HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1895-2-7, Page 5Saved Her Life
Surgical Operations and
. Best Medicai Treatment
An Almost Miraculous Cure by
Hood's Sarsaparilla.
. Cilietg,u, .LlIintA8.
C. 1. hoed !i Co„ t n ,i, ;glass,:
"Beginning iu February, '02, I wao very sick
For two months. Slowly I got better bet sew
confined to my bed. A physician Setif I had a
Folds leiescotes Le My Sidi.
After an 0 E._;LiiE 1 1 d]( not improve, p 1 i e the an•
sews ooutinu::ig to t i. lenase evt.i l,s:r'e free•
than befure. 1.: to osome:tie lime tl+ree epee.:
tons were periormetant te es ltisert d to ane
elf the impurities, btiS all to vain. l ivally i
was decided that my lits depended upon tem ult:
operation and that 1 m est be removed to the
hospital. About tines •s: colts previous to tli:
I It i'' noticed au advertisement in the Dail;
News of au:tse where Fool's Sarsaparilla hr
cured a boy somewhat sha11ar1y ai7licted h
Trenton, A..7., eel I declthal tat gWo it a tete).
Skeen the Brno decided upon for me to go to al•
huspttrl arrived I b td been inning hoods Sae
saparilla about two weees.
Was Matting Better
and the abscess had already began to discharge
loss freely. I l'eit stronger and had a terrihlc
appetite. Prevl nus to this 1 had given up to die.
When Iliad taken the second bcttlo r was able
to sit up and accordhucly 117i:3 not taken to the:
hospital and the final operation was deferred.
Now 1 have taken six bottles and the abscess
bcs entirely healed I are well and go every
where. My fr'ieues thank itis a miracle to have
me restored to them again su healthy and even
younger iu looks Man before my sickness.
1 Feel Setter Than Ever
1 did in my life and weigh over 180 pounds, the
heaviest in my life. I do a big day's work and
amgainiuginstrength every day. My mother
worried and worked herself almost sick in car-
ing for me. Shehas since taken Hood's Sarsa-
parilla and it bas done her much good. We
praise Hood's Sarsaparilla to everybody, for
1 Kriow It Saved Iomy Life.
I am 27 years old, and a .stranger to look at me
mew would not think I ever had a. day's sick-
ness. Even the doctors are surprised at the
success of Hood's Sarsaparilla in my case.
Mother and myself continue to take the medi-
i r
c saPrgaa,113
cine regularly and we earnestly recommeni
'Flood's Sarsaparilla. Mus. MOLLIE WEND'r
568 West Eighteenth Street, Chicago, Illinois
Corroborates the Above.
C. I. Hood 8a Co., Lowell, Mass.:
"Dear Sirs: -I am a drug clerk and have sold
Ilirs. Mollie Wendt many bottles of Flood's Sar
sea:ulna and can .ertifsethatshe was cured by
the use of it." F. C. BtaLmosamx,.530 West
Eighteenth Street, Chicago.
."Hood's care liver ills, jaundice, bil-
iousness, sick headache and. constipation. 25c.
Lord and Lady Aberdeen ltaye re-
turned to Ottawa.
Hinging Noises
In the ears sotneti.tnes a roaring,
bussing sound, are caused by catarrh,
that eueeding•lv dtsagrceahle and very
common disease. Loss of smell or
het •iris also result From catarrh. Hood's
Sam paella), the grra blo purifier, is
a peculiarly sncccssft111 remedy for this
disease, which it cures by purifying the
Flood's Pills are the 'best after dinner
pil s assist digestion, prevents constipa-
Dr W. Henderson of Arthur died sud-
denly yestcrdey.
Best Gough Syrup. Tastes Good. Use
la time. sold by druggists
The. Ontario Legislature has been
called to int'et li'ebrnary 21.
leer Over 1N'ifty t terse,
As Ores AND Wart='falee .Rrotitnv.-Mrs
Winslow's Soo thing S,yrup has been used
for over flft,y, ears by millions of u,nthers
for their °Waren white teething, with per-
fectsaccess. It soothes the child, softens
the gums, allays all pain, cares wind colic
and is the best rented,y for Diarrheas. is
pleasant to the taste. Sold by Druggists In
every part of the World. Twenty-five ciente
a bottle.. Its value is incalculable. Be sure
and ask for Mrs. Winslow'sSoothing Syrup
and take no other kind
The Cddfelinws' Hall and Halley & Sut-
ton's stores at Brandon suffered by tire.
1VIr, Frederick Pownesday of iIatnilton
attempted suicide by taking carbolic
London, Huron and Bruce.
'rim/TABLE. .
Q•olxG Norms- sr- Passenger.
London, depart......... 8.05 A ac 4.90 r it
Centralia 0.07 5.47
EXETER • 1) 22 600
Hens:tn 9 37.. 0 15
Eappen ... s) 11 0,20
Brucefie d 0.52 0.28
Oita ton 10.12 0,M
"in ndesboro 10.20 7.14
a3lvth 1008 7.23
Belgrave 10.52 7 87
Wing ham arriveli.10 8.00
Gorge SOU't'11- Passenger
Winglut as, depart 0.85 n sr: 3.25
Bclgyrave s 60 9,.17
Blyth-. 7.03 4.01
Lomite:hero 710 4.08
Clinton 7.80 4,08
73ruceffeld 740 446.
Iiippen 7 57 4.,53
liansall 800 4.58
EXIt'1'E'Et 8.25 5,12
Centralia .......... 8:40 5.23
ionki]er of
Pearg Pole
ile fakes Some Inter-
esting StatemenEs.
•.,u•y.r.. .r..,r�s�..NW!Fri.•w«II�NW++MF4nMwiuiErM•A�.(*Mr.r,... ,. ..'...... _. 1.4k•,rcb.,�x,ow,:rr rt+•^..,,
1 11 1.1
' 1t, Joe, tioati8tl+r 0111,1ntitI(ul to 5.t; est itis
V :1 9 �'{•iul and 13uilecl,
GI:OIOGl7owy, Ont„ Feb. --Joe :Me
ll Master, who assaulted . young Turner at
G1enw illiams, \tits brOUgaht froiih Miltoc)
jail yesterday and an reigeied before Magis-
trates Kennedy and Berber, charged with
. assaulting with iuleut to do grevious.
Rbodily ilain1 one Albert `Turner, County
4 Crown Attorney Matheson pr•oseeuted,
The prisoner's iitei este were looked after
g by,Barristor John Shiltoii, of Toronto.
I'uruer, who looks anything but well,
said that he atte ailed church at Gleuwil-
liams on the evening of January 20; that
after the service. end as, be incl tTiss
Wheeler were moving away from the
church steps McMaster jumped between
theuh, shoving him ('Truer) off the side-
walk. He regained his position beside the
lady and they walked peaceably along
until they reached Mr, Mattirt's house.
f Miss SV iee!er here excnsedheraeif, stating
a that she left her wraps in Martin's, 'While
f waiting her outcoming he received a blow
, which felled Binh to the grotund. He at-
tempted to rise, but Mas struck, and went
down agate... The' pounding, continued
until the Weenie uncens'ious:
Several other wituesses ware examined,
all of wham wore they saw McMaster as-
sault Turner.
Their Wot•ahips considered 0 clear case
had been evade oat aagainst i1IcMaste • and
they committed hinh le st'ed. his trial at
the s rie assizes.
Atter c
oast tal
they decided , to accept bail. This was
Paines Geier Coluound
lii� u 1 I�
Use ..- in the Frozen
Mr,James W. Davidson, who Went with
Lieut.' Peary to the Artie regions, was
recently interviewed, and made the fol-
lowing interesting statement: -
"Yes, indeed, I have not ouly heard' of
Paiue's Celery Cotnpcuud,but have used
it, and have every reason to remember
it, When I was selected by Lieuenant
Peary to accompany hlm on his trip to
the artic regions to try and find the
North Pole, it was partly because of my
strong, healthy coustition, and his be-
lief that Icould endure the, fatigue and
danger incident to the trip, 1 bad been
associated with hien as his husiueas man-
ager On his lecturing tour, and was ou
terms of the greatest ii.ti.nacy with
"When the ship 'Falcon' left New
York on her trip northward it had,
among the stores several cases of Patties
Celery Compound. The reputation of
that medieiue was so well established
that it was the most natural thing in
the world that the members of the party,
and they uodiprise men from nearly
every walk in life, from common sai
lcrs to men of science, should desire to
use it.
The record of our perilious trip to Camp
Anniversary is too web kuowu to need
repetition. Once; in camp we naturally
took an inventory of our possessions,
and I was exceedingly glad ro Hud the
Celery Com pouud. The medicine chest
was open to all, and we were free to
take from it what we thought was ad-
visable. I; in company with severe loth-
ers selected some of the Oompound,tak
iug a bottle of i, to the cabiii, kuowing
it would be handy when wanted. Nur
was I mistaken, for the excessive cold
weather WOO had its effects, and I be.
gait to be troubled in a number of
ways. In every ease '"lienever I felt
the Slightest iudisposi'eiun. 1 used the.
Compound and of course found relief
"Cue thing noticeable in the Artie re- 1
lou was that the used weather made us t
all exceedingly nervous. We became
irritable and cress. 'I he slig;Must thin;;
would cause aug ry words to sprint
our lips, and it rciluired the greatest
care to guard against our ill Will per
setth:e; the bust of us, We. had to
watch•une aliother to aouid getting in-
to a passion. Out nerves were) LIustruug;••
attd naturally it affected our health. 1
talked the [natter over with some of the;
o,liers, and made up my luted that 'pus
sibly the Celery Compound would be
beneficial, for 1 k new that it was awed
for neryous disorders at name. Web,
sir, we tried it, thud .l must say that it
lwlpest every Otte of us so much so that 1
migot say it was a p.ace•inaker among'
"When the long night of six months
calve On and we were iu darl hese, we
tumid that the effects were very depres-
g;, lmag1110, if you tett,, living' far,
Sha CuOLths llt ('1111-kuces, such as uee;ttl'e.
horn isveiy night, and you caul reedit,,
understand how we were situated, It
is e. wonder tliatt some 00 us clic! not gs,
lead. Vire had not very Mata to divert
our attelgtiOil, aud the eil.,ct wee some
thing like solitary couliuemait lr €i
dark cell.
"1 have used Pttirie's Celery Cori -
pound for a dozen ills such Os a perdan
is liable to Mate at any time, and es
peolaily' in 'this desolate country. It
it has always he Ip d me au'cl 1 should
be pleased lo have more of it sh:,uld 1
go North again.
"'I do not know of any one thing that
I eau speak more highly of than Celer;
Compound. It certainly is a great:
medicine, and I am an advocate of it"
l 11 )1'ov. el ' l' .
1 c ly cltlnyl►lp G4ltiluulticfttio
�an arly•Posllaillty.
Our Sistei•Colotiy in the Antipor+•,s elegem
an E1l'nrt IA) Vie With ,Canteen . in
Cheese l'roduetlon •-. ()Hier
:repass Alsousso(t by'
• cable Letter. •
Loi-noy, Feb. • Or ---There seams tube a
i ro tpect o£ improved Stearn eohnrnuuica-
tie:t between Canada and ]i'rt tee in! the
near fut.urc and the probable early ratif-
cation of the Franco Cauldiaii treaty -is o
course stiuialatixtgg the of ,anisatiou• of.th
scheme The proposal is.to: time 11pe.0
stet uiei regularly between Belgium
Female incl Canada in the winter: and Burn,
mei it hea;;ouable eucouragetueut;cltnb
ol,t,lned frein:!the Dominiolh Crovorunihen
a1lll the merchairts and shippers, There i.
at 1)t'eseu1 itntermitteu1eonuunliictatiou be
tween Antwerp and Mon treat in. the sura
mer months, but the inCeti tiotr, if akatisf)Lc
tory arrangemeniscaarn bo nettle, iste.buil
new and Suitable steamers tusdte open
regular advertised cruised se � i • 1
i co to
during the season of uayigation,, and to
Halifax during parts of the year, 0011111(00
enugiu.April or May nett. 1\ot only ail
the service be of value so tar as trade with
1 mance is concerned, but it should leas
also to the expansion of Canadian export
to and imports from both Belgium and
Germany vitt Antwerp. There is also the
chance that additional cotltmunicationwil
be provided, Las it is well known that th
Hansa line .have it in contemplation to
arrange for the calling of their steamers at
a French port. Much more might be done
in the way of increasing the cornmercia
relations of the Dominion with France, i
the steamers of the Compagnie 'grans-At-
largtiilne to Havre were utilized.. The sur-
tate' d'entrepot, Which is added ;on im-
portations into France via a European
country other than the country of origin
does not apply to imports from Canada by
way of United States. The same remarks
apply to the trade with Germany by way
of the Hamburg and Bremen lines. These
questions are receiving the attention of
those interested in the development of
trade between Canada and the Co elt:tent
and in the exploitation of new markets for
its products.
Australian Cheese in England.
The Australasian colonies are making
wonderful strides in the development of
the export of dairy produce. For some
time they have regarded Canada's pre-
emineut position in the cheese trade with
a certain amount of envy, and it is an
open secret that they mean to endeavor' to
get a share of the trade which they are also
trying;, to do in the case of live cattle,
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery
although it may not always be palatable.
and this will, probably be the ,feeling of
Canada in reference to the anilouncensent
that• about a ton of cheese has been made
at the Hawkesbury Agricultural College
in New Solidi Wales on the Canadian'
Cheddar system with the object of sending
it to England, to test the market. Speci-
mens of the cheese are to be seat to the
Government analyst of the Agricultural
department before shipment in order that
bey be compared with cheese'of Canadian
Australian Live Cattle.
Particulars,are now available of the re-
sult of the recent experiments in the sbip-
neut of live cattle from Australia, to Eng -
and, and they will be iuteresting to Can -
Wien readers. All animals from the An-
tipodean colonies are slaughtered at the
is of lauding, owing; to the admitted
wevaleuce of pleuro-pneunnonia, among
he Australian herds. Seventeen animals
are Inc,lu led , in the account sales, eight
vhart horns and niue Herons. The latter
were very superior in quality, well above
the average and equal to the best cattle
received from the United States. Tlie
short horns were tie cattle also, but from
the lin tellers' standpoint were toe fat, al-
though this, seems almost incredible, iu
vied•. of the fact that the animals bad
traavelled 12,000 rni108. ` In consequence,
they did not bring s4 much per pound as
the Devon. The day's allowance of food
per annual on the voyage Was 10 pounds of.
hay, oaten or lucerne, 6 pounds of maize
and 4 pounds of bran. Three,of the short
hours (1.002 pounds. Cecil) realized 45.8d
.per emend, or 4641x, and the retraining
five (Leel pounces each). 41:2t1 pet pound,
or .e.109 5s 7d. Four of the Devens (weigh-
ing 810 porrncls each) brought 5 1-4c1 per
pound or £73 12s 0-c1, while the remaining
five (weighing 922 pounds each) were sold
at 5d per pound, or X.96 (i 7c1. The total
sant realized was therefore 2'134310, rd, the
average price per head being £204.•t 5d.
't,ie•1'hoteerathio 11xhibrt"8u.
It is to be • hoped that Cenadian photo-
graphers tvill u1(11(0 a bnive shove .at the
fnitlunnnn ;' phr to_Srephic exhibition at
the imperial .1u ghetto. The wineries are
well adapted for the purpose, and selec-
tione of photographs of the scenery in the
(1ell'or ut'pru.turee illustrating also the
11 (111stries of the.00nntry, agricultural,
dairying, nilning, lumbering, fishing and
noun aeterili WOulil b • a valuable object
}eseou and give tic. }Sri isle public a better
and more 5' s'itl idea than they have ever
bad of the resources' •atad capabilities of
Canada. Such an exhibition. would also
assist 1.1 a vet:- marked way, the efforts
tl at an being made to encourage the in-
vestment of capital in the country, and be-
Select v,ould loam splendid Advertisement
of the Qitcen?s highway to the east, about
whioh so much hos been written.
Live Hogs `ante . that will
will weigh from 120 to 220
pounds each. '74
• Kingsvillevvihla Has a BadVire,
LBAnurctron, Out., Feb.6,.-The village
of Kingsville, about 8 miles from here, was
visited by adisastrous fire yesterday which
destroyed a large portion of the business
part on the south side of Talbot street,
The fire appears to have originated. in
Shab1's 1rygoocls store and extended either
way destroying the Heiden, Andrew'
''Wigle's and Conklin blacks. The sufferers
besides the owners of the buildings are W.
drygonds, Jas. Wigle, grocer,
r1"' I1tOl3 mill cry, Brown's 7
s barbel
hop, Pierce's grocery, S. L. McKay's'
<Lrd t � '1
tvttie; .CN'i dc, s bku )8t shop and the
Mechanics' Institute over S, L. McKKay's
arcivare store. Loss $20,000, mostly
overed by insurance.
NO Trouble" Ilui•iied to Death.
MONTREAL, Feb. 0.-A fire broke out
last Tright in the eXc.11ange stables at Point
Charles. '1'11e fire was not of much
co0sec Uenco bttt it resulted' in h
l the loss of
a valuable horse " No Trouble," owned by
1L Burke, of Ottawa, which was here to
race in the Jacques Cartier races, ani was
blamed to death, "No lroubie" wits a
very fast horse, being the winner of the
2.17 at Ottawa, aril was entered in the
sttineclass here. '"Motley Maid," another
horse owned by Mr, Burke, was also badly
T am selling at the Packing house la
Store, spare ribs, tenderloin cut- c
tiogs, pickled pigs' feet, pressed
tongue, head cheese, mileage, ba-
con, dried beef and pork.
As 1 have engaged Mrs.TTarness
to attend to this part, ear' custom-
will find all to he first class in
every respect at lowest cash prizes.
your e tfrn, to s, of crock
or pail fltb'd with pure lard as
prices are liable to go up,
C. SHELL, - Prop.
A Cincinnati Siang Ends, His Life in, a De-
liberate Manner. ,
CLrvrr,nN», Feb. 6:-W. ET. Goodne, of
255 Central avenue, deliberately froze hien
self to death in Lake View Park. His.
body waiSi f0nt111 on one • of the benches in
the park in, the morning. The following
letter was found its hiepocket •
"To whom it may concern :-I ala W.. H.
Goodue, of 225 Centeal 'avenue. Don't
take me home but circle Me at your morgue
and let my Wife know, Break it gently to
my wife and then drop ane in some handy
hole so it wou't take any expense. My
wife has no means to foot' any bills.
Signed, W. H. Goodue."
Another letter was found addressed to
his wife in which be asked her .forgiveness;.
and advised liertomake the daughter'help�
earn living.
The Linwood,aiystery,
BEICLIN, Out., Feb. 6. -The onlydevelop.
tents 'in the supposed Linwood child.
murder case are that the constable was out
in pursuit of the couple yesterday morn-
ing. They are described as being about 85
years old each. Several of the villagers,
whose suspicions had been aroused, visited.
the.place where the fire bad been made
and at once began kicking the ashes
around more or less, and when Dr. Me-
Earchern visited the place he had some
difficulty in gathering up any of the sup-
posed remains. in an interview with him
he says the cluster he secured is composed
of ashes, snow and other substance ; but
he would not swear that it was that of
human bones. There can be no further
developments nutil the arrest has been
effect. There ise conflict of opinion. Some
say, "They had a child with them," or "I
think they had," while others'say tliey.
saw them in the neighborhood for a few
days and took no notice- of the presence of
• A Brave Rescue by pirenien.
MONTREAL, Feb. 4.=r1 fire which broke
out hi the picture framing establishment
of Mr. T. Bean, 27 St. Antoine street,
altlhohgh extinguished by the brigade, was
attended by it serious• property loss and
narrowly escaped beiug the cause of a
tragedy. The (frenal- at the risk of their
lives rescued from the top flat of the burn -
lug building Mrs. Jolla Martin, an aged
and 111111ost helpless lady, from death. The
fire started in Isir. I3'an's.store fronl:.some•
tuiknoven cause, and clulckly;spread tothe
restaurant of Mr, J. McKinley and to his
and Mr. John• Martin's • dwellings (tbo vo.
The firemen were quickly 011. the scene but
the flames spread so quickly that Mrs.
Martin's escape was cut Olt. Lithe face
of smoke and flames the men nur.110 711(110
way to the Are-iittprisoned lady, and the
crowd cheered when they again appezared
bringing bet in their ,urea; to safety. Both
the stores on the street flat wore gutted by
I;rnsseltu Makes a Confession.
13r'rrolr:, Feb. 0. \' il.iiaain I31088eats
;petit three hoofs last night conl'rssiug to
Detective Sergeant linker and Detective
jndle l•. IIe serums to be Mentally wrecked,
,1.,:,,ibly from the: effect of the deed. ile
etys the body 1(13' 111 the chlor trbeu ;Nies.
Pope awakened rein and that she must
Save c:uuin1itted the murder. 13russeau
says Mrs. Dope :mete sis attempts: un her
husband's file by means of goal gas. 'Tliea
the decided to cut his throat or shoot him
ti such a way UN to indicate suicide. The
past six weeks she had been stuclying out
(Mire definite Sony of deitng the deed 10111011
tree performed en Saturday 'tocniitg.
Dad rive in (lttcIee.
FArNInAn, (hue., Fee. 5.-W. L.. Hib-
aard°s saw mill was destroyed by fire. .3.
Lt. Sllltth'15 furniture She.p was in the same
ouil(1tng, also the plant 'of the electric
fight cornpaluy. The whole 'building is it
es. al loss. '.The 11.111 diets so high that it
'meet his, very short time and nothing of
any consequence eonlcl `be saved. Loss
shout 86,000. The Canadian Pacific bridge
)f the St. Hyacinthe branch, near the
)uildiug, caught and was iieetroyed. 'Tire
:len teal Vermont railway bridge, as well
1s the water works building, were in
mmiuent danger. s •
AEscaped T.0
eibera xtnied.
WXArroy,.Ont, lel) 6 Wei Crnncloll,
he man arrested at r , tilt last week for
;sealing from. the 08prest office and other
places here; made his escape by junnpihrg
:10110 the window of Edgers Hotel, where lie
gas Coedited. The constable lied his.
rlothes}out be took twoblaukets from his,
sad, and, while the constable was watch
tg his room cloor he come round to the
iron hall and stole earl ole( coat of Bogeys..
[t wases bitter eol.d night. He 'etas recap -
aired ;nrecl south of Tam, in alarm house* butch
.eet being badly froaon.
rive Horses 'Harnett,
HAKILTGN, Jain. 3l. -Yesterday a barn in
tear of 06 B1ay street, owned by Thomas'
White and rented by Mrs. Staten, was
Burned to the ground together with con -
;was. Frye horses and several sets of
harness were consul ted in the flames.
VIrs• Sutton had four of the horses
in -
Aired for$100 each,‘ .Plito
lost $200 on
b g.
A Sarnia Men Asphyxiated.
Catena°, Feb.5.-Qaoig.8 Brown, a
wealthy resident of Sonia, Ont., who was
risitiug his daughter's 111• this city, was
retrad dead dead in hod yesterday 1110101 hg
le was asphyxiated by escaping,gas which
to had failed to troperly turn oft
ueess Of OxfoM auge3!
Our Patent Duplex Flue The Fire Linins
Insures an oven that works.
uniformly in all parts and is
perfectly ventilated. . .
]?Totted by the draft from
the Duplex Flue, Lasts
double the usliill time.
Pw'thci S'ov
uaranund i s ail respects.
1.y Foundry 7
'd d Tor
I i
For sale by 1.1. BISHOP & SON. Exeter.
Arrangements e Y
� i :, i )eats laave been made for err.
other big Liberal meeting in Montreal on
February 18,. at which Hon. Mr. Laurier
and other speakers, both English and
French, will be present,
Thirty of the employees of the• C.P.R.
workshops at Montreal who had been
temporarily laid off have been re•euggttged.
There are.now about 170 employed, where-
as formerly there were 400,
A disastrous -fire has occurred at Port de
Paix, Ilayt.i. Nearly two-thirds of the
town was destroyed, including a 'large por-
tion of tho business section. Ota• colored
roan was burnecato death.
At Georgetown on. Saturday .nae :Mc-
Master was committed for trial for a vic-
ious assault ora Aldert Turner, who, on
January 20, was escorting a young lady
1101(ie fl'orn church at Glen Williams.
Sixty thousand dollars in gold was found,
by Jesse J. Drew at his saw mill near
Hollandale, Miss.,. on Wednesday. The
treasure is supposed to have been buried
during the civil wanby Captain Barfield;
Sergeant-Major Smith was appointed
Chief Constable of Hamilton, to succeed
Mr. McKinnon.: Mayor Stewart, who was
one of the applicants, concurred in the
selection of the selection of the other com-
A inquest was held at Wallaceb erg on
the death of James Dagneau, killed by a
falling tree. The deceased had about $10,-
10;000 insurance on his life in favor of his
brother. A verdict of accidental death
was rurd.
The Neetwnefoundland Provisional Cabinet,
headed by D. J. Greene, Premier, have
resigned, after being. in office but little
more than a mouth.. It` is the third Cabi-
net the colony has had within a year: Sir
William Whiteway will form a Ministry.
Linwood is stirred up over the finding of
something resembling the bones of a child
in a the in the woods made by a strange
man and woman who visited the vicinity
on Saturday, taking a child with them
and returning without it.
The experiment of sending Canadian
military officers to Aldershot for three
months' course has• proven so successful
that it will be repeated this year. Lieut -
Col. Otter and five other officers of the
militia will leave for England early next
,month to take this course.
St. John's, Nfld., has been placarded
with large Dills calling upon the people
to agitate for the annexation of New-
fon'idlancl to the United States. The pla-
.rubs erre unsigned, but it is believed they
11000 their oligir,.to.a faction of politicians
who 1)1110 beets avow -lug annexationist
In in:ivies for years past.
ra Manager Gounelie of the bung's
Cowry Elevated Railway. who surprised
his employes when the Brooklyt trolley
strike began by raising the wages- of all
he men nett i tag e1.50 a day or overs sur-
prised them again yesterday, by meducin g
thcirsal:oles to tbo old figures.
� M.. u�jt a. DYt
Ails: FlulhltAtt T'oit CANADA.
Flurrnlh! burin for Dia mond Dyes,
So hot.est,. fast and pure;
Hurrah for dyes the ladies plate!
Gra d cnloi's that endure
No other make with thorn compare,
Alone used with so much case;
!'he York with wonders everywhere,
They never fail to please,
'Turrah! hurrah! for 17iainoed•Dyes,
4 million voices 4ii'1r
rho "Diamond" brand, so say tho wise,
To housewives pleasures. bei ng. [bless
Long luny these "Diamonds" live to
5�'ilh re-creating pna'1rs7
Long may they show their usefulluess
this Canada of ours.
Later returns from West Algoma do
not change the figures of Mr Conmee's
tea jority.
s :`I NG
J. SijelI
1\ ain. St
Elas now in stook
West of England Suitings and Troll
Scotch. Tweed Suitings and Trouser
;French and l+..nglish Worsted Clot
made up in the Latest
8t 'le, at hest Ira€its.
7 S €oltoll DRo
Arecent discovery' by anent.
physician. $ucoessfuliy sts8)Z.
monthly by 'thousands 4.1.
.Ladies. Is the only perfeetl;''
safe and reliable medicine dila
coveted. Beware of unprincipled druggists 'who
offer inferior medicines in place of this. .Ask?dr
Cook's Cotton Root (compound, Cake no su7sl8.
Lute, Or inclose 51 made cents in postage in lett*
and we wtflsend; sealed,.by return mail Fullseule'd
particulars 75x. plain:envelope, to ladies may:ft
stamps. Address The Cook Company,
Windsor, Ont., Camas..
Sold in Exeter by T. W. Browning, Druggist
Sewn . Machines,
Baby Carriages y
And Musical
We are the only firm
who make a specialty of the
above named goods and::
therefomclaim that we can
give the people of Exeter••
and vicinity,-
Greater Bar ains !
Greater Choice • .
Lowest Pr • ! 1`
Prices. .
The latest and newest At-
,ttachments for all our goods
can be had by- calling at
our ware -rooms, -One door
north. Dr. Lutz's drug store
B 4. you go any place to get
shaved and hair cut, give I:iee
Deering a trial. He is located
one door snuth of Central Ho-
tel hi Bissetts old stand.
Special Attention
is given to ladies and children'_
hair cutting, ]tidies bang%
trimmed and 'curled latest
style for 10 cts. Hair work
seen .as switches 13angs. ouris
I'uffs. Wigs and topics,a trial
A. HAST!T' Agent
If you want your linen to
look whiter than snow, take
it to - -
EXETER'S Popular Ta lsoria1 grt
Ladies' and Children'
y Special.*
Loathiian's ,dor
Pirst.elass Ribs and Horsey
Order's left at Hawk sl'law's
Hotel, or at the. Livery
Stable,(Ohriste'soid Stand)
r>ucexV+e, prompt� at,
tendon. : w •,
Tea npbone
TBE7ii1;9it11d4u4b111 R'aljkl i*