HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1895-7-19, Page 51. o h .e1 I oo Xs the Foundation of the Wonderful Cures by Hood's Sarsaparilla That is Why the oures by Hood's OtIrsaparilla are CURES. , That is Why Hood's Sarsaparilla Positively does cure the severest cases of Scrofula, Salt Rheuut and. all other ;blood diseases, oven when all other preparations and prescriptions fail. That is Why the testimonials iu behalf of Hood's Sarsaparilla are solid facts; and will stand the closest investigation. f That is Why the people have cone donee in Hood's Sarsaparilla, and know that whatever appears in US ladvertisingis strictly true. ' 4That is Why Hood's Sarsaparilla Is recognized, by all as the standard; 4 Ibuildizg,-up medicine. I, That is Why it overeomes That fTired Feeling, graves energy in place taf ex.baustion, life Instead of languor. That is Why the sales of Hood's Sarsaparilla have increased year after year, while other preparations of less nmerit have come, held a little tem.- Iporary favor, and are heard of no more. That is Why Hood's Sarsaparilla 'requires for its production the largest .Laboratory m the woild. That is Why it is a true nerve tonia, cures nervousness by feeding the nerves JD. .pnre blood, and builds .up all the organs end tissues of thebody. I That is Why Sarsap rilla Is th nly True Blo d P rifler Prominently in the public eye today. Be sure to get Rood's and only Hood's. Your LiVer - A-, Is out of Or- der if• you have bitter taste, offen- sive breath, siek.headache, slight fever, weightorfull- noss in the .stomaoh, heartburn, or nausea. Hood's Fill:arouse the liver,•cuee biliousnees, rester° proper digestion, .eapel 'accumulated -impteities, Cure constmation. i5 cents. Prorated only by a L Hood '64 Ce, Lowell, Maas, IL S. 4., Foe nate- Tcmrg, Aer nae AND Vict.t.-Tninn t -loo thing i'..vrun has Inov4eti for over IV:I- yetws n T.:3 thttr$ for thoir tiairen :eactine. per, fo,t ,Lu • ... 1 1,, /•'.11.11• softens tbs. allay:: all ra.u. w.'..r,•-• oath, ami is 1M, roil:mM ay for Prrhom.. is tlm ta,,o. Sold lw rall*it4 Fu r r.y • ,ar, of thn 1,r1.4.nonts a bottle. its value ettletd all e. 131 sore thing S;vrap and take no ether kind tie:prom 1 -nye Tr' •7‘5,•• pv7, a,--eles a. Ant 4. an a si S.Sa V .sesi 1.i411AVPY FalialtattiaMARIZIXIirl'..." • 14/ cmloAtipPsycic—C ‘1, MURDER MOST FOUL. The Dreadful Work of a Fiend Unearthed. AN UNPARALLELED CRIME. A rale Spent in a Series of Vrituds Insurance Companies—A Series Crlanes Unparalleled on the Onntineut are liirouglxt to Light, 'Upon of 'Toronto July 16.—The bodies ot Etta Alice Fitezel, aged 14, and Nellie Pitez- el, aged 12, were found on Monday inorn- bag buried in the cellar of a house on Si. Vincent street Toronto. The finding of the =maths clears up the veil of mystery which has hung over the strange disappeara,noe of these unhappy ()hitch= and fornishes the inost convino- ing evitonce that they were taken by the man known as H. H. Holmes, now in prisou in Philadelphia, and foully mar - This is not the only charge of Sunnier hanging over the head of the miaerable perpetrator or this ezinto, and it is only too curtain that ho effected the death of the father of the two children, and of Harold, their younger brother, who was traced to Detroit with him and there lost sight of, the evidence going strongly 10 show that he was cremated in the furnace ef an empty house ouge,gecl oy Holmes. • The murders are among tho most dia- bolical and cold-blooded in tho annals of crime. Tbo allastla discovery was made on Monday afternoon by Detective Geyer, Of Philadelphia, who was assisted by Detect tive Alf. Cuddy, of the Toronto detective department. Hoer since last Wednesday these two indefatigable officers have been hunting the eity front cold to end looking fox a house In whieh it was supposed Holmes had acme away with the child - Ten. They had nothing to go on except Detective Geyee's theory, and this theory proved coeroot Ho reasoned that Ilobnes rented a house and took the children to it. He then 3Tturclerecl. thorn, and either buried them or else nut them in a trunk and threw them into the bay. He stuck to this idea, tenaciously, and his efforts have been crowned with success. Detec- tive Geyer is a modest man, and he does not &silo to take all the credit to him- self. When be eityno to Toronto ho met the newspapermen, and told them the story, and his emery in connection with the missing children. His deductions have proved as unerring as those of any tny- 1 i thical detective portrayed by the mag- inativo pon of a novelist. Ho said that ho wanted the newspapers to aid him in his search, and that the more publioita the prose gave to the story the more sure he would bo of finding the children dead Or alive. Ile never for a moment doubted but the children were got rid of in To- ronto. They were not alive, dr Holmes would be only too glad to produce them, and frem the time thea left the Albion hatil, on the inornino, of October faith, all trace of them was lost Tho story of the life of the eontaal figure in the crime is ono of the most romantic in oriminal annals on this con- tinent. . Detective Geyer,. ene of the shrewdest, inembers of the Philadelphia detective force. arrieed in Toronto ::, week ago. It Was his hnsiim,s to unravel the tangled threads of crane that fastenocl about Her- man W. Mudgett, alias H. H. Iroward, :t11.0.311. ilolmus, w'ao is now under ar- rest in PailatieLphia, • (maraud witn vari- ous u.unet.; against ,iuttraticti companies. fau j.ri 1tV, true t:aiuu 1-3 aatiagett, anti lie \tee been ti,iti - elite teziee ago in Now tealattiare, /atronts Wt•LTU re- stactatito tate le, and they gave aim a gooa 113 tuttgrit sulioui r•Jr soul° Limo aud aft, adju the Imam' hcinJul 1U .1.itila1Lgolu, f. 11.0 twat at - twitted lectures oil encanistry in Ann tarbor thaverliy, alitia, and graduated itt 111118 deaar:Oluii a 1 10 lUuk 10a [LIAM in mean:leo at tho same lime, but did not take ids ttiptinua. 'While at Ann Arbor lie struc1 . up an acquaintance with a oulfou,niat:s and they pat, el, a job eu atialaigo ink-au:mon cutup 0, by, Otte et Lama lesured Joe the bettetit of tho other fur '1 :ley V.10:011011 their oppor- tunity, resurrected a corpse, and palmed 11 iiff on tau insurance company. They realized the un ide scheme aim lived high fur the remainder of the term. A short time atter thisthey perpetrated a similar fraud on anothor insurancu coin - puny and reali-,:ed tit,0IJO. liolmes mar- ried a respectable woman in Itualington, where 110 now has a child living. He went into tho drug business iu several n.,z2,2/ places, and in "Glikago ho married mi- , "Tita• In this taanatefiell )10 Witii getallg • the WOX'St f 110 dee1 with the mortgage aetaPaaltre and ho Wantedsome rettaY money at au berla date- 4�1 ))3 end Fitozel doeisled to rob the insurance 0011Menet About this titne Met a lalise Yoke, at Franklitt, Ixt1. oe is 4 Nvonoal ar • enIture said suatiassing beauty, and he morried her.. When Fite- ael was in jail he net a celebrated train robboe namea Hedgepath, who laid the scholia° to get Fitezel out of prisoa. Hedgepath was to benefit by the inane - atom scheme to tho extent a pa for hs Services. Holmes end Pitezel went to :Philadelphia, and rented a house, 1,910 Callow stmt. With a:311.1141 ingenuitY they planned to start a, business that would sbote a easonable ground for the accidental death of Piton", who was to play the role of the insurea. They start- ed prepartng stuff. for cleaning clothes, in which benzine formed the prineipal ingredient. They were to get a WY, mutilate it with benzine, so that it would be unrecognizaole, and then claim the money. On September ard, 1894 the body of Fitezel was found arranged in the man- ner described in the house in Fhilactola phla. A, lawyer named Howe was acting or the bonefielaries, and Holmes wrote that he could identify the body. The body of Fttezel, who was going under the name of D. F. Ferry when killed, was exhumed, and identitied by Rebates and Pitezelts eldest daughter, Alice. Tho money was paid to Howe or the benefio- iartes. Relines got most of it. Hedge - path, the teeth robber, did not get his, and bo told the stony to the authorities. .tts the result the detectives started after Holmes. He was arrested in Boston on •November 18th, 1894, and he is now held on a °barge of fraud. After Holmat. we arrested alas. Fitozel was also located; and she was found In Burlington, Vt. Tao' deeper the detectives probed into the elate, the "more convinced they wove that there was more beneath the sin:face than M list appeared. When Mrs Fitezel be- came convinced that her husband was really dead she told the story how Holmes had secured possssiou of the ceildren. First, he obtained possession Of Alice, tate eldest to go and identify the father, which slie did. Then he did not dare to bring hor back to her tor Mrs. Fitozei would raise a cry• a murder, and he would got into trouble. Holmes told Mrs. Fitezel that Alice was with her fatbenand he secured possession of Harold, a boy of eleven, and 'Nellie, a girl of twelve, saying that he would take. them to thole father. He evidently in- mnded to get rid of them all, as it was his intention to leave America and go TO Berlin, Germany, to finish his studies. AD. the time ho kept telling the children that he would take them to their mother, and he kept informing tho mother that Pitezel was well, and that the children NVOTO With hill), but that he bad to keep out of the way of the detectives. Heated -vie Geyer traced the ehtlden as far as Detroit, when all traces of Rae - old were lost at a house in Forest street, Detroit. A bole was fouud in the cellar, dug up no doubt, by Holmes, but the body ot Harold could not be found. The largo furnace in the house furnished a more convenient way of getting rid of the body. Detective Geyer traced the two girls as far as Toronto, and found that they had been registered at the Albion hotel under the name of Canning. alley atri•,-- Lid en the evening of the lath of October last front Detroit, and Holmes turned them over to the porter of the Albion hotel at the Union 6,ation. Mae. Pitezel, her eldest daughter and a baby arrived the same day, and she registered at the Uniuu house under the mune ot Mrs. C. a.•lionft, CLAWILI)11S, O. Silo camo at Every 'Man l Who Woutd. littnow me other woman under the 11111110 Of HolMas. (Rea" Teutlim 7, the Plale " the Now Ho next vent to Co iiiorni.t and wIndered am Applied. to 'Raveled Dieionvorie* riotiiica ii5eioneo . , • mil or .A amnia, dealing extensively in Mite: Weald .A.tone "for ll'Im•nt rilaworis and real estate, and it is hinted that trial° in Avoid th',1in l, 4he kept the itrur- (tare tho IToutaterarta tattle Revolt vat- ' . , ' a • ..40011pf,211,j11 :,g,1.7.,,,,nmocifi) arid ance emnpames busy settling C1111111S. How to Attain It." Holum!,• started a patent medicine. con- e. um in Chic .10 1,11 1 wane there ho fell "Hero at Iasi: is inforination horn a high . ' „-- - -- in wita a girl, namea nitunie einnams, souro., that must, work womlors With thisg.'ilevatioli of mon." whom bat employed LIS a typowt•tter Um' • The book fully describe a method by which formed an attachment and wont to live to attain full vigor am" manly power, tostother at Ilia e Plaza hotel, Chicag,o, and A mothoo by which to 'end all unnatural shortly afterwards Miss Williams' sister% drains ou the srte s rn. joinee• thorn. This was'Ma on • y', 18e4. To aura nertelnsuess, look of self eentrei, despoeitency, etc • • The Ntalliams girls • Loa lanre to ao0,030 • • To excha ange jaded and worn maim for woral or property at Fort Worth, Texas. one of brightness, buoyancy and power. , About tho latter part of May, 1804, Etta' To cure forever effects of success, overwork Williams disappeared in Chicago. The worry. etc, story told by Holmes is that the nearest To give fell strength. (lovely:tom ent Alla he tame to murder was when this Wil- ton:, to eyelet portion Lana organ of the body' limns girl Ina her fivte. Hu says that Ago no 'barrier.. Failure. impossible, 2,ena the two girls became jcalonv, and that reformaceS. ThIlu Tito book is roly medical and Nr.inutific, :iltuuin struck her si:ttire. Ova the head useless to outiesify seeker:4, itivaluable to with a stool paid killed belt He wished to moo onlY,who need it savo Minnie,' and ho pat the body in a A ilosmuxnring. an, who applied to us, soon atm, weo te: • trunk. catea it rett to the hate front, , never forget. Just bubbled. with joy. X od it in. .M11 nie *MS item) around wanted to hug everebolly am' tell them, my , cago with 11.1..nt abolit pp first of ;lame, old self bad died yos+ord tor and my new self wee born to day. Why didn't you teU mo bat she also al. -appeared, anti it is DotOo- when 'first. wroto'that X would fixtd it this tam eaves wild that ate fauna a grave way?" • • in the cellar ot a vacant house in Chl- And another thus; feet it would not brill 1. slash giiidnoss into that sho Made a will in favor Of I toll. yen that fitet, day is cop till rowed out in the lake with it and (flTiL hinter "Ifyou Ouin pea a cart:lona of goal at my, eago or ento in Lake alielligan. It is 111 V life u.; Valm ho, 1)as (lotto, - oinie41 , nit•i that by her distippeariniCe. Write to the 'Bata 1114 'DI 0 AT, COMPArl. , , • Hti Thiffalo,,N Y. and ask for the little book be fell heir TO T110 1111011011TY. eolleatameeatere Mat:moot) a :Refer to tale During Ilia pereerinittione about the. peper, mid the company, prOM limo to sond , ,..,. . -,,,.. . , , the hook; ia soalorl ouvolopo, without any 0011T111011S MO/MOS 11,-11 111 with a mall marks, aud'on irlfretil it is wel in. named V. IIPitezel, boso Immo was inte,y ,un treauced. Galloway, Illinois. They hal 1) .1.1 own- atetateateetteteeaetateattataattratatnnataaatta'a' panions0 tinily. • seller/1os. mthies bad. mpk, Th0 110114 ITY'plall h311.1 PiT07,01 MILS an Dili- , '1,1 dent auxiliary to .carry out tile arrange- , sHoutz TAKE.' ' monts. In some wily Pitozot. get into ae, ae,,,,,,,,,, a,thaaa A inn Ett 'POMO Mao, ind„ end in JIM°, ' I3til II 11 il U T AL warttib 1801 Holmes turned up and bailed hire 'Te coireet irregularity and Wonlawn. --010. HolilieS Iltid . got tangled up in a lases atic own 00 i 11 healthy noralltiou Tha dVarersanol.tfeSavors"toystingwornen. 10(1) ()Salle, transaotion in Cladago, Ho tiogrannfal thwalopars% 53101,16 333113 bad built ii, large 'Week of storos, and it 105.mgalarrarhals AsIcrorThoristrait , . „. , , ,, , , , , „ .. „ latest All amgalsts sell them at 01 per WLLS a tavortto pian ot Ins to got 1300 tato we. Ildhatiorreavalyforivtaash hum), so mixotl. up that no ono eottld claim the peoperty, ellen lie wradd beamilt by the 4.110111 cars ' '7"."1"7"17-•• ORIEL too RE10180 10S11#111101 111.00TER. Always C onquered and Banished by Paine's Celery Comyound The sad, weary and wailing cry- of men and women around us is: "I am siek " "1 stiller to much. from day to day" "What can I do to regain health and strength?" The insense heat of summer aggra- vates the sad condition of those who suffer frotn dyspepsia and indigestion, and them is no physical or mental rest for the afflicted ones, Have you tried Paine's Celery Com- pound, that marvellous health and Strength giver? It is nature's true and infallable cure for your distressing ailments. It never fails te banish dis- ease; it gives natural and health strength when most required, so that the oppressing and enervating weather, cannot overcome your bodily powers. Reader, if you are la:timbered in the large army of dyspeptics, and held cap tive by a cruel and destructive disease use Pain's Celery Compound at once, if you desire full and robust health, pure blood, strong nerves, good. digestion and a healthy appetite. In. past days thousands have been sayed by Paine's Celery Compound. It will do the same blessed -work for you. Strong• testitn- Wel sent in every clay frorn cured people. Sufferer, try, "It makes people well. Brussels:,East Huron Fall Fair will be held at russels ou Thursday and Friday, Sept. 26th and 27th. Hensell: Mr. and • Mrs. A. Grigg, were ealled upon on Sabbath afternoon to mourn the loss of their interesting little 14 months old 'sir'. The funeral was held on Tuesday afternoon, and was largely attended, showing the re- spect and sympathy felt for the bereay- ed' parents, Clinton: Contractor Cooper commenc- es to root the House of Refuge this week and a large gang of meal will be kept at work to various trades, until com- netion of the building. Messrs Heywood an, Prior have made a very satisfactory job if the brickwork, now nearly eons - plated; the walls have a neat even ap- pearance for a building tak in g so large Holmes' instigation to Ineet 11(n:husband- a number of brick.. Dr. Chamberlain and children, but they tailed to appear. Helloes arriveci an raoronto on October lath. Ile ingiatered atthe Walker houao under tho namo of a Powell and wilt,, Method of fire protection was discussed, The Dr. will not insist on baths heleg put on the gronhcl floor, bat Will take • the pluaubing as re -arranged Areh, • iteets Fowler & Fowler, saving a lot. of Provincial Inspeetor,went mututelyttud carefully Over the plans; no changes •of any mamma were suggested, but smile • Columbus, 0. He left tbo Walser, and toak his wife to Niagara. They re- turned, ana on the ilist tlioy r:gistered at the Palmer house as H. Howelt and wife, Columbus, 0." While the 'eliiltirtio wero etupping a the Albion hotel Holmes es pense 10 the collo ty. Inert to cal ILI TII0 1110T11111,01 ;laid tahLI -Morris. About 12 o'clock last oes with him, rtittulung time six Tues- 33'10033.'This was what 1)112Z1OLI D01,00- , d'1V lli 041T two men wearing black cloth Live Geyer—what teat Holmes doing with maskS, burst 111 the door of David Max - ho This my 4nol is now wiTal, well's house, lot 1D, con. 7, aud before excel:data to the ste47 told by Mr.Ityves, the old gentleman hail time to make they spent the Caly playing in the yard of any defence he waS seirsed Ins thethroat, the cottage at St. Vincent stroot, During the muzele of a revolver pl eed in.. his is plonned, the little ones were innocent- face and a demand made :or money. the time their murder was beiug skilful- "Alarxwell 'aefused to accede to their ly waltlint for, then, Mother. halter was sea:tired The postemortcni e•Naurination which rt'que" sa a 101)6 will be made wilt 1/0doiibt ThrOW 601110 LItd tied aroand the old gentleman's light on the way the ehiltizen came by tieck and threats of hanging were their death. The examination in the made The robbers put a quilt over (ose of the father showed that death ltd the window so that the, )ig-ht would not been causeil by breathing chloroform, or be seen from the outside aud then made i-01110 ot:11was an easy tool patita1! noeions drug:No doubt this a thorough search of the house,inding oss way of commit- 0, f 819,48 in two pocket books. They aileron do not show masks of extreme alto took a Standard Bank pass book. anurderi ana as. the bodies of the violence, no doubt elaoroMinit played a although Mr, alaxwell is 88 years oars in their death. It remains to be a age he grappled with one of the ;icon whether Mrs. Fitezela; Saratoga, introders and threw him rime but trunk figured in the morder This tient- his cottapanion came to the rescue and was ttacea by the Mail and Empire to the jamped on the old g;entleinan's back Union house. It was tak611 aNvity from and the midnight pliowleaS then thre.w aim mid sent to a house in the city, but Mr' Maxwell on the bed injuring his the porter. Scott, could not remember where or wile ineved it. No doubt alohnee aieked 11, thnn up on the street to OO the work for lam. When this trunk was found agoin in Holmes' possession it had a potttliar hole bored in the lid, sa as net to be detected 5:Keept Upon tko 0103Cs0 • - oXf.111111111' mu.. Were the 'children in this trunk n then chloroformed? They could not 1111,1, ;J13011 11111Tliereti WiTh violence in the hooto on St Vincent atreet without making an ontera. They wore feighten- , ti eonstantly with atorios about detec- tives,as their letters to their grandfather, intereeptodhy Holmee, show. It would be an easy thina foe them to be friglitened into going into the trunk. Then a few drops of chloroform in the hole wotad do the rest. Peohabla the youtagest tramp on tho m- onad IS a 4 -year old girl who toddled from Astoria, Ore. to Woodside the alter cla.y, She. lual walfted for live days, picking, up KNIGHT. EXETER NORTH STORE Mr. F. R. Hnight has opened a Gen. brat Store in the Stand lately °coupled ey Brook's Harness Shop with a full stock of GENERAL GROCERIES BOOTS & SHOES, HARDWARE, STATIONARY, ETC, Produce taken in exchange for goods F. R. Knight. Christie's ...-E•sw- COMMERCIAL LIVERY. First-class Rigs and Horses Orders left at Hawkshaw's Hotel, or at the Livery. Stable,(Christe'sold Stand) will receive prompt at- tention. . . . , Terms Roaseuable 11°611:111oz • TIE back in the fall. They told him the.y did not thank hirn for the amount they had found nod cursed and swere like troopers Mr. Afaxwell is au old. resident of this locality having lived here for over 60 years, He is unmarried and lives alone People have their suspicions but noth- ing is definately kuown yet as to who the •robbers were.. rhey will receive a lively retention if they call at sonte houses in this locality. CUTTER & FITTER. A.J.SNELL MERCHANT TAILOR, Main St, - - - Exeter. Tweeds and Worsteds. have a complete line of samples of all the latest designs and patterns in English, Scotch, Canad- ian and American Tweeds, Trouserings, Suitings, Coatings. sT SITELL 00 It used ato be any mamma's old cashmere, which she tool,: to pieces and dyed With Kt Osta sanaest Dyes end eatables on the way and sleeping in the brush. made Inc two no The discovery of it stall:Wane= eaverua dresses, a bale apsi a near Starrucialan ,e0 little vilIage upon the Carhondale line of the Now lora, Lake Vale and 'Weston imilwayalute been report- ed. Whou quarrying flag -stones some workmen remoyea a layer all stone, and opened on a eateari through which tame a :drew of greenish water oceitainiug speckled green fishes. 'Blase have no eyes, propel themselves by their tails, and al- ways SW1111 backward With a motfoit sinii- Ear to that of the fresh wator crab. Tho walls ot the caveen were found to bo lined with imperfectly termed transhiceut stala- ctites and stalagmites, and explorations probably wIll ensue to confirm the possi- bility of tho cement being another Mam- brown, Brother's got a new stilt too; it's made frotn tlecie jack's old coat dyed over ; matrime tteal 'Said aWes easy to dye with &Mainland .Dyozo-1.1:1t anybody can Use them. Nanland 'Daea are made for liems use. Absolutely reliable. Any colon, Sold evertartere: 100(5. a naolrege, k77,- Imre, tion book and 40 en.mDles of coloreil cloth free, Wt T1 taTIUM507.4 Co , SIontreals Bross DM Yon Ever Think ' That you cannot be well unleis you have pure, rich blood? if -you ant weak, tired, and al/ run (Iowan it is be. cause your blood is impoverished and lacks vitality. These troubles may be overcome by Hood's Sarsaparilla be- cause Hood's Sarsaparilla snakes pare, rich blue& It is, in truth the great blood purifier, Hood's Pills cure liver ills, constijan.- lion, biliousness, jaundice, sick head- ache, indigestion. an, Dan't you know that Hood's Sarsap- arilla will overborne that tired feeling give and you renewed vigor and ? Mitchell: At the Methodist picnic on Wedaesdays Thernas, son of Mr. Hee_ ay Edwards, fell froin a swing* and broke me of his arms• . Parisian): One rif Mr. Oliver Jea- n in g's hens hatched OM a Chicken with t wo perfeetly shaped heads last week. It the bird had -lined it would have been 311.111e a curiosity. Dixie (Parr Linea Colin Smith had his le.,g• broken the other day while cut- tiog woca 111 his bush While cutting down a tree it glance.d Mr another one and before he could get out of the WAS it was UpOu him, with the result men Hansen: Mr. W. D. Robertson, who for ten years has been a resident of Hansa% has decided to remove from •town. He has leased a roller fioaring nsill near Denneld, and. will take poss- ession of his new property about the Lot of August. Parkhill: Grant, the man convicted of stealing 85,000 horn. the American Epress Co. at Parkhill, was taken to the Central Prison last week in company with three others. Tho fear were chained together, Grant is said tc have felt his position yery keenly, Seaforth: On Friday last Mr. Wil- liam ETabkirk met with a serious acci dente He was riding on a cert driving a horse and lea.diott his stallion behind. When crossing the small bridge east of E•annonville, some boys who were fishing frightened the stallion, causing him to jump forward on the cart. Mr. 1Iabkirk wee thrown forward and would have fallen off but for one of his logs getting caught in the cross bar. This fright oiled the horse he was driving, and both borses started at full run. Whon they got to the tUro in the road, the cart ran foul of a telegraph pole and. the horse got loose from it, and both horses started offs but had only gone a short distance when they were eatight and fortunately neither of them was hurt, Mr. Habkirk did not come off so. well, a.s one of his legs was severely. injured and he pas otherwise badly shaken up and bruised. He had to be conveyed home and is still confined to the house.. ' Branfford Bicycle, IS HANDLED RT PERKINS AND MARTIN AGENTS FOR BICYCLES, SEWING MACHINES ORGANS, ETC. The Brantford won —239 first prizes, —143 second " 88 third " and holds nearly every Championship fromthe Atlantic to the Pacific. Perkins & Martin. 0,••••••••••=. WOOD'S PTILOWPTIOEPT.Nr., The reat English Remedy.. Sin Packages auarautetate promptly: and permanently cure all forme of Nervous Weakness, Entiss8on8,4pg1?1n. atorrinichlateotaneyanata? offscts of Abuse or Xxoesses, MantaZ Worry, excessivontse Be of Tobacco ()glamor Minns - fore and,41fter. zant, , 10113033 00031 lead to In. Omits, Insanity, Consumptio31 ancl an early grans. gas been prescribed over 35 years in thousands at oases; is the only Reliable and Honest Nedicisto atiolee. Asadrueaistfor woo(rsittiosehodinonia 110 offers some worthless medicine in place of tills, inclose price in letter, and we will send by -return mail Price, one package, eir, at, 55.. One yaw eaase, sot vial cure. Pamphlets free to any address. The Wood. Conainimi,, Windsor, Ont., Canada. Exeter Packing House. Parties wishing fresh tenderloin fresh pork, :spare ribs, shanks and pig's •feet, • can get them Wednesday mornings. A 'good supply of :Hanle, Bolth, beaks, Bellies, Shouldere and salt bacon on hand at lowest cash prices. LIVE HOGS WANTED! Every Monday morning for ale- li very. 0 SMELL Prop. 9 -7 OU .-f- 0 ANT .0 1,LEP I • IN F YOU'VE t col- 1. F.f..w.x. CHURCH A BADLti C:foGril . 61.1. A quick bsCiitj::r ....,....4..c.:, cltl-,st,iCnoel or Bvbncbirt5 r5 -:k1 251 jofin's _sot ate RIseematiain aral Alle3eular Pain8 Bahl eh? Why sae rry the WL, Menthol Plaater, my wire...got ate one, it cured like make. For along time I suffered with Rlieurnatismiti the Beek so severely that I could not even sit straight. Iry wile advised a & 1, Menthol rIllgostitt!r. I tried it aad was soon going aboutall S. C. Manes, Sweet's Corners, Price 251. WE WANT A MAN AT ONCE in this community to seal specialties in our line. Trees that bear seedless Pears. Apple Trees hardy as oaks. "Excelsior" Crab as largess an Apple. Cherry, trees • proof ae,ainst black -knot. Plum trees not affected by Curculio, Tree Camels: Gooseberries which do not mildew. „nBlackberry Bushes withoutthatias. Space will not allow us to further enumerate, Tree Roses, etc. 3333T our stock talks for' Prices tight andsome book of plates and complete outfit famished free of charge. Write for terms and partionlirs. CHASE Blia0THEInS2 COMPANY, Colborne, Ont. THE .80to tittpaor.e" aziazugssommsr- (76 ) . and Burns are soothed. at once with ) Parry avls.' 4( 'Ts kiata It takes eat the fire, redu.ce.s the inflani- jp Illation, and preyents blisterinz,Y. It is the quickest and most effectual remedy for: pain that is known.. Keep it by you. .....,===...r.rAinegannitimuttoomigatsmidour