The Exeter Advocate, 1895-8-30, Page 5d Tire That T .w..v.— ..min. -v_...,,. �' � TOPICS OF A. WEEK The lowest tom t t 1, _ . bYas era are in the North - 1 The e Important Sts vents la a, Few Words ;Jt�'or 45, Bain fell in sev • 01.11 parts of Manitoba ,rength, cAx r l xAN, was clear and rearm, You often hear people complain of Windsor is groat, 'anli w A mooting of the Manitoba y o- od by tratnpre fiat :on Saturda Cabinet was weakness end 1111 tired, 11'1111111 down ;Eel* Qnebeo, is talking of a winter e The y, all Lhe from Orta a en atni'--- present. I.l1e lejrrindar froin Qttawa ",n beg, The Cause of the, trouble is Tpyhoid fever is prevalent in London.. the sehoois was up ror consderat to i Impure •, l ti z but 1a b on Wednesday night was at Prince Albert, where the thermometer registered Hood's Sarsaparilla ;Ives 'ties Uttar /Readers. but no damage was done, Last exi ht it (Desired Health a'2ci S g p or lilipoverished blood, and The Oddeellows of Ayr have a new When in this condition It callxtOt carr 11. OVOr cot fttl'tller OOnSiderati0n. f no action was taken, tho =deter being let health , to the organs and tissues o S h the bode. Purify 't c the blood rvif,�, Hood's Sarsaparilla and these disagreeable I e g0 In Al-utloal to Liverpool September 1111011 early health and vigor 111) every Dont coon The French committee of the Organ of the foody. county has a fine barley Crop •this School Board atSeparate e.,,e • season. Ottawa have made a de- mand upon the Brothers who cont s the direction pointed 0 Moaford's water power throws a stream at o Government Commission. feet high. Part of ho in t . t ' Messrs Ii. anis A. Alcan have- revolved Y, vl z�luE elle, Furl 111 Brantford olnor-Gone a ord Bast only to by fire lastr l to ,reserve on. Dudley month. for Lord Flaciclo and the Hon. Dudley Ger- algleeable fee1111ys will r dole on the ss. Nnmicliati sailing from disappear, bEl>au$(1 tl'ie blood -will donnen„ t cows p!llagocl Bidgotown gar instruottons from Ms Es cellenoy the Gov - 14 0. ov his season 1,000 persons settled i M Ina, 0 op ember 14. r"0. 1. Hood Se Co., Lowell, Mass.: "Gentlemen;—As a tonin and blood purifier x believe Hood's Sarsaparilla is the very best. My whole system was entirely run down, and it appeared tome as though there was but little blood in my veins. I was so weak I Could Scarcely Cet Around to do my work. I finally began to take Hood's Sarsaparilla, and after using five bottles I found that my strength had returned and my appetite was very much better. In fact, I now feel as strong as ever." MRs. KELLEY, 9Weilington Ave., Toronto, Ontario. tcTired Ali Over—Could Not Steep. ',It affords me much pleasure to testify to the merits of Hood's Sarsaparilla. My whole system was run down. I felt tired all over my body and could not sleep at night and my appetite was very poor. I tried several 1 h ' $lei an p y e but with poor success. I heard Hood's Sarsaparilla spoken of so highly 1 determined to try it, which I did with great results. That tired feeling is gone, my appetite is good and I feel like a new woman." MRs, f%,�'ATTIERI:Ey, 132 Elizabeth St., Toronto. Hrood's Sorsa Mein is the Only True rood' Purifier rominently before the public eye today, And it is therefore the ideal building -up aaedicine. Be sure to get Hood's. lY�ars Pliig the after-dinner pill and family cathartic. 25e. Nor Over Fifty Years. WiO t slow sSootlhing SyAND rup hasD been sed for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teethin„ with per- fect success, It soothes the child, softens the eeums, allays all pain, aures wind colic and is the best remedy f pleasant to the taste. old byDDru gists In every part of the 'world. Twenty-five Cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup and take no o tlier kind A. HAST1NCS, --Proprietor oy THE CENTRAL BARBER SHOP. HAIRCUTTING, SHAMPOOING and HAIRCUTTING. Ladies' and Children's Haircutting, a specialty A.RAISTINGS, I'anson's Block. Peeijie's CUTTER & FITTER. A.J. SNELL MERCHANT TAILOR, Main. St., ° - - - Exeter. rwef and Worst t?ds, I have a complete line of samples of all the latest designs and patterns in English, Scotch, Canad- ian and American Tweeds, Troueerings, Suitings, Coatings. rAa. J S TELL NIGHi',-- .XETER NORTH STORE r. F..B. I�:night•has opened a Gen- t al Store in the stand lately occupied Or r Brook's Jdareess Shop with a full stock of - GENERAL GROC1t.RIE BOOTS SHOES, HARDWARE, STATIONARY, ETC, Produce taken in exchange for goods Port Rowan has a1 stool: company boring control the French schools for immediate in r gas. for p ec to u1 the report of the Ontario LITERAFiy l40I'ES• It is said that lasther, in Gen lace's "Ben llur," was =mod 1101111.01', "'1']Iaalatopsis" means tea. vision; of deet]I, " Bryant's poem, of that nate e was P0blished in 1816; it bas been set to 10111110 'c'J ho Silver Fort; school" was a tlaane given to a group of writers of fiction in .England who laid great stress upon mat - toes of etiquette. Fanny Crosby, the blind hynlu-writer, was not bora blind, but lost her sight When very young, Her husband, Alex- ander San Alstyno, is also blind, Captain Charles King, the novelist, is a West Point graduate. He has served in the United States artillery and also in the cavalry. He was retired from active ervice iu 1879 on account of a wound re olva t 1.11 tlio•Apache campaign of 1874. Homer is the poet to ryho1n is assigned the authorship of the "Iliad" and "Odys- ey" .01 hie personality nothing is nown. Seven aides have oontouclod for ho honor of:his birth. Maarten. Maartou's first book was Called 'An Old Maid's Lova." : His real name s M. T J W. Vander Puorten=Scizrvarta, and he is 0 Hollander by birth, Tho Astor Library in Now York City an endowed reference library. It was auricled in 1849 by John Jacob Astor, and lays received successive gifts from dif- rent members of tho family. The briery numbers over 245,000 volumes, and , for the most part, admirably selected. s range is general. Tho real name of - Madame Sans -Gene as Therese Piquet:. At the age 5f ghteon she donned the garb of a French Idiot•, and for twenty-two years she rticipated in the military glories of Ire With Napoleon's fall her career od. Her last days were not prosperous. f„or Napoleon's fall she opened a cook's op, which failed. In 1818 she ala tied a gnartermastor of the gendarmes, a friend 01 her youth. Eleven years afterward her sbancl died, leaving her in very poor cumstances. Finally she was compel- d to beg a place in a - Hospital des Man- s, where she dictated her memoirs and d, .let ;reale ZE{snd clot Wal- 'Is the eause of that tired languid. after ,tis feeling which afflicts you at this season. `l'be blond. Is. impure and has become thin and peer. That is why you have uo strength, 00 appetite, catt00t sleep, Purify ,your blood w'.th Hood's Gorse parilla, which will give you an appettie tope your stomach, and inyigvl•ate your your nerves. 150os e,,moble nnmisnlatie a e s W. E. Bastian, n was stolen f The ni.C.R. Impounds all cattle found tpiecl house 11a Montreal on Wednesday on its property. night. Some of the colds rvoro aid Romanones, Hamilton bicyclists are obliged to carry kind, They oaarieivalued ata$5,000. their i Some farmers are refusing $20 a ton for collection in America owned by the late k their hay. �( , lent an nnoc t r' C I be/Is sand lamps. PatrWoodstock will spend $16, 000 on its man CaricCompBreenany, wan as was killed ye of hat .Tur Pull - school's this year, eotte, a small roadside station on the !s A Sehringviiie fernier has oats more Grand railway, wast a St,Paut1 on f six foot high. Friday night He t; it thanwas ravelling in t11e foo f bengame car, and when ,e 'ani In July 2,828 oars of stook passed through an express. m was killed St. Thomas,y mangled. The bloomer exam hasin estod the U len noai lureott Mazitirno Provinces. 7 pod frolio m the car directly In front of inatnntly, and 1a was horribly S Chatham's assessment has boon reduced 1 broonOze a statue oftm' clay afternoon nieiu tIenpatr a le $64,666 by appeals. Z 1, h patriot of .The Prescott elevator Will be in opera_ 1, 1 a+ at the battle of F so Con September 1. untotled on Vigor s pa Leamington is Bail shippingu1 the _1e- b D tell, Ir y largo T' Bence of about Hiroo hundred end quantities of poaches, people: Aftenercls rho spectators assemb- Midland will soon vote on a $4,000 by- I led in tho :Monument Nationale hall, wherese law to improve itself. y spoouhes were delivered lay Dr. :Wren, Mr. se It cine -Canadian leader of 4Si37, who lost h life e c St. �ustaoho, vias v ig , cruare ,v r. Illra • ' A Norlviclz gardener has an apple graft laden with blossoms. A fine Indian oxo was recently dug up in Enniskillen township. Tho Hamilton smelting works will be in operation September lst. Orillfa promptly fines any one using profane language on the streets. The recent rains have greatly unproved the Drops in Essex county. Tho late Joseph Hocclless,of Hamilton,, loft an estate worth $711,000. Stratford has a midget, weighing 45 pounds, who is 24 years old. The Indians of Walpole Island will have their strike in P1lilac'„�lphia. a Christian Endeavour Society. . kn roll killed o s k' I � y tel ea 28 people during July. The Oxford Milling p y, Twenty-five bodies Cotta an Norwich, recovered flop, the rains of the Gunery is declared exempt from taxation. Hotel, Den tfer. A London thief was sent to the peni- The telegram sent to Holmes from Pro-, tenliiary four years for stealing $10. videnee R I, by„ Two London boys, aged only 12 and 13 Meanie Williams,” is regarded by�the detectives Chore as a joke. The creditors of the Manitoba Commer- The loss by the colJance of the Coliseum tial Bank will get 37 per cent, building, which was being erected by the The M.C.R, will illuminate Niagara Chicago Exhibition Co., will exceed $200, - Falls with two powerful search lights. Alex. Wilson, arrested for robbery at Lancaster, A. oKy., f men C �Sti° a s' now fmen will amous Chatham, has been found to be insane. suit against Miss Catherine West, for. It is said that the Tilsonburg and Port breach of, promise.' Butwoll railway 15 to bo built at once. The "Flyer" express, on the Chicago and A fine crystallized limestone quarry has West Michigan road, was held up by train been discovered near Sprucedalo station. robbers near Kalamazoo Mich. Nothing San Francisco capitalists are trying to was secured by the bandits. lease the Revelstoke smelting works. Charles R. Bishop, first vice-prosident of An a lm an. etc 101 ear- � old,the Bank the1> of Cali. oldest fornia st inat San Francisco, Canada, is owned by a Biddu]pn man. has contributed $800,000 to schools and so- cieties in the Hawaii:in Islands. J.D. EEdgar, M.P,, and others. Tho Canadian Bankers' Association of 1 .,iii 6i innipog has received the remainder of I air tee erop estimaates. The overate crop of le wheatc z s .7.0 J hushels a 110 th • L aC • I0. The ago total estimateclyield in Manitoba is as fol• elle lows; -1,711 eat, „0,890,0,6 bushels; oats ;ell, 988, lee bushels ; barley, 5, 758, 22 buehels; total, 1;0,6613,.642 bushels. Tho re- A pores from the Canadlaitl Pacfiic railway toe in •Manitoba and the North-West show that pal the crop is now safe from all dangers. B 7)\ITuD STATES. cry Garment inakers are on strike in Bos- str! ton. 1 usu POINTS FOR SHOPPERS. novelty among ribbons is `the stilet- 1tor perforated sort. These Come in u delicate tints along. lack and white are likely to be a lie- this year, the ground white, the pos narrower and closer together than al. ie', white wash buttons come t0 snatch white • blot; d sofvarious are shown_toltrian suits ofludesigns k l iq Galatea. Pique and Tiny Chino Sowers, on white grounded glacos, are much used for evening dresses and for blouses, and recall the Dolly Var- dens, popular some time since. A novelty in blouses is made of an In- dia -patterned silk handkerchief, the cor- ners being used to form pointed epaulets and basque, with straps of dark -red velvet over the shoulders. Linen grenadine is a material of very loose, weave, and is shown In brown and wood tones. '• It is found chiefly at the linen stores and comes' in plain, dotted and striped designs. A waistof soft black' silk seen recently was made in a blouse-efeot, with violet velvet choux-or rosettes set in irregular fashion about in its fullness.. The collar was of silk, With violet rosettes: "Angel”" sleeves are shown on the tea gowns, those' of a cobwebby net with an applique iu e" Pp q border being very fleecy and halo-like. They (the' sleeves) are very long, with wide, fan points, and are most graceful and effective. LIVE STOCK OC K N OTES. Car o,w covers l p v 1a e been successful fi ' s ulru The Dominion Trades Congress will beThe uring1.J t held in London, September 2nd. le have already been were found drunk the other day. A Woodstock woman pulled a revolver on a man who spoke to her on the street The list of dead in the Gumry Hotel, The Waterloo House of Refuge is so full Denver, wreck stands at 22, and this will of inmates that no more can be received, these Cly be the total of the casualties. Of Throe hundred varieties of Canadian these three bodies remain unclaimed. weeds will be exhibited at the Stratford Jesse Isborg betaine crazed by religion Fair,• at a'revival meeting at Pine Bluff, Ark., A man aged 79, a.woman aged 71,.bt * landlady, Mandy Wal, went ker, and then killedshot and hisof Michigan, were recently marrie ed. Windsor. • An t Six Brockville hotel mon were recently Mont., to blow up Northern Pacificas made near Butte pas. summoned for selling liquor during the senger train by planing a stick of dyne - proscribed hours, mite in a flog Nearly the whole train Three boys, aged 8, 11 and 18, reoentiy passed o committed robberies in Ingersoll on Sun- ed. Th day afternoon. . passengo was inju A' 0 e .ra n ver the dynamite before it explod- o last coach which was filled with rs, was badly shattered, but no one red. Lora Perkins has been arrested at polis, Minn., on the charge of kill- ister, Mrs. Leta Hawkins, by set - on fire, August 9th, for the sake life insurance. The warrant was t by Dr. Todd, medical inspector the insurance companies. It had posed that Mrs. Hawkins met hor accidentally overturning a lamp. FORFIaN. e soldiers at. Tien-Tsin are still d demanding bauk pay. ,000 deaths have already been cholera plague in Japan It is proposed to introduce singing and the kindergarten system into the Public Miss schools at Woodstock. Mfnnea Little Irene Towers, of Hamilton, eon- ing here s traced soarlot fever from a stray kitten ting and she died of .it, of $r,0o0 sworn ou t The Bradley-Garreston Publishing Corn- of one of pang, Brantford, has been incorporated been sup with a capital of $75.000. death by The scaffold upon which Hendershott and Welter were hanged has been cut up Cfhnes for wood. It made two cords. The Government has appointed. R. W. rioting 16 Ferrate inspector of weights and measures caused by for the Peterboro' district. Two huge sticks of timber, 70- feet long and 13 feet square, reached Kingston this wee k froin Hastings, B. C. The freight was $68. The T:, A. and B. railway paid $1,000 to the family of `i'hoinas Davis, Hamilton, who was killed by an explosion while working on tlae road. Rev. Charles A. Salder, of Hamilton, who was a well-known 100 -yards runner at amateur games before ho went into the ministry, is now a missionary in Chili. The locality around Proton. Ont., was visited with a white frost on Wednesday night, but. fortunately, little damage was done. Yesterday's reports from the North- West are very encouraging. Tho weather Is fine, and the harvesting is progressing rapidly. hired Filgiano, the alleged defaulting cashier of the Grand Trunk Railway Com- pany at Hamilton, was committed for 111';111, Mr, Albert Riniker•, a hog buyer, was thrown front a train near Norwich, Ont., on Thursday night, and killed. His body was r found Friday ala morning. y g , .Arn. The .tit. George's Union of North Arnold ea, which is now in session at Kingston, Ont., has decided to hold its next biennial session: et ,Utica, N,,1'. The officers Wore elected at :Thursday's session, 'F%'o come Island, in ilia St. Lawrence, oppeslta A1o11uadria bay, has been pur- ohasod, and $50;.000 will be spent in the ereet1011 of i1 casino and improving the grounds. The traffic, receipts of the Canadian Patin() railway for the wee ondocl August 631st, atnoulated to $374,000, as against $1350,000 for the corresponding week last year', A. Morris, Maniteb0 magistate, 1'ooently 001n/hitted a, 01011 -for ureal who psedabus ivo llang1.1:4.o to an animal, The same 0)agi,i ere: son two• $nen to the High Court . o Nur kinin„ a t hte:ken--neo one knew whose h1, Y n;.la.•ran. the Hood's Pills are easy to take, easy to action and` sure in effect. 25c,. Ailsa Craig: On Suucla'y' at bolt from a clear sky truck the chimney on the residence of Mrs. Thompson .on William St., and completely shattered the chim- ney, The lightning knocked some shingles off the roof and escaped to the ground by the eavetrough and water pipes. A cloud of soot was blown in- to the room, but the escape of the elec• trio fluid over the wet roof doubtless saved the members of the family from harm and the building from serious damage, Parkhill: On Friday evening about £J„ o'clock, fare brck out iu the loft of the barn in the rear of he.I'Iasti•nge. ouse. Though the fire was probably discover- ed shortly after it started and the fire - engine was soon at work, the building was quickly enveloped in .tlames, it being frame and containing. hay, straw and other inflammable material. In a few minutes the ban and the stable in eonnection were burned to the ground, Mr. McKinnon' sav d his horses, but lost about four tons of hay, a quantity of straw, sleigh, tool etc. The build ing was -owned by ir. Hastings and was we understand, insured for $500. The'fire communicated to the black- smith shop on the opposite side of the street, bill through the exertion of the ftrenten and others the shop was saved and no damage, don to the ;oilier build. legs which were at one time threaten ed. A' new barn and stable will be erected as soon as possible. In the meantime Mr. _McKir non has arranged for stabling for a limited number of horses. The origion of, the fire is a mystery. i e t l n u r i C S 1 a p h e 0 u ) m Clinton: On Tuesday last the c snit tee of the Rouse of Refuge met Clinton, and among other busiue made ono' official 1 visit to the House wi that a view to satisfying themselves as the truthfulness of the complaints as the work. It was deemed best to ha the services of two independent an unprejudiced expects to look over th building, and also advise with this arch itect on the question of the stein an strength of roof, and the services Messrs. Rynas, of Goderich, and Hardy of Exeter, were secured. After thor ough investigation they reported tha a great number of the eompiaints wer unfounded, in a couple of instance some improvement might be made and stated that few buildings of th size were erected with fewer faults and that the plans and appearance o the building were first-class. To pu the roof in the strongest possible state the experts and the architect devised some additional work on the trusses, which will give a power of resistance to practically four times any weight ever likely to come on it, or about ten tons to the square. With the barn and stonework ork the committee were thor onghly well satisfied, the latter work being the more minutely inspected on account of the slurs cast on it. The general opinion being that Contractor McBeth and his men have made one of the nicest little barns in the country. The committee let the job of making the approach to Mr. McCraig. Mr. A. S. Chrystal has completed the'steel tank at the House,. and has it in its place. ielr. °roll has nearly one coat of plaster put on. 001- 11- 3 th to to ve d • e o t e s e f In for. fon Wha you ca patter Whe and bre eyes are The go bolo tempo Solit has a t It affe of a hu When can bo corn, . al grows, other fa At th lambs o scale at thirds o birth. Yotytng able bul Heifer c The town of Coin, in Andalusia, Spain, I si was visited by an earthquake yesterday. food ale Peter Denny, one of the best kno ed.—Farm country stables there is no excuse 1 odors. tover you would like a pig to be n bave by selecting a boar that is a u of what you want. a horses are kept in dark stables ought out into the sunlight, the in great danger of injury. temperature of a stable should never w the freezing point. The proper nature is about sixty degrees. ary confinement in a dark stable endoncy to make a horse vicious. cts the . brain, as it does the brain man being in such confinement. hogs aro fed upon alfalfa, they finished up nicely on Egyptian id iu some sections whore alfalfa this corn grows better than any t -producing grain. e last Smithfield show of England f about 300 days of ago ,gipped the 222 pounds, giving about two - f a pound of growth per day since A fine record. animals should be fed consider - k in order t6 develop the stomach. elves especially should be fed con- s bulky food. When concentrated ne is fed, the stomach is contract- er's Voice. wn 11111-_ shipbuilders on the Clyde, is dead at D. barton. A national conference of the Liberal party in oned to meet on October 9 and 80, 'to dland has been iscuss the political situation. • A cable despatch from Dundee says it is estimated that there are now 25,000 10111 hands out on strike. The manufacturers have entered into an agreement not to ad- vance wages. , Fresh outrages upon missionaries are reported from China. The American mis- sion near Foo -Chow has been attacked by a mob, ne chapel and school -house wreck- ed, and :our of the native scholars wound- ed. Two English railway companies, the Groat Northern and the London and North-Western, have just succeeded in breaking the records fox express service by running from London to Aberdeen, a dis- tance of 500 miles, at tllo average rate of a mile a minute. " In the Imperial House of Commons on Friday thcl President scd en t of the Board of Agig- 111'0 culture, , in _rsnly to n question, said he could nee see the necessity of sending an export to Canada to enquire into the estate endo of pleuro -pneumonia, as the disease had aetnally been detected in some Cana- dian Cattle landed at Deptford. Six of the Chinese who were implicated in the recent inassaore at the attach upon the Euiropean missions have been convict- ed of enurcler. It is stud that the firmness of the United Status and British Govern - pleats has broughttheChinese to terns, and Haat the trials will now be conducted with something like fairness. An attempt was made on Saturday at Paris to murder the 13aron Alphone de Rothschild by moans of an infernal ma- chine in the shape of an envelope contain- ing 1'ulnainate of iuoten y, The envelope was opened by a confidential olork, who was seriously: injured by the explosion whir: #allowed.. NEWSPAPERDOM. Ten editors aro members of the English parliament. There are twenty-five women running country papers in Kansas. A Spanish paper in the Pyrenees re- gularly suspends publication in hot weather. "Ono undoubted Americanism has taken filen root in England; the Times has adopted '`gerrymandering." In order to foster British commerce with Japan the British Trade Journal has de- termined to issue a regular quarterly edi- tion in Japanese and to print and publish it in Japan. CASTORIa is truly a marvelous thing for children. Doctors prescribe it med- ical journals recommend it and more than a million mothers are using it in the place of paregoric, Bateman's Drops; so called soothing syrups and other narcotic and stupefying remedies. es Cast ria isquickest o the qut.,l.ost thingto iegrt, late the stomach :and bowels and give healthy sleep the world ever saw. .It is pleasant to the taste and absolutely harmless. It relieves constipation, quiets pain. cures dtarl•hce and wind colte, allays fc;verishness, ' destroys weans :ed prevents Convulsions, soOth• 01' the child and gives it refreShdning and natural sleep. Cattoria ie the clliIdreit 's panacea—.the mother's friend, Cestoda is pelt ftp in one -size bottles only, It is not soli, in bulk. Don't allow any 01'1 to sell yotl'itinything elee oe the pion, 0r promise that it is " just as good " and " will answer every purpose." - Soe that von get C -A -S -'i' -O -R -i -A. The fan aiadila i5 os slam:tare. ovary wfaPPor, WOMEN IN DOUBT SHOULD TAKE PENNYROYAL WAFERS To correct irregularity and weakness, keep the orlrnnslnhoalthy condition. The Waters are "LIN Savers" to young women. aid ""remail dovelnpment, provide pain- less.regular p orin"ls. Ask for The Detroit bend. All druggists sell them at si per box. No butter renaedyrorwomen known. GIDLEY & SON 8 AMININEND Are showing special line for the next two weeks in PARLOR TABLES, CURTAIN POLES, AND PICTURE MOULDINGS, Pek y. S.DLE I . SON, Y S ON 1 yr ODD FELLOW'S Block Loudon, iluron and Bruce,. TIMME TABLE,. Go;No 1' on rrz—' r,or.. d nssen London, depart 8.115 A Ai 444 WE Cell tralia ... t inn 5,47 EXETER e 21 eee hernial' . . ,,. '1 :17 (1 15 Kippeu " 1144 lis tie Bruoeilekt...,,. fine eme diatom . 10.1e ince Lon.le:aero . ),lytic 111'$8) 71311 1%�t;;rtive................... 111,38 7x7 Wingnam arrive........ lila(; 700 8f GoeNe SOUTH-- Passengere Wingltam, depart....... 11.15A. et :ereutits. Belgeave 1100 &a Blytl• nes • 4.01 Lend esbora 7.1(1 '405 Ulinron 7.30 COS Let: .,eiielti 740 4.40; Niemen 7.57 4753 FIFusall 8q0 4419 EXETER, Cee trance S. 11 $ :23. s. 1(: 5 With a cough, teed et' sore throat, ITse ,a remedy that relieves DAN- frolic the start, soothes and heals the inflamed tissues of the laryex or bronchial tubes. PYNY-PE CTO is a certain remedy basad on a clear know- ledge of the diseases it was created to mire, LARGE BOTTLE 25 CENTS. 's 5ti .IAS.DAGKACPE ree#b fora aches with mucu►ar ()airteg,.atirl 4a6 juepur on Mat Bani6her of Backache 1 mat° Ml tirlfat Pi5r€F J McLncnr,tN. Point au Chene, writes: Notal_ 'ng better for Lame Back and Lumbag,o than the D..11 f,. Menthol 1 0 Plaster. A. E. AfaoLEAN writes from Windsor: ser: " TheoWL Ient4ol Plaster is curing Sore Back end Rheumatism at a great rate in this vicinity. 35c. each in air -tight tin box. WOOD'S PTia D'SP FICI it ir.lE. The Great English Remedy. Sim Packages Guarankeetto promptly; and permanenwiy etre all Iorms o1• iber,oru, Weakness, Emissiona,S.perm• atorrhea, Impotenayaruiaa l effects of Abuse or Ircreesse , Lfental-Worry,exec:minaam Before and tlfter. of 2bbaeeo' opivanor:Sti aaat. tants, which soon Zeadr.o In- Jlrmity, Insanity, Consumption and an.early imam. Ras been prescribed over 35 years in thousa'mbh62 cases; is the only Reliable and Rosiest Ire85sear' known. gskcdraggistfor Wood's Phosphalaliae;2t he offers some worthlessmedicine in place apt inclose'pricedn letter. and wo will send byrr elem mail Price. one Package, 51; six, $5, ous.a. "tease, ala, will cure. Pamphlets free toanyaaddnest The Wood Comp/tar, Windsor, Ont.. Canada,. he 13ranif rd IS HANDLED 13) PERKINS - MARTIN AND 9 AGENTS FOkle BICYCLES, SEWING MACHINES ORGANS, ETC. The Brantford won —239 first prize., —148 second " 88 third "" and holds nea3•lyevere Championship from aka Atlantic to the Pacific. PerkinsMartin. EXETER ER Pitt I H HOUSE. HOGS WANTED FOR DELIVERY EVERY MONDAY A, As we are killing hogs regular we erre prepared to fill crocks or pails 'wills new lard. PRICE LIST: Tender loin 9 cents laar'a Spare ribs 2 Roast pork 10 " Lard in crocks 11 4' Hams, smoked 12 .r Baeks " 11 ." 13, Bacon " 12 " Clear Bacon 9 to 10 Spiced roll l 10" z Pigs feet 1115 ," per des. THE EXETERRoust ) PACKING .o Co NELLr - ' -Prop. eiL ,K 5 st .;tad to "Grin and Deur It" When ho hada pain. Yen can grin and ban- ish tiatat bnce by using,Pkafay Davis' 1 Sold rind used everywhere. A *holt, medtbtno chest by itself. .Kills every form of external Or internal pain. IDOSE—A teaspoonfta in half glass of Water or nilik