HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1895-3-14, Page 1ttet
NO 400
The Maisons Bank.
(Chartered by Parliament, 1855.)
Paid up Capital .... $2,000,000
Rest Fund , , 1,200,000
Head offioe Montreal.
money advano, , 4 U ocl Farmer's en their
own notes w...n one or more endorsers at 7
pescannt per annum.
Exeter Branch.
Opel every la wful day from 10 a. m. to 3 p.
ova., Saturdays 1.0 a, m. to 1 p.m
elgeneral banking, business transacted
CURRENT RATES allowedfor mon-
ey on Deposit Receipts. Savings Bank at 3
per cent,
•Exeter, Ja,n 28, '88, Manager
Ozet.er rorate,
Is published, every Thursday Morning,
at the Office,
One Dollar per annum if paid in Advanne
8111.130 if not so paid.
AL3.-trartisiaa.g. Raters ora.
No paper discontinued until a11arrearage
ere paid. Advertisements without specific
directions will be published till forbid and
eharged accordingly. Liberal disocrentmade
for transeient advertisemen ts inserted for
long periods. Every description of JOB
PRINTING turned out in the finest style,
and at Moderate rates. Cheques, money ord-
ers. &o. for advertising, subscriptions 'stint o
barnacle pave, ble to
Sanders & Dyer
• Church Directory.
Hunt, Rector. Sunday Servioe 11 a. m
and 7 v. m. Sunday School and Bible Class
for Adults 3 [. in. Holy Communion, lst
Sunday dead]. month ttt, morning service
METHODIST ORtrann--Sa,raes-st , Rev.j.G.
JACKSON Pastor.SundayServioes, 10.30 a .m,
and 6.30 p.m. Sabbath Sohool, 2.30 p.m.
MAIN STREET Rev. H. W. Locke, Past-
or. Sun iay Services, 10,30 a. in. an 6.30 p.m
Sabbath School 2,30 p.
PRESBYTEUIA$ Caultuti.-Rev. W. Martin,
Pastor. Sunday Services, 11 a. m. and 6.80 p.
m. Sabbath School, 9.45 a. m
Professional Cards.
H. KINSMAN, L. D. S, Fanson' a Block
two doors north of Carling Store
MAIN ST, EXETER, extracts teeth
whout pain. A.way at Lucan every Wed-
n `n ay, Hensall 1st Friday; Blyth,first Mon-
.... Ind Zurich on last Thursday of each
0. R. INGRA.M, DENTIST, Memher Royal
V. College Dental Surgeons, successor to
H. L. Billings. Offiee over Post Office
Exeter, Ont. A. safeanaesthetics given for
he painless extraction of teeth. Fine Gold
'Manes as ref:mired.
. ..
R. D. AnsroN ANDERSON, L.D.S., .D.D.S.,
Gradusfte-iirthe Royal College of Dent-
). Surgeons of Ontario, and Gradua.te of the
Toronto University (with h o %verse Special
attention given to preservation o the nat-
ural teeth. Office over Elliot & 'ELliot's law
office -opposite Central Hotel -Exeter.
•11111.1.....M.....•••••••••••,•••••••* 0.1•0•0.0*•••••.•*.
Largo sum S ObTil oney to loan o4 farm lands
at five and a half per. cent, Private funds
Apply to
ELLUvr Etranis
201101U/re &e., Exeter,
The annual meeting of the Centralia cheese
(lo. will be held at 2 o'cloolt sharp, on the
afternoon of Wedneidayl March zOth, 1295.
AU Patrons and those wishing to become
such are invited to attend. Let there be a
ralLy of the farmers at this meetin g.
0, W. Sunni, Jeo.PARSONS,
Manufaeturer. ?resilient,
has moved one door south.
Trs.J A. ROLLINS & T A. A.M0S.
Elesideriees, same as formerly
OFFICES, Spaokrn an, buildiug, Main St.
Dr, Rollins' office; same as formerly -north
door. Dr. Amos' office, same building - south
door. May 1st. 1893
3.4. Rollins. M. 1). T. A. Amos, M. D
the College of Physicians and Surgeons
Ontario, Physieian, Surgeon and Accouch-
eur. Offiee, Dashwood. Ont.
lusty Surgeon. Graduate To-
ronto Veterinary College. Ofil.se and
residence at the old stand,. one block
B. J. Speakman's Store. Dehorning
Sealed Tenders will be received by t,be un-
dersigned (marked tender) up to the 15th
Elay.of March, A. D. 1895 for the ereotion of a
Bank Baru on the Iudustria,1 Parra in the
co-antyof Huron (1 mile south of Olin ton)
Plan ard specifications can be seen at Alex.
MoMurchie, Reeve, Clinton, from now to the
15 of next month, and at T. fl. MoCallum's
Reeve of Exeter, un to March the 15th and at
the Queens Hotel Win ghatn from the 9th, of
March to the 15111 The lowest or any tend-
er is not necessarily accepted.
HENRY Eitusa.
• Crediton, P. 0.
Chairman of building committee.
The undersigned offers for sale that valu-
able farm property situated in the Town-
ship of Stephen, County of Huron, being lot
12,00n. 12, three miles south of Dashwood.
The farm contains 100 acres ni ore, or less;
about 85 acres in good state ofi•ultivation and
the balance hardwood bush. There is a good
frame house and barns on the premises, 2
good wells of water a young orchard; about
40 acres of fall plowing done and about 15
acres in fall wheat and is situated about 9-f
of a m ile from a school. Apply to W. H.
Hooper, Khiva Ont.
The undersigned offers for sale his three
valuable farms, two being in Stephen town-
ship and the other in Hay.
Farm No. 1 is known as Lot 12 in the 11 th
con, of Stephen , containing MO acres; 87 acres
being cleared and the balance hardwood
bush. There is a good brick residence An the
premises, a fine bank barn. a good oreliard
and is one of the hest farms in Stephen.
Farm No. 2, is lot .7 in the t 5th ooncession
Ste•plien. containing Loon ores; 77 acres cleared
and the balance bush. There is a good log
house on the premises and a stable.
Farm No. Ole lot 19, in 1,he lOth concession
of Hay. containing 100 acres; 85 acres cleared
Good frame house and bank barn on the
All the above farms arein a good state of
cultivation and will he sold at reasonable
prices separately or all together. For further
particulars apply to
Touts SCHROEDER, Crediton. Ont.
AU. OR, Conveyancer, Notary Public.
Offioe-Over O'Neil's Bank, Exeter, Ontario.
' Roney to Loan
of Supreme Court, IV otary Pnblic, Con -
N ,
veyancer, Commiasioner, &c. Money to loan
Oftice-Fanson's Blook,Exeter
iters, Conveyancers, &e.
11BR0WN1W1flch8i8d1 Licensed Auct-
I� oneer for.the Counties of Perth and
Middlesex, also for the township of Usborn
Sales promptly attended to and terms rea-
son bale.Sales arranged at Post office. Win-
Under andby virtue of a Power of Sate con-
tained. in a certain Indenture of Mortgage
made hy ANGUS MuKINNON and, Margaret
McKinnon to the Vendor (which will be pro
duced at time of sale) default having been
made in the payment thereof.. there will be
HOTEL in the yillage of Mount Carmel, on
. ---
15i RED. W. FARNCOMB, Provincial Land
L' . Surveyor and Civil Engineer. Mee,
Over Poitayaoe. main street. Exeter. Ont.
tIDWARD C. S CEELE, P. L. S. Ontario
.L14 Land. Surveyor and. Civil Engineer.
Gotiorieh, Ont.
• .nrEgeNC148: St, Marys, Journal; and. the
IIj,,tory, Eirkton.
Insurance Agent,
Main • S
Saturday the 36th day of March, 1895,
he can catch a whale this time, a stur
geon being too small.-Mrs,J, Hill, is
slowly improving in health --Miss Mary
Mesh, of London, vies home atteedlng
the funeral of her mother -Mr. Jacob
Finkbeinder. of Eden, is visiting friends
here -Miss Ellen Lawson, of Detroit,
is visiting her brothers, Eli and Thos.
Lawson. -Mrs John Caves, of Eder., is
visiting her daughter Mrs. Adair -
Cleo. Harness, and Dick Treble, of Ex -
eter.pai.d Creditan a flying visit Sunday
OBITU AltY.- It becomes our sad duty
to chrouicle the death of Phranie, be-
loved wife of John Mosh, who died .on
Thursday 7th inst., at the age of 43
years 8 months and 10 days Deceas-
ed had been sufferin sr about 8 months
previous to her deatri from that dread
td disease, consemption, ebbyitig her
life away daily until she succumbed to
its fatal effects She leaves a husband
and five children to mourn her demise
The funeral took place on Saturday,
last from her late residence to the Ger-
man cemetery and was largely attend
ed, the Rev. Mr, -Litt conducting the
service. It is also our daty „to record
the death of another of our oldeet and
most respected citizens in the pariou of
Johaua Christina Fre.dricle, Kleemata
oeloved wife of Henry SI-Yeti:her, who
passed to the silent majority on Sat-
urday the Oth inst sat tlie age 64 years.
Deceased hod heat shk scarcely five
weeks from a disease. similiar to grippe
and during that titne suffered very
much. She was highly esteemed and
will be greatly missed es a frieud and
neighbor. She leaves to numrn her
demise a husband arid grown-up fami-
ly who have the sympathy of the corn
muraty in their sad hereavemelit. She
was laid to rest in the Crediton Came
tery on Tuesday.
at (2) two o'clock in the Afi:ernoon (subjeet
to such conditions as shall then be produced)
the following Property- Viz.
ACRES of Lot Number (premier! in the
South Boundary Concession of the Township
of Stephen, in the County of Huron.
There is a small house and a Stable on the
This Property is about 2 miles from Mount
Comm el.
TERMS OF SALE' Ten percent. cash on
day of sale, Balance in thirty days or as may
be agreed.
For farther Particulars, Apply To
Mr John Gill, Elliot &Elliot,.
Auctioneer, Vendors Solicitors,
Dated March 8th, 1895. Exeter.
Anchor, Allan, Allan State, Dominion,
American . White Sear, and Clyde Lines
. to Eegland, Trelao el., Seotlan tl, Germany,
I'ritne . Cape Colony, Australia and
New Zealand,
.Prepald tiekets issued to patties
wishing to send l'or their friends.
\ reeseassere, London and 'fancliebire,
iaN.c.16,PlIrrtilli Mhruluthall3rFitirisehXanrirrinrA'tttenVor Ot'oil(8';
rovlon and I.Janeasillre Jae Imam Co,
, London, Guarantee and Accident Co
1,0W0syr itteVeEs. Capt. Geo. Mean)
Farquhar, •
Miss Mary Ann liodgert, who has
beeu visiting in this vicinity, has re
turned home. -Mr. Hugh Cameron, of
Dalhousie, Lauark (Ice, is 'siting
friends in . this neighborhcocle- Miss
Stnith, teacher 111 our public school, has
resumeel.lier ditties again after a few
days illness. -Mrs. Ephraim Hewitt is
militated toter room through sieltness.
.• Brick and wood bees are raging at
fever heat around here just novv -Mr
Thos. Cameron is making preparatious
for raising his hare and otherwise re
piinng it the (=slug summer, Mr.
Arch Hodgert, inteuds doiug likewise
and also intends to build a silo The
a boye gee tleroen seems to be" proeper-
big in spite of the hard tithes. -Mr.
Malcolm Lareout has the material on
the ground to* replace the dwelling
house on his farm auout two miles from
here which was. recently destroy ed by
fire. alre John Evans, of Exeter, has
the contraef for the mason work and
Messrs. Roes 8e, Taylor, of the Sallle
placet� da: the. carpenter wOrk.-A'
a receue:nieeting held in this village
for the purpose of building a new pub
lic hall, a, committee was appointed to
canvas the -neighborhood for this neces-
sary funds. At last 'reports they are
meeting with marked success. We
haye no doubt that. Farq altar will have
a new hall,ere tha summer is over.-
While,Mr. Fred Rankin was returning
from church last Sunday tne whiffle
tree of his cutter gave way while go-
ing through some pitchholes, causing
the horse to take French leave, leaving
the cutter and occupants behind to get
home the best way they could. -Rev,
Mr. Barker, of Elirnville, delivered an
eloquent address on "Prayer" in Beth-
any church. to a large and attentive
congregation last Sunday evening,
Rev. Mr Parish. of Chiselhurst, occu
pied the pulpit in the morninge-Three
large sleighloads of you've people en-
tered the house of Mr. Richard. Tasker
on Mondayevening last and spent a
most pleasant evening in singieg and
pia) ing games, after which they re-
turned.home well pleased with their
night's fun.
Misses Rollins, of London, formerly
of this place, are renewing old friend-
ships -Elam Butt of Kippen, and James
Bat, of Port Perry, both of whom for
merly lived near Exeter visited their
nephew, Rev. W. H. Butt, and their
neice, Mrs. Jas. Delgaty, last week. -
Messrs. W. R Elliott and T. Handford
shipped a load of fine horses to -North
Dakota on Friday last in one of the C.
P. R horee palace cars. --Large quan
titles of brick are being shipped from
here to Clinton for the House of Refuge
-Rev. W. Et Butt attended the furter
al of the late Rev, J. W. Aneis, of Lon
doneon Tuesday. -It is our sad duty
this week to record the death. uf Mrs
Hill, who has been quite ill for some
time. She paseed away to her long
home on Tuesday. Her sons and
dauglitei, who had recently visited
her, were again telegraphed for, and
the funeral will take place to day
(Thursday) to the Fairfield cemetery. -
Miss Maud Anderson leaves for Clair.
field, Icwa on Monday next, whore she
will reside. Miss Anderson will be
Missed by our young people.
The roads are in fine condition and
we have not had better sleighing this
winter, consequently some very heavy
loads of brick, wood, tile, ole, are being
hauled eyery day. -Mr. George Motz
is taking advantage of the good reads
and will soon complete his task of haul-
ing brick to Centralia for 'shipment to
Canton. -Mr. and Mrs. Lamport spent
Sunday out of town. -The special meet-
ings were closed Sunday OV6Ding, with
good success. -Miss Gould, of Exeter,
was the guest of Miss Link oft Sundas,
--Miss Mary Rader, of Ha,milron. is
home on a visit, as also is her brother.
Inspector, J. E Tom, gave our school
a visit last week. -The Armstrong Bros
of Goderich, are busy tilling Orders
that were taken by Jos. Edwaids,-
Mr. R. M. Smith, of Stratford, gaye our
br wn a flying visit last week. -Mrs El
Lamport who has been Confined to her
bed with rheumatism, is, we are pleas
ed to say, somewhat better. -Jos. Ed-
wards' little child who has beeti suffer
in g from inflauunation, is slowly recov-
ering, -Mrs. Jas. Lamport, is spending
a few days with her daughter, Mrs
Marshall, of London. --Mrs N. Hodgitis,
of London, is visitien,a her cousin, J.
Trevithick.-Mr. A. Setter is still in
Stratford -Mr. Will Clark has gone
and will spend a time at Russell farm,
Usborue -R Eggert, and W. Huston,
are speeding this week at the lake on
a fishing expedition, Guess Bob thinks
(Changed every Wednesday)
Wheat per bushel ,. . . , $0 55 to 0,5'
Barleys- .... ....... , . , „, , tato 10
-........ . . ..... ..., ...,.. ............... 27 to 8;
Otto 60
Batter 13
Eggs. i ....... ...„ . ......... .,.,....... ............ '10
Potatoes per bus ... . .. . A5 to 4.',
llay Or ton ' 6 .50 tolls'.
Duck5 per pound ell
Geese per pound .110
Turkeys per pound-- .... . .... ..-„ ..,,,, es
A lsi It 6, pot budhel .......... ...„ .....,...„$4,25 to $5.25
110.1.01er/or ,a ..........,,... .... ,,.,.... 575 te 6,95
Time thy . .„. 2.50 to 8.00
McGillivray Council,
Council met pursuant to adjourn.,
ment in Town Hall, McGillivra.v, 4th
March, 1895, all present. Minutes of
last meeting read, approved of and
signed. Drummond-ePrest that the
clerk is hereby instructed to send for
six eopies of the Municipal World, 1
copy to be mailed. to each member of
this council. -Carried. Prest-Grieve
that the clerk notify the Stephen Conte
cil to meet with this council at Mount
Carmel. on Monday the 26th day of
• March, 1895; at two o'clock p. m. -Car
ried Grieve-Prest, that the Auditor's
Report and abstract of the receipts and
expenditure, assets and liabilities for
1894, as read to this council be accep.
ted, and the clerk is hereby instructed
to get 300 copies printed. -Carried.
Grieve -Prsst that W. L. Corbett be,
atel he is hereby appointed commission-
er to oversee the building of Bloomfield's
bridge. -Carried G rieve --Hirchinson
that the accounts amounting in all to
$182,24 be paid -Carried Grieve-
Prest, that the clisrlt is hereby instruct
ed to notify the Parkhill Gazette Re-
view, the Parkhil ,ludependatit and
the Ailsa Craig Banner that tenders
will be r. calved at the clerk's residence
on Saturday the; 9111. inst , to be opened
at two (Veto,* p m for printing re
glared by this council for the present
year.-Caeried. Drummond -Hutch-
inson, that this council adjourn to
MOet in the Town Hall, on the first
Monday in April at 10 o'clock a. na-
Carried Witt, FRASER, Clerk.
FOR !895.
Before you buy your wheel for 1895, see the "Upto-
dale." This wheel is made up of parts secured from
the best English and American Manufacturers.
Weigh t 24 lbs guaranteed to carry a man 225 lbs.
Wanderer "Light Roadster" Number 1. Thio wheel is second to none a
mad wheel and is made of the very best material. Weight 23 lbs.
Wanderer "Roadster' Number 2. This is the best wheel made for $90.
For a ieneral road wheel, we have the. best $50 wheel on the
market! Weight 28 lbs.
Remember we gatuAnteo all these wheels for one year and if you want
a good, che,ep and endurable wheel, call on Tt. Grieve, Exeter, Ont.
Send for Catalogue.
Tailoring Department: Ottr Spring stock of Tweeds and fine clothing
Will be opened by Mitroh ht. Our new Frshion Plates are now iu
Call and see Us.
J. H CREIVE, Merchant Tailor.
Winter seems to have taken full p0 -
session of mother earth again and
things in general are moving in cote
sequence. -We are glad to see Mr. An-
drew lalusser around again after an ill
ness of two months -Mr, John Soldan,
who disposed of his hardware and tin-
smith business to Messrs, Pollend &
Rennie has moved into part of Mrs.
11 Birit's house till he sees some pros-
pect of another opening, He also
moved his jewellery and other nick-
nacksinto a part of Brokenshire's tai-
lor shop where he wilalbe found ready
to do all kinds of repairing in this
line, This itt a good opening for a
practical jeweller and as Mr. Soldan
wants to dispose of the business any-
one wishing to start in the line will do
well to consult him.- Mr. Louis Schroe-
der and MiSR Rebecca Lipphardt were
made man and wife on Tuesday last, -
Many of our villagers attended a wed-
ding in Crediton on Tuesday. -Mr.
Henry Gunther has rented from Mr,
Andrew Birk his house and part of the
farm, known as the Burn's farm, for a
term Twig looks suspicious. -Mr. Adam
Mansz, of Tavistock, was in town over
Sunday. Adam! Adam! what meaneth
those frequent viSit.8 this way.
On Wednesday Evening, March 6th,
a large gathering of friends and rela-
tives assembled at the house of Robert
Ureery Esq., tenth concession of Us -
borne, on occasion of the marriage of
his youngest daughter, Hannah Ade-
line Creeneseto Francis John Davis Sr.
Esq., of Bichtulph. After the .marriage
cereinouy which was solemnized by
Rev. fi D. Steele,Incumbent of St Paul's
Cburch, Kirlston, and congratulations
were extended to the newly married
couple, the guests to the number of
about <me huttdrea sat down to a
sumptuous repast in which the menu
embraced all the substantials and de-
licacies of the season. The remainder
of the evening was taken up with vo
cal and instrumental music till an ear
ly hour in the morniug Following is
a list of valuable and useful gifts pre•
seuted tosthe happy couple, viz: -Rev.
R. D. Steele, parlor matchcase; Miss
Sophie C. Steele, glass water pitcher;
Miss Bessiefl..Steele, celery dish; W. I.
Davis, coffee spoons And butter knife,
Miss Margaret E. Nixon, set of table
mats; Mr, and Mrs. L Horne, breakfast
cruet; L and L. Sawyer, cheese dish:
Mr. P. Davis &tiler, parlor lamp; Mr.
and Mrs. N. Ryan., (Lucian) egg cruet;
Mr and Mrs R. Creery, Jr., glass cake
salmi; Miss Jessie Alexander, scrap bag;
Sirs. M. Atkinson, fruit dish; Miss, M.
A. Davis, glass water sett; Mr. and Mrs.
Coursey, silver spoons; Mr, T. and
Miss Lilly Coursey, silver tea spoons
and sugar spoon; Jones Se Heals
(Winchelsea) parlor lamp; San I. Me-
Ilray, fruit dish; Mrs. and Miss C. Ryan,
(Lucen) parlor mat; Mr, and Mrs H.
Davis, large lamp; MaiS Jennie Arm-
strong, silver picket cruet, Geo. Hack-
ett, pair chiva vaces; Mr. and Mrs. W.
Simpson; silver pickle cruet; Misses E
and L. Berry, china, salt and pepper
bottles; Miss Jennie E. Mills (Granton)
glass fuit dish; Mr. and Mrs. W. Davis,
lemonade set and tray; Mr. and Sirs. W.
I. Smyth, see bread knives; Miss Ethel
Smyth, cup and saucer Masters F. and
E. Smyth, cup and saucer; Miss E
Hamilton, tea tray; Mr. and Mi's t Mills
coffee cups; Mr. R and Miss Dickeus,
Cheese dish; Miss Florence Mills. candle
stick aud match holder; Miss M. Elamil-
ton, breadplate and knife; Mr. David
Golding china tea sett; Sir. and Mrs. R.
Atkinson, cheese dish; Mr. and Mrs D.
alias, glass fruit dish; Miss Miopie Da-
vis, glass butter dish; Mr. and Mrs S.
Mills (St. Marv's) set toilet mats; Mr.
and Mrs. W, Creery, sett glass vvare;
Miss Fanny Creery, photograph frame;
Mrs. Jones (Local') bamboo table; Mr.
and Mrs. A. Davis, clock; Mrs, R. A,
Alexander, bedspread, Miss Sarah Hod
gins, parlor lamp; Mr. R. Berry, bread
knife, Mrs. R. Berry, glass sett, Miss
Maggie Brawn, table semi; Mrs. Jas.
Ballantyne, silk hankerchief, Sirs J.
Megwood (Millbank) Album
cash for the oats, but after getttng
them bagged and placed on the, dolga
he finds on takiag out his pocket book
that he hasu't change etiough and asks
the farmer to take the amount in trade
and offers a pail for 80 or 90 eetitst
worth about 40e. The trickster have .
been quite successful with his scheme
ia several loealities and is makitig
money by his deceptive stamina of gul-
ling the people. -C. M. Wilson and W.
A. Wilson, spent last Saturday, Sunday
and Monday with Geo Foster, at the
Commercial College, London --Mr Thos.
Bek h is rented a farm trotn Ner Mulles
near Parkhill, lie is ro take possesion
1st April Mrs Little, 8. J. Willem arid
Miss 1 izzie Rohn visited Mr. Thos,
Stewardson last Monday, -Mr, Isaac
Wilsou, Nilo left here a few years age,
was elected Master of Waesburg, Lodge
A. P. and A. M. a short time ago.-ae .
large number of horses have been seta
by fanners in this vieinity at prices
ranging from $10 to $65. -Mr. W. Ulene
and wife attended the funeral of Ma.
Norman at Ailsa Cram last Tuesdays
I‘uss M. McCurdy, of Farquhar, and
Miss Mitchell, of Stephen, whe has been
Visiting it the neighborhood returned
home last Sunday .- Ma. G. W. Holman
had a few of the boys on hand Satur
day to a wood splitting bee. They
did the work UP in good style. -The
funeral sermon in connection with the
death of the late Mrs Harris was preach-
ed on Sunday morning by Rev. Mr.
Swan. A large congregation was in
attendance. -The patrons will hold a
debate in the school house on Friday
evening the 22n4 inst., on 'Resolved
that Free Trade would be better for
Canadeethan Protection." -Mrs John
Blatcleford was taken suddenly ill one
day last week and is at present mak-
ing little progress towards recovery.
• Her many friends would fain see her
in the enjoyment of her usual health.
-Mr. John Dew's boys have disposed
of that old champion of the yard Billy
goat He was sbipped to Exeter on
Wednesday. We do not know whether
he is to be set up on wires for eager
eves to gaze at or whether some of the
fraternal societies will use him for lodge
ourpnses a great many aretired of
riding a saw horse and want the living
reality. --Messrs. W. Howard and P.
Bawden. of Exeter, have placed two
iron rods lengthwise of the church to
keep the north end in place which
seems in danger of falling out. No
doubt the force of eloquence or the
weakness caused by doorways is at the
bottom of the trouble. The precaution,
however, is a wise plan.
Tuckezsmith: 'Ishe 000110101 for the
building of Proudfoot's school house
west end. Tuckersmith, has been let
to Welsh St Codmote, fiensall, $350,
Clinton: After a, long illnetts With
consumption, James A. Seott, young est
son of Mr, James A. Scott, Librarian,
pessed away en auceday evettitig, at
the age of 37'years and 8 months; de-
ceased was an old Member of the town
bad, being a most proficient cornet
player, and Wt18 a tinsmith by trado.
GOLDEN WEDDING. -The nelebration.
of the golden wedding of Mr. and Mra,
Donald McRae took place at "Shady
Side" residence here or' hursday last.
About ()tie hundred ittvited guests
were preseut from Bradford, Grand
Rapids, Strath roy, Port Huron, St.Marye
London, Melrose, Exeter, Ilderton ate&
vicinity. A. most elegant and daluty
sptead was prepared and served at 7 et.
en. After ample justice had been done
to the good things, Mr Robert 'Boston.,
M. P, proposed the host and hostess'
health, at the same time giving a brief
sketch of their married life, be, himsett
being present at their marriage. Mr..
McRae responded in a very feeling and.
appreciative manner of the way their
friends remembered them, both by their
presence and their tokens. Nurntsreaut
toasts to the host and hostess were ere -
spondee to by Mr, Dan McKenzie ex.
M. P., Mr. Jas Ferguson, Reeds. Law-
rence and Ltedsay, Mr. Ketesedys•Capt,
T. Robson and others. The eVtiliDg
was very pleasantly spent by all pres-
ent. Some tripping the light fantastic.
and -others enjoying some beautiful
music fureishtd by Miss Charlton and
Mr. Walter Douglas. The mosi re-
markable feature uf the evening of the
gatherieg was the presence of all the
children, eleven in number, three zot
being a single brisak in the family re-
cord.' The bridesmaid was also in at-
tendance. but unfortunately the brides -
groom Was unable to attend' owing te
severe illness. May they live tcr cele -
brace their diamond wedding is our
Rrucetield and Exeter councils Royal
Templet's of Temperance paid a frater
nal visit to the Kippen council on Mon
day evening. They all spent a very
enjoyable time. The, e visits are very
profitable socially and mentally, -Mr.
and Mrs. John Torrance and Miss Grace
Torrance, of Zurich spent Saturday
last visiting old friends in this localite.
-Mrs. Jas. Wanless Sr, who has been
visiting her daughter Mrs. Haxby of
Seaforth for the past few weeks return-
ed home .again on Tuesday last -A
very social and enjoyable time was
spent by the young people of St Johns'
church at the residence of Mrs. John
MeNaughton on Wednesday evening
the object of the :visit was a kind ac
knowledgement of the service, rendered
by Miss Maud McNauts,hton as organist
and leader of the choir. The pre.s Ant -
;ulna comprised a neatly worded ad-
dress and a well filled purse. The fain
ily will be much missed in our locality
after their removal to Clinton as they
were highly respected and by all who
had the pleasure of their acquaint.
ance.-Miss Harriet Keyes returned
from Toronto on Thursday of last week.
.-The Methodists are making a strong,
effort to secure the talented orator
and temperance lecturer, the 131ack
Knight to deliver a lecture in this place
-Mr. Andrew Duncan made some good
sales receraly. He shipped a large
number of Shropshire Downs to London
recently, realizing a fancy figure for
the same, he also sold a heavy draught
horse for the sum of $120 and refused
$309 for his fancy driver "Black Jack."
Mr. Duncan ia a, hustler and keeps good
stock for which he always commands.a
gond price.
Londesboro: The Huron Veterinary
Medical Association met at Bell's Hetet
here, on Tuesday, March 511.1. A fair
number of the members ef the profes-
sion was present. Dr Clark, Goderich,
occupied the chair, There was consids
erable diseussion on various subject's
of interest to the profession; the ad-
vancement of vetrinary education
being the chief tnpic. The following
gentleman were appointed to read es-
says at the next meeting in Winghara
on July 24th: J. Wilson, V. D. McIn-
tosh, V. S., C. McGregor, V. S., and X,
E. Blacken.
The entertainment given by the
Gospel Temperanee Band last Wednes-
day evenitig was well attended, A
number from Salem Band were present
and tool< part in the program, The
fleet Ineettiter will be held Friday even
in March 29111. -Our country is over
run with peddlers selling dry goods,
jewelry fancy wefts etc -in fact trash
One of those glib -tongued chaps has
been working a cunning trick on 80M)
of our fertnets He asks to see the
horses and pleases the farmer by buy
lug one whieh he says he will take
away in A Week, After purehasing
She horse he asks to stay over night
and wishes to purchase a bag of oats to
feed his hor6e as he cannot get oats
every place be stop. fle agrdes to pay
Sale Register.
FRIDAY MARCIE 15Tu -Farm Stook, the
property of Wm. Morley Jone. on lot 10, N.
R. McGillivray. Sale at one o'clock. Henry
GAMER -In Crediton on the 8th bete
the Wife of W. B Geiser of a de ughts
HEYWOOD. -In Wihchelsea, on the 121k
inst., the wife of Eli Heywood, of a
RO UTLI8Y. -In Tisberne, en the Mb
inst., the wire of Geo. Routley, of a
dence of the bride's mother, on the
121h hist , by :the Rev, Baker, Mr.
Arthur McCallum, sot, of John Mc-
Callum, of Exeter, to Miss Levine,
daughter, of Mr. Mortlock, Crediton.
OVENS. -JONES -At the residence of
bride's parents, on the 13th inst., by
the Rev. H. W. T ocke, Mr. Ovens, et
"Maple Grove" farm, Claildebove, to
Miss Jennie, daughter of Mr. Edward)
Jones, or Exeter.
Swigyrzna--Tn Crediton, on Oth
Johanaehristina Predricke Kieeman,
b0.Ioved wife of Henry Sweitzer, aged
64. years.
TRITEMNER -In Petrone, on the 3ra
inst., Fla
rr,O.,t, eh
rsheeest wile of $em:
nel Truetnner and eldest daugh er of
Mr. John S11tchs.,11, of Stephen, aged
86 ,year, 11 months -and 15th days.
111xe.rer, on the 7th inst,
Harriett Trick, beloved wife of Rich-
ard Manning, aged 66 years and 2$
Stephen, on the 12th Ina.,
Mhry Broltenshire, rend of the late
Walter Hill, Aged 55 years and 7
days. Funeral to -day at 2 o'elock,
MOS11.--In Oreditori on the 7th inete
Pheanie, belovea Wife of Sohn Moak,
aged 43 years, 8 months and 10 days.,