The Exeter Advocate, 1895-2-7, Page 1N'77 - VOL. vii EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY,, ,I1EB3RUARY 7, 1895. (Chartered by Parliament:, 1835,) Paid up Capital.... , ... , $2,000,000 Rest Puled, .... ... .1,200,000 Head office Montreal. F. WOL.FERSTAN THOMAS, Esq, GENERAL MANAGER Money tadvano.•d e.uod Farmer's on their own notes w.-1, one or more endorsers at 7 per (sent per annum. Exeter Branch. Open every lawful day from .l0 a. in. to 3 p. 410, m., Saturdays 10 a. m. to 1 p.m, Ageneralbaukiug business transacted CURRENT RATES allowedfor mon- ?ay on Deposit Receipts. Savings Bank at 3 . per gent. E. E. WARD. Exeter, Jain 28, '88. • Manager THE Mzetter Ativoratt Ispublishedevery Thursday Morning, +4t the Office, MAIII-STREET, — EXETER. Civ the -- ADVOCATE PUBLISHING COMPANY, TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, One Dollar per annum if paid in Advance 31.50 if not so paid. 25•daertia1xa,g Rates. ors .23.1plslica- tacra. No paper discontinued un til all arrearages are paid. Advertisements without specific directions will be published till forbid and •`• . charged accordingly. Liberal discountmade for transcient advertisements inserted for los periods. Every description of JOB PRINTING turned out in the finest style, and at moderate rates. Cheques moneyord ere. &o. for advertising, subsoriptions,ato.to be made payable to • Sanders & Dyer PROPRIETORS Church Direetory. TRIVITT MEMORIAL OHIIRCH.--Rev. E,W. Hunt, Rector. Sunday Services, ti a. m and 7 p.m. Sunday School and Bible Class for Adults, 3 m Holy Communion, 1st Sunday of oaoh month at morning service METHODIST Outman--Jame3-st, Rey.J.G. JACKSON Pastor.SundayServioes,10.80 a.m, and 6.30 p. m. Sabbath School, 2.30 p. m. MAIN STREET Rev. H. W. Locke, Past- or. Sun fay Servioes, 1030 4.111. alxd 6.30 p.m &$bbeth Sohool 2.30 p.m. liktSfiVT •;lt]: U OiLt11tC1i,—Rev, W. Martis, Pastor. Sunday Services, 11 a. m. and 6.30 p. m, Sabbath School, 9.45 a. m Professional Cards. H.KINSMAN, L.D.S, Fanson's Block two doors north of Carling Store MAIN Sy, EXETER, extracts teeth without pain. Away at Lump every Wed- nesday Eensali let Friday; Blyth, first Mon- day arid Zurich on last Thursday of each month. /41 H. INGRAM, DENTIST, Member Royal • College Dental Surgeons, successor to H. L. Billings. Office over Post Office Exeter, Out. A. safe anaesthetic given for the painless extraction of teeth. Fine Gold Fi111ngs a1 required. DR. D. ALTON ANDERSON, L.D.S., D.D.S., D Graduate of the Royal Collage ofDent- al Surguons„of Ontario, and Graadnate of the Toronto Tt`i1 versify (with boioors), Special attention given to preservation of the mat- ., ural teeth. Office over Elliot& l+lllipt's law '..„.1,11, office—opposite Central Hotel—Exeter. Medical ,gal., UR. G. SHOULTS,CENTRALIA: has moved one door south. Drs. J. A. ROLLINS & T A. AMOS. • Residences, same as formerly OFFICES, Spackman, building, Main St. Dr, Rollins' office; same as formerly—north door. Dr. Amos' office, same building -south door. May 1st. 1893 J. A Rollins, M. D. T. A. Amos, M. D D R.T. P. MCLAUGRLIN, MEMBER OF the College of Physicians and Surgeons Ontario, Physician, Surgeon and Aeeouch- aur. Office, Dashwood, Ont, Legal D 13. COLLINS, BAR17ISTER,SOLICIT- LL. OR, Conveyancer, Notary Public. Office—Over O'Neil's Bank, Exeter, Ontario. Money to Loan. L FI.DICKSON,BARRISTER,SOLICITOR, • of Supreme Court, Notary Public, Oon- veyancer, 0ommissioner, &o.aiouey to loan Office—Fanson's Blook,Exeter IJLLIOT & ELLIOT, BARRISTERS,SOLIC itors, Conveyancers,' &c. B. V. ELLtoT. FREDERICK ELLIOT All rtiootters 1113itOWi�, WinaheJsea. Licensed Auct- . • fencer for the Counties of Perth an,] Middlesex, also for the township nfttsborne Sales promptly attended to and terms rea- son bale.Sales ea-sonbale.Sales arranged at Post office. •Win- ohelsea. '101 BOSSEN BERRY, llonsail Ontario. Lie- -U. . ensed kuetioneer for the Counties of Huron and Perth. (Merges moderate and eatisfaeti,.1; guaranteed. Surveyors. .1RED. W.FARNCOMB, Pro vin al Land ci . Surveyor and Civil Engineer. Office, Over Post Office, Main street.' Exeter. Ont. T,'DWARD 0. STELE, P. L. S. Ontario 1C21 Landurve or andEngineer, Gorlerieh, Ont. Civil E1 g neer Ruyan Esc ma: St, Marys, journal; and the Rectory, liirktoty. insurance. ELLIOT, Insurance .Agent, Bain S Exo+er. 4"STEAMSHIP & INSTJI.IAIT E AGENT. 9AJ7 Anohor, Allam Allan State :Beaver, Dom info», American, White Star, Nether- lands, and An,eri.can Lines to Eimgl:aand, Ireland, Scotland, Holland, Germany, Gape, Australia and New Zealand. Lancashire, London and Lancashire,• Northern ;North British anrl. Menai) tile, and Perth Mutual Fire Insurance Co's. London and 'f,ancashiro Life Instil.. Co. London Guarantee and Accident Oo l.o4Vi(o.'1' ACrA'ri a cam,. Geo: iientlt EXETER MARKETS. (Changed every Wednesday) • 'O, WheatP er bushel. , , . , , $0.56 to 0.57 Barley . , . , . . 86 to 58 Oate . , . , . .. 26 to :27 Peas........., l. 60 to 52 ' Bu.tter ...... ..... ... 16 Eggs .........? , 15 Potatoes per ous , ... , .... , 35 to ,40 Hay per tori .... , .., ,. 6,50 to .W0 ]lucks per pound:. ...', ..06 Geese per pound .. . ... . ....... .05 1'urkuys per pouud........ , ..... .07 Alsike per bushel. ..$11.25 to $5.25 Bed Clover as ., , 4.25 to 5.25 Timothy . 1.75 to 2,15 MUSICAL EXCELLENCE. ARTISTIC DESIGN. DURABLE CONSTRUCTION Catalogue sent free on appli- cation. MORRIS-FEILD--ROGER S- co MONEY TO LOAN. Large sums of money to loan on farm lands at (lye and a half per cent. Private ,funds. Apply to ELLIOT & ELLIOT Solicitors &c,, Exeter. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the matter at George Franklin Belden, of time Town of Seaforth, in the 'County of Huron, Dentist, Debtor. Notice is hereby given that the said debtor has made an assignment of alibis estate to me, the undersigned, Joremiah'Belden, in trust for the benefitof' his creditors under Chapter 124, of the Revised Statutes of On- tario, (1887), and amendments thereto. A meeting of the creditors'uf the said debtor will be held at the office of J.M. Best, Barris- ter, in the Town of Seaforth. on Friday, the 8th. day of February, 1895, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of appointing inspectors and giving directions with refer- ence to the disopsal of the estate of the said debtor All parties having claims against the estate of the said debtor are required to file thesamowith the said .T. M, Best my so. Reiter, on or before the date of said meeting verified by affidavit, stating the nature and amount thereof and the security (if any) held by them. JEREMIAH BELDEN, Molesworth P. 0., Ont. • Assignee J. M. BEST, Seaforth, solicitor for assignee Dated 28th January 1895, NOTICE TO CREDITORS. OF MARY LAMB, DECEASED Pursuant to Sec.86 of Chapter 110 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario. 1887, notice is hereby given that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of Mary Lam b, late of the Township of Bay, in the Oonnty of Huron, widow, who died on or about the 15th day of May A. D.1804, are on or before the 1ST DAY OF, MARCH, A. D, 1896, to send by post. pre -paid, to Elliot & Elliot Solicitors for the Executors of the said de- ceased their ahristien names and surnames, addresses and descriptions the full'partiru- laars of their claims, a statement of their ac counts sand the mature of the securities (If any) held, by then., end that aster the flay laetaforesaid the said Executors Will pro- ceed to distribute time assets of the said deceased. among the parties entitled thereto. having regard `only to such claims of which notice shall have been given as above re- quired, and the said Excavators will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof, to any -person or persons of whose claim or claims notice shall not have been received by them at the time of such distribution. Dated at Exeter this 30th day of •January A. D. 1895. ELLIOT &ELLIOT Solicitors for • James Murray and William Jeckell, Executors. NOTICE TO CREDITORS, OF HENRY HOCKEY, DECEASED. Pursuant to,Se i, 36 of Chapter 110 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1.887, uotieo is. hereby given that all 'creditors and Others having claims against the estate of Flenry Hockey. late ofthe township of Stephen, in the County of Baron, Retired Farmer whb died on or about the 20th clay of December, A D. 189.4, are, on' or' before the 3; 1st Day of' Ma.reli, 1895 to send by post, pre -paid, to Elliot & Elliot, Exeter, Solicitors for the Executors of the: the said deceased their christian names and surnames, addresses and descriptions, the full particulars of their claims, a statement of their accounts and the nature of the se- curities (if any) .held by then, verified by declaration and after the day last aforesaid. the said Execn tors will proceed to distribute tl a assets of the said .deceasecl among the sties entitled thereto, having regard only £o such claims of which notice shall have. een given as above required, and the said xecutors will not beliable for the said as- sets or any part thereof, to any person or persons of' whose claim or claims notice spall not have been received by their Solicitors at the time of'suoh distribution. ELLIOT & ELLIOT Soicitors for Executors • veavarAM 1•(ocrt:v Dater? at Exeter, this 24311 THOMAS FlucicEi day ofJanuary A D., line. New "Adis°, CARLING BROS.--Did vnu do it. JAS. GRIEVE.—Fire! Fire!! Pirelli H, BISHOP & SON. -Something Spec. ial. E. J. SPACKMAN &''CO.—A week's toil. JOHNS l'ON'S Bargaisis' are the or. der of the day. , lia.l itltiall. Annual Get that beautiful book, the Canadian Annual, free by paving for,your ADva- Gems in advance. None will got it who do not do so. The page containing statistics is alone worth a dollar. Bo sure to get it. • seam maven Orangemen. The annual meeting of the South Huron Orange Lodge was held here on Tuesday last Not in the history of the association, considering the extremely cold weather, has there been a more representative gathering than the Pre- sent, Delegates from all over the county were present and the meeting was a most harmonious one. The next 12th. July celebration will be held in Seaforth and the :annual county meet- ing at Exeter. Following are the otfi cors:—John Neil, W. C. M,;,G. M. Kilt-, D. C. M leev. W. Stout, Chap.; P. Cant elon, Ree. Sec.; Jas. Caldwill, Fin, Sec.; John Beacom, Tress; Robe 'Scarlett, D. of C.; J. J. McMath Lect.; Frank Day is Robt. Pollock and Wm. Horsey, Dep. Lecturers. ministerial Association. The monthly meeting of the South Huron Ministerial Association was•held in the Caven Presbyterian Church, Ex- eter, on Mouday afternoon last. Rev. Geo. Jackson in the chair. After read of,•the scriptures the Rev. C. Fletch er led in prayer. 'l he minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted af- ter which arrangements were made for the April meetiuw. On motion Rev. Mr. Jackson was appointed to prepare a paper on Spiritualism anti Rev. C. Fletcher a sermon • on Matt. 5, 8. • On motion it was agreed to putforth ef- forts to secure a reduction of the num bet of hotel and shop licenses. Revs. Martin and Locke were appointed to visit the Exeter council and Revs. Jack- son and Butt to interview the Stephen council, and Revs. Butt ar.d Fletcher to wait upon the Usborne Council. ' It was thought in some cases the number of licensed places were out of all proper- tions to the population, especially in the, township of Stephen where it • was re- ported there were no less. the ten lie. t'nsed hotels. Rev. C. Fletcher furnish- ed his lengthy, but masterly critique of Drummond's "Ascent of Mao." Where other scientists saw great gulfs be- tween the different stages of evolution, Drummond eeemed to see but little dif' (lenity and by the easy flow of Ian' uage carried the reader from the uue moral to the moral and front the ma- terial to the spiritual The. -style was fascinating; the arguments specious Rev. Geo. Jackson read a .sermon on Jereiniah•6, 28, in which he cited the moral condition of Israel and the dis- persion of the Jew, caused by disobedi once to Divine commands.' Here was a distinct conuedtion between sin and its consequences and this was in ac- cordance with the plan and purpose of God, The remedy was the grace of God in the. heart. Rev. H. W Locke .furn- ished a pa psi. on a "Preacher's prepar- ation for the the pulpit" in which .was noticed the physicial, mental, and spir- itual conditions necessary to a thoreutih preparation. A?pleasant and profitable discussion took place in both the ser mon- and the essay, and the meeting adjourned to be held again the first Mouday in March in the Main Street Church. , Johnsons Mills. Mr. and Mrs. R. O'Brien Were •visit• ing in the vicinity of . Brucefielce and Varna a few days last week. --The re- cent storms have piled the' snow up in large drifts on all the roads running north and south.—Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jennison attended the wedding of Mrs J's sister, Miss J. Talbert at Drysdale on Wednesday of last week,— Lumley. Mr. W. Miller, who was slightly i11, is able to be at.oundagain.—Mrs. Rob- ert Alexander has been away visiting her sister.—One evening last week a goodly portion of the Bethany Metho- dist congregation met and F;esented. their pastor, Rev. Mr. Barker, with a handsome fur overcoat, mits and some cash. Miss Louise Williams read a very nicely wordrdaddre.ss,andMr. W. Miller made the presentation. Mr. Bartter was completely taken by• sur- prise, and made a feeling reply. After a few hours•spentAn. social enjoyment, all separated fol • their several homes feeling tilt.. better for the Isinduess done magremmomearmotaravemi FIRE! I'IKI+;! NIRE! Bigsale of damaged goods c�aods 2 5 pieces Scotch and Canadian Tweeds. 10 pieces overcoatili ' 5 pieces lining a, letof pants and vests all these are damaged goods by water and smoke <,,` the fire on, the 28th of January and we are clearing them . � e out from 25c per yard and upwards, -and must be sold out at once. to make rooms for our new spring stook. Come at once and get a bargain. Stand 1 door south ofSeniors photo gallery. Y Ji H. CREWE, Merchant Tailor. NO 395 Sodom. The prohibition question will be dis- cussed, in Sodom Op the evening of Feb, 13 at7.80 Speakers, for are John Carrick, W. Harris, Silas. Stanlake, jr., against, C. Prouty, Silas Stanlake; sr., J. Sweet. An interesting time is expected. Grand Bend. The marriage of Mr. Thomas Fallis to Miss Mary Blair, of Cranbrook, took place on Wednesday of last week at the residence of the bride's grandmother, Mr. Paths' numerous friends wish him and his bride a life. of unalloyed pleas- ure. The newly marrried couple will live on the old .Failis homestead near this village. Tuckersmith, Mr, M. Williams, 5th concession. has purchased the Atkinson homestead, on the•4th concession of Hibbert contain- ing100 acres, for the sum of $4,250. Mr. Williams has got a good bargain, as the farm is a good one. besides there being a good brick house and barn on it, -Mr. Matthew Raott, of the Kippen road, who had his two barns burned by lightning last fall, has let the contract of building two large barns on the walls on which the former ones stood, to M. P. Keating, of Seaforth. A new brick school house is to be built in section No 2, Broad oot's, during the coming seas on. McKillop. Mr. Edward Roach who resideded on the town line between McKillop and Logan, on the 2nd concession, died yery suddenly on Tuesday, ,ian. 26th. He was at Atkinson's auction sale on Mon- day and was apparently in the enjoy- ment of good health. On Tuesday he was complaining of a pain in his hack, but did ilot think. anything serious was. the matter, About four o'clock he par- took of some tea and soon afterwards went into a faint and never recovered, passing away the same evening. He was about 82 years of: age and was highly respected. He leaves a widow and fwo small Children.'' Stephen .School Report. The following is the report of school section No. 3. Stephen for the month of January Sr. 4th—Fred Sanders, 532: Hettie. Sweet, 496; Henry Beaver, 880. ,Jr 4ch—Geo: Sanders, 514.; Sid Sanders 513; Geo. Bagshaw. 500; Wesley San- ders 492, Herman Beaver. 565 8rd— Sam Jory, 578; Clara S.anlake, 563; Ida Jure', 544; Lucy Sanders, 490; Lu- ther Penbale, 488, 2nd—Norah San ders, 863: Arthur Sanders, 826; Clinton Sweet, 798; Harley Sanders, 721; Chas. Sanders, 711. Pt. 2nd—Stella Penbale 767; Marshall Box, 394. Pt. 1—Mb Penhale, 217; Roy Parsons 191; Minnie Triebner 145; Frankie Triebner 143; Homer Bagshaw 142. The best speller for the month I•Ierman Beaver. B. W. BAGsHAW, Teacher. Biddulph, Mr. Daniel Aikins, a former resides of Mooresville, but for the last fifteen years a resident of Uncle Sam's domain, chiefly making his home in Saginaw, has once more returned under the Un- ion Jack and is now permanently settled on the Brownlee farm, near Mooresville acid now that the emigration has settled in 'from the west, we hear of several more coming, and still there's more to follpw.—Mr. Arthur Atkinson, grain merchant, of Winnipeg, has been visit ing friends in Biddulph and Lucaniate- lv and nows intends spending. the bal an.ce of the winter in Florida, where he will find quite a 'contrast between a winter in Manitoba, with the thermom eter flirting with zero every few days. -Mr. David Atkinson, of Napanee, is spending his winter holidays, in Lucas and viciniuty. • Centralia, Jas. Baker, of Manitoba, is visiting Motels in this vicinity. -Mrs. Rogers, 6f Stratford, a fornier resident of this place, is renewing old acquaintances. 'The quarterly meeting on Sunday was largelyattended, the services were deeply spiritual in thefr character — The missionary anniversary will be held tie Sunday next when R. Holmes, Esq , editor New Era and Mayor of Clinton, will preach in the morning, the evening to he addressed by Messrs. R Holmes, J. Delgety and the Rev. W. H. Holmes. The people of Centralia are loyal to the mission cause and no doubt the collections and contributions to the fund will be credible. --Mr. W. E. Elliott, who Attended the S S. Coun- ty Conventions at Goderich last week gave a graphic report to the Sunday School on Sunday afternoon and sever- al good pointers were made for the benefit of the ofiicerd and teachers.- Rev, W. H. Butt, Jas. Delgaty and S.• Davis have gone as deliga s to the, District mooting; Of the R.` :T, of 7` which is being held at klolmesville this week—Your correspondent made; t fly- ing visit recently to Kippcu, Brucefleld and Clinton and was glad to get back to this southern clime where there are not half the snow and drifts tired pitch holes as they have in those 71orthern regions. "Be it ever' so humble there's no place like 'Wm.". Brucefield. At the annual meeting; of the South Ilulon Reform Association, held on Fri day, the following officers were eleeted for the ensuing year: --Mr Alexander Muststrd,of Brueefield, was eleeted Presi dant; Mr, .John Retches, Stanley, Vice Preaideut; Mr. Thomas I'raser, Stanley, St'ertary, and Mr. George Walker, Tuck ersmith. President, The following. mutt ieipal chasrtneu were appointed, viz.: Ba.vtield, John Morgan; Stanley, John hetthen; Hay,. F. Dibbler; Tuckersmitll, Hugh Me Cartney; Seaforth. D. D,. Wil - 8011; :V1cKillop, George Murdie;Hullett, James Snell, Winchelsea School Rport. The following is a correct report of the standing of the pupils in S. S, No. 6, for the month of Januarv. The names are in order of merit, Junior Depart- ment. Jr Pt. t.—May Delbridge, Gar- net Miners. Sr. Pt. 1. -.Wilbert Herd- man, Enos Hardman, Jr. Pt. 2. -Vic- toria Miners, Birtle Francis, Milton Hea mon. Sr 2.—Linda Hunter, Edna Godbolt, Dora Del.bridge. No. on roll 33: Average attendance 183. Sr. De- partment. Jr. 8.—John Herdman Ethel Godbolt, Leslie Robinson. Se. 3 —Lilly Vail, Olive Hawkins, Ethel Brown, Jr. 4,—John Copeland, George Wilcox. Sr. 4. Edith Turnbull, Win Fred Copeland, Aggie Hunter. No. on roll 45. Average attendance 352. ELLA E HALLS Teachers. JOHN A. GREGORY. d Usborne Council. The Council met on the 2nd inst. The Auditors report WEE presented and adopted on Motion of W. Keddy, sec ondsd;by J. Hunter. The following poundkeepers were appointed, viz:— M. Rou'tiy, J. Hazlewood, R. Keddy, G Rook; T. Passmore, S. Campbell, W. Gil (i11ian and R. Elan ter. Dr. Thotnp- son, M. E ..0., 1894, tendered his resig- nation which was accepted. ' By law No 1-1895 was then read a third time and on motion of J. Hunter, sec- onded by W. Keddy, ygat Adopted. On ;motion of W.Delbrid2'e, seconded by R. Ga'rditeer, Dr. Thompson was tendered $6 for hi& itervice In 1894. Reddy -i Hunter Mr. T. Coates, was paid his sal- ary for 189,4$70. On wotion of W. Ked - (]y seconded by J. Hunter, the Council adjourned to Meet again Saturday, April 6th, at 1. o'clock p. tn. Geo.''. Holman, Clerk. I'arnryuiiar. `1 (Too Iate for last week) • 'Our usually stirring village had al- most a holiday appearance duriog the snowstorm last week.—Miss Mary Jane Campbell, of Hibbert, has returned af• ter spending a few days under the pa- rental roof —Mr. John Cut hill, of Grey tp., visited relatives in this locality one day last week. --Mr. and Mrs. And Hedged visited friends .n Elibbert last Friday.—Mr. Robert Macdonald, of the Thames road, has the material on the ground for the erection of a new dwel- ling' house next summer.—Some of our capitalists are advocating the erection of a new public hall in this village, a want that has long been felt here, and uo doubt would be highly appreciated by the public.—The Hibbert & Us,. borne Fire Insurance Co. held their. annual meeting.. in Gardiuer's•Hall last J•Ionday. Notivithstauding the heavy losses during 1894 the Company is' still in a prosperous condition. By all ap- pearauces there will be any amount of work for masons and carpenters around here next summer.--tMr, Geo. Fa:;sold has returned home after a week's visit- ing with his brother and relations in Detriet. Geo, reports times very dull in that "boss" village of Michigau. Greenway, Another of .the honored pioneers of the township of Stephen, in the person of Mrs. John Underwood, was called to meet her Judge ort Wedne:sclav evening^ . last in the 721d year `of ,her age. De- ed had been suffering for several months from dropsy and heart disease. else leaves to mourn her demise a bus- band, son and four•dau; -titers Her rem ains were followed to their,,last resting place, Grand Sand cemetery, on.Friday, the service being conducted by the Rey. S. A. Carriere.• The bereaved family have the heartfelt sympathy of the community. A °Leen GALL. -0n Wednesday, .Jae 30th, ?dr. T. A. Mayburry called on our merchant, i11r, W J. Wil -on, and re- moved his Insuanees dating it 1st•P'eh and said iu doing so to Mr, Wilson, "Now you must becareful for one.day" and Mr, Wilson remarked "Oh! 1 have a good safe building and am yery care• ful all the time." On Friday, 3lst, a neighbor was smoking in that store•tnd dusted the ashes of his pipe into a bolts of sawdust used as a spitoon In the eveiiing W. A. Wilson noticed the saw dost smoking and took the box out and through snow on it and as he though ,,put the fire. oet, N xt Yn Irian& Mr. Wil- spin weiit'u thclstoeeabont an hour earl ler than usual and foaled the store full of smoke, and on examination 'found the box of eawdust was all on fire and a hole buroesthrotlglt the floor into the, cellea'ta d the fire burning real bright. 'Ins0, bort time the pipe would have des troyd a lar estock of goo,s� and a new betel; building, We advice h to keep their property insured and alsmokel's to quit Smoking and chew (beefjorgood bread or drink new season Japan 'Pea for sats; at the Gramma y Post Office for 30e, alb This tea was sell ing rn 00100 stores -a short time ago for 40c. --:-Mrs: 0; P. MoPherr;on, of Idol -=hen, Manitoba, spent a few days vi .hili(; friends and relatives in this viei1 it•y:--- It has been suggested to our POO Ma- ter to start an adt•er'tisitig ageile'y for the benefit of all who have any cattle, horses, pigs; ohotsp or any other eiiattles. for sale. We think it could nn+ wnl+.tsd to good advantage and profit both bay er and 311110r, If the post masters, say at Grand Bend, Dashwood and other places, would k. itz it ljook and all. sur- rounding farmers frr.','lrr 11 fee send a list of any attieles `tr withal to sell and have them registered and a copy sunt every week to some convenient public place in Parkhill so that those. that are in the the market to buy would know where to go. We have known of several patties having fat cattle, young pigs and horses for sale aed none of the buyers called at their places for several months and a number of buyers travelling through the county looking for the same kiud of stock. Varna, Mr. Thomas Johnston, an old resident of this township, died at his home on the Goschen line, Stanley, on Monday lana. Deceased was a Couserative in politics, and was upwards of 75 years of age. He was a member of the Presbyteian church and was of English parentage. —On Wednesday everting a real jolly sleigh load of our peopleleft here for Brucelied station, there to 'meet Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Farris, who were pass. ing Brucelield on the return train frtsm Cranbrook, m the township of Grey to their home in Grand. Bend, and who on that day had entered upon the matri monial journey. Ml's. Finis was former- ly !Hiss Mary Blair, our popular school teacher. The congratulations on meet- `• ing the happy couple were walm'and cordial, and the way the rice was show ered.aro, and -;asps caution to the utlsus. nect ��,.,�,,, lmthe train• Airs. realise has a host of friends in this sec- tion, all of whom wish her and her bus- band a happy and prosperous future. —Mr. J. D. Morrow, of Fullerton, spent Sunday in our burg.—Miss buoy Hill. ton, after spending a happy holiday season here left for her home .on Mon- day accompeeled by Hiss Watt less — The P. P. A's hold their concert u,; ,feel day evening the Maecabecrs on Wed- nesday evening next.—The Crusaders who cleated sunh a stir to tnnintraoee circles d uring the prtst wt ,k left for Beyfield on Sii''urday.- ! he Rev. Mr. Newcombe, of Ciint:'n, officiated as the Quarterly service held n ;.h xii.'.ttto.ii:st church on Sunday morning —An '"At Home" will be held on behalf of. the Women's Missionary Aweiliart• at the parsonage on Thuriayeveising—Miss Mary Johnson aid the Hisses Ann, Jane and Harriet Keyes left for Toron- to on. Wednesday of last -week where they intend remaining, having secured lucrative positions De.ebWeOd„ Hello! Mr. Editor, if you are not froz- en print our little budget. 1f yo i, are frozen and dead kindly spalte over the •°phone" and let es kn w. The storm still continues and the roads ale seine- what blocked.— tvanted i immediately, a good piece of land, 10 feet deep, in. order that our mill meti may store away the vast quantity of logs that are daily arriving at the mills h, t;ordt are about full and still they come. Lumber will be plentiful in this section this coming season and auyone need- ing the same will do ;yell so call here as we cannot seer too much in favor. of the men in that business ill this ti' ace:. 'They are good, honest and upright in every respect ae everyone having dii:lt• lags with them willsay.--A great menu people outeide• the 'i-mits of our •l:s- trict wonder where and what Dash wood really is. It is a nate+ :is -.tie viil:la ,s miles west of Bs ter North, where the. men usually dig ;;1:en a death eceurs.. Hence a fair p'ir1'.00 of our pn to ation is composed of ,..t ow e .,re fee! per- fectly safe in seyin4 uta ii>lit be -g comes out first in t'eiii'ard icy I.ltis This is one feature, but. we have snit :eve: h:T. It is this: We are ‘1,'.'1) rapt ti with bachelors. Why! It leeeirer, d many inerr:"d nese 1 ii ve d `+i ' :to that sllperstui 1)11 ,...,L1'''J_ Eta';'- ..• •••a1 possessio:l of every si 1g.r, i .T•. they have decided to veeed : 1 ''l y are, We have another East r :ole feature which is thea v,•.. eve ro. presented with set tw ers too—you bet, We lei , ;es, Stores, mete, ho::e- ee.eeiies,s b,+, zees and no school. liou't i,., eel tit,It thin is the place outsiders c ,. 1..1. limber and oceasioitallW 005 e lei i to !tt;f it helpmate. vier uses are cre kit ..et1- tious.—Mr's. Fried lien tilt',' a.:•l, i• the residence of her son in lew, Mr :'Niro. -•-Mr. and Mrs. Mrtssal' are hath lying very ill at their li ame, Little+ Fr rry Guinther stlffets from a broken leg at .his father's li,itnn-_t'Ir., II. Callfas is. somewhat indisposed at his home If there are any 10 r+t WO have 1'601 heard of tlieei. ' We 3'. 11311 tliis is su!iietelt, for our little village. -Owing to st nieeting in the eh arch on.Mourlar evening; the lt, 0. T, M. postpoutad their' meeting till. Wednesday evenin;i• ---Come The only way 'o cure catarrah is to purify the blood. Hood's Sarsaparilla petrifies' the bidet and tones up the whole system,