HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1895-1-31, Page 54
1 Believo. in hi.H aod'f
Iohor I r Scrofula Cur
Read the Statement of
Popular Teacher
� l
1 /I {\Y'F: ' A'`\':l1Ft�A.r;v N.s...Vl.�i.•-�... s.. �.\
• Mt.:Horcb, Tenn:
Tllo statements 'lu the testimonial bele* are
familiar facts to the immediate friends of air.
Geo, A. Zirkle, school teacher, of Mt. Horeb.
Tenn., very well known throughout the county,
where he 1'rru1'ru and has always lived. Read it.
"C. I. Hood Rs Co., Lowell, Mass.:
'Be..r Sirs :-I boiicvo in Hood's Sarsaparilla.
I will tell you vt:iy. I have suiiered from la.
liarited sere/ails. front child hood. When 37 year::
of age, my eyed lieeaire strangely affected. I
could not read after sunset, and when I wcu'•
close My eyes, I could not open them; hat co ,
whichever sklo I lay, on that side I could ope•a
my eye. This condition continued about tv, l
years, and was succeeded by •
/"ttn fritciorael0 ltct'tines
all over my body and limbs. I had to have my
little boys take s:r5:e brushes and ser, tell ire.
It was dreacliul It continued a mont.i and was
followed 1,•,^Iediatelyby a tumor in the right
side oz my nocic, as large as a small egg. I at
once commenced g physicians' prescrip-
tions and cc minced ti:1 I last hello, In the mea:.
time tlio tumor changea its p'-..ao to the in -.::c
diate rant of my 1 , Sl• -:n:r..:e:l a..ast was
lowed by otl:e... •
s -.1 s-. h::1 termed ::1 broker,
"Ti:ially, threeyears a;;o, auot:Ier large to
mor seated itself on tae poi::t of my collar bone
and in six°nonths another half way 1lac:, on tint
bone Both of them soon began. to clischarl;..
awl crnti u:ed't') da so till about seven mutts!:
ago. I triad everything, including proscriptions.
I was often so weak that
i Could Scarcely Walk
and my mind was so confused that I conic
scarcely attend ito ufy business (school teach-
ing). Iwas utterly discouraged. And now my
story draft's to aclose. I began the use oI
}Iood's1a Clues
Hood's Sarsaparilla a little less than a year a
and took five bottles: When I began I had
faith in it. In less than three months both tht
sores Gamy shoulder were healed; I was curei
of a troublesome catarrh; and scrofulous habit
has steadily grown less apparent. 1 weigh
more than.1 ever did in my life, and am
In the East of Health,
considering my constitution. Do you wonder
that I believe la Hood's Sarsaparilla? Ican do
no less than recommend it everywhere and every
way." GED. A, ZcR'cr a, Mt. Horeb, Tenn.
Wood's Pills cure liver ills, constipation,
biliousness, jaundice, sick headache, indigestion,
M. Bourgeois has finally given up
the task of attempting to form a Cab -
net for France.
Paso's Remedy for Catarrh is the
Bost. Easiest to Use, and Cheapest.
Sold by druggists or sent by mail,
500. E. T. 13azeltine. Warren, Pa.
A Buffalo paper announces that the
Grand Trunk Railway Co. will receive
bids up to February 7 for 6Eb,000 net
toes of coal for that road This is the
earliest of the large fuel contracts in
vited this seasou, and will have an im-
portant bearing on the price of coal.
Hood's Sarsaparilla 'builds up the
shattered system by giving vigorus
action to the digestive organs, creating
an appetite, and parifviug the blood.
It is prepared by modern methods, pos-
sesses the greatest curative powers,
and has the most wonderful record of
actual cures of any medicine in exis-
tence. Take only Hood's
Hood's Pills are purely vegetable, and
do not not purge pain or gripe. '
The Japanese are said to have sur-
rounded Wei -Hai -Weil •
Nor Over delfts Years.
Winslow'sSoothing Syrup has been used
for over fifty years by millions of mothers
for their children while teething, with per-
fect success. It soothes the child, softens
the gums, allays all pain, aures wind colic
and is the best remedy fpr Diarncoaa. is
pleasant to the taste. Sold by Druggists In,
everyart of the 'World, Twen ty-five cents
a bottle, Its value is incalculable. Be sure
and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing. Syrup
and take no other kink
London, Huron and Bruce.
GOING. NORTH- Passenger.
London, depart 8.06 A se 4.30 r Si
Centralia 9.07 5,47
EXETER 9.22 a
6 0
flensall. 9.87 . 6 15
IX3rucefield 4 2" 6.28
Clinton 10.12 6,65
Londesboro 10.29 7,14
Blyth 1088 7,23
13elgrave 10.52 . 737
Wingbam arrive 11.20 8,00
GOING SOUTH- Passenger
Wingl,am; depart 6.85 A is 125 r 81
Belgrave 6 60 3,47
Blyth 7,63 4.Ot
Londesboro 7.10 4.08
Clinton 7.30 4.28
Ilrucefieid 7,49 4.46
• ippen 7.57 4,53
• }loosen. 806 4.58
EX7,t' E. ..... ...... 8:25 6.12
Centralia 8.40 5.28
O .-.
Diamond Dyes Supe-
rior to ctrl others.
bear 1 relation to each other
Colors l a 1 u 11
some thing like that of the musical
notes; said there is a harmony of colors,
analogous to that of musieat sounds.
An exquisite taste sn the eombination
of colors may be the result of a nice
preception of these relations, in the
same way that an exquisite taste re-
lations ,of musical sounds. It is un.
questionable that there are some com
hiriation of color which are universally
disagreeable, independently of any as-
sociations or acquired habits. To the
cotesoisseur and lover of colors, uo more
lovely or beautiful sight can ha pre
seated, than the tasteful arrangement
of over fortystandard colors of Isla.
mond Dyes, and the one hundred rich
shades and tints which are produced
from thetas. Diamond Dyes colors are
scientifically prepared, and when used
according to directions in the home, the
results are pleasing and truly grand.
It would require a good sized volume
to describe their trees and possibilities,
and to tell the comfort, joy and pleas
ere they are capable of giving,
Mother's and daughter's drosses are
made new by then": their wraps, jack-
hts, shawle, ribbons and hose are ' ith
little trouble renewed for home and
street wear: Father's and son's suits
are made to look brand new; and any
east off article of wearing apparel can
be made to blossom as the rose This
work of transformation, remember, can
only be successfully acenmplished . by
the invincible Diamond Dyes. 'sea,
Pour men in every six use tobacco.
The 23,000 newspapers in America em.
ploy 200,000 men,
There are nearly 8,000 stitches in a
pair of hand -sewed boots.
One third of the deaths among American
Indians are due to consumption.
The Johnsons otttnuuiber the Smiths by
'700, in the Chicago directory.
The men employed in a Michigan basket
factory make a• grape -basket apiece each
The largest sum ever asked or offered
fora single diamond was $2,150,000, which
the prince of Hyderabad, • in India, agreed
to give the jeweler who then owned the
Imperial, which is coneidered the finest
stone in the world.
Hazy -Did you ever contribute . to the
press? Mary (blushingly) -I have turned
down the light sometimes. -Chicago Sun.
"As terrible as an army with banners"
has no reference to the political parade,
although the banners are terrible enough,
-N. Y. Herald.
B a n -I was lookingfor mud• but in
r w ,
this dictionary the letter "m" is torn out.
-Fagg-Why not look ander "water?"
That's the place to find mud. -Boston
.A. peculiarity of their kind.-Manufac-
tnrer-What makes you think electric
clocks should sell so freely? Drummer -
They're all to be charged, are they not? -
Jeweler's Weekly.
Pekin boasts of 80,000 beggars.
A dwarf residing at Shigaken, Japan, is
86 years old and but 1.7 inches high.
The officials of the Chinese empire are
divided into nine different grades or clas-
ses, distinguishable from one another by
the button worn on the cap.
Mount Ararat, the resting place of the
Scriptural ark, is in reality, two moun-
tains separated by a valley. The highest
peak is 17,210 feet and the lesser 13,000
feet above sea level.
WOOD'S 7p173CO5p1'r3EODINE.
The Great English Remedy.
Six Packages Guaranteed to
promptly, and permanently
cure alt forms of Nervous
Weakness, Emissions, Sper,n-
atorncea, Impotency and all
erects of Abuse or •Fxeesses,
liiental Wdrry, excessive use
Before and After, of •Tobacao, Opium or Sti,mu-
cants, 8)80011s00n lead to In-
flrmlty, Insanity, Consumption and an early grave.
Lias been prescribed over 35 years In thousands of
cases; is the only Pcliable and honest .711bdic0ne
known. Askdruggistfor Wood's Phosphodlne; if
he offers some worthless medicine In place of this,
Inclose price in letter, and we will send by return
man Price, one package, 81; six, $5. One will
please, six will cure. Pamphlets free to any address.
The Wood Company,
Windsor, Ont., Canada.
J. Spell
tr. '.
ilas now in stock
TLL and V1TEfl
IN 'C13h. Hg1a.C.,1)vVlNli i,INN.S.
West of C+nggland:"iuitiubs and Trau
f,'' r
y .
c � Tweed cork t s end rou,, I
S etch 5 g'
re .: „ ll tiYrrrA,+, 1'.
.p' lith andk+ ..if,i lis d for
A11 made op i,. the 1.I4,t4s'tl
Stsie,pti best kiwi lr. �"��''YY T
f s SiAa'iL
This is ivhat 11 is Said the 0, 1'. li. is
t,Ioiria; to. Do.
LONDON' Jan, 80. --The Pail Mall Gazette
learns from what it classes as an authen-
tic source that the heavy fall in the price
ee securities in Canada Pacific is due to
the fact that insiders are persistently sell•
ing large blocks of securities attd that
their action is due to negotiations which
are now being carried on lir Londou for
the issue of 20000,000, of stook, the in-
terest to be guaranteed by the Canadian
Gov ruappliedto
on ton ie be
e w t, h l01 y to
building a now' ,line paralleling a con-
siderable section of Canadian Pacific rail-
road. A. reporter soon after the publica•
tion of the Pall Mall Gazette's story call-
ed at the office in this city of the Canadian
Pacific railroad and was informed by the
officials present there that they placed no
belief in the story and that they were of
the opinion that the foundation for it was
a sthenic concerulna which . they had
heard rumors for a month past, the main
object of which was to float the bonds of a
new company .in f.audon, They added
that the idea of the Canadian. Government
creating a fresh subsidy for another road
was most unlikely, as there was no de-
mand in Canada for another line, nor was
there a likelihood of any such scheme suc-
ceeding, •
In this .connection one of the railroad
officials said "Wehave heard Here that
the scheme is to unite a number of the
little Canadian railroads, inauy of them
being practically without rolling • stock,•
and callthewhole a parallel line to the
Canadian Pacific. It is true that some of
these roads under their old charters are
entitled to a subsidy, but I believe that
the whole story of Gbvernment aid, rests
on this fact, and I am of the opinion that
the'scheme will never be ear ied out.'
Found Dead on Hamilton Bay.,.
HAIIILxoN, Jan. 30. -The body of Thos.
Ringer, son of Ephraim Ringer of 18 Bar-
ton street east, was found on the bay
frozen stiff. Deceased had just completed
a term of six months in the Central prison
on a charge of larceny and was released on
Thursday last. He probably sold his rail-
way ticket and remained in Toronto until
Saturday, when he started to beat his way
home. Ile may have been put off or fallen
from 'a freight train on Saturday night
and started across the bay on the ice for
the city when he was overtaken by the
storm and unable to proceed further. His
nose was flattened out and the body was
so badly discolored that foul play may
have occurred .and Coroner White con-
cluded to order an inquest. After viewing
the remains the jury, adjourned until this
evening, and in the meantime a post
mortem examination will be held. Ringer
was a moulder by trade and was 24 years
of age.
The Berlin Assault Case.
BERLIN, Ont., Jan: 30. -Action has at
last been taken in the .brutal assault case
of Saturday night. •.Warrants have been
issued and the three firemen, Massel, Sei-
bert and Denges, were brought before
Mayor Hibner and J. Mackie, J.P. The
evidence given by two onlookers, Mr. Geo.
Potter and F, G. Millar, was of such a
corroborative character to the charge of
assault that the accused were' remanded
for a week until Bishop, the injured man,
is able to appear. Bail was accepted in
5400 each, • •
A Former. Montreal Man Missing,
NAs1t17A, N. fi.,. Jan. 30.-A. A. Lunn,
who came to this city from Montreal,
opening a broker's office in Whiting's
Block as agent'for Devers & Co. of Boston,
has disappeared. It is claimed thathe
left town for Boston. An agent of the
company appeared from Boston and an ex-
amination of the accounts took place, and
it was found that they were short to the
amount of more than 51,000, although the
figures are not completed by the examin-
ers. His family cannot account for his
A Fire in Exeter.
EXETER, Ont., Jan. 29. -About 9 o'clock
last night fire was discovered in James
Greive's tailor shop. Being a frame build-
ing, by the time the fire company arrived
the inside of the building was one mass of
flames. The fire brigade went nobly to
work and by continuous exertion they
'soon had the fire under control. The stock,
which Was pee' •lly saved, was insured in
the Lancashire .:ire Insurance Company.
Tae building -was gutted.
Twelve Charges Against MacDonald.
SrDNEY, C.B., Jan. 29.-D. G. Mac-
Donald, who has held the oMee of agent
of the Government Savings Bank here
was yesterday eomn>,itted for.triai on Mud
charges of embezzlement, two for forgery
and one for uttering a forged cheque for
$875. MacDonald is already undergoing a
sentence of three months in jail for siuii
lar irregularities in couneotion with his
Fire in a Hamilton School.
• HAMILTON, Jun, 29. -Fire created a mild
panic in Market street Primary school
yesterday. When the discovery was made
the teachers forgot the fire drill and allow-
ed the children to get out halter skelter,
They also sent to Hess street school.
quarter of a mile away, to telephone for
the firemen, when there wore half a dozen
telephones much nearer. No one was hurt,
however, and the damage was slight.
Will Return to CnnedH.
MONTREAL, Jan. 26.-A number of
French-Canadians who emigrated from
Quebec to Michigan in the days of the
retuning industry, purpose returning to
their old home with their children. They
form nearly the whole population of the
town of Lake Linden, Michigan, and are
very influential there, but the ,copper in-
dustry having declined they 1
ve no
Narrowly Escaped Cremation.
NIAGARA PALLS, N. Y., Jan. 80. --Mrs.
Richard Myers, of , Cherry street, while
lighting a lamp spilled some MI on her,
clothes and the oil became ignited. She
was alone iu the hoose but had sufficient
pi eseuce of mind to run outside and bury
herself in a Scow bank, extinguishing the
dames, She was found two hours later
In great agony and it is expected will die.
More Skips for the Navy,
LoNnoN, Jan. 80 ✓l'he fall Mall Gazette
says the 1182151 prugrrirutne which has been
approved by the cabinet involves the con-
structf= within the ehvuillg financial
year of foul • first•elass, four second-class
and two third -elves* orui;ers, twenty tor-
pedo boats end twenty torpedo destroyers.
The cost of these vessels is to aggregate
£6',U K U 000.
Btrt•[,,il.n, Jan. SO 1lr:t Laws, at`,k'rtlxies-
w r N. left her foto 1
tot 1 i �., e.tt c ick ,child
thehouse tor fi
alOrleitl n su a Min yes-
terday, ?..Returning she found the little
one's• el8'fi' is on fire awl before she could
extinguisl the flames the child wits fatally
burned auk died in the afternoon,
A Clitid Horned to Heath,
The Important E1Pvents In u row 140 T... 8 Olio M�pOiforg ijafiges!
For liasy apuadors,
Lord Randolph Churchill .flied on Thurs-
day Morning.
Wentworth county has a treasury sur
plus of 236,004.61,
;M, Ribot has undertaken to 'form a
Cebinet for France,
The Freemasons of Winnipeg have ole-
Bided to erect a handsome temple.
Lieut. -Col, D'Arey Boulton has retired
from the Canadian militia, after 57 years
Jacob H. Burkholder, died in . Barton
township, near Hamilton, on Monday,.
age 93.
In north-western Ontario the railroads
were completely tied up meet of Monday.
by the snow.
Mr. William Welshe of Montreal falls
heir 16 120,000 by the death of an aunt in
the old country,
77777k au of Woodstock. has been
elected President of the Ontario Book
keepers' Association,
The `hearing of the West Durham 'Pro-
vincial election petition is fixed for Febru-
ebrisary 5 at Bowmanville.
David Hampton • was electrocuted at
Siugg Sieg for murdering Mrs. Aherns,
Our Patent Duplex
a p� Flue
Insures an oven that works
uniformly in all parts and is
perfectly ventilated.
The Fire Linings
Procted by the draft from.
the. Duplex Flue. Lastly
double the usual time.
A Perfect Stove
Guarantied in all respects,
wealthy widow of New 'Fork,
The GurneyFound. Co. L't'd Toronto Ont.
Two well-known criminals named Baker' . For sale by H. BISHOP. & SON. Exeter.
and Quinn were arrested at Loudon on
Sunday while breaking into a store.
A dog was the only survivor of the
'wreck of the steamer Chicora, Which was NW
lost off Benton Harbor, Mich., last week. �.
After accepting the resignation of Chief BARBER
of Police McKinnon the I'Iamilton Police
Commissioners voted "Mrs. McKinnon
At Coburg on Monday, Judge Benson
sentenced John Connors to five years in;
the Reformatory for, shop -breaking, at
Marshal Canrobert, the last of the mar-
shals of France, died on Monday morning,
He had been unconscious for several hours
previous to his death.
It is said the Porte las sent. an agent
with a large amount of money to bribe the
Armenian Executive to hide the truth
from the commission.
The Prince of Wales presided at a meet:
ing of the Colonial Institute in London
on Monday, when Mr. Jameson spoke on
South African affairs.
The order dismissing Col.. Lazier from
the command of the Fifteenth (Belleville)
Batt. has been rescinded, and he will re-
tire retaining his rank: •
The Ottawa mayoralty recount has been
completed. Several ballots have been
held over, but the recount will not affect
the election of Mayor Borthwick.
Alex. Bowen, a resident and native of
North Sidney, C.B., shot and probably
fatally wounded himself Saturday morn
Hing, the ball entering behind the ear.
About 200,000 barrels of apples have been
shipped this season from the Annapolis
valley,; Nova Scotia, for the old country.
The proceeds amount to about $500,000.
The cab which conveyed Sir Mackenzie
Bowell to the station at Belleville on Mon-
day morning upset in a drift. Sir Mac-
kenzie's head was slightly cut with the
gla s.
The Nebraska Legislature has passed a
bill appropriating 850,000 for seed for the
suffering farmers and to cover freight
charges on charitable donations from out-
side points. •;; '
Mr. William IR'yndman of Hamilton
walked to his work on Saturday morning
through the heavy snow, and dropped dead
soon after reaching the mill where he
was employed.
Two hundred miners' families are re-
ported to be starving in E ist Greenville,.
Ohio, a quarter from which help has not
hitherto been sought. .A. specially urgent
appeal will be issued.
Reynolds, the colored man who was
sentenced to penitentiary for 14 years in
Montreal, has been released after serving
four years. He fatally stabbed another
colored man named Meyers.
The "army of uuemployed" agitation in
Montreal was squelched on Saturday,
The city engineer wanted 1,500 men to
shovel snow, and could only secure 500
after thoroughly canvassing the city.
Several extensive lumber dealers from
Chicago' have arrived at Winnipeg en
route to Rat Portage, where they propose
negotiating for the entire cut of lumber
in the Rat Portage district this season.
Geo. Tucker, ex-M.P.P., West Welling-
ton, has appealed from the decision of the
Judges uuseating and disqualifying him
for corrupt prac;;ices. The appeal will
not likely be heard until the month of
A resolution was introduced in the State
Legislature of Nebraska favoring the de-
portation of Archbishop Satolli. The
preamble declares that his presence
threatens an encroachment upon individ-
ual liberty by au alien ecclesiastical
A Buffalo paper announces that the
Grated Trunk Railway Co. will receive
bids up to February 7 for 658,000 net tons
of coal for that road. This is the earliest
of the large fuel contracts invited this
season, sed will have an important bear-
ing On the price of coal.
The military authorities at Halifax have
sent telegrams to Boncon,'St. John, Yar-
mouth and other places ordering the ar-
rest of Sargeant Balham and Corporal
Hutson, Roy 1 Engineers, who are sup-
posed to have deserted, taking with them
83,000 belonging to the corps.
The grand jury presentment in Toronto
onT'hursclay recommended the hearing of
criminal assault cases in private, longer
sentence tor inveterate criminals, and
took notice of the question of theatrical
posters, the cou alimentof paupers and
lunatics in the jails, and the drink
A Spokane, Wash., despatch says: -J. D.
Luttrell has received news, accompanied
by proofs, that he bas fallen heir to a
quarter of an 88,000,000 estate in Ireland
It ft by an uncle, John Luttrell. Tho
other heirs are, Mrs. Luttrell, Alexander
Luttrell and Mrs Mary Dunlap, residing
at. Kincardine, ucarditie, O tt tario.
Reports from all over Ontario,the West-
ern and ;northwest States indicate that
nighG s storm was the severest for
y ears. Frank four inches to two feet of
snow felt, and bu8inc:as and traffic were
generally impeded, 'l rains were delayed
anti all tell of It severetruxgle. The snow .
was accompanied by a lligl2 wind.
.A. novel poit was raised in the West.
1)nrhn.m election elfse on Thursday. Ap-
plication was nnule by the peiith 110r to
extend she time of the trial, whits, under
the Ontario' ,Act, trust kis hey/, tin within
�'• t h: 'r the of filling th
mon 1 � from t c, date e
,at g
date of firtittg Otte petition. This time est-,
elves o k,
u c 1 rurtra l bat ia, the ispnclefrG
111 1st, receive 'Ai 101.2) iourteeri days' 1101,00
tae trial, it, wag argued by the r•esp0u•
(hilt's ootrnsel that the 1)2t1ti011 %1t')
already out, of `court, Judgment was
B 4 you go any place to get
• shaved and :hair cut, give Ike
Dearing a trial. He is located
One door south of Central Ho-
tel in Bissetts old stand.
Special Attention
is given to ladies and children
hair cutting, ladies bang's
trimmed and curled latest
style for 10 cts. Hair work
such as switches Bangs curls
Puffs. Wigs and topics a trial
Live Hogs wante3 that will
will weigh from 120 to 220
pounds each. '
I am selling at the Packing House
Store, spare ribs, tenderloin cut-
tings, pickled pigs' feet, pressed
tongue, head cheese, sausage, ba-
con, dried beef and pork.
As I have engaged Mrs.Harness
to attend to this'pary our custom-
ers will find all to be first class in
every respect at lowest cash prises.
Now is the time to get your crock
or pail filled with pure lard as
prices are liable to go up.
C. SHELL, - Prop.
Arecent disoovery by anon
physician. Successfully used
monthly by thousands of
Ladies. Ls the only perfectly
safe and reliable medicine dis-
covered. Beware of unprincipled druggists who
offer inferior medicines in place of this. Askfor
Cook's Cotton Root Compound, take nosubsti•
tuts, or inclose 81 and 6 cents in postage in letter
and wevvillsend,sealed, byreturn maiL P ltsealed
particulars in plain envelope, to ladies. only. 2'
stamps. Address The Cook Company,
Windsor, Ont., Canada.
Sold in Exeter by .T. W. hi owning. Druggist
Brussels: it is said that Mr. Mc
Grwan, of Kirkton, has purchased the
J. Goulds Co's stock of dry goods,.Gar
fieid (louse, Brussels, and will take pos-
session February lst.
St. Marys: While Mr. Thos. Conley,
was out hunting on Thursday, the lock
was blown off his gun. It struck him
in the face, cuttlug him pretty badly
and knocking 'out some of his teeth.
St. Marys: Mr. and Mrs. R T. Gilpin
and Miss S. Gilpin were out driving on
Th ursday evening when the rig collided
with a sleigh knoeking one horse down
and damaging the cutter considerably.
Mrs, Gilpin sustalt.ea a very painful
injury, receiving a large scalp wound.
MoKillopr A grain separator be-
longing to Mr. Henry Wesenberg, of
the 50.' 0511116, in this township, was
burned on Friday morning about four
o'clock. It is not known what caused
the fire, but some think that a quant ty
of oats which had been left in it may
have heated and started the machine
burning. At any rate it is a heavy
loss to Mr. Wesenberg.
iI Blake: Ross, Baker & Co., were
I again successful in capturing another
wild cat last Saturday. This one,
though not so ler a as the first, was
still a very formidable looking animal,
a "cat" of which any farmer might feel
proud and which, judging from ap-
pearance, vnould have been quite cap-
able, without any extra effort on its
part, of cleaning out all the ra s and
mice about the barn, and a couple of
'n m
. bent t a sfn ole
sts to ni . t.
ro h
hen a
It measured four, feet two inches in
length, and weighed 22 pounds.
Patient -"Can you tell me, doctor, the
cause of baldness?" Physiolati--.''Nothing
easier, 81r, It is due to the falling out of
the hair. Will you pay now,or shell I
it down to your account?" -Boston
Ile -Suppose I should ask your father if
I could marry you, Do you
stand any chance? She -- o. Your mase
Would be hopeless. 1./e- 3autthink he
• would really say not She -•µNot that, bet
I be would leave it to ine;Jldge,
HAR?SFS ittittat
Voware not aaver.,
Heed to cure eveerryy
aches. 2 9 them, -6i
zeta cost but ars ,Dents
,r a boar and thegr acrsi
Thur are nota
Sewing 'Machine
Baby Carriages
And Musical
We are the only firm
who make a specialty of the
above named goods and
therefore claim that we can
give the people of Exeter
and vicinity,- .
Greater Bargains!
Greater Choice! !
Lowest Prices. '! ! ;!
• The latest and newest at-
tachments for all our goods
can be had by calling at
our ware -rooms, -One door
north Dr. Lutz's drug store •
PEIKIKS &Iiifiont
Manufacturers and Dealers:53i
Grain Crushers; Straw Oats .
Root Pulper-6-Knife
spot cash
Q 10 K 0 Also general Vis-
tp •v • dry work. Castings
in iron and brass
to order
1000 cords ofhard
and soft wood•
for sale.
A. HA.STIN`Grs,;Age ;.
If you want your linen ttr
look whiter than. snow, tan
it to . ..
ESTER'S Popular Tonso ie
Ladies' and Children.'
V Specialty,
First-class t -class Rxm b
s and F' wxseS�
Orders left at IlawksbaVes
Rotel, or at the
rCho s
1 We, S
old a
. i
.11 r
tend= " w
. 0 Miopi
laxilReseete tt ges
v •