HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1895-4-26, Page 8RicTaal
R. Pickard 6' Son.
The town council will wee
urdey night next.
The line spring weather has
Thos. Jacques to kohl appear
A contemporary notes the fa
the wages of sin have not been re
during the hard tinges
There was quiet a 'flurry of snow last
Tuesday morning, and some very large
flakes were noticeable.
Mr. John Spaceman was presented
this week with a fine wild goose
weighing ten pounds, It was shot at
Port Frank.
On information laid by Inspector
Paisley, for selling liquor on Sunday,
Mr. R. Mason, of Clinton, pleaded guilty
and paid a tine of $50 and costs.
Miss Davis, milliner, has made the.
purchase of a new and handsome bi-
cyele. Quite a number of our young
ladies have bicycles this year and some
of them ride very gracefully.
A number of our citizens have start-
ed gardening operations by planting
some early vegetables, The season is
about with us and soon the usual
spring operation will be in full swing.
The Rev. H. D. Steele, of Kirkton, has
accepted a position under the Bishop of
Quebec as Chaplain at the Quarantine
Station, Grosse Isle, near the city of
Quebec; and expects to enter ou his
duties by 1st Sunday in May.
the Win
A nervi
erected se
store which
Miss Charlotte
editor with the ata
flowers last week,
,isiatiye a
trtte; .146th.
'g ed in
. �04 at
• The publisher would. a a-
or if readers would, when making
their purchases, mention that the saw
the merchant's advertisement iu the
Ad vocate,
The enterprising firm of II. Bishop &
Son have just added a well gotten up
delivery wagon to their business. The
vehicle was manufactured by D.Brauud
& Son, of Exeter North.
The Commercial Hotel has been
greatly improved in appearances by a
set of new modern style windows. Mr.
llawkshaw will further improve its
appearances by a new coat of paint
The correct spot for Bargains in wall
pa per. --h1
We are after the wall paper trade of Exeter and are bound
to have it.
Extensive! Elaborate! ! Complete ! ! !
Direct Importers.
Tiivitt fIllfCL
iaatilae' for Y>teek ending Nay 1st, 1895.
The most extraordinary expoistion
of choice wall paper ever opened up
by us, bought direct from the larg-
est manufacturers.
Better goods for less money than
elsewhere. More . goods for the
same money than elsewhere.
We guarantee the lowest prices in
Exeter, we guarantee the most ex-
tensive stock.
Favor us with a look through our Beautiful stock of papers. It will pay
you to do so.
The old church of England rectory,
corner of Victoria and William Streets
is under repairs. Mr. James Sweet, Sr.
is doing the work. After being newly
plastered and otherwise repaired, the
well situated residence will once more
be tenanted by Mr. John Willis and
TetieRSDAY 25th,—St, Mark's Day.
7:30 p.m. Divine service with sermon in
the Church.
9:00 pm. Choir practice.
t}nd SUNDAY atter Easter.
11 a.m. Te Denm, Woodward
Benedietus Holden
7 p.m. Magnificat, Reath
Nano Dimittis
Special Sermon. "The Old Gospel and
present Day Problems.
MONDAY 8 p.m. Adjourned. Vestry.
WEDNESDAY 12th April,—St. Philip's and
St. James' Day. 7:30 p. m. Divine Ser-
vice with Sermon.
REV. E. W. HUNT, Rector.
The two most absent-minded men
on record are the fellow who thought
he had left his watch at home and then
took it out:to see if he had time to go
back to get it, and then the man who
put on his office door a card saying:
" Out; will be back soon," and on his re
turned sat down on the steps to wait
for himself.
At a union mceting, of the directors
of the South Huron and Stephen and
Usborne Agricultural Societies held
recently at Brucefield, it was decided
to hold a union fall show under the
joint auspices of the two societies, at
Exeter this year, and for which a liber-
al premium list and other attractions
will be offered. The show will be held
at Exeter on the first Monday and
Tuesday after the Western Fair at
"Here is a little scheme for you"
said a merchant the other day. " I
sweep my store without raising a bit
of dust. The brooms are dipped in
coal oil before sweeping. The odor is
unpleasant at first, but a few minutes'
airing serves to remedy that evil.
The oil takes up every particle of
dust and leaves the floor as clean as
when first laid. I have been using
oil in this way for six months, and am
satisfied that the scheme is good."
School opened on Monday last after
a, week's holidays.
There is a vast difference between
going straight home and going home
The pleasant pastime of fishing is
again being indulged in, and some
geed long strings of the "finney tribe"
bave been caught.
Seaforth will hold a two days' race
meet on July 1st and 2nd. There will
be six races on the progrom and purses
amounting to $1800 will be offered.
It is said that a small piece of tar
.paper put into a box with furs is a sure
preventive against moths. This is a
cheap and simple means to save furs.
The public watering trough at the
Town Hall is out of use at present.
The supply pipe from the large tank
was broken in some way and is now
ander repairs.
' The Clinton New Era in its report of
the Lodge of Instruction held there on
Tuesday night of last week, has this to
say of Exeter Lodge: "Lebanon Fcr-
est Lodge, of Exeter, performed the
work of opening and dosing in the
Third Degree, and it would be super
fiuous to say that the work was well
and truly executed, when the fact is
called to mind that this lodge illustrates
craft masonry under the keen and crit-
ical eye of no less a light in masonry
than the present D. D. 0, ;II. Bro., R. H.
Qallins, of Exeter.
—AND --
AU Purchases
And upwards in
the following
Dr aooas
uaot3 aqd Soes
KaIs aqd Caps
"It is the intention to have a greed
organ recital in St. Thomas' church. on
Friday evening 26th when Mr. Lye,
organist, of Trinity church, Toronto,
Rev. Mr. Hunt and Mrs. Hunt, of Exe-
ter, Mr. R. H. Collins, Exeter, and others
will take part. It is not intended to
make any charge but to prevent over-
crowding admission will be by ticket.
Those who are fortunate enough to get
an invitation will have a rare treat in
store."—Seaforth gun.
For One Dollar,
We have completed arrangements
whereby we can offer the Toronto
Weekly Mail -Empire one year and the
ADVOCATE to Jan. 1st, 1896, for only
one dollar. Now is the time to sub-
scribe and get cheap reading. •
A stun ofltaro. Luck.
Arnold Carrick, a Bruce county
farmer, has just bad two fingers cut off
in a straw cutter. Within twelve
months his daughter has broken her
arm, his son has died, he has lost $4
000 in a law suit, his wife met with a
serious accident, and Monday himself,
and on a previous occasion he was
struck by a piece of timber and never
fully recovred,
An Important Decision
Recently at Guelph, Mrs. Crane,
whose husband while under the infiu
ence of liquor, drove into a millrace
and was drowned, recovered $900 dam-
aged from the proprietors of the two
hotels at which her husband procured
the whiskey. The jury evidently be-
lieved in consequential damages. e The
case is one which license holders would
do well to clip and paste in their hats.
A notorious character named George
Smith was arrested out near Staffa on
Sunday and was brought here for safe
keeping till Monday. It appears Smith
rented a farm in the vicinity of Inger-
soll, and after stocking the farm he put
a chattle mortgage on it. A short time
ago he sold all the stock and then left
%V as it a Fake?
A few days since Rev. Mr. Tully,
pastor of the Presbyterian Church, in
Mitchell, received an anonymous letter,
telling him that within a few weeks
the Presbyterian and the Methodist
Churches—the two leading church edi-
fices of the town—would be reduced
But for satisfactory .dealing in all lines of Mereit ndise is
Ready-made and ordered clothing. There never was a
nor finer assortment in town.
Hats, caps, fine shirts, colored and whits; and Ties,
y ou see a finer collection.
Where can
Dress goods, dress Trimmings, in all the latest styles and colors
and handsome goods,
Take Teas.
Why others are not in it and for sugars, why every one knows
that's cheap. It will draw flys but not customers,
Fakes and Tricks.
Avail yourself
of this unpre-
cedented offer.
G. 6. JOHNSTON, Exeter1
One Dollar.
One dollar! one dollar!! one dollar!!!
Who will be the first to take advantage
of the great unprecedent offer? The
Toronto Mail•Empire for one year and
the ADvoOATE to Jan. lst, 1896, for
only $1.
Draw trade for a time, but as for us, we are not disposed to adopt
such methods in order to draw trade. If you want square deal-
ing go to Carling .Bros.
N. B, Miss Tom is now on hand to do all kinds
of dress and mantle making.
Carling Bros.
There are all kinds of men in the SHOES
world—Men who don't care a hang
if their shoes look like moccasins, so F O R
long as they wear well; men who
don't care how long they wear if they look
well, and men who like a neat shoe at a
moderate price, but are honest enough to admit
that they don't know any more about the quality
of'leather, durability of make, or value of shoes than a
snow man, Now this last is a sort of man whose shoe-
maker we intend to be. We know good shoes when we see
them; have lived among shoes all our life; paid the price of
experience, and are everlastingly looking for new "wrin Ides'
in the make of shoes,
Don't forget to see our "Blacks & Tans." Finest goods out
and can give you any "Point" to fit a mall with one toe or
five. Come and see our goods.
E. J. S P A C K M A N. & CO., Samrell's Block, Exeter
Creamery to be Revived.
The Exeter Creamery, which was
purchased by Mr. A. Q. Bobier, ow
popular and enterprising produce mer-
chant, and which has not been in run-
ning operation for some time, is; we
are pleased to state, to be revived in
the near future. Mr. Bobier has se-
cured a large number of patrons to
start with and we may hope to see the
once busy creamery again a scene of
bustling' activity. Mr. Bobier is to be
congratulated on ]lis enterprise.
Passed His Exams.
We are pleased to notice that Mr C.
Bowerman, son of I. Bowerman, of this
place, and who was for several years a
successful school teacher in the town-
ship of Grey, has successfully passed
his examination before the College of
Dental Surgeons of Ontario and has
been licensed to practise as a Dental
Surgeon. He has also passed for the
degree of D. D. S. and is a honor grad-
uate of Toronto University. We con-
gratulate Mr. Bowerman on his. suc-
cess and predict for him a wide and
prosperous prefession career. He has
located in Huntsville, Muskoka.
Personal Mention.
Mr. T. A. Brown and family left for
their home in Stratford en Saturday.—
Mr: Wm. Simpson, spent last week in
Parkhill.—Mr. Jas. Purdon, who re-
cently returned from the Philadelphia
Medical College, was a caller at the
ADVOCATE office on Monday. "Jim"
seems to have stood the mental pressure
pretty well. He will return again in
September to take his second term.—
Mr. M. Ellwood, of Hensall, was to town
on Sunday and Monday.—We are sorry
to state tbat Mrs. Rich. Davis, who has
been very ill the past week is at present
writing, not improving any.—Messrs,
Hagen and Dumert, of Zurich, trans-
acted business in town last week.—Mrs,.
MeEwen, of Hensall, was the guest of
Mrs. Christie the past week.—John. E.
Tom, I. P S. Goderich, was in town
Tuesday.—Mr. A. Salter, of Stratford,
visited friends in town last week.—
Messrs. Barley and Howard Thompson
and the Misses Awty, of Mitchell, spent
Sunday at the English Church rectory.
—Rev. Fred Moore, who has been sta-
tioned at Bervie, in Bruce County, for
some years was in town on Monday
shaking hands with some of his old
friends and associates. The reverend
gentlemen was driving to Morpeth to
which place he has been appointed by
the Bishop. It will be remembered
that he was a former resident of Exc•
ter, having served several months with
Mr. E. Fish as a barber, and it was here
he started his studies for the ministry
under the tuition of the Rev. S. F. Rob-
inson. He is much stouter and has
greatly changed in appearance.—Mr.
and Mrs. Thos, Snell, Huron Street,
paid Limerick a flying visit on Tues•
day last.—Mr. James Sanders, Stephen,
is, we are pleased to say, on the mend.
—Mrs Vivian, of Mitchell, is the• guest
of her parents, Mr, and Mrs. George
Brooks this week.—Mrs, Geo. Kemp
and daughter Gertie, after spending a
few days with Mrs, Wm. Ficeard, at
Seaforth, returned home on Monday:—
New "c*.(ts.''o
G. G. JOHNSTON —10'/, discount:
R. PICKARD & SON,—Clearing; sale.
J. M?1THESON.--Special ;prices.
II. BISHOP & SON, --Ensilage cern,
Exeter Council Proceedings.
The Council met pursuant to ad-
journment at the Town Hall, Exeter,
19th April, all present. Minutes of
previous meeting received and con-
firmed. Taylor—Treble, orders as fol-
lows:—Rollins & Amos $5.00 medical
examine tions of Eva Piper; Jas, Creech
$4.00 charity to Mrs. Sutton; $4.00 to
Mrs. Bartram; $2 00 to Mrs. McIntosh;
$1.50 to T. Daw; $12 50 wood for Town
Hall; Walter Westcott $1.00, labor; J.
Popplestone, 50cts do., and R. Davey
$2.00 do, Carried. The clerk to write
to F. W. Farncombe re side walk.
Carling—Harding, that tendered for
street watering be asked for. Tender to
be received up to Saturday the 27th
iust., at 7.30 p. m.—Carried. Carling
—Treble, the council to make 'a town
of inspection of streets on Friday the
26th inst., at 2 o'clock p. m,—Carling
—Treble, adjournment until Saturday
the 27th inst., at 7.30 p. m.—Carried.
M. Eacrett. Clerk.
On Monday about 5 o'clock p. m.
another of our old settlers and much
respected citizen answered the Master's
call. We refer to the late Mr. William
Woods, who died at the age of 68 years
and 7 months. Mr. Woods was one of
the earliest settlers on the 2nd conces
sion of the Township of Usborne and
was intimately associated with the
Perkins, the Martins, the Rowcliftes,
the Buswells, the Toms, the Shoots the
Handcocks, the Balrnans and other old
timers who only had in tho'e days, the
largest room •in their respective log
houses to hold their religious services
and Sunday worship. The deceased
was born in Cornwall County, England.
Soon after marriage with his first wife,
(who died in the year 1880) he emigre
ted to Canada, and up the year 1881
Lived on the homestead now occupied
by his eldest son William „Henry, and
in which a family of ten children were
born, viz: William Henry, John Samnei,
of Waskhington, Daniel, Eliza, Mrs. R.
J. Fake, Chicago; Mrs. J. Senior, Mrs.
J. H. Grieve, Charlie and Frank, all
of whom survive their parents, on leav-
ing the farm, deceased lived in the
residence now occupied by his son
Daniel and from there he lived in the
residence now occupied by Mr. Delaney
which property he exchanged for the
premises now occupied by his widow
and two children, Violet and Lillie.
The funeral took place yesterday (Wed-
nesday) and the remains were laid to
test in the Exeter Cemetery. The
bereaved family have the heartfelt
sympathy of the whole commniity in
this their sad--afd.ietion.
for parts unknown, but was captured to ashes. The letter came through the
at the above named place. He was ta• post office in the regular way and as
ken back to Ingersoll Monday where stated above as without a bona fide
he will have to answer to several charg- signature. Since receiving the Warn-
es of theft. Smith at one time resided ing note, Mr. Tully, found a strange
near Hensall key fast in one of the door locks, of his
It is stated in the report of the On- church.
tario Game and Fish Commissioners is• Shop Licenses.
sued by the Ontario Government that The following tavern and shop 11 -
until the Supreme Court decides the tenses have been granted, for the Li-
dispute between the Dommion and On- cense District, of South Huron, for
tario Governments as to which of them 1895-6. Township of Stephen—Richard
is to have the control of the inland fish. Horn and William Moffat, Centralia;
eries "all prosecutions are to be made A. Hill and W. Clark, Crediton,; Wm,
under the Dominion laws." Tinder Holt, Khiva; John Donahue, ,Mt. Car -
those laws the close season for speckled mel; James Hannan, Shipka; Joseph
trout is from the 15th of September to Brenner, Grand; Henry Willert, Dash -
the let of May, both days inclusive, and wood. Township of Usborne—Joseph
anglers who attempt to catch trout on Stephens, Woodham; Alfred Walters,
May 1st are liable to be prosecuted and Devon, Township of Hay—William
fined, Nicholson, Blake; C. Greb and H. L.
It has been definitely decided by rel. Peine, Zurich; W, R. Hodgins, Hensall.
atives and friends of William David Township of Stauley.—Henry Shaffer,
Whelter, who was sentenced to death at Kippen; William Cook, Varna; George
St. Thomas, to circulate petitions Fach, Brucefield. Township of Tucker -
throughout Western Ontario, praying smith—J. B. Weber, Egmondville;
that his senteuee be commuted to a Wm, Kyle, Tuckersmith; Chas. Witty,
term of imprisonment. It has been de- Brucetield. Village of Bayfield—Ed.
cided to circulate them at once and if Elliot, E. R. Swartz and James Pollock
successful in securing enough signa- for six months, Village of Exeter
tures they will be presented to the Min- Wm. Simpson, John Leathern, W. T.
ister of Justice. They contend that Acheson and T. W. Hawkshaw. Shop
Whelter was used as a tool by Hender- License. --Farmer Bros., and F. J
shott to carry out his devilish scheme, Knight. Seaforth—Wm. Flannagan
and on that acoountshould not have to James Diek, J. 11 McClinchy, Jame.
pay the same penalty as his co -con- Weir and T. J, Stephens. Shop.—Ed
spiritors, who they contend concocted Dawson, and wholesale H. Jackson &
the scheme for his own personal bene- Son, WM. BA.tr,ANTYrrra,
Groceries -
Wall Paper
And Dishes !
Rare Sugar 34 pounds for $1.00
Yellow do. 30 pounds for 1.00
Granulated 27 pounds for 1.00
3 pounds Biscuits 18 cents
4 pounds prunes 25 cents.
97 -piece dinner set for $1.00
China and Ironstone sets at re-
duced prices.
See our 6 -cent wall paper before
it is all gone. Fine gilt patterns
at low prices.
Dry -Goods.
Double fold Dress Goods -25 -inch.
Brown and Black Henriettas, Blue
Sevres, Ginghams, Prints a n d
Zyphers in new shades and pat-
terns, all at lowest prices,
A few more suits of men's and
boy's ready-mades, at the lowest
prices of the season.
'See our 45 -cent carpet for quality
John Matheson.
To Correspondents.
If our esteemed correspondents would
endeavor to post their budgets so as to
reach this office not later than Tuesday
evening they would confer a great fa-
vor on the ADVOCATE.
Huron Convictions
The schedule of convictions issued
by the Clerk of the Peace for the quar-
ter ending in March is one of the small-
est in the history of the County—only
14 cases in all. Eight of these were for
violations of the liquor act. but con-
victions were had in only three; aside
from these, the fines aggregated only
Mr, Rich, Harrison had a slight at-
tack of paralysis a few days ago,
but is now on the mend.
A meeting of the Exeter turf club
will be held in the Town Hall to -night
(Thursday.) All interested will please
Mr. Jas. Brown, Exeter North, is suf
feting from a severe attack of gangrene
in one of his legs and his case is report-
ed to be a critical one.
Messrs D. Weismiller, Hensall, and
Geo. Moir, of St. Paul, formerly of Ex-
eter, took an active pars as speakers,
in the political campaign in Heidi -
The cricket season promises to be a
lively one for the Exeter team. They
have already received challenges froth
the Asylum team, London, Forest,
Owen Sound and several others.
The Rector of the Triyitt Memorial
Church proposes preaching a course of,
special sermons on the old gospel, the
first will be delivered on Sunday even-
ing next on the old gospel and present
day social problems: