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THURSDAY, SEPT. 19, 1895.
The Week's Commercial Summary.
I The shipments of gold, front New York
last week aggregated $3,800,000.
The wheat markets are weak, Mani.
'bobs grades are lower owing to big
Sales at 83c, for No. 1. hard, To-
Earnings of Canadian Pacifica for the
last week of August were $538,000, an in-
erease of $8,000 as compared with corres-
ponding week of Lest year.
Canadian securitiee are fairly active
and very strong. Cable is firm, with in-
dications of going higher. A. quarterly
dividend of 1 8-4 per cent. has just been
Sales of wool, which averaged. over
10,000,000 pounds per week when n°Teat.
speculative stocks were being taken,
have shrunk to 5,380,500 for the week,
against 7,557,300 for the same week in
The visible supply of wheat in the
United States and Canada is 35,440,00J
bushels, an increase of 850,000 bushels
ler the week. A year ago the visible
was 66,949,000 bushels, and two years
stgo 56,881,000 bushels.
There were 42 failures in the Dominion
'last week, as against 43 the previous
week, and 40 in the corresponding
week of a year ago. Ontario leads
with 21, being half the total
for the week, eighteen of whom had our
lowest credit or blank rating. Quebec
had. fafteen, an increase of one over the
previous week. Nova Scotia had three,
British Columbia two and New Bruns-
wick one. In Prince Edward Island. and
Manitoba none were reported last week.
R. G. Dun & Oo.'s weekly review of
trade in the United States says : There
15 110 real reaction in business. Gains
which were recognized as temporary are
vanishing, but there remains a decided
increase over last year at this date, al-
thougla prices average 8.8 per cent. lower
than a year ago. It needs no keen ob-
server to see that the reaction against a
rapid advance is strong.
The revertant Eyelets in a row words ante
latter Deaders.
Typhoid fever prevails at Canfield.
Strathroy is torublecl with firebugs.
Shopliftere trouble 13arrie merobants.
Collingwood has a plethora of barbers,
Building operations in Barrie are brisk.
Black ducks are plentiful on the back
Hepworth will soon have a Masonic
Kingston has only two Chinese laun-
Chatham wants an electric all-night ser-
An elevator is being built at the Keeton
Market fees ratty be done away in
Windsor sends tramps to jail for three
The Muskoka hay crop is only an aver-
age one.
A labor union is to be organized in
Welland recently had a fine firemen's
Tho .Aavinston Masons have moved into
their new hall.
In St. Thomas a thief steals potatoes
from their hills.
There will be a good crop of oats and
peas about Orillite
Barrie will vote on an Industrial Home
by-law in January.
A gold mine in Madock has just yielded
a very rich strike.
An insane gypsy triad to drown himself
in Cameron lake,
The Barber Asphalt Company is doing
the paving in Loudon.
Woodstock will have a new patent baby
oarriage factory.
Boerne is the new post -office at Caradoo
and Adelaide road.
The water in Georgian bay is 18 inches
lower than it was last year.
Berlin's newly found flowing well is at-
tracting great attention.
Cotton is strong, but has paused. The
general tendency to curtail purchases
where prices have notably advanced
grows clearer in boots and shoes, in wool
and. in some products of iron. The com-
binations have again advanced prices of
bar iron $2 per tun, and of wire nails 20c
per keg, while Bessemer is quoted at
$17.40 at _Pittsburg, and eastern manu-
facture from imported ore has again com-
menced to supply western consumers.
The brightest feature in all the horizon
is certainly that the crop of corn will be
enormous. Frosts now can affect only a
small fraetion, and the surplus will go
'into the manufacture of meats, because
at 35.7c at New York, nearly Sc lower
than a year ago, there is no other profit-
able use for corn. The latest reports of
wheat threshing induced western judges
to raise their estimate of the yield. over
40,000,000 bushels, and with 450,000,000
bushels added to 70,600,000 bushels
brought over, the supply will exceed all
probable demands. The price has again
dropped 3c, and, with western receipts
of 4,550,104 bushels, against 5,564,210
last year, the western farmer sells again
to discover that holding back wheat is a
losing business.
Here and There.
Is the disappearing bridegroom becom-
ing epidemic?
Beggars are usually first to demand
the right of choice.
Who can blame Norway for not want-
ing to play in Sweden's back yard any
more ?
Few men are of less value to a party
than those tvho endorse its errors alike
with its worthy aims.
Judging from some of the game he
'bags, we should say that Cupid must do
most of his hunting blindfolded.
Divers have found that the depth of
wave action of Lake Michigan is not
more than thirty-seven feet even after
the severest storms.
If you cannot go into the countryfor
the season, you can become tanned just
as dark by exposing yourself to the sun
in the city. It is the same sun and the
tame kind of tan.
The burglar who stole the entire
Fourth of July earnings of a Providence
steamboat company, amounting to over
$8,000, did nob probably find the ordeal
of "getting- over the Fourth" a very
severe one.
The proprieaors of Parraelee's Pills are
constantly receiving letters similar to
the following, which explains itself.
Mr. John A. Beam, Waterloo, Ont.,
writes : "I never used any medicine
that can equal. Parmelee's Pills for
dyspepsia or liver and kidney com-
plaints. The relief experienced after
using them was wonderiula As a safe
family medicine Parmelee's Vegetable
Pills can be given in all cases requiring
a cathartic.
Wearied Them in a Minute,.
"Weren't you dreadfully bored with
callers at your summer cottage ?4'
indeed. You. see, I gave them
rustic chairs to sit in."
Tako Notice.
I, Malcolm McBain, merchant tailor, 3.
Queen St. West, do certify that Dr. Car-
son's Stomach Bitten cured me Of dist
pepsia. I believe it to be the best mad-
am for all Stomach and Liver troubles
At all Druggists. Price soc.
To Make aLJn.
"Your conduct before your guests to-,
night," he fiercely cried, `was scandal -
She gazed into the accusing eyes of
her husband with the apathy of despair.
"I had to do something to make people
she answered in a hollow vine°.
he would not give another informal
reception as long as she lived.
Holloway's Corn Cure destroys all
kinds of corns and watts, toot and
branch, Who then would endure them
with such a ahem) and effectual remedy
within reach?
The village of .A.lexanclrie will expend
vamo for water -works.
Sweet corn on atom in Goderloh town.
ship, Huron, grows to a height of la feet,
The Rockwood asylum, Kingston, has
600 patients, and visiting days aro abolish.-
edA. London child, bitten by a dog, has
been sent to the Pasteur Institute, New
A geological survey of the country be-
tween Kingston and Pembroke is to be
Loudon's Connell haa refused the issue
of $4000 in debentures for new school
aaldborough post -office, Lo Aldborough
township, has been closed after au exist -
elute of seventy-five years.
The Manitoba and North-Western rail-
way weather report states that rain has
fallen heavily in sonic districts, delaying
the harvest and threshing.
AU the Cabinet Ministers have received
invitations to attend theannual conven-
tion of the Deep Waterways Association
at Cleveland, September 24-26.
A. mass meeting of the citizens of Mon-
treal will be called at an early date to 0071 -
Bider the question of erecting a monument
to the memory of Honore Mercier.
Of the 1,000 samples of food,drugs, etc.,
analyzed by the laboratory branch of the
Inland Revenue .Department during the
past year, 159 were found adulterated.
A despatch from St. john's Nfld., says
the Labrador shipping, embroglio has been
settled by the Canadian Government order-
ing the release of all the vessels whioh
were seized.
Mr. Wm. Ryle,of Toronto, the promot-
er of the International Belt Line Railway
Company of Niagara Falls, Ont., was ar-
rested on Saturday ou the charge of at-
tempting to bribe a member of last year's
A series of very sensational, ineendittry
cases will came before the Montreal courts
at an early date. On Saturday warrants
were sworn out for the arrest of ten promi-
nent business men of Montreal, who aro
charged with setting fire to their premises.
The fires extended from 1891 to 1895, and
entailed considerable loss on theinsurance
The now ship canal at Sault Ste. Marie,
Ont., was informally opened on Saturday
afternoon, the steamship Majestic, being
the newest Canadian built passenger boat,
being the first one looked through the
canal. The channels are well buoyed out,
and a depth of 17 feet in both approaches
is well assured. The canal will be officially
opened for traffic this morning.
A telegram was received on Saturday at
the Department of Customs, Ottawa, from
Captain. Howard, whose seizures of the
Newfoundland fishing vessels on the coast
of Labrador have caused so much trouble.
He asked that the Government cruiser
Constance be sent to his assistance. He
,was informed that the release of the vessels
had been ordered.
The bones of an historic animal have
been dug up at Ridgetown.
The Barrie Council is asked to take
charge of the public library.
Goderich is contemplating a comprehen-
sive radial railway gystem.
Wallaceburg's population, 2,608, makes
it the largest village in Canada.
American capitalists propose to erect
large salt works at Mooretown.
A number of Brantford merchants have
been swindled by the change game.
_a. Sandwich man has a 35 -year old horse
that can trot a mile in three minutes.
An old squaw, Kewacodoguah, died re-
cently at Walpole Island, ag,d 100 years.
Quebec and Ottawa are the only large
Canadian cities that have no free libraries.
A new lake barge, to carry 50,000 bush-
els of grain, is being built at Kingston.
There are about thirty cases of scarlet
fever in the city of Winnipeg at present.
On the recent pilgrimage to Ste. Anne
de Beaupre $600 was stolen from a priest.
A man near Newbury has been com-
mitted on charge of stealing 13 acres of
•An Italian employed on the electric rail-
way at Seneca s ails accidentall+ received
1,700 volts. To -day he is at work as well
as ever.
A true bill has been returned against
Napoleon Demers for wife murder at Mon-
A committee has been appointed to raise
$25,000 for the proposed monument to
C.P.R. authorities still continue to re-
ceive applications from Manitoba farmers
for men.
Jesuit Fathers are considering a propos-
al to establish an observatory in connec-
tion with St. Mary's College.
Action has been taken by John Pinder
& Co. against the Dominion Government
for the recovery of $1,400, alleged over-
charges on sugar imported last May,
The Lord's Day Alliance, of Hamilton,
intend prosecuting the steamboat and rail-
way companies'which have been running
inaor near the city on Sunday.
Minnie and Alice Boug, daughters of
Albert Bong, broom -maker, of London
West, who were poisoned by eating canned
salmon on Sunday last, aro still in a pre.
carious condition.
The jury in the 'Warwick drowning case
has recommended the cancellation of the
license held by Hotellteeper Ward at
Springbank where the men had procured
liquor, and that no license be granted in
future for a hotel at that resort.
Pte. Hayhurst, G, M.. of the 18th Batt.,
Hamilton, winner of the Queen's prize,
has received from Lord Dufferin a beauti-
ful engraved silver medal, in recognition
of his skill as a marksman. A. letter of
congratulation accompanied the medal.
A. piece of sixteen -inch plank was found
wedged across the Toronto Water Works
conduit in one of the man -holes, and
eighteen inches of sane were discovered in
the bottom. This is believed to account
for the accident to the conduit on Thurs-
Prof. N.F.Dupuis of Queen's University,
Kingston, has written a letter protesting
against street watering as being foolish
and. dangerous. He says the consequences
are the deterioration of the streets and the
tendency to unhealthiness, as dust is bet-
ter than bacteria.
Mr. William Taylor,late of the Customs
department in London, Ont., dted there
Ifaiday, Mr. Taylor was for many years
intmicipal olork of London township, and
wielded a very groat influence in that
municipality. In polities he was an ardent
Conservative, and in 1867 ran for the On-
tario Legislature against the late James
Evans, but was &fasted.
The weather in Manitoba has been very
favorable for harvesting, but Edmonton
district has been visited by a snowstorm.
OnWednesday nearly 50,000 bushels of new
wheat were marketed at various stations
along the Canadian Pacifier railway and
Northern Pacific lines, The price paid for
the best qualities is 42 and 48 oents per
Wrn.Doyle, aged seventeen, an employe
of the McOermiok biscuit works in Lon-
don, Ont., was caught in the elevator shaft
an Friday by the hoist. It was necessary
to saw out the amine work in order to re -
Tease Jilin. TWo dodoes WOVO present dur-
ing the ordeal, and by the use of drugs
alleviated his sufferings. Although his
back is broken at the hie botee, the
chances aro that the boy Will Hem
• • •
It may be only a trifling cold, but neg-
lect it and it will fasten its fangs in your
lungs, and you will soon be carried to an
untimely grave. In this country we
have sudden changes and must expect to
have coughs and colds. We cannot
avoid them. but we can effect a cure by
ing Biekle's Anti -Consumptive Syrup,
the me Edna that hIs never been known
,i1 In curing cougha, colds, bronchitis
a 1 all affectionsof the throat, lungs
taaal chest
Mr. George H, MoDonnell, M. P., for Al -
game, ateeoutmends Dr. Ageew's eater-
riud powder -It Relieves in 10 to 60 Min-
Lot no one be surprised at the high char -
eater of the testinionials received by thepro-
prietors of Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powders.
The medicine merits the best things that
can be said of it, for be the trouble Cold 40
the Head, Catarrh, Hay Fever or Ca.arrh-
al Dottfuess, relief is so speedy and effective
that it °harms all, This is the view of the
popular member of the House of Commons
for the District of Algoma, who has used
this medicine, and clues not hesitate to tell
the people of Canada of its great worth.
Sample Bottle and Blower sent on re-
ceipt of two 3-eent stamps.
S. G. DETCHON, 44 Church st, Toren
Pennsylvania coal miners are wofking
on full time for the first time in a year.
By the fire at the Boston docks property
to the extent of $500,000 was destroyed.
The reported engagement of Miss Van-
derbilt, daughter of Cornelius Vanderbilt,
to Moses Taylor, is denied.
One glass of beer is reported to have so
swelled the tongue of Mrs. Joseph Long-
street at Patterson, N. J., that she may
The Treasury deficit for the fiscal year,
or the excess of expenditures over receipts,
is reported at Washington to be $18,118,-
After a very thorough test the exports
declare that the United States battleship
Iowa will keep out the projectiles of the
best 12 -inch gun afloat.
Vandals broke into a tomb in the St.
John's Catholic cemetery, Albany, N.Y.,
and scattered the bones and wreaked the
coffin, and are still at large.
H. H. Holmes, the alleged murderer of
Pitezel and his three children, of Minnie
Williams, and many others, since he has
been in prison in Philadelphia has written
a book-, by the sale of which he hopes to
realize enough money to pay counsel for
his defence..
One of the Bar Harbor summergirls
is described as wearing "a very smart
little coat and a very clever little hat,"
Of course a very clever little head under
the very clever little hat is taken for
No family living in a bilious country
should. be without Parmelee's Vegetable
Pills. A few doses taken now and then
will keep the liver active, cleanse the
stomach'and bowels from all bilious mat-
ter and prevent ague. Mr. J. L. Price,
Shoals, aMartin Co., 'Ind., writes: "I
have tried a box of Parmelee's Pills and
find them them the best medicine for
fever and ague I have ever used."
India's budget announces a smaller de-
ficit than usual.
Is Dispelled in 30 Iliiittutes by Dr. Agnew's
Cure for the Heart.
The thousands who suffer from heart
disease will understand what is meant by
Mrs. Roadhouse, of Willscroft, Out., when
she says: "Cold sweat would stand out in
great beads upon my face." With every
one who suffers from heart trouble it is a
death struggle, for it is hard to say when
the cord of life will not snap with this dis-
ease controlling the system. In the inter-
ests of human life, let all who suffer from
heart trouble always act promptly, and
use a remedy that is effective. Death may
easily occur if it is a ease simply of experi-
menting with medicines that are not spe-
cially intended to remove the trouble in
this direction. Dr. Agnew's Cure for the
Heartas a heart specific, and will give re-
lief within 30 minutes after the first dose
is taken and cure permanently, as many
have already testified through these col-
Great damage has been done by a hurri-
cane and flood in the vicinity of Lisbon.
Five new warships have been ordered by
Japan to be built in the Clyde ship yards.
Over 80,000 men and 15,000 horses will
take part in the German army's autumn
Cholera is reported on board the British,
French, Russian and Italian naval vessels
at Japan.
The Trades Congress at Cardiff adopted
a resolution demanding the abolition of
the House of Lords.
Sir. Arthur Elibank Haveloek, Governor.
of Myer), will succeed Lord Wenloelt aR
Governor of Madras in December.
The autonomist party in Cuba will peti-
tion the Spanish Goverment for a °mist'.
tution similar to that of Canada.
The Duke of Devonshire and Lord Wol-
tieley ate said to favor the introduction of
conseription into the British army.
Police fired upon a mob of Mohammed-
an rioters at Mull% India who had at-
taatted a Hindoo peocession. A number
Were killed.
Prince Von Hohenlohe, the German
Chancellor, is expected at St. Petersburg
to day and that the Czar will receive him
at the Peterhof palace.
Baron Moreneinat the Russian Ambas-
sador to France, will ohortly retire and
will be succeeded by M. Nelidoff at present
Russian Ambassador to Turkey.
Herr Pluncl, editor of the Berlin Vor-
wacrts, hat boon arrested and two editions
of his paper confiscated by order of the
Government for Unpatriotic utterances,
The 'White Caps are again at their
self-appointed work of administering
"justice. ' The dignity of ephe law can
never be upheld by the lawless, and. a
mob that inflicts punishment without
trial is worthy of the severest punish-
ment itself. The White Caps are a most
vicious organization in a civilized com-
Death Through the Kidneys.
Hardy any organs of the human system
play a more vital part than the kidneys.
A derangement of these, even to a slight de-
gree, will lead to trouble that is likely, if
not stayed, to prove fatal. There is only
one way for the system to be rid of this
disease, and that is by trying a medicine
that will act specially, and is a specific fox
kidney disease. This is the strong facto'
in the great South American Kidney Oure.
It is prepared specially for those organs, is
radioal in its banishment of disease locat-
ed here, and rich in the healing powers
necessary to complete restoration.
Her Chance.
Chappie—Miss Jessie cries for the least
little thing in the world.
Ethel Knox --I didn't know she was as
fond of you as all that.
Released from Pain in One Day.
"It is my desire," says Mr. James Kerr,
farmer, of Kars, Ont., "to tell for the pub -
lie good of the great blessing South
American Rheumatic Cure has been to my
wife. She had been a great sufferer from
rheumatism for 25 years ;had doctored with
ail physicians, far and near, but never re-
ceived perfect relief until she used South
American Rheumatic Cure. It banished
all pain in one day, and seven bottles cured
radically. I think two or three bottles
would have been suffic:ent had it not been
for delay in seouring medicine. I most
cheerfully and freely give this testimony,
and strongly recommend sta.-were from
rheumatism to use this remedy, as I be,
lieve it will cure in every case."
Hor Point of View.
"The flat is acceptable every way,"
said Mrs. Downtown to the janitor of the
Harlem flats. "I'll take them. By the
way, we have six children."
Janitor—All right, ma'am. No objec-
tion to children.
Mrs. Downtown -0, indeed Well,
this must be a dreadful unfashionable
neighborhood, as—er—I don't think I'll
take the flat after all.
Pectoria. Pectoris', Pectoris.
Axe you suffering from cough or cold
on your lungs. Ask your druggist for
Pectoria,and take no other. Just try and
.see for yourself how soon Pectoria will
cure you. - Send to Allan & Co, 53 Front
St., Toronto, Proprietors. 25 cents a bot-
4,11 Interesting intervieW With Mrs.
(Rev.) F. B. Stratton.
Threatened With Paralysis — Weak,
Emaciated and Unable to Stand ra-
tigue-innk Pills Restore Hor Health
From the Napaneo Beaver.
The Rev F.R.Stratton, of Selby, is one
of the best known ministers in 13ay of
Quince conference, of which body he is the
president. During the two years ¥r..
Stratton has been Stationed at Selby, both
he and Mrs. Stratton have won hosts of
friends among all classes for their unas-
Owning and sincere Christian work. Some.
tine ago Mrs. Stratton was attacked with
partial paralysis, and her restoration hav-
ing been attributed to the use of Dr. Will-
iams' Pink Pills, a reporter of the Beaver
was sent to interview her. Itt reply to
the reporter's question Mrs. Stratton said
that she had been greatly benefitted. Mrs.
Startton said that before moving to Selby
she had been greatly troubled by a numb-
ness coining over her sides and arms (par-
tial paralysis) which, when she moved,felt
as though hundreds of needles were stick-
ing in the %testi, For over a year she bad
been troubled in this way, with occasion-
ally a dizzy spell. She was becoming ema-
ciated and easily fatigued, and was unable
to get sleep from this cause. The trouble
seemed to be worse at night time. Mr.
Stratton had become greatly alarmed at
her bad state of health, and it was feared
that complete paralysl would ensue as
Mrs. Stratton's another, the late Mrs.
Weaver, of Ingersoll, had been similarly
etricken, at about the same 'age. Know-
ing a young lady in Trenton, where Mr.
Stratton had been previously stationed,
who had been oured by Dr.Williams' Pink
Pills, it was determined to give them a fair
trial. When Mrs. Stratton began using
the Pink Pills she was very thin and her
system badly run down, but after taking
the pills for a time, all symptoms of par-
alysis disappeared, and she found her
health and strength renewed and her
weight increased. Mrs. Stratton is about
fifty years of ago, and a more healthy,
robust, and younger looking lady is sel-
dom seen at that age.
ln reply to the reporter's inquiry as to
what Pilik Pills had done for his wife, Mr.
Stratton said, "Look at her, look at her,
doesn't she show it," and the reporter
could not but admit the truth of the state-
These pills are a positive cure for al'
troubles arising from a vitiated condition
o.! the blood or a shattered nervous system.
Sold by all dealers or by mail from the
Dr. Williams' Medicine Company, Brook-
ville, Ont., or Schenectady, N.Y., at 50
cents a box, or 6 boxes for $2.50. There
are numerous imitations and substitutes
against which the public is cautioned.
There never was, and never will be, a
universal panacea, m one remedy, for all
ills to which flesh • is heir—the very
nature of many curatives being such that
were the germs of other and differently
seated diseases rooted in the system of
the patient - what would relieve one ill,
in turn would aggravate the other. We
have, however, in Quinine Wine, when
obtainable in a sound unadulterated, state
a remedy for many and grevious ills. By
its gradual and. judicious use, the frailest
systems are led. into convalescence and
strength, by the influence which Quinine
exerts on Nature's own restoratives. It
relieves the drooping spirits of those with
whom a chronic state of morbid despond-
ency and lack of interest in life is a
disease, and, by tranquilizing the nerves,
disposes to sound and refreshing sleep—
iinparts vigor to the action of the blood,
which, being stimulated, courses through-
out the veins, strengthening the healthy
animal funetions of the system, thereby
making activity a necessary result,
strengthening the frame, and giving life
to the digestive organs,
which naturally
demand increased substance—result, im-
proved appetite. Northrop & Lyman of
Toronto, have given to the public their
superior Quinine Wine at the usual rate,
and, gage& by the opinions of scientists,
this wine approaches nearest perfection of
any in the market. All druggists sell it.
Only for it moment was he silent
"Shall We fly?" ho repeated, earnestly.
She could not repress the dry sob that
rose to her lips. Nor could she wet it
since the hour of midnight had Struck.
"Why," she exclaimed reproachfully,
"must you. at such a time obtrude the
bootless controversies of academia
science ?"
Always on Hand.—Mr. Thomas H.
Porter, Lower Ireland, P.Q., writes:
"My son, eighteen months old, had croup
so bad that nothing gave him relief until
a neighbor brought me some of Dr.
Thomas' Eclectric Oil, which I gave him,
and in six hours he vas mixed. It is the
best medicine I ever used, and I would
not be without a bottle of it in my
A Rash Experiment.
"I am a ruined man !"
Passers by paused and noted. the indi-
vidual who sat on the fence, regarding
with sad dejection the new house over in
the ungraded lot.
"I am a ruined man I" he groaned
Somebody remembered that he was the
man who draws the plans for $2,000
houses that are printed in the news-
"I am a ruined man !" he said for the
third time.
Then they understood that he had tried
to build a house from one of his own
Medical Testimony.
Reputable medical men will rarely al-
low their names to be ptiblished, endors-
ing any special form of medical treat-
ment. Often, however, there may be
found at Lakehurst Institute, Oakville,
members of the "noblest of the profes-
sions" who, being but human, have them-
selves fallen victims to alcohol. One of
these recounts his experience and ob-
servation thus: "From my own ease
and others I have observed, I have no
hesitation in sayin; that your method. of
treatment is eminently successful. I
was greatly surprised to see men of fifty
years and. over who had been for many
years addicted to the excessive use of
alcohol. in the course of five or six days
eating heartily, sleeping well, with no
more desire for alcohol, and with a feel-
ing of mental and bodily vigor not ex-
perienced for years—this I consider real-
ly wonderful." We might add that
these results are mainly due to the care
and judgment exercised in each individ-
ual case entrusted to us—features sel-
dom discoverable in her institutions
having similar objects. Full information,
28 Bank of Commerce Building, Toronto.
He Had Noticed I.
"There is no doubt in my mind," mur-
mused Weary. Abwrest, "Watt the world.
owes me a living, but," he added. bitter-
ly, "I am MA surpriSed to find. that
Bradstreet's reports collections slow and
unsatisfaatoi.7. '
Her Ten -Word Limit.
This is the message the telegraph mes-
ahsimso:on as you can. I
ammidgvhitnhg sa tio.
ter he arrived at the
summer hotel, to be met on the piazza
by Kate herself.
"Why—what did. you mean by send
ing me such a message ?" he asked.
"Oh !" she gurgled, "I wanted to say
that I was dying to see you, but my ten
words ran out and I had to stop."
Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator
has no equal for destroying worms in
children and adults, See that you get
the genuine when purchasing.
Worth the Price.
Wife—I'm awfully glad we subscribed
to this magazine, dear.
Husband—Indeed—why ?
Wife—Why the advertising pages are
such excellent literature.
That Ended It.
Maud—What was the last discussion
of that Young Ladies' Debating Society
of yours?
Maxie -0, we took up the old question
of "Is Marie ea;e a Failure?"
Maud—Wnl, wh,tt was the result of
the debate?
Marie—A eommittee consisting of the
entire membership was invited to try it
and see, f
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Try this office when you want neat job
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Owed His Life to a Miracle.
"I owe my life to a miracle?' said one
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hernia). "I had. in my pocket a five -
franc piece, and the ba,11 struck dead ou
,,in rms. place I should have been a ,L,plynnyrriiNG TiOR THE PRINTER, -
the spot where it was."
dead man," was Mutger's reply, , New'S - -pets, Stereotype ittatteratneetree
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street west, Toronto. S. JOHNSTON, General
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EDUCATION for young nun Or woman for the
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lime. C. A. Fleming, Principal, Owen Sound, out.