The Exeter Advocate, 1895-4-5, Page 1I VOL. V II P•: The Molsons. Bank. (Chartered by Parliament, 1855.) ?Rid up Capital , .. $2,000,000 Keit Fund.... ... 1,200;000 ,, Head ofoeMontreed. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, Esq., GENERAL MANAGER Money advanced auod Farmer's on their *ern notes wzth one or more endorsers at 7 percent per annum. Exeter Branch. Open every lawful day from 10 a, m. to a p. m., Saturdays 10 a. m. to 1 p.m *general banking business transacted C'URR'ENT RATES allowodfor mon- ey on Deposit Reoeipts. Savings Bank at 3 per cent. E. E. WARD. Exeter, Jan 28, '88. Manager THE OX der g.brii u a#.e, Is published every Thursday Morning, at the Office, MAIN -STREET, EXETER. ----Sy the ---- ADVOCATE PUBLISH.tNei COMPANY, TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Das Dollar per annum if paid in Advance 81.160 if not so paid. . ta dzrartlsg Raton oa .aipplica.- tioa No paper diaeoned until all arrearages ars paid. Advertti without' specific directions will be publi ed till forbid and 'barged accordingly. Liberal, disoountmade for transoiont advertisements inserted for long periods. " Every description of JOB PRINTING turned out in the finest style, and at moderate rates. Cheques,moneyord- ors, iso. for advertising, subaoriptions,eto.to be made payable t S4 ders & Dyer PROPRIE/PORS Church Directory. TRIYITT MEMORIAL CHURCH. --Rev. E,W. -Hunt, Rector. Sunday Services, 11 a. m and? p, m. Sunday Sohool and Bible Class for Adults, 3 p. m. Holy Communion, lst Sunday of each month at morning service METHODIST CHURCn--James-st ,Iiev.J.G. JACKSON Past or.SundayServioes,10.30 s.m, and 6.30 p. m. Sabbath School, 2.80•p. m. MAIN STREET Rev. H. W. Locke; Past- or. Sunday Services, 10.30 a, m. and'6.30 p.m Sabbath School 2.30 p. m. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. -Rev. W. Martin, Pastor. Sunday Services, 11 a. m. and 6.90 p. • m. Sabbath School, 9.45 a. no Professional Cards. H. KINSMAN, L. D. S, Fanson's Block two doors north of Carling Store MAIN ST, EXETER, extracts teeth without_ pain. Away at Lucan every Wed- nesday Hensall lst Friday; Blyth, first Mon- day snad Zurich on last Thursday of each month. el H. INGRAM, DENTIST, Member Royal • College Dental Surgeons, successor to kr. L. Billings. Office over Post Office Exeter, Ont. A safe anaesthetic given for the painless extraction of teeth.Eine Gold Fillings as required. DR. D. ALTON ANDERSON, L.D.S., D.D.S., 1J Graduate of the Royal College of Dent- al Surgeons of Ontario, and Graduate of the Toronto University (with bettors). Special attention given to preservation af the nat•• r teeth. nal t e h Office over Elliot & Elliot's law office -opposite Central Hotel -Exeter. pp Medical TDR. G. SROULTS, CENTRALIA. .lJ has moved one door south. Drs. J. A. ROLLINS & T A. AMOS. Residenees, same as formerly OFFICES, Speakman, building, Main St. Dr, Rollins' office• same as formerly -north door. Dr. Amos' of loo, same building -south door. May 1st. 1899 J. A Rollins, M. D. T. A. Amos, M. D Da.T. P. MCLAUGALIN, MEMBER OF the College of Physicians and Surgeons - Ontario, Physician, Surgeon and Aoeouch- enr. Office, Dashwood, Ont. Veteriosry. TTTILLIA3i• SWEET, PETER- YVVV in sy,911sgeon, Graduate To- ronto Veta ,aryCollege. Offioe and residenceii phe',d1i1 Stand ,• one block East E. .T. Spack�an'e Store. Dehorning a specialty. Legate 'D H. COLLINS, BARRISTER,SOLICIT • OR, Conveyancer, Notary Public. Office -Over O'Neil's Bank, Exeter, Ontario. Money to Loan. 1H.DICI SON•FBARRISTER,SOLICITOR, • of Sdppreme Court, Notary Public, Con- veyancer, Commis8ioner, &c. Money to loan Office-Fansoigs'Hook 'Exeter 10LLIOT it ELLIOT, BARRISTERS,SOLIC L' Hors, Conveyancers, iso. 1. r. ELLIOT. FREDERICK ELLIOT Auctioneers ▪ BROWN, Winchelsea. Licensed Auet- ' 1.1.s ioneer for the Counties, of Perth and Middlesex, also for the township of Usborne Pales promptly attended to and terms roa- sonbale.8ale.arranged at Post office. Win- *helsea. "'Surveyors.' RED: W. FARNCOMB, Provincial Land 163 RED. Surveyor and Civil Engineer, Office, Over Post Office. Main street. Exeter, Ont. TJJDWARD C. S'rEELE, P. L. 8. Ontario E., Land Surveyor and Civil Engineer, Goderiob, Ont. Rasta totems: St, Marys, Journal; and the Rteetory, Hirkton. •11 Insurance. . ELLIOT, Insurance Agent, stain St. Exeter STEAMSHIP n,TEAMSHIP &'TNSURANCB AGENT. Anchor, Allan, Allan State, Dominion, American. White Sear, and Clyde Lines to England, Ireland, Scotland, Germany., Franc , Cape Colony, Australia and New Zealand. Prepaid tickets issued to parties wishing to send for their friends. Lancashire London and Lancashire, Northern, North British and Mercantile, and Perth Mutual Fire Insurance Co's. London and Lancashire Life >nsnr. Co. London Guarantee and Accident Co LOWEST RATES. Capt Gen Kemp EXETER MARKETS. a'Ver• `' (Changed Y VitedPbA, ay,) :ti leo t per bushel- 0,62 to1.5 o 68 '/ Oats y 92 to b2 Li Peas 55 to 58 Egg19 Eggs.s. ......... 10 Potatoes per bus. 35 to 40 Bay per ton 6,50to7.00 Ducks per pound Geese ,03 Turkeys pound .005 Turkeys per pound .07 Alsiko per bushel ... ......... .....$5.00 to $9.40 Bed Clover " 6.00 to 6,40 Timothy n • •..............•...• 9,5o to SE EXETER, ON' MONEY ONEY TO LOAN, Large sums of money to loan on farm lands at Rye awl* half per gent. Private funds Apply to EtbrnT & ELLfOT Solicitors &o., Exeter, NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the estate of James Garland, deceas- ed. Notice is hereby given pursuant to Chap. 110, Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1887, that all Creditors and other persons having claims against the estate ofTamcs Garland, late of the pillage of Exeter, ir. the County of Hu- ron, Laborer, deceased, who died on or about the lst day of March, A. D., 1895, are, on or before the let day of A. A D.,1895, required to send by ost prepaid, or deliver to .John W. Blatchford, Exeter, Ont., the executor of the estate of the said deceased, their names, addressee and descriptions, with full particu- lars and proof of their claims, statements of accounts and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them, and that immediately after the last mentioned date the said Exec- utor will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice has been then received and will not be liable for the assets distributed, or any part thereof, teeny person or persons whose claim shall not have been received at the time ot'sueh distribution. 11.. H. COLLINS, Dated at rte Solicitor for Exooutor, r xoter this Exeter, Ont. 27th day 14 March. 1895. The Liquor License Act. In accordance with the provisions of the Liquor License Act, publics notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Board of License Commissioners, for the South Riding of Hur- on, will bo held at Hodgins' Hotel. in the Village of Hensel), on Friday the lith inst , at 10 a. m., to consider applications for Lie- ense for the sale of liquor for the South Rid- ing of Huron. The new applicants for tavern license are Wm. Sim peon, Metropoliton Hotel, Exeter; Thos. James Stephens, Queen's Hotel, Sea - forth; James Pollock; Queen's Hotel, Bayfield (six months) George Erwin, Commercial Hotel Bayfield, (six months.) Licenses issued for current year were tav- ern 35 (six months, 2) Shop 3, any petition against the granting of license to any new applicant, on the premises named, signed by duly qualified electors in any polling Sub- Divis, on, in which prem lee.; are situate, must he lodged with the undersigned at least four days before the day of meeting. Wu. BALLANTYNE, Teepee,.er. CARS) OF TxANKS. The undersigned wishes to express his hearty thanks to the fireman and citizens generally for their noble work on the night of the recent fire in saving his premises from destruction, Geo. Kemp, CARD OF THANKS. TO THE EDITOR OF THE ADVOCATE. Will you please allow me on behalf of the Exeter fire Cos. to express our thanks through your columns to the Northern As• surance clo , through their agent, Geo Kemp, for their liberal donations for our services on their risks near the late fire, Jas Weekes, Chief. Centralia, Mr, McDonald, of Eden, near Tilson- burg, is the guest of Walter Tero.--W. H. Butt conducted the quarterly,review serviceat S. } the on S Sunda f Sunday afternoon. It was a very profitable service, and the children did their part nobly, which reflected great credit upon the officers and teachers of the school. -The O'Ban- yon Jubilee Singers are billed to sing in the Methodist church on Saturday, Sunday and Monday evenings. Rev. O'Banyon will preach Sunday evening. No doubt a large gathering will greet them, as they. are one of the finest col- ored troops that have attempted to sing the old plantation songs. Urediton. Mr. C. Zwick, spent Sunday under the parental roof, -Mr. and Mrs. Math ew Ellwood, of Tilsonburg, are visiting friends here: Mrs: A. Geiser, of Buffalo. is visiting friends bere.-Mr. Henry Sweitzer; who has been visiting friends' in. Strathroyereturned home on Monday. Mrs. John Sweitzer, of Exeter, spent Sunday in town. -Mr. and Mrs. Harry Finkbiner are visiting friends in Hen sal). -Mr. and Mrs. Chris Zuflee are vis ting their parents in Exeter. -Mr, Del- gaty, of Fairfield, occupied the pulpit in the Methodist church here on Sunday morning. -Miss Rosa 'Geiser, and Martha Grieve, who have been visiting friends here'for the past few weeks re- turned to Exeter last week -Mrs. and Mrs. Mathew Winer, are visiting their parents in Winchelsea. -Mr. Mathew Chambers, had a wood bee one day last week. They did their work up in good style. -A number of farmers in the vicinity are already preparing for sugar making. New "Ads." JAS. H. GRIEVE. -It astonishes. J, A. Stewart. -New Spring Capes. R. PICKARD & SON. -Parasols, Wash Fabrics, Wall Paper,tec. H BISHOP & SON. -Sap Pails, Port- a nd cement, Creamery cans and nails. • Bibb A moat painful aoctdent Alex. McLaren on Monday last. She was on her way to se. dead sister, Mrs D. McLaren when she, fell 11 ou the icy road and broke her thigh. It is to be hoped she will 'soon recover. Exeter School Report. Bidd Rev. Mr. Welke cational sermon t Sunday last, --Se are talking of have air v d pect a g6173 _ u -,yum. ()ur roads are p cleared out. Thanks to the'ener,., of our citizens. .A woodebee was held in Mr. Moil's woods on Tuesday to get a supply of wood for the church. Quito a. -lot of the needful) was cut up., Stephen School Tx. -•-Elsie McCallum, Alex' Mar- k Lutz, Russell Hicks, Ernest Mary v Brown. JR "xT .-- ry, Warren Ross, Eddie Carling,' Charlie Hynd- ton. No. on roll 43, Lockhart, Teacher, ord, Ellen Brown 'owning, Ethel JR. 4TH. eman, Lida a Powell, 50, aver w• pills t The Gosp Tempe last Fritlay evening was The entertainment was deei estipg.-Miss Ella Chant lost he a'a parcel last Friday, between rlton's, Finder will oblige t Post Office. -On the move. ,rong to English farm; A Pol- o Medlin farm; Jerry Brophey to son Estate; Thos. Belt to Cluness arm; J. Wallace to Brophey Farm, Our best wishes move with the movers. -Mr. Walter G. Paterson visited W, A. Wilson here last Saturday and Sunday. The following is a correct report of S. S. No. 3, Stephen for the month of March. Sr. IV. -Fred Sanders, 387; ,henry Beaver, 363; Nettie Sweet, 337. Jr. IV. -Geo. Bagshaw, 405; Geo. Sand ors. 400; Edward Sanders, 393; Sid Sander8, 381. Sr. III. -Sam Jory, 524; Clara Stanlate, 509; Lucy Sanders, 504;'.Bertha Gilbert, 500; Daniel Sand ers, 495. Sr. II. -Clutton Sweet, 862; Lorena Ford, 819; Mary Sanders, 800; Henry Nestle, 787; Norah Sanders, 731, Sr. Pt IL -Stella Pen ha le, 735; Marsha 11 Box, 655. Pt. I. -Asa Penhale; 54Q1 Lanny Ford, 223; Roy Parsons, 224; Homer Bagshaw, 199; Nelson Sanders, 188. Number of names on the roll 47. Average attendance 40 W. B. BAGSUAW, teacher, liensall. Mr. J. T. Wren, the efficient principal of our school, who has been teach ing here for a long number of years, and who gave general satisfaction, has dee ided to accept the principalship of a large school in Keewatin, Algoma dis- trict, where he has been offered a tempting increase of salary, and left here cin Monday to engage in his new duties. Mrs. Wren and the family will remain here for a time, until it is con venient for them to move, Mr. Wren will be very mui:h missed frr m our vil- lage, being an old resident and having always taken an active interest in whatever F as going on. -We arls pleased, to state that Mr. Cornelius Cook, who has been confined to his bed for the past'month or so, through the acci- dent he received while engaged in loading a car at his father's mill and resulting in the breaking and crushing of his ankle, is now able to. go around, with the aid of crutches: Farquhar, - Rev. Mr. Fletcher and° wife are visit- ing friendarin Hamilton and Tor,onto. this week. -Two gentlemen from. Barn• holm, who were visiting friends in the neighhorhood of Dashwood and, the Bend, passed through this village last Sunday en route for home with a cutter 'and a span of horses attached to it. The declared it the toughest cutter ride they ever experienced. --Mr. Thos. Cam- eron, near this village, had one of the largest wood bees of the season one'. day last week,'and consequently had a large quantity of wood cut, and piled. In the evening a good old fashioned dance was indulged in which broke up at an early )hour next morning when all repaired,, to their various homes well pleased with the generous hospi- tality received from the hands of Mr. and Mrs. Cameron. -Mr. Robt. Pringle, a long time resident of this neighborhood has sold his farm, containing 100 acres, to his neighbor, Mr. Jas. Ballantyne, for the sum of $6,600. Mr. Pringle has purchased a two hundred acre farm in Blanchard township, near St. Marys, paying $9,000, He takes possession at once. This is a cheap farm as it ie supposed to be este the best in Blanchard tp. The people of Blanchard Will,find in Mr. Pringle a kind neighbor, ad a gentleman in every respect. His many friends around here wish him every success in hiai new home. -)sir. Wm. Moodie has also moved onto the farm he recently purchased from Win. Per- kins. Success to you Willie. IT ASTONISHES The stick -to high -price -tailors, to see how much excllence a few dollars commands in our store. Takes less of' your money here to cover a good Sips ing suit,' overcoat, or; pair of trousers built to your order. These are Purse Ticklers. Black suit to order ' $15.00 Overcoat to order. 13,00 Trousers to order 2.75 Tweeds per yard • , .25 a3c:.., Bicycles. We are doing the trade in bicycles. We have an $85 wheel, which we sell for $65, cash, J.H.'CREWE, Merchant Tailor. Bay School Report. The fol ing • the March report for S. S. , Ha h e met are in order of m t < �} apman. Sr. 4,-F. E. R. f' ! Russell, Nellie „ Gould. Jr.e.' . Todd, Beekie Northcott, Henry J ` kson. 3. -Sarah J. Northcott, H. C. F. Busch, W. H. Warren. Sr. 2. -Jessie Munn,, W. F. Buech, B E. O'Brien. Jr. 2.- J Jno, Jackson, Ethel W. Northcott, Rich- ard S,utherhy Pt. 2, -Eddie Gould, Willie O'Brien, Lousia Armstrong, Luella Munn. Pt. 1, -Frankie North cots, Cora Munn. The best spellers in the monti le. spelling match were: -V. R. F, Chapman; Sr. and Jr. 4. Flora M. Northentt; 8. H. C. F. Busch; Sr 2. Bert O'Brien; Jr 2 Richard Sutherby; Sr. Pt. 2, Willie O'Brien; Jr. Pt. 2. Lousia U. Armstrong; Pt, 1. Frankie Northcott. Stephen Council. Council met April 1st, all members present. Minutes signed. Assessment roll handed in and accepted. Resolved that clerk notify li, Barry to have his bridge contract completed by May lst; also notify trustees of school section 7 and 11; also J. Banes, and R. Keys, that the council meeting to be held on 27th inst. They will discuss changes in the boundaries of the above sections and other business. That the court of Reyision will be on the 27th May. That the following' orders be granted. Mrs Newcombe, $2; C. Prouty, $50;Munici- pal World. $1; H. Reder, $1; Mr O'Brien $1; Mr. Eagleson, $12; Co. Treasurer, $5 32; assessor, $B0; M. Wilson, law ex- penses G. B. C. $1200; J Lawson, $11 85; A Hat ris, $7; C. Finkbiner, $6.25; print- "IESa 87:' V. Oliver was appointedled fence viewers instead of J Mollard. Round keepers, same as last year., Path :masters are in for 1895 to replace re movals, The remaining path masters will continue from last year, viz: J. R. Evans, J. Hodgins, S. Davis, G. Hill, H. Wilson, R. Walker, T. Wilson, J. Bea- man, G. Moatz, G. Magnus, C. Box, C. Fahner, R. Hodgins, W. Finkbiner, A. Hartman, Mr. Dunehoe, J. E. Neeb, N. McLellan, N. Buchannon,•John Wilson, 17. McGregor, J. Kenny, J. Zyler, C. Walper., P, Haggard,:•S,' Webb, J. H. Bunker, Sam. Stanlake, G. Penhale, A. Hartm&n, W. Kehl, L. Merriott. In giving the names above I start in front. Gravel contracts will be let Monday May 27th. C. Prouty, Clerk. • Varna,.: Mr. Samuel Moffatt has disposed of his property in the' village to Mr. Frank Keyes • for a handsome figure, Mr. Mof fact will remove to his farm adjoining the village. -The township council, met to -day. It was decided to remove the tax on dogs. -Mr. Benjamin Makham, has secured an agency for the Maxwell firm of St. Marys, Mr. Makham is a young man and no doubt wilt make a hustler. -Mr. Dailey, student of Gode- rich, occupied the pulpit of the Metho- dist churh with great acceptance on Sunday evening. -We are glad to hear that Mrs. J. Foote is recoyering.-Miss Mina.£Iaxby, returned to her home on Tuesday. -School report of S. S. No. 6, Stanley. The following is the report of the pupils standing based on the ag- gregate number of marks obtained from their examinations. Some of the names are onlmitted as they were not present during the whole examination. V. -Maggie Galbraith, Charlotte Cook, Joseph Cook, Therecea Combeli, Jennie, McKenzie, Annie Foster, Fred Purdy, George Dunkin, Jane Campbell, Willie Dunkin, Edwin Foster, Henry Cook, John Hamilton, George Weeks, Andrew Stinson. Sr. 3. -Percy Wanless, Willie Cook, Alfred Johns, Maggie Campbell, James Ward, John Johns Josie Gal- braith. Jr. 3 -Olive Keyes, Fanny McKenzie, Annie l ,ied, Norman Purdy. Wilber Leech, Sr. '2. -Herbert Dun- kin, Lillie Campbell, Harry Armstrong, Joseph Ward, Lillie Dunkin, Willie Hied, Ada Galbraith, Jr. 2. -Harvey Bayes, Laura Cailis,,Cleve Adams. -Pt. 2. -Lizzie Seinsou, Annie Robinson, Robert Campbell. Pt. 1. --Lloyd Mof fatt, Aurthtir Johns, Bertha Cairns, Frank McKenzie, Darwtn Bayes, Ches. ter Duukin Lila Campbell, Ethel Johns, Maggio Moffatt. The aycrage attend- ance of pupils 45. The trustees hayo laid a new sidewalklwhich is quite an improvement ma the previous muddy walk Our trtieteeti keep abreast of the times, They have purchased;lome new Inapt of tilethe'llitelet etyle, now window - curtains, new bell and inlade other im• proyewcuts which increase the aip5are 'twee 'of the school. Cla Quant Herbie age attenda Div. 3. SR. 3Rn.-Coleman May Armstrong, Violet Willis, wey Frank Ross, Henry Gould. • Law Matheson, John Russel Stewart, Vercy Hardy, Shirty No. on roll. 58, average attendance A. E. Gregory, Teache Div 4. SR. Sam -Alvin Johnston, Melyille Howey, Herman Prior, Geo. Sanders equal, Mamie Fanson, Flossie Snell. tI 3Rn:-Mervyn Huston, James Bald son, Mabel Follick, Frank Taylor Jes- sie Gillespie, Frank Walters. No. on roll 61, average 46. M. E. Gill, Teacher. Div. 6. Se. exp. -Annie Hiedeman, Herbie Gregory, Jessie Cameron, Jennie. Mur- ray, Sandy Bawden, Millie Martin. Jit. 2ND. -Winnie Howard, Herbert Hone!, Willie Newcombe, Beatrice Lu-, ker, Clara Ross, Burton Preszcator, Thomas Hankin, John Barton. No. on roll 73, average attendance 55, Hattie Watrond, Teacher, Div, 6. 2Nn.-Nina Carling, Merle Gould Harry Huston, Louise Carling, May Newton. JR. 2N0 - Ruby Treble Della ')Treble, Veda Handford, Ada Hedden, Dolly Dickson. No. on roll 73, average attendance, 55. N. Pringle, Teacher. Div. 7. SR. 2ND. -Millie Braune, Gertie John- ston, Percy Westaway, Ruby Dayidsoh,. Netta Fulton. JR. 2/in.-Fred . Jeckell: Annie Brown, Addie Gillespie, Will Willis, Percy Wood. No on roll ?3, average attendance 51. A. V Jeckell, Teacher. Teacher. Mooresville. , Clina�()ri�i'r.` Thos. McCann has moved into the house vacated by Mr. Coleby. -Mr. A. Dearing has moved in- to the house lately occupied by Mr. Geo. Carter. -Mr. W. Taylor has moved from Mooresville and located in Cen tralia.-The debate at S. S., No 2, was a decided success. Dashwood. Again the wedding bells peel forth in our midst and one of our fairest daughters, in the person of Miss Mary Birk, 1s made the wife of Mr. Adam Mansz, of Tavistock. The happy event occurred on Thursday last in the pres- ence of a number of near friends and relatives, The nuptial knot was tied in the slickest and safest manner pos- sible by Rev. Eby. Misa Laving Birk acted as bridesmaid, while- the groom was ably supported by E. M. Broken - shire. The bride was elegantly attired in cream cassimere, while this groom wore the customary black suit and a beaming smile. After the ceremony was over all sat down to a sumptuous repast at which ample justice was ful ly done. Mr. Mansz left for his home near Tavistock on Monday but Mrs. Maiasz stays a few days longer. May their joys in life be many and their sorrows few. -The sleet of Sunday night made things very slippy and travelling on foot was a very difficult matter on Monday. -At the close of the Forester's meeting on Saturday evening Mr. Robert Turnbull gave an oyster supper to his Forester brethren and friends in this locality, in boner of the position he has held in the council for many years. After all had partak- en freely of the oysters and fully en- joyed themselves in this respect. Dr. McLaughlin was called to the chair and after giving ashort address called on different members present for speech- es or songspas they saw fit to € •ve. All spoke of Mr. Turnbull in a few well- chosen words, as being a than true to his own convictions and longed to see Mr. Tui'nbull•raise}i ta higher honors and trust. Music' was furnished by Messrs. Lindenfield and Snider: Songs were rendered by Messrs. Fritz, Snider and Lindenfield in a very pleasing manner. At the close the National anthem was sung with heart and will and all wont home wishing Mr. Turn- bull every success in his undertakings. Mitchell: Mr. Conatithee ' Seelesch, who was an old settler of Fullerton, but retired fromfarming and moved into Mitchell some four years ago, died at his home in the North Wiird on Sunday last in the 610 year of his age. S had been suffering some time with a cancer in the stomach, and although everything possible was done for hila he snecuinbed to his ailment as above mentioned. Ile was aihan of sterling integrity, a Conservative In politica, tt Member of the,, -Lutheran church, Jaid S very highly ro pected by alt *lie htllfw th hits. b as my ation ber of. that h tion. free ma iz- ation had and that I enjoy whate Now, I am Beau coupling which he knew say. Now, as dent of this to electoral district, the circumstances, and as Mr. Bean is an I respect age before beau I must let him down ea' Bean must not think that he spotless, even in the political aren,, thereforeshould not be throwing sto at other hile he is living in a Blas house t elf. As rewards Mr. Albert Brown,. the seen • of � motion, he is a man in file p i la e; it, s and has his p'llitical bump in the `right place, according to his own views. He is the very man that knows ,the circumstances, there- fore, I am more than surprised that he would display his ignorance in such a way as to couple his name to a motion, censuring a person upon whom he has no string. whatever. Mr. Brown is the very man that signed and handed me my withdf'awal card from the organiz- ation, therefore, knows that 1 was not a member of the order when Iaccepted a party convention. Now, Mr. Brown censures me for ignoring the Patron platform.. I say the statement is false. I prize the Patron platform as highly as ever I did, and while it may not be perfect, it will be no disgrace for any person to uphold it. But let us review the action of Mr. Brown. No later than. the last Dominion election, when a Pat- ron candidate was in the field, Mr. Brown was at that time a full fledged. Patron, but when election day came he went and voted for the party candi- date. Would you call that ignoring the Patron platform? Some people would call that tumbling off the plat- form, body and soul, Now, Mr. Brown claims that he did not know that there was a Patron candidate in the field at that election.. 1 am surprised at it. 1 can produce a man, a brother Patron at that time, who was sitting in lodge with Mr. Brown, who will say that Mr. Brown did know that 4Patron candi- date was in the field. Bat Mr Brown will cling fast to the Patron platform and display himself as a white -winged Actionangel-at least until the next Action day arrives. I hear it rumored that I have been accused of treating the Patrons mean and shabby, and that I was trying to. pull "she wool over their eyes, I claim that is not the case. I prize the, Patron organization in its purity as highly as ever, and believe to the pres- ent time that it would bring good fruits where only Patronise(' left alone I took my withdrawal card from the or- ganization, not for the purpose of dis- posing the order, but for reasons that I claim has fully justified me in "doing so; I haye left the order in a respect- able way and have never said a word against the organization since my with- drawel; I have assisted the organiza- tion whenver I eould," and intend do- ing so in the future. but if I am as bad and unprincipled a man, as I am told that some of its members were trying to snake me, then they should be thank- ful to God that I do not any longer be- long to the order. I am informed that resolutions were also passed to record their votes against me at the next Dominlbn election, no matter what candidates were in or out of the field. Gentlemen, that is a mat- ter resting entirely with yourselves, It is a free country and your votes are your own; it is your duty to record them in the interest of yourselves; you have the right to record them as you see fit and I haye no r' -�" to dictate to you I thank you, M. valuable space. Stephen, Apr' Seafortht St NO 403 Oonuuunication, To THE EDITOR OF THE ADVOCATPI, SIR, -You will kindly oblige me by allowing me space in your yaluable p a- per"for the following remarks: I notice in your last week's issue that the fol- lowing resolution has been passed at the Patron Township meeting at Cred- iton, viz: •'Moved by Isaac Bean, and seconded by Albert Brown, that we, as a township association, censure Mr. Valentine Ratz for the steps that he has taken, after joining the Patron order, to ignore the Patron platform and be- come a party candidate." Iti view of the above resoultion, I may say that it is not a pleasure to me to he com- pelled to resort to journalistic centro- versy, but when a man is impeached upon innocently, it is time for him to' defend himself from the accusation. In reference to the above resolution, I say it is false, and not an honarable act for such men as Mr. Bean and Mr. Brown o couple their names with it. I will e give the true statement of the I did join the, Patron organize- d I have paid my dues, and I up to the laws of the order w, until I was granted from the organiz- longor a mem- only after con Ven - en a paid o dollar, etween tl ;