HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1895-3-28, Page 5Saved Her Life, Surgical Operations and nest Medical Treatment (Failed 'An Almost Milraculous, Cure by Hood's Sarsaparilla- (lhleago, Illinois, C. T.I3oodA Co., Lowell, Mass.: ' "'Beginning in February, '02, I was very sick for two months. Slowly I got better but was confined to my bed. A physician said I had a Pelvic Abscess in lifly Side. Alter an operation I did not improve, the ab- scess continuing to dischargeeven more freely than before. In two months time three opera - Lions were performed and tubes inserted to carry cif the impurities, but an in vain. Finally it f ci d upon vias decided that my life depett oanother operation and that I must be removed to the hospital. About three weeks previous to this had noticed an advertisement in the Daily News of a ease where Hoods Sarsaparilla had cured a boy soxnewiutt similarly afflicted in r Trenton, N. J., and i decided to give it a trial. Waren the time decided upon for me to go to the hospital arrived I had been taking Hood's Sar- saparilla about two weeks. 1 Was Cretting Matter and the abscess had already began to discharge less freely. I felt stronger and had a terrible appetite. Previous to this I had given up to die. when I had taken the second bottle I was able to sit up and accordingly I was not taken to the Itospittl and the final operation was deferred. Now I have taken six bottles and the abscess tuts entirely healed I am well and go every where. My friends think it is a miracle to have rte restored In theln t g riu so healthy and even younger in looks than below my sickness. Feel iiietter Than Ever I dial in my life awl weigh over 180 pounds, the :waviest itt my life. I do a big day's work and am gaining in strength every day. My mother worried and worked herself almost sick in car- I:1,g forme. Shehas Sante taken Flood's Sursa- p•'rills awl it has done her 1nu.a11 good. Wo praise Hood's Sersai,arilla to everybody, for ithow it Saved My Life. 1 am 27 years old, and a stranger to look at me now woule not think I ever had a day's sick- ness. Even the doctors are surprised at the success of Flood's Sarsaparilla in my case. ktother and myself • continue to take the medi- �Sx'lln Cilre cine regularly and we earnestly recommend Rood's Sarsaparilla." Alas, il`IOLLIL WENtDT, 505 West Eighteenth Street, Chicago, Illinois. Corroborates the Above, C. e. Hood & Co., Lovell, Mass.: " Dear Sirs: -I am a drug clerk andhave sold airs. Mollie Wendt many bottles of Hood's Ska- se e trill& alai can . er'Ily teat she was cured. by it. we of it." F. C. k)ILLEsnnci:, 530 West ..igitteertlt Street, Chicago. oael'S Pills cure liver 111s, jaundice, bil- ir-,,isuess, i hea::ache and constipation. 25e. Rev. Dr. Davies, Bursar of Trinity University-, died yesterday. Piso's Remedy fbr Catarrh is the Best, Easiest to I`se, and Cheapest. Sold by druggists or sent by mail, boo. E. T. Hazeltine. Warren, Pa, FCion_flflI!olion Women the Greatest Sufferers. GRAVE RESULTS OFTEN OCCUR. In all Cases Paine's Celery Compound Cures and Restores Perfect Health Headaches are varied in character, :rf frequent occurrence and are pro - laced by a variety of causes. The com non iheadache is often produced by me indiscretion in diet, or devialtioit from ordinary habits of life. We have also conrwestiye headache, rheumatic headaches, and bilious and nervous headaches. Women are oftener the victims of these troubles than men. W'heu neglected from day to day grave and fatal consequences often occur. Some of the ablest and best physic- ians freely admit that Paine's Celery Compound is the safest, surest and best medicine for every character of head- ache. Indeed, this opinion is strength- ined by the thousands who have given • estimouy in favor of Paine's Celery Compound. Headaches being more prevalent in the Spring season, it is of the utmost importance that every sufferer should know how to act, One bottle of Paine's Celery Cotnpound will often permanent ly cure. Nature's marvellous Spring medicine will, at the same time, build up the entire system, Logan: A meeting of the creditors of Mr. John Nicholson, was held in Mitchell un Monday, when a settlement of 50 cents on ,the $ was offered and accepted. Lucan: Many Lucanites will be pleased to learn that Mr. C. J. Fitzger- ald, who resided with his parents here for a number of years, bas been ap pointed starting judge at the track at Washington, at a salary of $100; per day. Chris has been for 5 years sport- ing editor of the New York Sun° and we wish him success in hie new iposi tion, Tuckersmith: One of the oldest sett lers of the township passed away on \londay, ISth inst., in the person of Is abelia Reaburn, wife of Mr. Donald tIcDonald, of the Llth concession, H. R S Mrs. McDonald was 75 years of age, arid was one of the oldest and most highly esteemed ,residents. She had been a sufferer for a considerable length of time, and death came as a re lief, Hibbert: Mr. James McConnell, met with a painful accident on Tuesday. Mr McConnell was attending to his horses, when one of the animals kinked and struck him, breaking his arm. Once before he was so unfortunate as to have the same arm broken by a kith from a horse. The accident will lay him up for some time, and be the more painful on account of the previous frac tures Mr. John G. T yn r,, C. P R. baggage- rnan at Guelph, died snddently, Jeor Over Fifty `hears. An OLD AND WILL-T1tn:n 1ti itn`Dr.-Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years bymillions of mothers for their children while teething, with per- fect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all paint, cures wind colic and is the best remedy fox Diarrheas. is pleasant to the taste. Sold by Druggists In. every part of the World. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup and take no other kind Mr. William Swartz, the , Guelph small patient, hes been discharged from the hospitl cured. To Make Pure Blood The is nd medicine before the people equel to hood's Sarsaparilla. It is the standard spring medicine and blond purifier and it possesses peculiar merit which others try in vain to reach. It really makes the weak strong Do not neglect to puriy your bland this spring Take Hood's Sarsaparilla now, Hood's Pills h'come the favorite cathartic wirh every one who trigs them 25c. per box. Mr. Thomas Lee, of St. Catharines, who was injured in a ruuawliv acci- dent on Thursday, died yesterday. London, ILuron and TIME TABUS. GOING Noarit= Passer ger. Bruce. London, depart.-....... Centralia EXETEIt Hensel). Kippen Bruoetekl Clinton Londesboro Blyth Belgrave. Win gham arrive cloltta Soumx- Winghe m, depart Belgrave Blytl• 8.05a it 4.3e r M 9.07 5.47 9.22 600 9.37 6 15 9 44 6,20 9.59 6.28 10.12 6.05 10.20 7,14 10,58 7.43 10.62 7 37 11.10 800 Passenger 6.85 A. i( 2,25 V is 6 50 8.47 7.09 4.01 Londosboro,. ,........ 110 4.08 Clinton 7,80 4,28 ,l3rucefleld 7 59 4,534 6 Kippen Bengali.. .... A06 4.58 EXETER- .... ......... 8.26 612 Centralia .................... 8 40 5.23 Hon John Gos'igan Was. banqueted by frienps at Kingston. FOR TWENTY-FIVE YEARS. D.UNN'S RANI' TU. SELLERS1101011 OF NENE tiNozon Steel Hoosier '-.1)17 OMEIISE .BEAUT1FDL 'AND BRILLIANT .COLORS„. A Commission to be Appointed by Treaty to Consider Them. CANADA WILL BE CONSULTED Sir Charles 1115bbert Tupper and Other CanadianGentlemen Will Confer With the liriti4Ii Ambassador as to the Phraseology and Splrit of the Treaty. Washington, March 20. -Sir Charles Hibbert Tapper,tho Canadian Minister of Justice, who was Minister of Marino and Fisheries at the time of the Paris award, and tale other gentlemen who will accom- pany him to Washington will probably not arrive until the middle of next month. The purpose of their visit is that they may be consulted by the British Am bassador, Sir Julian Paunoofoto, in the preparation of a treaty looking to, the formation of a commission to consider the claims of the Canadian sealers against the United Status under the findings of the Paris tribunal, The Canadians will take no part in the drawing of the treaty, but in view of the direct interest which Canada has in the matter, it was thought that well � Majesty's Government by Dei 14 ]sty they should be consulted as to the phrase- ology and spirit of the treaty, which re- sult could bo more expeditiously gained bySir CCarles Hibbert Tupper being in Washington than if the conclusions reached were subject to a correspondence between himself and Sir Julian. The Canadians will remain about one week, at the end of which time it is thought the treaty will have been agreed upon by Sec- rotary Gresham and the British Ambassa- dor. Meanwhile the British Government is still hopeful that when Congress meets the appropriation of $425,000 will be speedily passed with a view to compen- sating the Canadian sealers for the losses sustained by them. If not then, the treaty will be sent to the Senate for rati- fication. The British Government argues that these claims are not for prospootive profits and ought not to bo so considered. The vessels, they contend, represented a certain owning capacity and when they were seized or driven out of the only business for whioh they were adapted the result was a distinct loss to their owners. It is known that the claim originally aggregated $700,000, but that agreeably to an understanding between Seerotary Gresham and Sir Julian a compromise of $425,000 was reached. Some doubt is expressed here as to the correctness of the report that Lord Rose - berg has promised the Canadians that the British Government will advance this amount to its Canadian subjects and look to 'the United States for a reimburse- ment. No such information has reached here. Ailsa Craig: AR the thieves in this vicinity do not seem to have been cap- tured yet as a goat -skin robe and sev. eral other articles have been stolen from the Munro House sheds. The enter- prising proprietor offers ten dollars re ward for information that will lead to the conviction of the thief or thieves, and will not give the informant away. One or two examples will be of general benefit. Lucan: The return shooting match for $25 aside between the Lucan and Parkhill Gun Clubs took place here ot, Thursday afternoon. Each side lined up with nine men, ten birds each, Lu - can winning by a scorn of 47 to 28. This is the second math between these two clubs, Parkhill having won the first he six birds. Another shoot will b. arranged for Good Friday, to take place in Parkhill, at live pigeons. This day's match was at live pigeons and at dummy blue rocks, Ailsa Crain': On Monday last about 4 p. tn., two men engaged in a hand -to Maud tight on John Street, while a third man egged on one of the combatants Our Reeye Mr. John Morgan ordered the men to desist and they were arrest ad by Constables Maguire and Atkin- son with the result that Archibald -Mc- Diarmtd, of East Williams; Sydtley. Hodgins, and Emmanuel Hodgins, of McGillivray went home poorer by about $1.5 in cash and richer by that ainount of purchased wisdom Allen, Craig is a quiet law-abiding place and our village Fathers do not purpose to allow the streets of our town to become the stamping ground upon which young men with bellicose tendencies can meet to settle their differences by fisticuff encotinfers. The P. M. promis es the next man $10 or 30 days. To Smokers To meet the wishes of their cusstomers The Geo. E. ' uckett and Son Co. Ltd., Hamilton. Ont., have placed upon the market A Combination Plug of &8 Smoking Tobacco. This supplies a long felt d for luncheon with the residents BAI( sumer one 20 cent retire p watlt, giving the r resented. Count William plug, or 10 cent piece or 5 cent of the body rep " , - and Rni'ltert Bismarck and Count Von piece of the famous l & B"bread of Iiantzttu the ox-Clianeollor's cell-in-atv, ba coo. �O r BISMARCK'S TRIUMPH. Tl:e 1teicbstag nese-teed to Congratulate Him, but Accepted His Hospitality. Frieclrichsruhe, March 26. Prince Bis- marck received the members of the Prus- sian Diet and many members of the Reichstag yesterday. The members of the Prussian Lower House were the first to arrive. They were welcomed by Count Herbert Bismarck, who asked them to wait at the station for the arrival of the members of the Upper House. Count Bis- marck evoked great laughter by remark- ing: "As the Reichstag are not hero offi- cially they must travol, in ordinary carri- ages and not in saloons." Suddenly there was a cry "Bismarck comes, " and to the intense surprise of all the old Chancellor appeared upon the platform quite unex- pectedly and contrary to programme. The Prince was attired in a full gene- ral's uniform, with cuirass and helmet. Ho worn a long gray cloak and carried a walking stick, although he did not use it. He walked erect and with a firm step. Everybody rushed towards him and the Prince said in a loud tone : "Gentlemen, welcome to Lauenberg." Councillor Kleinschmid, a member of the Landtag, said to the ,Prince: "Tho members of the Reichstag have not yet arrived." ' °What 1" said the ex -Chancellor, "are they permitted to tomo?" This remark created great laughter. Just then the train conveying the mern- .bers of the Reichstag arrived, and Prince Bisinara z was driven to the castle, the members walking. The entire delegation assembled around the terrace facing the lawn. Count Stolberg, Herr Von Keeler, Prussian Minister of the Interior, and ox -President Von .Levetzow walked through the castle to the terrace where each made a short speech of congratula- tion, to which Prince Bismarck replied in a clear voice. "The Diets," he said, "ought to take a larger interest in the foreign policy. They ought to discuss what is known about the instructions a foreign minister receives and what he does. In the Federal council the budget for salaries of foreign minis- ters always offers a chance for debating the foreign policy. This would tend to revive national feeling in the Empire which is not of late manifesting itself so strongly as I could wish. There is no doubt that there aro people who labor u impression that there under the erroneous are two separate and independent Gov- ernments at Berlin. There is but one, for the foreign policy which was intended by the constitution to be imperial has been distorted by bureaucratic mal- practices from the original intention. X am sorry I cannot directly take part in the management of affairs. I am not well enough to co-operate. with you practical- ly, but my Ideas are with. you perhaps more than is proper for an old man like myself; I cannot drive away what: has become an habitual interest through life long work. I cannot now express my feelings better than by impressing upon you, and especially you members of the Landtag, that you must hold fast to the national idea and remember that in Prus- sia also we do not follow the Branden- burg or Prussian policy but the Imperial German policy. In this sense I call upon you for three cheers for the Kaiser," Talo cheers wore heartily given. When quiet was restored, Prince Bismarck added: "I very much wish my house were aable to receive you all as my guests but there is no room. Although there is room in the narrowest hut for happy lovers there Is Cot ronin enough hero for 160." The concluding remarks of the ex-Chan- callor were greeted with Daughter and he Within the last few years science bas been at work, and the result are Fast Diamond Dyes for Cotton: Turkey Red, Scarlet, Pink, Crimson, Purple, Seal. Brown, Orange,, Olive Green and other colors These dyes make colors so fast that even washing in strong soap suds will trot cause them to fade. If `% amen will ask for fast Diamond Dves for Cotton, and see that they get !hoar, then will be able to dye any of the above colors absolutely last and unfading colors that will remain until the goods are worn out, • Fast Diamond Dyes for Cotton give grand and brilliant colors to carpetrags, and are, therefore invaluable to country people who make Rag Carpets. These popular dyes are far ahead of all other forms of dyestuff's, and many large houses use. them regularly. Commie', package dyes -worthless imitations - are stow sold in some stores; beware of these; insist every . time upon getting i Dyes; rhe guaranteed' Fast Diamond tried, sure, true, brilliant and unfading. Mitchell: Mr. Jasper Walkout has the sympathy of the community in .the i hi occurr- ed of his young wife, r ch u ed on Wednesday 20th. Deceased was a daughter of the late Thos. Neal. She was taken ill about a week ago with inflammation of the lungs, and, not. icithstanding everything that kind. friends and an attentive and skilful physician could do, she rapidly grew worse until death stepped in and put an 'tnd to her sufferings She leaves one ,mall child and a loving husband to mourn her early demise. Hensel]: Hensalt once more boasts.of a Royal Tempters of Temperance lodge. ,i.s a result of the labors of Rev. J. W. Bell, of Hamilton, general agent and organizer of the Society, who spent last week here, council 321, which had lain dormant for some time, was reor- eanized on Thursday eveuiu . The following officers were elected for the •usuing .year. Select councillor, Ezra iteedding; vice councillor, Miss V Smith past councillor. Wm. Stoneman; chap - tin, Miss J. Westaway; secretary, Miss R Smallacombe; tfeasurer, Miss L. .hart; herald, Albert Short; guard Geo. hite. The lodge meets every Thurs day evening at8 o'clock, in McEwen' mall. pure Virginia were also present. T E COOK $ BEST �'RIEN� Tlletintag m E" is on every piece. The deputies departed for it LARGEOT SALE iH CANADA. on three special trains: thole homes FUN ON THE SiDE. Stalate-Well, I must be going; it's get- ting ]ate. Ethel -Better late than never. N.Y. Herald. It is all right to wait till the clouds roll by it you are spending the time earning money to buy an umbrella. -Atchison Globe. "A very remarkable thing has come out concerning Ellie's eng.igement." "What's that?" "Her betrothed is going to marry her." -Chicago News. "SimonI Simons There are burglars in the house!" "That's all right, Mary. I Made an assignment of everthiug to -day for the benefits of the creditors." Obliging Country Butcher -Let me cut it into cutlets for you, ma'am, leaving just euough bone for you. to hold 1m by, while you're eating 'em !-.Drake's Magazine. "Have you any choice as to where your picture shall be hung?" "No," replied the artist, "only tbatTd feel on the safe side if you'd put it in a room with low ceilings. "-W ashingtou Star. Midler-I wonder why Jones wasn't ap- pointed on the jury? Muller -He was re- jected on the ground that he couldn't hear both sides. "How so?" "Why he is deaf in one ear."-Tid'Bits. FASHIONS IN JEWELRY- The standards for soap of narrow rais- ed work bars are very pretty. The new candlesticks for tapers as pretty as baby toys and look them. Transparent colored stones are sleeve battens with no more gold showing than necessary: New bottles for salts have silver covers with square box -like tops for their easy manipulation. Artistic leaf spoons grow in numbers every day. A specimen is a lily leaf for the bowl and two twisted tendrils with buds for the handle. There are deeide,d novelties in silver v fruit dishes, 0 lot One is a , round bowl with raised and perforated work. The ornamentation is very rich. The same designs have low standards, and round keels -Mee feet. Single sleeve -buttons are largerthan ever. Tbey are worn chiefly by men, and women who affect masculine dress. They prevail in dead geld. The more elaborate have a section in repousse work. -Jewel- ers' Circular. Combined. Drill and Broadcast Seeder, Single Drills, Single Broadcast Sudo, There are other Drills! But there is only One Hoosier! All others aro baok,nnmbers'l' The proof Is, there are more Hoosier Drills and Seeders in use in Canada to -day thau of all other kinds combined No Purchaser Dissatisfied Yet! Why should they be, when they have OS THE BEST DRILL EVER MADE? WE GUARANTEE THIS. IIXO BROS. MF CO. Cru., IJilEI1SOI,, oQ Henry Jones, Agent, Exeter. are like 11 GREAT 1(T5AE Had to "(lila and Bear It" when he had a pain. Ton can grin and ban' Isla it at once by using FERBY DAvla' Sotd and used everywhere.inXLte?�a A whole me dicine chest by itself. Kills every form f extern A o al or internal pain.o boss -A teaspoonful in half glass of water or milk (warm r eonvenien F IN PARLOR AND KITCHEN. ook'sCottoilRoot COMPOUND. A recent discovery by an old physician. Successfully used monthly by thousands of Ladies. Is the only perfectly safe andrenablemedlclne dis- covered. Beware of unprincipled druggists who offer inferior medicines in place of this. Ask for Cook's Cotton 1loot Compound. take nosubati- tote, or inclose $i and 6 cents in postage in letter and we willsend, sealed, by return mail. Fulisealed particulars in plain envelope, to ladies only, 2 stamps. Address The Cook Company, Windsor, Ont., Canada. Bold in Exeter by T. W. Browning, Druggist NE W - HARNESS SHOP' ' Vegetables should always be put itt cold water half au hour before using them; it will freshen them up wonderfully, Biting off silk thread, if long continued, causes lead poisoning. To increase its weight, silk thread is soaked in a solution of acetate of Nod. A chemist advises that canned fruit be opened an hour or two before it is used. It is far richer after the oxygen of the air has been restored to it. Simple and pretty bedroom cur- tainsvery are made of plain cream art muslin trimmed with ruffles of the same and tied back With self -color ribbons. A Pompeian lamp in old silver, bronze or brassie a highly esteemed addition to one's store of brie-lelitem and does duty in the hall, or in some "corner effect" in the parlor. Flavin leased the premises vacated by Elliot & Elliot I wish to inform the people of Exeter and surrounding coun- try that I have opened up a new harness shop and will carry in stock a full line of HARNESS SUPPLIES, HORSE BLAKKETS, HORSE BRUSPES, CURRY COMBR, ETC, ETC, ETC. Harness repaired and made to order. All orders receive promptattention. First class work guaranteed. CDT i RILL5 Codings Old Store. Chrsfl's,gazir OO b ERRIL LIVERY. Bicycles, Sewing Machines, Baby Carriages And Musical Instruments. . We are the only firm 'who make a specialty of the above named goods .and therefore claim that we can give the people of Exeter and vicinity, Greater Bargains! Greater Choice Lowest Prices. ! I I The latest and newest At- tachments ttachments for all our goods can be had by calling at our ware -rooms, -One door north Dr. Lutz's drug store First-class Rigs and Horses Orders left at Hawkshaw's Hotel, or at the Livery S table,(Christe'sold Stand) will receive prompt at. tention. . . . . - Terms Reasenabie CL r olephone L Connection Tis _�. .i rn.I J. S elI iaV Ca,5 ii s . EXETER - ONTARIO Has now in stock FALL ad be SR IN THE FOLLOWING LINES: West of England Suitings and Trou cringe, Scotch Tweed Suitings and Trouser n gs. French and English Worsted Clot All made up in the Latest tyte,at best Raets. rriT aJ rolts5,9ot Cite kl eumatilgtl arae Muueular Pain ayairleht Why or Cry Che 9*4,. *ti las Yer, *ado! ho mywife otme one. inured • Pike make. For along time 1 suffered with Rheumatfom id the Beek so severely that 1 could not even sit straight. My wife advised a n. do t, Menthol Pfister. 1 tried it and Wei soon going about alt tight. S. 0. Media, SWaet'a Cornell. iiPriee 26e. PEI(IS &jIIJiBTIjL Jw R@Rf ROIL B 4 you go any place to get shaved acrd hair cut, give Ike Dearing a trial. He is located one door south of Central Ho- tel in Bissetts old stand. SpeoialAttention is given to ladies and cbildren hair cutting, ladies bang's trimmed and curled latest style for 10 cts. Hair work such as switches Bangs curls Puffs. Wigs and topics atrial solected. aJeating. A. 14 STH CS1 r Proprietor:0 THE CENTRAL BARBER SHOP. HAIRCUTTING, SHAMPOOING and HAIRCUTTING. Ladies' and Children's Haircutting aspe V., A. HAISTINGS, Fanson's Block. EXETER ~`�-�■► PORK PACKING HOtrSE• Live Hogs wante3. that will weigh from 120 to :"2 ' pounds each. I am selling at the Packing Hansa Store, spars{ ribs, tenderloin cut- tings, pickled nigs' feet, prestWill tongue, head cheese, sausage, ba- con, dried beef and pork. As [ have engaged Mrs.Harrims to attend to this part, our eustom- ers will find all to he first claeadet every respect at lowest cash prizes. Now is the time to got your era* or pail tilled with pure lard as prices are liable to go Uri. 0.S EU., -