The Exeter Advocate, 1895-2-28, Page 4THE x.cti r Abtioicate SANDERS c DYER,1.nrQP. THURSDAY, FEB. 28st, 1895 ,7:?.Z•� SOLLrjj0N ()!t' ,c1 SIMSION, The political atmostphere is heavily charged with rumors as to the inten tion of the Federal government—whet- her they wi.l hold a session of parlia- ment this spring, or go to the country en a dissolution. We do not profess to be in the secrets of the government-- fact, overnment—fact, beyond the members of Cabinet we opine there are few, if any, who can tell which course they nilly pursue, Judging from the postponement of the date at which Parliament is usually called together, and from. the activity displayed by members of Cabinet in holding public meetings,—and further, judging from the fact that the revised, voters' lists are being rapidly pushed through by the Printing Bureau, in which the whole stalT have bean set to work,—it would seem as though a dis solution of Parliament is not unlikely. Certainly there is great activity being displayed in Ministerial circles. And therefore it is well that the electorate should be prepared at any moment for the fray It has been hinted that no definite proclamation will be made either way—whether for calling Par- liament together for the despatch of bus-ii-ess, or for dissolution and a gen. eral election—until after the Manitoba appeal is heard. That is fixed for Feb'y 26th; and it may take some days before the Cabinet is in a position to decide what course they may adopt Whichever view the government may take on hearing the appeal they have a delicate and difficult task before them. It may prove to be a choice be- tween Scylla and Charybdis. Forour part, we should deprecate exceedingly the necessity for disolving Parliament and going to the country before a ,ses- sion is held to transact the public bus. iness. And certainly we sliould depre- cate as keenly any reverse that; the government might sustain at the polls, should it be that the Manitoba school question or the existence of Patrons or P. P. A's would be the means of return- ing the grits to power. We had quite enough of mismanagement and deficits in the revenue under the Mackenzie Cartwright regime, without incurring the risk of new fads or theories about free trade. Those who are out of po!we are always ready to make fair promise while those who are in should be tried on their merits and in their past • re- cord. If our readers and patrons con elude that the Liberal Conservative government have done their best to promote the welfare of the people, then let them set their faces against en- couraging any triangular fight in the constituencies. Let the friends of good government stand united, shoulderr to shoulder, and not be cajoledby fair but false promises of tariff reform that will never realized. a ize3. The e people of the neighboring Republic have had a severe lesson taught them by the pro- fessions of the Democrats, who prom ised tariff reform; the such was ef- fect of their policy that the nation has risen in its might to express condemna- tion of a change of policy that has re- sulted in financial depression and gen- eral commercial disaster. Let our peo people profit by that object lesson! NRYY THIEVES, TI1ISL A Yowl g Woman Gagged in Broad Daylight. WHILE THE TILL: WAS LOOTED And This on Otte of, Toronto's Principal Thoron hf,tres--Dalton Gang bathe - tors Do Some Decidedly Bold Work—Who Jobbers Pled When Alarmed, Tonci,To, Feb. 26.—In broad daylight, while the blue -coated guardians of the peace sauntered along the street firm in the belief that a mill of justice was 111 operation every day except Sundays and legal holidays on Court street were enough. to make: a nlan.. think twice before even attempting to break a city by-law, it rob- bery was committed which rivalled the most fatuous deeds of that notorious band —the Dalton imitators—which is now serving out different lengths of terms in Kingston penitentiary, It happened, ou Queen street west yes- terday atiteruoou about hall past three o'clock. At iSti1-2 William Weisser keeps a tobacco store. His daughter, a young lady of 17, was in the shop when two men entered. One asked for a package of cigarets. While she was engaged in coin- plyiug with their request one of the hien sneaked behind the counter and grabbed the girl by the arms. At the same time he put his hand over her mouth, but ducting that an ineffectual damper lie pulled a handkerchief from his pocket and shoved it in her mouth, thus preventing her from making any out- cry. Then he dragged the young girl into a back room and held her there while his companion proceeded to loot the store. When he had ransacked the till he became alarmed, and, calling to his companion to follow, he rushed ext of the store and ran up Queen street west. The other robber left his victim and followed in his foot- steps. As soon as the girl recovered her senses she rushed out into the street screaming at the top of her voice. When a coherent account of the robbery had been obtained front her the "day -lighters" had disc.. - peered onto some side street. DISGRACEFUL BLUNDERING. At a Niagara Palls Fire — Firemen In- jured. NIAGARA FALLS, Ont., Feb. 26.—Shortly after six o'clock last evening the Preston two storey brick block on Clifton avenue, near the post office, was discovered to be on fire. The ground floor was occupied by W. L. Flaherty, wholesale and retail liquor merchant, and H. Preston, customs broker, while the owner, Mrs. F. J. Pres- ton and family used the south wing as a residence, Over Flaherty's store was la cated the Niagara Falls cigar factory. In the drying room of this concern is where the fire is supposed to have started. The fire department responded promptly but there was a painful delay of some 10 or 15 minutes before the water was turned on the flames on account of the hydrants being buried under packed snow; and even when the hydrant was reached dis- graceful bungling and want of discipline r took place amongst the firemen. Every - s : body seemed to be managing the executive department. Ladders were raised and firemen climbed on them by the score. One ladder gave way and some half dozen men came down in the crash, and bad it not been for the drifts of snow they fell in some of them would have been seriously injured. As it was, one of their number, Fireman Webber was badly injured. He was carried into Smith's drug store and his wants attended to. If not internally injured, he will probably be out in a few days. Two others, Harry Williams and IChief Chas. Cole, escaped with slight sprains. The block was deluged in the water and the flames extinguished. Jelin F. Ander- son, owner of the cigar factory, will be the greatest loser, his loss being placed at $1,000 on plant and stock; no insurance. 1 Loss to building by fire and water $1,000, • fully covered by insurance. Mrs. Preston, • household effects C3 . 00 damaged ed by water, fully insured; W. L. Flaherty, $300; Henry Preston, $300; both damaged b water, fully insured, 'A. DISGRACED REPRESENTA- TIVE." The Mitchell Advocate commenting on Mr. McNeil, the representative for South Perth in the Ontario Legislature, sa3• s;— "South Perth may well blush oyer the disgrace which has followed the election of Mr. McNeil as its representa tine in the Ontario Legislature. He is guilty of an act which is punishable by imprisonment in the penitentiary. Will be dare further disra'e the Riding by taking his seat at the approaching ses cion? If he does, any elector would be justified in proceeding against hitn for perjury. His scoundrelism has given our Riding, from one end of the d Dominion to the other, an unenviable C prominence. Even the religious press deals with his lying in no unmeasured terms, the Canada Presbyterian hav- ing this to say of him last week: -"A snore humiliating exhibition of false hoods and perjury in order to obtain a place in parliament could scarcely be found, we imagine, than that made last week in the South Perth protest trial, held in the town of Mit :hell, The P P.f s A amiserable concern enough withoutcondemning us con t' d mritn the whole ole or ganisation on account of the perfidy and double -dyed scnundrt'lism of one man; but the history of this case shows how bold, persistent lying tnay succeed in winning an election; how blind sub- serviencty to an irresponsible maddate, and crushing' the voice of conscience, May carry a eonetltuency in which are teeny good men, dishonor its name, and drive from power and the public ser- vice of his country a man who deser. vests gratitude and praise, to put ill his place one who on the first opportun• ity would sell himself, his party and Country, and then attempt to hide his fault by persistent and n, dtt nbltillhin . falsehood," IS HERBERT RECALLED? He Leaves Ottawa, and, it Is Said, Will Not Return. OTTAWA, Feb. 26.—The fact that Lord and Lady Aberdeen called on Major-Gene- ral Herbert and Mrs Herbert yesterday has given rise to the report that the Major- General may not return again to Canada. It is well known here that ever since the suspension of Adjutant -General Powell by the Major-General and his being speedily reinstated by Mr. Patterson, there has been considerable friction between the minister and the major -general command- ing. • Premier Davie, of British Columbia, was notified by the Minister of Justice that he was appointed chief justice of the pro- vince. Col. Allan Gilmour died here last night. Ile was one of Canada's best known and most widely respected citizens. He was 79 years of age. West Durham's Member Safe. TORONTO, Feb. 26. -The Court of Appeal ecided yesterday that William H. Reid, onservative member -elect for West Du ham, was entitled to his seat in the Legis- lature. The court found that the kidnap- ping charge against the member bad been proven, and held that it was a corrupt act' but that it. in itself was not enough to in- fluence the elect.on either way. Unless a general system of corruption is shown, the new act provides one corrupt act cannot render an election void. The petition was, therefore, dismissed with costs, ' r A aim at Party s Warfare. � y re ST.JOHN'S, s Niicl Feb., 26 .—The 7.lie O osi- tion will u that t publish a letter stating they do not propose to contest the krye•electrons. Their leader, ex -Attorney -General Mori. san sa • s , Y they do not, wish s r to add party warfare to the colony's preseht troubles. Their decision meets with much approval from the general public. Sir Donald for Montreal West. MONTREAL, Que., Feb. 26.—At a •la.rgely. attended of '' cit > izcn s last night it It t It was decided to nom In,tte Sir Donald Smith as the Conservative ca'rdfdate in Montre- al West at the conning elections. leis elec., tion is regarded as assured. Jely. in the matte. Feb.I 26,-- 11a QUEBEC, I1, I•I. G. Joey ole Letbiniere has accepted ea ter P e.L` cati- didature in Portnttef County for zthe �cont. ing election, • THE I.SGI$:I.ATUf pone 71 ills the Usual 1'aseetntl'y..-The • Slaeeelt Prom the Throne., TOM °, Feb,?.1.—Tide afternoon under the usual military escort his Honor, the Lieutenant -Governor opened the first ses• sion of the eighth Parliament of Ontario. Promptly, at three o'clock he walked into the assembly room of the I°arlialueut buildings in Queen's park and found the Speaker's chair vacant. On account of that intentional and customary oversight he walked but Again and waited around until a Speaker was cltosen. This is the usual custom, W, D. Belfoin was then by vote of the members' authorized to at tach "Hon." to his =name and take the chair. When the Lieutenant -Governor *as informed of the fact he returned and delivered the Speech front' the Throne. Mr. Speaker and Gentlemen of the Legislative Assembly:— In opening this, the fleet session of the eighth Parliament of the Province, I ani glad to welcome you as the representatives of the people assembled for• the despatch of bestuess, While the past year was unfavorable to the agricultural interests in some respects, the prices of many products, especially grain and stack,remainiug unusually low, it is very gratifying to know that increased interest has been taken in improved meth- ods of farming and in the reports and pub- lications of the Department of Agriculture. Various agricultural associations and or- gauizations have been. making increased demands for instructors. The special dairy work in counec'tioo with the Agri- cultural College et Guelph has been pro- secuted with very satisfactory results, and I am pleased to learn that last year proved to be the most successful year in the history of the College. From time to time public attention has been directed to our northern districts as suitable for settlement by an agricultural population. At the present time consider- , able interest is being manifested in this direction, and it is proposed to establish, with your approval, at a moderate expense , a pioneer dairy farm to attract further attention to these new districts, and also to prove their adaptability to agriculture. During the past year the Rainy Lake region has come into notice as a gold field. Many explorers have been attracted' to it, a number of promising locations have Leen taken up and partially developed, and it THE PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS. is expected that several mills for treating ore will be in operation this year. i The prospect of gold mining in this di4trict will no doubt promote settlement o' the rich agricultural lands in the Rainy: River valley. A bill will be laid before you containing some supplementary provisions which the experience of the Last general election has indicated to be desirable in the elet:tion laws. The Registration of Voters' Act of last session with respect to cities, ha ing worked satisfactorily, you will be askdd to consider the propriety of extending its operations to towns. Your attention will be invited, to a measure designed to lessen the numberof appeals in the courts of the Province; and otherwise to simplify the proceedi'figs of the High and Superior Courts; a measure to provide, in matters of Provincial juris- diction, that where jurors are not unanim- ous, ten jurors may, give a verdict,and some other measures of law reform. You will further be asked to consider bills for extending the benefit of ± the Factory Act and the Children's Protection Act; for revising and consolidating the Acts relating to agriculture, and the sects relating to Mechanics' Institutes and Free Libraries. The Supreme Court of Canada having held that the Province has no power to pass a prohibitory liquor law, my Govern- ment is taking the necessary proceedings for an appeal pp to Her Majesty's P,rivy Council upon this question, and the appea-1 is expected to be beard and disposed of be- fore the end of the present year. In accordance with the promise made to the House last session, I appointed a Com- mission to collect and report the facts bearing on the views which havebeenex- pressed with respect to the mode of remun- erating and appointing certain provincial officials now paid by fees and with respect o the extent of the remuneration they hould receive, including in regard to the aid matters respectively the practice and xperience of other countries. The corn- nissioners have pursued their task with iligence and have made full inquiry into he matters referred to therm. The report s about completed and will soon be placed n your hands for your consideration, with view to such legislation as may appear to e proper. The question of the maintenance of Government House at the expense of the rovince will no doubt receive your earn stattention; and I trust that the policy hich may be adopted will be such as may rove to be generally satisfactory. Since the last session the main building f the Brockville Asylum has been com- leted, and patients were admitted before le end of the year, relieving thereby the owded condition of some of the other in• itutions. ram pleased to be able to inform you let considerable progress has been made uring the past year by the arbitrators whom were submitted all questions re - ting to the unsettled accounts between e Dominion and the provinces of Ontario d Quebec, and between the two proven- s, and that all the parties interested ve shown their sincere desire to have e differences between them settled eedily and amicably. The Public Accounts for the year just osed will be placed in your hands at a t'y early day. You will be glad to know at the total expenditures of the Prov ce were kept well within the a.PPri,a ro r - ns, and that the actual receipts 1 s were usicler ably in excess of the estimate The estimates for the current year will tilout delay, be anbrmtted for yourap.' oval. They will be found to have bee:. epard w c Gh a aue to eco regardn om d the necessities e es of the public service. 1'hesession will,I trust. be noted fortlrt istlom and urucenee of your delihera ons, anis for treasures calculated to pro to the hest interests of th.e province, n the assembling of theHousc this trite: on the address will be moved by Mr lig and seconded b�bl• . gt, McNeish. Slt. t s s e d t a P e w p 0 p Crtl st ti rl to la ter an ce ha th el ve ,u. r10 co WI •it• , pr .Li t tv ti o in on Ci•t 0; A. & P, S. Railway Construction OTTAWA, Feb.25.—Half a million dollar s to'be expended on the Construction is :e Ottawa, A.ruprior & Parry Sound Rs his corning summer. The work of col. duction is atbout to be resumed. Co,, i ct5 In ' rte been awarded for the buitdin, three snore ten mile sections and a fount salon is to be let. TOPICS of A W EEK. Tice lrnl,ortaut1.v, uty. in Al Pow 1,Vords Por 11Rsy Itt'ad,'rr. at boy e,UAA Tlitulinotldl'silCrtaoc'lfres,. Imagedttged himself .ACae Washington's birthday was fittingly honored in the United States on Friday. ottly. dheC.P.R.a,I,l pays a h,tlf:ye;ti^ly dividend of two per cent. on its preferred stock Nri'• P. Mahdied on' uay from iujnries received it1 fallinSatg elft rda load .of hay in. Paslft hon, The Budget Committee of the German Reichstag has voted estimates for four new'almored Cruisers, The report of the royal commission on the liquor traffic is nearing completion. It will contain 4,500 pages: Governor Morton, of New 'York, has signed the Lawson bill, preveuting the display of foreign gags on public build- ings. A quantity of new machinery for a cartridge 'factory to be established in rte ,.e Will shortly be shipped from Eng- ltsnd, ;7n.• Henry James' motion in the British House of Commons regarding India's cotton duties was defeated by a vote of 304 to 109 on Thursday, The lecture which Col. Robert Ingersoll WAS to deliver on "The Bible" at the Iio- boJ:eu, N,J., Theatre on Sunday night was forbidden by the Mayor. Seaman Jones of tlxestoittnerSTaueonvor fell from aloft, struck ou the rail, falliug into the water sank and was no more. Ile wits a Welshman. The Manitoba Government has sele Mr. Dalton McCarthy to represent t in the appeal in the school case, t heard at Ottawa on the 29th inst. The new torpedo destroyer Banshee given an official trial on the Olycl Friday, The boat attained an era speed of twenty-eight knots au lour. The probability of the present Cong reimbursing the Canadian fishermen the loss sustained through the Behr Sea seizures appears to be becoming le Frederick Douglass, the well-kno colored orator, died suddenly of he disease at his residence in. Anaco opposite Washington, on Wednes night. M. Montpetit, one • of the translator the Rouse of Commons, has put in a of $27,000 for translating the report of Royal Commission on the liquor tra The account is disputed, Sir Henry Brougham Loch, Governor Cape Colony, has been recalled from position, owing to a long-standing diff ence of opinion with Mr. Cecil Rhod the Premier of the colony. Raffles es killed a lot of Portuguese tro in East Africa, entering the camp at e morning under the guise of friendshipa eginning their murderous work bef any of the soldiers were awake. The Bordeaux Chamber of Conxmer as petitioned the Government to pia anadian petroleum under the minim ariff, so as to enable it to compete w' he Russian and the United States oil. Hon. Winston Churchill, eldest son the late Lord Randolph Churchill, h mored the army, receiving the appoin eat of Iieutenant in the Fourth Hu ars, one of the crack cavalry regiments. The liquor bill, the passage of whi as expected, and which would have ma orth Carolina practically a prohibitio tate, bas been defeated in the Senat here was a bare majority of one again A • young farmer of Harriston, On amed Wm. J. Shannon, while engage oiling some part of the machinery o s windmill, on Thursday, fell and wa dr • into the shaft, being killed almos gently. Baptiste Cornelius died in the Count il, London, from consumption. Co lius had been sentenced to two months prisonment for selling liquor to Indian his reserve. His pardon arrived jus fore he died. Referring to the Egyptian situation, th urnal des Debars, Paris, insists that i the task of France to rouse Continenta urope so that it will give unmistakabl dence that its sympathy is with Egyp against Great Britain. ulu Lacey, thirteen years old, is uncle rest in South Grimsby on a charge 'Sonia Mrs. Pierson's g baby. The 3 fr s left in charge of the child, and in some wa, an • got hold of a bottle of strychnine d swallowed enough of the contents to lit. t is reported that the French expedition der the charge of Commandant Montell service in the interior of Africa was prised, that half the force was annihi- d, and that the remainder have been yen from their line of march and their rent cut off. he Marquis of Dufferin, at the annual quet of the French Chamber of Con- roe, said that there never had been a e since his arrival in Paris when the tions of the two countries were more redly and more obviously conciliatory oth sides, and seen cted hem o be was eon rage ress for ing SS. wn art sta, day sof bill. the ftic. of his er- es, ops ea nd ore ce ce um lth of as t• s. ch de n e. st Ont d s t r- es t 1 e t r o b m h C t t e m s �T S T it n in hi in ja ne im on be Jo is Et l as arL poi wa w an kil un for stir late dei retr ban me ti nx rela Erie on b Ald. John W. Jones, E Parnell and John Heamen of London have been served with notice that on March 1 action will be taken to eject them from their se't,ts be- cause last year's Council, of which they' were members, failed to provide for a sinking fund, The Montreal Street Railway has dis- covered a conspiracy for defrauding it. The conductors were provided with a small trough of nickel or German silver which is put into the slot at the top of the box and the' five cent pieces slide out into the operator's hand. The first session of the eighth Legis- lature of the Province of Ontario was opened on Thursday by his honor the Lieutenant -Governor, who read the speech from the throne. Mr. W. D. Balfour, member for the south riding of Essex, was elected Speaker for the new House. At Leamington silver medals have been presented to Messrs. P. Comber, Colin Collin, B. Miller, G. Johnston. Frank Ives, Herman and Ralph. Robson, John Robinson and s•on a d M. ms Wllba for their bravery in rescuing five ice -cutters ntt ors who. drifted out into the lake on February 2, Taylor & Iletiry, liverymen of Iiamil- ton, were summoned by lInmanc Inspec- tor Hunter on a charge of starving their twenty -year-old stallion Raven, The horse was removed from the stable and died two days afterwards. Tho defend- ants gave evidence that the animal was fed. The Police Magistrate reserved his decision. T+'ire broke Lott in the Ledger Wood Bakery on Ouachita avenue, Hot Springs, Ark., on :['relay morning, It is in the .:,uthern part of the city, where boarding Mouses abound, and in an hour three :vomen had been burned to death, six lar ding houses, es, several storehouses and .,teen cottages, in all worth n �' r l$100(00 ha' vett swept away. The dead are: 1V1rs1 ,.,aura Scatnrnon, Mrs. Henry J. McLeod and Austistine Select -to (colored), American Pattern STEL. Cheaper than in Toronto, Having purchased before the advance, we are prepared to sell nails cheaper bythe keg than theycan be bought itl Toronto bythe car lad `y Imported Glass. . a Having struck ,1 rock -bottom" on glass by buying a lar import order, we can the lowest figures.e�e quote. Hinges, Locks, Eavetroughing, etc, at closest figures We want more room. . . Don't forget that we are making a spacial run on Lanterns, Cow Chair, Cross -cut Saws.. Axes, etc, Thebe sold and will be s old . '' � o Also stoves, (wood or coal) will be sold at a sacrifice to make room for our spring Shipments. 11. BISHOP & SON. P. S. Red Clever, Timothy. and Alsike. Best sample at lowest prices. ALL AOTHEItS WHO HAVE USED pA1MO TAR8OAP [(Now TAT IT IS THE BEST BABYS SOAP Blah"" for tvalioloof Deflates Sorc , . 0 le251 Baby was trubled n I trie"Pala o.Tar Soap" s In aovery ashot tim e the sores disappeared, skin became smooth and white, and the child got perfectly well. Mits. ilontzsAs, Crediton Only 25c. Big Cake. WOOI2's PHO1 PHHODINE. The Great English Remedy. Six Packages Guaranteed to promptly, and permanently cure all forms of Nervous Weakness, Emissions,Sperm. atorrhea, Impotency and alt erects of Abuse or Excesses, hTental Worry, excessive use Before and After. of Tobacco, Opium or Stimu- 7ats, which soon lead to In- firmity, Insanity. Consumption and an early grave. Has been prescribed over 35 years in thousands of cases; is the only Reliable and Honest Itfedicine known. Ask druggist for Wood'sPhoaphodine;if be offers some worthless medicine is place of this, inclose price In letter, and we will send by return nail Price, , s, , Ona w }mase, atw will turonoapackagePamphloS1; is freedito 55any addreaaire, The Wood Com, Windsor, Ont„ Canadapany. AT THE annual meeting of the Re form Association held in St. Marys on Tuesday the following nominations were made:—W. C. Moscrip, St. Marys, G. H. McIntyre, Usborne, and Dr. Erb, Downie. Dr Erb received and accep- ted the nomination. Grand Bend: Rev. S. A. Corriere was takers by surprise the other even ing by his good people of Corbett con gregatiouwhen they took possession of his grainery and left there a large load of oats. Goderich: bhicago Herald: Mystery still surrounds the whereabouts or fate of William B. Lamprey, formerly of Goderich, a young salesmam who was employed by Marshall Field & Co,, and who disappeared on the night of Jan. 15. Ever since then his friends have been constant in their search, and that so long a time has elapsed has given rise to dire forebodings Now a re- ward of $100 for information relative to the young man is offered by Alexan- der Annan. department manager tment of the house. Lamprey boarded for near- ly a year with Mrs. Getman; 508 Wash- ington boulevard. He was credited with exemplary habits and while pre- serving the society of his male friends, was always courteous to the oppo site sex. The night he disappeared he left the impression at the house eith- er that he would call on a tliss Dat is or on a friend on the north side: He never reached either place. He was dressed in a business suit and took nothing with him that would indicate any intention of making a prolonged absence. Detectives have Iearued from Mrs. Graham that, while Mr ,Lamprey was of cheerful disposition, he would brood over trifles, and often seemed fond of solitude, passing hours away from 'Aber inmates of the house, ap- parently in gloomy thought. It has been learned, too, that the nay he dis appeared he drew $20u, which he gave to Mr. McRae, an old family friend, who hid invested his savings. He had a diamond ring, of a peculiar set- ting which he always wore, and he car ri'd several gold pocket pieces, one a $20 coin, which, it is thought, aggreg- ated COO in value. These, it is sur- mised may have induced robbery. No eause for suicide car be discovered, Nothing is known of family antscedei.ts which may throw light on this question His friends generally fear that he has been killed for his valuables. They will couti.,ue their search, although deyoided of much hope • 0 rMtifh 0� pov1e r6.....,. r but don't try to patch up a lingering cough or cold by trying experimental remedies. Take PYNY Y PECTORAL R A and relief is certain to follow. Cures the most obstinate coughs, colds, sore throats, in fact every form of throat, lung' or bronchial inflammation iii' ducod by Cold. Large Rome. 25 Cents, A FittiU� I�e�l FINE GRADES OF Ken's Trousers AND Fall Suitings. It is one thing to cover up your body. Robinson Crusoe did that with goat skins. But that time is past. It is not neces• sary to clothe yourself in any unsightly garb when you can get clothes that fit you like bark to a tree and at prices consistent with the times, Call and select from a big lot of choice pieces. We will make it worth your while. , . BEST. IqffIllIT. Th e Fashionable Cutter and Fitter W. G. Bisse ' ' Bissettis ElYery First Class Horses and Rigs. SPECIAL RATES WITH OOMMERIAL MEN, Orders left at Bissett Bros.'Hardware Store, will receive prompt attention. TERMS - REASONABLE A TRIAL SOLICITED. W. G. BISSETT C. LUTZ, PROP Fanson's Block Exeter. Family Receipts. and Prescriptions, Carefully prepared. A completestock of drugs patent medicines, Drug- gists' supplies, perfumes, toilet soaps, hair brushes, tooth brushes, combs and all articles to be found in a first-class Drug Store. DR. C. LUTZ, Druggist. Furniture! e Furniture! 1 Furniture!!! We have. moved back to our old store again and have the finest stock of Parlor, Bedroom mandDI ' -. n in r0 O mF Furniture w Ire in the town, at prices that cans not be beaten. Elegant new bamboo goods jus, coming in. •, See our beautiful) • new warerooms. W , are bound . to . sell if „ good goods nicely displayed at ,very low pllces w llklo it. GinEY & SON ODD FELLOW'S ralock 01 '