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The Exeter Advocate, 1895-6-21, Page 5
Permanently Cured OF Constitutional Scrofula BY Food's Sarsaparilla No..moi. ',.y . at:ea (Mee S. Carl r Reynoldsviile, Pa. The euro of Olive Carl by Hood's Sarsapat_'a has few equals in medical bistory. The testimonialwas first published two years ago, and a letter lately received from her mother says Olive continues in good health and " We are satisfied her remarkable cure of constitutional scrofula by Hood's Sarsaparilla was permanent." Briefly stated the ease -was this: "When Olive was 8 yeare old she had the whoop- ing cough and measles, followed by in- tense pains in every joint is her body, like,rheumatiam. Physicians were puz- zled but after a consultation, pronounced the disease some form of see Constitutional Scrofula. " When we began to use Hood's Sarsae paella, she could not be moved without crying out with pain, and we wenn com- pelled to cut her hair, as she could not bear the welght of it. At first the change for the better was very gradual; the pains seemed to be less frequent and the swell- ing in some of theointsscbsided after using about one bottle, Then ::c rove- went was more rapid and ane Light she surprised us by telling us tacit we Need Not Prop Her Up in Bed. as we had done for menthe, and neat, eight she surprised us still more by roll- ing over across the bed, From that time on the improvement was very rapid and elle soon began to creep about the house and then to walk on crutches. Now she ood s vitArAo. patalla { generally nsee bat one crutch, the dis- ease having left one leg crooked, and I ' fear it will remain so. We Peel that to 13ood'a Sarsaparilla we owe our child's life., "I enclose the rhotograph of my daugh- ter and I think it is a !nature of perfect health.. ,When I think how near she was to death's door I cannot feel thankful enough for her recovery." MRs. J. A. CARL, Reynoldsville, Pa. ures IL" O©C3 'it1S the after-dinner pill and. it P family cathartic. 25e. For over Fitly sears. AN OLP ANA WELL-TRIE) REaxC.nr.—Mrs Winslow'sSoothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years l?,y millions of mothers for their eluldren while teething, with per- fectsuccess. f st ,.a s. It soothes the child softens the gums, allays all ,pain cures wind collo .v , it L and is the bee„ remedy for ' iarrla a. is d D oa leasant to the taste. ' `old byDruggists In, o p8 every part the World. Twenty-five of cents a bottle. Ile value is incalculable. Be sere and ask fox Ars. w's Soothing Syrup and take no other kind °THE TRIUMPH O LOVE IS HAPPY FRUITFUL' MARRIAGE." CUPiprNo PSYCHE Mathes, 13fAu "Mite Would. Know the IIxrnnrl'i`e art.lnap the Pain Ib'aets; the New kelseeveries of Medical Selenee ars Applied to Married Lite; 'who Woostt Atone, far Pass Errors and Avoid Furore Pitfalls, Shook*. r e- entrethe Wonderful Littic+ l3ooke,a t- ed "COUPLE WE MANHOOD and Iiow to ,Attain °11." "Fiero at last is information from, a high mediall source that must work wonders with this gmeta bion of tnan." The boo It fully desori.be a method by whioh to attain full vigor and manly power. A. method by which to end all unnatural drains`on the system. To euro nervousness, lack of self control, despondency, ote • To exehanoe a jarledanci worn natnro for to of brightness, buoyancy and power. 7.'o cure forever effects of success, overwork orry,etc, 7.ogivo full strength. dovo1o em ant send . tone to suety portion tint! organ of the body Age no barrier, Failure impossible. 2,0,00 references, The book is panty medical and. scientific, useless to curiosity seekers', invaluableto men oI F it. n c1 A despairing man, Who applied to uS, soon after wrote: "Weil, I toll you that first clay As; .ono I'11. never forgot, I ,just bubbled with joy. I wanted to !tug everybody and tell them nay cad self had died yesterday and my new sett" was born to day, Why dzcl.n't ,you tellmo wiled first wrote that 1 wouia iutd ittl waa7" and another thus: ,J"If,you damped, a cartload of gold at my foot it would not brin such gladness into any life us your method has done.. fiohli>ANy 4vrild totheh urn rignzcAr, , 1i-ttie hook Buffalo, N at, and ask for the ho caifcd"Coatrat rs AtANBo°D" Refer to Ibis is n paper,5 n promises to send and ddnl , a, the hhok; in settled envelope, without any anal at is woll in - marks, Arid onl;Irely free, tt 1 troduced. SHOULDTAKE PENNYROYAL WAFERS To comet Urogvtartty end ?vmnfinrse, tceep 1585, r no r '111,1.10y coedictotti'The Weave aro "Mel savers" toyon,ra. women, Rid knicofid dnvniopinrnt, Provide rain. loos. again porfrrl9, Able. for The norot imam. A11 11rn,ratkts ern them ate.' pmr be:, go Nottor:crncdy forwotncn l ucrtn,• TOPICS OF A WEh.K. Tnsportaart l.+.vents rrn. al Few Wo?•as For Busy headers. Klug Alphonso of Spain and his sister bate the measles. A tori -year-old boy named Richard Rice Was browned at Brantford on Sunray, Mar Lodge, the Highlttiud residenceof the Duke of Fife, was billeted onFriday.' Mrs. Commandant Booth of the Salva- tion .Army, is seriously ill at Bralitford. The now Government system of trunk line telephones has been opened in, Eng- land, Liberal demonstrations will be held at Bedford, Quebee,an June 91, and at Brome on June 2;3, Captain Robert Rankin of the schooper Eliza IPisiler was drownedat Kingston on Saturday evening. Lord Rosebery in a public speech has announced the probability of his early retirement.. • The Portellies made a satisfactory, reply to the powers, granting the reforms de - mended in. Armenia. The Czar has conferred the Grand Col - lax of the Order of St. Andrew upon Pre. sidont Faure of 'Prance. On Friday Mr. D'Alton McCarthy pre- sented twenty-five petitions toParliismeut against coercing Manitoba. A commission will take evidence in Ire- land relating to the mental oonditiou of Shortie, the Valleyfield homicide. The Italian Government will arm its native allies in Erythrea in expectation that a war .with Abyssinia is inevitable. The Ontario Medical Council have de- cided not to take any steps to secure the adoption of a legal tariff of medical fees. Sexenty horses and cattle were killed near Qu'Appelle last week by a forty- eight hours'- visitation of peculiar grey flies. The sweeping reductions made in setae - les in Newfoundland in the new budget have caused the resignation of several officials. The Uniesist uandiclato for Inverness- shire bas bean elected by a largo majority, further reducing Lord Bosebery's scanty majority. Tho Grand .Tury at Montreal threw out the indictment against Emmanuel St .Louis in connection with the Curran bridge frauds. Farr, the Q. P. R. engineer, wanted in Winnipeg on a charge of attempting to burn his wife and family. has been arrest- ed at Vancouver. Mrs. Napoleon Deniers of Montreal was murdered on Friday in the most brutal manner in her lzozne. There is no clue to the mystery. The Grand Lodge of Orange Young Britons concluded its session at Niagara balls, on Friday, and will meet next year at Smith's Falls. Mn Gladstone received an ovation on his visit to Hamburg on Friday. He was feted and banqueted by the Seville and merchants of the city. A fifty horse power boiler exploded in a harness factory in Fall River, Mass., de- molishing the building and billing several of the employes. Over forty head of cattle in Adams county, Nebraska, showed signs of hydro- ' phobia, the result of a mad dog biting a cow, and havebeen shot. ' „'While Thomas Love, a Highfield milk- man, was drivisig.acrosstne G.T.R.-tracks a short distance north of Weston, on Sun- day, his rig was struck by a train. He was badly hurt. Returns show that 1,823 railway em- ployes were killed in the United States during the last year, and 23,422 were in- jured, as tom aced with , r 7 it P , ,. killed d and 729 injuxed a in 31 rN9 n ur d 1593 I The crew of the:American tug Wa r•ren and scows were lined 360 each for dump- ing garbage in the Niagara River. The Ottawa authorities have imposed a fine of 4500 on the vessels. On Friday last the Behring' Sea bill re- ceived a second reading in the British Commons. It was explained that the representations of the Canadian Govern- ment had been complied with as far as possible. It is learned in London on the best au- thority that no .successor has been ap- pointed to Major-General Herbert as com- mander of the Canadian militia force. It is expected that he will retain the position at least until the expiry of his term in November next. John Horton, president of the Hamilton Army and Navy Vete ran s,has ciisa.ppeared, having in his possession 3105 or 3110 be- longing to the society. Horton wasa member of the Stli Hussars. He has been president of the society since January. A warrant has been sworn out for his ar- rest. Government Detective Greer Iast week prosecuted Postmaster Davis, of Hills- dale, on a charge of falsifying his returns and robbing the Government. Accused was acquitted oil robbery but convicted of making false returns and seateaced to one hour is jail. Henry Fitains, • of triplets ante, has written to the Mayor and Council of To- ronto, asking permission to exhibit the triplets at Island Park. Ile. says he can in no other way earn enough to feed his ton little ones and oifors.tho city half of the proceeds of the venture for a, permit. The Mayor and 41d. Hallam look favor- ably an the request, but decline to take a share in the proceeds of the show. Deo hill A„,Bust arr. St. Donis. Montreal, June 17.—Tho Qtand Jury found no bill` against, Emmanuel at. 1 P Cbridge, t.a i for. Louis, CtlJ t0 1 LO Sthe .Ourran x n brad a with obtaining ' chargedchargedcola ntng soave $170,000 under false pretences. Mr. St. Louis was considerably affected after the e'tnnounce- anent was made, tho tears roiling, freely down his cheeks. After the Judge's td - dress Mr. alcalastcr, Q. 0., on behalf of Mr. Emmanuel Sr„ Louis, made a motion under article 595 of the civil code, wflioh provides that if the Magistrate does not commit and a prosecutor takes an' appeal. to the Grand Jury he is liable for costs not only before the Grand Jury, but also in the, preliminary examination. Ile asked. that Mr, Sherwood, or tho Govern - meet, be held Matte for' the costs incur - rod. Chief Justice Lacoste said that as Mr. Shorwood was not present and was not represented i resented b Dona of l P y s the motion had bettor go over until the September The .Cho Uraud Jury , tt • was then 7 dis- charged and the Jame torah• closed, • captured at Vancouver. Winnipeg, June 16.—carr, the O.P.R. engineer who le charged with the at- temptede and P tem ted cremation of his ifch` w it d• ren in order that he might marry a young woman of this city, was arrested at Van - waver late last night when about to sail by steamer for. Australia. Farr escaped frointho police station here while await. i'hg preliminary trial, I AID Perinallelit!y Curd.” ,The Joyful Exclamation of Mr. Alexander Moffatt, of M lbrook, Ont. Fairies Celery Compound, Victorius .Ater the Doctors Failed. Mr. Mofiatt is of opinion that all his sufferings and troubles -had their Original] liver eomp'aint, a terribly dan- gerous malady that is dragging many a nian and woman to the grave. This disease may be acute or chronic. In the acute form, there are violent burn- ing Mains con veyed to the shoulder and right arm, short cough, fever, irregular bowels and constipation, • In the chrou• is form of liver complaint' there are many morbid conditions, such as en- largement, softening, abscesses and de generation. The symtons are, weighed stomach,. flatulence, nausea, bilious vomiting, loss of appetite, thirst, white and dry tongue, hitter taste, and a 11081 of other miserable conditions. Long evperience has • fully proved, that Paine's Celery Compound is the only medicine that can successfully grapple with the dreaded disease of liver complaint. honest and able doc- tors are advising their patients to make USES of Paine's Celery Compound, for the great reason, that they know of no other medicine that gives sueh prompt and effective results. The euro of Mr. Moffatt amply proved every state. meat made in favor of Paine's Celery Compound, and clearly demonstrates the fact, when physicians fail to cure, nature's medicine is sure to do the good work. Mt. Moffatt writes thus:— " Having been a sufferer for years. from severe paines in the side, back. and breast, caused, I firmly believe, by a slug gish liver, 3 received the treat- ment of eminent physicians, and was compelled to wear a fur coat summer and winter; I was also advisesed to wear a chamois vest, but nothing seem- ed to do me good. . ""At last I was advised by kind friends to try Paine' Celery Compound; and after using six bottles, I find that am permaneutly cured.-Paine's Cel- ery Compound has indeed done wonders for me, You may publish this for the beefit of suffering people." .Communication. Grosse isle, Que- To TI•IR EDITOR OF THE ADVOCATE. SIR.—It may not prove uninteresting to your readers if I give a few addition• al items regarding this part of Canada,. its noble river, pieturesgne scenery, its native population, are. Groose Isle is not without a history. Jacques Cart- ier must have set eyes upon it, as he pass - al up the St. Lawrence on his second voyage to this continent, when he re- turned from St. Malo in Oct. 1535 to. make his westward tour in hopes of finding an outlet to.China, Japan, and to the East ludies. As he looked,; from on board the "° Emerillon'" he often spied bands of savage Indians roaming' along the banks of the ricer, many whom he tried to conciliate by giving. presents of beads, crosses knives, hat- ches, and other tokens of good will. Few of those islandsbut were inhabited by native Indiaus, who sought prox- imity -to the great river in search of -fish and game. Not until sixty years ago, however, was this island utilized by the Government for: quaranitne per. poses—since which time great improve. inents have been made both in regard to buildings and hospitt;l accomidation, as well as in the means of locomotion, ft is only of late years that the present efficient steamboat service was set a- going. The Challenger " is amode of neatness and beauty. Ample ac eommodition is also provided on the is- land for at least 2000 emigrants,—not. to speak of the hospital for sick pass - augers. The cost to the Dbmiuion Government is very heavy;—fiut then " prevention is better than cure," and "to be forewarned is to be forearmed," One epidemic'of cholera, or typhus fev- er, sueh as prevailed here many years ego—in which• thousands died like sheep, including th;,s medical officers that waited upon them -would be more Fatal to Canada than all the sums ex-- pea/tied x-peilded annually to provide a quaran- tine, - The French population here, as in all othez parts of Quebec province, greatly preponderates, Indeed, in most parts tile English speaking por- tion is dying out, or have removed elsewhere, The French Canadiai:is as a class are a kind, goodnatured, happy- go-lucky sort of people.—whose whole life might be expressed by the Latin Adage " Duni viyintuS vivamus, " or l)y the Epicurean motto of " Let us eat and drink, for to -morrow we die." They seem to know no.care about to -morrow, but to think that " sufficient unto the day is the 'evil there of," They are very eonserative in their habits and customs, holding on to the old traditions of. their forefathers, and content to move along through life in a quiet monotone ons way; although it is but right to nay that they are naturally vivacious and lively, fond of bright colors, and much given to fashouable dress. They srnole, a ,lice and sing, play cards, in- dulge i" games and out door sports ev- en on_ seem bound he. t y ound o make the best of bothworlds for or one of their ruling traits is devotion to bother Church, They quite eclipse ler Protestant brethern in their simple faith an d devotion to religion. Itre on 11118 little island a French priest ministers to about one hundred souls; ul every morning and evening the Chapelrung, bell iswhile members of the flock include young and old, men as well as women repair to their place of worship to say prayers, Often when going to my meals, I hear the lotid sound of sacred melody in the chapel — quite to quite as loud as the flinging „ 0 f our 1 rn in Ontario; and I Methodist brat to 0 6 the , was told that the singing is all con dticied by the men. Thr, woman, who among English speaking people are the best singers and the most active eherch workers, have not yet reached the questionabo acme of asserting ' Women's rights."They are quite willing to abide by the SCI•iptur0 in - ,junction, "Let ;7'Sttr wotnen keep si !once in the churches," and `" I suffer DUt a women to teach" (which means to evangelize) +" but to be in subjection to their own husbands." The " New Woman" is one of those crazy fads that have not yet found its way among the simpleminded and unsophisticated French women. One characteristic trail, and a yery commendable one it is, consists in the respect shown by the French habitants to superions. 'You cannot pass them oil the road without their: bowing profoundly, and touching or even taking off their hat. 1.,veu the children are taught politeness and show respect to their superiors. This is' part of their 'religion. I was much pleased, on reading a report of the Governor General's speech to the Boys brigade in Toronto lately, to find His Excellency emphasizing the duty of politeness, and saying, "No goy who respects himself evill think it beneath him to touch his hat to his superiors." Let me add a few words about our mall accommodation. Properly speak- ing, we have ouly two mails a week— one across the river by St. Thomas, the County' town of Montmagny, every Thursday; and another on Saturdays, when 'the government boat goes '-up tc Quebec to euable the officials to get their Supplies. But we have both tele graph and telephone communication for quarantine purposes. Stilt we ought to have a daily mail. To a stranger there is no harder day's work than to make the weekly trip to and from Quebec. A di,tanee of 30 miles es each way—where It that giantold city one has to climb the dreadfull hills froth '"power Town" to reach the main part n theancient capital, whose towering heights are bristling' with cannon, or to climb flights of iron stairs with the al.. ternative of paying five cents in tak- ing; the elevator that leads up to the Frontenac Hotel lately built by the C. P. It. Company. Oa the trip to Quebec by the river boats, you .pass settlements of French villages °Peewns all along the margin of the rive*—between which and the' Souther ratege of hills the Intercolonlial Ry runs for several miles. On the Northern side of the Main Channel, and and about 20 miles or more in length, is the famous island of Orleans—nam ed by Cartier after the Dolce of Orleans in France. '1'1iis a Iovely island cover- ed with fine farms and comfortable dwellings, and is divided into fine par- ishes on each of which a French priest is located. At the Western end there is a neat English Church for the an oommodation of the many English speaking people who resort there to Spend the summer months, It is but it few miles fi'onz Quebec, and a steam ferry plies eyery bour between the city and the island. No better resort could qe chosen for a summer's "outing." Nothing is more imposing, in sailing up and down the St Lawrence, than the sight of the Luarantian Mountains to the North of the river—towering from 2000 to 8000 feet above the level of the sea. What grandeur in those everlasting bills! I thought if those oldest formations of rock could only speak, they wotiid tell a tale unfold of the wondrous workings of nater'° mill creation of the c . years . b ions of ea e fore t , e man. It is thought by geologists that those mountain ranges contain the fossil retrains of the oldest animals ever known, They are without eyes, hav- ing apparently been formed when. " darkness was upon the deep," and when the Omnipotent Creator "" Spirit moved upon the face of the water,'' I, could not help thinking of that beau• tiful couplet of an American poet. '"!God of our fathers! ffom out whose hand The centuries fall like grains of end." Those old Laurentian Mountains ex - tend from fronsLabrador in the East West, ButF t the far North 1rVe to Int va m le I must elose for the present, More anon. Vont,.o &e. H. Douglas Steele, June 15th, 1595 Hullett: Mr. E. L. Liddioott, grocer, Leaden r t has dlap 09ed ]1 Of it; business l mid will shortly leave with his wife and Mother for England, where they will in all probabilities reside permanently. Mr. Leddicott was formerly a resident of this township, KNIGHT, EXETER NORTH STORE Mfr. F. Iti, Kwght has opelied a Con, ei1.1 Store ill the stand lately oecupied by Brook's Harness Shop with a lull stock of* GENERAL GROCERIES BOOTS SHOES, HARDWARE, STATIONARY, ETC,. Produce taken in exchange for goods F. R. Knight. The fact that Hood's Sarsaparilla, once fairly tried, becomes the favorite Spring medicine, speaks volumes for its excelleuee and merit. Seaforth: Master • Willie Robb, o. young son of Mr, Wm, Robb, got his hand caught in a lawn mower the oth- er day, and had one finger badly cut Tuckersmith: Last Wednesday ev- ening; during the rain storm, Mr. E. Ball lost 10 sheep by lightning. These anfortunates had run ,ander a tree under the house for shelter, but a sharp etroke killed them. Blaushardt Mr. John Batten, sr., an aged and highly respected resident, died on Saturday, aged 76 years. The deceased was a native of Devonshire, Eng., and carne to Usborne 21. years and the last 18 years was a resident of Blanshard. Clinton: The other day while Mr. Jacob Driller was unharnessing; a horse it started cavorting` around the yard, striking a pitchfork which. stood by, and knocking it into the air. I't struck Mr. Miller's leg in failing, two of the prongs making a painful flesh wound. Brussels: James O'Leary, of the Queen's Hotel, Brussels, and formerly of Seaforth, was a lucky man at Strat- ford on Tuesday. In the morning! he purchased a'horse entered in the 2.50 class, together with sulky and harness, fur $500. In the afternoon this horse won its race and a purse of $400. On bets he won $90, so that in the end his horse and outrit only cost,him 510: Goderich: After a long and painful illness. Mr. Patrick •O'Dea, for many years ono of the best known merchants of town, died on Friday night. He had been a resident of Goderich for nearly 35 years, and until about two months ago was actively engaged in business. He was an earnest and devoted adher- ent of St. Peters church. and a strong Reformer in polities. Varna: On Friday Mrs. Alex. Mitch- ell died, after an illness of only a Few hours. She took sick on Thursday _ and, notwithstanding all. that medical skill could do, she breathed her last on. Friday afternoon last. Deceased has. been a resident of Stanley for 60 years. She was born in Longford, and came to Canada with her parents in . 1333.. She leaves a husband, four sons and five daughters to mourn the loss of a fond mother and affectionate wife. She was 79 years of age, and a consistent member of theerian s r church. Pre b t hu t.h 3 . av evening' mb' Goderich: Last S atutd e a n little son of Wm. Craig, Internaticnal Hotel, was run over by- one of the wheels of a hay press, and had his left foot badly injured, The little fellow, who is only about 5 years old, had been attempting to hang on and fell, but no blame is attached to the driver, Mr. Chisholm, of Goderich township.—John McIntosh, the well .known section boss for several years in the G. T. 11 em- ploy, was very seriously injured 00 Tuesday by a large stick of timber failing across his back. He was unable to move when picked up and had to be taken home for medical assistance: Ele will be laid up for some time. McKillop. 11 is our sad :duty to t:hrontele the death of Agnes !Myrtle, the five-year old daughter of Mr. John McClure, of this 'township, which took place on Sunday last. She, with two other little children, were playing in the barn, where a hay tack was placed in au upright position against the wall, In their play one of the children ran against the rack, which, not being vary staple, fell, striking the little child and wounding her severely about the head. After lifting away the heavy rack, ono of the children ran to the house for as- sistance, and Myrtle was carried to the House in a state of uneonsciousness. Dr. Cooper, of Constance, was called, but was unable to do anything to help the poor child, who (heti six hours later, never having regained consciousness, ALL iliktOTHErtS WHO HAVE USED 1i. pA1.Mfl AF SOAP • ".,1111 NO W 18 THAHE T T ff [1. °l' ki1 f3"d 1111 `i1C O ' FOr C2 i 16 k e C I a 1 ar ; Baby n•ns troehleri with soros on head and legs, I tried " Palma -Tar Soap.' In a very short time the sores disappeared, elfin became smooth and white, and the child got perfectly well. Mas, iioxczstarr, Crediton Only 25c, Big Cake. BIG aG6 . ' BleRele, IS HANDLED RY PERKINS AND MARTIN, AGENTS FOlt BICYCLES, SEWING MACHINES, ORGANS, ETC. The Brantford won —289 'first prizes, —148 second "" 88 third 88 and holds nearly every Championship from the_. Atlantic to tate Pacific: Perkins lionalinar A. HASTINCS, Proprletor o THE CENTRAL BAUER SHOP. HAIRCUTTING, SHAMPOOING and HAItCUTTING. Ladies' and Children's Hai rout •irg a specialty A. HAISTINGS, Fanson's Block. Exeter Packing House. ot!oo Parties wishingfresh tenderloin, fresh pork, spare ribs, sba:nks and pig's feet, rail get them Wednesday: mnruinge. A good supply of. Hants. Jiolls, backs, Bellies, Shouldors and salt bacon on hand at lowest cash prices. LIVE HOGS WANTED! Every Monday morning for de- livery. e- 1ivery. 0. fie°ELL =Prop. t%I.1114/1' / Iliii! 1'iit t 1 /.,it `r / `oftea bring coughs and colds, / Wh710 P S lit Y II EO. -n ORAL bx rge quioi; relief. Cures all In- flammation of the bronchial tubes, throat or chest. No un. certainty, Relieves, soothes, heals promptly. A Large Bottle for 25 Cents. OP IS & LAWflEN1E EL: UO, raoraneaoas. MONTREAL. 4 gi ns doe Clue iteumatisltl reran artd lug paint agairieh' Whytiol Cry t ke 94Z. jt(enlitol Plaster, my wifeibt me one, ircured like magic. For a long time I suffered with Rheurnatismin the Bacic so severely that I could not even sit e1leig} t, My wife advised a D. & L. Menthol Plaster. I tried it and was soon going about all tight. S. C. HUNTER, Sweet's Corners. Price 25c. WE WAPIT A MAN AT ONCE in this community specialties sell s ecialties in our line. Trees that bear seedless Pear's. Apple Trees hardy as oaks. "Excelsior" Crab as large as an Apple, Cherry trees proof against black -knot. Plum trees not affected by Citroens". Tree Currants. Spacetea G oossberries which will a F' do not mildew. not Blackberry Bushes low t a1 vi bout thorns. us to further entimorate, Tree Roses, etc. BUT our stock talks for o • itself. Prices riht. ' fi a to book o f H ndson } 4 r 4 plates and complete outfit furnished free of charge. Write for terms and prrrtioul -rs. CHASE:. BROTHERS' COMPANY5 Colbor'rge, Ont.. Tan "`CLO P.nLiec t'" Nure-.a tetittata. ant-, R EAT Ik • .clad to "Grin and Bear .It" when he had a pain, You cctn grin and ban - leg rt at onoby using Parva, DAVIS' • •_", oitriXit r Soret and used everywhere, A Whole medicine chest by itself. Knls every ammo external or Internal pain. Dosce-A teaspol zffui in half • Iris of water or mt1 `onvo le aPm f nt r