The Exeter Advocate, 1895-7-12, Page 2egul uy rill pleeeeti otify us receive
Call at the otiiee for adeertlsieg rates.
THi7.RS'I').ti.Y, JULk 11, 1895.
Week's Commercial Summary.
Twenty -tyro failures in the Dominion
last week, Niue less than previous week
and t3 less, than same week last year.
The continued increases in railway
earnings is a good omen, as indicating a
freer movement of merchandise. Z or
the third week of June, the Canadian
I.'ael& increased $3,00), and the Grand
Trunk $6,183.
The wool market is very firm, with a
shipment of about one-quarter million
pounds of fleece tc the United &etas. A.
better demand is noted for cheese with
sales at Ontario Crearntries at 8 and 5-
16. to 8 7-8a., slightly higher prices.
Montreal advices would indicate that
the trade movement is assuming a gaiter
seasonable phase, more particularly in
. heavy goods, snch as metals, paints, oils,
etc. Sugars, too, are dull, but there are
. indications that the large stocks laid in
just prior to the rise are getting low, and
refiners and jobbers expect more activity
Cheese has improved half a cent since
last week, an advance which does not
seem warranted by the state of the Eng-
lish market; butter remains dull and
weak.. The crop prospects in Quebecpro-
vince are generally favorable ; the re-
cent rains have improved the hay and
pastures, though in some sections peas
have suffered from over moisture.
The hay crop is said Se be poor west of
Toronto, but the yield will likely be
large in the east. A. good yield of coarse
grains is expected in Ontario, but wheat
will not be a large crop and probably
smaller than last year. Advices from
Manitoba are very cheering, and the
largest crop of wheat ever harvested
seems to be expected.
There is no particular activity in any
department of trade at Toronto just now.
The holiday season has begun. There is
a large eiiiux of citizens to summer re-
sorts, and travel appears to be more
general than usual. Business is left to
itself pretty much, but the wise men are
making preparations for the expected
activity which usually sets in about the
end of August,
Dry goods retailers report satisfactory
`business for several weeks past, and
July and August payments are being
anticipated in some case. Travelers also
report county dry goods stocks are mov-
ing off very fairly, and some of them pro-
fess to find an inclination an the part
of some of their customers to buy the
bulk of their fall goods earlier this year,
than for several years past, due partly to'
the expectation of a better state of trade,
and partly to the belief that highervalues
Delay prevail.
Here and There.
A ton of steel is worth more than its
weight in gold when made into hair
springs for watches.
Of the twenty-six barons who signed
the Magna Charts three wrote their
names and twenty-three made their
An alloy that adheres so firmly to
glass that it may be used to solder pieces
together is made by a French chemist.
x X X
The flute took its name from the flnta,
an eel caught in Italian waters which has
seven spots like finger holes on its sides.
x X x
The Japanese method of lacquering is
said to be at least 2,0du years old. Pieces
made ten centuries ago are still exhibited.
x x x
The Roman father had unlimited pow-
er over his children, and could put them
in chains, sell them into slavery or kill
them at will.
x x x
The -ticker telegraph is being intro-
duced into many big apartment, and flat
houses in London by the owners for the
benefit of the tenants.
x x x
The eight flowers most prized by the
Japanese are the morning glory, apricot
cherry, wistaria, peony, iris, lotus and
x x x
It is said of the fur seal of Alaska that
there is no known animal on land or
water which can take higher physical
rank or which exhibits a higher order of
x x x
A horse, 86 years of age, with a re-
markable fondness for whisky, died re-
cently at Reading, Pa. The animal fre-
quently drank a pint of liquor in. a pail
of water.
Bickle'sAnti-Consumptive Syrup stands
at the head of the list for all diseases
of the throat and lungs. It acts like
magic in breaking up a cold. A cough is
soon subdued, tightness of the chest is
relieved, even the worst case of con-
sumption is relieved, while in recent cas-
es it may be said never to fail. It is a
medicine prepared from the active prin-
ciples or virtues of several medical herbs,
and can he depended upon for all pulmon-
ary complaints.
Industrial Items.
The glass industry is growg in very
rapidly in Russia.
Over 81,000,000 is invested by South-
ern electrie railway and light com-
Iceland manages to do all her news-
paper and job work with only five print-
ing presses.
Mr. T. J. Humes, Columbus, Ohio,
writes: "I have been afflicted for some time
with Kidney and LiverCompiaint,and find
Parmalee's Pills the best medicine for
these diseases. These Pills do not cause
pain or griping,and should be^used when
a;cathartie is required. They are Gela-
tine Coated and rolled in the Flour of
Licorice to preserve their purity,and give
then a pleasant agreeable taste.
Liberty's Attire,
"I hear." said the Cheerful Idiot,
"that ;they are talking of revising the
costume of the Goddess of Liberty."
"Anal what will it be pray ?" asked
the typewriter boarder, who has s wheel -
"Red, white and bloomers,," said the
Cheerful Idiot,
interesting Items and Ineldents, 101 -
portant and Iuetructive, Gathered
from ail the Provinces.
33roekville has 15 barbers.
Trenton has passed the curfew by-law.
Brighton is to have an electric plant;
It has cost $'?15,000 to survey Georg-
ian Bay.
The Windsor Bicycle club' has 80 mem-
bers. J
Port Coborne harbor is being deep-
South Leeds has a new post -office called
Berlin has (1,000 volumes in its public
Oxford county eoustables ask for many
A cold storage factory is to l e built in
The Fort William curfew rings nightly
In Sarnia the wheelmen register their
Conneaut men and boys go fishing on
The I. 0, P., Brookville, are building
a new hall.
Winnipeg has voted 863,000 for school
A. Methodist college is to be built near
Last year Essex county schools cost
County Treasurer Stock, Wentworth,
has resigned.
Stratford has not a single case of con-
tagious disease.
Peter Stuart, Ingersoll, has a broom
plant in blossom.
The new Baptist church at Port Elgin
has been opened.
Welland will have a firemen's demon-
stration August (ith.
There are 1,('0J men worlting on the
Parry Sound railway.
The Meganetawan. locks are closed
while being repaired.
Digby, N. 8., is supplying itself with
water by gravitation.
The C. P. R. station at MacLeod, N.
VF T. T., has been ro>>bed of $1,000.
The G. T. R. intends to builcl a fine up-
town station in Hamilton.
Guelph's electric street railway will be
in operation by August lst.
A mumber of Danish families have set-
tled in Ottawa this spring.
Ten thousand members of the I. 0. F.
will be in Guelph August 2bth.
Dr. David. Robertson has been ap-
pointed coroner for Halton oonnty.
A Blenheim man is under arrest for
selling cancerous beef fn Chatham.
There axe nearly 2(.0 members connect-
ed with the Woodstock Bicycle Club.
One day last week 93,800 feet of lum-
ber were cut at the Huntsville mills.
There is talk of establishing a Col-
legiate Institute at Portage la Prairie.
Windsor merchants want the compul-
sory six o'clock closing by-law quashed.
A new Masonic lodge called "Algon-
quin Lodge," has been instituted at
Kingston wants the G. T. R. shops that
are now located at Belleville and Brock-
Hurlbert's shingle mill, Sprucedale,
recently destroyed by fire is to be re-
The colored people of London have
formed an "Independent Order of Good
The total number of wrecks in Cana-
dian waters during the last fiscal year
was 83, representing the loss of ten lives
and $820,00J.
There are nearly 700,000 horses in On-
tario. The number of hogs is 1,125,000.
Of horned cattle there am 2,00u,0 0, and
sheep about the same. And there are
in the farm yards 7,500,000 head of
. Y
Despepsia and Indigestion. --C. W.
Snow& Co. ,Syraeuse,N.Y.,writes: "Please
send us ten. gross of Pills. We are selling
more of Parmelee s Pills than any other
Pill we keep. These Pills have a great
reputation for the cure of Dyspepsia and
Liver Complaint." Mr. Chas. A. Smith,
Lindsay, writes) Parmelee's Pills are an
excellent medicine. My sister has been
troubled with severe headaches but these
pills have cured her."
Canada's Great Fair For 1895.
The Toronto Industrial Exhibition,
which is to be held from the 2nd to the
14th of September, will no doubt be the
greatest fair of the present year, and
from present indications it promises to
excel all others, both in point of exhibits
and in attendance of visitors. The
grounds have been vastly improved since
last year, and already most of the space
in all the buildings has been applied for.
All entries close on the 10th of August.
A good programme of special attractions,
both novel and interesting, will be pro-
vided as usual. Itis only a little over a
month to the time of the fair, and our
readers cannot choose a better holiday
trip than this offers. Cheap excursions
will as usual be run on all railways at
rates in keeping with the times. This
great fair has now become one of the
best and most popular educational and
entertainment enterprises on this con-
tinent, and attracts visitors each year,
not only from all parts of the Dominion,
but from the United States as well, and
those who have never been there would
be surprised at its magnitude and at-
tractiveness, being almost like a World's
Fair, only on a smaller scale.
The Spanish Clamber of Deputies re-
jected s proposal to abolish the export
duty on grain.
The Pall Mall Gazette says Lord
Salisbury wild issue the manifesto of
the new Government on July 8.
Signor Cavallotei whose charges
a'-ainst Premier Crispi in the Italian
Chamber of Deputies were reeontlyvoted
down, now threatens to go to law.
Germany spent 8,010,000 marks in cele-
brating the opening of the Mel canal,
.But then the canal itself' cost $10,000e-
0 JO les than th,eestimate.
The Pall Mall Gazette asserts that
Earl Cadogan has been appointed Lord
Lieutenant of Ireland, with a seat in the
The perseeution of Christians in the
Province of Szeehuen, China, has eeas-
ed. An Imperial edict orders that eorxl,
al'the thedamage done
to the
The London Chrouiele says that Mr.
'.Chcmas Sexton, anti-Parnellite member
of the House of Commons for North Ferry,
to re-enter
al decided 1, x
Kerry, has finally ed
l y,y
Roseberry at Windsor this afternoon
had an audience of the Queen and took
lunehecn at the castle. Her vajesty
approved the outgoing Ministry's list of
royal honors submittedby the r.tiring
I re.mier, •
The prisoners Croenonieyer, Thies,
Nestles' and Deehow, who were arrested
in June 1894, for counterfeiting and
forging American and other notes were
sentenced to -clay at Hamburg as follows:
Croeuemeyer and Thies to eight years lin-
prisounlent,Nestlerto four years and De -
chow to three years.
S epticisn.—Thisis unhappily an age
of skepticism, but there is one point Upon
which persons acquainted with the sub-
ject agree, namely, that Dr. Thomas'
Leleotric Oil is a medicine which caube
relied upon to cure a cough, remove pain,
heal sores of various kinds and benefit
any inflamed portion of the body to which
it is applied.
She Wouldn't Trouble Hint,
Wife—"My dear, I need a little more
of this stuff and some trimming to match.
I wish you would drop into Bigg, Sale &
Co.'s and get it."
Husband. (a smart fellow)—"Let me
see. Oh, 1 know. That's the store where
they have so many pretty girls, isn't it ?"
Husband—"Yes, I remember. That
blond girl at the) trimming counter
knows your tastes and will doubtless se-
lect just the sort of trimming you want—
I mean the girl with the golden hair,
alabaster skin, blue eyes and sweet
Wife—"There are a number of things
I want down town. Never mind, dear,
1'll go and get them myself."
Are you a'sufferer with corns ? If you
are get a bottle of Holloway's Corn Cure.
It has never been known to fail.
The oldest clergyman in Canada in
the active minister is probably Rev. Mr.
Crossman, Lutheran ministry of Lunen -
berg, N. S. He was born in 1816; ordain-
ed in 1834, 61 years ago ; arrived in
Luncnberg 1832 ; has baptized 8,966;
married 992 couple ; buried 1,041 ;
has preached 11,00u sermons, anal.
travelled 200,000 miles.
Pectoria, Pectoria. Pectoria.
Are you suffering from cough or cold
on your lungs. Ask your druggist for
Pectoria,and take no other. Just try and
see for yourself .how soon Pectoria will
cure you. Send to Allan & Co., 58 Front
St., Toronto, Proprietors. 25 cents a bot-
Rudely Interrupted.
Tom Cat—' -You have filled my heart
with joy. I love you with a love that is
Maria—"Pardon me, sir, but here
comes another bootjack."
Take Notice.
I, Malcolm McBain,merchant tailor 81
Queen St. West, do certify that Dr. Car-
son's Stomach Bitters cured pie of dys-
pepsia. I believe it to be the best medi-
cine for all Stomach and Liver troubles.
At all Druggists price 50c.
About five hundred pounds of the Holy
Terror rock was so rich in gold that it
was shipped direct to the mint from the
Adams Express office at Hill City, S.D.
Parties that handled the ore say that one
bucketful was more gold than rock, and
that it would yield $L0,000.
This and That.
Art is truth ; truth is religion.
Make each day a critic on the last.
If you see a man do a noble deed date
him from that day.
Character is the diamond that scratches
every other stone.
In the rugged hills of toil and hardship
life's finest gold is found.
An effort made for the 'happiness of
others lifts us above ourselves.
Life's evening will take the character
from the day which precedes it.
A large charity is the growth of years,
the last result of many sorrows.
The greatest successes in life are often
made out of the failures of the brave.
A mart's own life is better than Ms
creed if he is pure in his Creator's sight.
You cannot dream yourself into a char-
acter; you must hammer and forge your-
self one.
Seeing much, suffering much and
studying much are the three pillars of
The secret of success in life is for a man
to be ready for his opportunity when it
We must sooner or later part with our
best friends, and it's about time to shed
winter woolens.
Worms cause feverishness, moaning
and restlessness during sleep. Mother
Graves' Worm Exterminator is pleasant
sure and effectual. if your druggist has
none in stock, get him to procure it for
"Pat Maloy," the famous Irish melody,
was written by Dion Boucicault for his
play, "The Colleen Bawn." For five or
six years its use by bands during the
procession of St. Patrick's Day was al-
most universal.
"Hail to the Chief" is a song in the
second canto of Scott's "Lady of the
Lake." It is a boat song, designed to
imitate those of the Scottish boatmen.
The melody was written by Sir Henry
Bowley Bishop, •
"Rule Britannia " is usually credited
to James Thompson. It first appeared
in a play entitled''Alfred," by Thompson
and Mallet in 174.0. The air was by Dr.
Thomas Arne.
"Wearing of the Green " exists in
several forms and versions. The one best
known in this country was written by
Dion Boueieault, It was sung by
Shaun the Post " in the play "Arrah na
Ifs ur business requires an apology it
s a disgrace.
What Our Neighborsth ave Done Daring
the Past Week is Making the 1Iis-
tory of the World.
A. wealthywoman
near Utica
was bound, gagged and robbed by burg-
A bill for paying women like men for
teaching was killed in the Pennsylvania
shirr. SW'illard Parker and Miss Therese
Damon were appointed sohool trustees in
New l ori..
Pieces of shell have boon found forty
feet below the level of the ground in some
western states.
]friss Irene Hoyt has sued Mrs. Hefty
(Preen for $100,0V0 for insinuating- that
slle was insane,
The Enipi e State. Republican Club in
New York is disintegrating even before
it is incorporated.
The New York Women's Political
League resolved to form a kindergarten
for children of the rich.'
Senator Teller, of Colorado, predicted
the displacement of tariff In the next cam-
paign by the money issue.
New Jersey has come to the admission
of women to its bar in the case of Miss
Philbrook, just examined.
Texas porterhouse steaks cost more in
Chicago, New Fork and Boston than they
do in London, Paris and Berlin.
It cost Kentucky $114 to secure the
extradition from Ohio of Napoleon Bona-
parte Shackleford, who stole a #:2 hog.
Commissioner Grant had a policeman
before him for trial for flirting with a
man's wife in his presence in the street.
A young girl died at Reading, Pa., on
the first application of chloroform, which
she insisted upon before a slight optical
Over ten thousand Tammany men are
on the pay rills of New York city still,
and Mayor Strong has but a month more
to remove them.
A Yale student visited the. Pasteur in-
stitute in New York for treatment- for a
bite received while rescuing a small dog
from a large one.
The Canadian element forms two-thirds
of the foreign population of Maine and
New Hampshire, one-half of that of Ver-
mont, and one-third of that of Massachu-
Prefessor Frank Parsons asserts that
in Niw York it costs a man from $30
to $100 a yaar for the Game amount of
transportation he gets in Berlin for
itlayyorRankin, of Elizabeth,N.3.,is try-
ing to extort evidence from ..Rev. George
Buckle for charges made by the latter
that the police corruptly winked at open
bars on Sunday.
One of the fireplaces that is to be put
in Cornelius Vanderbiltt's new house in
Newport will be made of terra cotta
taken from the ruins of an old Italian
villa at ,Pompeii.
Miss Mary Cary Thomas has been
nominated for one of the alumni trustees
of Cornell University. She is the first
woman to be so honored in any of the
great universities.
The West Virginia Legislature has
passed a law imposing a licence of $500
per annum on retail dealers in cigarettes.
Not. a retail dealer in the state has yet
taken out a license.
The biggest contract for stone work
ever awarded was probably that reported
to have been made for the stone for the
Hudson river bridge. The sum named.
is above $8,000,(,00.
An American actress interveiwed on
her return. from Paris expresses the
opinion that there are no new French
plays that would not have to be "wash-
ed" for American use.
The remains of G en. Winfiold Scott Han-
cock will not be removed from the Mont-
gomery Cemetery at Norristown. The
effort to have them removed to Arlington,
Va., has been abandoned.
A wvom an hi Newark, Mrs, W. T.Harris,
lost an eye bythe
y explosion of a pistol
in her son's hand, a boy of nine, and an
actor in Hoboken met the same fate from
a soap pellet fired in the play.
A Brooklyn, N.Y. man who was con-
victed of burglary some time ago, and
liberated after two years' service in
prison on proof of his innocence, is suing
the state for 8101,888.28 damages.
Since Senator Stanford's death not one
dollar has come from his estate to the
university he founded. To keep it run-
ning Mrs Stanford has given on an aver-
age - $1,003 a day, half her private
Experts have estimated that the gold
production of the Black Hills for 1895
will be $10,(100,0J0 distributed as fol-
lows : Bald Mountain district,e8,010,000;
Lead Terraviilee and Central.$5,000,000;
Southern Hills, $1,000,00J ; all the other
districts, 81,000,000.
About five hundred pounds of the Holy
Terror rock was so rich in gold that it
was shipped direct to the mint from the
Adams Express office at Hill City, S.D.
Parties that handled the ore say that one
bucketful was more gold than rock, and
that it would yield $10,000.
In Indiana, U.S.; a law suit has just,
been concluded in which an estate of
$50.0/0, was in dispute. The case took
four months to try, eight leading law-
yers were employed upon it, nearly two
hundred witnesses were examined, and
the cost of the parties in the suit will
amount to fully $100,000.
A negro in Floyd County, Georgia,
dressed himself in a sheet ' a few days
ago, and started out at dusk to "scare
the life out of" a white woman. against
whom he had a grievance. He inter-
cepted her as she was returning to the
house from the well and she came near
beating the Iife out of him with the iron
bucket she carried.
A negro in 1±'loycl County, Georgia,
dressed himself in a sheet a few day
ago. and started out at dusk to "scare
the life -out of" a white woman, against
whom he had a grievance. He inter-
cepted her
nter-ceptedher as she was returning to the
house from the well, and she came near
beating the Iife out of him with the iron
bucket she .carried
"Trod I a .Heart rorl!alsehoodpratned'
was by Richard Brinsley Sheridan, the'
poet and dramatist, two or three of whose
plays still hold the stage. The air is an
Irish melody sailed "Grammaehree,"
Bev. W. Il.. Wade, Rector of Hanrliton's
Lead itog Episcopal Cituvck, Endorse".
D. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder..
A. leader of the Epicsopal denomination
In Canada, is the Rov. W, H.. Wade, rotor
of the Churohof the Ascension, Among
the members areo
of the church numbers b
rs of
the most wealthy and
fashionable people
of the Ambitious City,and beloved indeed
is their rector. In the family he has. used
Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder, and been
more than pleased with the good results
obtained. The satisfaction has been such
that over his own .signature ho has frankly
said to the people of Canada that this
znedioine is a good thing, and gives the
relief that is claimed for it
Ono short puff of the breath through the
Blower, supplied with each bottle of Dr.
Agnew's Catarrhal Powder,: diffuses this
Powder over the surface of the nasal pass-
ass-ages...Painless and delightful to use, it re-
liev%s in ton minutes, and permanently
cures Catarrh, Hay Fever, 'Colds, Head-
ache, Sore Throat, Tonsilitis and Deaf-
ness. (30 Dents. Sample bottle anti Blow-
er want on receipt of two three -cent
stamps. S.G. Detchon, 44 Church street,
The Wife of Capt. Chas. Mugger Rad-
ically Cured of Heart Disease of
Four Year's Standing by Dr. Ag-
new's Cure for the Heart.
Mrs. Chas. Mugger, Sydney, N, S. "For
over fon years I was afflicted with severe
heart trouble. Smothering and choking
sensations, swelled feet and ankles, and
pain in left side were my symptoms. I
doctored constantly, without benefit, and
in fact had -despaired of ever again being
well. Dr. Agnew's Cure For the Heart
was at lasttried and to my astonishment
gave relief inside of an hour. I have now
used three bottles and am completely
cured. No one can use too strong language
in recommending this remedy, as its
powers to cane are truly wonderful."
Finds Simple and Quick Relief in the
Use of South. American Kidney Cure.
The suffering from kidney trouble en-
dured by men and women who are getting
a little up in years is often exceedingly
distressing. The annoyanoe and inoon-
venience caused by a derangement of the
kidneys is only too plain to all who have
been troubled in this way. How keen the
distress is at times from what is known as
prosaic troubles in the old, such as en-
largemcnt,inflammation and ulceration of
the prostate gland. Without any present
or after unpleasant effects South Ameri-
can Kidney Cure gives immediate and
lasting relief in.such cases. It is a won-
derful medicine for kidney trouble of
whatever kind. It is essentially a kidney
cure, and boasts of nothing more, But it
is king here every time.
It is absurd to try to cure rheumatism
with sarsaparillas,and the o: dinary adver-
tised compounds which are recommended
for the cure of almost every disease to
which the human flesh is heir.
This disease, as all know, is caused by
an acid poison in the blood, and can only
be quickly and effectually removed by the
use of an internal remedy, which will
neutralize it. and thus destroy its irritat-
ing properties. The ingredients of South
American Rheumatic Cure have not been
long known, but are recommended by
some of the latest English medical works
as being to rheumatism what quinine is
to ague, an absolute specific. The first
dose of the remedy gives perfect relief, and
it at once begins the chemical process of
neutralizing the acid of the blood. It usu-
ally cures in one to three days.
A Noble Ambition.
"When Ileft Oakville, I vowed I would
not be contented till I had sent one hund-
red persons there. It may take ten years,
but I will do it." The foregoing is an ex-
tract from a letter received from an old
patient residing atLondon,Ont., and will
afford to the interested reader, a fair
indication of the spirit that actuates the
large g majority of those who have exper-
x er-.
ienced the benefits of the treatment
at "Lakehurst Sanitarium" Oakville,
for alcoholism. Victims of this fearful
appetite usually get the credit for being
selfish and vicious. Any course of treat-
ment which will produce men whose
highest ambition is to save others, must
be regarded as little short of perfection
itself. ' Every man suffering from an
appetite for stimulants, should take this
treatment and give his true manhood a
chance to develop. The result will be
gratifying alike to himself and to every-
one who knows him. Full information
and pamphlets at 28 Bank of Commerce
Chambers, Toronto.
"Drink to Me Only With Thine Eyes "
is from a poem entitled "The Forest,"
by Ben Johnson. The air is an adapta-
tion from one of Mozart s opera melodies.
"Allan Water," was written by Mat-
thew Gregory Lewis, better known in
literature as "Monk Lewis," whose weird
tales were the fashion when Scott was
Capt. Richard Wall re -married his wife
at Camden. N. J., yesterday after a sep-
aration of eight years, during which she
had married again and become a widow.
The trunk line presidents in New York
signed a resolution pledging themselves
to absolutely maintain the full published
tariffs of east -bound and }west -bound
freight rates on all classes of traffic. Ten
days notice for withdrawal is required.
The Modest Maid.
Mistress—"You have always been so
careful, Mary, that I can't understand
how you happened to break that vase
this morning."
Maid—"Well, you see mem, I never
have broke nothing, and I was afraid
you would be thinking that I might want
to get above my station."
Niagara Falls Park& River By.
This railway skirts the Canadian bank of the
Niagara river for fourteen miles in full view of
all the scenery of Falls Rapids, ani. Gorge, and
stb >s axe made at alt 110Ynts olf interest.
Giloso connections are rondo with net.
at uecuston,'and with all railroads centering
atN agara Falls,Ont.
For special roes for eexeursioos, naps, pain..
phlets, etc., address
ROSS MAOliENZTE, lltanager,
Niagara rails, 01, t.
If L. B. Eddy's were
not the best matches
made,they would not be
in consrant use by nine
tenths of the people,
In g\ ing gene/ al sat-
isfaction they .leave
absolutely nothif g to be -
Pul Iays
Order your Supplies of ,
Oak Tanned Leather Belting
from us. We supply four grades suit-
able for all classes of machinery.
Everything in above lines at Manu-
facturers' ]first Oc st Prices.
Lowest Prices For Cash.
Toronto type Foundry,
44 Bay Street,
W}IY PAY 50c. per gallon for Oil frcm your
local dealer, when you can buy from us,
the best oil on the market, at 80c. per gallon in
barrels, and Ile. per gallon in half -barrels,
freight prepaid to your nearest station. Our
011 equal to Climax, fearless, or any other oil,
or no sale.
Wholesale Grocer A,. H. Canning
The Good
Dye Young.
That is, do not leave an article
1111 it's worn out and threadbare
but as soon asit shows signs of
wear send it to Parkers. CLEAN-
ING and DYEING is done well if
done at
R. Parker & Co's.,
787 and 791 Tonga St., Toronto.
Branch offices and agents everywhere.
Send for pamphlet.
Cold in the Head.
Catarrh Cured in a
W ek, by using
IN BOXES 25 Cents at all Druggists, or
by mail on receipt of price Address,
' Kingston, Ont.
Way to spend a winter is to attend the Northern Busi-
ness College Owen Sound, Ont. All who would like
success in life should prepare for it. Send for Anus;
Announcement --free. C. A. P'lemna. Principal.
Excelling all Others.
SEPTEMBER 2nd to 14th '95
Ttmt Groat Live Stock and Agricul-
tural Show of the Continent.
Increased Prizes and
improved Accommodation.
Entries Close Aug. 10th.
Greater and better attractions than ever
IMore to see at the
Great LTororlto Fair
Than all others:put together.
Make this your annual Holiday Outilrg.
For prize lists, programmes, etc. address
g : ,
H. J. RILL, Manager,
en:.leeing 1t51,,t As -Ear -Shaw.) relltaw profits. fCo 'i il�>�fia
garaI' alts South, Ont.