HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1895-4-5, Page 5te, Joy Inexpressible Another Boy's Life Saved Health Blighted by Scrofula and Hip Disease Perfect Cure, Happiness and. Health Olven by Hood's Sarsaparilla. Exeter, N. H. "Q. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.: I cannot praise Hood's Sarsaparilla enough for what it has done for my boy. Some four years ago, when six years old, George was attacked by hip disease hi bis right leg. We had to get him a pair of crutches, with which he was able to move about, but became badly deformed. We hail to letve bis right leg lanced just above the I(uee. lu a few weeks a second sore broke out, both disoharldng freely. Agonizing pains afflicted him, he could not bear to be moved, his growth was stepped and He Was a lstlerre Skeleton. lie had no appetite, and -it was hard work to make him eat enough to keep Rini alive, A few weeks later wo had his hip lanced, and follow- ing this five other eruptions broke vet, making eight running sores in all. Wo did ; it wt: Gould for him, but he grew weaker every day, al- though we had three of the hest physicians. As a last resort we were prevailed upon by relatives who had taken Hood's Sarsa- parilla with beneficial results to give the retell - eine a trial. We got one bottle about the first of March, 1892, and be had taken the medicine only a few days when his appetite began to improve. When he had taken one bottle Rte could move about a little with his crutches, which lie had not been able to use for the pre- ceding three months. We continued faithfully withHood's Sarsaparilla, and in 6 mouths he was Able to Be Dressed and go about the house without the crutches. He has now taken Hood's Sarsaparilla regularly for eighteen months, and for the past six months Rias been without the crutches, which he has outgrown by several inches. The sores have all healed with the exception of one which Is rapidly closing, only the scars and an occasional limp remaining as reminders of his suffering. Hood'sCures Hood's Sarsaparilla in his case has truly done wonders, and he Is daily gaining in flesh and good color. He runs about and plays as lively as any child. We feel an inexpressible Joy at having our boy restored to health, and we always speak in the highest terms of Hood's Sarsaparilla." Mas. HENRY W. MURPHY, Exeter, p New Hampshire. Hood's P ills are prompt and efficient, yet iesy in action. Sold by alt druggists, 25c. At the meeting of the Executive Committee yesterday Ald. Hallam was authorized to call for tenders for paint ing a number of Exhibition buildings Piss's Remedy for Catarrh Is the Best, Easiest to Use, and Cheapest. CATHRRH Sold by druggista or sent by mail, Sec. It T. Hazeltine. Warren, Pa. The Ontario and Richelieu Naviga tion Comyany's boats plying between this city and Montreal will run to and from the city wharf this season. The Genuine Merit Of Hood's Sarsaparilla wins friends whereyer it is fairly arid honestly tried To have perfect health, you must have pure blood, and the way to have blood is to take Hood's Sarsaparilla, the best blood purifier and strength builder. It expels all taint of scofula, salt rheum and all other humors, and at the same time builds up the whole system. Hood's Pills are prompt and efficeut. 25e. Henry Finney, 67 Elm street, Toron- to was arrested yesterday by Grand Trunk Constabe Hodge for picking up coal on the Esplanade. For Over Fifty I ears. AN OLD AND WELL -TRUED REMEDY. -Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup, has been nsed for over fifty years by m11110ns of mothers for their children while teething, with per- fect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. is pleasant to the taste. Sold by Druggists In. every part of the World, Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be sure and ask for Mrs, Winslow's Soothing Syrup and take no other kind London, IIuron and Bruce. TIMI? TABLE. GOING NORTR- Passer ger. London, depart 8.05 A 51 4.30 r 51 Centralia 9.07 5,47 EXETER 9.92 6 00 Hensail. 9,37 615 Nippon 944 6,20 Brucefield 0.52 6.28 Clinton 10.12 0,55 Londosboro 1099 7.14 ill,vth 10.38 7.23 i3slgrave 10.52 7 37 Wingb vVingham,dem lvo11.10 8.00 GOING SoUTn- Passenger part 8.85 A M 3.25 I. M Betgrave 6 50 3.47 Blyth 7,03 4.01 Lo'Moshero 710 4,08 Clinton 7.30 4.28 Bracedield7.40 4 46 Ri peen .................. 7 57 9,53 Aensall806 4 58 TXETE' t 8.25 5.12 Centralia........... 840 5.23 Hon John Corrigan was banqueted by fricnps at Kingston. FOR TWENTY-FIVE YEARS. DUNN'S KINCPOWDER THECOOK'SBEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. In The Slring PRE'S CELEBI OOjIIPOU Peop!o Well. Thankful People Everywhere Gladly ndorse the Great Medicine gher It is a Blessing to t Canadian Dom pion. ea. has candidate tan. in the case any against upromo Court. the white wife of Shannonville, has 1 y of atternpting to burn her in his bed, Three or four men and a dozen girls were on Friday compelled to jump out of a second -storey window in a burning tailor shop at Orillia to escape suffocation by smoke. John O'Shea, a professional swimmer, led on Friday at Kingston, aged 65 years. tiring his life he saved about one hun- dred persons from drowning, besides re- covering many bodies. To a deputation of the Anglo -Armenian Association that waited on him the Earl of Kimberley expressed sympathy with the cause, and promised that reforms should bo enforced in Armenia. Tho annual closing exercises of the Ontario Veterinary College were hold on Friday morning, and 150 students, repre- senting different parts of the United States, Canada and Great Britain, were graduated. A despatch from Victoria de Las Tunas, in Santiago province, says that a rebel band of 60 mon under Capote have been put to flight by troops a few miles from the city. Sir Herbert H. Murray, K.C.B., who was ordered by the British Government to proceed to St. Johns, Nfld., to inquire into and relieve the prevailing distress in that colony from the fund provided for that, purpose by the Imperial Government, was a passenger by the steamer Parisian, which arrived at Halifax on Monday. He will proceed to St. Johns by steamer Grand Lake to day. At Fort Erie on Monday Edward E. Dudley, while examining a revolver, ac- cidentally discharged the weapon. The bullet entered his left eye and torn away a portion of the forehead. He is uncon- scious and not expected to live. The Hamilton cigar manufacturers met on Saturday to take some action in re- gard to prices paid the cigar makers. The manufacturers say the scale of prices in Hamilton is higher than in Toronto, Brantford, London, or Montreal, and they are working at a disadvantage. They will ask the union to have prices advanced to the Hamilton scale in those cities. Mr.. and Mas. Bruce Johnston, of Lan- don, Ont., and their three children had a narrow escape from death by coal gas suffocation early Saturday morning. MI Papers for the incorporation of the Inter-oceaa electric railway were obtained from the Secretary of State on Saturday. The capital stock is $200,000,000, and the project is to construct an elevated electric railway first from Chicago to New York and finally to the Pacific coast. The Judicial Committee of the Privy Council'of England. on Saturday reversed the decision• of the Court of Queen's Bench of Quebec in the case of Forget v. O'stigny, allowing the appeal. Appellant pays costs of the respondent as ordered when leave to appeal was'granted. A frightful accident occurred on the mountain tracks of the Lehigh Traction Company at Jeanesville on Saturday. A trolley car coming down the incline ran away'and. three persons were killed out- right, two were probably fatally injured and 'a number of others were seriously hurt. On Saturday afternoon Mr:. Thomas Leek, engineer at the Morris-Feild-Rogers piano factory at Listowel, while fixing some piping fell down on a plate of glass, receiving a very severe cut on his right wrist, severing several of the arteries and sinews. He is out of danger and is re- covering. nicely. Telegrams from 100 points in Minnesota and the Dakotas indicate that it has been raining steadily for several hours. A great drought existed all over this region and the dust was so thick in the fields that the farmers found difficulty in keeping their grain in the ground. Much rain, however;. is still needed. The Conservative mass meeting called for Saturday to select a eandidate to con- test Prince Edward County at the ap- proaching elections, was largely attended. A candidate was not selected, as a major. ity of the meeting was in favor of ad- journing till after the session, and to then call a meeting and select a candidate. On Saturday the British steamship Alvah collided off Messina with the British ship Brinkburn, which was carry- ing French ofliuers rind ammunition to Madagascar. The Alvah was stranded and probably will be a total loss. The Brinkburn was damaged so 'badly that she must seek refuge at Messina. There was no loss of life. Tho delegates from Newfoundland to negotisate terms of confederation with the Dominion Government arrived at Halifax on Friday. Hon. Mr. Bond, Colonial Secretary, said that the stories of the distress were exaggerated, there was no annexation sentiment' and the statements sent out by correspondents of the United States papers about the ant - confederation demonstrations he charac- terized as the vilest rot. They were in favor of reciprocity, he added. PJITSICI$NS IIOXMOJ[EOGE ITS HE�T GUhIN YIIITUES IT MhKi. )IflV5 111B ??I! LOOL It Cures Disease andLong-standirg Troubles. An Ontario Man Strongly Testifies. " living e tote worth I am a liven„ witness ssh of Paine's Celery Compound." This is the statement of Mr. G. J. Smye, of Sheffield, Ont. It makes people well! This fact is so widely known and so fully borne out by thousands of mag- nificent cures, that the simple statement is in itself sufficient. The whole Dominion hasbeen blessed by the marvellous work of the 2reat medicine, and an army of rescued and saved men and women bless the great discoverer, Prof. Edward E. Phelps, M. D., L. L. D Master minds amongst the medical men of the present day readily acknow- ledge the potent and curing virtues of Paine's Celery Compound. They find that it makes strong nerves and pure blood, two essentials necessary for per feet' health and strentgh. Long-standing troubles and diseases ' e s CeleryC 0 m orad are cured by Parn , p when all other medical agencies fail in their work. For kidney and liver troubles, it is the infallible remedy. Nervous debility, exhaustion, sleepless ness and headaches are quickly swept away by the curing powers of Paine's Celery Compound. This is the season when the sick must of necessity, recuperate lost strength, and g in the he atfuine ae so necessary to make life pleasurable for the sum mer. All should bear in mind the fact that Paine's Celerg Compound "makes people well" The following letter from Mr. G. J Smye, of Sheffield, Ont., speaks of a wondrous cure after all ordinary means had failed to do the work: - "It is with great pleasure that I test- ify to the value of your great medicine, Paine's Celery Compound. For nearly two years I have suffered from indiges- tion kidney and liver troubles. After trying several medicines that did not of fect a cure, I decided to try your Com pound. Before using it I was so low in health that I could not eat or sleep I could not lie in bed owing to pain in my back; it was only by resting on el- bows and knees I was enable to obtain a slight degree of ease. Before I had fully taken one bottle of your medicine I began toimprove. P ro vo. I ha -el n all tak- en fourteen bottles with grand results. I am a farmer and am working every. day. Anyone may refer to me in re gard to those statements, or to atiy .of my neighbors around Sheffield, where. I am well known. I am a living wit ness to the worth of Paines Celery Com pound." Mitchell: Willie the little six-year- old son of Mr. Wm, Burton, South Ward came nearly loosing his life on Sunday last. The little fellow was out playing, when he fell into a deep ditch, in which the water was running very rapidly. The child's cries were heard in the nick of time and when rescued he was half smothered with snow and water. Biucefield: About three o'clock Wednesday morning the residence of Mr. Hugh McCartney was found to be on fire and before the flames could be got under control the whole building was destroyed, together with most of the contents. The fire originated from a defective chimney in the rear part of the house. We have not learned the exact amount of Mr. McCartnev's loss, but it will be considerable, as the house was a comfortable brick structure. To Smokers To meet the wishes of their cusstomers The Geo. E. 7 uckett and Son Co. Ltd., Hamilton, Ont., have placed upon the market A Combination Plug of "T 86 B Smoking Tobacco. This supplies a long felt want, giving the cense mer one 20 cent plug, or a 10 cent piece, or a 5 cent piece of the famous '•'1' Sc B" brand of pure Virginia Totmecn. The tin tag "T & B" is on every piece. A THE IS e1rTSN A NEGLECTED COLD WHICH C.V.LOP• Finally into ansump C tio4. 03,(10, BREAK UP COLO dN TIME { I °r)' , "�fA BY e5ING Pyny- Pectoral THE QUICK CURE POR COUGHS, COLDS, BRONCHITIS. (HOARSENESS BYO. Virgo Bottle, 25 CO. A Poetical Reply, The following is a poetical reply to Samuel H. -Deloraine Man. I received your kind letter last night, And the news it contained gave me great delight; It's only two years, Sam, since you left your home, And now you write back you've a ranch of your own. Can you call it your own, if its mortgaged, I say, You can't call it your own if there's rent for to pay; You can't call it your own if the interest or rent Will take all you make and not leave you cent. When I settled here, Sam. I thought it was best, But I made a mistake, Sam, I didn't go West; On the banks of Red River, I'd now have a home. And be able to say, I'd a ranch of my own Your letter don't state, Sam, the size of the ranch, Do you mean an estate, Sam, or only a branch; If it's only an acre you can call your own, Ain't it great for to say, I've a ran. h o my own. This country is good, but the times they are bad, And I long for better, if it's to be had; I would feel as rich as a king on his throne If I was like Sam with a ranch of my nwu Every dollar I make here it goes to pay rens And work as 1 may, here. I can't save e cent; It make- a man bustle for to find a home, And L.w men indeed have a ranch of th t own. ADARE. Mitchell: The wife of Mr, Joseph Hill has been suffering for the past eight years from the effects of a terrible disease, which seemed to baffle the skill of the best medical men. It has not' reached its worst, and the death of the poor woman may carne at any moment. The flesh seetns to dry on the bones, and the bones enlarge and break lilac brittle woad, The legs and one arm have become disjointed, and the spine has sunk until it is now only thirteen inches in length. The case is a sari and most peculiar one, and 1)r. llurl- burt says that the only thing approach illg to it that he ever Came across was in 0103 of the; hospitals during Itis visit to the Old World. Much mp trhy is felt for the husband and little children and the neighbors have shown theft kindness in 'many ways, whieh Mr 11111 fully appreciates, Mr. Walter Thom son, witlt his aecustomed gdnerosity, on hearing the state of affairs, at once secured a nurse for the woman, at his own expense, telling her to remain until all is over. AN INTERPROVINCIAL- BRIDGE. It takes out the fire, reduces the inflam- mation, and prevents blistering. It is the quickest and most effectual remedy for pain that is. known. Keep it by you. W00313'E3 P1310I1 1P ODIN'E, The Great English Besmear. Six Packages Guaranteed to promptly, and permanently cure all forms of Nervous Weakness, Emisatons,SpOrra- atorrhea, Impotency and ail effects of Abuse or Excesses, Mental Worry,cxoeaaive use Before and After. of Tobacco, Opium or Stimw tants, which soon toad to In- firmity, Insanity, Consumption and an early grave. Eu been prescribed over 85 years in thousands of cases; Is the only Reliable and Honest Medicine known. dskdrugglstfor Wood'. Phosphodine; it he offers some worthless medicine 1n place of this, Inclose price In letter, and wo will rend by return mall Price, ono package, 11; ex. j6. Oa. AIMS puma, yipstilt err. Pamphlets free to any address. The Wood Company, Windsor; Ont., Canada. Bold in Exeter by ,T. W. Browning, Druggist Ottawa Citizen., will Urge the Ontario (;ovcrnnuu,t to non us the Scheele. Ottawa, April k'.. -Hon. E. H. Bronson, had a conference yesterday morning with leading citizens in reference to the inter- provincial bridge, which is intended to cross the Ottawa river between this city and Hull. The object of the meeting was to discuss the best .means to push the in- ter. -provincial bridgo schema blx-Mayor McDougal and others spoke strongly 111 favor of the bridge being bonused by the Ontario Government, Hon.. Mr. Bronson expressed his con - Untied hearty sympathy with the project and said that the city could count on bis doing his utmost to secure it glom from Ontario. He suggested that in addition to the petition the city council had ad- dressed to the Ontario Govorrnmltt on the matter a deputation should be sent to Torent In this connection ho said be with the hadmademadeall appointment v ut ( 1 On- tario ,Illinistry for t1Yo deputation for to- sn n. L elu o 1ft lOrYUFV n e\t a Inootin of. the city conne l last night, a delegation was appointed to go to Tor'ontn, There will also be deputa- tions from the Hoard of Trade and the citizens. A Farm Ballad. (Written for the Exeter ADVOCATE.) While visiting our school one day, I stayed to hear the pupils say Some pieces; one,"Does Farming Pay? " Another was Haid Times." The teacher then, as was his way,. Asked 'What is it boys,makes fanning pay?" And tell me now, boys, who can say, 'What is it makes hard time ? A. little boy held up his hand, I thought his answer truly grand; And worth being sounded throws h the land, His cause for hard times, -Please, sir if we," replied the boy, hit time and money right emplo„ We tihal l not suffer much aonoy From what they call "hard tim 's." "Yore right my lad," the teacher criers, Your answer cannot be denied, 1'huugh many have this problem tried. Of what does cause hard times." r'hus what has puzzled wisest men L'hat holds the plow or guides the pen, Was answered by a boy of ten, Who told what caused hard times. ADARE. A cool room above ground is better for milk than a cellar, and it should always be remembered that milk should not stand near vegetables, fish or meat of any kind, as it invariably absorbs the flavor of what is near it. A MUSICIAN'S CORNER. The snare drum was brought into, Eu- rope by the Saracens about 703 A. D. Two thousand pounds was the fancy price pal,'!• for a Stradivarius violin in ex cellent preservation recently at Stuttgart. It is asserted that all of the $1.200,000 royalty on Mocdy and ' Sankey's Gospel Hymns has leen devoted to charitable purposes. The late Prince Albert was an accom- plished musician, and composed much music. .A. collection of this will shortly be published by Queer Victoria.' Gilmore, the bandmaster, besides being a wonderfully swift music penman, had the largest stock of orchestral scores in the world. The cash value of his musical library is estimated at over $50,000: ODDS AND ENDS. Berlin is having its doors numbered with luminous figures visible at night. The Swedish mile is 11,666 yards. long and the- Vienna post mile is 8,296. yards. French-speaking Canadians embrace 29.4 per ce ut. of the population of Can- ada. Only citizens who are able to read and write have the power to vote in Bolivia and several other South American re- publics. At the castle of Simonetta„ in bialy, there is claimed to be an angle in the building which re-echoes a pistol shot sixty-one times. RTIFY MOTHERS CAN DRESS THEIR LITTLE ONES HAND- SOMELY AND CHEAPLY, Bicycles, Sewing Machines, Baby Carriages And Musical Instruments. We are the only frina who make a specialty of t above named goods an& therefore claim that we can give the people of Exeter and vicinity,- . . • Greater Bargains! Greater Choice ! Lowest Prices. ! a t The latestr••annewest tachments foral our god can be had. by , y :;tg at our vie -root, north Thrifty and economial mothers rare - v buy new clothing for their children, et the little ones are always well and tandsomely dressed for school and •hnrch. This is the result of using • tinmo d Dyes, whieh make all the ashonahle colnt's with but litre work. Suits for boys and little dresses and lscketa for the girls that haae faded .nd become discolored, are quickly ransformed into new garments by the tnetgical working. of T)iameutd Dyes hese wonderful package dyes cost but 0 cents per package.; rht'y are simple o use--il,dee.d an child can use them and get a grand color. The colors pro- Iiteed by Diamond Dyes are, fast and .irong, 0rid in many respscts Far su wrior to the colors used in large dyeing acos Whtorien haying dyes for home use see hat your dealer gives you "iliamoo,d >�es"; itniratien :Ind wnrthle'ss dyes will ruin: pier materia Is and 2>amoms SHE Hr5 i ACKAChe �eal� gore. acheg wiUj muscular Pall ,arid ilag jugt pur on that : Banisher of Backaches .�r ht PA .r NTNOI � ME �. S R J, McTetcnt,AN, Point an Cline, writes: Nah- hg better for tame Seek and Lumbago than the D. & r,. Menthol Plaster, A 51. MACI vtv writes front Windsor. The D. & 0. Menthol Plaster is curing Sore Backs nndl Il;hrmmatisni at a great, rate in this vicinity. 2; e. each in airtight tin box, P ERKI A. HASTI .11 prlet.r • THE CENTRAL BARBER SHOP.. HAIRCUTTING, SHAMPOOING and HAIRCUTTING. Ladies' and Children's Haircutting a specialty,,.. A. HAISTINGS, Fanson's Block. EXETER `�► PORK, PACKING HOUSE.. Live Hogs wantel that wit': will weigh from 120 to 22)= pounds each. I am selling at the Packing Hoge Store, spare ribs, tenderloin cut- tings, pickled pigs' feet, pressed tongue, head cheese, sausage, ba- con, dried beef and pork. As I have engaged Mrs.Harness to attend to this part, our custom- ers will find all to he first•elassin every respect at lowest cash gyri. Now is the time to get your crock or pail filled with pure lard as prices are liable to go up. C. SNELL, - .Prop. CLOTHI NG J. Sijeil 1V.Cain. st_ EXETER - ONTARIO Has now in stock l'ALL and ¶VNTI IN THE FOLLOWING LINES: West of England Suitings and Tro a Cringe, Scotch Tweed Suitings and Trow ngs, French and English Worsted Cites All made up in the Late' Style,at best Raets. A. s SNELL Christie's COMMERCIAL WRY,. First-class Rigs and Horses Orders left at Bawkshaw s Hotel, or at the Livery St blei(�'hriste'SofdStan Y.)VCNA) will l receive prompt at - .noon. . . • to , T �y�oloplYbno A. erms soli able l Consteetlt* .1.