HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1895-3-14, Page 5Broken in Health That Tired Feeling, Constipation and Pain in the Back Appetite and: Health Restored by Hood's Sarsaparilla. 13Ir. Chas. bleele St. Catherine's, Ont. "C..1. hood Ss Co:, Lowell, Mass.: "For a numller of years I have been troubled with a general tired feerino, shortness of breath, pain In the back, and co,istipation: T could get only little rest at night on. account of the pain, and rout no appetite whatever. I was that tired in my limbs that I gave out before half the da; was.gone. I tried a great rlumbcr of so-called blood purifiers, but with no good results. I wa also anderthe caro of several doctors. Fro- auently I had such bad spells that I had to be Broaaglit Home from Work during the day and have e doctor called in, but did not get any permanent relief from any nd Source until, upon recommendation of a friend, I purchased a Mottle of hood's. Sarsaparilla, which made me feel better at once. I have con- tinued its use, having taken three bottles, and I Feel Eike a Flow Man. 1 have a good appetite, feel as strong as ever I ctld, and enjoy perfect rest at ni;ht. I have much pleasure in recommending, Hood's Sarsa- parilla." CIIAJtLES STEELE, with Erle Pre- serving Co., St. Catherine's, Ontario. Headache and Impure Blood Hood's Sarsaparilla Quickly Cured. "C. 1. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.: "About a year ago I had an attack of the grip, followed by a continued headache and dizzi- ness. And shortly after this my face broke out in blotches like ring -worms. I tried numerous etlicines to see what they would do for me, but never found anything to take effect until, at last, I thought I would give Hood's Sarsaparilla a trial. I purchased one bottle which soon took effect for the better, and by the time I had taken Sarsaparilla CURE half thebottle the headache had ceased and the blotches had all left my face.' I have never felt better then I do now, and I think Hood's Sarsa- parilia the best blood purifier on the market and readily recommend it to anyone in need of tae same." Miss Louisa Loco, Kelly's Com- . mercial House, Cul -de -Sao Street. Quebec, P. Q. Hood's Pills are prompt and efficient, yet clay hi action. Sold by all druggists.. 25e. Mr. James Laidlaw, grain dealer of •Shelburne committed suicide by hang. ing. Piso's Remedy for Catarrh is the Best. Esslest to Ilse, and Cheapest. Sold by druggists or sent by mall, Loc. E. T. Hazeltine. Warren; Pa. At Minneapolis Harry Haywaid was found guilty of the murder of Miss Ging. • " I0or Over Fifty ears. AN OLD AND WELL -TRIED REAM/r.—Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over lifts, years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with per- fectsuooess. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, inures wind colic and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea.is pleasant to the taste. Sold by Drugists In. every part of the World. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup and take no outer kind Marquette Liberals have nominated Mr. R H. Meyers, M. PP,, for the Cotn- mons. • Rheumatism Cured. ' Rheumatism is caused by lactid acid in the. blood attacking the fibrousuq tis- sues s - sues of` the joints. Keep your blond pure and healthy and you will not have rheumatism Hood's Sarsapar'lla gives the blood vi•aality and richness and tones the whole body, neutralizes the acidity of the blood and' thus cures rheumatism. Flood's .Pills are the best after dinner pills, assist digestion, cure headache. Mr. D'Alton McCarthy is announced to speak at Orrailgeville on Tuesday, March 19, London, Huron and Bruce. TIME TABLE. GOING NORTH— . Passenger. . London, depart 8-05 A M 4.80 1' 81 Centralia 9.07 EXETER 9.22 lBenstell 9.87. • Kippen 944 Brucefie Irl 9.52 Clinton .10.12 Ln act osboro......... . . 10.29 Bluth 10 38 • Bel grave 10.52 , Wingham arrive ,.... ... 11.10 GOING Sotrvlt-- • Passenger Wingham, depart 6.35 A lit 3.25 r ii Belgrave 650 5.47 Blyth 7.03 4.01 Londesboro 710 4.08 Chilton. 7.30 4.28 Brucefield . 7 49 4 46 ICI ppen..........,..... ... 757 4,03 Berman. 8 00 4 58 EXETER 8.25 ' 512 Centralia - 840 5.23 —Mr. J. Hettle has been elected Presi. dent of the M tnitoba Dairytnee's As'lo- •ciation. . FOR—TWENTY-FIVE -YE13. 5,47 600 615 6,20 6.28 6.55 7,14 7.23 7 37, 8.00 DUNN'S. ' Y I' PO DER THECOOKSBESTFRIEND LARGEST SAL IN CANADA. CLEREIYJflflR'S OLEGISLATURE' The Minister or Education Presents MS Annual' Repoli, LETTER. Magnificent fork Ac- complished in St. Anne's Parish,. Rite Sick and Diseased Made Well by Paine's Celery Conzpound. Thousands in the Commer- cial Metropolis know what the Great Spring Medi ciie Has Done. In the great archodioee.se of Montre- al, the parish of St. Anne's is one of the largest and most important. The parish is a populous one, and the work of the dozen or more clergymen who devote their time and talents to the spiritual and charitable interests of the people, is heavy and never -eliding. In this thickly settled arid congested parish the sick and suffering are num- erous, but Christian help and is ever near in the hour of danger. In scenes of Sickness and d sense this great par- ish has been blessed by an agency tha' has saved thousands of lives in other parts of the Dominion. We now refer of that marvellous medicine Paine's Celery Compound, so well and favor- ably known in every Canadian home The popular clergymen in St. Anne's have, from time to time, heard wonder- ful reports from their parishioners of the magnificent work occomplished by Paine's Celery Compound. Fathers, mothers, brothers and sisters have been raised to health and strength. Those pronounced iucurahle by physicians have been suahched from the jaws of death. ' The Rev. P. Rioux, one St. Anne's most" populiir clergymen, knowing about the good work done by Paine's Celery Compound, and having expert- enced,,:most satisfactory results from its use in his own` case, writes as fol - "I am fully convinced both by per- sonal experience and by the statements of many parishioners intrusted to my care, that the celebrated medicine. Paine's Celery Compound deserves a. high recommendation I, therefore, willingly indorse the testimonials al ready in its behalf."' Mayor Thomas Beattie was nominat ed as the Conserative candidate in Lon- don. Soaforth: . There died at her home oa William street, on Tuesday, Matilda Hotham, relict of the late Thomas Shaw of Guelph, aged 67 years, A total absence of butterfly life in Eng• land is noted. Beyond an oeeasional white butterfly, there are none to be seen this snmmer. 40 King's Daughter's circle in San Fran- cisco is composed of eight Chinese women, two Japanese, two Syrians, and their two American teachers. Royal Military College of Canada. INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES, T1IE ANNUAP, TX.A.MI? ATIONS for Ca- detshipa iu the.troyal Military Uolie e will take place at the Head Quart rs of the several Military Districts in' which candi- dates reside. in June each year. In addition to the facilities the College af- fords for an education in Military Subjects, the course of instruction 1.; such a3 to afford a thoroughly practical, scientific and sound trairiing in all depa moats which aro essent- ial to a high and rrloderu e,ln,'ation. • The Civil Engi.teeringCourse is complete, and thorough in all branches. Architecture £oras a separate snhjeot. The Course of Physics and Chemistry is such as to lead towards Electrieel Engineer ing, bfeteorological Service, and other de- partments of applied science. The Obligatory Course of Surveying in- cludes what is laid down as necessary fair the profession ofDominion land Survoyer. rhe Voluntary Course comprises the higher subjects required for the degree of Dominion Topographical Surveyor. 11.vdr ,graph 10 sur- veying is also taught. Length of Course four years. Four dnmmWiens in the Imperial Regular Army aro awarded annually. Board and instruction 912tl,1for each term, consisting of ten months' residence, For further information apply to the Ad- j,yntantGeneral of Mifita.Ottawa, before 10111 may. Department of Militia and Defence. YOCANT .0 0 �0 r SLEEP IN CHURCH IF YOU'VE 4OT A BAD COUGH, A quick Pleatsa,nr Cure for An Obsi'i ti —re t Cough,Cold Hoarseness or Brollcl)t1 ECTO r. i Big Kerrie 25' OUR EDUCATIONAL STATISTICS Government Aid wanted to Enoouiage, the Butter Industry—.Patron Hay, cock Proposes to Abolish the medical Council. AA Old Document. TORONTO, March 5. --There was but a tern minute session ab the Local Legifla tare yesterday. There were not more than heir the members present, tan) others not ha returner) from the country. There tu•e eight notices of motion on the order paper, but r1011e were moved, This seemed to displease the Premier, who does not like to see the members loafing, He said that the members did not seem to have any private business to push before the House and that this being so he would insist that if the debate on the budget was not finished this evening it should con- tinue tomorrow. Mr. Marter said that he had no objec- tion. Mr. Whitney gave notice that he would move this resolution : ""1'hat this House, having regard to the butter trade in this province mid the depressed condition thereof; has observed with satisfaction the announcement of the intention of the Government of Canada to provide for the immediate shipment of fresh -made cream- ery butter to Great Britain, and to pur- chase at twenty cents per pound all cream- ery butter of fine quality mucic between 1st January and 1st April, 1895; and, bear- ing in mind the expenditure already in- curred 1)37 the Govern me n is of the province and Dominion to improve and foster the dairy interests of the country, respectfully urges upon the Government of Canada the advisability and necessity of providing such further or other aid as may be found to be necessary from time to time, in order that the producers of fresh -made creamery butter may secure the full benefit of such expenditure." ONTARIO'S EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM, The Minister of Education r'resents His Annual Report, Hon. Mr. Ross presented the report of the Minister of Education to the House yesterday. The Public School population of Ontario is shown to be in cities and towns, between the ages of 5 and 21 years, 102,608, and in counties and villages 400,- 895. Pupils tinder 5 years of age in cities and towns only 13 6 at Toronto, 2 at St. Catharines, 1 at Ottawa and 4 at Kingston, while in the counties and villages there are in this class 1,467. Attending the Pub- lic schools at Toronto there are only 7 pupils -over 21 years of age, 2 at London and 2 at Kingston, while there are 291111 the counties. There are 201,720 boys at- tending the Public schools in the province and 181,921 girls. The attendance does not average' more than 100 days in the year: There were 7,963 Public school teachers in the province during 1894, an increase of 145 over the previous year.. Of these 2.647 were males and 5,816 females. The highest salary paid was $1,500. The average male salary was $423 and the average female $800. The total number of Public schools in the province is 5,641; of these 2,226 are brick, 548 'stone; 2,427 frame "and the bal- ance log. There were 14,103 trees planted in Public school grounds last arbor day. The total receipts -were '$3,874,697 and`f1ie total expenditures $3,265,658;' leaving a cash balance of $609,039, or four times as much as was granted by the Local Legis- lature last year. The total amount spent for teachers' salaries last year was $,2,804,- 898. Catholic Separate Scheele. The report gives the total number of Separate schools as 268; the total receipts, $234,337; total expenditure, $211,752; cash balance; 822,583; number of boys attend- ing, 15,557 ; number of girls attending, 16,959. Collegiate Institutes. The total number of iustitntes is givep; at 35, the same as the year previous. Total number of boys attending 5,308, or 136 less than last year. Total number of girls attending 6,020, or 226 more than last year. Total receipts 8429,056, an increase 01 831,242 over the preceding year. Total • expenditure €405, 761, or an increase of $50,146 over last year. The Ontario Gov- �entrient grant to institutes last vear wits $43,422 and to Public schools 8228 529. High Senecas. The number of High schools is given as 94, one more than last year. Boys 5,600attend- ing or 14 less than last year ; girls: at- tending 6,122. Total receipts $471,653 and total expenditure 8417,960. Protestant Separate Schools. Total number of schools 10, situated at Anderdon, Bromley, Cambridge, Marl- boro', Osgoode, Plantagenet North, Pus lineh, Rama, L'Orignal and Penetangui- shene. The 101111 number of pupils was 548, total expense $6,680 and total receipts $7,756. A New Medical Act. Mr. Haycock, the Patron leader, is after the Medical Council He gave notice yesterday that on Friday be would intro- duce a bill to amend the Ontario Medical. Act providing for the abolition of tile' Medical Council, and thatart of its s present functions be vested in the Govern- ment. !i'lie bill will, if passed, pet•init any medical roan to practice until the right is abrogated by the courts. Mr. McKee gave notice that he would introduce a hill to -morrow to amend the Municipal Light and 1-Ieat Act. At pre- sent municipal corporations are not allow- ed under the Act to invest funds in n.ttnralgas companies. IP this Act passes they will then have this privilege at pre- 30111Ieuieed. Ttr. rrgnset' Will Ask (luestiona, Mr. Ferguson will ask the Government to -clay if it is the intention of the Govern meet, as promised last session, to make Provision during the present session for the settlement of the claims of certain townships to rebates on their indebted- ness under the Government Drainage Act, owing to defective or faltlty con- struction of the original drains. Mr. Ferguson gusotr wil1 also ask if any &lethal has been tl:tice n since last sesiion to secure lL setl.lenient• of the disputed jurisdiction between the Dominion and the province as to ditches or drains crossing or running along railway lines; Also as to the powers of this Legislature to make provision for the protection of the public at railway crossing., The midget Debate. The budget debate will be continued to- day and it will likely take until FYednes• day evening before the division is taken. Messrs. Gibson, Wood, Davis and Awres en the Governnlen.t side and Messrs. Flowland, St. John, Meacham, 13'illough, by, Whitney, Ryerson, Carnegie, and Misealuphell of the Opposition will speak. Au OUt Document.. Mr. W. J. McKee, M.13.P,, discovered a 111081 interesting document among the papers of his grandfather, Tlionras. M4. Icce,wllo sat as a member of the Commons to 1708 at York. The document was handed round .t1a a warning to the mem- hers of the present House yesterday. 'It read; "Commons, House of - ssenebly, " Monday, June lith, 1789, " Ordered and Resolved by this House upon the report brought up by Samuel Street, Ilsq., chairman of it eoi nlittee of the whole House, that Timothy Thompson, Thomas Smith and Thomas McKee, not having attended their duty inP rliantent, aro highly reprehensible and deserve the censure of this House and that notice be ;;even to them thin if they clo t of attend their duty snore rel.igi'onsly 'i.rl future a fine will be imposed upon them. (Signed) A. &.[actio ell, Clerk of Assembly." THE VALLEYFIELD TRAGEDY. A 1 i y i1 , a e t i Ii 0 Irutioral of the Victims—Tho Preliminary Investigation Veinlltence,l. VALLIFIELD, Que., Match 5.—Tile fun- erals of the two unfortunate victims took place in a blinding snow storm. The weather, however, clid not prevent an enormous crowd (rain being present on both occasions. -The Catholic cathedral and the. Presbyterian cliilreh where the services were held • were packed to the doors. Hugh Wilson, the third victim, is doing as well as can be expected althongh his wounds are very painful. The preliminary examination, which was commenced at three o'clock yesterday afternoon, was rushed through in quick time. There was really nothing new to the evidence, it being a rehash of that given at the coroner's inquest. Shortis was as stoical as ever. Mr. St. Pierre watched things but did not make any ob- jections and had no evidence to offer. The prisoner had nothing to say, and pleaded not guilty, after which he was committed to Beauharnois for trial, He will be taken there to -morrow, -so as to give Mr. St. Pierre a chance to consult with him. The line of defence will be on the plea, of, insanity. An effort has been; made to obtain' a change of venue to Montreal. THE HYAMS MURDER CASE, A Week's adjournment—Sensational Ar- rest at. Montreal. Tonoyro, March 5.—The preliminary hearing iiaa been adjourned for a week at the request of, the Crown, as a number of expert witnesses are required to give evi- dence in the Hendershott trial, which Opens at St. Thomas to -day. It is prob- able that the case will not be resumed before a week from Thursday. There are still about a dozen Crown witnesses to be heard and the Magistrate will scarcely be able to sunt up .the evidence ;before next Saturday week.. A middle-aged man named James Moss- berger Pillow and his wife Stella have been itrrested In Montreal charged with conspiring to defraud the Equitable and Sun Life Insurance Companies out of 880,000. Stella Pillow is described as a charming woman and very clever, butthe conspiracy was discovered through her attempting to personate Mrs. Harry Place Hyams. Detective Cuddy will go to Montreal and bring the strange pair to this_city.: These new features will prob- ably assist in bringing out some new de- velopments in connection with the alleged murder.s: ' Conservative Meeting at Beaverton. BEAVERTON, March 5.—A meeting was held under the auspices of the On- tario County Conservatives here last evening, ex -Warden Philip McCrae pre- siding. Mr. Madill, the member for the county; Major Sam Hughes, M.P., Hon. J. F. Wooti, Controller of Inland Revenue, . and Hon. N. Clarke Wallace, Controller of Customs, were the principal speakers. The train which brought the speakers to the town, was delayed by snow drifts and the meeting was late in opening, but the attendance was good in spite of. this drawback. The Controller spoke at length on the tariff issue, replying to a number of criticisms, which had been ad- vanced in regard to the policy of protec- tion. In dealing with the effect of the tariff in creating a home market Con- troller Wallace declared that last year $30;000,000 worth of farm produce were consumed in Canada, only one-sixth cf the entire product being exported. In. the audience there was just sufficient opposition to lend a lively interest to the meeting. Discipline in the King's. HALIFAX, March 5.—Two privates of the King's Regiment, who were fined in the police court, remarked that they would rattler go to prison than to barracks. They think, the discipline insisted upon by the commanding ,officer is too severe. Sergt.-Major McArthur has. resigned. A short time after Col Hamilton relinquish- ed command of the regiment it is under- stood the sergeant -major had some words with the new colonel relative to the dis- cipline of the regiment. The colonel, it is said, stated that the discipline of the regi- men1 should he other than it was. Sergi.- 1lajor McArthur said he would loos: into matters and report within twenty-four hours, which he did in the form of a re- signation. One sergeant has .left and two inore intend to leave. Got Ills Just Deserts. TORONTO, March 5.—Henry W. Barlow, who was sentenced in October last to six months imprisonment and to receive welve lashes within one month of the expiration of his sentence, was flogged at he Central Prison yesterday. 1-te was *pretty badly punished. Barlow served a serb1 in prison in 1888 for stealing from a comrade while amember of "0" company." in 1885 one Henry Barlow was flogged wice for attempted rape on a little girl 10 ;cars of age. Barlow denies being the Same party. 31ur+t.tree His Sister. MoN't'REAI, March 5.—David kclwards, a young man 25 years of age, living with 1119 family at Out.remont, about five miles from Montreal; was arrested last night eu .1. charge of murdering his sister, a young •;irl of 15. The deed Ives committed dur- ing a quarrel and the yotiul girt Was hill- eel with a hammer. Edwards is now in the cells here. $ 1111n5 (lay le ,31(on teeiti. MONT119AL, Murch 5. --Of alt the bagk days of the year the fourth of March junks first in importance throughout Canada. A VW amount of cominer0081 1laper vas due yesterday. This is par- ticularly true of the dry goods people. Payments were being met as well as could be expected. No failures are known and none expected. ►ox Steel• oosier ;onl;bined Drill and Broadcast Seed lr, Single Drills, Single Broadcast . SeetleA There are other Drills: But there' Is only One Rooster! All others are back numbers The proof is, there are more Hoosier Drills and Seeders 111 use in. Canada to-d4y than of all other kinds combined No Purchaser D-issatisfied Yet! Why should they bt. when they have ;gtil; 'l'HIE BES l' DRILL EVER MADE? WE GUARANTEE THIS. OXON ssos. MF co. i'T'fl., • I[Ieury Jones, Agent, Exeter. Digna,wsm�, OKf. ((fT IVE 4 ,.,. ,pr. 8:i0 ..aTn u.,:: t?7r.8'',re. ^,Ra,i. 'id M'.f s?•'y" As many good things are likely to. But you are safe in running the risk if you keep a bottle of Perry Davit PA1N KILLER at hand. It's a never -failing antidote for pains of all sorts. Sold by all Druggists. Doss.—One teaspoonful in a half glass of water or mnlc fwarm if convenient.) yiasiranwrim OOk'S COItOIIROOt Bicycles, COMPOUND. Sewing Machines, Baby Carriages And Musical Instruments. We are -'the only film whO make -a -specialty oft above named goods an therefore claim that we tan give the people of Exp and vicinity,— Greater Bargains! Greater Choice! Lowest Prices. ! The latest and newest ' at- tachments for all 'our good can be had -by calling at our ware-rooms,—One dear north Dr. Lutz's drug store A recent discovery by an old physician. Successfully used monthly by thousands of Ladies. Is the only perfectly pate and reliable medicine dia. covered. Beware of unprincipled druggists who offer inferior medicines In place of this. Ask for Cook's Cotton Root Compound. take no subset. tete, or inclose *1 and 6 cents in postage In letter and we willsend, sealed, by roturnmaiL Fullsealed particulars Inplain envelope, to ladies only. 2 stamps. Address The Cook Company, Windsor, Ont., Canada, Bold in Exeter by .7. W. Browning, Druggist NEW�� HARNESS HOP I e;. Aaving by leaEllised ot the& remises vacated Elliot T 4--- wish to inform the people of Exeter and surrounding eosin- e-- try that I have opened up a s--•-- new harness shop and will carry in stock a full line of HARNESS SUPPLIES, HORSE BLAKKETS, HORSE BRUSPES, • CURRY COMBR, ETC, ETC, ETC. Harness repaired and made to order. All orders receive prompt attention'. First class work guaranteed. WM CTTRILL, Carlings Old Store. Christie's , COMMERCIAL LIVERY. First-class Rigs and Horses rders left at Hawkshaw's t otel, or at the Livery Stable,(Christe'sold Stand) will receive prompt at. tention. . . - eleph on e Terms'teasoeabin 1 Connsction CLOTHI J. SijelI Maim. st.. i 1XETER - ONTARIO Has now in stock ALL and NNTE1 GOO=. IN THE FOLLOWING LINES : West of England Suitings and Trou N CingE, Scotch Tweed Suitings and Trouser French and English Worsted Clot All (made up in the Latest !4tyle,ai• best Rae1 s. A. J SWELL THIS ISA PICTURE OF THE FAMOUS CURD. 0R SCIATIC PAINS. TRY 1T FOR BAGNACHE RHEUMATISM LUMBAGO NEURALGIA Use IT FOR MUBCULAB PAINS AND ACHES EACH IN AIR TIGHT 116 soli 234. PERKINS.10 &Pa Jow 118111er Soup, B 4 you go any place to get shaved and hair cut, give .Ike Dearing a trial. He is located one door south of Central Hv- tel,:in Bissetts old stand. SpecialAttention is given to ladies and children hair cutting, ladies hang's trimmed and curled latest style for 10 cts. Hair work such as switches Bangs curls Puffs. Wigs and topics a trial solected. 11.J.Dearing. A. HASTINGS e Proprieterals THE CENTRA. BARBER SSSL HAIRCUTTING, SHAMPOOING and HAIRCUTTING. s "' Ladies' and Children's Haircutting a peatYtli,. A. HAISTINGS, Fanson's Block. EXETER -----o►: PORK PACKING HOUSE. Live Hogs wantel that Na will weigh from 120 to .220 pounds each: I am seliing at the Packing Ifouge Store, spare ribs, tenderloin Cut- tings, pickled pigs' fent, pressed tongue, head Cheese, sausage, ba- con, dried beef a rd pork. As 1 ha 1•e elia'astr•'d Mrs.Herneas to 9tteltd to this part, our custom- ers will find all to he first class in every respect at iowe.et cash prieeb. Now is the time to get your 1:reek or pail tilled with pure lard its prices are liable to go up. C1 SNEIL 1, �i Pfi r, i