The Exeter Advocate, 1895-8-9, Page 6nanneenteneetten.
Weserlime WI',) al) flOt receive their paper
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The Week's Commercial Summary.
The total iumber of business failures
*a the Dominion as reported in Brad-
itreet's was 25 last week, against 29
in the previous week, 82 hi the week a
year ago and 88 in 1898.
It is not the season for the tide of
business to rise, but there is perceived
searcely any shrinkage except that
which comes naturally with midsum-
mer heat.
The volume of new business is sniall
comparecl with recent mouths,but large
enough to encounage snore opening of
long -closed works and. more advances
in returns to labor. Important strikes
show that the advance is not enough
for some, but seem not more threaten-
ing than a week ago.
Here and There.
The wicked. get fly when no =tan pur-
-Why is it that every regatta, on either
side of the water, has ended in a row?
The public can have honest servants
if it will take the trouble to examine ap-
plicants before hiring.
No man who would shake the hand of
a millionaire bribe -giver has a right to
refuse the hancl of the ten -cent bribe -
If the hay crop, as reported., is much
smaller than usual this year, ought we
not to logically expect a decrease in hay
The imbeciles who smoke cigarettes
witJa their monograms and crests on the
wrappers, will not die any soontr than
,if they had stuck to the plain kincl used
by plebeian fools. It is the contents,
31044 the wrappers that are fatal.
interesting. Items and incidents,
portant and Instructive, (lathered
Frei)). All Parts or the Woria.
Fort Erie has antnher new gas well.
Farmers at Moran, Mau., are cutting
oats and barley.
The body of Hogan,the colored incendi-
ary, was antral inthe canal at St Cathar-
William aforton and W. S. Barry, customs
°facers at Windsor, have, been superannu-
Nearly 6,000 entries have been received
for the Regina exhibition which opens
Elgin county fair direetors will offer a
prize to induce a couple to be married in
front of the grand stand.
Preparations aro being made for the
1 ominion Tra es Congress, whieh opens
• in London, September 8,
The authorities have removed the dam
acorss Big Creek in Port Rowan, used
to fiood the marsh.
The daily cost of rations/ per prisoner
at Elgin county tool last quarter was
only five and three-tifths cents.
The work of sorveying for the new
steel bridges over the L. &P. S.R. near St.
Thomas has been emu -lanced,
The C. P. R. authorities have applica-
tions from Manitoba farmers for 2000,
men to work in the harvest Relds.
The imports at Point Edward for the
year just ended were 880,100, the exports
$15,204, the duties on imports $22,453,-
Miss Regan, daughter of D. Regan, has
been awarded first prize by an American
journal for an essay on George Washing-
The pedestal for the Macdonald mem ori-
, aI at Kingston will not be ready in time
for the unveiling to take place on Labor
Shortis, the Valleyfield murderer, will
be examined as to bis inontal condition by
Dr. Clark -e, of the Rockwood 4 yltun,
The Only Test of Merit.
That the people are quick to appreci-
ate a good. thing when they see it is
abundantly shown. by the phenomenal
recorcl of the Toronto Industrial Exhi-
bition. The Fair whicb begins on the
2nd of September next is the seventeenth
of the series. It has grown steadily in
popularity and yearly attracts increa,s-
mg numbers which is the best possible
proof of its superior excellence. This
season the display will be more com-
plete and varied than ever. The num-
ber of entries is unnsually large in all
departments. Already every foot of
space in the building is taken up,though
additions and re -arrangements have
been made to accommodate the increas-
ed number of exhibitors. In live stock
also, entries for which close on the 10th
of August, there will be a very full
showing, especially in. the choicer breeds
of horses and. cattle. Great improve-
ments have been made in the accommo-
dations provided, and all arrangements
for public convenienee are as nearly
perfect as possible, An attractive and
diversified programme of entertain-
ments is offered. All railways will
give low rates and. special excursions
will be run from many points, _ present-
ing an opportunity of which all should
avail themselves.
Jack Dempsey, the pugilist, is now a
physicaliwreck. Pugilists,though usual-
ly endowed with a stock of vitality suf-
ficient to last them during a very long
life, usually use it up before they have
entered far upon. the middle age. A
man of thirty-five is a young man, but
an. old pugilist.
The Forty -Seventh Battalion has been
thoroughly reorganized. There will now
• be only seven companies. instead of ten,
as before.
The crop bulletin about to be issued by
the Department of Agriculture of Mani-
toba will estimate the wheat crop at thir-
ty million bushels.
TheQueen's avenue Methodist church,
London, in course of erection is to be
known as the "London Metropolitan
Methodist Church."
Prof. McEachran who has returned to
Ottawa from the North-West, reports that
the cattle business in Alberta is in a most
flourishing condition.
Friday was set apart by the Roman
Catholic clergy in Montreal to implore the
mercy of God on this country, and the
protection of our crops.
The .Dominion. Trades Congress will he
held in London during the week com-
mencing September 2 About one hun-
dred and fifty delegates are expected.
Cache lake, more than one hvandred and
sixty miles from Ottawa, is expected to
be the Eastern terminus of the Ottawa,
Arnprior, and Parry Sound railway for
next winter.
At Chatham, on Monday, 'William
Chambers, a Waterloo veteran, died at the
age of 108. Ho retained his faculties to a
wonderful extent, and could talk briskly
, just before his death.
The fruit crop in Middlesex county is
almost a complete failure, but the rains of
the past two weeks have had a good. effect
on grain, and prospects for both wheat
and oats are splendid.
The UniolalTE
n fliteeITilAlsric.
at S13rIdgeport,
Chieago, olomed down in 1822, have been
started up employing 1,400 men.
A Salt Lake City despatch says the
storY of the killing of twenty whites at
Jaekson's Hole de, Tuesday Is not •
Fusser 1 services were heicl Friday at
Lapaz, Ind., for Mrs. Blaokmire, who en-
joyed the unique record of having had 12
Authorities at Washington have decided
that there is no law to peva/it the impor-
tation of bulls for the proposed bull fight.
at Atlaette Georgia.
The auditors of the suspended Banque
Pleasant as syrup ; nothing equals it du People are preparing a statement of
as a. -worm medicine: the name is Mother , the Rnanciel position of the institution.
Graves' Worm Exterminator. The It is said that hopes are entertained of a
greatest worm destroyer of the age. cosnparatively favorable settlement.
The e.eneral superintendent of the Cana -
one Woman Saw the Joke. dian Pacific railway has received very fa -
A. half dozen young lawyers happen.ed vorabls reports as to the condition of the
together at the court house a few days craps in the provinces and territories.
ago, and one of them remarked that he Hay, however, in most places in Ontario,
had. told his wife a very funny story, and is a total failure.
she never cracked a smile,so he proposed. The jury in the inquest on Mrs. Mary
that the others tell it to their wives and A. Smith of Aurora, the supposed victim
they would meet together and report the of a criminal operation, returned a verdict
result. the story was this: A widow
desiring to hold. communication with
her dead. husbanelavishing especially to
fmd out whether he was happy in the
other world, went to a spiritualist and
asked that her late husband. be called
up. In a little while it was announced
that he was at hand. The weeping
widow said. "Howdy John ?" he said
"Howdy Sue?" She then,with a voice
of mournfulness, asked. if he yeses happy
in his present state. The spirit yawned
and answered., "Yeas, 'bout as happy as
I was on earth. Don't see much change,"
Then she said., "where are you,John. ?"
He said, "I'm in hell."
. When the lawyers met again they all
reported. that their wives couldn't see
anything funny in the story,except one,
and they called ou him for a report,after
the laugh went around, "W -a -al," he
said, "I think I got the worst of it. I
told. her the story in a very significant
way, just like it was she and. I sorter
said it sarcasticallv and fully, too, and
then 1 wee rightfull of laugh, and chuck-
led, and she turned round and said : `If
that had been your spirinJim, that said
that to me, I would. have said.5rou were
right where you ought to be.''
Take Notioe
I, Malcolm MoBairinnerebaiat tailor RI.
Queen St. West, do certify that Dr. Car-
son's Stomach Bittera cured me of dys-
• pepsia. I believe it to be the beet mecli-
eine for all Stomach an Liver troublee.
At, all Druggists Price 50e.
Sun -inter Slmnerings
Flowers of speech from tit -lips.
otut oe Blest in the daytime,"
mused the owl.
Feet come high, especially when upon
the stage.
Even lobsters have the grip.
Sore Veet.—Mrs. E. T. Neill, New
Armagh, P.Q., s; 'Tor nearly six
months I was troubled with burning
aches and pains in my foot to such an
extent the,t I could not sleep at night,
and. as my feet were badly swollen I
ould not wear my booty for weeks. At
last I got, a bottle of Dr. Themes' Ea-
leetrie 011 and resolved to try it 0.3).a to
my astonishment I got almost indtant
relief, and the• one bottle accomplished.
perfect euro,
that death resulted from Bright's disease.
Dr. Stevenson who attended deceased was
fully exonerated.
The riflemen of Montreal have called a
meeting to make arrangements for a re-
ception to Pte. Hayhurst of the 13th Bat-
talion Hamilton, winner of the Queen's
prize at Bisiey. A. net onal testimonial
will also be given Pte. Hayhurst.
A deal has been consummated whereby
the Rat Portage reduction works, on the
Lake of the Woode,together with all other
plant and. claims belonging to the Black
Jack Mining Company, have been trans-
ferred to an English syndicate. It is an-
nounce& that the works .will in all pro-
bability be started within sixty days, and
that a number of ether important sales
will follow within a short time. The re-
opening of the reduction works will be
welcomed by the miners of the district,
and. will, without doubt, 'conduce greatly
to tho development of the mining claims
In the surrounding region.
A feature of the G. A. R. encampment
at Lonisville will be a parade of 5,000
Confederate veterans, with General Simon
Bolivar Buckner es grand. marshal.
A. F. Parnell, of Rochester, N. Y., a
son of A.rohdeacon Parnell, formerly cleri-
cal secretary df tue Ontario Diocese, Was
drowned. from tho steamer Bon Voyage,
which was on her cour• e from Oswego to
Kingston, on Thursday night. The de-
ceased was about twenty-four years of
The investigations of the police at Oh10-
ago and elsewhere show thee Holmes,with
some associates, has been guilty of a long
series of other crimes in addition to those
already xoported. The detective depart-
ment of Toronto is in a position to com-
plete its rase, and will not trouble about
any further evidence.
Fourteen persons were killed yesterday
by the explosion of a boiler in a mill at
The Khedive, it is announced,will pay a
visit to St. Petersburg dter leaving Con-
. Poor water supply has rendered the
sanitary condition of Whitechapel, London,
Immigration of Russian Hebrews is be-
ing turned from the Argentine Republic
to the 'United States.
Australia has a population of less than
6,000,000, but economists declare it could
support 100, 000, o00.
An Imperial edict has boon issued by
the Porte granting amnesty to all Armeni-
an politica prisoners.
In India every resident must, under
penalty of line, have his name written up
at the entrance to his house.
Fever and. Ague and. Bilious Derange-
ments are positively cured by the use of
Parxnelee's Pilis. They not only cleanse
She stomach and bowels from all bilious
mattenbut they open the excretory ves-
sels, causing them to pour celpious effu-
sions from the blood into the bowels,
after which the corrupted mass is
thrown out by the natural passage of
the body. They are used as a general
family medicine with the best restlts.
Mark Twain has returned from his
trip abroad, a partial invalid, to face
new fi nancial difficulties and embarrass-
ments. It is said. that he is a ruined
man. financially.. But Mark Twain,
though the oldest of our humorists, has
never lost his grip von the public, and.
still possesses an. Unlimited oapaeity for
making money, He is still young
enough to make dnother fortune.
There are a number of varieties of
corns. nolloway's Corn Cure will re-
move any of them. OFill on your drug-
gist and get a bottle at once.
rt is `better to lock the stable door after
the horse is stolen than not to lock it at
all, It snag save the eon'.
It is nice to talk to a girl who has ber
ideals, but Itis discouraging to live with
Act Wisely by Keeping Dr, Agnew's
Cure fox. the Heart. AlWase Near by.
The beauty of Dr. Agnew's Cure for the
Heart is that it gives relief immediately.
The testimony of thousaads who have
ueea this remedy is that whore even death
was feared, within half all hour after us-
ing the medieine, the clanger had passed
away, and it was only a short time before
the natural composure ef the patient re
turned. The gr at risk with many who
are troubled with heart disease is that
they trine with the disease, either by us-
ing medioines that are perfectly useless,
or dela, ing treatment altogether. Dr.
Agnew's Cure for the Heart always gives
ease, and in many desperate oases it has
dewed an entire cute.
Rev. E. C. Ullmann, er st, mary's R.C.
Church, Hamilton, Ont., Tells of the
Good Services of Dr, Agnew' s Catar-
rhal Powder.
It is not the case that cold in the head,
or catarrhal difficulty, is unknown in the
summer season. Many are suffering to-
day, and in some oases the disease takes
the shape of Hay Fever. Dr. Agnew's
Catarrhal Powder is a most effective
remedy in such oases. Readers of this
paper know of the many prominent clergy-
men of all denominations, who have felt
it their duty to recommend this remedy.
Added to the recommendation ef the Rev.
Father Hinchey, of Hamilton, menses that
of the Rev. R. C. Lihenann, of St. Mary's
R C. Church, of the same city. Ever de-
voted to the interests of his parishioners,
this faithful priest feels that he is doing
them a kindness in telling how this reme-
dy benefitted him in the case of catarrhal
trouble. It never fails to benefit anyone.
Sample Bottle and Blower sent on receipt
of two 8 -cent stamps. S. G. Detohon, 44
Church street, Toronto.
But one Dose of South American Rheu-
matic cure Relieves and Half a Bottle
Robert E. Gibson, Pembroke's well-
known merchant :—"I contracted rheu-
matism in very severe fain in 1886, and
Large Atlantic steamrs are now berthed have suffered untold misery each spring
close to the wharf at Liverpool, and the since. I have repeatedly applied fly blis-
tioublesome tender is dispensed with. ters with butlittle success. Doctors whom
I consulted, likewise failed to relieve. I
was induced to try South American Rheu-
matic Cure, by Mr. W.F. C. Bethel, of the
Dickson Drug Company. The first dose
gave instant relief and half a bottle aur -
As a cure for rheumatism this remedy is
certainly peerless.
It is now positively known that the
Cuban insurgent leader Alfonso Goulet
was killed in the recent battle at 'Palen-
Japan now demands 47,500,000 addi-
tional indemnity as compensation for the
re -concession to China of the Liao -Tung
A breech gun exploded on board the
warship Bouvines at Toulon killing one
sailor and wounding Admiral Chateau-
The German ship Voiler arrived at
Dover yesterday with but one of the crew
of fourteen of the Boulogne fishing smaok
Felice, which it sank in collision.
The German Consul at Tangiers has
been paid $50,000 as indemnity upon the
part of Morocco for the murder of a Ger-
man trader named Rockstron.
A receiving order in bankruptcy was
issued against Oscar Wilde's property es-
terday by the Marquis of Queensberry,
claiming .e..6'77 in the debtor's unsuccessful
action for libel.
As a result of the general elections in
New South Wales, the Government have a
majority, including the Labor party, of
thirty-six votes. The Free Trade party
will be strong in the new house.
The King of Belgium walked out on
foot in the crowded streets of Brussels yes-
terday, and. was greatly cheered, in con-
trast to the reception he received. on Tues-
day after presenting the colors to the Civic
A treaty has been concluded between
Greece and Russia, by which a fixed im-
port &city has oeen determined upon for
Russian cereals and by which Russia is
given -rho monopoly of the kerosene trade
in Greece.
A despatch from Tien-Tsin says that
Japan is delaying the negotiations for a
new commercial treaty with China await-
ing the results of the British elecdons, in
the hope that the new Government of
Great Britain will support Japan against
The great wheel at Earl's Court, Lon-
don, an imitation, on a larger scale, of the
Ferris wheel of the World's Fair at Chic-
ago, stopped on Wednesday evening and
imprisoned crowds of passengers. Several
hours elapsed before the wheel could be
moved, and it was not until yesterday
rnorning that the excited passengers were
Fagged Out.—Nome but those who
have become fagged. out, know what a
depressed miserable feeling it is. All
strength is gone, and despondency has
taken hold of the sufferes. They feel as
though there is nothing to live for.
There, however, is a cure—one box of
Parmelee's Vegetable Pills will do won-
ders in reetoring health and strength.
Mandrake and dandelion are two of the
articles entering into the composition of
Parmelee's Pills.
Most powerful is he who has himself in
his own power.
When the heart speaks, glory itself is
an illusion.
There is oven a happiness that snakes
the heart afraid.
He that hath not a smiling face should
not open a shop.
The first and last thing required of
genius is the love of truth.
He who would pry behindthe scenes
oft sees a counterfeit.
Genuine simplicity of heart is a heal-
ing and cementing principle.
I quit the country unwillingly because
I must part from myself.
Disease generally begins the equality
which death completes.
All senetudity is one, though It takes
rnany forms; all purity is one,
The personal pronoun "I" should be
this coat -of -arms of some individnals.
Be careful to make friendship the child,
and not the father, Of virtue,
Heroism—the divine relation whith,in
all times, unitea great man to other
All governing event -nob kills the self-
belp and energy of the governed.
Pectoral,. reetoria, Pectoria.
Are you suffering from ebugh or cold
on your lungs. Agit your druggist for
Pectoriansad take no other. Just try and
see for yourself how soon Pectoria, will
cure you. Send to Allan St Co., 53 Front
St, Toronto, Proprietors. 25 tents a bot-
.A.Minister of the Gospel is Pleased to
Tell of the Wonderful Curative Pow-
ers of South American Kidney Cure.
Rev. ;fames Murdock, of St. .fohn, N. B.
—"I have used South American Kidney
Cure with marked success. It Will do all
the manufacturers claim for, it. I felt
much benefit: ed after taking the remedy
but a couple of days. I have taken in all
four bottles, and consider that I have re-
ceived $100 worthof good from eaoh bot-
-- -
Mr, G. T, Fulford's 'Return Frohl
The World's Gayest ()ay.
A. Reporter's I•itoresting IntervieW
'With If ini—Som, Statistics and In-
formation of General Value.
From the Reaartier, Broolxville, Ont.
Mr, G. T. Fulford, who is understood to
have bee" oning big things in Paris dur-
ing f e past wiuter and spring introduc-
ing Dr. • e "Jams' Pink Pills, has reached
1101110 With his fain Uy, and on the evening
of his areivel was iaterviewed by a Re -
°order reporter, and asatd. to give an
account of himself.
"Well," he said, in reply to a question
on the status of the Pink Pills business in
France, "of °curse it isn't altogether an
easy matter to fun:educe a foreign article
into a strange market, but I don't think
we can complain of the progress made, it
Is gratifying to more that some, at least,
of the Paris doctors are open to recognize
medicine of we' eh the intrinsic merits cau
be dem onstrat. d to them. One of the best
of them --at Versailles, the Paris suburb
Whore the Emperors used to keep their
court — has given favorable testimony
through the press of quite wonderful OLITOS
through the use of Pink Pills in his prac-
tice ; and the Boligicuses,an order of Nuns
like the Sisters of Charity, have also inade
au extensive use of Pink Pills in their
charitable work, and give strong testi-
monials as to their good acts."
"How do you find business all round?"
"Pretty good. We have sold in the past
twelve months a little over two million
three hundred and sixty thousand boxes
of Pink Pills."
"That is a pretty large order isn't it?"
"It is the best twelve months' business
yet. Look for a minute at what the figures
mean. If all the pills were turned out into
a heap, and a person set to count them,
working ten hours a day and six days a
week, the -job would take—I have reckon-
ed it -4 years, 21 days, 6 hours and 4
minutes counting at the rate of 100a min-
ute. On if you want further statistics, it
is somewhere about two pills a head for
the combined adult population of Canada,
Gxeat Britain, Ireland and the 'United
States. I don't give these figures to glori-
fy the business, you will understand, but
to enable you to snake the facts tangible
to an ordinary reader."
"Does Great Britain do its share in the
business?" asked the reporter.
"Yes, I think we hp,ve had a record
there. The head of a leading advertising
agenoy in London to whom I showed my
figures told me that no business of the
kind had even reached the same dimen-
sions in England in as sheet a time: for
though we have only been working in
England two years there are but two medi-
cines there that have as large a sale as Pink
Pills and one of these is over thirty years
old while the other has been at work at
least half that time."
"How do you account for the way Pink
Pills have `jumped' the English market
"I cannot attribute it in reasonable
logic to anything but the merits of the
Was evekything lovely asked the reporter
or were there any crumpled rose -leaves
in the couch?
"Can't grumble except in one way.
There's a certain amount of substitution
In some retail stores and there is a man in
Manchester,Enlgand, that I have had pro-
secuted on the criminal charge of it."
"But what do the substitutors do—do
they duplicate your tormula under some
other name?"
r No, not a bit of it; that is the worst
feature of the fraud. No dealer can pos-
sibly know what is in Pink Pills; and if
he did,he couldn't prepare them in small
quantities at a profit. They are not com-
mon drugs, and by no means cheap to
make I suppose I have spent from ten to
twelve thousand dollars, since I took over
thetrade xnark, in trying of the formula
could be improved and spent a share of
it for nothing."
"What do you mean by 'for nothing?'"
"After I acquired the trade mark I saw
that if the thing was to be a success it
was imperative that I' should have the best
tonics pill that could be gotten up. Conse-
quently I obtained. the advice and opinion
of some of the most noted men in medi-
cine in Montreal and New York—and ex-
pert advice of that sort comes high. I
made the changes in my formula suggest-
ed by these medical scientists, and the
favor with which the public has received
the medicine, demonstrates that it is the
most perfect blood builder and nerve tonic
known. However, I was anx ous to still
further improve the formula, if that could
be done, and have since spent a great deal
of money with that end in view. On go-
ing to London, two years ago, to place
Pink Pills, I went into it again, with the
best medical men there, and as you know,
the medical expert is not too friendly to
proprietary medicines; and least of all to
a good one; and I don't blame the doctors
either. It isn't good for their business if
a man can get for fifty cents medicine that
will do him more good than $50 in doctor-
ing. Consequently advice came high,
but I obtained the best there is, not only
on this continent but in London and
"When I went to Paris last winter I
placed my formula and a supply of Pink
Pills in the hands of one of the most noted
doctors in that city for a three months'
trial in his practice, With it view to getting
suggestions for improvement; at the end
of that time his answer was "Leave it
alone, it cannot be bettered. You now
have a perfeet blood and nerve medicine."
This opinion cost me 10,000 francs, but I
consider it money vvell spent, as it deter-
mines the fact that the formula for Pink
Pills is now as perfect as medical science
oan make it. And coming back to the
question of substitution and imitations;
what I have just told you will show what
a poor thing it is for a man'who goes to a
store for Pink Pills to let something else
belpushecl on to him in place of them—
more especially if it is a worn out thing
like Bland's pills—a formula in the *en&
pharmacopoeia that has been a back num-
ber for years until a few storekeepers tried
to push it on the strength of Pink Pills ad-
vertising. You ease take it from me that
a storekeeper vehts tells anyone that Bland's
pill (which is not it proprietary at all, any
one can make it that wants to) is in any
way a subtibute far Pink Pills is is an ig-
noramus and never ought to be trusted
to sell medicine at all. A druggist as ig-
norant as that certainly isn't fit to put up
a prescription, and will poisonsome one
It is in the Tenaeoey to "Scorch" that
the Chief Danger Lies.
In the first placeat ought to be it law
for every woman that she should never
ride a bicycle after a distinct feeling of
weariness comes over her. For those
who are beginnin.g, especially, and in a
measure for all women,there is a danger
of riding out a certain distance, and
only turning towards home when this
feeling of weariness comes on. In such
cases the strain on the nervous system
all the way home is very great, and. by
the time the end of the journey is
reached—for it has become a Journey by
this time—the rider is exhausted to
such an extent that it severe headache
or some more serious indisposition is
the result. There if; no other reason
for this than the fact that she did not
prescribe for herself a certain distance
before starting out, which was not to be
exceeded under any circumstances. • No
ordinary woman who rides for pleasure
once, or twice a week should do over
about ten mile's at a time. This is
perhaps an hours ride, that may be
easily extended to an hour and a quar-
ter before that distance is covered; and
if she does not feel fresh and in a glow
when she stops she may be certain
that she has ridden too' long. Naturally
their is that healthy tired feeling which
any one recognizes after athletic exer-
cise, but it is quite different from and
never to be mistaken for the weariness
which comes from too much exertion
and straining of, the nerves and muscles.
Very few women have ever been injur-
ed on a bicycle who kept to this rule
and limited their riding to normal
The limit of distance which is desig-
nated by the first feeling of weariness,
is only a little more important than
the limit of speed whicb the female
frame is capable of undergeing under
healthy exercising rules. Whether it
man can ride at full speed for it long
distance and. still rebain his good health
is a doubtful question, but it does not
particularly concern us in the present
discussion. It is quite certain, however,
that no woman can keep up a high rate
of speed for even a generous portion of
a mule and not create the beginnings of
injuries. The added. Ptbrongt1i required
toincrease your Speed even a little
after a certain amount of power has
been expended is out of all proportion
to the results. There is no relaxation
of the muscles between 'revolutions a
the pedals nor any let-up on the nervous
and muscular strain while the speed
lasts. The heart iS fair more taxed than
one realizes at the moment, and that
species of tingling or numbness in the
nerves and muscles which often results
is only a sign that they have both been
This danger of acquiring too much
speed. is natural enough. The bicycle
runs so easily on smooth asphalt or
macadam that it is a strong temptation
to "scorch"—indeed, it is so strong a
temptation that as soon as a girl has
f al rly learned to ride easily she has to
put a d.eliberate cheek on herself to
avoid dropping into it.
There are so many cough medicines
in the market, that ibis sometimes diffi-
cult to tell which to buy ; ,but if we had
a cough, a.cold or any ailfiction of the
throat or inngs, we would ,try Blade's
Anti -Consumptive Syrup. Those who
have used it thin.k it is far ahead of an
°thee preparations recomnienclod fOr
SUCh complaants, The little folks like
it as 14 18 as pleasanb as syrup,
Niagara Falls Park &River Ry,
THE polosT EL0CT1tI0 pAnwior
IN TIII3 womp.
Niagara River for fourteen MUM in full view of
all the scenery of Falls, Rapids, and Gem, and
This raihvay skirts the Ottnedianep;inskteoamf tehrea
s too Ls saeree 10%5 ok eee taito gi gi...iefilIntsa do re i:vitel;
at Queen. to, and with all railroads centering
°Pti" OX011$10119, Inal)% palla-
latia8, etc.., address
40SS mA,GKENziE, Manager,
Niagara Valls, Ont. .
INTRy PAY See. per gallon for Oil from your
v local dealer, when you can buy from
us the host oll on tile market, at 300., per gallon
In barrels, and 320. per gallon in half.harrels,,
freight prepaid to your nearest station. Our
011 equal to Climax, Peerless, or any other
oil, or no sale.
Wholesale Grocer, AH. Canning.
Cold in the Head
Catarrh u0 rid4neel;, by
IN BOXES 25 Cents at all druggists, or
by mail on receipt of price. Address,
Xinzeton. Ont. ,
"Pah," said young Jarphleje "I've got
a 's'cAlit.line
,wh.'a't is it for, my son?" cautious-
-loth of it!" enthusi-
ly,aorskoerdallisies Lathneer.
aetically responded, the Iarphley heir,
"Why, yOu got oh a horse Oar, and fall
off and break your leg, and ma and tql
sue the company."
SI-tafti rig
Pui I I eys
H a rige'rs
Order your Supplies of
Oak Tanned .
• Leather Belting
from us. We supply four grades suit-
able for all olasses of macninery. grades,
in above lines at Manufacturers'
First Cost Prices.
** Lowest Prices
• For Cash.
44 Bay Street, Toronto.
Abraham LilloolilsAID,
" You can fool all the
people sometimes, you
can fool some people
all the timb, but you
can't fool all the peo-
ple all the time."
In the same way
some storekeepers
from motives of profit
will fool their cus—
tomers — but in the
end it won't pay them
co pass off inferior and
worthless matches for
Excelling all Others.
SEPT. 2 TO 14, 1895
The Great Live Stock - -
- And Agricultural Show
Of the Continent.
Increased - Prizes - and - Improved
Entries Close August 10th.
Greater and Fetter Attractions
than ever before.
More to see at the Groat Toronto Fair
than all others put together.
Excursions on all Lines.
Make this your Annual Holiday Outinn
Poi; prize lists,
Programmes, ' etc,
H. J. Hill,
Toronto. Manager.
I can supply you With Salado Ceylon.
Tea in onti pound lead packages at 0 ine0
per lb. I will ship 10 lb. to one ad- el
dress and prepay freight. If =lend
with other pods will ship any- quantity
you wish. Write for price list) and buy
your Supplies at evholosele prices.
Wheiesale Grocer,
51 Front St. East, Teronto.