HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1895-8-30, Page 2regularly will who ieaode notify Le mate outs. parser ITV at the dice for advertileg rates,. TEE EXETER ADVOCATE. THURSDAY, AUG. 29, 1895, The Week''s. Commercial Summary. '1'ore is a good deal of wheat offering i4 Ontario pouts. et 70 cents, It averages about 641 pounds to the bushel. The stocks of wheat at Port Arthur ;Kid Fort 'William are 209.087 bushels as compared with 1,070,400 bushels a year ago. The receipts of live stook at Toronto reeds on•Tuesday were large, aggregat mg 88 ear loads. There were 2,5UU head of sheep and lambs and 700 hogs. The butter market at Toronto and Montreal is firmer, owing to limited re- ceipts. Twenty-five failures are reported for last week—same week last year forty - The Manitoba Government's official crop bulletin was issued last week. The estimated average yield per acre of wheat for the province will be planed at 25.5 bushels, or a total estimated yield of 29,- 189,815 bushels. In oats the estimated average yield per acre is 45.3 bushels ; total estimated yield 9 t,867,416 bushels. Barley, estimated average per acre 86.8 bushels ; total estimaaed yield for the province 5,507,310. Flax, estimated total yield for the province 1,194;000. Rye, estimated total yield 102,810 bushels. Peas, estimated total yield for the pro- vince 24,950 bushels. The total grain yield for 1895 in Manitoba will be placed at 57,861,691 bushels. The general re- ports from corre:pendants as to the coin clition of crops are in keeping with the favorable advices, which haye been given for the past two months through the press. Making allowance for all draw- oks, the consensus of opinion is that the wheat crop :1lariitoba for the year, as to quality, and quantity, will surpass any previous season in the country's history. Rep its agree that a large dumber of laborers eiel1 be recluir;d for harvesting. Computed teem the returns, nearly 5,000 extra halds will be wtont d if the crop is handled in time to escape frost. Here and There. The last love is always the best, In the game of lice the poorest hand often takes the most tricks. The woman who returns a hiss for a blow makes a bid. for another blow. A constant dropping will wear away the percentage of the best ball team. The woman with bony shoulders usual- ly sually finds her affliction more than she can bare. Oscar Wilde must have picked quite a little pile of oakum by this time. If Gail Hamilton continues to mend, she Will soon be well enough to read her own obituaries. .A. Michigan man n fie kissed a woman has got to spend sixty days in jail repenting of it. But then, he was a min- Take in Take Notice. The extension of our own personality by sympathy is just another word for progress, such as is possible to us in this world, such as we hope for in another and brighter sphere. The great question whether a story should be short or long is being disouss- •ed pro and con. As a matter of fact, sortie stories should be long and others should be short. The man who can tell when he has reached the limit is the man who is most successful as a story 'writer. Severe cells are easily cured by the use of Sickle's Anti -Consumptive Syrup, a medecine of extraordinary penetrating and healing properties. Rile acknowledg- ed by those who have used it as being the best medicine sold for coughs. colds, inflammation of the lungs, and all affec- tiione of the throat and chest. Its agree- ableness to the taste makesit a favourite with ladies and children. GENERAL NEWS NOTES, THE WEER.% IIAZ'rENINt S, Interesting Rents and Inol4euts, Im- portant and Instructive, Gathered. Ireom 4.11 Poeta of; the Warld. CANADIAN, Rockingham needs a roller mill, Acton is again agitating electric light. Ottawa is organizing a Cheese Board. Christian Island is covered. with canap- ors. A fine Blgh school will be built at llen- frew. St.Thomas female bicyclists. wear Woman's. A fine new hotel has been opened at Col- liugwood.. .Ridgotorvn, bus fifty male and several fe- male riders. Orillia will furnish its new hall at a cast of 95,000, Meant Forest citizens want a system of Water -works Mr. A.B.•H. Creswicke is the new U.S. Cousul at Barrie. Of the 25 inmates in the Barrie jell, 14 are vagrauts. Muskoka has twine as nanny tourists this year as last. The Berlin Phiinarmouic Society num- bers 115 members. Wyoming and Alvinston business men compete at baseball. They are doing fall -plowing in some parts of the country, Brantford will have a 20 -mile bicycle race on Labor Day, .At Meaforci the other day a good horse was sold for 75 Dents. The fare on Belleville's new electric rail- way is three Dents. The Galt and Preston electric railway now extends to Preston. Windsor is agitating the formation of an athletic association. Windsor and Chatham are entirely free from contagious dim -tees. Elgin county jail inmates are fed at a oost of five gents daily. eht Sherbet Lake the other day a 17 - pound salmon was naught. A Sutton girl in bloomers rode into Barrie recently on her bieyele. A recent hailstorm at Barrie broke 200 panes of glass in a greenhouse. The North Bruce Exhibition will be held. at Port Elgin Ootober 10 and 11. A11 rural schools will open on the 19th and Normal schools on the 20th. The Canadiau Temperance League will spend 98,000 this year in its work. Mrs.Baptiste Marchand died recently at Tilbury Center, aged 101 years. Lobsters are shipped to England in cold storage, from Dartmouth, 1`:. S. A recent meeting of the Meaford Coun- cil nearly broke up in a free fight.. Midland will haus a new fire hall and a number of new private residenes. Of the 79 Windsor Public school pupils who wrote for the entrance, 72 passed. There were 40 applications to teach the Bradford Model school, one term,for 9100. A girl 1e years old last week hauled out a 30c -pound maskinonge at Brock- ville. The Essex Fusiliers' officers, Windsor, want to organize the.. corps as a city bat- talion. ( There are more islands in the St. Law- renCOnow than everer before, owingina to the low water. Mrs. Baiton,Parry Sound,died of grief because of her wayward boy sent to the reformatory. Cookstown leads Simcoe County in at- taining the highest marks at the entrance examinations. It Stands Unrivalled. The Toronto Industrial Exhibition, which begins on the 2nd of September nest, will be the greatest fair ever held in Canada. The number of entries of Live Stock and Manufactures, and in fact in all the leading departments, is unprecedented. Increased facilities have been provided in. the buildings and grounds, and the exhibits in addition to hieing considerably larger in volume than • those of any previous year, will be choic- er and better. arranged. The general features of the show need not be recapit- ulated'in detail. It is sufficient to say that it presents a complete epitome of of the progress and attainments of the Dominion in industry, mechanieel inven- tion, art mei seienue. A brilliant pro- grammes of special attractions has been providetl, a prominent feature of -which is the great 'Water fete and .Aquatic Ex- hibition' to he given every afternoon and evening on a sp a,:i„:rs artificial lake in front of the greed stand, with beautiful tableaux anti a great variety of aquatic performanuttte a t:ctnupia.ni.ed by vocal and instrumental rn sisic of the highest order. In all iiiiun tai this, the splendid military dre nmatic anti le-rtew:hnicp:,a„cant "The l."elit:f 01 l.nelcun v,;' rnnclurlin with a m aginiieent fired uric y,willha' put on each eviwnieg, Siege ::ares and spcoia1 eseursione on all rail ea;.w during the 11"':air. Contemn Sense w -s 'iii Power. ell 1,4 i,h' p+r•,'j:r 71.rr, that has existed in v. irs pew, Its" 6'."ainst the t+oldl Cure ft,t-r.i'r,liat, nous lnzppily pewee awe .. Eel; biers el laltor ant( Brains war••:•:t:i: one zinnia rt 1urs'ant tobelieve that ho had um eerie the ti•f A bed of fine water has been found near Petrolea, with a flow of 200 barrels per hour. A fish weighing 60 pounds, and over four feet long, was caught near Ottawa the other day. Mr.E. Coombs, Georgetown,has been ap- pointed headmaster of the Richmond hill High school A milking machine, milking ten cows at once, is being put up at the Guelph Agricultural College. The first Berlin woman who rides a bi- oycle in bloomers will get a Berlin paper free for one year. An Oriilia boy who opened a switch on the Midland was sent to the penitentiary for seven years, The G. T. 11. freight shed at Berlin was burned the other day,a spark from a pass- ing engine starting the fire. The Lake of the Woods Milling Com- pany is building: 16 elevators in Manitoba, with 760,000 bushels capacity. Two horses, some stables and out -build- ings on Lord e.berdeon'sranch, in British Columbia,havo been burned. On account of the many accidents at barn raisings, it is proposed to make "rac- ing" there an indictable offence. The defunct Commercial Batik of Mani • toba bus declared another dividend of 18 per cent, Mr. F. Girdlestone, of London,. Eng, a director of the Grand Trunk railway, has arrived in Montreal on a trip. In. the Niagara district it is estimated apples will be half a crop, small ft nits one- • third, peaches one thirtl,and grapes half a crop. Manitoba expects to lave n crop this season of 00,000,000 bushssls of grain from 1,iy 7,7de acres of luted tilled by ::.'3,000 fanners. The crirner stone of he new Masonic temple for liani.:cibrt In Winnipeg was laid Friday morning by &ir. N. C. hell, .Grand Masts:": of Manitoba, airs. Watt, matron of the Widows'Home I3rantforcl,'who recently ilg tired in a shoot - in„ cele there, has sent in her resignation to the managers. Tuchlay the cortex -.hone of fire Sarnia General hospital was laid with hfnstYnio ceremonies, in presinee of an enormous t. crowd] of citizens., a 1.: : r;n. r. ( :tunlen we-, news; acorthy of confirle:nee than ono f. Fred Eilgiano, the alleged default cash- ier of the Grand Trunk.ay., was arrested on Tuesday might, and pleaded not guilty. Be has been missing sines lest fall, and: was found in a clothes closet. in his wife'a boarding-house. The Canadian Gazette .*ya that the u4gxnent Lathe appear to the Privy Coun- cil to decide whether he power to. pass pro- hibitory liquor legislation belongs to the Federal or to the provincial authorities of Canada will not be given until Novexnber. Seventeen years ago Mr. Carter, of'N)lora, shipped five barrels of flour to John Car - nth, of Belfast, Ireland. Two months ago. Mr. Carter received a letter asking if said flour was paid for, When notified to the oontrary,aclieek; was forwarded by return- mail. eturn mail. Although the package containing the evidence collected by the Shortis. Commis - aim in Ireland was sealed, registered, and tv1t., lea 1 sobered up .n on'a ioroe of circain- st;crict,• or by will power. Now it is evr r whr:re recognized that the man who ha t taken the tr atmeet for alcohol at Lela:keret las:iti1tc. Oakville; bas a sure lsr.;,pert to the pnbiie confidonre, for the r aeon that the craving for liquor has been destroyed and thenceforth no will I: 'war ia req ui:red. Common sense. a, el ear r • vatorring faculty, and the recollection r: former bitter experience suffice for all t"mta to justify the confidence be thus in- ,- t r:q4. Full information at' Toronto office plank of Commerce Building. For ]Futuro tree, A readiness to nl)alo„ize fofi au of=. Tense is not Worth utuch unless it is ao- caxnpanied by a disposition not to re- peat the injury, Jolr'nny and Jenny were quarreling and Jenny began to ery. "Oh well," said Johnny, "don't cry I'll take back all the mean. things I've eaid.'i "Yes, you'll take. 'em back,” sobbed the girl, "s0 you can have 'om just ready' to use over again!” Rheumatism secondhand. "Well, exclaimed Mr. Queercase, "you can talk as you like about physical afflic- tion, but the largest that ever struck me was when I had the rhieumetism in nay brother." "Rheumatism in your brother!" exclaim- ed his auditors in concert. "What are you despatohed at the express office in Lon -telling us? don, Eng., on .fuly 241h, by Judge. Dugas, "I'm just giving you a case of stalwart it has not yet reached its destination at af?lictionthat eaglet to bringyoursynpathy Beauharnois, out by the roots," was flat± reply. The consolidation of the largest The kind of rheumatism that he had d was the kind that hangs over the edges and industries in Western Ontario is almost treads on the adjacent ntareyrs. Why, the Koub iplished. The mills interested are the way he'll yell and keep rye awake at nights Kent mills, Chatham; the St. Thomas and have rue tying on bandages and rub- mslis,the Aylmer involves ,and the Blenheim bing joints and smelling alt sorts 02 lotions, mills. The deal involves property to the and the way he would kick me out of bed value of $250 000, and contemplates an in- l when his other leg hurt him too much. was vestment capital stook to the amount energizing. Primary rheumatics is. bad $500,000, I enough, but to have to take it iu a second - It is reported that at a session of the ary form is petrifying."—London Tit -Bits. Belleville City Council, when that body ; was deliberating in committee of the whole the other evening,. one of the alder- men took occasion to "gall the mayor' down, "and this is the language he used in doing it: "Sit down, sir; you are not fit to hold the position you occupy, and you could not get it again if you Dome to live a thousand years. Thank, God they broke the mold when they made you." On Wednesday afternoon a sad fatality took place in Harwich township. Mr. James Liddy was hauling home a load of tile, and his three sons, aged 8, 10, and 12 years, met him, and climbed on the load. The waggon took a lurch to one side, throwing off the load and those riding on it. The threw boys were thrown under the load, the youngest being killed, and the ethers seriously injured. Mr.Liddy escap- ed injury. A Dinner rill.—AI my persons suffer emoeruciating agony after partaking of a hearty dinner. 'the a; vi partaken of is like a ball of lead mien fife sromach,ancl instead, of l:eimm a healthy ivttr, tinsnt it becomes a poison to t li : sy: tom. Dr.. Parmelee's Vegetable I'ills aro wonderful correctives of such troubles. They correct acidity, open the secretions and convert the food parte•ken of into healthy nutriment. They are just the medicine to take if troubled with Indigestion or Dyspepsia. • 'UNITED STATES. - James Whitcomb Riley is going to write a novel depicting hoosier life. According to Marie Tempest, the finest opera house in the world is at Duluth. It has been practically decided that Holmes will be tried for the murder of the Williams girls in Chicago, t Fully 2,500,000 aligators have been kill- , ed in Florida during the last twelve , years. In some old buildings at Jay Bridge, f Me., were found 9e,500 in Government bonds. George Gould, it is said in New York, f has been blackballed recently Tey the Paris Polo Club. Simon French, of Somerville, Me., 87 years old,has worked out his highway•tax this year. It is said that Lake. Erie produces more' fish to the square mile than any other body ' of water. The gifts and bequests to United States public institutions for the first five months , of 1895 amount to 910, 04,150. Mrs.Russell Sago,wife of the Wall street millionaire, is an earnest advocate of the highest education for women. Garcia, the Mexican, who was hanged at San Quinton, Cal,. for murder, left a con- fession that he has slain eleven men. At Jacksonville, Fla., Theodore Star - buck, ageded 20, has developed hydrophobia from a cat bite inflicted two months ago. A jury in Parry (Ok.) found the pre- siding judge guilty of drunkenness, instead of the defendant, and assessed costs on the court. Jospeh Fossati and his wife, who was a colored woman, were tarred and feathered at Walla Walla, Wash., by fifty masked men, An Old Orchard, Me., man who ran a needle into his foot, extracted the same by placing his foot near a dynamo in the local electric light plait. Julia Ward Rowe says that Longfellow was a good deal of a dandy in bis youth. His linen was immaculate, and he paid particular attention to his collars. The will of Mrs. Mary Jane Bradford, a South Boston lady, provides a 94,000 trust for the care and maintenance of a parrot —a bird she bad owned for twenty years. Electric roads and bicycles are playing hula, _ with horses 3n the Western States. Horses which sold for 950 a piece a few years ago are now being sold for 92 and 93 each, and even at that absurd figure the supply is greater than the demand. Fong Foo Fing, . a Chinaman of San Francisco, is an enthusiastic and efficient member of the Salvation Army: It is ru- mored that be will soon be sent to China to organize and lead an evaugelisticmnove- ment of the Army in that country. FOREIGN. Pears are entertained that ex -Queen Marie of Hanover,the mother of the Duke of Cambridge, will shortly become totally blind. The Rev. Dr. William Dean, distinguish- ed as the first Baptist missionary to China. and Siam, where he laboured fifty years, died Tuesday at San Diego, Cali.fonia. Baron Bambara. '1'auchnitz, of Leipsic, the celebrated publisher of GTeek and. Latin classics, Hebrew and Greek Bibles, and Continental editions of British auth- ors, is dead. Prince Yan Ho Pak,the refugee Coroan Minister of the interior, who fled from Seoul, a mouth ago to avoid arrest at the instance of the Quoon,arrived yesterday at Victoria, 13.0. The Grand Vizier is again reported to have resigned, owing to the opposition of the Palace to the proposals of tiro powers, of which proposals Said Pasha favours the acceptance. His resignation has not been accepted. The New Zeeland Government has granted an annual subsidy of o is hentlrecl thousand dollars to tho Paoifiic steamers for calling an both, inward and outward voyages, and Canada will carry the New Zealand mails across tho eontinont ileo of charge. The Medicine for Liver and Kidney Complaint.—Mr;. 'Victor A.ugcr, Ottawa, writes: ".1: take groat pleasure in rer'oret- menilingto the gamma public Perm 's Pills, as a Curo for Liver and :Keeney Complaint. nave doctored for the last three years with leading, phyeisians, and have taken many medicines which were recommended to mewithout relief, but after taking eight of I'armelee's Pills I was quite relieved, and now I feel as free from the disease as before I wasitroubled." TheMosquito In England. It will be new to many readers that the mosquito is now firmly established in Lon- don. It is to be found iu certain large hotels which are the resort of: visitors com- ing from the continent, and the supply seems to be maintained by constant im- portations from abroad. Visitors who are familiar with the noise and bite of the mos- quito assert that it is the true pest in its worst form, and there is no reason for doubting their experiences. A ludicrous mistake in identity on this point recently occurred at a large colliery in the north of England. The menina dis- tant part of the mine complained that the workings were full of "mosquitoes" and refused to enter the gallery. .As it takes something worsethan a mosquito to fright- en a collier, the manager event down to ex- plore and discovered, much to his amaze- ment, that the workings were full of huge hornetlike, yellow bancicd flies, whose lar - •re were hatching out from the wooden props which supported the roof in the warm atmosphere of the pit. The buzz and rustle of wings were indeed formidable, and the bite of the supposed "mosquitoes" would, by analogy, be something, very ter- rible indeed. -London Spectator. WORK OF A SINGLp8 DAY. Some Startling Facts Concerning the Aetion of the Heart. Do people recognize the immense work transacted by tee tweet in a single day? It equals that of lifting one hundred and fifty pounds to a height of thirty-three hundred feet. And yet knowingly, or through ignorance, nine out of ten people abuse this hardest worked organ of the body. There is nothing remarkable in the fact that heart failure and apoplexy are among the most prevalent diseases of the day. Happily, a remedy is found in Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart, which gives relief instantly. This medicine should be kept in every house, so that on the slightest indication of heart trouble it may be taken It has saved, by its rrornpt and efficient work, the lives of thousands of Canadians. Catarrh and Hay Fever Relieved in Ten .to Sixty Minutes. One short puff of the breath through the blower, supplied with each bottle of Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder, dif- fuses this powder over the surface of the nasal passages, Painless and delightful to use, it relieves instantly and perman- ently ci`iires catarrh, hay fever, colds, head- ache, sore throat, tonsilitis, and deafness. 50 cents. Sold by druggist.. Sample bottle and blower sent on receipt of two three -cent stamps. S. G. Dctehon, 44 Church street, Toronto. THE PAIN LEFT QUICIK.LY. FATTIER AND SON CURED. TOL YILEAOE OI' WI I.TECIIURCUI DEYELOFES A SENSATION. Rheumatism of Seven Years' Standing Cured in a Few Days. I have been a victim of rheumatism for seven years, being confined to bed for months at a tine, unable to turn myself. I have been treated by many physicians in this part of the country.. none of whom benefitted Inc. I bad no faith in rheu- matic cures advertised, but my wife in- duced me to get a bottle of South Ameri- Rheumatic Cure from Mr. Taylor, drug- gist, Owen Sound. At the time I was.. suffering agonizing, pain, but inside of twelve hours after I took the 'lest dose the pain left me. I continued until I took three bottles, and consider I am com- pletely cored. (Signed) J. D. McLeod, Leith P. 0., Ont. KIDNEY TROUBLE, The Dane of millions or Lives Can be Cured, The diseases that we so dread do nee come open us at one step. .They are a matter of growth. The sad tows is only too common, of friends who have died of Bright's disease, diabetes, and kindred complaints. It is known that in the sys- tem of thousands exist the seeds that; in a short time will develop into those dread maladies. Disease of tho kidneys in its mildest form never stands still. The warning is worth ]reeding that efforts should be promptly taken to eradicate the slightest symptoms of kidney disease, and in South American Kidney Curo is found a safe and sure remedy for every form of kidney trouble. Whether. chronic, "in- ipient or in genie of tiro distressing phases so well known, 11 proves an efYcc- tive, and, what is pleasing to know, a ready and quick Cue, One Useful Poodle. A lady who kept one of those curly poodle dogs lost hor pet, and called upon a detective to find it The next day the officer game with .the dog-, which was very weand dirty. Tho lady *as over- joyed, and asked forty silly questions, amomig others 'Where did you find the dear darling?" "Why, mif,urir,s+ ssaid • the oflsroi, 'a fellow had tied hint to apole and was Washing windows with 111111.'0. Hard and soft corns en.nnot withstand Holloway's Corn Cure . it is effectual every titrie. Get a bottle at once and bo happy Tete Father Attacked With Rheumy,- than fheuam-tistn and the Son With St. Vitus Dattee—A Story that Can bo Vouehed For by All the Neighbors.. From the Winghan Advance. Mr. Joseph Nixon is the proprietor of the only hotel in the vMege of Whitoohureh and is known to the whole country side as a man who thoroughly understands his business, and a jovial oaunpanlon as well. It is well known in this part of Ontario that Mn Nixon's hotel was destroyed by flre,but with that energy which is charao- teristioof him he quickly set to work 10 re -build. His story, as told a reporter of the Winghnm Advance, who reoently had occasion to visit his hostelry, will prove of interest. "I was helping to dig out the. oeller," he said, "and in the dampness and cold 1 contracted rheumatism which settled in my right hip. It got so bad that I couldn't sit in a chair without doubling ray leg back at the side of the chair, and. couldn't ride rn a buggy without letting the affected log hang but. I suffered a great deal more from the trouble than anyone who has not been similarly affected can Ge I was helping dig out the cellar." imagine. How I was cured ,is even more interesting. One day I saw a neighbor whom I knew had rheumatism very bad, running down the road. I called him and asked him what bad oared his reheu- matfsrn. Dr, Williams' Pink Pills he promptly replied, and that determined me to try the seine remedy. Well, the result is Pink Pills cured me, and that is something . other medicines failed to do. I don't know what is in them but I do know that Pink Pills is a won- derful medicine. And it is not only in my own case," d'ontinued Mr. Nixon, "that I have reason to be grateful for what the medicine has done. My son, Fred, about twelve years of age, was ta]ssen with an attack of cold. Inflammation of the lungs sot in and as he was recovering from this, other complications followed which developed into. St. Vitus dance, which got so bad that he could not possibly stand still. We gave him Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, with the result that he is now thor- oughly oured,and looks asthough he never had a day's sickness in his life, and if these facts, which are known to all the neigh- bors, will be of benefit to anyone else, you are at liberty to puleash them." Dr. Wineries' Pink Pills are a specific for all diseases arising from an impoverish- ed condition of the blood or a shattered condition of the nervous forces, such as St. Vitus dance, locomotor ataxia, rheumat- ism, paralysis, sciatica, the after effects of la grippe, loss of appetite, hoadctohe,dizzi- ness,clrronic erysipelas, scrofula, etc. They are also a specific for the troubles peculiar to the female systema, oorrer•ting irreg- ularities, suppressions su � ions and all forms of female weakness, building anew the blood, and restoring the glow of health to pale and sallow cheeks. In the case of men they effect a radioal cure in all cases aris- ing from mental worry, overwork, or ex- cesses of any nature. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold only in boxes bearing the firm's trademark and wrapper (printed in red ink), and may bo had of all druggists or direct by mail from Dr. Williams' Medicine Company, Brookville, Ont., or Schenectady, N. Y., at 50 cents a box, or six boxes ear 92.50. At Newport. Mr. Chowderfield-"and why do you like soft Clams the best ?" Miss Trilbyite-"They are less basis to cut one's feet, you know." "The Horse—noblest of the brute crea- tion—when suffering from a cut abrasion, or sore,derives as much benefit as its mas- ter in a like predicament,from the heal- ing,soothing action of ler. Thomas' Eclec- trfo0il. Lameness, swelling of the noek Stiffness of the joints, throat and lungs, are relieved by it. Worms derange the whole system. Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator deranges worms,and gives rest to the suf- ferer. It only costs.25 cents to try it and be convin.cSd. Loss Not Total. Weeds—"Now that we are married, I hope that you will destroy your mourn- ing paper, euv elope.s and cards.'' ...rs. Wends— •hes, of course ; 1 shall never have any further use for the cards." .Peetorfa, Fcctor:isa, Peetoria. Are you suffering from cough or cold •»a your lungs. Ask yew r druggist for atitoria.and take no other. Just try and ,.,, for yourself ]how soon. Pectoris will. t•r1e you, . vend to Allan & Co., 53 Front s t,. 'Toronto, Proprietors, 95 cents a bot- tle. Why She Did Not, Perforin Her Reties They bed a iioW girl. She was not the imported article, but was nativistic, enough. to satisfy a member of the A. P. A, She. came from somewhere In Indiana and had never seen a telephone, She was given a hasty lesson in its use and was told to answer 1G when members of the family, were absent. The second afternoon every- body was out but the. Indiana product, She was in her room. An hone before dimmer the female head , of the family returned, "That thing in the closet was ringing. for ten minutes this afternoon, In'arn," said the new girl. 'Why did you not answer it as I told you to 60, Mary?" said the mistress. 1 would have,in am,"said Maty, only I was hale undressed and 1 was afraid it might be a man: " Dens )latching Fish in China, Fish hatohing in China is sometimes ponducted with the aid of a hen. The spawn is collected from the water's edge, and placed in an empty eggshell. The egg Is then sealed with wax and placed under a sitting hen. After some days the egg is carefully broken and the spawn emptied into the water well warmed by the sure There the little fish are nursed until the, tr turned into 1a1> ton are strong enough ie b or stream. Se.: tinio.,t In Religion. "lte'i iorr reuse not be confused or mix- ed witia supeeet.itiou,buut should consist of stte.l.,.t+ .:..et pu;hive camietions, which gift ri 50.ita-.,.c cry explanation of our life, ttesti,.y anti t,fay, and whish furnish a safe and. F.or.by guide to conduct. But this is not sulueleut. '.Claes is something else needled that is equally important, le not more so. On thealtar of the boat should glow the perpetual fire of true devotion and cermet piety, Mere belief is Cot of much value. '1'hotigiuis cold, and imp - able of inspiring, therefore cannot exert niticlr active influence. The rnaifispring of action is feeling and sentiment! Of course it is, first of all, essentiai.to know what we ought to know, what woought to do, and to understands our duties fully and exactly. . But merely knoWirig will not lead to doing. Forwhat is needed is the prompting of the heart, a sincere desire to fulfil our part, a sense of dissatisfaction with wrong and neglect, and a fueling that only going will will make us satisfied with ourselves and glen uspeace of mind," —Rev, Oscar J. Cohen. " STRIKE A LICHT " YOU NEVER "MISS FiRE WITH E. B. EDDY'S MATCHES NO MATTER HOW DAMP THE WEATHER. IT IS INY AILI iBLY 100 MATCHES 100 LIGHTS And no matches • wasted. Cold in the Head (-11, AND H E A D► A C H E CURED IN FIVE MINUTES. Catarrh Cured in A Week, by using DR. HUNT'S MAGIC SNUFF IN BOXES 25 Cents at all druggists, or by mail on receipt of price. Address, THE MILLER EMULSION CO., Kingston, Ont. Belting Shafting PuIIeys Hangers 1 Order your Supplies of Oak Tanned Leather Belting from us. We supply four grades, suit- able for all classes of machinery. Every- thing in above lines at Manufacturers' First Cost Prices. :* Lowest Prices For Cash. TORONTO TYPE FOUNDRY, 44 Day Street, Toronto. - egad k(cigedi/aci4.' . Cor,vorteeend Gerrmri reefs, Toronto, Ont. Canada's Greatest Cora relit' School; arlvau- tn. , . hes in the Dumb, : ataclenty assisted to }'n in tt•+rs every week. `r Borate re dee. Write for catalogue Sheer a; PiCtott, 1'rincipa's. " Salad's' I Gran supply you . with Salida Ceylon Tea in one potind lead packages atc� C ser ib• 1 will ship (t ` lb. to one ad- %e re drew: and prepay i refight. If . ordered with other goods will ship any quantity "o:1 wish. Write Div price list, and buy .your supplies at whols'nlo prices, A. H. r',ANNIC Cr, 1' isohosalo Grocer, 67 !Front St. East, 'Toronto, ti '.V sit to ,pend winter is to rttend.the Northern Pu-" Gutloge Owe, £,ours -1. Ail who went' 1''.. • r ,n life should prr+ • it Ce.rl f a t r„ vt•,tln4Un,»., d.yn, i- • .,. t( ,ur'nl N. U. No. 26 pie NOINE Se BOILER, g Horse power, r second-hand, thoroughly o'trer- houlerl etnd in rood miler, Address TORONTO TYPE i•'OUND1ti'. LiV: lI.X'I'1lfl G• x!01 7'lT P1111Y7Ivli— Type, 1'reesos, Inks, heady -Print Newspapers, Stereotype Ilittttaii,lilloctro- tiling, XCn»'r°rving. P011.ONTO :