money vault was opened
yesterday; and its $2,090,990„ contents -re-
moved,not a dollar being damaged,by the
fire which destroyed the building.;.,
Cholera is now raging in North China.
The Dowager Princess of Battenberg is
dead at Berlin.
China is about to retake possession of
the Liao -Tung peninsula.
A shark was caught at Havana and
found to contain human bones.
Emperor William has gone on a deer -
stalking expeditiou at Rominten.
Russia is said to have secured the privi-
lege of a second Chinese loan of $140,000,-
Over 17.000 deaths from cholera have
occurred in Japan since its outbreak in
The electrical building at the exhibition
at Bordeaux, France, was destroyed, by fire
Seven hotelkeepers were recently on on Saturday.
trial at the same time in Orangeville foal Several cases of cholera have been report -
selling liquor to drunken men. ed in Constantinople, and one of them has
resulted fatally.
The Montreal Trades and Labor Council
has decided against the proposed reception
to Keir Hardie, English labor agitator.
Wm. Cook, an employe of the Revere
House, Ottawa, turned suddenly insane
and tried to hack up one of the boarders
with a hatchet.
A Tilsbury firm recently shipped the
largest elm raft that ever oreseed lake St.
Clair, there being 3,253 logs, containing
700,000 feet in the float.
Delegates appointed by the Municipal
Connell of Paris to investigate the fire
promotion system of Canitdat and the
United States are in Montreal.
Levi Wigle, ex-M.P., of Leamington,
has gone in for water melons ' as a field
crop. He has 20 aores of there and expecte
to realize $8,000 from the product.
There aro now in Manitoba 34 cheese
factories, against 15 last year. Their prob
able output for the year will be 1,850,000
pounds of cheese and 60,000 pounds of
Walker & Sons want the Essex County
Council to locate the proposed new county
building ]u Walkerville and have offered
a free site of seven and one-half acres,
worth $7,000, free gas and water and $35,-
000 in cash.
A peculiar seat is taking, root in Van-
oouver, B. C. The members make it their
riga to pray to Satan to preserve them
from harm. They argue that God is all
good and will not hurt them. The devil,
they claim, does all the injury and there-
fore they pray to him not to carry out his
evil intentions.
In response to an advertisement for the
principalship of the Dutton Public school,
107 teachers applied for the situation, the
applicants residing in all parts of the prov-
ince, and some of the letters bore TJncle
Sam's post shark. Amongst "those who
applied wore ex -high soho0l teachers, uni-
versity graduates and aeon a graduate of a
medical college.
Thomas Lancaster, of Eest Zorra, was
see -intoned before a Woodstock- ceurt to
show cause why should not pay for twa
811001 belonging to his neighbors which
were allegocl to have been killed by his
dog. "I made what I consider a fair pro-
position," said Lancaster. "1 offered td
kill the dog and if there was mutton in-
side of it I was to pay half tho valuo of tile
sheep killed, and if it was proem that the
dog was Innocent then they were to pay rno
$10 tor the dog,"
A train of German troops was wrecked
near Berlin yesterday. Twelve soldiers
were killed and sixty injured.
A military train returning to Paris on
Thursday night was wrecked, and thirteen
were killed and sixty injured.
It is reported that Russia has secured
the privilege of a second Chinese loan of
one hundred million teals.
Rifles and military stores intended for
the Cuban insurgents have been discovered
on the British Island of Androsa.
Depatohes from Guayaquil,Ecuador,say
General Bowfin and Trivino have been
convicted of treason against President Al -
China expects to re -occupy Liao Tung in
October,and it is said that Russia is press-
ing Japan to immediately evacuate that
A despatch from Shanghai states that
the Chinese expect to retake possession of
the Liao-Tungpeninsula about the middle
of Cetober,
Cuprite, an ancient and much -frequent-
ed village picturesquely situated in a
beautiful valley among the Dolomites, has
been burned to the ground.
The Brazilian Government has de
Aided to present the British Minister at.
Rio Janario with his passport if England.
establishes a cable station on Trinidad
The steamers Constantine and Trove -
thick collided yesterday off the entrance of
the River Tyne. The Constantine was out
to the water's edge, and foundered, but
her crow were rescued.
It is reported that five British cruisers
are ascending the River rang-tso-Kiang
in consequence of information that for-
eigners aro being threatened with violence
in tho interior of China.
England, it is said, has advised Italy
that the latter can in no way rely upon
English support in rho event of France's
condemning the cornmoreial treaty be-
tween Italy and Tunis.
A Spanish court martial in Havana has
condemned the captain and fireman of an
Ainerioen vessel to eight. and ten years' im-
prisonment respectisely for bending cart-
ridges iu Cuba for the insurgents.
In honor of the fetes commemorating
the entry of the Italian army into .,home,
in 1700, Ting Humbert hc.Ps granted a
pardon to all the Sicilian;rioters who wore
Mrs. Saunders, Would not sauctiotel Oranten' The East bound morning'
the proposed operation: she decided to
try a medicine that had cnred thousands
she had faith in its wondrous powers
to make her new woman. Paine's
Celery Compound was her ebesen
agent; she used it. and thanks Provi-
dencefor the happy change effected
elle writes as follows, regarding her
" It is with much pleasure that I test-
ify to the value of you wonderful
Paine's Celery Compound. I was a
great sufferer from severe attacks of
neuralgia in the left ovary. At times
the attacks were' so acute that I
througt I wquld lose my reason
"Several doctors treated tne, and I
was a patient in St, Joseph's Hospital,
Hamilton. I obtained no relief froth
mediae! treatment. The Doctors Said
I had the ovary taken away I could
not be cured..
"Instead of submitting to the opera-
tion, I used Paine's Celery Compound,
and I am thankful your medicine cured
me. I feel like a new woman, and I
would like all sufferers to know just
what this great medicine has done for
exp. ttf had a narrow escape from bo-
lag'wrtacl: d lagt Thursday morning.
A very strong;ilhi1 blew ?ver the sem
aphore at the Eadlgru end of the G, T.
R. yards, and as it Egli ive'zesk" the rails
it was struck by the expfele*ii'thi such
force that it snapped ill two and was
thros'i'i to the sides allowing the Erwin
to pass on uninjured,
Philadelphia: A very pretty wed-
ding took plack at the residence of
Mr. Leno Kipfer, on Tuesday- last. The
contracting parties were Miss Mary
aMeidinger and Mr. Hartman, both of
near this, place. The immediate friends
only were present, numbering about
forty. The ceremony was performed
in the Catholic church by Rev. Father
Porteous, and then all returned to the
house, where they partook of a sump-
tuous wedding feast, and in the even -
ink tripped the light fantastic toe arntil
an early hour in the morning, The
?friends of the• young couple wish them
a long and happy life,
Hullett: Mr. William: Shipley, of
the Huron road,. near Clinton, met with
a heavy loss last week in the death of
three of his •horses from cerebro spinal.
snenina*itis. a 'fatal, thouglk very un-
common disease and quite rare in this
county. The homes had not been ail-
ing many days and were down but a
few hours. Vetertnaries Blhckall, of
town, Walker, of Londesbom, Hamil-
ton, of Goderich, and Mcirtosh, of
Brueefield, were in consultation and
held a post mortern+examination. Their
vert4fet was that the ailment was caus-
ed from impure water and' bad food.
The well. from whish the. animals were
watered is under 011e barn, and it is
thought the water was• rendered ins-
pure by leakage. A fourth horse is
now atling, but mgr come around all
right. The disease sometimes• works
as long as a month before the animal
gives in. then death follows in a few
hours. Cattle are seldom afflicted with
the disease. Mr. Shipley's loss will be
over $800
Mitchell: The aielias been fall of
scandal the past fevw• weeks. and the
trouble culuminated in a scene at the
station Mbnday evening which was a
disgrace• to the town. For some years
Mr. Alex. Irvine haeltad reason bethink
his wife•was not what she should be. As
the opening of the Fnslustrial Fair she
went down to Toronto, taking with her
her only child, a little girl of about four
years of age. Letters of a compromis•
ing nature, were sent by her from there
to a r arnried man ir.,Mitchell, whom she
invited to meet her an the city. They
fell tricot -he hands of -her husband, who
determined never more to have any-
, thing to do with the woman, but his
child he.was bound to have. Hearing
that they were to return Monday even-
ing he went,",to the station, with this
objeet in view. As, soon as they alight-
ed on the platform; Irvine seized the
child, but the mother was just as quick,
and I&&d on to the little thing for all
she was worth, Beth pulled and tug-
ged, until Consta lee Clnlow stepped for-
ward and compeiled Irvine to give up
his held fearing injury to the little one.
During the scene Mrs. Irvine's langu•
age was anything but polite. There
WAS, a large number of spectators pres
ent, and the excitement ran high, sym-
pathy seeming to he with the wronged
husband and father. The law is to he
invoked for the recovery of the child,
which will likely lead to the exposure
in the courts of matters of a sensation
al kind,—Adene:er a.
Parkhill: Mr 'Chas. Haynes' barn
was :unroofed by the wind Wednesday
morning of last week,
Kirkton: Mr: Hugh Smith has rent-
ed Mr.,. Skinner's farm in ward5, Blau -
shard. . Hugh is a good tenant.
Sylvan: Mr. Martin Nut has ripe
.raspberries. Mrs. Nutt picked about
.two quarts the other day, this being
the second crop this season..
Hibbert: Lightning &truce the barn
of Mr. John Cairns, 5th con,,Wednesday
morning, and completely destroyed it,
together with the season's crop.
Clinton: The other day the wife of
Mr. T. C. Edmunds fell and sustained
a very severe sprain on the ankle, at
first it was thought that the limb was
Fullerton: We are sorry to learn
that owing to failing health J. L Rus-
sell has been compelled to give up farm-
ing and has leased his farm for a term
of years to J. B. Cole.
Clinton: A small fire occured in the
room occupied by Misses Tebbuet &
Cudmore, dressmakers, on Wednesday
aftenoon, by a coal oil stove upsetting
and setting fire to some patterns, but
it was soon extinguished.
Kirkton: The barn of Mr. Samuel
Shier, and all his season's anon, togeth-
er with implements, new wagon,
buggy, cutter, harness, one calf and all
his hens, were destroyed by lightning.
The insurance was $1300.
Ailsa Craig: We regret to announce
the death of another of Ailsa Craig's
residents, in the person of Mrs. Dennis
J'inan, which sad event took place on
Sunday Sept. 15th, in the 52nd year
of her age. Deceased leaves to mourn
her loss, a husband, four sons, and four
Clinton:. Mr. Walsh, of the London
road, has rented• his farm fve a termof
years, at a rental of $310 a year. He
gives possession at once, and will prob-
ably take tap his residence in town,
•having rented Mrs. Butler's new house
Victoria St. It is an excellent farm,
and the lessee has seeured it at a very
nominal rental.
Parkhill: The suit,. Valley vs. Pat-
rick, which was not finished, at the last
division court here and was referred
by the judge to Mr. Wm. Dickson as
arbitrator, ended after uiueh evidence
being taken in favor of the plaintiff
Mr, Varley was awarded $l6—the de-
fendant to pay costs. The case arose
from a claim for extras made by Mr:
Varley for the building of a barn,
Parkhill This week we record the
death of Mr. John P. Burns, a highly
respected and estimable citizen of our
town, Mr. Barn's death took place last
Sunday evening after a lingering ill-
ness. As he was . able to be up and
around and converse as usual until
nearly the very last, the announcement
of his death was a shock to his many
friends. The funeral tack place on
undorgoiee sentences of iinptisouu:ehtfor f Wenesday.
loss than ten:years:
Are showing; special line
for the next two weeks in
//l/ ,,,.:.rl•-•
� f/ a ,.
iC 'fn/. , / ��� + rr
/octet aougbr holds,
ha;nge gnicic retie@. Cures all in-
namreation or the )+ronohial
tubes, throat or chest. No un-
certainty. Relieves, soothes,
heals promptly.
A Large Bottle for i Cents.
eels &ore. ache§
mueufar lmg.altd
iia& ju§ t per art Thar
�•Bani8her of Backache&
'Ihe Sr' MEwmoi Pit.
J. McLAcaierr, Point au Chene, writes: Nolh-
'ng better for Lame Back and Lumbago than the
A & L. Menthol Plaster.
A. E. MaOLOAlr writes from Windsor: "The'13.,
& L. Menthol Plaster is curing Sore Baeltsana:
Rheumatism at a great rata'ir, this vicinity;
tae, each in air -tight tin box,
The Brantford won
—239 first prizes.
—143 second d
88 third .r
and holds nearly evetr
Championship from the
Atlantic to the Pae>ia,
Perk is & Martin.
As we are killing hogs regular we ars
prepared to fill crocks or pails with.
new ikrd.
Tender loin 9 cents -peer lb
Spare ribs 2 " ar
Roast pork 10 ,aY
Lard in crocks 1 "
Hams, smoked 12
Baoka a 11 „
13. Bacon 12 "
Clroar Bacon 9 to 10 "
Spiced roll 10 •` ~'
Pigs feet 15. " per de
C. SHELL, - Prop.
Doss. -One teaspoonful in s half
As many good things ate likely,
to. But you are Safe in running
the risk if you keep a bottle of 's
Perry Davis'
at hand. It's a never -failing
antidote for pains of all sorts.
Sold by all Druggists.,
ass oe water or milk (warm if convenient.)