The Exeter Advocate, 1895-8-23, Page 3" EVADING INDIANS.
An Exciting Chase of the Disastroue Cus-
ter CsemPaign—A. Recital of the Retreat
and Pursuit by Me Hero of the Affair.
Day o Without root.
The "Sibley scout" is farlutue =Ong
dian fighters as being one of the narro
escapes from savages now on record.
hero of that hazarcloas encounter with
dreeded Sioux passed the winter in c
pany with the writer and favored bine w
a sketth of that memorable action o
handful of troopers away up in the/31g H
mountains, far from the main contemn.
It was in 1876, at the time of Castor's n
Wee, when F. W. Sibley of General Cm
column, then a young lieutenant, was
dered ont with 25 mounted men to I
about the country and see what was go
on, Frank Grouard, a half breed, ancl
of the best scouts living, accompanied
ley, The young officer was fresh fr
West. Point and rather inexperienced
froneier warfare, so cautious General Cr
batdt! hint heed the scone's- Advice sho
emergency arise, and off the troopers 831
ed taniciet at the very hour when Cus
100 tidies or so away, was beteg cut to pie
by the cntthroats of Sitting Bull.
The wonting, party was ignorant of tl
however, and traveled for two days wi
out incident. As 1....ey neared the mot
' tains, Gronard, who always traveled ahe
of the soldiers, suddenly signalect to la
Indian signs were seen. From an eminet
commanding a vast area of rolling con
try little specks could be seen here a
there. The glass proved that each spe
was a squad of several Sioux in war c
tome. The specks began to concentra
They moved toward the trail niade by t
troopers, but without discoveriug it foe
long time. The Indians were ignorant
the presence of soldiers.• After holding
powwow one of the savages rode towa
the telltale trail. By chance he discover
it and returned to his comrades, vvavi
his blanket and gesticulating.
It then seemed to the young cavalry
ficer as if Indiaus sprang from the earth
all directions to see what had been disco
ered. There were swarms of them. 13
happily they were miles away. Then b
gan the race for life. The mountains o
fered the only refuge. Up and up sera,
bled the horses. On came the India
They were seen occasionally along canyo
In the rear. The band had divided an
• was trying to head off the soldiers and su
round them. Suddenly, as the soldiers as
eended the side of a gulch and gained
small plateau, a party of redskins spran
at them, firing their rifles and yelling.
"The men scattered like sheep," say
Captain Sibley, "and I confess that for th
rnoment my heart was in my mouth. M
horse fell down an embankment, whie
added to my discomfort. I ordered the me
to are even if they did not aim at the en
emy, for a rifle made a noise like a canno
amid those hills. Finally the men got t
gether, and we retreated up a slope to a b
of wooded ground which protected us fro
the Indians' fire. This was about 9 o'cloc
in the morning. The Indians began t
gather about us rapidly. The situation w
growitig more serious every minute. M
men were doinggood work with theirrifies
"It pleased me to see one man shoot a
noted Sioux chief right through the 'heart.
That old sinner never twitched a tnuscle
after the lead. hit him. We neverkneev how
niany we killed, because whe,n an Indian is
shot his comrades keep him out of sight.
Well, we held them oil' for four hoars,-and
they were four hours of redhot work, I can
tell you. My scout then told me that the
Indians were on three sides of us. We had
one chance left to retreat, and this chance
was fast lessening, because fresh Indians
were coming.
"I did not like to abandon our horses,
, but it was that or die. So the retreat was
ordered. inspected each man personally
to see that his equipment was all right,
but owing to my inexperience and the ex-
eitement of the moment I forgot the ra-
tions. Only one man in the conamand took
his rations. It was an hour or so before
the Indians discovered that we had fled.
By that time we were up in the mountains
in places so steep that one man had to help
the other up. Horses could not follow us.
So for the time being the Sioux would
not strike us. Grouard took a mountain
trail, which we followed on foot for 50
hours without a mouthful to eat.
"Such fearfully vigorous exercise without
food nearly killed us. Toward the end of
this perilous march we all became so
weakened that we marched for 10 minutes
and then would Ile clown and rest. Several
of the nmat robust men became insane, and
one or two never regained their wits.
When we reached Crook's camp, 1 slept for
24 hours without waking, and during that
time the camp was sharply attacked by the
Indians. Even the roar of the musketry
did not disturb my sleep in the least. Not
a single man was lost on this trip."
Remarking on the peculiarities of plains
life, Captain Sibley said that it seemed
wonderful to him what remarkable in,-
stincts a hall breed scout possessed. A
scout had lett him across a trackless waste
on a dark night when the snow was falling
and the wind blowing. There was not a
landmark to guide the scoot, The horses
were continually drifting to windward, as
It were, in the effore to get their faces away
from the cutting blast. Yet in the face of
all these difficulties the scout would lead
the troopers litter Marching all night to
the exact spot for which they started, and
he never failed.
A surprising peen Rarity . of Indians is
their carelessness about pasting sentinels
rot,. when *they go into carnp, eyen when they
'mow that an epemy is near. Captain Sib-
ley hs seen a large ['idiom village corn -
Omelet surrounded by eolcliers in the early
morning withotet an alarm being given.
In fact, the only movement in the Indian
camp 08 late LIS 6nelOCIC, hi the morzaing
• was the appearance of an old squaw, who
tame out of a wigwam to change the posi-
tion of a tethered •liorse.—Cor. New York
Tri bune.
In -
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A Collector of Uniforms,
in Btula-peath lives an old tailor whose
lousiness it is to mend uniforms, His great
evleh when he wee; yoneg was to serve in
the, army, but he is so ,diminutive in size
that be was refused. To get •over his dis-
appoinement he became an army tailor
and began to oollect military relies, of
which his littnt house is so full that, there
is ,scarcely any room left tot himself and
his small wife, Archduke Elven discov-
ered him some time ago and told the aged
EleId Marshal Arthelnite Albrecht rkbot
him. When be went to BudaePeath on Sat-
nrday, the two archdukes visited the tiny
tailor together And made hire tell hie
story and show his treasures, It was the
happiest day of his life, and Archduke
Engerde order of' It uniform delighted him
hardly less than the Archduke Albrecht'a
sending him his photograph and a tinted of
gold,-- Vienna Cot Leedom News.
The Beef of Mairnineerico.
There have been times When a court wag
splendid and nearly starving, but all, that
has passed away, Probably forever. The
prince of today who is to be magnificent at
all mud pay away MoileY at every tura
and always be reedy with znore.
Everything posts, fromthe special train
which secures puteetualite and freedom
from pressure to the rooms which loyal or
hospitable crowding render exceptionally
It is all very well to speak of such good
management, and of course there is no such
thing, and it is worth perhaps 80 per cent
of additional income, but no extent of good
management will reduce the cost of any
kind of magnificence or do away with the
feeling of the innkeeper who charged a
royal guest a franc apiece for eggs, not be-
cause eggs were scarce, but because kings
We have heard of charges paid by an In-
dian viceroy at a Paris hotel which would
have made Ma Vanderbilt wince, and there
Is not an uneducated !nen in any land who,
if a prime disputes his charges, does not
thenceforward become a republicam
Nor within limits is this feeling altogeth.
er unreasonable, for the demandeof princes,
which are usually only demands for free-
dom, upset the usual routine, just as the
queen's train, though her majesty asks
only a little extra security and some pri-
vacy, upsets the routine traffic on the great
railway by which she travels,
Moreover, though extravagance is a vice,
economy is often a foible, and one rather
sympathizes with the hint given by the
noble who assisted Louis Philippe in his
search after a lost sovereign by lighting a
bank note. State, in fact, in one day costs
money, and it is as expensive to be a priuce,
if you live ae a prince, as to beet spendthrift
heir—London Spectator.
The Vamp meter.
The vibrometer, which is claimed to make
the deaf hear, is in shape and size very
much like an ordinary banjo, with circular
eceauding board and extended string board.
A small electric motor transmits by suit-
able mechanism a series of rapid taps or
vibrations to the sounding board, and these
are conveyed to the ear by tubes, the.satne
as in the phonograph. The attachment by
which the vibration is produced can be ad-
justed to different leverages, so as to vary
its intensity, and can be regulated at from
1 to 25 vibratory movements per second, a
speed vvhich is only used in very bad oases.
A special treatment is involved in the
use of the strings of the instrument, which
are vibrated by the revolution of a wheel
studded with metallic picks. In applying
these musical vibrations to the ear of the
patient the tone selected must correspond
in pitch to that caused by the diseased con-
ditions of the ear, In other words, there is
always a special note, the vibrations of
which are raore beneficial than others to
the abnormal ear, and a primary consid-
eration is to determine this note. It is a
question of responsive vibration, illustra-
tions of which all instrumentalists are fa-
miliar with. If there is no tinuitus or ring-
ing noise to guide the practitioner, he finds
whether the patient can hear a high or low
sound, and a high rate of vibration is used
in treatment and vice versa.
The class of patients who are immediately
benefited by the vibratory treatment are
those in whom the mucous membrane lining
the tympanic cavity and eustachian tubes
ie in a hypertrophic or morbidly enlarged
condition.—New York Telegram.
The First Wedding Ring.
The wedding ring, according to Henry
Swinburne of the seventeenth century, was
first designed by Prometheus and fashioned
out of adamant and iron by Tubal Cain.
He says that it was "given by Adam to his
son to this end, that therewith he should
espouse a wife." Men were, as all women
know, deceivers ever, and some of these un-
scrupulous creatures were wont to wed
with rings made of rushes, imagining them
to be less binding than a strong and valu-
able ring. The bishop of Salisbury, how-
ever, stepped in and forbade this practicein
Silver was more frequently used than
gold for wedding rings, and they were
made in all kinds of shapes, some twisted,
like two joined hands, or a pair of hearts
stuck through with an arrow. Often they
were adorned with precious stones and
had "posies"—that is, scraps of verse—in-
side, such as:
Fortune doth send you, hap it well or 111,
Tins plain gold ring to wed you to your will.
In these days a gold ring is considered so
essential to the validity of a marriage that
a tradesman in a market town some years
ago materially added to his income by let-
ting out rings to the poor people for their
wedding day.—New York Sun.
Microscopic Penns anship.
The subject of microscopic workmanship
readily divides itself into two classes—pen-
manship andrnechanical construction. His-
tory has handed down to us many exam-
ples of this form of caligraphic mania, of
which the chief symptom is a desire to
compress the greatest number of words
into the smallest possible space.
Pliny the Younger declares that Clicero
onee saw the Iliad written so small that it
could be inclosed in a walnut shell. This
affirmation was regarded as improbable
until the seventeenth century, when Huet,
bishop of Avranches, France, an excellent
Greek scholar, proved that it could be ac-
The Gospel of St. John and the Acts of
the Apostles were writtett within the cir-
cumference ot a farthing in the sixth cen-
tury by an Italian niauk.—Boston Com-
Early mentioa of Niagara Falls.
The first historical notices of Niagara
faIla are given in Leecarbot's record of the
second voyage of Jacques Cartier, in the
year 1535. On the maps published to illus-
trate Mani plain's discoveries (date of maps
either 1613 or 1614) the falls are indicated
by a ems% but no description of the won-
dadal cataract is given, and the best geo-
graphical authorities living today doubt if
the explorer mentioned ever saw the nine,
Brinson' s work to the contrary notwith-
standing. Father Hennepin is believed to
have written the first description of the
falls that was ever penned by one who had
personally visited the spot. The editor
owns a map dated 1651 which does not tig-
er° either the great lakes or the falls—Sb.
Louis Reptiblia.
Some Dental Advice.
Dentat floss, to be procured at any first
class drug store, is recommended by den-
tists for regularuse after tmeh meal. Noth-
Mg can so effectually remove any foreign
substance from the teeth. It is likewise
advised that the teeth should be brushed
Up and down—not sidewise as is the cOM-
Mob enStodl.
A Thorough Busbies% Man.
Optician (to his new shopnean)—When
Yoll send Dia the prie.e het% write the ad-
reSSee ILS S111411 as possible so that the cua-
eoniers may see that it is time they began
to wear glassea—laistige Matter,
Passengers ItIrlio Aesort to All Sort* ot
'Vrtoits to ilthie Free,
"It has to. be a very pious roan who won't
steal a ride whetahe gets the chance," af-
ft the conductor On thesubueban train
to a reporter, who asked whether be ever
had any diffieulty in collecting fares frota
elle passenger%
It is both amusing and interesting to
watch the delight most people take in get-
ting a free ride, The conductor passes
tnrough the car saying, "Tickets, please,"
and turning from side to side, trying to
pick out all the new passengers aboard. The
majority of cceurse have their tickets ready
and hold theta: out so that he cann ot possibly
fail tO see them, but there are a great num-
ber of people also, who front the time they
enter a car begin reading the newspapers,
and the conelactor might znildly sayauTick-
ets, please," till the dawn of doomsday be-
fore he succeeded ie attracting the atten-
tion of these earnest readers.
If he issue he hasn't panelled the tioket,
he stops fairly M. front of the passenger,
holds out his hand in a positive fashionand
sharply says, "Ticket!" Then the negligent
passenger will unbutton bis coat and from
a fiat pocketbook stored away in his vest
will slowly produce ticket. A conductor
hns to be positive in his demeanor, too, for
let a Unita, "not sure" glance betray to the,
wily passenger that he is not going to have
his ticket demanded of him, and he will at
once put on a bold front and unconcernedly
watch the man next to him handing over
his fare to the puzzled conductor without
once changing color.
"The women? Well, they may wear their
little silver crosses; they may even be go-
ing to church on Sunday with their Bibjes
with 'em," said another conductor, "but
they will sneak a ride every time." And it
seems to be true. The reporter watched,
and pretty soon a rather pretty woman
boarded the train at Thirty-ninth street.
From her watch chain hung the King's
'Daughters' badge—e little silver cross. She
sat clown, and soon the conductor came
along. He was not a hardened veteran,
and he seemed half afraid of making a mis-
take, so he said in an undecided tone,
"Tickets!" Bnt, oh, that questioning tone
and doubtful glance! He passed the little
lady by, and she let him do it, just as if she
hadn't been a Daughter of 'the King. At
the next station he again came into the car
with the same expression and the same
question. He noticed her this time—just
stopped and looked at her as he took up a
ticket from a man who sat next to her, and
she—well, she kept on reading. Now, is
it possible that. she didn't congratulate her-
self upon being one ride ahead? Of course
she did, and she'd make that one ticket of
hers last forever if the conductors would
only let her.
Another passenger, well dressed and
gentlemanly, allowed the conductor to go
by without giving up his ticket, and when
the official passed through the car again he
looked hard at the man and said, "Ticket!"
But the interrogation in his voice settled
it. The man stared over the top of his paper
quite unconcerned. The conductor didn't
insist, and when he turned his back M.
Gentleman smiled audibly, and those who
sat near him decided at once that he was a
most dishonest person, "thoughthey'd all
been there before many a time. many a
time"—.Chicago Journal.
Byron and His 'Young Physician.
It is of Byron's Ponder' that one has
heard in that model biography—the biog-
raphy in which the sedulous Moore sidled
and ambled in accompaniment to his noble
friend's dramatic work. It is too clear that
Byron took little trouble to disguise the
fact that he found Polidori intolerable. The
young physician "had become jealous of
the growing intimacy of his noble patron
with Shelley," and a plan for leaning him
out of an excursion on the lake of Geneva,
in which Shelley, Miss Goodwin and Miss
Clairmont were taking part, "completed
this mortification." In the soreness of his
feelings he indulged in some intemperate
remonstrances, which Lord Byron indig-
nantly resented, and the usual bounds ol
courtesy being passed on both sides the
dismissal of Polidori appeared even to him-
self inevitable. The young Italian rushed
to his room, where he was interrupted
while attempting "that fatal act which
two or three years afterward he actually did
Byron, to his credit, followed up the doc-
tor with areconciliation. Byron permitted
himself to boast to his follower, who in
childish irritation asked him, "What, after
all, can you do that I cannot?" "Since
you force me to say," wa.s-thesolemn reply,
'I can swim across that river. I can snuff
out that candle with a pistol shot at 20
paces, and I have written a poem of which
14,000 copies sold in one clay.' All through,
the unequal association was an incident to
the one man, life and death to the other.—
Pall Mall Gazette,
Religious Training of Japanese.
Little or no importance is attached to the
religious training of Japanese children.
Whether the parents be Buddhists or Shin-
toists it matters not, for in either cese the
children rarely take any part ie the reli-
gious late of their parents or elders, and in-
deed usually grow up in blissful ignorance
as to what it is all about. True, they may
be occasionally taken to the temple and
taught to rub their palms together, clap
thrice and incline their heads toward the
shrine as they toss their offering of rin
through the wooden grating of the huge
money till. They may have some vague
notion' that there is something meritorious
in all this, but nothing mete, although ev-
ery Japanese home has a latticed niche, or
kamidana, dedicated to the service of tbe
household Lams and Peuates, or Daikoku
and Ehisti as they appear in Japare—Dr. W
D. Eastlake in Popular Science MOnthly,
A. Complete Outfit.
Princess Clementine, mother of the Prince
of Bulgaria, is the heroine of agood story.
The princess is a daughter of tho tate King
Louis Philippa One day she asked her
settee brother, the Due de Jai:twine, who
was starting for a cruiea to bring her back
the complete dress of a redskin chieftain's
wife, The dnIce returned in dae.coarse and
distri Imeed presents nlnoug his sisters.
"This is for you, Clementine," he said as
he put a string of glees beans on the table.
"Very pretty," said the princess, "but
you promised me 0 complete dress.n
"rills is s. eomplete drees," replied the
duke, "I never saw them wear any. other."
—London Tit -Bits.
The way things are in England is shown
by the proposition of a London periodical
that an association be fortnea to dissuade
widows from marryi ng a eecond time. This
is it mere matter of justice to the sisters
who bad not yet had an initial thanee In
the matrimonial market.
Dortiti MAWS opinion.
"What iea'house without a babyP" asked
a lady wetter, and an old bachelor editoe
itt Comparatively quiet1"—Exchatige
eEopt,E Arm VERY LIKE 110LKS.
•an Interesting Disoustioe of Two Weinielt
Who Have Little Time,
Mrs, Tittle—On, Pm ao glad you celled.
What a pretty wrap that isl Won't you
take off your bonnet?
Mrs. Tattle—It's such a bother, you knoW,
and rIs'viregtoLonpth, at el els iyt total t re gt to right
toauYtl. yolere
always in sad a hurry. I declare, as 1 wag
telling my husband, you have so many
friends and so many places to go to that
you're no sooner in the house than you're
out again! So different from Mrs. Mark,
for instance, She comes in and stays and
stays and stays until I'm nearly dead, And
then she's such a gossip! She knows every-
body's business. I can't bear her.
Mrs. Tattle—Neither oen I. I never med-
dle not make. I just let everybody attend
to their own affairs, and I attend to mine.
By the way, did you hear about Mrs.
Grimes' husband?
Mrs. Tittle—Mrs. Giernes' busbandt No.
For mercy's sake, what is it? I just stay
here at home and drudge, drudge all day
long, and all the world might be dead and
I not know, it. I3ut what isit about
Grimes? I always did have my Suspicions
of that man. He has such a look, you
know; kind ce, kind ol— Oh. 1 can't de-
scribe it. But you knoWI
Mrs. Tattle --Oh, yes. I've noticed tt
hundreds of times. Well—but you worit
repeat it? 1 wouldn't for the world have it
go about as coming from me.
Mrs, Tittle—You needn't beafraid. YOU
know what I am.
Mrs, Tattle—I wouldn't breathe it to an
other living soul, that's a fact. Well, he
mine home the other evening in a terrible
condition. Mrs, Grimes pretends that he
was only sick, but I know better than that.
Men don't go away in the best of health in
the morning and come home sick at night
unless there's a reason for it
Mrs. Tittle—Of course not. Did he strike
her? You couldn't have blamed him much
yifothiekdrilodl,vslee is such a disagreeableverson,
Mrs. Tattle. -.I can't say that he did, but
be might, you know. At any rate she was
!neon cryinewhen she sent for the doctor.
Mrs. Tittle—Then you may depend. Send
for the doctor, did she? Just to blind
people's eyes! 'What an artful thing she is!
But was he terribly intoxicated?
Mrs. Tattle—The doctor says he wasn't.
I ran out to ask him what the matter was—
or rather he said Grimes was a very sick
man, that's the way he turned it off, you
know. Of course he wouldn't say. But I
have tny suspicions.
Mrs. Tittle—And well you may have
olsonin'tglit awful? But, really, must you be
Mrs. Tattle—Indeed I must. rye half a
dozen more calls to make this afternoon,
Goodby, dear. Now be sure and come
around just as soon as you can.
Mrs. Tittle—I will; but, land, don't wait
for mei Pve so much to do, you know
Mrs. 'rattle (on sidewalk)—What a WOM•
an she is to pry into others' affairs! Hit
wasn't for the looks of the t1ng, Pd never
go uear her again.
Mrs. Tittle—I-1'ml Came here just to
show that itew wrap! It's nothing to brag
about anyway. And how she did run on
about the GrimesesI It's positively shame-
ful! I do hate a gossip, therei—Boston
Speech and the Power of Work.
Any one who olneirves the movements of
his tongue in speaking will find that there
occur no cases in which the adjustments
must have an exactness corresponding to
the extreme power of discrimination which
the tip possesses, For speech this endow-
ment is useless. Even were it useful it
could not be shown that it has been devel-
oped by survival of the fittest, for though
perfect articulation is useful yet imperfect
articulation has rarely such an effect as to
impede a raan in the maintenance of his
life. If he is a good workman, a Gertnan's
interchanges of b's and p's do not disad,
vantage him.
A Frenchman who in place of the sound
th always makes the sound of z succeeds
as a teacher of music and dancing no less
than if he achieved the English pronuncia-
tion. Nay, even such an imperfection of
speech as that which arises from cleft pal-
ate does not prevent a mao from getting
on if he is capable. True, it may go against
him as a candidate for parliament or as an
"orator" of the unemployed. But in the
struggle for life he is not hindered by the
effect to the extent of being less able than
others to maintain himself and his off-
spring.—Herbert Spencer in Contemporary
Rheum at I sno Secondhand.
"Well, exclaimed Mr. Queercase, "you
can talk as you like about physical afflic-
tion, but the largest that ever struck me
was when I had the rheumatism in my
"Rheumatism in your brother!" exclaim-
ed his auditors in concert. "What are you
telling us?"
"I'm just giving you a case of stalwart
afIlictiou that ought to bring your sympathy
out by the roots," was the reply.
"The kind of rheumatism that he had
was the kind that hangs over the edges and
treads on the adjacent martyrs. Why, the
way -he'll yell and keep me awake at nights
and have me tying on ,bandages and rub-
bing joints and smelling alt sorts of lotions,
/lathe way he would kick me out of bed
when his ether leg hurt him too much was
energizing. Primary rheumatics is bad
enough, but to have to take it in a second-
ary form is petrifying."—London
Co-operative Copy Reading..
Folks who- are ambitious of writing for
the magazines and are not discouraged
when n mannecript has been rejected two
or three times will learn with pain of aeon-
fession Made by a young inan employea as
copy reader on a popular magazine,
He owned that he and a man holding a
like Once on another magazine hat' a pri-
vate; mark which was intended to advertise
to each that the other had passed upon and
rejected the manuscript.
Me Mei:tied that his mark was placed
upon only such n301111SCHIAS AA were hope-
Jessie-nad, but the possibility ef co-opea
naive copy reading muststeike terror to
amen Mails young writers.—Boston Globe.
Curming Womee reebriates.
As an instance of tho inui lig with which
female, inebriates geed fy their appetite for
liquor the following story is related: Some
women in a retreat .aelted for curling tongs
—it Very natural req nest. Next they want-
ed Methylated marits with which to heat
the irons, and finally they wheedled hot
water, sugar and lemon juice out of one of
the maids. Out of these liquids they con-
trived a concoction to eetisfy their craving
for alcohole—Exchange,
Can't help Themselves.
fle—If there's anything: 1 deteet, it'S a
flirty woman.
She—Rumphi Why not a flirty man?
1-ie--(th, well; a mu has some excuse.
Women are so attractive, you khoW.--,IsIeW
irork Weekly.
, I
hat is
.eat'aeXeg vete.
Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants
mu; Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor
other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil.
It Is Pleasant. Its guarantee b thirty years' use by
21111Hons oflgothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays
feverishness. Castoria prevent% vomiting. Sour Curd,
cures Diarrhcea and Wind Do1ic. Castoria relieves
teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency.
Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach
and, bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas..
turia is the Children's Panacea—the Mother's Friend.
Casteria (San excellent mediciee for chil-
dren. Mothers have repeatedly told me of its
good effect upon their children."
Dn. G. C. °snoop,
Lowell, MSS&
"Castoria is so well adapted to children that
I recommend it as superior to any prescription
known to me,"
H. A.. Axiom, M. D.,
111So. OxfordSt., Brooklyn, N. Y.
"Castoria is the best remedy for children of " Our physicians in the children's depart,
which I am acquainted. I hope the day is not meat have spoken highly of their experi.
far distant when mothers will consider the real ence in their outside practice with Castoria,
interest of their children, and use Castoria in- and although we only have among our
stead of thevariousquacknostruraswhich are medical supplies what is known as regular
destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, products, yet we are free to confess that the
morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful merits of Castoria has won us to look with
agents down their throats, thereby sending favor upon it."
Mem to premature graves."
Conway, Ark. ALLEN C. S311TD, Pres.,
The Centaur Company, 'TT Murray Street, Neer York City,
How Wily Secondhand Dealers Appeal to
Both These Human Motives.
The observant pedestrian along -any popu-
Ions east or west side street knows what it
is to see piled up in apparent confusion
the household effects of some distressed
tenant, dispossessed for nonpayment of
rent—furniture, bedding, kitclaen utensils,
cheap pictures, crockery, a clock, and a
birdcage. Where a landlord secures sum-
mary possession through the act of a mar-
shal of dwelling apartments the personal
property of the tenant is put upon the side-
walk as the most convenient, accessible and
public place. Casually the tenant has
somewhere else to go. Seldom do his effects
remain long in the street, for there are al-
ways, especially in the poorer parts of the
town, helping hands to give hina or her a
friendly lift or a new start.
Then a trackman comes to take away
the articles left upon the sidewalk, and
the neighbors hear of the matter no
more. This benevolent strain of human
nature in New York has, however, inspired
the cupidity of some secondhand dealers,
who now make it regnlar business of dump-
ing their unsalable stock in a public place,
pretending that the articles thus displayed
belong to some needy dispossessed tenant.
The sympathetic wife or daughter of the
secondhand dealer stands in the vicinity of
the articles, and when the charitably dis-
posed stranger makes his appearance this
is about what he hears:
"PoOr soul! A widow with seven chil-
dren, her husband dead in the hospital aft-
er being out of work for three months—
where wonld she get the money to pay the
landlord and save her furniture from the
street? Well do I remember her paying
$20 for that bedstead there when she moved
into the top floor beyond—a bedstead which
she would be glad enough to take KO for
now to buy her children something to eat.
And those chairs there, which cost $1 each,
she'd be only too wilting to sell for a quar-
ter apiece; and that line old fashioned clock
lying there—it's a splendid tiznekeeper,
and any dealer would pay $5 for it gladly—
and the poor woman is willing to take $2
for it if she could only find a kind hearted
purchaser to buy it, while she is oat lookbag
for help from those who were glad enough
DO borrow money from her husband when
he was working!"
Such a tale of commingled human sor-
row and business opportunity told, for the
first time, to a sympathetic stranger is not
usually without its effect. "My good
woman," says the male passeeby, "here is
a couple of dollars for the widow--mygood
wishes go with her." The female passerby,
too, is touched by the recital, and the
chance of often getting a bargain loosens
the clutch which she has on the money
which she holds ili her hand. Sbe buys
such of the articles as her means affard or
vthich seem cheapeet and next seeks the
good offices of some neighboring truck -
man or expressman to transport the arti-
cles to her home. Then the secondhand
dealer replaces the articles sold by other
articles of a similar kind from Ids ahop,
and his wife waits the areival of another
favorably disposed pp rchaser.
This dodge has been worked quite gener-
ally ancl quite effectively of late in various
parts of town, and it is 017;1.151i to be no-
Cieecl that a seceed.hend furniture Store is
at no great distance from the point where
tbe artielee aro let, and a well traveled
thoroughfare, not a eale street, is Selected
for the purpose, altlategli it is well known
dint evictions for nee Teem cut of rent are
s-ery rare cm the big 00m:ea:fares, where
the rents are higher, and are nlinost eaelu-
eively li Red to theY.,naller side streets of
heighborhoods.a7New Vmec Sun.
W01311:11 11t Chess.
. ,
FOr the first timn in the history of
chess, there Was contested yesterday a
bona fida match by a (dub team et lady
players.. They represented a newly
established Ladies' Chess Club,and their
opponents wero gentlemen from the
Metropolitan, who yielded the odds of
a knight at each board, It wilj be in-
teresting to feminine players to learn
that thts first public nutteh of their sis-
ters was marked throughout by the
most pleasant arid qorcrteous demeanor
and bearing between the ladies mid
their opponents. Play began at 8 p.m.,
-ifltSIenilji,g Names,
"Seinegeographical names aro very
mist enalleg," observed Noethside.
"Poe instance?" asked Hilltop.
"Weil, you don't fled the flowet �f thi
human family at Botany Bay."
Mrs Langtry's jewels Are valued by
experts at over 850,000.
The nuntber of draught dogs in Belgi-
um is probably not less than 50,000.
The wearing of corsets by men is not
uncommon in the British metropolis.
The tallest people in the world are the
Patagonlans; the shortest are the Lap-
At the Odeon Theater in Paris 600
manuscript plays are rent ..ved and read
every year.
The spring sale of Abeerden Angus
bulls in England show an average of
5102 for 250 animals.
With the exception of the Ining of Den-
mark, Queen Victoria is the oldest reign-
ing sovereign of Europe. -
Frederick Law Olmstead, the landscape
architect, bears a strikiug resemblance to
Rai:1yard Meting's father.
To keep a race horse in even moderate
condition in England, with proper at-
tendants. costs $1,625 a year.
Up to the present time the Necropolis
Company, the biggest undertakers in
England, bave buried 14,000 bodies.
The wheat crop of South America has
steadily inoreased from 48,850,000 bushels
in 1891 to 104,000,000 bushels in 1893.
More than 1,000 peOple earn a living
in Paris by fortune telling, and their
total earnings are estimated at £400,000.
M. Edwards, director of Le Matin, the
most modern and enterprising of the
Parisian journals, has retired from jour-
nalism. .
A Madagascar correspondent tells of 400
pineapples being bought and delivered
for a school picnic there for $1—four
It is announced that Denmark intends
to construct a great naval port on the
island of Bornholm, to compete wth the
new German canal.
The drink bill inmost London hospitals
Is said to be 11111011 IOSS than it used to be.
So much for the influence of the tem-
perance Hospital.
The long-distance telephone between
Paris and London has over two hundred,
(Jails a day. At the rate of two dollars
for each oall, it pays.
Sir Henry Bessemer, known in Eng-
land as the "Steel King." has just reach-
ed his 88rd year, and is said to be pro-
verbially hale and hearty.
E. Mauncie Thompson, D. C. L., LL.D.,
F. R. S., vice-president for England of
the Egypt Exploration Fund, has been
knighted and admitted to the Order of
the Bath.
FO ri 55t! OR EAST,
i ''2 PILi 0 9:;4:7'),, 001„PrI07•11
Cart:1131in it; cif eats and never bilaterc. li
t. Read proofo maw: 3
,a.fiAte9..v Ncv %iv 0 'et b.....1 il
.ft C.m.,313nn.13endenion Co, II/v Feb4L, 14.
, Th., i3„1, r.:8Npai. ae,
see 14.-1,., ,ortt1 ma one of your Rorfa
la 111)11V. :. 1 i WA, OS( d fkyrent deqj of your
i I.:ea./elle ..'tritt,te oar.. with
:t(.p,•o,f1;d:fmect.Fi; it de 8s1'4i'iTiIce1:1'l"'1‘111'urut'ltil6c1t1pt.c,ite‘4,11.nri1t71,f.!31aotiaer. 1
iene a bottle ca mile an the ti.1110. '
1 Yours truly, Cuss, l'aftEtt,
t rtl—R19, alLfto ...P:'!
cAlt3:01:, Ale., .13ptt 3, )tf.
, Dr, 13, .7, 7..useArz., co,
) T3o.r Stra-1 have marl,seteral Itnilles of your ,
"F..m.litil'etiptwirt Cure" with mitten =velem°. X
, t u,';0 the beet Liniment; 1 ever used. Hate to 4
, limp,/ Mgt; eispb, Ono jtUkid Itilltiin alld ?ant i {
I Inc li on e Ain -ivies, Rowe recommended it to
1 sterm,al ef my friends 33,11a_are nutch pietteed with
613111mo/315, 11.0spootintlY,
2, 0. elle, P. O. Box Sig, I
Vor Sale by an Druggists, or address 1
t D1*, -D. J. 1T ENDA 16, COMP.A.IVI.,
nee we gee, e gave Inc Ca.etoria,
when she was a Child, abo cried for Castorin.
When sbe became tiles, site clutig to Castorlee
when she anti Children, she gavot/emu Clastotia,