HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1895-7-19, Page 2iie'sCellIniereral StOrillietY
world's vble auppiy of a
..tit4g4$.1 ksst Yraftk Lty about 40
fated that the syntlieate, wit4t
theehittle at it' hoe nem eons-
teentreet thattlipply greld
Suttee treasury, lioldinge
o now rather above the legal limit, of
'There its a &aline in pros of eattle
oveiag to the lower quotations in Great
Britato, The ruling prieee at Toronto
for eY.port, eattle aro 4 leele. to i0. per lb,
Twenty 040 failnree are report:eel for
last week in the lioniinien, one lees than
tine previoue week and thirteen lase than
the mune week of fast year.
'Tine etocke Of wheat at Port Arthur axe
Port 1.8 Mien& aro 212,e67 btiehels, an In-
crease of eAles72 Insehele for the week,
dt,- year ago they wereletife'.3,030 bushels.
The announeement Lai been made that
the Anierieatt Tobin:no Company has
enquired centrol tif the eigaretto bluenose
eif Canada by the pun:nose of e'ell the
atinion man u fa, e toriee.
Crop prospects are said to be some-
what bettor Bitten the latn Mine, but
there aro -many eomplainte of drought.
Car lotit of baled hay ere worth $1.1
on traek in Toronto, while sales cvn the
street snarket aro made at $15 to $17 per
There vtas a big deedine in Chicago
wheat on. Monday, the September optioa
at 07A. More favorable weather,
with rain in the west, and large export*
of wheat front Russia, are the reasons as -
Lor the lower prices.
Here and There.
Mrs. Stowe's eighty-fourth birthday
recalls the feet that ' Unele Tom's Cab-
ia" was firsts given to the world forty-
three yearn ago, and that it is istill sell-
Tho VOWS is Cabled frem London that
Mies 'Willard poeitivety denies that she
is engaged to be marricel this fall. The
field, es Still open., it appears, for anybody
who has confidenee enough.
A reeene letter from :Wow:head Lake,
tolls of a epprtsumn, and Isle guide who
Bal./ fOrty.Ilintt deer in one day t) -ds
week. The letter doeszet say so,but they
must have 800P abUnt 10,000,4100 blaok
flies, too.
x x x
Coneidering that John D. Rockefeller's
wealth is increasing at the rate oL $15,-
000.09U a year, how much willthe Boolte-
feller family be worth, supppeing things
to go on without change irs the social
system a hundred years Irons now?
x X x
Thrift has always been a characteris-
tic of the royal family of England, but
it is hard to believe the floating story
that the Duke of Edinburgh when a
enidebipman need to out tho queen's
eigenature out of hie lettere and put them
up at a uction
Sick Deadaebe,
Is you We a burden to you from Sick
Retalache ? DraCrirsonhi Stomaell _Bitters
is the heat remedy used for stomach
trouble. Send to Allan & Co., 58 Front
St.Toronto Proprietors or Aek your
druggiet. 50 outs a bottle.
Words Or Wham.
Goodness has elowly proverl itself in
the world—it every day proving itself
—Ince a light broadening in darkness.
.A. wide, rich heaven hangs above you,
but it Lange high; a wide, rough world
is around you, and st nee very low.
Many a man who now lacks shoe leath-
er vvould 'WOW` golden spare if knight-
hood were the :()ward. of worth.
Life, like a dome of many-eolored
ease, etaine the white radianee of
in every sphere of life the pose of
honor ie tho post of duty.
The root of life54 dark, but it is shot
withwarp of gold,
As the *dry has a higher dome than St.
Peter's, BO has nature a greater arehi-
toot than Angulo.
Kentucky rale° boot eager ? She has
'•the mint and the other ingredients ale
To straggle again and again to 370710W
00 et/1111101i, tilig is lifeht inheritance:.
Will the average outs stop eating beef
And drinking whisky in the hot weather?
Men will forget wind we sierra, but
not whet vie do.
There never was and never Will be, a
universal paniscea, ut one remedy, for all
ills to whieh fleeh helr—tlus very
=tore of massy eurativeis being smelt that
W030 the germs of other and differently
mated, dime:ism rooted in the system of
the petiont what would relieve ono ill,
In turn would aggravate the other. Wu
have, however, 1 feuiniee 'Wine when
,obtaireehle in a sound unadulterateh, state
It 'remedy for many end, grevioue Me, By
4.3 gradual mai judistious mete the frailest
system are ked into convaleseenee and
etronistra liy. the influence whielt Quinine
OXerts 00 Nateirts's own restoratives.
redievoe the drooping spirits o( those with
whom a ithronie etate of morbid desemea.
oney mei leak of inatrese in life is a
dlisease, and, by tranquiliebig the nerves',
dieposee to Hound and panelling sleep
imparts vigor to the motion or tho blood,
which, being stimulated, coureem through-
oue the vows, eleaugthening the healthy
animal Caned:me el the system, thereby
making aetivity neenteetry 1044011,
strength:yang the frame, and giving' life
150 the digesave organs, wh lob nett:redly
demand meowed feenstenito reside, im-
preVed appebite, Northrop & Lenten of
Toronto, have given to the pulthe their
superior Quinine Wine et the motel rate,
and, legged by the opieinne of titstontbitot,
thiS eveno approaehee neartat parrot:Mona
lit the market, druggists soil it
• Take Notioe•
• • Mal col, in lefeliein, mereli itt tailor 81
feneen 81. Weet do certify that Tir, Car-
er/We F;t010noll ilittett m0.00 MO of ilea.
inandie. 1 Itelieve it to ne 1 le, best mettle
etaa foe all stemma. 0,101 laver trotealen
A t all Drugg,i44 priao r,0o.
ore 1
portank :roottrnotive,
root141, th ro einees.
Irs.dite To chweed
rouble wth th� agent.
A Teasel uggliagliquor eeiz-
ed off the Sevels. Isiends,
Galt etre.%
can nave removable Vesti-
gules, and the citizene are happy.
No tidinge bow/ yr ft been gleaned. of
rritX4 an,xi1ss1ng O.P.,R librarian,
Tiro transhipping 1rns a Kingeton last
nth sure/wed any .other on record,
The Bank of Montreal, Ottawa, as re-
ef:Ivor a gold brier, fie pound; worth $14-
clerke in the •Gen/moque poet office
handle fo 1 IMO pieeo4 a mail mutter per
Eighty thousand salmon trout fry wer
dquaited in the lake nem lerinsville Is
e ere
Burglars are operating in St Thomas.
Several houses have been robbed Nu Ar-
/Cutest Bishop, under arreire at Xing-
eton, bus oonfeseed to two eases of imeeri-
T110 Sidtnna gold mine In the Rat Por-
tage distriet laas been bought by an eling-
The Etearnsbip 211exieo left Montreal
Sattietlay with 46 tons of Caneellan butter
for Ureat Britein.
'rhe Carivellen sealer Salve tae been
seized. by the United States revenue cutter
Rash at Coolcht Iniee
Extensive cattle shipments are expected
to be made from Winnipeg during the
next couple of weeks,.
Mr. Joseph Hoodlese, an old and es-
teemed reel:lea d Tlanillton, Oat., died
there Friday mOrnine•
A by-law wall pressed in London to bor-
row 1440,00 from the Bank of Montreal
to meet =neat expenses.
Collector Gott, at Ainherstburg, has
seizeci the tug Harley, of Port Heron, for
violating the customs laws.
Harry Flea:her proprietor of a shooting
gallery at Woodstock, (*Imelda1 suicide
on Friday last by ti•kbeg laudanum.
A. num tier of etreet railway conductors,
of Winnipeg, nave been alscharged as a re-
sult of investigations ot 'potters."
Rev. 0. C. S. Wallace pastor of Bioor
Street :Baptist Church, has accepted the
Chancellorship of McMaster 'University.
One hundred and sixty union cigar-
niakera employed by Messrs. S. Davie and
Seniin Montreal, have gone otet en strike.
The now directory of Mended eshieh is
Just out, shows that there are at present
three thousand unoccupiecl houses In the
A new rate tarlif on butter, cheese and
eggs has been ism d by the railway auth-
oritiee, and several important reductions
have been made.
,T.V.Ward,a priuter, was found dead in
his bed at Kingston Tuesday. Ile was one
of the party sent to the relief of General
Gordon at Khartoum.
Edmund C. Seeley, a gunsmith, of
Stratford, committed suicide there Tues-
day by blowing the top off his howl with
a double-barrelled gun.
The gross earnings of the Montreal street
railway for the month of June were $111,-
184,32, against$88,168,25 for ;rune, 1894,
an increase of $28,021.07.
Kingston Custom bouse returns for the
month of June aro: June Custom house
returns t—Ine ports, $.1 80, 7d2; exports, $81, -
739; collections, $14, OCT. 74.
A.. petition has been presented to the
Mayor of Winnipeg asking him to eall a
publie meeting for the discussion of the
Hudson Bay railway scheme.
A by-law providing for the oreotion of a,
poor home passed its secon(1 reading in
the Lambert County Council last week
and was laid over until October.
Chief Clerk McKellar, of the Agricul-
tural Department, and Mr. Fletcher, Do-
minion =tom elegise report a rapid spread
of noxious weeds througbout Manitoba.
The Pein7 expedition and the Arctic ex-
pedition weith ancompanies it sailed from
St. John's Nfld., on Tuesday for Lieut.
Peary's headquarter; at Inglefield Gulf.
The village council of Thornhury have
establishect a sort of curfew for bovines,
thooe perambulating on the streets after 8
p.m. being liable to arrest from the chief
of police.
Four thieves entered a dwelling in
Kingston and airriod off two loaves of
bread, a pot, a image dish pan and a pail.
They were caught before they hed time to
eat the bread.
The collectors began delivering tax
notice:a In London last week and. judging
from their experience they are going to
bave a lively time of la The jump from
8 erillis lad gem to 21 9-10 mills this year
will cause some kicking.
Hart's isle, opposite Alexandria bay,
N.C., bas been sold to MaGeorge C.Boldt
and Mr. F.W.MeCorm laic, New York, for
$20,000. It is livo aores in extent, high
above the vviiter, and bas every adVantage
for an excellent summer home.
Chanoollor .13o7ti Ilea decided that the
mains of the Consumers' 0110 Company
laid on all the streets of the city of Toron-
to are 14'ObjBel; to lvie tans, These maths
have been valued at a istriee Stitn. The de-
eleion applies to all municipalities where
gas mAins are laid,
Professor Saunders, (limiter of the Ex-
perimental fitten, says that from returns
ha has received from the branch farms in
the various previnces, the mops all over
Canada promise, on the whole, to be
boil ralfiti Again this you. The mops in
Quebec will be very good. ` In ii110 eastern
part of Ontatio they will be Very satisfac-
tory, though in the weetern part the
drought has doee darnfige. In Manitoba,
the prompeets wore noor better. The
growth there lia been very rapid. tn.
Britieb Columbia the mope Prombie to be
above the average and there will likely be
splendid yield of fruit:.
A paelty of four Newmarket gentlemen
Made a boiney excu Priem one to the sty/imp
in the Glenville locality on ltAtiirdaY lest.
While Intone upon their searele for speci-
mens they got sopeented Mr. Stephens
was the ihat to fileuovet thee he had keit
hie bearings and after Inning for
011(10 1L1(111 until his vole° felled, attempted to
emelt a entering. After ri long struggle,
he reneheel eleirrea hind at the ihel e00,, 0
Mlle and a quarter from the rig. A
f den dl y fermi Settee gave lzl n refreslon ante
and after 0, teat .110 WW1 H11111010131,y roma
elan CO Nab (nib for 1 he l'ig,SV11011 t his dim -
may he foiled the ot bees Lae strayed.
After an exisauetive eteerele tivo wore ate
covered. The foliate ittite wits telten
(own by a farmer in t he <wetting.
igen has exulted the
fbd eesear . tee days.
Jon ¥t , the Wife murderer, la
stody a rco, Oho wee borrt Jaaar
Four Canat)lorao tan miner Inelleteneat
tit Buttelo for erauggling fish over erom
Fore Erie.
The C.F.R. lend department paid $30,-
000 for Manitoba farra land during the
last month.
L' 4Mc1 Bret juage Baby will seole
JifsrOtirtnsiOat from ate Superior Court at
an early date.
'The ()ramie Chernistee Mannfacturiafe
Company haspurcbased a large warehouse
at. Hamilton, an intends startieg bust -
The Caniuliatt ritie team which Is to
compete at Bisiey arrived at Liverpool
Tuesday morning, and. prooarded at once
for the camp.
Albert, and Paul Riesler, two Germans,
were arreeted in Toronto on warrants
charging them with fraud, committed. in
Germany. The Germaa Consal reeeived
the Vairrants from Berlin.
Mr. A. M. I3argi es, Deputy Minister of
the interior, testiiitei before the _agricul-
tural ilommitee that there was a largei,
railing off in the number of immigratiqs
te this corintry for the past five months of
the current. year, as compared with a em-
reeponding period last year. 'This he at-
tributed to tile low price of wheat.
Dyspepsia or Indigestion is oceasioned
by the want of action in the biliery duets,
loss of Yitality in the stortuteh to seers%
the gastric j sums, without which digestion
cannot go on I also being the prineipal
cause of headache. Parmelee's Vege-
table Pills taken before going to bed, for
a while, never fail to give relief and effect
a cure, Mr. F. W. Ashdown, Ashdown,
Ont.'*writes: "Parmelee's Pills are tak-
ing the lead aetectinst ten other makes
whieh 1 have in stock."
It is reported that the Servian Cabinet
has resigned.
The Corean Cabinet is yielding to
Russian influence,
China must pay Japan 288,800,000
Mexican dollars.
Russia reanireS England's new Govern-
ment with calmness.
Meg Humbert will soon serve a patent
of nobility open Signor Orispi.
At Zarasostia several thousand. Howls
were defeated, with heavy losses, by the
le -tench.
A despatch from Hamburg says there is
absolutely no foundation for the report of
Prince) ilismarcens death.
Hungary prohibits the circulation of. a
Hungerian paper published in NOW York,
because of its antiononarehical principles.
In the Italian Chamber of Deputies yes-
terday, Signor Gall, Under-Secretary of
State, called Signor Maresalehl aliar, and
as a result a sabre duel was arranged for
nirefoseph Charoberlatn, the new Secre-
tary of State for the Colonies, yesterday
received the representatives of the differ-
ent colonies. Replying to Sir Charles
Tupper, the Canadian High Commission-
er, who was spokesman of the party. Mr.
Chamberlaln said the colonies could rely
upon his hearty co-operation to advance
their interests and increase their influence.
One Hundred Per Cent.
"The Oakville graduates in our to wn are,
everyone, giving a good account of them-
selves and the indioations are that two or
three others will be with you. next week."
Thus, a good friend of Lakehurst Saul-
tariem, Oakville, has written us from a
town in Western. Ontario. Two so-called
"Cures" had previously "boomed" this
town and. their patients, or rather their
vietims with one exception, failed to re-
ceive any benefit. The story of the
successes of the Oakville treatment else-
where reached them under these discour-
aging circumstancee, and a few public-
spirited citizen % determined that a test
should be made. Tho test was made and
the testimony ie one hundred per cent
cured. Oanvilleis henceforth the Mecca
towards 'which sufferers from alcoholism
in this town turn for relief. 'Wherever
the treatment is known. its praise is sung.
For information etc., 28 Bank of Com-
merce building, Toronto.
Out of Sorts.—Symptoms,Headache,loss
of appetite, furreci tongue, and general
indisposition, These symptoms, if neg-
looted, develop into acute disease. It is
a trite saying that an "ounce of preven-
tion is worth a pound. of cure," and a
little attention at this point may save
nihrithseof sicknees and, large doctor's
bills. For thia, compl clot take from two
to three of Parmelee's Vteeetable Pills on
going to bed, and on.e or two for three
nights it succession, and a cure will be
The following "notis" was found pin-
ned to a tree evith four wooden pegs in
Marinora township a few days ago. Is
it any wonder a newspaper °mad not
thrive in that municipality ?—"i ofer
for sale on the I day of may one cook
stove chairs and other things 2 oil cams
broom lamp 2 smothing iron 2 doz steel
traps ono cubard One table one tub pots
pales dishes nives and forks one briefs
loading shot gun one bull pup,"
There is danger in neglecting a cold.
Many -who have died of Consumption
dated their trouble from exposure, follow-
ed by a cold which settled on their lungs,
and m a short 'time they were beyond the
skill of the best physician. Had they
used llickle's Anti -Consumptive Syrupft
before it was too late, their lives would
have been spared. This medicine has no
Neai for oaring ecmgh, colds and all
affeetions of the throat and hinge.
'Western farmers find that individual
attempts at fighting the Russian thistle
avail nothing, homes° the plague grows
again faster than the individual farmer
ean find time to hoe it, down, so they all
unite OS often as convenient to hey° hoe.
ing boos in designeted looslittos. Tho
details of operation are settle(1 by the
town council, nveryone in the neigh-
borhood takes a day off to fight the
thistles, end in this weer 14 5, possible to
make at lease some eland against the
persereries plegee Rol to Iteep some see -
lions fairly fine tor other than thistle
cro ps,
The healthy glow dielppeneing from
the cheek and moaning end restiessnees
at eight are gum E43'lliptOrOft Or It'OrlitS in.
ehildren. Do hot !Auto get a • bobbin of
Mother Gr0VOS" W Orin Ii1XternlitlittOr ; ib
le aa offecheittI mediciae.
What Oarleeighbors Dave Do ne no ng
ttrA' Pest wook in MULL log- she J1itery
Of OR, World.
Vlore is nov now
Atchison, Xansae.
Rev. J. A. Forest has been appointed
hishop of San, AntoniteTexes.
A negro, Henry Dumas, was shot WI
death by A policeman while he was mur-
dering a girl, at Quire:tete
Timm attempts leave been made toburn
the :deceit building at Chicago. It is an
apartment honee, worth ee00,00e.
The Aseociadon of Superintendents of
Dud Mate Schools in Canada and the t.
5. 54 54 BBSSiOn at Flint, Michigan,
At Merlon, Ind,, a bar of iron was
baried as a man in order to swindle the I.
O. Fe, out of the man's life insurance.
B. B. Ile rper, president of the Mutuel Ree
serve Fund Life Aesociatien,died izltZew
York on Tuesday. He was 63 years old.
hiadarne Verrallyea,formerly of Toron-
to, Was convicted on three counts at Tole-
do, on Tuesday of smuggling corsets Into
the United States.
Mrs. Leland. Stanord, of San Francisco,
has determined to sell her jewels, which
are Wortls more than half a minima dol-
lars, in order to support the Stanford. Uni-
Mrs. Magdalene Burke, of Berlin,Onta
died a few days ego in "D e"Alexander
Dowies' so-called "Divine Healing" insti-
tution in Chicago, and. an investigation
kas been ordered.
Ocumsel for Clarence and Sadie Robin-
son,eonvieted of the murder of Montgom-
ery Gibbs in Buffalo, will make applica-
tion for a new trial on the strength of evi-
dence which, he says,will establish a com-
plete alibi.
A deal has been consummated which
insures the establishment of the largest
salt factory in the world on the banks Of
the Detroit river at Delray, below Detroit.
Miebigane Canadian and Chicago capital-
ists are inteeested. Capacity of plant
8,000,000 barrels a year.
Speaking at the Tamenany Society's
Fourth of July celebration in N'ew York
ex -Governor Car 1, of Ohio, said that
England Femme, • fie endeavouririg to
force the United, States to aggressively
reaffirm the Monroe dootrine or to aban-
don in and ex -Governor Walker, of Con-
nectleut, said that the man ought to be
shot on the spot with bullets or ballots,
who failed to raise the United States flag
where it ought to be flying.
Is there anything more arm.oying than
having your corns stepped upon? Is there
anything more delightful than getting
rid of it? Holloway's Corn Care will do
it. Try it and be convinced.
.Join s with Leading Members of tite
Faculty of IlleMaster Hall in Praise
of Dr. Aguew"s Catarrhal Powder.
Every one who nses Dr.Agnewls Catarrh-
al Powder has a good word to say for it.
In these oolunins a short time since was
quoted the, favourable opinion of three
members of the faculty of McMaster Hall,
the great Baptist university. Of the same
denomination is to be added to -day the
hearty endoreement of this remedy by the
Rev. G. Anderson, tbe indefatigable and
succe-sful pastor of the Wentworth Baptist
Church, Hamilton. • Ho has used this
medicine, and does not heeltateto pro-
claim its good prooerties. Just at this
particular time of the year this remedy
is doing a grand work in removing that
dreaded. trouble to many—Hay Foyer.
One short puff of the breath through
the blower, supplied with each bottle of
Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder, diffuses
this powder over the surface of the nasal
passages. Painless end delightful to use,
it relieves in ten minutes, and permanent-
ly cures Catarrh, Hay Fever, Colds, Head-
ache Sore Throat, Tonsilitis and Deafness.
60 cents.
Sample bottle and blower sent on re-
ceipt of two throe -cent stamps.
S.G DETCHON, 44 Church st., Toronto.
There is more than sentiment in the
saying of Sir Walter Raleigh to his execu-
tioner, "What matters it about the head
if the heart is right?' The trouble is that
in this high pressure age the heart is sel-
dom kept right By careful estimate it is
calculated that one person out of every
four or five has a weak or diseased heart.
Think for a moment the important work
that the heart hes to perform, and it is not
difficult to realize what a derangment
oven to a slight extent, of this organ
means. Dr. A,gnew's cure for the heart
is a cure for heart troubles, and nothing
else. Xt is a mist:eke to suppose that reme-
dies thee are given out as panaceas fo all
the ills that it sh is heir by can effectively
cure heart dieease. • Within - 20 minotes
after taking the first dose of Dr. Agneeves
Cure for the Heart relief is seeured and,
eventually complete restoration is effected.
The Following Statement is Published
by Request.
I consider it my duty to inform the pub-
lic of the extreme benefit. X have received
from the use of your South American
Rheumatic Cure. I have been a great
sufferer for several years from rheumin
tism and. used this remedy with the best
remits.. I trust others will follow my ex -
amide, and believe if they do so they will
feel as grateful as I do for the benefit de -
Aver' thereby.
Mrs. Bates, 71 Gloucester st., ToroLto.
is tonally ()muted by. a Derangement
of the hi dneys--Scath American Kid-
ney Cure Will Positively Relieve It in,
Six 00511-E1.
One may be deceived by the feeling of
weight in the loins that causes ti npleasant-
ness and inconvenience to many men and
women. Attributing the trouble tO Some-
thing elSe, they forgot: that this may be
evidence of inflammatory affections of the
kidneys, that eventnaley may develop
into salons trouble, That very successful
speeific, South Ameeicati Infamy Cure
gets rib the root of kidney troableiand will
quickly remove the cause, and having
done this,eomplete recovery is soon reach-
ed It Is worth repentieg that South
.Aeneefeats Kidney Cure is a remedy for
the perfect cure of this me trouble. Xt
does not pretend to be a core -all, but it is
a mire eertain in every nese of kidney
trouble, A.nd it does it ottleitly.
Toll the deaf—My. J. F. Rellock,
etr L5 it Perth, writes ".A. customer
u.e. Intim laming been mired of deafnese
by 1110 nee: of Dr, ThemesBeleetrie Oil,
wrote to Ireland, tolling Isis friends there
of the Cute, Isn 00480qt-setae I received
en eras' to send half a doiseti by express.
10 Wexford, Ireland, this
an .*Itoefeed,
peneiVe fee, she CAM.
eral es . btaide her father,
wiltePered• "Alfred and
wn two smile with but a siagle thought,"
The olt1 man einike4 the golden halt,
"Meecbfl be said, reaseuringly, "do
not be di etemeragecl, "that's wee more than
your mether And 1 hati when we Were
A Pixel. Preparer,
The meek boarder was busily engaged
dissecting the slug of steak lying supinely
in the plate before him as the landitely at
the Lead of the table Was descauting
learnedly upon anatomy, physiology and,
"Foodyou know, Mr, Starre," shosaid,
"Is the tuel of the body."
"So I've understood, ma'am," he re-
plied, 'land I was just -wondering Why you
didn't bave this sawed before serving it,"
and once more he ran at the steakwith his
ease knife.
A Save Sign.
A oc.antry minister remarked. tO leis wife
Sunday noon:
"There was a stranger in church this
morning." •
"What did he look like?" asked the
wife, who was a woman first and a minis-
ter's wife afterwavds,
`el didn't see him."
"Then how did you know there was a
stranger there?"
"I found a dollar hill in the contribu-
tion box."
To 'Keep out Files.
"/ never use window screens," said a
wise housekeeper the other day, "because
I have a fanoy that they shut out all the
air in the hot weather, and, besides, they
serve to keep the flies in tire house equally
as well as out." "But I never see a Ily in
your house," said my friend, "How do
you manage it? For my part, I must
confess, that screens or no screens, my
sumnier means to me one long battle
with the little pests." "My remedy is a
very simple one," said the good house-
keeper "and I learned it years ago from
my grandmother, when I used to watch
her putting bunches of lavender flowers
around. to keep the files away. My method
Is simpler. I buy five cents worth of oil
of lavender at the drug store and mix it
with the same quantity of water. Then
I put it in a common glass atomizer and
spray it around the rooms wherever flies
are apt to congregate, especially in the
dining -room, where X sprinkle it plenti-
fully over the table linen The odor is
espeeially disagreeable to flies, and they
will n.ever venture near its neighborhood,
though to Most people it has a peculiarly
fresh and grateful smell."
• Masculine Vanity.
They *ere lunching at an ice ere=
parlor, and the girl in blue said to the girl
in gray:
"Have you noticed that when the young
men meet us nowadays they not only lift
their hats off their heads, but hold. them
in their hands while passing?"
"Yes; isn't it dear of them. Shows
such fine manners, don't you think."
"Wait a bit You imagine, as I did,
that they went through all that perform-
ance out of deference to our superior at-
tractions. My dear, I have found them
out—it is themselves they worship."
"What do you mean?"
"They carry small Mirrors in the crowns
of their hats, and every time a girl bows
to them they take the opporttmity to see
their own faultless featur s."
"The sweet things'!" - ejaculated the
girl in gray, "and yea they accuse us of
being, vain!"
By the Loss of a Finger Mr. Charles
Moore of that Vlflage Nears Death's
Door, but is Resen:d after Doctor's
Have Failed.
From the Napanee Beaver.
In the pleasant little village of New-
burgh, on the Bay of Quinte Railway,
seven riffles from Napanee, lives Mr. 0. H.
Moore and family. They- are favorably
known throughout the entire section, hav-
ing been residents of Newburgh for years.
Recently Mr. Moore has undergone a ter-
rible sickness, and his restoration to health
was the tate of the village,and many even
Napanee and vicinity heard of it, and
the result was that The Beaver reporter
was detailed to make an investigation into
the matt= Mr. Moore is a carriage
maker and while working in Finkle's fac-
tory last winter met with an accident that
caused him the loss of the forefinger of
his right hand. It was following this ac- ,
cident that hisesickness began. He lose
flesh, was pale, suffered from dizziness to •
the (thane that sometimes he could scaroe-
ly avoid falling. He consulted physicians
and triednumerous inedicines, but with-
out any benefit. He was constantly grow-
ing worse and the physician seemed puzzl-
ed, and none of his friends thought he
would recover. One day a neighbor urged
Mrs:Moore to persuade her husband to
give Dr. Wilseams' Pink Pills a trial, and
after much persuasion he consented.
After a few days he began to feel better,
and it no longer needed persuasion to in-
duce him to continue the treatmeet. A
marvellous change soon came over him.
Each day he seemed to gather new
strength and new life, a d after eight boxes
had been taken, he found himself again a
well man. Mr. Moore Is now about sixty-
five years of age, helms been healthy anti
has worked hard all his life until the sick-
ness alluded to, attd now thanks to Dr,
Williams' Pink Pills, he is mice more able
to work in his ticonstorned e ay, and does
not hesitate to give the credit to the medi-
cine that restored him to health, at a cost
no greater tint a couple of visits to the
and again 111 11158 been proven that
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills mire when physi-
cians and other medicines fail. No other
medicine has Emelt a wonderful record and
no other medicine gives, such undoubted ,
proofs of the genuineettes of every euro pain
I ished and this accounts for the faet that
go where you will you hear nothing but
words of please for Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills, This gteat reputation Also aecoubts
for the fact that unsernpuleus, dealers
Isere and there try to impose a bulk
upon their emitomers with the clefts that
it 'is ;juet as good," while a host of imi-
tators are putting up pills' in paokages
somewhat similar in style in the hope that
they will reap the reward earned by the
merit of die genuine Pink Pills. No
matter whet any denim say no pill is
genuine unless it beats the full trade
mark, "De, Williams' Pink Pills tor Pale
People," on the wrapper :mond every
box. Alsveys statists substitutes which are
worthless and may be dangerous,
Chopin 'Et ie.,.
Tomtit) "Who. were the three ems
The Olass "Hboni,garil anCiepbeth."
'eacher—"Whore tho descendant.
et Stout settle?"
; The tilees•—"Xtt
Tettehore,-"Where did, the ehildrea Ot
Japhelli Katie,"
The Olasti--"In Europe."
Toeher—"Where did the obildren 14
Ran NOttler
e '443 13oy (Atter a pAuge)—neete:
hither :Aye they're all en tile etage,"
A TUSBall Glans Powory.
A. girl in Tuseany ie always AllOwed
certain time to work for her flower, aud
generally bring:: her bueband a bed, with
IW) or more paire of linen, eheets and. a
wielded coverlet, 0 eleat (0150130110), and
from fill0 to .45111 moaey. She bas usual-
ly a good stook of body linen, two winter
'working drams, timing cotton ones for
monmer, And at least one boliday dress,
besielee n blaelt silk wedding gown. Every
petulant girl has emnegs foal a necklace
(vezzo) of several rows of irregular shaped.
pearls or of ral oorel. The richer ones have
it gold chain and widen Before the mar-
rifige valuator (stimatore) is called in,
who makes out a Est of her possessions on
stamped paper, whiell is given to the head
man of her Altura husband's
Should she be left a cbilelless widow he
returns the dower and she generally leaves
the house.
.A. good tonic for hair is sal. water. Put
a teaspoonful of salt in ea half pint of
water and rub a little on the scalp every
day with a small, soft cloth. The effect at
the end of a month will please you.
Cold in the Head
Catarrh Curti mee
Week, b'er using
IN BOYRS 25 Cents at all druggists, or
by mail on receipt of price. Address;
Kingston, Ont.
Niagara Falls Park & River Ry,
This railway skirts the Canadian thank of the
Niagara River for fourteen miles in full view of
all the scenery of Falls,.Rapids, and Gorge, and
stops are made at all penes of interest.
Oiose connections are made with all steamers
at Queenston, and with all railroads centering
at Niagara Falls, Ont.
For special rates for excursions, maps, pam-
phlets, etc., address
Niagara Fans, Ont.
WRY FAY hec. per gallon for 011 from your
local dealer, when 'you can buy from
us, the best oil on the market, at Sooper gallon
In barrels, and 82e. per ,gallon in half -barrels,
freight prepaid to your nearest station. Our
Oil equal to Climax, Peerless, or any other
oil, or no sale.
Wholesale TORONGrocer, TO. A. EC. Canning.
Way to spend a winter is to attend the Northern Susi.
ness College, Owen Sound, Ont. All who would like
success in life should prepare for h. Send .fc r Annus;
Annotuwentent-nee. C. a. Flemiri. Pr= -al.
Order your Supplies of
Oak Tanned
. Leather Belting
from us. We suppler four grades, edit-
ed:le for all classes of maehinery. Every-
thing in above lines at Manufacturers'
First Cost Prices.
Lowest Prices
• For Cash.
44 Bay Street, Toronto.
Abraham Lincoln\
" You can fool all the
people sometimes, you
can fool some people
all the time, but you
can't fool all the peo-
ple all the time."
In the same way
some storekeepers
from motives of profit
will fool their cus—
tomers but in the
end it won't pay them
co pass off inferior and
wortniess matches for
jeraieTlenaeleleTS TO SELL THE FA-
, molls a aleer.Shaw, lag profits. Address
teelestutt stomp, As.ieeseelevw lvlig. Co ,
agate Pellseeete, Ont.