HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1895-4-19, Page 5Like a. Miracie In Very Low Condition With Consumption Physicians Said She Was in- curable Wonderful Results Frorn Taking Hood's Sarsaparilla. Sow .11Fiss .FTaavna,h Wyatt Toronto, Ont. "Dour years ago while hi the olcl country (England ), my daughter Hannah was sent away from the hospital, as the doctors there could de nothing to help her, and said she would never bo any better. Sho was in a very low condition with consumption of the lungs and bowels, and weak action of the heart. The trip across the water to this country seemed to make her feel better for a while. Then she began to get worse, and for 14 weeks she was unable to get off the bed. She grew worse for five months and Lost the Use of Her Limbs and lower part of body, and if she sat up in bed had to be propped up with pillows. She would go ten clays without a movement of the bowels. A11 medicine seemed to do ler no good. She would have spells when lier heart would Pain her, and then, with the outside door open in mid -winter, would faint away. Physicians, tiler holding a consultation, Said She Was Past All Help and wantecl me to send her to the 'Home for Incurables.' But I said as long as I could hold my hand up she should not go, and about this time a kind neighbor came in and asked me to get a bottle of flood's Sarsaparilla and try it. We did so and she has taken the medicine regularly. She is getting strong, walks around, is out doors every day; has no trouble with her throat and no cough, and her heart seems to be all right again. She has a first class appetite, Sarsaparilla CUR is gaining in flesh as well as strength, and does not look pale. Our doctor says he is glad. she took Hood's Sarsaparilla as it has done so much for her. We regard her curd as nothing short of a miracle." W. WTATT,' 89 Marion Street,. Parkdale, Toronto, Ontario. N. B, If you decide to take Hood's Sarsapa- rilla, do not be induced to buy any other. Hood's Pills are purely vegetable and perfectly harmless. Sold by all druggists. 25% Jacob Brock, an elderly resident of Port Elgin, was found dead, hanging to a beam in his barn. Plso's Remedy for Catarrh is the Best, Easiest to Use, and Cheapest. Sold by druggists or sent by mail, Soc. E. T. Hazeltine. Warren, Pa. Farr, the engineer arrested at Winni- peg' on a charge of trying to burn up his dwelling and family, escaped from the police station. A humorous Feet ,About Hood's Sarsaparilla -it expels bad humor and creates good humor. A battle for blood is what Hood's Sarsag, arilla vigorously fights, and it is al- ways victorious in expelling foul taints and giving the vital fluid the quality and quantity of perfect health. It cures scofula, salt rheum, boils and other blood diseases. Flood's Pills act easily; yet promptly and efficently on the bowels and liver. 25c. Mrs. John Sims, an aged lady resid- ing with her husband in Woodstock was frilled by escaping gas from a coal stove. Conveiit ot lVc Rely Names Jeus_anif '11Ia R P!easing at1flIarve1Ious R000r a Cit EucatioaI IsIi1u1ion. 15 ar of a pen - 5praiis, and all. pains, external. or internal, are instant- ly relieved by PERRY DAVIS' Testimony of the Highest Possible Character. For Over Fifty YL ears• AN OLD AND WELL -TRIED REMEDY. -Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with per - feet success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. is pleasant to the taste, Sold by Druggists In. every part of the World. Twenty-five cents a bottle, Its value is inealoulable. Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup .and take no other kind London, Huron and Bruce. TIME TABLE. GOIa4 NO1TR-- Passenger. London, depart 8.05 A Df 4.30 r 15 Centralia 9.07 5,47 ' EXETER 9.22 6.00 Mensal]. 9.37 615 :Kippen 9 44 6,20 .Brncefieid 9.52 6.28 Clinton 10.12 6.55 Londesboro 10,29 7.14 Blyth 10.38 7.23 Belgrave 10.52 7 37 Wingham arrive11.10 8.00 GOING SOUTH- Passenger `Wingham, depart 6.35 A sr 3.2.5 r M Bolgrave 6 50 9.47 Blyth 7.03 4.01 Londesboro 7.10 4,08 Clinton 7.80 4,28 Brucefield7.49 4 46 Kippon 7.57 4,53 EXETER ..................... 8.26 4.5 5.12 Centralia 8,40 5.28 Hon John Oostigan was banqueted by frienps at Kingston. PAINE'S CELERY COMPOUND AND ITS GOOD WORK. FOR TWENTY-FIVE YEARS. DUNN'S BAKINC POWDER THE COOKS BEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. The Sisters. Call it the "Yonder -working Med- icine," and Strongly Recommend Its Use. No medicine in the world has e ver earned or received the high and un- stinted praise that has justly accorded to Paine's Celery Compound. Testi mouials (many of them of uncertain authenicity and questionable veracity) appear each week, advocating the use of medicines, worthless and of no value to the sick and suffering. Paine's Celery Compound stands on a summit of fame, far removed from all the deceptive medicines of the day. Its letters of testimony come from the best people, and from institutions whose names are synonymous with honor and uprightness. Among the large and noted institu tions whose people have been blessed by the curing and healing, virtues of Paine's Celery, is the "Convent of the Holy Names," in the city of Montreal. This thorough and magnificently equipped institution of learning, is amongst the largest of the kind on this continent, and has over thirty branch houses in Canada and United St ates After a thorough trial of Paine's Cel- ery Compound in the head house, by sisters who suffered from their troubles that make human life miserable, and seeing the truly grand results -health, vigor, strength and strong nerves -It was deemed advisable in the interests of suffering humanity, to make a dee laration that would give comfort. as- surance and hope to all suiferers in the land. The sisters have kindly and graciously written as follows:- 0We feel it a duty to add our testi- mony in favor of your "wonder work ing" Paine's Celery Compound. Many sisters suffering from dyspepsia, sleepie- ness and indigestion, have been com- pletely relieued after taking it. "We shall strcng'ly recommend its use in all our houses, as the best medi- cine to restore health, and give tone and vigor to the nervous system. Mitchell: Dr. A. F. McKenzie, who has practised in Toronto for the past five years, has decided to locate here Mitchell: Constable John S. Coppin took Shean, the sheep thief, down to Kingston penitentiary on Friday. His ankles and wrists were in irons. On Ms way he made some admissions of guilt. Had his wife told him, be said. thatSnowden had been over the farm looking for Whyte's sheep he would never have been caught for he had $40 in his pocket and could easily have made good his escape, When asked who the third party was that engaged in the stealing he denied that there were more than two. There was not a doubt of the prisoner's guilt from the first, but these admissions settle ,the matter be- yond question, WOMEN IN DOUBT SHOULD TAKE PENNYROYAL WAFERS To correct irregularity and weakness, keep the organsin healthy condition. Tho Wafers are "Lae Savors" to young women. aid graceful development, provide pain. leas, regular periods. Ask for Tho Detroit brand. All druggists sell them at Si per box. No bettor remedy for woman known. To Smokers To meet the wishes of their cusstomers The Geo, E. Tuckett and Son Co, Ltd., Hamilton, Ont., have placed upon the market A. Combination Plug of "T811 B" Smoking.Tobacco. This supplies a long felt wadi, giving the consumer one 20 cent plug, or a 10 cent piece or a 5 cent piece of the famous "T & B" brand of pure Virginia Tobacco. The tin tag "T & B" is on every piece Christie's .� COMMERCIAL LIVERY. First-class Rigs and Horses Orders left at Hawkshaw's Hotel, or at the Livery Stable,(Christe'sold Stand) will receive prompt at- tention . T Telephone erms BeasonConnection ion ook'sCottonRooi ""`"COMPOUND. A recent discovery by an old physician. Successfully used monthly by thousands of Ladies. Is the only perfectly safe and rolinble medicine dia. Covered. Beware of unprinCtpled druggists who otter inferior ltodtotnes in plaeo of this. Ask for Cookr o ' Cotton hoot tiompotind, take no sumer• lute, er inclose In and 8 cents In postage In letter and we will send, seated, by return matt. Fulldeated particulars In plain envelope, to ladies only, 2 .temps. ,Address The Cool[ Company, Windsor, OM., C4nerd$. FARMING IN FOREIGN LANDS. The government of South Africa is im- porting English hackney stallions for breeding purposes. • Vanilla culture is increasing on the island of Reunion, in the Indian ocean, the export of product being nearly 100 tons yearly, The despised rabbit of Australia is being anxiously inquired for by the British army contractor, who sees a possible supply of cheap and wholesome food for the army in that direction. The grape and wine industry in Hun- gary is suffering greatly from phylloxera and black rot. The vintage has steadily decreased, year by year, that of last year being only three -eights of the annual aver- age of fifteen years ago. The experiments of flax -growing for seed and fiber in south Australia has prov- ed eminently satisfactory, far exceeding expectations. It is expected that a much larger area will be devoted to flax culture, and possibly other fiber plants. The director of the government farm at Nariad, India, reports officially that cotton from American seed has proved a failure in India, after long and repeated trials. He recommends, therefore, that the culti- vation should stop, and indigenous vagi• eties be cultivated instead. LITTLE CURIOUS THINGS. 1\1`..7„ who birthday, is einber of the obably the oldest living rel+ : ?+' 'baton, recently cele- brated his 86th birthday. He is the pet of his aunt, Mine. Wilkinson, `Tho is hale and hearty in her 102d year. Thomas Gormley, aged 104 years, was knocked down and had his shoulder brok- en by a horse car in New York recently. Notwithstanding his. great age, Mr. Gorm- ley is said to be in such splendid health that he will recover from the accident. Elijah Bryan, of Nevada, Mo., who is now in his 95th year, es a youth helped to defend the homes of the Missouri settlers against the raids of Black hawk's war- riors, His fancily is related to that of Daniel Boone, and he owns an old flint• lock gun which was a favorite with the frontiersman. The first oil well in America was dis- covered on a small mountain farm in Wayne county, Ky., in the year 1829. In the year 1261 a tithe was laid upon all Wales' tongues brought into Bayonne, they being at that time highly esteemed as food. Indian corn, or maize, never has an un- even number of rows of grains, because it has opposite radicals of growth from the cob centre. Delplaine gives figures to prove that the planet earth has supported 66,627,842,237,- 075,266 6,627,842,237,- 075,266 human inhabitants ` since the be- ginning of time. According to M. Flammarion, the great astronomer, the mean temperature of Paris for the past six years has been two degrees below the normal. ' Stonemasons will probably get a better idea of the immense size of the Great Pyramid when then they learn that it con- sists of 89,028,000 cubic feet. In Persia the women of fashion paint black circles around each eye and orna- ment the cheeks with figures of various small animals, bugs, eta. LOOKOUT FOR. BIRDIE. Tiais old remedy is known,, used and sold everywhere. COst it and keep It by you, Hard -billed birds are those which live on seeds. Soft -billed birds do not live on seeds, but on insects and prepared food. Feed very little sweet stuffs, it spoils the digestion, and then the bird's health is gone. Hard -billed birds need little for food besides seed and occasionally a bit of let- tuce, apple or celery, Moulting cannot be called a disease since it is a natural process of providing the bird with new plumage. A bird should be given its bath, its food and a clean cage at the salve hour each day, and by the same person. After a bird takes his /eater bath he should have a wan bath if there is a spot iu the house where the sun shines. Cattle bone is an important article of diet for hard -billed birds. There is a salty taste to it which seems to be a tonic for feathered bipeds. The health of all birds depends npon three things, regularity in being fed and given its bath, good food and absolute pro- tection from draughts. OTHER LANDS THAN OURS- • Mr, Labouohere carries his radioalism so far as to refrain from giving the readers of his paper any information of the birth of an heir to the throne. Since he won the derby, Lord Rosebery has also bagged first and second prizes for shorthorn cows, four first and one second for sheep and a first a:.d second prize for Pigs. Sir Edward Burne Jones confesses ,.that the only one of his paintings which wearied him was his most famous "The " He declares that he Golden Stairs." F got "so tired of those girls," The number of reindeer owned by a Laplander in Sweden varies to a consider- able degree. The poor roay have from three Hundred to seven hundred, end the rich Laplander will keep one thousand, and even five thousand. CURIOUS CONDENSATIONS. The "devil's looking glass" is a smooth stone formation one hundred feet wide, and rising two hundred feet oat of the Nolachucay river in Tennessee. The Hindoo god of marriage is repre- sented with a human body and elephant's head, seated on a throne resting on a circle of human skulls. Thirty-five years ago Mrs. Milton Steven- son, of Georgetown, Ky., ran a piece of broken glass into her hand. Last week the glass was taken out at the elbow. The New Jersey society of Cincinnati devotes the income of a fund of thirty thousand dollars for the marking of places• in that state made historic by the war of the revolution. There is a wild flower in Turkey that is the exact image of a humming bird. The breast is green, the wings are a deep rose color, the throat yellow, the head and beak rlhnost black. At the lunch given by the municipality of Rome to the physicians who attended the recent international congress, six thousand bottles and three hundred and sixty flasks of wine were consumed. THE GREAT ARTIST. Rembrandt's real name was Rembrandt Hermanszoon. He was the son of a mil- ler. IYfiguard was a doctor who abandoned his pill boxes for the palette and brushes, Correggio, in spite of the greatness of his works, lived and died. in almost pitiful poverty. Falcone was the first great battle -paint. er, Ile was a turbulent character, and more than once was expe'led by the auth- orities of Naples for parti.apating in re• volutionary movements. Cimabue'a Madonna, now in the Church of S. Maria Novella in Florence, when finishedt was carried from his house to the church in solemn procession, with bands of music and great pomp. , Udine was the greatest fruit, flower and animal painter of the fifteenth century. Ile gave the same attention to botany and zoology that Michael Angelo gave to anat- omy, and with the same results. HINTS FOR THE CUISINE. A.11 young meats should be well cooked. Veal cntlets are improved by a tomato sauce poured over them. Fish and eggs are the diet for summer. no nature 'plainly intimated when she pro- vided them in such plenty at this season. Peas a L'Angiaise.--•Boil the peas until tender, and put them into a saucepan, aI- lowing an ounce of butter to a pint of peas. Set on the stove, stir gently till thoroughly hot; add a little chopped parsley and the yolk of one egg, and serve. Velvet Cake. -One pound of flour, one peund of sugar, half a pound of butter, five eggs beaten separately, then poured together and beaten again, half a tea- spoonful of soda, a teaspoonful of cream of tartar; flavor with vanilla, wineglass of wine or brandy. MISSING LINKS. WOOD'S PBCOSY"1 ODIN1B. The Great English Remedy. Six Packages Guaranteed to promptly, and permanently cure an forms of Nervous Weakness, Eeiissions,Sper•m- atorr hce, impotence and all effects of Abuse or Excesses Mental Worry, excessive use Before and After, °PTobacco , Opium or Stimu- lants, which soon lead to its. jlrmity, Insanity, Consumption and an early Grave Has bean prescribed over 36 years in thousands of cases; is the only Reliable and Honest Medicine known. Ask druggist for Wood's Phosphodlne; if he offers some worthless medicine in plane of this, inclose price in letter, and we will send by return mull Price, ono package, $1; six, 55. One will please, star will cure. Pamphlets free to any address, The Wood Company, Windsor, Oat., Canada. Soldin Exeter by T. W. Browning, Druggits The lungs hold five quarts of air. England has a tax on gravestones. A heavy dew is the precursor of rain. Queen Anne invented newspaper duties. A flash of lightning equals 12,000 horse power. A single hair will bear a weight of 1,150 grains. 1 1882 CI i lose tnbjeeta paid $24 000 . 000 taxes on land, Mrs. Mack, who is being tried in Ham ilton for uttering counterfeit U. S. pos- tage stamps, may be extradited and tried in Buffalo. A. telegraph messenger boy in Pem- broke named John Harvey was caul ht in the belth.g of the machinery on Beatty's sash factory in that town, and was killed almost ii.stau •ly• N AOFEF110. SCIATICA,-PHEU MATIS M 'NEURAL,GlA AIN,S IN BACK (ASIDE Ofd ANYMUSCUL1 AINI • 145 IN'USING isi5t r S Ala fit+ Pox" 50LDfrtiareinte 25a J% ENTHOL PLASTER it is thougl t by investigators of the snb- ject that the soil has much to do with the flavor of melous. HAIRCUTTING. The tomato has been greatly changed in form by cultivation, but it is the same old Ladies' and. Children's Haircutting a specialty tomato in flavor. A. HAISTINGS, Fanson's Block. It is claimed that if the green plants of celery are weeded out the constitution and EXETER size of the vegetable will be injured. -i Tia nff ord Ic-G1 , IS HANDLED BY PERKINS p� AND• MARTIN, AGENTS FOli BICYCLES, SEWING MACHINES, ORGANS, ETC. The Brantford Won - 281) first prizes, - 148 ss'eond SS third and holds nearly every Championship from the Atlantic to the Pacific, Perkins & Martin. A. HASTINCS, Proprietor o THE CENTRAL BARREIR SHOP. HAIRCUTTING, SHAMPOOING and INDUSTRIAL ITEMS. The manufacture of artificial granite is now a California industry. As yet there have been discovered but two processes for enameling cast-iron_®��� A new and valuable method of coating aluminum with other metals has been per- fected in Germany. Coke is better than coal, and charcoal better still for producing intense heat, be- cause of the larger percentage of carbon they contain. The efficiency of bobbins for preparing cotton is now much increased by forming their tubular body part of corrugated sheet metal. St. Marys: While Mr. Wesley H. Rea of the Sth con. Blanshard near Metro- politan was cutting wood at a bee on Friday he accidentally put a gash in his right foot requiring several stitches, PORK BACKING Blanshard: A very curious and yet a contageous disease has been rampant among a number of herds of swine on the 10th con. and surrounding, locality, extending to some herds in the suburbs of Grantee. The disease has worked much havoc among the swine, causing the animals to suffer excruciating pain by crippling them up on their fore legs Three experts, viz W. D. Dinsmore, Wm. S Dinsmore and Richard Bilyea were called upon to make a thorough analysis of the disease but they did not agree. The two former claiming that it was inflammatory rheumatism, while Richard pronounced it a disease of the foot. After holding a consultation it was thought best before a verdict was reached that 1lorece, German, of Gran- ton, should be consulted in the matter. Horace went over all the evidence and into every symptom of sciatica and prescribed the following prescription: Give one teaspoonful of sulphur every other day for two weeks; then turn the head out on grass The judges thought the result beneficial. Get the Best; they are only . Ten Cents. The only pure, harmless and adulter- ated dyes for home use, are Diamcnd Dyed. Each package colors from one to eight pounds of goods for ten cents. Each color of Diamond Dyes will give from three to. eight beautiful and hand- some shades The full and explicit direetions upon eaeh package are so simple that eyen a child can nnderstand them, and eas- ily match any desired shade. Dianipnd Dyes make old things look like new, You can color dresst.s, coats cloaks, wraps, tlleu's and boys suits, shawls, scarfs, hose, ribbors, and a host of other goods, any desired shade. Diamond Dyes give the best and strongest colors, and yon are always sure of good results when you use diem. . ga r ler youdruggist e dee t s go to u When„ to buy des, do Clot accept any but the "Diamond" they &one are gftaran teed, Live Hogs wanted that will will weigh from 120 to 220 pounds each. I am selling at the Packing House Store, spare ribs, tenderloin cut- tings, pickled nigs' feet, pressed tongue, head cheese, sausage, ba- con, dried beef and pork. .As nage engaged Mrs.Harness to attend to this part, our custom- ers will find all to he first class in every respect at lowest cash prima. Now is the time to get your crock or pail filled with pure lard as prices are liable to go up. C. SNELL, - Prop. Tie People's CUTTER & FITTER. . A.J.SNELL MERCHANT TAILOR, Main St., - - - Exeter. Tweeds and Worsteds. I have a complete line of sam ples of all the latest designs and. patterns in English, Scotch, Caned- ian and American Tweeds. Trouserings, Suitings, Coatings. SNELL With a cough, cold et sore throat. 2tse IS remedy that relict* _►- frog the start, sootibsi 00,1°9'and heals the infanMil tissues of the laryat Stir bronchial tubes. PYNY-PECTORAL Is a certain remedy based on a clear 'knew - ledge of t diseases a . i ho d sone s it was created to +ls, Moro. LARGE BOTTLE 25 CENTS%