The Exeter Advocate, 1895-2-28, Page 5Like a illiraclie
In Very Low Condition With
Physicians Said She Was. In.
Wonderful Results From Taking
111oodi's Sarsaparilla.
.Wss .41Tavrnceh, Wyatt
Toronto, Ont.
"Pow years ago while in the old country
( England), my daughter I3annah was sent away
from the hospital,. as the doctors there could do
nothing to help her, and said she would neves
be any better. She was lo a very low condition
with consumption of the lungs and bowels, and
weak action of the heart. The trip across the
water to this country seemed to make her feel
better for a while. Then she began to get
worse, and for 14 weeks she was unable to gel
off the bed. She grew worse for five mouths and
Lost the Use of Her Limbs
and lower part of body, and if she sat up in
bed had to be propped up with pillows. Site
would go ten days without a movement of the
bowels. All medicine seemed to do her no good.
She would have spells when her heart would
pain her, and then, with the outside door open
in mid -winter, would faint away. Physicians,
after holding a consultation,
Said She Was Past All He{p
and wanted me to send her to the 'Home for
Incurables.' But I said as long as I could hold
niy hand up she should not go, and about this
time a kind neighbor came in and asked me to
get a bottle of flood's Sarsaparilla and try it.
We did so and she has taken the medicine
regularly. She is getting strong, walks around,
is out doors every day; has no trouble with her
throat aud no cough, and her heart seems to be
ail right again. She has a first class appetite,
is gaining in flesh as well as strength, and does
not look pale. Our doctor says be Is glad she
took Hood's Sarsaparilla as it has done so much
for her. We regard her cure as nothing short
of a miracle." W. WrATT, 89 Marion Street,
Parkdale, Toronto, Ontario.
N. B. If you decide to take Hood's Sarsapa-
rilla, do not be induced to buy any other,
Hood's Pills are purely vegetable and
perfectly harmless. Sold by all druggists. 211..
The Right Rev. F. Courtney' Bishop
of Nova Scotia, sailed on the Tuetonic
from New York yesterday.
Plso's Remedy for Catarrh Is the
Best, Easiest to Use, and Cheapest.
Sold by druggists or sent by mail,
50c. F. T. Hazeltine Warren, Pa.
W. H. Hutchins, M. P. was renominat-
ed for North Middlesex yesterday.
For Over Fifty Years.
Winslow's Soothing Syruphas been used
for over fifty years by millions of mothers
for their children while teething, with per-
fect success. It soothes the child, softens
the gums, allays all pain, euros wind colic
and ,s the best remedy for Diarnccoa, is
pleasant to the taste. Sold by Druggists In
every part of the World. Twenty-five cents
a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be sure
and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup
and take no other kind
Mr. Conine has been elected in Webt
Nervous People
And those who are all tired out and
have that tired feeling or sick head
ache can be releived of all these symp
tom by takieg Hood' Sarsaparilla,
which gives nerve, mental and bodily
strength and thoroughly purifies the
blood, It also creates a good appetite,
cures indigestion, hearthburn and dys-
Hood's Pills are easy to take, easy in
aetion and sure in effect. 25c. •
The balance of Hon. Mr. Foster's
speech at Galt on Monday night is
given to -day.
Thomas Ringer was found 'frozen
stili on Hamilton bay yesreday, and
foul play is suspectep,
London, Huron and Bruce.
London, depart
Brucefie id
Lon des boyo
Bel grave...... ..
Wingham arrive
Golan SOUTit--
Wingham, depart.
Br uce (told .............
Fie n gall .............:.........
Ceft. tra l ia...........
8.05 A AI 4.30 1' Ar
9.07 5.47
9.22 6 00
9.87 615
9 44 6,20
9.52 6.28
10.12 6.15
10.29 7.14
10.38 7.23
10.52 7 37
11.16 8.00
6.85 A It 3.25 P At
6 50 3.47
7.03 4.01
710 4,08
740 446
7 57 4,53
800 458
8.25 5.12
8.40 5.23
SCMJI T3acIters
A Profession Not Oyer-
paid that has Many
Paine's Celery Compound
Cleanses the Blood and
Keeps up Strength
and Vitality,
It Banidhes Languor, Des-
pondency and Irri-
The majority of our public school
teachers, male and female, have many
dangers to face in a profession that is
never overpaid.
Many teachers are suffering to -day
from maladies and diseases contracted
in crowded and badly ventilatedschool
buildings; the seeds of fatal troubles
are taken into the system from imper-
fect drainage, and contract with child-
ren who carry infectious diseases from
their homes
At this moment hundreds of school
teachers are invalids, or go about the
performance of their duties in a half
dead way. Nervous troubles are pre-
valent amongst teaches; headache, dys
pepsia, Ianguor, irritability and des
pendency are common troubles, and
make life truly miserable.
The school teachers' friend and life -
giver, Paine's Celery Compound, has
'done a wondrous work in the ranks of
the afflicted ones. During the year
1894 scores of cases have come before
our notice, of sick and suffering ones
haying been restored to new life,energg
and activity throudh the use of nature's
wonderful medicine
Paige's Celery Compound has been a
true blessing to every teacher who used
it The great medicine has done its
work promptly and efficaciously. It
always begius its operations at the
great nerve centres; it clenses and pur-
ifies the blood, and takes all inpurities
from the system; it strengtheus every
digestive organ, and builds up the en-
tire system. Every school teacher in
the laud, male and female, should use
Paine's Celery Compound if sound
health and perfect bodily strength if
Hullett: There died on the -farm of
James Walkinihaw, a few days ago, a
peacock, which had proudly strutted
about on that farm for over 22 years, it
being of a pair presented to his father
by the late Robert .Henderson, Heron
road, Tuckersmith. Its mate died in
the same month, four years ago.
Seaforth: The Rev. Mr. Steel, of
Kirkton, occupied the pulpit of St.
Tnoma.s' churcb, both morning and
evening last Sunday, with great accept
ance on both occasions. His zveuing
sermon was indeed a remarkable one
l'he subject was "Biology or The Sci-
ence of Life," which theiRev. gentleman
handled in a very able manner. He
explained the Darwiuiau theory, trap
fug the evolution from protoplasm up
to man. He then explained the theory
that Prof. Drummond, of Edinburgh,
expounds on his new book, showing the
analogy between physicial and spirit-
ual laws. This was the, best part of
his sermon and was very convincing.
ft is impassible to give a proper idea of
the argurnseas usNd and the points
made by the speaker in a short notice
pike this. He advised his hearers to
read Prof. Drummond's book for them-
selves, and would say, parenthetically,
i.hat it is to be found in our Mechanic's
Institute. The closing remarks, in
which he quoted from Teneyson's "In
Memoriam" was very fine. He paid a
high tribute to England's poet laureate
and finished with a touching and viyid
description of his death. This consti-
tuted the peroration a bich was one of
the fittest we have ever heard. The
Rev. gentleman held his audience spell
hound throughout.
Acting' through the blood, hood's
Sarsaparilla pot only cures scrofula,
salt rheum, We., bat gives health, and
vigor to the whole body.
Clinton: Miss Eva Stevenson acci-
dently ran a pin in her az'n the other
day, and for a time serious results were
anticipated: The injury is now over.
Clinton: It is reported that Mr. 3--.
McKay was found in his room in Gode-
1'ieh, Thursday, with his head and faeo
badly cut, and unable to explain how it
Brinsley: While engaged in loading
ice oe Wednesday last, a largo block,
weighing several hundred pounds
'slipped and fell ori Mr. Wm. Morley's
hand allnost cutting the little finger
Parkhill: Mr Clark Smith, of Me-
Gil)ivar�, brought to Robinson pros'
saw mill last Week a tree which mea-
sured 8,800 feet. The tree was cut in-
to three logs and was drawn at one
load. -
Sylvan: Mr. Robert Nicholson had
rather bad luck with his horses last
week, haying lost a valuable one with
inflammation and Itayilte another ser
iously hurt by a kick while loose in the
Ailsa Craig: Mrs Edward Hutchin-
son, who successfully underwent an
operation, last week, at the General
Hospital, 'London, has had a change for
the worse but hopes are still entertain-
ed for her recovery.
Hay: Andrew Keupfer, a farmer, of
the Bronson line has assigned to A. 13
McCallum for the benefit of his credit-
ors, A meeting of the creditors was
held in Dashwood'on Tuesday, when it
was decided to wind up the estate.
McGillivarv: When Patrick Buck
ley of the 2od con., near Clandeboye,
went to his bush some few days since
for a load of wood he was astonished to
find that some eight or ten cords of
maple, piled earlier in the winter to
dry, had disappeared. He is now en-
deavoring to learn what became of it
Wingham: Walter' H. Green, while:
working at a saw in the Standard
funiture factory on Wednesday of last
week, was unfortunate enough to allow
the double second joint of the second
finger of his left hand to come in to con-
tact with the saw, resulting in the bones
being split and the flesh considerably
lacerated. The finger is doing well.
McKi'lop: Robert McMichael, died
on Monday last, thel8th inst., at the
age of 61 years. Some years ago de-
ceased had an attack of apoplexy which
left him in a helpless, paralysed con-
dition. Since the attack in question he
had been bedfast and was a great bur
den to himslf and anxiety to his friends
Death came at last and put an end to
all his sufferings. Mr. McMichael was
a native of Scotland, but came to Can
ada with his parents in the early days,
hence he was one of the pioneers of the
country. -
Seaforth: On Monday 18th inst., a
bright and hopeful young life was
brought to an early close, when Clara,
only daughter of Mrs Michael Murphy
was called to her long home after a
brief and severe illness. It seems the
young lady, who was only in her seven
teenth year, contaaeted a severe cold
which settled in her nerves and frailly
constituted, her system proved incapa-
ble of bearing the severe shock, al -
through all in the power of the best
medical skill was done for her. She
was one of the brightest pupils of the
Collegiate Institute, and being of a
cherry and agreeable disposition, was
a great favorite amongst her compan-
Seaforth: On Monday night last the
Rev. Mr. Steel, of Kirkton, delivered a
very able and interesting lecture on the
"Constitution and Principles of the
Church of England," in the school room
of St. Thomas'church. It was given un-
der the auspiees of the Young People's
Literary Society, and the Rev Rural
Dean Hodgins occupied the chair in his
usual manner. The audience was a good
one and very appreciative. The leciur-
er treated the subject (1) the antiquity
of the church, (2) its unity, (3) its cath-
olicity, (4) its historic descent from the
apostles. (4) the value of its liturgy,(6)
the importance of the observance of the
church year and the rite of confirmat-
ion. His contention was that the Epis-
copal church was established by Christ
himself and his apostles, and from that
time he traced a lenial descent down to
the present day. He claimed that
theirs was the orignal Catholic church.
and antidated the Reformation, hence
he laid no claim to the word protestant
They never degenerated, hence they
never protested, they were and had
been in fact the same yesterday, to -day
and would be forever. A vote of
thanks was tendered the Rev gentle-
man for his able and eloque» t address,
and a warm invitation given him to
visiting Seaforth again and deliver his
famous lecture "Science and the Bible"
which he consented to at an early date.
Y 's Easy t'iJ
10 cents
Dye with °Q " PAUCAGE
Made for Home Use
Any Color
Absolutely Reliable
Direction "belt and do samptesot colored cloth, free.
Ti)'7aI.Ls dt RtCttaapsof Co., Yiontreal, P.Q.
means that you
should use
:Every V package fully
Take no other,
West India people eat 4igato1' eggs..
The thirty-two teeth in the mouth of
Jlohn lilcDarhy, of Salmon Falls, Mass,,
sire all doable,
A Woman's tombstone is the only one itr
B+ni;ltlnd upon which the epitaph. is writ-
tenin shorthand,
A yew tree, said to be three thousand
years old, is still flourishing in a cemetery
at Barley Dale, England.
A planter in Apalachicola, Fla„ has
grown an immense cabbage; a single stalk
with four well-developed heads.
A freak of nature, a large tree which
possesses the characteristics of a pine and
au oak, may be seen near Aehbnrfliatn,
hfass, In the fall of the year pine burs.
fall on one side aid acorns on the other.
The smallest bible in existence bas re-
cently been issued by the Oxford univers-
ity press. It is three and three-quarter
inches long, two and one-eighth inches
wide and soven•eighths of an inch thick.
.A. New York hatter has just made a hat
eight and three eighths in size. The length
and width are nine and a quarter by seven
and a half. This, he says, is the size
necessary to the comfort of the man with
the biggest head in town.
John Boyd Thachcr, of .Albany, N.Y.,
has presented that city with the original
bill signed by ween Anne and Earl Go-
dolphin to compensate Albany's first
mayor, Peter Sehuller, for taking four
Indian chiefs to England in 1710.
A little ginger put into sausage meat im-
proves the flavor.
In icing Oakes it is, best to dip the knife
frequently in cold water.
Tumblers that have had milk in them
should not be put in hot water,
If your coal fire is low throw on a hand-
ful of salt and it will brighten it very
A spoonful of stewed tomatoes _put in
the gravy of either roasted or fried Melita'
is an improvement..
Broil steak without salting. Salt 'draw*
the juices in cooking,' and it isdesirable to
keep these in if possible:.
To clean oil cloths use milk and water
and wipe with a flannel cloth. A brush
and soap will ruin them.
You can get a drop. or a barrelful of oil
off any carpet or woolen stuff by applying
dry buckwheatplentifuily and faithfully.
Never put water to such a grease spot, or
liquid of any kind.
M. Deibler, the veteran executioner of
Paris, has beheaded 220 persons. He is
always calm and never loses his head.
Oujda is said to, be so proud of her small
and beautifully shaped Bands and feet that
in suinmer and whiter,. out•of=doors and
in the house, elle-. wears sleeves that fall
just below the elbow, mad thin, low -out
,'The orders. and decorations of Prince
Bisinarck, if worn three deep; would
°over the breast of a roan six feet across
the shoulders. The ex -chancellor is said
to possess more of those. honors than any
other man in Europe.
The tallest policeman in the United
Kingdom is Constable Daly, one of the
members of the Royal Irish cuustabulary.
He is 6 feet 8+ inches in height Among
members of the same force, Sergeant Mof-
fett, of Ballyshanuon, stands 6 feet 5 -
Thimbles made of lava are used in Na.
Parrots cost but ten cents each to the
dealers in Central America.
The best corks come from Algeria.
There are 2,580,000 acres of cork forests
in that country.
It is estimated that nearly 20,000 pounds
of bread are daily eaten in the Sultan of
Turkey's household.
The native countries of the tallest and
shortest people in Europe, the Norwegians
and the Laps, adjoin each other.
Although Costa Rica is only about half
the size of the Province of Ontario, its list
of birds number 730 species. It is a
eouutry of forests and of all sorts of cli-
mates, from the torrid sea coast to that
found at anelevation of 11,500 feet, the
top of the volcano Irazu, where ice forms.
The Argand lamp was the invention of
Argand in 1789.
Cannon were invented in 1330, were
used by the Turks at Adrianople in 1453,
andwere made in England in 1547.
President Lincoln was assassinated at
Ford's theatre, Wa-dhington, at 10 o'clock
p.m., April 14, 1865, by J. J. Wilkes
Brass pins were first mads by the Sara
cons in Spain, in A.D. 800, and were
brought to England by Catherine of Ar-
ragon, wife of Henry VIII.
The Boston fire in 1872 was the scene of
a conflagration -o terrible that it burned
over 60 acres of massive stone, brick and
iron buildings in the very business heart
of the community, and destroyed $70,-
000,000 of property before its awful fury
was stayed.
Five volumes of air contain one volume
of oxygen.
The muel' is apparently brought within
fifty miles of the earth by the largest,
The total work performed by the hus
man body during five hours mountain
climbing is equal to 1,326,000 foot pounds,
not counting other forces exerted, which
Dr. Bueheister says will run the grand
total up to 1,880,000 foot pounds.
Carbonic n,•id ins, which is ' jpctetl in
large qu.,ntities from the eats is being
uti ized in several localities. At 13 r
near Cnblentz, a carbonic acid spring
opened during boring operations, and
which is eight inches wide And some
thirty or forty • f, et high, is being used
lis the impregnation of mineral waters.
rhe Ducftoss of OxfoM Radlle!s THE MOST MODERN
Our Patent Duplex Flue
Insures an oven that works
uniformly in all parts and is
perfectly ventilated. .
A Perfect Stove
.._.,__.._Guaranteed in all resects.
i,,te .
The Fire Linings
Procted by the draft from
the Duplex Flue. Lasts
double the usual time.
Tho GUrLoy Foundry Co., L't'd: Toronto, Olt.
For sale by H. BISHOP & SON. Exeter.
with a colicy baby or a colicy stomach
isn't pleasant. Either can be avoide
by keeping a bottle of Perry Davis'
PAIN KILLER on the medicine shelf. It
is invaluable in sudden attacks of Cramps,
Cholera.Morbus, Dysentery and Diarnccen.
Just as valuable for all external pains.
Dosn-Ane teaspoonful In a half glass of waterer milk.(warni ,f convenient).,
oak's €ott011ROot
d. Bewstre at
Arecent discovery by anold
physician. Successfully used
monthly by thousands of
Ladies. Is the only perfectly
safe and reliable medicine dis-
rinci sod it ists who
Covers unp p gg
offer Inferior medicines in place of this. Ask for
Cook's Cotton neat Compound, talcs no substi-
tote, or inclose =Land 6 cents in postage In letter
and we winsend,.seal'ed, by return mall. Fuilseared
particulars fa plain envelope, to ladies only, 2
stamps. Address; The Cook Company,
Wlndsor, Oat., Canada,
Bold. in Exeter by .1. W. Browning, Druggist
Having leased the premises
vacated by Elliot Et Elliot I
wish to inform the people of
Exeter and surrounding coun-
try that I have opened up a
new harness shop and will
carry in stock a full line of .
Harness repaired and made
to order. All orders receive
promptattention. First class
work guaranteed.
WM. CCTTRILL, Carliugs Old Store.
Loadman's ,-ir
First-class. Rigs and Horses
Orders, left at Hawkshaw's
Hotel, or at the Livery
Stable,(Christe'sold Stand)
will receive prompt at.
rreleph one
Terms Reaaouablo 1. Connection
J. SijeII
1\./Xaii . St.
Has now in stock
West of England Suitings and Trou
Scotch Tweed Suitings and Trouser
u gs,
French and English Worsted Clot
All wade'up In the Latest
Style,at best Raets.
Jolr5,got the itrieumatL m
Pain% again ell/
Why riot'
Cry die 9).44.
cashes Placer,
my wife jot rue
One, 'routed
like magic
t'Or a long time I antlered with :Rheumatism in
the slack 90 severely that I could not even sit
straight. My wife advised a h. & L. hionthol
Piaster. 1 tried it and ads neon goin about an
rilrht. S, 0. HtawzA, Sweet's going.
('rice 210.
Sewing Machines,
Baby Carriages
And Musical
We are the only firm
who make a specialty of the
above named goods and
therefore claim that we can
give the people of Exeter
and vicinity,- . . -
Greater Bargains!
Greater Choice !
Lowest Prices. ! !
The latest and newest at-
tachments for all our goods
can be had by calling at
our ware -rooms, -One door
north Dr. Lutz's drug stone
PERKIJS & fi!ja
NOW ll8rer Sop,
B 4 you go any place to get
shaved and hair cut, give Ike
Dearing a trial. He is located
one door south of Central Ho-
tel in Bissetts old stand.
Special Attention
is given to ladies and children
hair cutting, ladies bang's
trimmed and curled latest
style for 10 cts. Hair work.
such as switches Bangs curls.
Puffs. Wigs and topics a trial.
'L ---Proprietor .1
Ladies' and Children's Haircutting asp elosi to
A. HAISTINGS, Fanson's Block.
Live Hogs wanted that wilt
will weigh from 120 to 250
pounds each.
I am selling at the Packing House
Store, spars', ribs, tenderloin cut-
tings, pickled pigs' fent, pressed
tongue, head cheese, sausage, ba=
con, dried beef and pork.
As 1 hays engaged Mrs.Harness
to attend to this part, our custom-
ors will find all to be first class in
('very respect at lowest cash prig t.
Now is tha time to got your crock
or pail tilled with pure lard ea
prices are liable to go up.
05 SN Pro
SNELL - p«