HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1895-4-26, Page 5Tlle Pao ze rrA BY THEeneemy At either pole tele lntensitr of aha sol heat is otuefeurth greater than, at theequa tor, because ab the pole the sun 8hinee during the whole twenty-four hours. The annual rainfall of. Geeit equals 9,300,000 hoz 11,800,000; of Fr Glad News. 77,000,000; 9 Glad 1V Ews. 000,000. They Spread The e tool 4440 raigEO,I`IERRETT ao Toronto, Ontario. As . Well as Ever After Taking Hood's Sarsaparilla Cured of a Serious' Disease. "I was suffering from what is known as Bright's disease for live years, and for days at a time I have been unable to straighten mysell up. I was in bed for three weeks; during that time I had leeches applied and derived no bene- fit. Seeing Hood's Sarsaparilla advertised in the papers I decided to try a bottle. I found relief before I had finished taking half of a bot- tle. I got so much help from taking the first bottle that I decided to try another, and since taking the second bottle f feel as well as ever I did inniylife," GEO. 11'IERRETT,Toronto, Ont. In Dreadful Condition Almost a Complete Wreck After the Grip Can Hardly Express Sufficient Grat- itude to Hood's Sarsaparilla. "C. L Hooch Sc Co., Lowell, Mass.: "Dear Sirs—I felt it my duty to let you know the good Flood's Sarsaparilla has done for me. I have been troubled with summer complaint for years, unable to do anything. I tried everything but seemed to get no relief. Then I became a victim of the grip and was left ins dreadful state, so weak I could scarcely Mork and when I did I worked inmisery. The doctor said I had Bright's disease. My kidneys were in dreadful condition. I found one of your papers at my door, and on reading It decided to HOOD' Sarsaparilla CUR give Hood's Sarsaparilla a trial, thinking at the time it was not much use as nothing helped me before. But, thank God, I got relief after the first bottle. I kept on taking it and used five bottles ; am now a cured man; never felt better. I have loudly recommended Hood's Sarsapa- rilla, for I owe my life to it and nope this may be the means of leading others to give it a fair trial." JOSHUA. SMITa, Norwich Ave., Wood- stock, Ontario. Hood's Pills cure liver ills, constipation, jaundice, biliousness. sick headache, indigestion. Ald. John Hallam left on Friday for a three weeks' business trip in Eng- land. Rheumatism Cur ed. Rheumatism is.eaused by lactic acid in the blood attacking the fibrous tissues of the joints. Keep you blood pure and healty and you will not have rhenmat• ism. IIood's Sarsaparilla gives the blood vitality and richness and tones the whole body, neutralizes the acidiy of the blood and thus cures rheumatism. Hood's Pills are best after-dinner pills, assist digestion, cure headabhe.' Mr. Bernard Mcllharging had a bi- cycle stolen from him last week on Temperance street. Peso's Remedy for Catarrh is the Best, Easiest to Use, and Cheapest. CA,r Sold by druggists or sent by mai 50c. E. T. Hazeltine. Warren, Pa. W. S. Collins and Company commis- sion merchants, Toronto, have assigned to Richard Tew For Over Fifty Years. AN OLD AND WELL -TRIED REMEDY.—Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children whole teething, with per- fect success. It soothes the child., softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic and is the best remedy for Diarrhma. is pleasant to the taste, Sold by Druggists In. every part of the World, Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be sure and ask for Mrs, Winslow's Soothing Syrup and take no other kind At Tuesday's Police Court, Thomas a 'airbanks and Thomas Bulmer were committed to the asylum as lunatics. Loudon, Huron and Bruce. TIME TABLE. GOINGNosvla— Passenger. London, depart Centralia EXETER Mensal]. Kippen Brucefie ld Clinton Londosboro Blyth Belgrave Win ghare arrive 8.05 A of 9.07 9,22 9.37 9.44 9.52 10.12 10.29 10:38 10.52 11.10 4.30 r M 5,47 6.00 615 6,20 6.28 6.85 7,14 7,23 7 37 8.00 GOING SOUTH— Passenger Wingham, depart 8.35 A 3t 3.25 r M Bolgrave 6,50 3.47 Blyth 7.03 4.01 Londesboro. 710 4,08 Clinton 7.30 4,28 Brucefield r, .,- :•,•-r~-n•-^77.49 446 Rippon ................:... . • 7.57 4,53 Hen call .............:8 03 4.58 EXETER 8.25 5.; 2 Centralia 8.40 5.23 Hon,ohn Costigan was banqueted by frietips at Kingston. FOR TWENTY-FIVE YEARS. DU.N N'S BAKIN POWDE Paines Celery Compound Makes Them Well. After Suffering for 18 Years The GreatSpring Medicine Cures Mrs. G. H. Parker.)) Eighteen'years of intense suffering, tisappoietment and anxiety! Failure after failure with doctors and "oPthless me dines made life sad and dreary for Mrs. G. H. Parker, Winona, Ont. .410i i4 After some persuasion, Mrs. Parker was induced to give Paine's Celery Compound a fair arsilhnnest trial. What happy grand:results! Such a victory over sutl,'rl g! f`nmpleteeure and renewed healthll -+;r Y The following is Mrs. Parker's unso- licited testimony:— "I have been a great sufferer from neuralgia for near'.y eighteen years; these sufferings at tunes were so bad that words would fail to describe them After having tried every known rem. ody, and different physicians, and re- ueivi SE' no help I was persuaded to try our Paine's Celery Compound, which I have been using for the past four months. I am happy to say that I am ow a d 'rc'rt'rit woman and cmmnletely cured. I can recommend your Paine's Celery Compound to all my friends, for it has been worth hundreds of dollars t0 inc." GATHERINGS OF SCIENCE. Water is composed of oxygen and hy- drogen in the proportion of one volume of the former gas to two volumes of the lat- ter. No bird can fly backward without turn- ing. The dragon fly, however, can do this and outstrip the swallow in speed. If a man who weighs 168 pounds were proportionately as strong as a flying beetle of the cockchafer family, he would be able to push along level ground a weight equal to 131 tons. Dr, Jules Rochard, in a paper read be- fore the French academy of medicine, says that prussic acid is among the active prin- ciples that pass into the smoke of a cigar undergoing combustion. A collection of eighty thousand stuffed birds will be one of the attractions of a museum now in' course of erection et Ley- den, Hollaud. The building will, in size, outrank anything of the kind in the world, except the British museum. THE FASHIONS. White satin and white chiffon is the ileal combination for a bridal petticoat. Chinese muslin is a pretty new material, and it comes both plain and figured a la pompadour. WOMEN IN DOUBT SHOULD TAKE PENNYROYAL WAFERS To correct irregularity and weakness, keep the organs' n healthy condition. The Wafers are 'Igo Savors' to young women, aid graceful development, provide pain- less, regular periods. Ask for The Detroit brand. All druggists sell them at Al per boa. No butter remedy for women known, To Smokers To meet the wishes of their cusstomers The Geo. E. Tuckett and Son Co. Ltd., Hamilton. Ont., have placed upon the market A Combination Plug of "T. & B" Smoking Tobacco. This supplies a long. felt want, giving the consumer one 20 cent plug, or a 10 cent piece or a 5 cent piece of the famous "TA B" brand of pure Virginia Tobacco. The tin tag "T & B" is on every piece Christie's C MMERCIAL LIVERY. First-class Rigs and Horses Orders left at Hawkshaw'm Hotel, or at the Livery Stable,(Christe'sold Stand') will receive prompt at- tention. . , . . iepe, Terme lleuaorablo e Connhonaetron THECOOK'SBEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CANADA, aok'sCottouRoot COMPOUND. A recent discovery by an old physician. Successfully used monthly by thousands 'of Ladies. Is the only perfectly sato and reliable medicine die covered. Beware of unprincipled druggists who offer inferior medicines in place of this. Ask for Cook's Cotton Root (7ompound, take aesttbsti tuts, or heilose EI and d contain postage In letter and we wiileend, sealed, by return mail. Fulreeaded partiouisrs in pilin envelope, to Indies only, 2 stomps. Address The Cook Company, windsor.Ont., Canada The opening o in Lapland durin stantly followed storm, the condensed flakes.. In 1084 nearly all the bird were killed by the coli. Wolves ante Vienna and other large cities, and, driven by hunger, attacked the people in the streets. The only knowledge we have of the air currents from ten to one hundred miles 009,00fn,40 tit414 t& sy' a •artrl, rU' • will br1 r r ratulto $Uo o Ili'ug' In' a't elf tile••; be°large : . Q9een `Iii thil9k and aontlkisp q10be above the earth's surface is what,has been gained From watching the luminous trains left by meteors. The cold of the Dominion seems to dim- inish with an increase of popglation. Be- tween 1828 and 1837 Hudson's bay was olosed all average of one hundred and eighty-four days every year; now its ice lasts one hundred and seventyniue days. NOTES OF THE FOOTLIGHTS. Peppa and Lotta Invernizzi are delight- ing Paris with. dances in ancient style. Of the twenty girls who sang recently at a Marches; concert in Paris seven were Americans. Accounts of a recent sale of music hall shares in London show a general depreci- ation in values. Thirteen members of the English Cin- derella company have secured engagements in this country. Au Amsterdam choir of twenty singers recently gave a concert in London to an audience of thirty-four. A syndicate of capitalists is to build a 81,000,000 theatre near the corner of Mon- roe and Clark streets, Chicago, '_Hiss Frances E. Willard suggests a Christian theatre—one conducted in a way that religious papers could advertise and recommend, CURRENCY. A tax was levied on cats in Persia until a few years ago. There are 13,000,000 men of military age in the United States. The size of a woman's shoe should be just half that of her glove. The normal weight of the liver is between three and four pounds. The largest tobacco warehouse in the world is at Louisville, Ky. A deer hunt. with a comical termina- tion, was lately witnessed in Meath, Ire- land. The game, being hotly pressed, plunged into the sea and swum to an island a mile distant. "'Steam-beated,' as it appears on the signs of flats and buildings of one sort or another," said a citizen, "seems just now almost a superfluity; but it will be all right next winter." OVER LAND AND 'SEA. One hundred lakes in the Tyrolese Alps have subsided and disappeared within the last century. Mount Logan, in Alask, nineteen thous. and five hundred feet high, it is now claim- ed is the highest mountaiu in America. A great bridge over the Seine bearing theatres and houses will be one of the chief attractions of the Paris exposition in 1900. A long-distance telephone Iine between Madrid and Barcelohia, a distance of five hundred miles, will be completed in two or three months. Chicagoans per capita are not as well policed as Londoners, the police in Chica- go numbering only 2,726 for 1,600,000 people against Loudon's 13,814 for 5,000,- 000 population. NOTABLE MEN. The sultan of Johore wears an electric light in his shirt front. Liszt's great skill with the piano was in part due to his immetise industry. For years he practiced ten hours a day. The Bookman makes the astonishing an- nouncement that no book of Mr. Ruskin's has ever been translated and published in a foreign language. Mme. Blanc says that Bret Hart is, of all the American authors of the time, the most popular in France, and that Howells is not generally liked by the French. A Paris journal says that the American artist, Mr. Thotnas Shields•Clarke, at present resident in Paris, pursues five dif- ferent ,,ranches of art in five different studios. HORTICULTURAL HINTS. Attempt to grow no more fruit than you can prop sly attend to. Varie'ies will not run out if strict care le the selection of seed is exercised, Tine southern grown pole bean clings to the pole better than northern grown, old- dist. go for l copy- is owned ighteen inehes t'ee pounds, and tof congratulation Jubilee. ti papers there are andrinagazines printed in Gerin =n 1891 there were 3,443; in 1890, 3,204; in 1889, 2,982, and in 1888, 2,729. There has been an increase since last year, therefore, of 95, and since 1828 of 809. AROUND THE GLOBE. The best Chinese razors are made of old horseshoes. Artesian borings have recently proved successful in Sahara. The British ship Berean, which recently rounded Cape Horn, experienced the phenomenon of a heavy cloud of dust at sea. The highest viaduct in the world has just been erected in Bolivia over the river Lea, 9,883 feet above the sea level and 4,008 feet above the river. India furnishes a market for large num- bers of white diamonds, as well as for yel- low or colored diamonds, -or stones with flaws or specks in them. The natives in- vest their savings in them and other preci- ous gems, as we do in stocks and shares. PRETTY THINGS IN GLASS. Oblong salvers narrow rather than long curve gracefully on the sides and have a light festooned edge. I Some fruit bowls are basin -shaped with raised flutes half way np, and a plain lus- trous border above. A large flaring fruit dish has a smooth surface and the ornamentation is formed by the perforations.• A fruit dish intended for an apple or two, a few peaches and a bunch of grapes and suitable for only a very small dinner is platelike and mounted on a central standard. The edge of the receptacle is a rich band of raised work with perfor- ations, and the dish has a distinct stamp , of elegance.—Jeweler's Circular. A cool room above ground is bettor for milk than a cellar, and it should always be remembered that milk should not stand near vegetables, fish or meat of any kind, as it invariably absorbs the flavor of what is near it. A MUSICIAN'S CORNER. The snare drum was brought into Eu- rope by the Saracens about 709 A. D. Two thousand pounds was the fancy price paid for a Stradivarius violin in ex- cellent preservation recently at Stuttgart. It is asserted that all of the 81,200,000 '.royalty on Mocdy and Sankey's Gospel Hymns has been devoted to charitable purposes. The late Prince Albert was an accom- plished musician, and composed much music. A collection of this will shortly be published by Queen Victoria. Gilmore, the bandmaster, besides being a wonderfully swift music penman, had the largest stock of orchestral scores in the world. The cash value of his musical library is estimated at over 850,000. ODDS AND ENDS. Berlin is having its doors numbered with luminous figures visible at night. The Swedish mile is 11,666 yards long and the Vienna post mile is 8,296 yards. French -sneaking Canadians embrace 29.4 per cent. of the population of Can- ada. Only citizens who are able to read and write have the power to vote in Bolivia and several other South American re- publics. At the castle of Simonetta, in Italy, there is claimed to be an angle in the building which re-echoes a pistol shot sixty-one times. SCRAPS OF SCIENCE. 'Five volumes of air contain one volume of oxygen. The moon is apparently brought within fifty miles of the earth by the largest telescope. The total work performed by the hu- man body during five hours mountain climbing is equal to 1,326,000 foot pounds, not counting other forces exerted, which Dr, Bne;leister says will run the grated total up to 1,380,000 foot pounds. Carbonic acid gas, which is elected in large qunntities from the earn is being nti ;zed in several localities. At Burg - hyoid, near Coblentz, a carbonic acid spring ripened during, boring operations, and which is eight inches wide and some thirty or forty fret high, is being used • n the impregnation of mineral waters, HAPPY CHILDREN Be . ... . Guarded Because their clothes look new and neat. An old frock or suit can be changed into a new one by a ten -cent package of Diamond Dyes raid they come in more than forty colors and are made for home use. The method is easy and the result permanent: Sold everywhere. Direction Book And forty samples of dyed clots seat free. Wxt.t,>f Ot .IttcHAxaoor+ Cor Mantrei i, when buying your dyes See that your dealer hands you out the Diamond Dyes. INSIST ,,,,....,,.UPOl'.,,.. THIS. 000 at o:caTvM! 7wur ro aelnee vo seal+; Jl Jt u ui i 's1s!2$nzct lie dq PloS s;zos Ill,;o spend .to; a;oplllxw deem;-.Innatr v sc41 'Frog ;n baw7�� Nllid . da ituaa ;o oll3oq 13 claw( no,i ;I ems rip 2nrurrns uT nese 0.05 noii lnf 'o; deep.e ass slain; poo2 Xuern sV goecistrwitamee-'21eSer WOOD'S 3P COS; artoo DTNI . The Great English Remedy.. Six Packages Guaranteed to promptly, and permanently euro all, forms of Nervous Weakness, Emissions,Sperns- atorncea, Impotency and all etlects of Abuse or Excesses, Matra Worry, excessive use Before and After. of Tobacco, Opium. or Sttmu. (ants, which soon lead to In- firmity, Insanity, Consumption and an early grave Has been prescribed over 36 years in thousands of cases; is the only Reliable and Honest Medicine known. Ask druggist for Wood's Phosphodine; it he offers some worthless medicine in piece of this, inclose price in letter, and we will send by return mall Price, one package, 51; six, 55, One will please, six will cure. Pamphlets free to any address. The Wood Company, Windsor, Ont., Canada, Sot ° T- • ter by W. Browning, Druggits Jo♦jre5,9or t'ke itlieurna4ru tIVI chi aril J1u,5cular Pain again Celt Why nor Cry rile. Mentlioi Plaster, my wife,,got me one. ;.'cured like make For a long time I suffered with Rheumatism in the Back so severely that I could not even sit straight. Illy wife advised a D. & L. 1llenthol Plaster. I tried it and was soon going about all right. S. 0. GUM, Sweet's Corners. Price 25o.• ____ TOPICS OF''A WEEK. Tile Important Events In a Few' Wordy For Busy headers. Morden lost two hotels and a number of stores by fire on, Saturday. The report that ex -Detective Fahey is to be released from penitentiary is without foundation. The Lake Erie & Detroit River Railroad Station at Merlin was burned on Friday, with two freight cars. 1 r tncis P'geon met his death at Wis- ner's distillery in Prescott on Monday by falling into a tub of water. La Gascogne, the long missing steamer, arrived safely at New York on Monday. Her machinery was out of order. H. M. S. Rambler will be added to the North American squadron this year. She is a third-class gunboat. Mrs. James Thompson of Camille was fatally hurt by a bullet from a rifle in the hands of the hired man on Saturday. STATISTICAL STATEMENTS. Four men in every six use tobacco. The 23.000 newspapers in America em- ploy 200,000 men. There are nearly 3,000 stitches in a pair of hand -sewed boots. One third of the deaths among American Indians are due to consumption. The Johnsons outnumber the Smiths by 700, in the Chicago directory. The men employed in a Michigan basket factory make a grape -basket apiece each minute. The largest sum ever asked or offered for a single diamond was 82,150,000,which the prince of Hyderabad, in India, agreed to give the jeweler who then owned the Imperial, which is considered the finest stone in the world. A LITTLE HUMOR. Hazy -Did you ever contribute to the press? Mary (blushingly)—I have turned down the light sometimes.—Chicago Sun. "As terrible as an army with banners" has no reference to the political parade, although the banners are terrible enough. —N. Y. Herald. Brown—I was looking for' `mud;"but is this dictionary the letter "m" is torn out. —Fogg—Why not look under "water?" That's the place to fled mud.—Boston Transcript. A peculiarity of their kind.—Manufac- turer—What makes you think electric clocks should sell so freely? Drummer— They're all to be charged, are they not?— Jeweler's Weekly. THE FAR EAST. Pekin boasts of 80,000 beggars. A dwarf residing at Shigaken, Japan, is 36 years old and but 17 inches high. The officials of the Chinese empire are divided into nine different grades or clas- ses, distinguishable from one another by the button worn on the cap. Mount Ararat, the resting place of the Scriptural ark, is in reality, two moun- tains separated by a valley. The highest peak is 17,210 feet and the lesser 13,000 feet above sea level. MISCELLANEOUS PARAGRAPHS. The Greek pike was twenty-four feet long. Itis said that a nugget of gold worth 815 was picked up the other day in the diggings at Byron, Me. Fisher Crotzer, of Montgomery county, Tenn., is 75 years old and voted but twice in hie life, A single glass eye can rarely be wcIrn more than a year without being polished, fot the surface becomes roughened by the action of the tears, etc., and irritates the lids as they rub over it. A LESSON iN HISTORY. Mohammed began the Koran at thirty- five. The folding envelope was first used in, the year 1839. English books were first printed by Cax- ton le the year 1474. Diamond cutting by machinery wad first done In Holland in 1489. The Br.a n*ford IS HANDLED BY PERKINS AND MARTIN, AGENTS FOlt BICYCLES, SEWING MACHINES, ORGANS, ETC, The Brantford won —239 first prizes, —143 second " 88 third -' and holds nearly ever. - Championship from the Atlantic to the Pacific. Perkins & Martin. A. HAS:M SCS, e ----Proprietor °o THE CENTRAL BARBER SHOP, HAIRCUTTING, SHAMPOOING and HAIRCUTTING. La dies' and Children's Haircutting aspecialty A. HAISTINGS, Fanson's Block. EXETER '-•-•1®. PORK PACKING HOUSE. Live Hogs wanted that will. will weigh from 120 to 220 pounds each. I am selling at the Packing House Store, spare fibs, tenderloin cut- tings, pickled pigs' feet, pressed tongue, head cheese, sausage, ba- con, dried beef and pork. As I haye engaged Mrs,Harness to attend to this parr, our custom- ers will find all to he first class in every respect at lowest cash prizes. Now is the time to get your crock or pail filled with pure lard as prices are liable to go up. C. SNELL, = Prop. Tlie People's CUTTER & FITTER A.J.SNELL MERCHANT TAILOR, Main St,, - - - Exeter. Tweeds and Worsteds. I have a complete line of samples of all the latest designs and patterns in English, Scotch, Canad- ian and American Tweeds. Trouserings, Suitings, Coating,., A. J SNELL YOU (arts GO 10 SLEEP �N CHURCH IF YOU'VE GOT A BAD COUGH. II A quirk FMeeksasir Cure for An ob5fin ee (ough,Co1 Ho or t'senesli Bronchitis ECTORAL 811 Bottle 251