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The Exeter Advocate, 1895-8-23, Page 8
R. Pickard auk Son BARGAINS, :N ALL LINES OF Dress Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Clothing, Millinery, Etc, Etc. During this Month. R. Pickard 6- Son. Direct Importers. IrivIlit Miroft 11th SUNDAY After TRINITY AUG. 25th XIivine Service, 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Bible Class and Sunday School 3 p. m. Annivesary and Hurvest Thanks- giving Serviee, Sept. 1 Harvest Banquet, Labor Day SEPT, 2 7 p. m. See bills. RPV. E. W. HUNT, Rector. LOCAL JOTTINGS. J. W. Broderick has removed his general stock of goods into t he premises vacated by Mr. John Matheson, north of the Post Office. Mr. James Harvey, who hes been hostler for the Commercial Hotel, Ex- eter, for over 22 years and who knows almost every horse driven by Cornmer• tial meu through this section of conn• try, has evidently "struck" somethings that is the snaking of a good fortune, if weir advertised and properly handled. his a salve, now commonly known through the country tributary to town, as."Harvey's Healing Salve." Mr. Har- vey does not claim its curative qual ittes.for every known ache or pain on man or beast; but for horses afflicted with sore shoulders and back,seratches, cracked heels, and burns caused by friction of ropes and parts of harness,he claims there is nothh g Netter. Every -li.verytman in thc;•.ountry should keep a.constant supply in his stable. The following is on-, of many testimonials received as to its curative powers:- -- Dungannon, Aug, 12. 1f1EAn 81R. That salve,which I got from you, seemns to he an excellent thing for heal. - cuts, sores, burns, etc, I feel safe an:recommending it as the best thing I ever saw of the kind. Youiiss ETU., S. IT. l'1; PSI NTL.AND. 'The valve an be secured from Mr,.ilar- vey at the Comm.ercialHotel stables at soy time. St. Mary's ;civic holiday on i<1ouday next, 26th inst, The W. ET, Lovett Produee Co,, ship, ped a carload of eggs to 1loutr©ail this week. Rev. Hunt preached at Rev. Roy's mission, Taylor's Grove. Sauble Lin yesterday. Mr. Hugh Spackman disposed of his fine black driver Last week, to a stran- ger for a good figare. e, Mr. James Beer is enlarging and improving his premises by putting a large front addition to his dwelling.. Mr. Chas. Isaac, of Stephen started his new threshing machine Mouday, on the premises of Mr. W. H. Dearing, and the result proved gratifying. To- day is Hensall's Civic Holiday, We have heard of no program for the day, but in the 'evening there, will be sports in the way of horse -racing, etc. A good time is expected, weather permitting. The Exeter band will be in attendance. The Anniversary and Harvest Thanks giving Service of the Trivia Memori- at Church will be held on Sunday, Sept, lst., with a Harvest Banquet on the eyening of Labor Day. The Rev, Mr. Ridley, Rector of Trinity Church, Galt, is expected to preach. The town clock after a thorough 're- novating by Mr. Fred W. Hess, of Zur- ich, was again set in place last week, and the old familiar striking may again be heard,but at more regular intervals than before. It has kept splendid time ever since, and it is hoped it will con- tinue so. A severe thunderstotm, accompanied by heavy wind and rain. passed oyer this section on Saturday afternoon last. Fortunately no damage was done in the immediate vicinity, but a number of barns and other buildings surround- ing us were struck by lightning and destroyed. Three Italians struck town oniWed- nesdav, and played their instruments of torture in front of many of the lead- ing stores and hotels. They filled the air with such melodious pieces as " Ta• Ra-Ra•Boom-De-Ay "; but the hat was not very well filled with the delightful "chink" which they so much deserved. Mr. Geo. Davis, proprietor of the Exeter marble works, finished his con• tract this week for supplying the cut stone for the Evangelical Society's church at Dashwood. The contract called for 28 window sills, 2 door sills and 74 buttress tops. The date stone bears the inscription "Church of the Evangelical association, erected 1895. Mr. Davis, is building up a splendid reputation through the country as a first-class stone and marble cutter, ' A party down east was blessed with twins—both boys. He christened them Peter and Repeater. Another blessing of like nature occurred a year ago— both girls, and the happy father called them Kate and Duplicate. But the latest birth of twins has been a puzzler to him for a time—one was a boy and the other a girl. However, the difficul- ty has been got over by calling the boy Max and the girl Climax.—Exchange. How would it do to call the next pair Quit and Acquit, or Omega and Appen- dix ? Bills are out announcing a big L. 0. L. autumn excursion, good for three days, on Saturday, August 31, to Sar- nia and Detroit, under the auspices of gingham Lodge, No. 794. The fare is only 95e. from here to Sarnia and re- turn, and from Sarnia to Detroit by boat and return, fifty cents. The boat leaves Detroit at 3 p.m. on Monday,aud the train departs from Sarnia on the return trip upon the arrival of the boat. No one should miss this opportunity of indulging in so pleasant a three days' outing. The James-st. Methodist Sunday School held their annual picnic in Mr. Thos. Shapton's grove yesterday and was well attended by the old. middle aged and young people. The usual games foot -ball base -ball and tennis, were taken part in by the older schol- lars with yigor and enjoyment. A large number of swings were hung for the younger children and were fully appreciated. All seemed to enjoy themselves, and as darkness settled clown they •departed for their homes well pleased with the days pleasure. Jldeduced Parcel Post, From first October postage rates by parcel post between Canada and the United Kingdom will be reduced to sixteen cents for the first pound and twelve cents for each additional pound. A direct parcel post will be established between Canada and New South Wales. The rate will be twenty cents for the first pound, and sixteen for each subse- quent pound. The mail will leave Vancouver the sixteenth of each month Exeter Council Proceedings. The Council met at the Town Hall, Exeter, 16th Aug., 1895. All present. The minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed. Carling—Treble, or- ders as follows, viz:—S. Baskerville $13.50 for street -watering; do $2 00 for filling tank at Meth. Church; Wil- son Consin $1 10 expansion rings; Jas. Creech $11 75 curbing for well; H. Spackman $4 41 sundry ace.; J. N, Howard $10 00 Incandescent lights to the 31st July ; J, Creech $10 00 charity to Mrs. Sutton; T. Hartnoll $2 50 labor; Geo. Ford $8 15 labor and gravel; Jno, Elliot $248 00 in full for balance of contract for granolithic pavement, and Wm. Trevethfek $27 00 for use of pumps and repairs for windmill. Car rigid. Carling—Harding, that the Reeve and treasurer be authorized to borrow $500 00, current expenditure, Carried. Treble—Taylor, that the Council pay for tile at W. Drew's cross• ing,and at J. W. Griggs to be put in at his expense. The clerk to write con- cerning insurance, Carling—Treble, that the Council adjourned for two weeks. Carried. M.. EACRTITT, Clerk. Parties desiring a copy of Western Fair program for 195. can soeure same by calling at this. office. The mushroom season is again in and is now engaging the desirous hunter, Some good finds have been made, Mr. Robt, Lang, brought a good sized consignment of American plums to town Saturday night, He sold them very quickly at 75 cents per 8 quart basket. The Ontario Government has decided to give up the active manufacture of binder twine, and has advertised for the tenders of those who will lease the Central Prison plant and the prison labor and make twine. The band has just added a piccolo to there list of instruments, and they have a new member in the person of Mr. Wm. Hayhurst who knows how to play it. Mr. Hayhurst played with the Woodstock band in the recent band tournament at St. Marys, The rural Public and Separate schools opened after yacation on the 19th of August. The Provincial Nor- mal schools opened on the 20th of August, The High schools, and Public and Separate schools in cities, towns and incorporated villages, will open on the 26th of August. The County Mod- el schools will open on the 2nd of Sept- ember. The Provincial School of Ped- agogy will open on the lst of October. The bountift*l showers of rain, which fell the past week,have dune vegetation. a great deal of good, The days are now one hour and fortyeigbt minutes shorter than they were on June 21st, that being the long- est day of the year. If you have hay to buy or sell, or are in any way interested, send postal card request for sample copy of the HAY TRADE JOURNAL, Canajoharie, N. Y. It will save you money. The electric dynamo, used for operat- ing the street lamps, which has been iu Montreal for several weeks under- going repairs, was again set in place last week, and the lights are now giv- ing good satisfaction. The police have been notified to be on the lookout for a man travelling through the country selling silver pol- ish. He is wanted in Ingersoll on the charge of stealing a number of articles from, W. Wilkinson, of that town. --St. Marys Araus. On Wednesday of last week four of our young men, who are of a sporting turn, tried their walking faculties by a trip to Grand Beucl's summer resort, They made the distance (15 miles) in something less than three and a half hours, and on Friday on the return trip covered the distance in three hours and five minutes. This should be consider- ed good time for amateur pedestrians— one hour and one minute to five miles. bOLcLtEIRS SAVED is • DOLLARS CsAINEb ? Well, you can save dollars by attending the Great Slimmer Sale now on at the Big Bank- rupt Store. We have some very special values for the next week. 2S pounds nice coffee sugar.... $1 00 20-oent 3 -ib bar N. P. soap 23 " best granulated sugar 1 00 15 -cent can Red Salmon 10 -cent box Royal Yeast........ 04 $1 50 box good rasing 10 -cent bottle flavoring extract 06 '20 -bottle pickles ... .. , . Yes, it do beat all, how cheap we are selling goods just now. You can make money by trading with us. 121- cent prints going at........ 08 35 cent dress goods going at 221- 20 -cent dress goods going at06 8 cent factory cotton down to05 20 -cent pkge paper and env 05. 16 10 95 10 30 -cent flannelett shirts .. 18 30 cent shirts and drawers 20 $10 dinner. set (110 pieces) $6 65 Fine printed toilet set.... ...... 1 75 . 'YES, WE BEAT. 'EM ALL ! Stores closed every evening at 6:30 except Wednesday and Saturday. J. A. ST1WTART A Costly Accident. On Tuesday last' while Messrs. Par- sons Bros. were entering the premises of Mr. James Hodgins in Stephen with their machine, they met with an acci- dent which will entrial a cost of be- tween $75 and $100. It seems they were crossiug a culvert and the whole thing collapsed with the above result. A Program. for Labor Day. The Exeter Citizen's Band have made arrangements for a programme of horse -racing and athletic sports for Labor Day,—Monday, Sept, 2, on the Agricultural Driving Park. One of the attractions for the day will be a dog in harness race. A football match has been arranged for the afternoon. If time will permit a number of juven- ile sports will be called. All entries for races and athletic sports to be made with the president or secretary, See bills for particulars. A Warning to Smokers For some time past certain dealers have been selling inferior brands of to• bacco when "T & B" is asked for, thus not only trading- on the reputation of the inanufacsurers but also injuring the sale of the article. The Geo. E. Tuckett & Son Co., of Hamilton, have taken the matter in hand and intend prosecuting the offenders. Smokers should be careful to see the "T & B" stamp on each plug as, to gain extra profit, unscrupulous dealers tear the tag of other brands and say it is t. T & B" and "just as good." Going West. Quite a number left this station Mon- day evening on the harvest Excursion to different parts of Manitoba and North West. The object of these excursions is for farmers to secure help by which to take off their abundant crops. The rate was exceptionally low. being only $10 to any point West of Winnipeg. Among those who went were:—Messrs. Ed. Morgan, A. Hodgert, J. K. Ehlers, D. Scroeder, C. J. Cave, E. Wild, Chas. Wood, Jas. Miller, Mal. Lamont, Warren Davis, Percy Cann, Henry Cann, Hugh Brown, H. K. Towle, John Loadman, D. Johns and Robt. Sanders. Death of.1. P. it. Gundy. The London Free Press of Monday, August 19th, reports the death of J. P. R, Gundy, L. L B,, B. C. L., of the firm of Clark, Bartlett & Gundy, law- yers, of Windsor, which sad event took place on the 17th, inst., at the home of his father, Rev. J. R. Gundy, Windsor avenue. He was taken ill ten days ago with hemmorage. of the lungs, which developed into typhoid fever. He was 22 years of age and had just been admitted to the bar. He was the youngest lawyer in Ontario and se• cured his degrees with honors. He spent two tertns at Osgoode Hall and one term with Moss & Aylsworth, of Toronto. He was called to the bar on Easter term of 1895,, and after took the B. 0. L. degree. He entered the firm of Clark, Bartlett & Gundy July 1st, 1895. His father is pastor of the Windsor Avenue Methodist Church, and will be well remembered in Exe- ter at ono time as pastor of Main St, Methodist Church. His' remains were brought to Exeter via G. T, R , and laid to rest in the Union Burial grounds, on Monday evening. The many friends of Mrs. Verity, of Brantford, formerly of Exeter, will learn with deep regret that four of her ho>,tsehold, Edith, Gertie, and Percy Verity, and Miss Hutton, of Winnipeg, are all confined to their beds with a severe attack of typhoid fever. It is to be hoped that the result will not prove serious, Personal Mention. .i A Hannah correspondent writing to the Courier Democrat, Langdon, N. Dak., has the following to say of a former well known resident of Stephen; —"James Blake and family, of Lang- don formerly of Snow Flake, Man., moved to this place last week and will locate on their farm."—Herman David son, of East Saginaw, Mich., is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mr. Wm. Davidson, this week.—Mr. Harry Gidley, leader of Exeter Band, was in Blyth on Friday and assisted the band of that place in their civic holiday program.—Miss Annie Vincent, who has been visiting in Pert Dover,Niagara Fails, and Ham- ilton, returned home Saturday.—Miss Amey Heamau, of London, who has been visiting friends here, is now spending a few days at Grand Bend.— Nelson Cobbledick, of London, spent Sunday and Monday with his parents here.—Mr. G. G. Gibson, of St. Louis, Mo.. formerly of Exeter, paid the Anvo- CATE a friendly visit on Monday. Mr. G. is enjoying the best of health and his many old friends here were indeed delighted to see him, He also visited his father in Goderich.—Mr. and Miss Jackson of Exeter, were the guests of Mr. R. It, Gilpin on Sunday—"St. Marys Journal.—Mrs. T. M. White of Wiudsor and Miss M. White of Exeter, spent Sunday in town the guests of Mrs. W. H. Graham—"St. Mary Joul'it- al."—Mrs, C. Miners, of Port Huron, is the guest of her brother, Mr. J. N. Howard.—Mr. F. W. Farcnombe, of London, gave the ADVOCATE a friend- ly call on Wednesday.—Mrs. (Rev.) Fletcher, Thames Road, left here Tues• day for Hamilton.—Mr. H. Spackman, spent Monday in London.—Miss Gertie Dempsey who has been visiting her sister in Lucan, returned home 'rhes day.—Mr. Rich. Southcott, of Shelby- ville, III., is visiting his old friends in tdwn, the guest of his nephew, Mr. Wm. Southcott.—Mr. John McRae, after spending a few days with friends in town, returned to his home in Detr'iot, Mich., Tuesday evening.—Mr, George Hoskins, of St. Thomas, spent the be- ginning of the week: in town.—Miss Alice Sheere who has been visiting friends and relatives in town fbr sev- eral days returned to her home in Lon- don Weduesday.—The Misses •Alice and Annie Sharon, who have been visiting 'here returned home,—Mr. R. II. Collins, was in Goderich Monday on business,—Miss Ada Jermyn, of Strat- ford, is the guest of the Missses Gould. —Mr. S. Shaddock, of Dowagiac, Mich., is visiting an Mr. S. J. Etherington's, Usborne.—Mr. W. J, Clarke, of Lon- don, was in town on businessSaturday. —Mrs, F. W. Collins and son, and Mrs. E. Treble are spending a few days in Ilensell with friends.—Mrs. Buchanan, who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Perkins, returned to her home in Lanak, Tesday. Don't be Gulled. ktel For selling at Bost is an old "chestnut" and as stale and threadbare as the aged garments offered. Our Stock of suits and gents' furnishings are new, latest cuts, styles and novelties. You expect us to make a PROFIT; we do sell on a small MARGIN; and the many of you who have tried us know this to be the truth. We await your judgment; TRY US; and learn that "live and let live" is characteristic of our d ealing. Carling Bros. Bale Toll lis, itI lille Will Do You IoeL" We have done no blowing this year on account of the dry weather, but here are a few puffs that will knock the wind out of a brass Indian, 11 pieces of Fall Dress Goods at 25 cents per yard These goods were 37 cents per yard, 17 pieces of another line of Fall Dress Goods at 25 cts were 45 cents. Ladies' Lisle Stockings were 75 cents, now 50 cents. 41 a 41 a a a 50 „ a Fast Black 40.gauge were 40 cts. ;: " " Hermsdorf " 35 '• lL a it 35 rr 25 20 25 „ " 15 Ladies' Capes in Black, Brown, Fawn and Navy are now selling for low figures: $7.00 Capes for $5.00 $5.50 5.00 " " 3.75 • 4.00 See those goods! E. J. S P AC K 'rl. A tt& C ®., Samwell's Block, Exeter. 11 " e Blue Capes for $4.00 a 3,00 JOHNSTON'S We are adding to our large stock daily, big lines.. of Fall Goods. Sharp advances in all lines of goods is now in order of the day. Having bought large- ly before the recent advance in Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes enables us to place before the buying public, values equal to any shown in Western Ontaio. NEW Dress G cods, Flannellette, Sheetins, Cottonades, Cottons, Tweeds, Worsteds, and Boots and Shoes in lane uanti- ties. Our values are better than we have ever shown. Need- less to say any more. C. C. Johnston. Fall Fairs, Industrial, Toronto, ....Sept. 2 to 14 Western, London Sept. 12 to 21 Central, Ottawa........ Sept 26 to 28 Huron; Exeter.........Sopt. 23 to 24 Tuckersmith. Seaforth, . Sept. 26 to 27 Huron, Brussels.. , ..... Sept. 26 to 27 Hay, Zurich .. ..Sept. 23 to 24 South Perth. St. Marys Sept 24 to 25 Mitchell at Mitehell ...:.Sept. 24 to 25 Northern. Ailsa Craig.. Sept. 26 to 27 Ktrktotr. . , , Oct. 2 to 3 Granton....... :... Oct, 1 to 3 EIRE ! FIRE ! ! EIRE!!! Great clearing sale of goods slightly damaged. by smoke and water. Having carefully overhauled the stock saved from the recent fire T find it in a much better conditiott than at first anticipated and intend to clear it out at half price. Now is your chance for bargains. Butter and eggs taken at cash prices. J. P. Ross. WFEES IIQSS . . MARBLE DEALERS. MANUFACTURERS and DEALERS IN 9 MONUMENTS, SARCOPHAGUS, HEADSTONES, MURIALS, ETC SPECIAL NOTICE TO PARTIES BU I LDING I A fine residence is not complete with- out marble top Furniture,—Vitash- stands, mantles, table tops, etc, these we make a specialty of. MOMS BROS. Main St., Exeter. WESTERN FAIRI London, Sept. 12th to 21st, 1895 Special Excursion Rates on all Railways. Established .sus. Canada's Favorite Live Stock Exhibition Cannot be Surpassed ENTRIES CLOSE : Live Stock, September 12th, All other Departments, September Sth, Final Payment In Stakes, August 15th. Auction sale of booths and privileges on grounds August 26th, SI•ECTAt ATTRACTIONS.—Wild East Show, - 50 people, Araby, Turks tlkeilts, Ladies of the Turkish Palace etc., with Horses,. Camels and Donkeys; and a host of others, Prize Lists, Programmes and. Condition of Sale for Booths free. Apply to Copt: A, TTr, Porte, Thos. A. Brownie.. Pres. so, ... ._111..1....-,,.. ,...v.,.mp., ,*.0.01..:.1... Christ COMMERCIAL LIVERY. First-class Rigs and horses Orders Left at Hawkshaw's Hotel, or at the Livery Sta ble,(Christe'$oldStand) will receive prompt at- tention. tention. . , rl"elepheae Terms reasonable L Connection ,01